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The Goodthe Badand The Ugly 1 - 2

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The good, the bad and the ugly –

design and construction for access

The purpose of this resource is to explain how people with a disability

benefit from good design and construction and why precise application
of relevant technical specifications is necessary to achieve the greatest
level of access for the greatest number of people.

Over the past decade the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
(HREOC) has dealt with thousands of inquiries from people looking for
information about how to make buildings accessible to people with a disability.

As you may know, the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) does not include
technical specifications that can be used to check for compliance. To try to assist
those responsible for buildings HREOC has issued a number of advisory notes
and guidelines.

In order to give even greater clarity to what is required for compliance HREOC
and many industry, community and government bodies have been working
with the Australian Building Codes Board to develop a DDA Disability
Standard on Access to Premises (the Premises Standard).

When completed, the Premises Standard, and corresponding changes to the

Building Code of Australia (BCA), will provide designers, builders and
certifiers with design and construction specifications deemed to meet
requirements under both the DDA and BCA.

In the meantime new buildings are being built and existing buildings
renovated. Unfortunately, inquiries and complaints to HREOC would suggest
that, when it comes to the question of access, in far too many cases the
requirements of even the current BCA and its referenced technical specifications
found in a number of Australian Standards are not being met.

It appears to HREOC that the reasons for this may be that either designers,
builders and certifiers misinterpret the BCA and its referenced Australian
Standards; only have access to old and out of dates copies of technical
documents or don’t have access to the relevant documents at all.

Another reason might be that unless you have a disability, have friends with a
disability, or develop particular skills in the area of building access it can be
difficult to understand why it is that the design and construction of access
features must be precise. If you do not understand how people with a disability
move around in and use facilities; why safety rails on ramps are necessary, or
The good, the bad and the ugly

why visual indicators on glass doorways must be in a certain position it is easy

to overlook mistakes or think that ‘close enough is good enough’.

As a consequence, in too many instances, mistakes result in buildings being

inaccessible to people with a disability. In some cases a failure to comply with
even the BCA can result in additional expenditure for retrofitting if final
certification is refused or complaints under the DDA are made.

The good, the bad and the ugly provides examples of common mistakes made in
applying the BCA and its referenced Australian Standards (such as AS 1428.1).
It has been developed to be used by architects, designers, builders, certifiers
and access experts as an education and information tool.

While HREOC does not want to discourage ‘Alternative Solutions’ to meeting

the performance requirements of the BCA we would say that a thorough
knowledge of the BCA requirements and the ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ technical
specifications in the Australian Standards is vital.

This resource does not try to replicate all the access provisions of the BCA or
Australian Standards in words and pictures, nor does it seek to define access
requirements under the DDA. It simply draws attention to the fact that failure
to effectively apply technical requirements has serious consequences.

Feedback on the resource and photographs of other good, bad or ugly examples
are welcome at any time. Please send to disabdis@humanrights.gov.au

Contents page

Issue 1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) 3

Issue 2: Handrails on stairways 8
Issue 3: Nosings on stairways 13
Issue 4: Open risers and overhanging treads on stairways 17
Issue 5: Handrails and kerbs or kerb rails on ramps 20
Issue 6: Visual indicators on fully glazed doors and side lights 25
Issue 7: Door opening requirements 30
Issue 8: Door thresholds 34
Issue 9: Reception desks and counters 37
Issue 10: Signage required by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) 40
Issue 11: Lift call buttons 45
Issue 12: Floor surfaces 49
Issue 13: Accessible WC’s 52
Issue 14: Doorway circulation space 60

Introduction Page 2
Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs)

Importance of the feature

TGSIs are used to warn people who are blind or vision impaired that they are
approaching a hazardous situation such as a set of stairs, a ramp or an overhead
obstruction that they might bump into or injure themselves on.

The TGSIs are designed so that they may be read either tactually underfoot;
through the tip of a long cane, or visually because of a high luminance contrast -
which means that the colour of the TGSIs stands out compared to the
surrounding floor/ground surface.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) specifies where TGSIs must be provided
at D3.8 and refers to and requires compliance with the relevant parts of AS

This includes: stairs; escalators; travelators; ramps; and in situations where

there are overhead hazards less than 2m above the ground or floor surface.
TGSIs would also provide valuable safety information in places such as ‘at
grade’ road crossings found in places such as hotel driveways.

AS 1428.4 specifies technical details such as size, location and luminance


Photo 1 Photo 2

Photo 1 shows discrete-type and photo 2 shows integrated-type warning TGSIs.

Page 3
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective TGSI must give a consistent message to people who are blind or
vision impaired.

For example, the technical requirements say that TGSI should be setback from
the top of a set of steps by 300 +/-10 mm. This means that a person knows that
when they identify the TGSI underfoot there will be about 300 mm before the
steps begin. If the TGSI are placed right at the beginning of the first step a blind
person could miss the first step and fall.

This is achieved by ensuring they are:

• set back by the specified distance from the hazard, such as the top
nosing or bottom riser of stairs or the beginning and end of ramps
• of the specified depth
• across the full width of the path of travel, and
• of high luminance contrast

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Luminance contrast

Photo 3 Photo 4

The TGSIs in photo 3 and 4 do not meet the specifications of AS 1428.4 as they
do not have the required luminance contrast. For TGSIs to be useful to as many
people as possible a minimum of 30% luminance contrast compared to the
surrounding floor/ground surface is required. These photos also show a
number of other non-compliant features in relation to handrails and the lack of
colour contrast nosings which are addressed in other parts of this document.

Issue 1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) Page 4

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 5 Photo 6

Photos 5 and 6 show TGSIs that have high luminance contrast as specified in
AS1428.4. Note the correct setback from the top nosings of 300 +/-10 mm and
the minimum depth of 600mm.

2. TGSIs on landings of stairways

TGSIs are only required on intermediate landings if there is a break in either or
both of the two required handrails across the landing.

As is the case for most people, people who are blind or vision impaired who do
not feel comfortable using stairs will use the handrail as a guide for their ascent
or descent. Often the handrail will end on a landing where another path of
travel enters the stairway, such as a walkway or doorway.

