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(A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department of English
Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education.





(A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department of English Education UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta)

A Skripsi


Approved by:

Advisor I Advisor II

Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D. Maya Defianty, Ph.D.

NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001 NIP. 19801213 200901 2 005



The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that the
Skripsi Scientific paper entitled A Study of Teachers Strategy on Providing
Feedback in Writing Class” (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department of
English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) written by Nazmillah, students’
registration number: 11160140000071, was examined by the Committee on February,
18th 2021. The Skripsi has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the
requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education.

Jakarta, February 18th 2021

Date Signature

Didin N. Hidayat, MA. TESOL., Ph.D.
NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001 (14/04/21) (..………..)
Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum.
NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002 (01/04/21) (..………..)
Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.
NIP. 197006111 99101 2 001 (12/03/21) (..………..)
Desi Nahartini, M.Ed. (..………..)
NIP. - (15/03/21)

Acknowledged by:
The Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Dr. Sururin, M.Ag.

NIP. 19710319 199803 2 001


Nazmillah. NIM. 1160140000071. “A Study of Teachers Strategy on Providing

Feedback in Writing Class” (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department
of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). “Skripsi” of English
Education Department, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah
Islamic State University Jakarta, 2021.

Advisors : 1. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D.

2. Maya Defianty, Ph.D.
Keywords : Feedback, Writing, Descriptive Qualitative Study

The purposes of this study are: a) to find out the teacher's perspective about feedback
in the writing activity in writing class at English Education Department of Syarif
Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta, b) to find out how do teachers provide
feedback on the student's writing activities in the writing class at English Education
Department of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta. The method
used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research
was the three lecturers who teach writing classes in English Education Department UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The instruments used in this study were interviews and
documents. Based on the data obtained, the result shows that: a) the role of feedback
on the writing activity in writing class is important. b) lecturers use the combination of
indirect-direct feedback, and also the combination of oral and written feedback.
Teachers use the feedback according to the class’s condition and the goal of the level
of writing. The combination of oral and written, direct, and indirect feedback is
completing with each other.


Nazmillah. NIM. 1160140000071. “A Study of Teachers Strategy on Providing

Feedback in Writing Class” (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department
of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). “Skripsi” of English
Education Department, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah
Islamic State University Jakarta, 2021.

Pembimbing : 1. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D.

2. Maya Defianty, Ph.D.
Kata Kunci : Feedback, Writing, Descriptive Qualitative Study

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: a) untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan para

guru mengenai peran umpan balik pada aktifitas menulis siswa di kelas menulis
di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, b) untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara guru
menyampaikan umpand balik pada aktifitas menulis siswa di kelas menulis di
jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif studi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah tiga
dosen Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar kelas menulis di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa dokumen dan
wawancara. Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh, hasil menunjukkan bahwa:
a) peran umpan balik dalam aktifitas menulis siswa di kelas menulis sangat
penting, b) para guru menngunakan kombinasi umpan balik secara langsung dan
tidak langsung, dan mennggunakan kombinasi umpan balik secara lisan dan
tertulis. Penggunaan kombinasi umpan balik tersebut digunakan sesuai dengan
kondisi kelas menulis dan tujuan dari kelas menulis tersebut. Kombinasi umpan
balik secara langsung, tidak langsung, tertulis maupun lisan sama-sama saling
melengkapi satu sama lain.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praises are to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has been giving the writer
strength, patient, guidance, knowledge, ability, and blessing the writer to finish the
research entitled – A Study of Teachers Strategies on Providing Feedback in
Writing Class (A Descriptive Qualitative Study of the English Education
Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Peace and salutation be upon to our
Prophet Muhammad who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness.
The writer would like to express her profound honor and gratitude to her
beloved parents, Syaiful Mahrib and Nanik Yulia, who always support and pray
for the writer to finish this research and give their deepest love. And I also thank
to her big family, who always motivates her to finish this research.
The writer realizes that she would never finish this research without the help of
someone who closest to her. Therefore, she would like to express her gratitude to
the advisors Mr. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D., and Mrs. Maya
Defianty, Ph.D. for the valuable advices, suggestions, guidance, comments and
support in complementing this research paper.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express her gratitude appreciation to:
1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences;
2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D. as the Head of the
Department of English Education;
3. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum., as the Secretary of the Department of English
4. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd., as the academic advisor of Class C in
Academic Year 2016/2017;

5. All the lecturers and staffs in the Department of English Education.
Thank for the knowledge, motivator, advice, and support for the writer
during her study;
6. The writing lecturers in the Department of English Education for the
permission and help to conduct the research.
7. Her big families of Rumah Tajwid Indonesia who gives her support and
pray in finishing this research;
8. Her best friend is Sonia Mutiara Afifah. Thank for all of support, pray,
friendship, laugh, happiness that you gave during this research. The
writer feels deepest gratitude to have best friends like her;
9. All beloved friends of the Department of English Education 2016,
especially Anisa Andriani, Kurniati Wijayaningrum, Zakiyah Qurrota
A’yuni, and all member of C class for the motivational and support
during this study;
10. Thank everyone who has helped the writer and given a contribution in
finishing the research report. Moreover, whose names cannot be
mentioned one by one. The writer also apologizes in advance if she
missed anybody.

Depok, January 25th, 2021



APPROVAL SHEETS ................................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET.........................................................................................ii
ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................ x
LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

A. Background of Study ...................................................................................... 1
B. The Identification of Problem ........................................................................ 6
C. The Limitation of Problem ............................................................................. 6
D. The Research Question ................................................................................... 6
E. The Objective of Study................................................................................... 7
F. The Significance of Study .............................................................................. 7

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 8

A. Writing............................................................................................................ 8
B. Writing at University Level .......................................................................... 10
C. Feedback ....................................................................................................... 12
1. Definition of Feedback ............................................................................. 12
2. Function of Feedback................................................................................ 14
3. Feedback in Writing.................................................................................. 15
4. Focus of Feedback .................................................................................... 20
5. Kinds of Feedback .................................................................................... 21