In situations like this the break in the handrail could be misread by a person
using the stairway. They may believe they have reached the top or bottom of
the stairway, whereas they have only reached an intermediate landing.

Similarly, a person approaching the intermediate landing from a cross walkway

or through a doorway has no way of knowing that they are about to enter an
intermediate landing on a stairway.

In both these situations TGSIs will need to be applied to the landing.

While the position of TGSIs on landings must be the same as at the top and
bottom of stairs the requirement on landings is that they only need be 300 -
400mm in depth. This is because generally a person has a reduced gait on
stairways and is more likely to detect the TGSI underfoot at this depth.

Issue 1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) Page 5

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 7 Photo 8

Photos 7 and 8 show incorrect installations as the TGSIs are not required on
either intermediate landing as both handrails are continuous.

Photo 9

Photo 9 shows an intermediate landing with one handrail broken, but no TGSIs
installed on the landing. TGSIs are required on the intermediate landing as
there is a path of travel coming in from the right.

Issue 1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) Page 6

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 10

Photo 10 shows the correct interpretation of requirements for TGSIs on an

intermediate landing with no handrail break: there are no TGSIs on the landing.

Issue 1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) Page 7

Handrails on stairways

Importance of the feature

Handrails are important to all of us, but especially so for people who are blind
or vision impaired, people who have a mobility disability (but able to use stairs)
and people who have an intellectual disability or brain injury.

Handrails are used to steady and provide guidance as we ascend or descend the
stairs. To ensure the stairway is as accessible as possible two handrails are
required. This assists those people who don’t have the use of both hands, in
which case they may need to use either the left or right hand handrail as they
ascend or descend.

Effective handrails are ergonomically designed so that they can be used by all
people, especially those with an impairment to their hand or arm function.
Continuous handrails that allow a user’s hand to maintain a hold on the
handrail without the fixings breaking the grip assists in safe transition
throughout the complete journey either up or down a stairway.

The ends of handrails must be designed to reduce the incidence of injury to


Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) specifies handrails in D2.17 and D 3.3(c)
where it refers to and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as clearances, location, ergonomic and

safety design criteria.

Photo 1 shows a well-designed and constructed handrail

Page 8
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective handrails suitable for people with disabilities must be within the
design criteria set out in AS1428.1.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Clearances of the top arc of 270° are achieved throughout their full
• The ends are terminated by returning to a side wall or downwards
onto a post or returning back 180° on themselves.
• Ends of handrails at the bottom of stairs extend beyond the last riser
for the depth of one tread and then horizontally for at least 300mm.
• They are 30 – 50mm in diameter.

Raised dome buttons on the top of the handrail surface are only required on the
ends of the handrails where TGSIs are exempt from being used, for example, in
Aged Residential Care facilities.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Ends of handrails & clearances

Photo 2 Photo 3

Issue 2: Handrails on stairways Page 9

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 4 Photo 5

The handrails in photos 2 – 5 do not meet the specifications of AS 1428.1 for

handrails on stairs suitable for people with a disability as they do not return to
a side wall or downwards and back on themselves 180°.

In addition the handrails in photos 4 and 5 do not comply with AS1428.1

because they do not have the required 270° top arc clear along the full length of
the handrail or the minimum 15mm clearance under the handrail for finger and
thumb transition as set out in the diagram below (taken from AS 1428.1 2001).

Issue 2: Handrails on stairways Page 10

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photo 6 shows the correct application of returning the handrail back to a side
wall and the required 270° top arc clearance. Photo 7 has the alternative
application of returning back on itself 180°.

2. Extension of handrails at bottom of stairways

Photo 8

Handrails at the bottom of stairs should extend for the depth of one tread and
then horizontally for at least 300mm. Photo 8 shows none of the required
handrail extension features.

Issue 2: Handrails on stairways Page 11

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 9

Photo 9 shows a handrail that appears to stick out into a path of travel. Care has
to be taken to make sure the stairway is set back to allow for the correct
handrail configuration so that the handrail does not encroach on the transverse
path of travel. All too often the stairs are built hard up on the boundary line
without the handrail configuration being taken into consideration.

Photo 10

The handrail in photo 10 shows the correct interpretation of requirements for

handrails in that they extend beyond the last riser for the depth of one tread
and then horizontally for at least 300mm.

Issue 2: Handrails on stairways Page 12

Nosings on stairways

Importance of the feature

The application of highlighted nosings on treads/goings on stairways assists, in
the main, people with a vision impairment; however all members of the
community benefit from this application.

The highlighted nosing is used to indicate the location of the nosing or leading
edge of the tread/going to ensure safe movement up and down the stairway by
all members of the community.

People with a vision impairment may not be able to locate the edge of the
tread/going on a stairway if the top of the nosing does not have adequate
highlighting to distinguish one tread from the next, thus making it extremely
difficult for them to use the steps safely.

To many people with a vision impairment the stairway without this application
will look like a ramp or shaded section of a walkway.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) refers to stairways in D3.3(c) and
requires compliance with AS1428.1 for stairways that are required to have
access features. The HREOC’s view is that all stairways, other than those
specifically exempted under the BCA, should have these features for access and
safety reasons.

AS 1428.1 clause 9.1(c) specifies technical details such as dimensioning, location

and luminance contrast criteria.

Photo 1 shows a stairway with good nosings

Page 13
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective highlighted nosings must be within the design criteria set out in

This is achieved by ensuring:

• The minimum luminance contrast to the adjacent tread/going colour is

• Continuous depth across the full width of every tread/going. The
depth of the contrast nosing area must be between 50 – 75mm to
ensure its visibility by users. Often we find that 2 x 25mm wide strips
have been inserted into the nosings, which have a tendency to be
“washed” out by the surrounding tread/going colour.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Poorly highlighted nosing on treads/goings

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 2 shows an example of the typical view a person with a vision

impairment may experience (note no definition between treads/goings). Photo
3 shows the same stairs as seen by a person with 20/20 vision.

Issue 3: Nosings on stairways Page 14

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 4 Photo 5

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 4 – 7 show nosing treatments that would not meet the requirements of

Although the treatment, for example, in photo 4 may meet the criteria in the dry
weather it will not in the wet weather as the luminance contrast is lost when the
concrete becomes wet.