6. Providing an Effective Feedback .............................................................. 26
D. Previous Related Study ................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................. 29
A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 29
B. Research Place and Participant ..................................................................... 30
C. Research Instrument ..................................................................................... 31
1. Interview ................................................................................................... 31
2. Documents ................................................................................................ 33
D. Research Procedure ...................................................................................... 33
E. Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 35
1. Data Condensation .................................................................................... 35
2. Data Display ............................................................................................. 35
3. Conclusions............................................................................................... 36


A. Research Findings ........................................................................................ 38
B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 53

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... 57

A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 57
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 58
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 59


Appendix 1 : Writing Lecturer’s Semi-Structure Interview……….…...………..70

Appendix 2 : Lecture’s Feedback Document………………………….….……...72
Appendix 3 : Interview Transcript of Writing Lecturers…….………….……….78
Appendix 4 : Surat Bimbingan Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D…………...……108
Appendix 5 : Surat Bimbingan Maya Defianty, Ph.D………………………......109
Appendix 6 : Surat Izin Penelitian…………………………………….…...……110
Appendix 7 : Reference Examination Paper………………………………….…111


Table 2.1 : Direct and Indirect Feedback…………………………………….25


Figure 4.1 : The Feedback Document of Lecturer 1…………………………41

Figure 4.2 : The Feedback Document of Lecture 1………………………….48
Figure 4.3 : The Feedback Document of Lecture 2………………………….50
Figure 4.4 : The Feedback Document of Lecture 3………………………….52



A. Background of Study

Writing is one of the productive skills that learners use for academic purposes
and has an essential role in the English teaching and learning process. Fareed et al.
(2016) supported that writing has an essential role in the language output used for
relating the knowledge. Writing helps students complete their academic requirements
because writing can help students describe and show their knowledge in written text
(Toba et al., 2019).
For example, at the university level, writing is the familiar factor for evaluating
a student’s ability at the end of the study period. PIRŠL et al. (2011) added that writing
is a tool for deciding whether students are successful at the university or not.
WritGraefen (cited in PIRŠL et al., 2011) students at the university level are expected
to mastering some types of written text to completing their academic requirements.
PIRŠL et al. (2011) added that students are expected to analyze and combine
information from many resources and have an authoritative viewpoint. When
combining the ideas with other resources, students must be responsible for their
opinion; the opinion must be restricted to the experts from the research, Flowers, and
Hayes (cited in PIRŠL et al., 2011). Therefore, the student’s opinion is credible because
experts support the student’s opinion.
Rao dan Durga (2018) added that writing is the system of the written symbol,
which describes sounds and words of the language, with different forms- capitalization,
the spelling of the word, punctuation, word form, and function. However, for several
people, writing is also one of the communication tools which makes people feel more
comfortable to show their feeling, especially for people who are hard to express their
feeling by speak to other people. Raimes (cited in Göçen, 2019) defined writing as the


communication of ideas, fluently and effectively, which can transfer the writer's
emotions, thoughts, hopes, and dreams by using correct symbols based on the
grammatical rules. Matsuda (2003, cited in Zaid, 2011) defined that writing is a
complex skill that allows the writer to show their ideas and makes them understandable
for readers. Moreover, writing can stimulate the writer's thinking as their reflection.
Mekhemeir (2005, cited in Zaid, 2011) also supported that writing also pushes the
writer to learn and make the written text understandable. Therefore, writing is
important for academic purposes; writing can help the writer to describe and show the
knowledge, and then writing is one of the communication tools which makes people
easy to show their emotions, thought, hopes, and their dream through writing.
Nevertheless, a study in China encounters the difficulties in acquiring writing
skills. According to Ying (2018), Chinese College EFL felt hard in the writing because
they did not know the idea to write, and they felt confused to show their opinion. Dar
and Khan (2015 cited in Fareed et al., 2016) also show data in Pakistan, writing skill
in Pakistan has a low significance level, the data said that it is only 2% enhancement
in 2003 from 1996. Fareed et al. (2016) detailed the problem is from the syntax,
coherence, the elaboration of the idea, improper use of vocabulary. Nunan (cited in Thi
& Anh, 2019) said that writing is an incredibly complex and challenging skill for those
who are learning English. Moreover, Rahmatunisa (2014) showed her data that
Indonesian students faced some problems in writing. The research divided writing
problems into three categories; linguistic problems, cognitive problems, and
psychological problems. First, students faced linguistic problems in writing; it related
to grammatical structure, formatting words, word classes, errors in using words, and
the article's use. Second, cognitive problems; related to organizing the paragraph,
difficulties of using word classes, getting lost the generic structure, making a
conclusion, and using punctuation. Third, psychological problems are related to the
student's mood. Writing is a complex skill because, in that skill, the writer must
implement many requirements in one task. At the sentence level, a writer must pay

attention to many aspects to make complete and clear sentences with appropriate
punctuation, spelling, grammar, structure, and vocabulary.
Thus, one of the problems is the difficulties of showing the idea in writing, but
there are other problems learners face in writing. First, learners have a problem in
relating the idea in their essay writing. Ahmed (2010, cited in Toba et al., 2019)
reported that Egyptian learners have a problem with coherence and cohesion in their
written essays. Thi and Anh (2019) also stated that at a higher level, a writer must have
the ability to relate the information in the paragraph to the text; therefore, it can make
coherent and precise information. Second, learners make an error in their written
projects. Nasser (2019, cited in Toba et al., 2019) stated that learners make an incorrect
composition in their writing, such as using grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
On the other hand, Fareed et al. (2016) argued that lack of writing skill arises
from two factors, there are from teacher and students. From the teachers, teachers use
inappropriate pedagogic approach. In contrast, the teacher teaches writing, including
providing appropriate feedback to the students, and most important, teachers lack the
ability to motivate students. On the other hand, students have writing challenges;
students lack reading, motivation, and practice.
The ability of writing skill does not come naturally (Thi & Anh, 2019). Writing
is a process. Students must spend more time practicing and reading many documents.
Reading is also important because it gives students have more information to support
their thought or their opinion. Othmand and Jaidi (2012, cited in Alharbi, 2015) also
claim that reading is an essential thing in learning because it provides students with
more knowledge. Reading and writing have a closer relationship. When students read,
they can rewrite the information or knowledge which they got with their perspective.
Then, to write good written text, students must have broader knowledge to supports
their claims; therefore, more reading is important.
Moreover, Graham and Perin (2007, cited in Fareed et al., 2016), with
technology, students can improve their writing ability. Lam and Lawrence (2002, cited