Photos 5, 6 and 7 are all variations of thin inserts placed in the nosing for slip
resistance and will not achieve the required minimum 30% luminance contrast.

Issue 3: Nosings on stairways Page 15

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 8 Photo 9

Photos 8 and 9 show the required minimum luminance contrast and depth of
treatment on the nosings of the treads/goings.

Issue 3: Nosings on stairways Page 16

Open risers and overhanging treads on stairways

Importance of the feature

Open risers in stairways cause particular access difficulties for people with a
vision impairment, especially if there is a light source coming from behind the
stairs. Open risers or overhanging treads/goings that result in lips on each step
also make upwards movement very difficult for people with mobility
disabilities who are able to use stairs.

Open risers can cause people with certain types of vision impairment to
experience vertigo as they ascend a flight of stairs due to the strobing effect of
the stair treads/goings and the light between each tread/going.

People using walking sticks can also experience difficulties if their stick slides
from the step into the opening. People who have a prosthesis or a disability that
limits limb movement face a much greater risk of catching their toes under the
lip and losing balance when trying to retrieve their foothold.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) in refers to stairways in D3.3(c) and
requires compliance with AS1428.1 for stairways that are required to have
access features. The HREOC’s view is that all stairways should have these
features for access and safety reasons.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details on the construction of stairways including

requirements for opaque risers.

Photo 1 shows a set of stairs with no open risers

Page 17
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective stair design must be within the design criteria set out in

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Risers are enclosed and without lips.

• Each riser is opaque.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Open risers

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5

Issue 4: Open risers and overhanging treads on stairways Page 18

The good, the bad and the ugly

None of the stairways in photos in 2 – 5 meet the requirements of stairways

suitable for people with disabilities in AS1428.1. Photos 2, 3 and 4 show open
risers, with 3 and 4 showing light sources coming from behind the stairways,
thus creating a strobing effect as one ascends the stairways. People using
walking sticks or canes could also loose their footing if their stick slipped
through the openings.

Photo 5, although showing enclosed and opaque risers this stairway still
presents as a problem for people with a prosthesis or someone with ambulant
disabilities that restricts leg movements due to the protruding lip which might
catch someone’s toe.

Photo 6

Photo 6 shows the required enclosed opaque risers with no overhangs.

Issue 4: Open risers and overhanging treads on stairways Page 19

Handrails and kerbs or kerb rails on ramps

Importance of the feature

Handrails and kerbs or kerb rails on ramps are important to people with a
range of disabilities, for example, people who are blind or vision impaired,
people with a mobility disability and people who have an intellectual disability
or brain injury.

Two handrails are required as some people may not have the use of both hands
in which case they may need to use either the left or right handrail. Kerb rails
are required to reduce the chances of people who use wheelchairs running off
the edge of the ramp or catching their toe plate behind the handrail supports
and as a result tipping out of their chair.

The specifications relating to the ergonomic design of handrails ensure they can
be used by all people, especially those with a disability that affects hand or arm
function. Continuous handrails that allow a user’s hand to maintain a
continuous hold on the handrail assist in safe movement throughout the
complete journey either up or down a ramp.

The ends of handrails must be designed and constructed to reduce the

incidence of injury to pedestrians.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) specifies handrails in D2.10(b)(i) and
D3.3(c) where it refers to and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as clearances, location, dimensioning

and safety design criteria.

Photo 1 shows a ramp with appropriate handrails and kerb rails

Page 20
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective handrails must be within the design criteria set out in AS1428.1.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Clearances of the top arc of 270° throughout their full length.

• The ends are terminated by returning to a side wall or downwards on
to a post or by returning back 180° on themselves.
• Ends of handrails at the bottom and top of ramp must horizontally
extend for at least 300mm from the transition in change of plane.
• Handrails on both sides of the ramp are 30 – 50mm diameter.

Raised dome buttons are only required on the ends of handrails where TGSIs
are exempt from being used, for example, in Aged Residential Care facilities.

To be effective kerb rails must be within the design criteria set out in AS1428.1.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Correct placement and dimensioning of the kerb rails.

• Location of the kerb rails in relation to the handrails.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Ends of handrails & clearances

Photo 2 Photo 3

Issue 5: Handrails and kerb rails on ramps Page 21

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 4 Photo 5

The handrails in photos 2 and 3 do not meet the specifications of AS 1428.1 as

they do not return to a side wall or downwards and back on themselves 180°.

Photo 3 shows the handrail end at a height where a small child could
accidentally run into it and injure their head. The handrails in photos 2, 3 and 4
do not meet AS 1428.1 because the handrails do not extend out horizontally for
a minimum of 300mm past the transition point in the change of plane.

Photos 4 and 5 do not have the required clearance for the full length of the hand
rails as the fixings intrude into the required clear top 270° arc and 15mm
minimum clearance under the handrail (see diagram in Issue 2).

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 6 and 7 show the correct application of returning the handrail down and
back onto itself to form the 180° return or onto a post. Note also the required
clearances on the top 270° arc of the handrail and the 15mm directly under the
handrail to allow for an uninterrupted transition along the full length of the
handrail for fingers and thumbs.

Issue 5: Handrails and kerb rails on ramps Page 22

The good, the bad and the ugly

2. Kerb rails on ramps

Photo 8 Photo 9

Photo 10

The ramps in photos 8 and 9 do not comply with AS 1428.1 because they have
no kerbs or kerb rails. The ramp in photo 10 has the kerb rail incorrectly located
as it intrudes into the trafficable surface of the ramp beyond the inside edge of
the handrail. It is required to be parallel with the inside edge of the handrail or
set back no further than 100mm.

Issue 5: Handrails and kerb rails on ramps Page 23

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 11

In photo 11 the kerb rails are parallel with the inside edge of the handrail and
located as required by AS1428.1.

Issue 5: Handrails and kerb rails on ramps Page 24

Visual indicators on
fully glazed doors and side lights

Importance of the feature

The application of visual indicators on fully glazed doors and sidelights is to
inform all members of the community, particularly those with a vision
impairment of the presence of the fully glazed panels in their path of travel.