in Fattah, 2015) stated that technology provides students to get broader information
that teachers were not given in the class and also supports the student's learning process.
In fact, many students do not like writing (Fattah, 2015). Furthermore, Fattah
(2015) claims that teacher's assignments make them feel bored. The assignment should
have more variations. For example, Thornton and Houser (2003, cited in Fattah, 2015)
data, teachers use SMS to improve student's vocabulary. Students are typing text and
using the vocabulary more than once, so students can be familiar with the words and
use them by the context or situation. Then, Fattah (2015) adds that students make a
story with their friends together and make one or two sentences to describe their
moments; teachers can also see the story and monitor student's improvement in writing.
In the previous, based on Fareed et al. (2016), the lack of writing skill arises
from two factors, from teachers and students. Giving feedback to student's errors is a
crucial aspect of writing (Han & Hyland, 2015). Keh (1990) also said that feedback
is the fundamental element or important element in writing.
Based on Beason (1993, cited in Ferris, 1997) said that feedback and revision
on student's assignments are good pedagogical tools. Susan (2008) said that feedback
is also an important component of the formative assessment process. The formative
assessment gives the teacher or facilitator information about student's ability during the
learning process. There are many techniques to respond to student's writing, and
feedback is a general title of the techniques (Ravand & Rasekh, 2011). Keh (1990)
adds that feedback can be a reflection or evaluation for the writer. The writer can learn
where he or she has confusing information to the reader, lack of the development of
the knowledge or ideas, unclear knowledge, and also an inappropriate word choice or
the grammatical rules.
There is the type of feedback which explained in the Dessner's study (1991,
cited in Ferris, 1997) the study said that two of thirds teachers are providing the
feedback by the comment suggestion and advice. They also provide a substantial
comment that leads the student to revise their tasks. The feedback is also clear with the
comment because the teacher directly shows the student's mistakes and completes the

feedback with their suggestions to revise them. Wilson and Czik (2016) said that
teacher feedback divides into two, based on how teachers provide feedback and the
focus of the feedback. The way teachers provide feedback is divided into types; direct
and indirect feedback is based on Shute (2008 cited in Wilson & Czik, 2016). Then,
the focus of teacher feedback is based on the teacher's goal in the level of writing.
In the feedback, there is an interaction between students and teachers. The
interaction can be personal or group; it is according to the situation of the class. Ravand
and Rasekh (2011) supported that the process of feedback is an interaction between
teacher and students. The teachers support and guide writers through feedback and
suggest the writer do revision during writing, rather than at the end of the writing
Based Susan (2008), there are some strategies to provide feedback, such as the
timing when the teacher is giving feedback, the type of feedback, and the audience of
feedback (individual or group). These strategies can be given according to the student's
characteristics, the type of the assignments, and the classroom atmosphere.
Some researches concern about investigating the effect of the type of feedback
on class control and class treatment. For example, Jamalinesari et al. (2015) said that
the indirect feedback class is more show improvement than the direct feedback class.
Then, in Kisnanto (2016) result, the writer concludes that direct feedback helps
student's university improve their writing. Those investigations are important, but the
way teachers provide feedback in the class is important too. By investigating how
teachers provide the feedback, we can know how they are applying the type of feedback
in the class, such as indirect or direct feedback, written or oral feedback.
Based on previous paragraph, teachers must be able to use appropriate feedback
in the class, so feedback can help students improve their writing abilities. Wahyuni
(2017) supports in her data that the different type of feedback which teachers used in
the class did not have a different impact on student's improvement. How teachers
deliver feedback is very important to students, so students can understand the feedback

and revise the assignment. Therefore, the way teachers provide feedback determines
the student's ability to reflect and revise their error.
The researcher intends to conduct a descriptive study of how teachers provide
feedback in writing class from the elaboration above. Specifically, this research aims
to investigate how teachers provide feedback in the writing class. Moreover, the
researcher wants to investigate what type of feedback which teachers use in the writing

B. The Identification of Problem

1. The learners have less knowledge and experience in relating ideas in the
2. The learners have less knowledge to use an appropriate composition in
text, such as grammar, punctuation.
3. The teachers use an inappropriate type of feedback in the writing class.
4. The teachers have less ability to deliver feedback in writing class.

C. The Limitation of Problem

In this research, the writer limits the problem on the type of feedback
that teachers used in teaching writing. Therefore, the writer observes how
teachers provide feedback in writing class.

D. The Research Question

1. What are the teacher's perspectives about the feedback in the writing
activity in writing class?
2. How do teachers provide feedback on student's writing activities in the
writing class?

E. The Objective of Study

Based on the research questions, there are two objective studies that the
researcher wants to find out. The first is to find out the teacher's perspective
about the feedback in writing class, and the second is to find out how teachers
provide feedback in writing class.

F. The Significance of Study

By doing this study, the writer hopes it will be useful for herself to
knowing and comprehending feedback. For the teacher, it is a reminder of the
teacher that feedback is very important aspect in writing for helping the learner
to identify the error in the writing assignment. For students can practice
identifying their errors, especially in writing assignments, and they can practice
being more considerate about their mistakes in writing. For the next researcher,
the writer hopes that the researcher will get guidance for her or his research
about implementing feedback in writing class.