Many people with a vision impairment have a depth of field limitation, which
requires them to focus their attention 1 to 2 metres ahead of them as they
proceed along a path of travel, which results in them looking down at an angle
of 45 – 50 degrees. This also allows them to choose a safe path of travel.

When a person is within 1 – 1.5 meters from a fully glazed door or sidelight
they are able to detect the visual barrier at the height of 900 – 1000mm above
the finished floor/ground level, provided the luminance contrast criteria has
been met in respect of the background on which it is being viewed. People with
20/20 vision will be able to detect the visual indicators without difficulty at the
location heights as set out in the relevant standards.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA), through reference to AS 1428.1 at D3.3(c)
and AS 1288, provides technical details of requirements for the location,
dimensioning and luminance contrast of visual indicators.

Visual indicators are only of use to all members of the community if they are
installed in accordance with AS1428.1 clause 7.5.

Photo 1 shows a good example of the use of visual indicators.

Page 25
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective visual indicators must be within the design criteria set out in

This is achieved by ensuring:

• The visual indicators are located at the appropriate height above the
finished floor
• The visual indicators are the full width of the door and sidelight and
the specified depth. The HREOC’s view is that the visual indicator
should be solid and continuous as broken lines, symbols or words may
not achieve the required effect.
• The luminance contrast of the indicators of at least 30% is achieved
when viewed by a person with a depth of field limitation. The
background in all cases will be the circulation space on the opposite
side of the door

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Dimensioning of the visual indicators and height above the finished

floor level

Photo 2 Photo 3

Issue 6: Visual indicators on fully glazed doors and side lights Page 26
The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 4 Photo 5

The visual indicators in photos 2 - 5 are located too high and/or do not meet the
specifications of AS 1428.1. The intent of the requirement is to have a solid
75mm line extending across the full width of the glazed doorway and
sidelights. These photos have in all cases a broken line of symbols or words,
none of which have a depth of 75mm.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 6 and 7 show the correct application of visual indicators on fully glazed

Issue 6: Visual indicators on fully glazed doors and side lights Page 27
The good, the bad and the ugly

2. Luminance contrast of visual indicator to background

Photo 8 Photo 9

Photo 10 Photo 11

Photo 8 depicts what a person with a vision impairment may see as they
approach a fully glazed doorway and sidelight. Photo 9 shows the doors in
question with the inadequate visual indicators that are very common in the
built environment. Photo 10 shows glazing with no visual indicators. The door
and sidelights in photo 11 would be excellent if the background behind the
symbols was to be filled in with a light colour.

Issue 6: Visual indicators on fully glazed doors and side lights Page 28
The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 12

The visual indicator in photo 12 complies with AS 1428.1 as it has the required
luminance contrast of at least 30 percent and is located at the appropriate height
of 900mm – 1000mm above the finished floor.

Issue 6: Visual indicators on fully glazed doors and side lights Page 29
Door opening requirements

Importance of the feature

The opening of doors can be extremely difficult for many people with
disabilities. Many doors require excessive forces to push/pull the door open.
Often incorrect door furniture is used that does not allow people with hand or
arm impairments to effectively operate the door mechanism.

This is especially so if a door closer is attached that does not meet the
appropriate specifications. If the door is of a heavy construction or is located
where the wind pressure may make opening difficult it may be most
appropriate to fit an automatic door opening system.

An additional issue is that of the type of handle used on the door. Round door
handles do not allow people with a disability that affects hand or arm function
to operate the latch mechanism, hold it open and then pull/push a door open,
as the degree of grip required to keep the handle in the open latch position is
difficult for many people with disabilities.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) D 3.3(c) is relevant to door opening
requirements where it refers to and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as location, dimensioning, forces and

design criteria.

Achieving best results

To be effective the pressures required to open and close doors should not
exceed those specified in AS 1428.1 section 11.

Similarly in order to be effective door handles must be within the design criteria
set out in AS1428.1 section 11.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Correct location and height above the finished floor.

• Use of an appropriate door handle.
• Clearance behind the handle to reduce the risk of hand or wrist
entrapment and correct clearance from the door jambs.

Page 30
The good, the bad and the ugly

While AS 1428.1 refers to lever type handles the HREOC’s view is that the
preferred type of door handle is the “D” type lever handle, which allows a
person to operate the latch mechanism with minimal effort. The return on the
“D” type lever handle keeps the hand from slipping off the lever and assists in
opening the door when being pulled open.

Recessed finger grip handles used on sliding doors cannot be used by many
people with disabilities, while “D” type pull/push handles make the
opening/shutting task a lot easier.

Minimal clearances of the door handles on sliding doors from the door jambs
must be maintained in accordance with AS1428.1 to ensure that knuckles are
not damaged when the door is being fully opened or closed.

Access can also be improved by having good colour contrast of the handle to
the door.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Force required to open doors

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photos 2 and 3 show larger manual doors that are often used that can exceed
the maximum required force as set out by AS1428.1. To overcome this issue
electronic door opening systems may be used.

Issue 7: Door opening requirements Page 31

The good, the bad and the ugly

2. Door handles

Photo 4 Photo 5

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 4 and 5 show “L” type lever handles. “D”-type lever handles are
preferred as they provide the added advantage of reducing the risk of a
person's hand slipping off the lever when operating the latch and opening the

The recessed sliding door handle and door knob shown in photos 6 and 7are
extremely difficult for people with hand, wrist or arm disabilities to use due to
reduced dexterity and strength.

Issue 7: Door opening requirements Page 32

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 8 Photo 9

The “D” type lever handles in photos 8 and 9 are very user friendly for people
with hand, wrist or arm impairments. Note the set out from the face of the door
is such so as not to cause hand or wrist entrapment.

3. Handle clearances on sliding doors

Photo 10 Photo 11

Photo 12 Photo 13

Minimum clearance of the door handles from the jambs shown in photos 10 - 13
has not been achieved in accordance with AS1428.1. This can result in injury to
the knuckles when the door is opened or closed.

Issue 7: Door opening requirements Page 33

Door thresholds

Importance of the feature

Door thresholds (steps) at the entrances to businesses present access problems
for people who use wheelchairs and those with ambulant disabilities who have
difficulty lifting their feet whilst progressing along their path of travel. The
application of step ramps or threshold ramps where there is a small change in
level ensures a relatively comfortable access solution into these premises.

Where a step ramp is used, there must be a landing between the top of the ramp
and the door so that a person using a wheelchair or walking frame, for example,
has a flat surface on which to rest while opening the door. Trying to open a
door while on a slope is for most people very difficult if not impossible.

An alternative to having a landing would be to have automatic doors or have

the doors open at all times, which many businesses do.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) D2.10(b)(1) and D3.3(c) are relevant to
door sills where it refers to and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as dimensioning, and design criteria.

Photo 1 shows a well designed and constructed door sill

(in this case there is an automatic door opener)

Page 34
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective step ramps and threshold ramps must be within the design
criteria set out in AS1428.1. This is achieved by ensuring:

• Gradients within the allowed limitations of no greater than 1 in 8.

• Splayed or suitable side barriers.
• Slip resistant surfaces

Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) are currently not required on step
ramps under the BCA.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Door sills without required step/threshold ramps

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5

Issue 8: Door thresholds Page 35

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photos 2 and 3 show entries with sills that restrict access by people who use
wheelchairs and some with mobility disabilities, who might, for example, use a
walking frame.

Photo 4 shows a step ramp that does not comply with requirements as there is
no landing at the top and there are closed doors. The landing is important to
ensure that the required circulation space is available for people who use
wheelchairs to be on a stable flat surface before opening the door.

Photo 5 shows a threshold ramp that has a small lip at the top and no suitable
treatment at the sides of the ramp, note the corner of the projecting tiles that can
be trip hazards.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Both step ramps in photos 6 and 7 are at entrances to businesses that leave their
doors open throughout business hours. Although there is no landing before the
door these premises have implemented an alternative solution.

Photo 8

Photo 8 shows another example of an alternative solution as in this case the

shop has an automatic door which removes the need for a landing.

Issue 8: Door thresholds Page 36

Reception desks and counters

Importance of the feature

While not an issue covered by the BCA many reception desks and counters are
far too high for people with disabilities who use wheelchairs or for people who
are of short stature.

Many people who use a wheelchair are unable to approach a reception

desk/counter side on and turn to face the receptionist due to their disability,
hence the need for design to allow for a frontal approach. In some cases where
the task to be undertaken at the counter involves only the passing of cash and
receipt of goods the fully recessed area may not be required.

The lowering of a section of the reception desk allows people to communicate

and complete transactions, such as signing credit card dockets or receipts, in a
comfortable and dignified manner.

Code reference
AS 1428.2 specifies technical details such as dimensioning, and design criteria.

Photo 1 shows a well-designed and constructed reception desk

Achieving best results

To be effective reception counters must be within the design criteria set out in

This is achieved by ensuring the desk or counter:

Page 37
The good, the bad and the ugly

• Is within the required height range, which is between 830 mm and 870
mm from the floor surface to the top of the desk or counter.
• Allows for a frontal approach.
• Provides adequate knee and toe plate clearances under the counter.
• Is the minimum width of 800mm as set out by the standard.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Counters too high or no provision made for a frontal approach

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5

Photo 2 shows a recently refurbished hotel reception that could have had a
section of the reception counter lowered and made accessible while maintaining
the style and ambience.

Issue 9: Reception desks and counters Page 38

The good, the bad and the ugly

The counter in photo 3 has a lowered section but no provision is made for a
frontal approach.

Photo 4 shows five reception counters of which one could have been made
accessible. Photo 5 is a counter in a coffee shop that would only have needed
the front section lowered to allow for ease of payment and receipt of goods.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 6, 7 and 8 show reception desks and counters that allow for a frontal
approach with adequate toe plate and knee space and have a suitable surface

Photo 8

Issue 9: Reception desks and counters Page 39

Signage required by the
Building Code of Australia (BCA)

Importance of the feature

Most of us benefit from the availability of good and clear signage. This is
particularly so for people with a vision and/or hearing impairment, people
with a cognitive and/or intellectual disability and people with a brain injury.
Many of the signs we find around the built environment are not easy to
comprehend due to their location, type of font styles used and the colours

Lack of raised tactile and Braille in signs require people with a vision
impairment to rely on others to assist them.

Many people with cognitive disabilities are less able to comprehend a sign if it
is all in upper case, however if the sign is in sentence case with upper and lower
case, the accessibility of signs is improved.

Nine out of ten legally blind people have some usable residual vision; it is this
group plus those with low vision that particularly benefit from the correct use
of luminance contrast and the use of a sans serif font style such as Arial or
Helvetica medium. This also makes the signs more user friendly for the
remainder of our community, especially those 1 in 10 males in Australia who
have a colour deficiency, often referred to as colour blindness.

The location of signs is vital if they are to be easily identified and read,
particularly signs indicating facilities for people with disabilities.

Code requirements
Signage requirements in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) in D3.6 are
limited to the identification of accessible facilities, services and features. D3.6
refers to and requires compliance with relevant parts of AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as dimensioning, and design criteria of

the signage and symbols to be used.

Page 40
The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 1 shows clear signage for toilets

AS1428.1 provides information on the international symbol for disability access

and deafness along with their design criteria and colours to be used. These
signs are used to indicate where an accessible facility has been provided.

In addition to D3.6 there is another section titled Specification D3.6 which sets
out the parameters in good sign design and covers issues such as placement
heights, font types, use of raised tactile and Braille, luminance contrast
requirements of lettering and lighting requirements.

Even though the BCA has limited application to required signage if a building
owner wishes to improve other signage to assist everyone who uses the
building (such as other wayfinding signage, building occupant directories and
room names) the good design parameters set out in Specification D3.6 should
be applied to the other signs as far as possible.

Achieving best results

To be effective signs must be within the design criteria set out in BCA
specification D3.6 and AS1428.1.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Mounted within the required height range.

• Use of raised tactile and Braille on signs identifying facilities for people
with disabilities.
• Correct use of luminance contrast and font size and type.
• Good provision of lighting without glare.