A. Writing

Based on Rao dan Durga (2018), writing is one of the English skills in
language learning. Furthermore, writing is also a complex skill. Because writing
was not only replaced scholar's ideas into another text, but the writer must be
careful to choose the appropriate words to represent his or her idea. Hence, the
idea is clear and valid.
Nunan (cited in Rao & Durga, 2018) said that writing is a too complicated
skill for students to conduct many variables in the same period. For example, when
students want to make a paragraph, they must think about the topic, show the idea
with a good organization. Then, in the writing sentence, students must attend to
capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling. Writing is a
compilation of those things. Students must show their idea in the written text, and
a good sentence supports it, so the idea is clear and the reader can understand it.
Based on Ramírez Balderas and Guillén Cuamatzi (2018), there are five
main stages in the process of writing. The first is planning; in these stages, Tierney
and Pearson (cited in Ramírez Balderas & Guillén Cuamatzi, 2018) explained that
planning is divided into two common processes, knowledge mobilization and goal-
setting. The goal-setting includes the process of organizing the topic, the
objectives of the text, the aim of the text, which is what writers want to produce.
And then the knowledge mobilization; the writer has the opportunity to collect
information as the writer's resources to produce the text.
To collecting information, Spidev (2006, cited in Faraj, 2015) said the
writer could collect the data by listing the idea because listing the idea is important
to make the writer easier to develop the idea and also to consider the aim of their


writing. Then to collecting data, the writer must read a lot; it makes the writer
familiar with the topic. Moreover, the writer must ask the expert; in this stage,
expert's role is needed because experts are those who have more experience about
the topic which writer is going to write (Faraj, 2015). So, the writer also needs a
perspective from the experts to make the topic more in-depth and knowledgeable.
Ramírez Balderas and Guillén Cuamatzi (2018) is continuing; the
second is drafting. The writer will outline the organization of the topic. The writer
needs correction from his facilitator or teacher to continue to the next stage. The
fourth is aligning; in this stage, the writer is not only focused on the coherence of
the text. In this stage, the writer should pay attention to how they can engage the
reader to read the text. The teacher's correction is necessary because it can
facilitate the writer to enhance his writing product quality.
The next is revising; in this stage, the writer is attentive to the written text's
rightness; it includes the systematic of the text. Tierney and Pearson (cited in
Ramírez Balderas & Guillén Cuamatzi, 2018) add that revising is the process of
reread the text, rethink the opinion, reexamine the validation of the idea, revise the
purpose and also rearrange the presentation. The writer can revise his work from
his teacher and friends. In this stage, the teacher's role is needed to give feedback
to students. Faraj (2015) supports in his statements that students need to get
feedback from their teachers. The feedback includes the idea in a paragraph and
the correlation between ideas; this feedback can students revise their assignment
before publishing the writing assignment (Faraj, 2015). Therefore, before they
publish or collect the assignment, they can ensure their assignment, and students
can be more confident about their results.
The last stage is monitoring; the writer can do the revising and monitoring
at the same time. The teacher or his classmates can assist with the monitoring. So,
the writer can reflect on a specific area that he must improve; the monitoring stage
also helps the writer avoid writer's block. Faraj (2015) adds that the last stage of
writing is to publish the writing assignment. Tompkins (cited in Faraj, 2015) also

said that the publication stage is important to increase student's communication

with the real audience (peer and teachers or facilitators) and practice their
confidence to present their writing results. The teacher's role is also needed.
Because they are facilitators to evaluate student's assignments, teachers give a
suggestion; thus, students can improve their ability and make a well-written text
(Faraj, 2015).
Based on the explanation above, writing is a complex skill in which the
writer must pay attention to many things simultaneously, including the form and
the content. And then, the writers can follow the five stages during the process of
writing; there are planning, drafting, aligning, revising, and monitoring.

B. Writing at University Level

One of the purposes of writing is to completing education requirements,

especially at the university level. Ratnawati et al. (2018) agreed that academic
writing is an essential competence for students to fulfill their university's
academic requirements. Academic writing is very important for college students.
The experts agree that academic writing supports students in doing their
academic papers to finish their degrees (Ratnawati et al., 2018). According to
Van de Poel and Gasiorek (2012, cited in Ratnawati et al., 2018), academic
writing is also useful to complete some projects in university; making an essay,
theses, dissertation, and research paper.
At the university level, students must have writing skills, especially in
academic writing. Bailey (2013, cited in Ratnawati et al., 2018) said that
academic writing helps students compose their essay or other written assignment
with the appropriate rubric, good referencing, and the essay's idea organization.

The academic curriculum for writing at university is more flexible than

writing at junior or senior high school. Rudiyanto and Dayat (2019) supported
that material for writing at university is designed based on the goal or writing
level. The students are expected to compete to use the English language to show
their opinion in written text. Additionally, Cahyono and Widiati (2010, cited in
Sundari et al., 2016) also agreed that the university's English teachers have the
large opportunity and autonomy to design their teaching systems and materials.
Teachers make material to achieve the goal of the subject. Sundari et al. (2016)
said that material consists of concepts that teachers build to achieve the learning
Based on Sundari et al. (2016) data, they showed that the writing material
in every writing course level was different. The level of writing is divided into
three levels; in level 1, students learn to make good sentences; in level 2, students
learn to develop the sentences into a paragraph; in level 3, students learn some
types of essay and develop their paragraph to make a good essay (Sundari et al.,
It can be concluded that academic writing is an important competence that
students need to complete the requirement of their study in university. Then,
teachers have considerable autonomy to make materials for the writing courses
based on the writing goals. Writing is divided into three levels. Every level has
its own goal. So, students can develop their skills step by step. Therefore, from
those levels, academic writing can guide students to organize their paper for their
writing assignments in their college.

C. Feedback
1. Definition of Feedback

Feedback is a crucial aspect of the writing process (Keh, 1990).

Feedback guide students to revise their assignments. Archer (2010)
Feedback must be critical to support learners. Feedback includes comments
and suggestions to facilitate students to revise their assignments. Flower
(cited in Keh, 1990) said by commenting on the student's assignments.
Students can get more information to develop and organize the idea. Also,
they can realize the inappropriate tenses and word choices.
In other definitions, Narciss (2008, cited in Gielen et al., 2010) said
that feedback is response information about student's performances to
inform students in their learning process. Therefore, feedback is not only to
guide students to revise their assignments, but it also functions as a response
to student's actual performances in the learning process.
The meaning of feedback is not only to help students revise the
assignments. However, there are also three meanings of feedback based on
Kulhavy and Wager (cited in Nelson & Schunn, 2009); the first is
motivational meaning. Feedback can encourage students to realize their
mistakes in their assignments; students get the motivation to learn more
about their mistakes from feedback. The second is reinforcement meaning.
Feedback can be a reward or correction to students, according to the result
of the feedback. The last is informational meaning. Feedback might consist
of knowledge that students can be used to increase their ability to revise
their assignments. Therefore, the feedback includes motivation,
reinforcement, and knowledge to encourage students.
It described on Gibbs and Simpson (2004, cited in Gielen et al.,
2010) feedback can increase student's performance, feedback should be
detail and specific, objectives, it means that feedback is focused on students