Issue 10: Signage required by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Page 41
The good, the bad and the ugly

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Font styles and symbols used

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5

The signs in photos 2, 3 and 4 have all used incorrect fonts. The sign in photo 2
has used a serif type font and in upper case, which can make it difficult for
people with a vision impairment to understand the sign due to the varying
thicknesses in the font.

The signs in photos 3 and 4 have also used all upper case instead of sentence
case, which can create an access problem for people with cognitive disabilities
who may have difficulty comprehending what the signs are telling them.

The international symbols for disability used in photos 2 and 3 do not meet the
requirements of the standard as the symbol must always be white on a blue
background, which makes it instantly recognizable.

Issue 10: Signage required by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Page 42
The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 5 shows a stylized version which may be quite unrecognizable by many

people with cognitive or intellectual disabilities.

The sign in photo 3 has a line between the male and female figures, which
indicates a separate accessible facility for each gender. Accessible facilities must
always be non-gender specific to enable a male occupant and their female carer
or assistant (or visa versa) to enter an accessible facility through a non specific
gender area.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Both signs in photos 6 and 7 have used the correct symbol and colours for
disability and required font styles along with the Braille. Note: the arrow on the
sign has been repeated in the Braille section of the signs.

Photo 7 shows the correct symbols to be used identifying a unisex accessible

facility without a dividing line between the male and female figures.

2. Location of signs

Photo 8 Photo 9

Issue 10: Signage required by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Page 43
The good, the bad and the ugly

The sign in photo 8 is definitely too high being outside the 1200mm to 1600mm
range above the finished floor level required by AS 1428.1. People in a seated
position in a wheelchair may not be able to tilt their head back on an angle to
read a sign higher than 1600mm above the finished floor level due to their

The sign in photo 9 is definitely too low as it would not be possible for a person
to read the Braille unless they were laying on the ground.

Photo 10

The sign in photo 10 is within the correct height range, which allows it to be
read in relative comfort by all members of the community.

Issue 10: Signage required by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Page 44
Lift call buttons

Importance of the feature

Lift call buttons if located and designed in accordance with the regulations will
assist many people with disabilities to confidently use a lift. Often the call
buttons are difficult or impossible to use due to their size, location or lack of
clear raised tactual information.

If call buttons are placed too close to a corner, this restricts people who use a
wheelchair from accessing the buttons. Placement of external call buttons
within a reasonable distance from the lift will assist in their being found by
people who are blind or vision impaired.

In many situations the raised tactile numbers and Braille information is not
available or inadequately designed.

Location of the call buttons and their style is vital if they are to be easily
identified and read, particularly by people who are blind or vision impaired.
Location of call buttons is assisted by good illumination and use of the
luminance contrast criteria.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) addresses lifts in D3.3(a)(iii) & E3.6
where it refers to and requires compliance with the criteria to be met for lifts for
people with disabilities and AS1735.12.

AS 1735.12 specifies technical details such as dimensioning, and design criteria.

Photo 1 shows good position for control buttons

Page 45
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective lift call buttons must be within the design criteria set out in

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Mounted within the required height range.

• Use of raised tactile and Braille on or adjacent to call buttons to ensure
easy identification.
• Correct use of luminance contrast.
• Good provision of lighting.

Note: The HREOC’s view is that raised tactile and Braille information is most
accessible if placed adjacent to or above the buttons and not on them as there is
a probability of someone engaging a button when trying to read it by touch.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Location of call buttons.

Photo 2 Photo 3

Issue 11: Lift call buttons Page 46

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 4 Photo 5

Photos 2 and 3 show the call buttons for the same lift at different locations on
each floor and too far away from the lift, which makes them difficult to locate
for a person who is blind or vision impaired.

Photos 4 and 5 show lifts that have the call buttons within the minimum 400mm
from an internal corner, which is difficult and in some instances impossible for
people who use a wheelchair to access. Photo 4 is a recently refurbished lift.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Issue 11: Lift call buttons Page 47

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 8

The lifts in photos 6, 7 and 8 have used call buttons that meet the requirements
with location, luminance contrast application, lighting and raised tactile and
Braille consistently placed adjacent to each button.

Issue 11: Lift call buttons Page 48

Floor surfaces

Importance of the feature

Often floor surfaces do not meet the slip resistant requirements making them
hazardous for pedestrians to walk on, particularly people with mobility
disabilities. Highly polished surfaces can indicate that the slip resistance rating
has not been achieved, especially when people entering a building have wet

Managers of buildings usually resort to the provision of a strip of carpet or a

mat immediately inside the entry to dry soles of shoes before coming in contact
with the floor surface. These mats can themselves become an access problem if
not secure, particularly for people who are blind or vision impaired.

Often overhead concentrated down lighting will reflect upwards from a shiny
floor surface into the eyes of people travelling across the floor. For a person
with certain types of vision impairment this can have the effect of causing
physical pain, in some cases a migraine headache.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) does not specifically refer to slip
resistance of flooring surfaces but under clause D3.3(a)(iii) generally refers to
and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 clause 12 sets out the criteria for types of surfaces traversable by
people with disabilities and references AS4586 and HB197 for guidance on slip
resistant surfaces.

Photo 1

Page 49
The good, the bad and the ugly

Achieving best results

To be effective flooring surface finishes must be within the testing criteria set
out in AS4586 and HB197.

This is achieved by ensuring:

• Materials used meet the slip resistance rating set down for each type of
flooring material used.

While not addressed in the BCA good results are also achieved by ensuring
finishes do not induce glare from overhead lighting.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Shining floor surfaces that do not meet the required slip resistance

Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4 Photo 5

Issue 12: Floor surfaces Page 50

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photos 2 – 5 all show floors that may not meet the “R” ratings as required by
AS4586 and HB197. Photos 3 and 5 both show mats placed inside the entrances
to dry off wet soles of shoes before encountering the “Slippery” floor surface.
These mats can themselves become trip hazards for people with mobility
disabilities, blind people and people with vision impairment if not secure.

Photos 2, 3 and 4 show the glare arising from the overhead lighting. In the case
of photo 4 the overhead lighting is quartz halogen that causes even worse glare.

Photo 6 Photo 7

Photos 6 and 7 show floor coverings that are likely to meet the slip resistance
requirements and do not produce excessive glare from overhead lighting.