process, not the characteristic of students, and the time of giving feedback.
The feedback is based on the assignment's goal, and the feedback is to
describe the student's learning concept and knowledge (Gielen et al., 2010).
Therefore, feedback consists of the comment or suggestion for the students,
which is detail, specific, and objective about the student's performance and
based on the assignment's goal.
Moreover, feedback is a part of the assessment. It is supported by
Clark (2011, cited in Evans, 2013) that assessment is a measurement of
student achievement in the learning process. Scriven (cited in Lee, 2007)
said that assessment could be classified into two types, according to the
timelines of giving assessment, there are formative and summative
assessment. Formative assessment is conducted during the learning process.
Scriven (cited in Lee, 2007) supported that formative feedback is conducted
during the learning process; it measures student's performances. Formative
assessment includes the progress of student's performance (Yorke, 2003).
Formative assessment also consists of the information about the strengths
and the student's weaknesses about their ability in their assignment, so,
students can improve and realize it through the assessment (Icy Lee, 2007a).
Then, summative assessment is usually conducted at the end of the learning
process, Scriven (cited in Lee, 2007).
So, based on the explanation above, feedback is a crucial aspect of
the writing process. Feedback includes the comment or suggestion, error
correction to support students in improving their ability, especially writing.
Moreover, feedback is a part of the assessment. Based on the timelines of
giving feedback, the feedback can be given during the learning process or
at the end of the learning process, and it called formative and summative

2. Function of Feedback

Feedback is an essential and important aspect of the learning

process, especially in writing. It is supported by Hyland and Hyland (2006)
feedback is essential to develop writing skills, both for learning and student
motivation. Hyland and Hyland (2006) said in the process of feedback,
feedback is also important as a student's tool to have multiple drafts or
resources to develop their self-expression. The students have other
references to show their opinion through feedback. Hyland and Hyland
(2006) is also stated the function of feedback in general; feedback is an
important element of scaffolding that teachers provide to build learning
confidence and resource to students. Therefore students can participate in
target communities.
In Underwood and Tregidgo (2006), the function of feedback is
divided into the directive and facilitative functions. The directive feedback
is the comment or suggestion that teacher gives to students directly the
correction of their assignments or their works. Then, the facilitative
feedback is the comment or suggestion by the teacher who guides students
to correct their works independently; the feedback can be a question to
guide the students. Additionally, Ransdsell (Cited in Underwood &
Tregidgo, 2006) said that students prefer to combine both types of
comments. One of the students choosing the directive comment said that
directive comments are constructive to know the wrong part in their works.
The directive comment is more specific than facilitative feedback. Students
said that facilitative comment is also helpful because they can elaborate
their works based on the teacher's comments. Hence, the combination of
directive and facilitative comments can be used in student's work according
to their needs in their works or assignment.

It can be concluded; feedback is an important element to help

students get multiple resources to increase their ability to show their
opinion, elaborate their ideas, and increase the learning confidence in the
classroom's learning process.

3. Feedback in Writing
a. Teacher's Feedback in Writing Activity

Writing is a macro skill that is considered to be the most

challenging skill, according to students. We can see from these data by
Casanave and Hubbard (cited in Bitchener & Basturkmen, 2006) shows
that 85 supervisors from 28 departments at Stanford University said that
L2 doctoral thesis students have a problem in writing, especially in
produce sentences, such as grammatical rules, vocabulary, spelling and
also punctuation. The error of writing is also found in making a
sentence. Bitchener and Basturkmen (2006) confirm that writing
difficulties are also found in the forms and structure. To solving those
difficulties of writing, feedback can be a medium to evaluate the
student's difficulties. Tehrani (2018) supported that feedback plays a
vital role in evaluating and improving student's writing.
According to Sadler (2010, cited in Tehrani, 2018), feedback
does not only show the correct or the wrong progress of students. The
feedback is giving the elaboration of the student's idea and discuss
together. Students can revise their assignments and get suggestions from
their teacher or facilitator. One of the important steps in learning writing
is to consult the assignment or discuss with the teacher or facilitator.
Therefore, feedback is the facilitation which student can use to evaluate
their mistakes and discuss them with the teacher or the facilitation.

Feedback can be given during the writing process or at the end

of the writing activity. According to Frus (1999), feedback in the
student's writing product is like a form of the paragraph at the end of the
writing assignment or notes in the email. Teachers are giving feedback
to student's assignments to help students to improve the ideas,
organization of their writing assignments.
There is a study from Underwood and Tregidgo (2006) when
teachers want to improve student's writing ability through feedback.
They must give effective feedback by giving the feedback depending on
the requirement of its writing quality. Additionally, students prefer to
get comments or suggestions precisely than teachers are grading their
work generally. Comment as feedback is not enough for students.
According to Cy Knoblauch and Lil Brannon (cited in Frus, 1999), the
dialogue between teacher and students is very important to clarify the
teacher's feedback. Therefore, if the students did not understand the
comment, they can ask the teacher directly, and students can apply the
feedback or the suggestion to their assignment.
There are some suggestions for responding to student's
assignments, (Frus, 1999). As an instructor or a teacher, before the class,
we need to explain the criteria of good writing or how we are grading
the assignments. Then, teachers or instructors can give the same
assignments to the students with the same topic, and then teachers
accompany students during the assignment; teachers can give feedback
at the end of the first assignment.
In the next meeting, teachers can give the same assignments
again and give feedback. The same assignments are beneficial to
students to make students practice to develop more ideas about the
topic, and they can construct good assignments by every comment
which teachers give in every assignment. Next, the teacher must give

clear comments or suggestions to the student's assignments. Then,

teachers must give the students the opportunity to clarify the topic in
their works, and the teachers only guide the students to solve their
writing problems.
During the feedback, teachers can give students some
instructions; the dialogue between teacher and students is also important
to build effective feedback. Next, when the teachers find the student's
assignment's mistake, teachers can explain the error to the entire class;
therefore, other students did not make the same mistake in their
assignments. Last, teachers can give an opportunity for students to get
feedback from other students, it is called pair responses, or teachers can
ask students to do a self-evaluation of their task.