Issue 12: Floor surfaces Page 51

Accessible WC’s

Importance of the feature

Accessible WC’s are often built and certified as meeting the technical standards,
however, more often than not they fall well short of those requirements.

There are three critical areas that need to be applied to the design and
construction of accessible WC facilities, these being;

• Doorway circulation spaces external to the door and within the facility
clear of fittings and fixtures.
• Internal circulation space to enable wheelchair manoeuvrability for safe
transfer and use of fixtures.
• Reach ranges to fittings and fixtures.

Failure to provide adequate doorway and internal wheelchair circulation and

correct placement of components means the facility cannot be used by many
people with physical disabilities.

For people who use a wheelchair, the circulation spaces into and within the
accessible facility is critical if they are to be able to carry out a safe transfer from
their wheelchair to the pan.

Users of the accessible facilities need to carry out a range of transfers onto the
pan depending on their particular disability and what they consider is the best
method to transfer.

Approximately 1/3 will carry out a side transfer from the side of the pan, which
requires aligning themselves with the seat on the pan. Another 1/3 will carry
out a frontal transfer, which requires aligning themselves to face the front of the
pan and then pull themselves onto the pan facing the cistern. The remaining 1/3
will carry out a half frontal/side-on transfer which can vary depending on the
method of transfer chosen by the person. (See AS1428.1 – Supplement [1990]
for more details).

The area of the circulation space is critical to allow these transfers to take place,
as is the correct location of the grab rails because of limitations of reach ranges
and varying levels of ability.

It is important that the fit out does not result in the intrusion of fittings into the
doorway circulation spaces and toilet pan circulation area, except where
allowed by the technical standards - for minor overlapping of washbasins.

Page 52
The good, the bad and the ugly

Reach ranges and location of fixtures if installed in accordance with the

technical standards will allow the majority of people to use these facilities in
relative comfort and not have to struggle to reach taps, toilet paper holders,
hand dryers, grab rails, shelves and other fixtures.

Clearances above grab rails are important so that a person may use the wall
adjacent to the grab rails for support if needed.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) sets out in F2.4 the requirements for the
number of accessible WC’s to be provided and under clause D3.3(a)(iii).refers to
and requires compliance with AS1428.1 for design and fit out criteria.

AS 1428.1 Clause 10 sets out the criteria for fit out and dimensioning and
provides various circulation space diagrams which can be used in template
form to assemble the design.

These must be used in conjunction with doorway circulation spaces and include
a clear plan of whether the door will swing outwards or use another mechanism
for emergency access as required by clause 10.2.10(c) of AS1428.1.

Clause 10 also provides several diagrams for accessible shower configurations

which can be integrated with the toilet pan and other fittings.

Achieving best results

To be effective accessible WC’s and showers must be within the minimum
requirements set out in AS1428.1. This is achieved by ensuring:

• The location of the doorway and swing (or sliding) will enable
appropriate area to operate the door. The door must also facilitate
emergency access and when using swinging doors either by swinging
the door outwards or installing a doorway mechanism to allow the
door to swing outwards by using a pivot hinge and associated fittings.
• Provision is made for the correct dimensioning of circulation spaces
without any intrusions such as the basin obstructing the doorway
circulation space when exiting or the waste pipe from the basin
intruding on required space for footplates.
• Dimensioning is taken from finished surfaces finishes, not set outs,
with adequate allowances for finishes in the structural set out.
• Location of components is in accordance with the standard.
• Any minor permissible intrusions into the pan circulation space are in
accordance with the standard.
• Heights and reach ranges are as per the standard.

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 53

The good, the bad and the ugly

• Vertical grabrails in showers are capable of meeting the required force

specifications of 1100 N. The installation of light-weight plastic vertical
grabrails in showers is not likely to meet this requirement.
• Installing shower hoses long enough to allow users sitting on a fold
down seat to access and use them. For example, installing a 1200mm-
1500mm length shower hoses attached to a 1800mm+ height water
outlet may not provide adequate useability. Either a longer hose is
required or a lower water outlet.
• Heavy door closers requiring forces greater than 19.5 Newtons do not
cause difficulties for people opening a doorway. A low-tech alternative
of using self-closing gravity hinges can be a better solution in many

Photo 1 shows a good example of correct installation of toilet and shower fittings

Photo 2 shows a good example of the installation of a washbasin and other fittings,
including a shelf as required by Table F2.4 of the BCA, note that tilt mirrors are not a
requirement of AS1428.1.

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 54

The good, the bad and the ugly

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Intrusions into required pan circulation space.

Photo 1 Photo 2

Photos 1 and 2 show intrusions into the required circulation space for the pan.

2. Incorrectly located fittings.

Photo 3 Photo 4

Photos 3 and 4 have a toilet paper holder above the grab rail, which does not
allow users to take advantage of the side grab rail to use as support when rising
from the pan.

Many users place their arm along the grab rail, which is supported by the rail
and the wall. This assists them in rising off the pan and transferring back onto

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 55

The good, the bad and the ugly

their wheelchair. The toilet roll holders above the grab rails do not allow users
to carry out this procedure.

Correct location of the toilet paper holder is below the grab rail as was
originally designed for in photo 3.

Photo 5 Photo 6

Photo 5 shows the wrong central fitting on the grab rail. They are attached to
the side of the grab rail and not underneath it. The top 270° arc is required to be
clear along the full length of the horizontal and 30° - 45° angled section of the
rail. People have injured themselves when “grabbing” at the grab rail by
catching their fingers on the central fixings.

Photo 6 shows the toilet paper fixture too far from the front of the pan, which
requires users to lean forward to get the paper. People with limited upper trunk
control may and have fallen off the pan whilst reaching for the paper in this

Photo 7 Photo 8

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 56

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 7 shows the correct location for the toilet roll holder and photo 8 shows
the required minimum 300mm for the basin from the swing of the door thereby
allowing enough circulation space at the door to open it when exiting.

3. Grab rails incorrectly located or wrong type used.

Photo 9 Photo 10

Photo 9 shows the handrail fitted totally the wrong way round and photos 10
and 11 have incorrect grab rails fitted as they do not extend back to within 50 -
60mm from the rear wall.