b. Peer Feedback

Feedback given by the other student is called peer feedback

(Cahyono & Amrina, 2016). Farrah (2012, cited in Kuyyogsuy, 2019)
stated that peer feedback is one way to engage students in the process
to show their ideas, give and accept constructive feedback to enhance
their writing skills. Additionally, Rollinson (2005, cited in Kuyyogsuy,
2019) said that peer feedback is a long-term process. Students must read
a lot of drafts and cooperate with others to get the comment or
suggestion about the writing assignment; it can be written or oral.
Then, peer feedback is one of the feedback which is giving
students the opportunity to show their opinion about the peer's
assignment or work; students can learn and comprehend other's drafts.
It is supported in Chaudron (cited in Zhang, 1995) that peer feedback
can make students learn about their mistakes by reading other's drafts.

Furthermore, Chaudron (cited in Zhang, 1995) also shows his

opinion about the benefit of peer feedback. Peer feedback is the
facilitation for students to get more opinions and resource for their
assignments from the students at the same level. Students can get
informative correction not only from their teachers, but they also can
learn their mistakes from other's assignment first, and then they can
clarify to their teacher. Ramírez Balderas and Guillén Cuamatzi (2018)
are also showing the benefit of peer feedback. By comparing
assignments between students, students can enlarge their knowledge
and make students practice to think deeper and comprehend the writing
process and the use of language in different ways.
Moreover, peer feedback is the social activity that stimulates
students in the writing activity because peer feedback involves students'
learning motivation and increases their communication in the class with
their peers, Koka and Hein (cited in Kuyyogsuy, 2019). This type of
feedback also helps students open-eyed on their strengths and
weaknesses, Tsui and Ng (2000, cited in Kuyyogsuy, 2019).

c. Self-Feedback

In Indonesia, the teacher faced 40 students in an EFL classroom

is a prevalent situation (Akmilia et al., 2017). Furthermore, if the teacher
is faced with this situation in writing class, the process of giving
feedback is not optimal. According to Susanti (2013, cited in Akmilia
et al., 2017), teacher feedback is very common feedback that is used in
Indonesia. However, with this condition, we cannot always rely on the
teacher's feedback. Self- feedback is one of the solutions to solve this

Self-feedback is developed from the students themselves,

Lamberg (1980, cited in Akmilia et al., 2017). According to Bitchener,
Young, and Cameron (2005, cited in Ramírez Balderas & Guillén
Cuamatzi, 2018), self-feedback is like indirect feedback; teachers give
an option that permits students to recognize their mistakes and to correct
them by themselves. Self-feedback is also developing a student's critical
awareness about their mistakes in their writing assignment. Students are
not only recognizing their mistakes and their error, but they must correct
them (Ramírez Balderas & Guillén Cuamatzi, 2018).
Self-feedback pushes students to be more aware of their errors,
especially in writing assignments. It is supported with a positive finding
of self-feedback; self-feedback is more powerful than teacher feedback
and students. Self-feedback is improving good behavior toward error
correction and activating metacognitive discussion in the classroom,
helping students learn about their mistakes (Ramírez Balderas &
Guillén Cuamatzi, 2018). Another finding comes from Fahmi and
Rahimi (2005, cited in Ramírez Balderas & Guillén Cuamatzi, 2018)
that self-feedback makes students intend and correct their assignment to
show their progress in writing.
It can be concluded that self-feedback gives students the
opportunity to reflect on their mistakes or error, especially in writing

4. Focus of Feedback

As we know, feedback is one of the essential tools to help students

to improve their skills, especially in writing skills. Based on Hubais et al.
(2014), the focus of feedback can be form or content, which helps students
get a better improvement in their result. Additionally, giving form and
content feedback to students in the EFL classroom is very common (Hubais
et al., 2014).
The first one is a form of feedback. Ashwell (2000) explains that
form feedback is feedback which is containing the correction about the
grammatical error. Ferris (2006, cited in Hubais et al., 2014) is also said that
form feedback is more focused on grammar.
And then, content feedback. Content feedback is more focused on
the cohesion of the paragraph, the idea's organization, and the correlation
of the idea in the text (Hubais et al., 2014). This definition also supported
by Ashwell (2000), content feedback contains the comment of the student's
assignment, which focuses on the content of the idea, the organization, and
the paragraph's coherence.

5. Kinds of Feedback

In general, feedback is classified into two major classifications, oral

and written feedback. It is stated in Küçükali (2017) that feedback can be
conducted by a group or individual, and the feedback is classified into oral,
and written, or visual feedback. Additionally, I Lee (2003) said that
teachers could also provide feedback with direct and indirect feedback.

a. Written Feedback and Oral Feedback

Based on Grabe and Kaplan (2014 cited in Küçükali, 2017),

written feedback is explained as the response to student's performances
or student's assignments through writing comments or suggestions; it
can contain the student's strengths and weaknesses performance.
According to Mack (2009, cited in Agbayahoun, 2016) points of view,
teacher-written feedback is also defined as suggestions, questions, and
corrections toward student's assignments.
The teacher's feedback plays a central role in writing class
Hyland and Hyland (2006); it is supported on K. Hyland (2003 cited in
Hyland & Hyland, 2006) because they should write or show the
comment on the paper to provide the student's effort and student's
performance. And then, the process of written feedback is continuing;
the written feedback cannot be given once, Ravichandran (2002 cited in
Razali & Jupri, 2014). It is better for teachers to provide feedback during
the writing process to control the improvement of a student's writing
Moreover, there are some types of written feedback. According
to Agbayahoun (2016) views, the first is feedback, which is focused on
the form of the student's assignments, focused on the grammar. Then
the feedback is focused on the content of the student's assignments,

focused on the idea and the construction of the idea or the way the
students deliver the idea into the written form. The last is the
combination between the grammar and the construction of the idea.
Therefore, written feedback is the feedback which is containing
suggestion, which is written directly in the student's assignment. It can
be questions or corrections to a student's sentence that focuses on
grammar, construction of the idea, or both of them, and it is also
according to the goal of the assignment. Thus, the students can know
the incorrect area in their assignment and use the feedback to revise their
assignment and improve the weaknesses area according to the teacher's
written feedback.
On the other hand, Brookhart (2008, cited in Ashrafi &
Foozunfar, 2018) defined that oral feedback is feedback from a teacher,
which includes the interaction between students and teachers. Sultana
(2015) also added that in the oral feedback teachers use some dialogue
activity to make feedback more effective. In this type, the teachers are
correcting student's errors by oral; it can be an individual or group of
students. Bayraktar (2012 cited in Fitriani et al., 2016) adds that direct
communication between teachers and students in the class helps the
student confirm the teacher's feedback, and the interaction process
between teacher and students can engage student's critical thinking. But
the schedule must be well-prepared.
Reid (2006, cited in Fitriani et al., 2016) shows the benefit of
the teachers-students interaction in the classroom. Students are more
understanding by listening to the feedback than the lecture read the
feedback on his paper; if students do not understand the teacher's
feedback, they can directly ask and confirm to the teacher at that time.
The teachers can also analyze the student's comprehension. The teachers

can also indicate the student's error individually and focus more; it helps
students know more about their weaknesses.

b. Direct Feedback and Indirect Feedback

Direct feedback is one of the methods that teachers do the

correction on the student's assignment. The teacher directly shows and
revises the student's assignment by providing the correct answer (Kang
& Han, 2015). Ferris (2006, cited in Nematzadeh & Siahpoosh, 2017)
also argued that direct feedback is a strategy of giving feedback to help
students revise their errors with directly correct information. Wilson
and Czik (2016) also argue that direct feedback is the teacher's feedback
that makes a proper correction and shows directly to students, and
students must be revised.
The students can directly identify their errors and also revise the
incorrect area with the teacher's guidance. This feedback is also
appropriate to the beginner students because the teacher is directly
shows the correct answer on the student’s assignments (Icy Lee, 2008).
Elis (2009, cited in Kang & Han, 2015) adds students at the beginner
level still need the teacher's instructions to relate words or language in
Direct feedback is useful to correct student's errors in grammar.
It is supported by Ellis et al. (2008, cited in Kang & Han, 2015) that
direct feedback has a good impact on student's grammar performances.
Direct feedback, the teachers use the symbol or circle the error and
comment, which includes the correct answer, so students only follow
the correct answer.
On the other hand, I Lee (2003) defined that indirect feedback is
how teachers provide feedback without the detailed, correct answer.

Wilson and Czik (2016) adds that teachers accompany students to build
their analysis and concept in their assignment. Because in indirect
feedback, teachers only locate the error or give students questions to
analyze their errors independently.
In the indirect feedback, the teacher only indicates the error by
highlighting the error, and the students have the opportunity to analyze
and revise the error. Indirect feedback is good for students. They can be
more active to reflect their own error and analyze the error by teacher's
clues. Indirect feedback is suitable for students who have higher writing
ability, or the students are on an advanced level of writing, based on
Ellis (2009, cited in Kang & Han, 2015).
Based on Shute (2008, cited in Wilson & Czik, 2016), indirect
feedback consists of examination and comprehensive. Examine means
that teachers ask to students and make a clarification about what they
write in the assignment. And then comprehensive means, it constructed
to deliver the idea, opinion, but teachers do not directly show to
Based on the explanation above, direct feedback is explicit
feedback that the teacher gives to students with the correct form. The
teacher directly gives the proper answer to the incorrect student's
assignment. However, indirect feedback is implicit feedback that the
teacher gives to students without the correct form. In this type of
feedback, the teacher gives students the opportunity to analyze their
Moreover, differences between direct and indirect feedback are
shown in the table below. The table is adapted from (I Lee, 2003).

Table 2.1
Direct and Indirect Feedback
No. Type of Feedback Explanation Example
1. Direct Feedback Show and give the She is read reading
correct answer
2. Indirect feedback Show the error She is read
(show directly the Show the error and She is read Verb Form
error) classified the error
3. Indirect feedback Show the error
(General comment) indirectly, by
highlighting the wrong
sentences, giving
general comment.

6. Providing an Effective Feedback

Based on Al-Bashir et al. (2016), there are some ways to give

effective feedback to students. First, the students must know the goal
of the learning; the teachers must make the students feel that students
need the subject learning. It makes students more motivated to reach the
goal of the subject focus. The students will develop a self-assessment
process to correct their tasks or projects.
Second, the teacher must give the students the opportunity to
self-assessment their task; therefore, the students can learn and reflect
on their mistakes first; after that, the teachers make it clear.
Third, the teacher must give them adequate information to
students because the teacher is the first source for students to provide
them with comments or suggestions. Then the teacher is more careful to
detect the student's mistakes than students. As a result, useful
information or quality information is very important in ensuring student
Fourth, the teacher is allowing students to show their opinion.
Students get written feedback from the teacher; the teacher can give the
student an opportunity to have a discussion. The discussion is to clarify
the information that students get; it can be understandable or not for
Fifth, the teacher can give good and inspiring motivation for
students. Sixth, provide extra assignments to evaluate the understanding
of students according to the teacher's feedback. Next, effective feedback
also includes important information to develop the teacher's method of
teaching. And then, while the teacher is giving feedback, it must use
positive feedback, it is the elaboration to give students motivation
during the writing class. Last, the teacher must choose the right moment

to give feedback. The teacher can give a variety of ways for giving
feedback; it can by online (email, video, or audio).
Therefore, there are eight ways to provide effective feedback to
students. The teacher can follow the way to make the feedback more
effective in the writing activity.