Photo 11

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 57

The good, the bad and the ugly

When carrying out a frontal transfer onto the pan, a person will pull themselves
onto the pan by stretching out their arm to gain maximum purchase on the rail
and then pull themselves forward.

If the grab rail does not extend back to within the 50 - 60mm from the rear wall
they will not be able to comfortably pull themselves forward onto the pan as
their purchasing power drops off when their arm is in the bent position.

Photo 12 Photo 13

Photos 12 and 13 show correct type of grab rail used and fixed within 50 –
60mm of rear wall.

4. Ongoing management problems

While not a BCA building and construction issue one of the most frequent
problems associated with accessible toilets are the barriers caused by
inappropriate usage and management.

Photo 14 Photo 15

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 58

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 14 shows a sanitary napkin bin, which should be in the corner at the rear
of the pan. The bins cannot be moved by many of the users of these facilities, if
they do try to move them it is likely that they may be knocked over. There
positioning restricts those users who wish to carry out a side transfer to the pan.

The bin in photo 15 is placed in the corner out of the way of users who can now
carry out side, frontal or half frontal transfers without difficulty whilst also
allowing the bin to be within reach of the pan.

Perhaps the most common problem, however, is the practice of using accessible
toilets as store rooms as in photo 16. Apart from the use of the toilet as a
storeroom this shows a particularly creative interpretation of AS1428.1 in
relation to the grab rails!

Photo 16

Issue 13: Accessible WC’s Page 59

Doorway circulation space

Importance of the feature

Doorway circulation space is a critical design and construction issue for people
who use wheelchairs or scooters, especially for swing doors.

A person using a wheelchair has to be able to reach the handle and there has to
be enough circulation space for the door swing plus the spatial area for the
person in the wheelchair. Once the door is opened, of course, the person has to
be able to manoeuvre through the doorway.

Below is an example of an approach someone using a wheelchair might

typically make to opening a door. Note that in order to access the handle and
open the door a number of circulation space requirements need to be met.

Diagram 1 shows just one example of circulation spaces requirements around a door.
See section on Code Requirements below for information on other examples.

The issue of opening doors with door closers is significantly more difficult for
people who use a manual wheelchair as they have to counter the force of the
door closer while holding the wheelchair in a steady position. For people using
a powered wheelchair there is often a problem of limited clearances due to the
position of the joystick control box which is generally the first obstruction to the
swing of the door.

The issues concerning doorway access are further exacerbated by incorrectly

installed doors and in the case of airlocks inadequate provision of area between
two doorways and the swing of each door.

The relationship between doorways, corridor widths, circulation space and

positioning of doors and door hardware requires careful consideration of
relevant technical specifications. If those specifications are not effectively
applied circulation around and through doorways can be severely hindered.

Page 60
The good, the bad and the ugly

Where doorway circulation spaces do not comply with the deemed-to-satisfy

technical requirements the most common alternative solution is the installation
of automatic doors or push button powered door openers.

Code requirements
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) D3.2(c)(iv) and D3.3(c) are relevant to
doors where it refers to and requires compliance with AS1428.1.

AS 1428.1 specifies technical details such as dimensioning and design criteria in

section 7 and provides twelve different scenarios of doorway approaches and
doorway operation for swing and sliding doors in Figures 12 and 13. For
example, the one given below which provides dimensions for a hinge-side
approach where the door opens away from a user.

Achieving best results

To provide effective doorway circulation space the design should provide
adequate corridor width to accommodate; nib walls on each side of the door
plus the correct door width to achieve 800mm minimum clear opening width as
set out in AS1428.1 (850mm clear opening width for AS1428.2 which is
preferred). This is achieved by ensuring:

• Vigorous application of the technical requirements found in AS 1428.1

section 7 and in particular the relevant options presented in Figures 12
and 13 for circulation space and Figure 15 for distance between two

Issue 14: Door circulation space Page 61

The good, the bad and the ugly

• Nib walls on each side of the door are constructed to the requirements
of AS1428.1, which include the door frames, plus the correct door
width to achieve 800mm minimum clear opening width as set out in
• Allowances are made for wider corridors and doors where pivot hinge
doors are to be installed.
• Consideration is given to building materials to be used such as external
face brickwork, feature sidelights and the like as they may cause a
repositioning of the doorway and subsequent reduction in latch side
• Allowance is made for wall coatings such as rendering, architraves and
skirting panels.
• Critical doorway and corridor setout dimensions are incorporated on
construction drawings with appropriate building tolerances.

People who use a wheelchair report that the minimum requirements of

AS1428.1 do not always meet their needs and hence the achievement of
independent access is compromised. Wherever possible designs should
incorporate doorway clearances above the minimum for best practice.

Common problems and misinterpretations

1. Design and installation

Photo 1 Photo 2

While in Photo 1 it appears that the approach to the door is sufficient to allow
for a 470mm nib wall on the door latch side for a front-on approach the
installation of the door did not allow adequate area for a latch side nib wall. As

Issue 14: Door circulation space Page 62

The good, the bad and the ugly

a result it may be impossible for someone using a wheelchair to actually access

the handle and open the door independently.

In Photo 2, however, the door has been correctly installed with a 470mm
minimum nib wall on the latch side with an 870mm door to achieve 800mm
clear opening width.

2. Alternative solutions

Photos 3 and 4 below illustrate an alternative solution applied to an entrance

door to an existing building where a ramp has been installed and the landing
was too small to provide the required circulation space for the side-on approach
to a door swinging towards the user.

Photo 3 Photo 4

Photo 3 shows the push button control and signage as the door is approached
and photo 4 shows the door opened by the powered door opener which in this
instance is held open for approximately 15 seconds.

Photos 5 and 6 below illustrate an alternative solution applied to a door to a

unisex accessible toilet within an existing building.

Issue 14: Door circulation space Page 63

The good, the bad and the ugly

Photo 5 Photo 6

Photo 5 shows the nib wall on the latch side is significantly less than the 470mm
minimum required circulation space for the front-on approach to a door
swinging towards the user. The push button control on the right of photo 5 is
correctly located beyond the swing arc of the door. Photo 6 shows the door
automatically opened to allow for easy access.

Issue 14: Door circulation space Page 64

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