D. Previous Related Study

Some related studies will be used as references to help the researcher
conducts this study. The first related study has been conducted at Jambi
University by Dwi Anggraini, entitled "Student Perspective Toward Teacher's
Written Corrective Feedback on Student's Writing in Paragraph Writing Class".
In this research (Aggraini, 2018, p.16), the student felt that written corrective
Feedback was beneficial to them, especially about the error of their grammar.
The student could be aware of their mistake towards the teacher's written
Second, the related study has been conducted by Ayu Sekar Wulandari
and entitled "An Analysis of Teacher's Corrective Feedback in Writing Skills at
Eight Grade Students of MTsN Sumberlawang in Academic Year 2016/2017".
In this research, Wulandari (2017, p.121) states that the teacher gives students
indirect feedback, the teacher asks students to find the correct form.
Third, the related study has been conducted by Muhammad Jauhari Sofi,
entitled "Study on Teacher Ways in The Class of Writing at the 3rd Semester
Students of English Departement of IAIN Walisongo in The Academic Year of
2010/2011." According to the research (Sofi, 2011, p.48), teachers are focusing
the feedback on both content and form, and the teacher gave the feedback at the
end of the writing class; teachers gave the feedback after the students collect their
writing product. Indirect and direct feedback is the method which is the teacher
used in the writing class.

Fourth, a related study has been conducted by Md. Nabinur Rahman,

entitled "Incorporating Different Forms of Feedback in Teaching Writing: An
Insight into a Real Classroom." According to Rahman (2017), the research used
personal experience when he conducted the writing class. The type of feedback
in this research is error correction, written comment, etc. The feedback
combination is very useful for students if the feedback can provide a detailed,
specific, and clear comment to the student's assignment.
Based on four related studies above, feedback can help students,
especially in writing skills. There is a novelty from this research, and it is crucial.
From the previous research, many researchers investigate the use of feedback to
improve student's writing skills, and the result said that feedback could improve
the student's ability. However, there is no study showing the reasons why
feedback has an important role in writing. Then, in this research, the writer also
describes the type of feedback of teacher used and the way teachers provide the
feedback in the writing class based on the goal in each level of writing.


A. Research Design

This research is conducted with qualitative research and focused on

qualitative descriptive approach. Based on Creswell (2011), qualitative
research is the best research methodology to explore the researcher's variable
in this research. Nassaji (2015) supported that the qualitative method is a
popular method used to conduct his research. Another definition, Miles,
Matthew B and Huberman (1994) defined that qualitative research is the
everlasting research conducted in the field of the life situation. The life situation
is relatable with the everyday life of individual, groups, and communities.
Qualitative methodology is suitable for this research the aims of the
qualitative methodology are proper with this research. The researcher wants to
find out the way the teacher gives feedback to students in the writing class. It
means that the researcher investigated the everyday learning situation or
phenomena about teaching and learning writing.
According to Lambert and Lambert (2013), qualitative descriptive is a
design that describes the real condition in the research location. It is also
supported in Nassaji (2015) that the goal of this method to describe the factual
phenomena. The descriptive of the event is based on a logical manner, with the
correct organization. Kim et al. (2017) continued that qualitative descriptive is
an appropriate approach to identify the detail of event experience and
phenomena; it is discovering who, what, and where the phenomena happen.
There are six features of qualitative descriptive (Kim et al., 2017); The
first is qualitative descriptive shows the realistic perspective about the
phenomena, based on Sanderlowski (2000, cited in Kim et al., 2017). Second,


the qualitative descriptive uses less theory-driven than other qualitative

approaches. Third, the qualitative descriptive uses individual or focus groups to
collect data, and then its approach uses structured or semi-structured interviews.
Forth, the researchers commonly use purposeful sampling. Fifth, the
researchers analyze the data with content analysis. The last, the researcher
presents the findings or results with the descriptive summaries of the findings,
based on Neergaard et al., (2009, cited in Kim et al., 2017).

B. Research Place and Participant

The research primarily investigated the common phenomena that occur

in the language class. This research is conducted to investigate how the teacher
provides feedback in writing class. To complete the data, the writer collected
data in the English Education Department at one of Jakarta's state universities.
The English Education Department in this university has an excellent
accreditation. Both of the English Education Department and the university get
an A as a score of accreditation.
Other reasons, because the topic of this research is prevalent and
common issues at the university level. The researcher has a high possibility of
gaining more in-depth and detail information about the phenomena that the
researcher needs. This research started from August to September of the
academic year 2019/2020.
In this research, the writer chose writing lecture as the target population
of English Education Department. The writer is used purposeful sampling as
the technique to collect the data. Based on Creswell (2011), the researcher
selected individuals who have rich information or understand the research topic.
The researcher used this type of sampling to get more detailed information and
understanding of the phenomena.

For the lecturer, the researcher asks for help from the three writing
lecturers of the English Education Department. The researcher asked lecturer
how they provided feedback in the writing class. Then, the researcher also
collects the lecture's feedback document to complete the research data and
support the interview data.

C. Research Instrument

Based on Lambert and Lambert (2013), data collection of qualitative

descriptive is focused on the events in the research location. The researcher
conducted the research using two sources of data interviews and documents.

1. Interview

The interview is a familiar instrument that the researcher used to

conduct the qualitative research Creswell (2011). Based on Creswell
(2011), a qualitative interview is an activity by giving questions to the
participant in general, with open-ended questions. The researcher record
the answer or the information that the participant mentioned. Adhabi
and Anozie (2017) mentioned that interview is an interactive process
where someone asks some questions to get specific information about
the phenomena or based on the subject's point of view. The interview
attained more in-depth and detailed information about the teacher's
perspective about feedback and how teachers provide feedback in
writing class.
Based on Edward and Holland (2013, cited in Adhabi & Anozie,
2017), the interview is classified into three common types; structured
interview, semi-structured interview and unstructured interview.
The structured interview is a formal interview. Based on
Stuckey (2013, cited in Adhabi & Anozie, 2017) said that the

interviewer has the full power of control over the interviewee, the
interviewee has a less opportunity to be flexible in this interview. The
types of question-answer are short and have a direct answer (Adhabi &
Anozie, 2017). Some scholars suggest that a structured interview is
more appropriate with quantitative data because of the short and direct
Unlike structured interviews, based on Stuckey (2013, cited in
Adhabi & Anozie, 2017) , his definitions that this type of interview is
also same with a structured interview, an interview needs preparations
from the interviewer an outline, and questions to the topic. The response
of the research question depends on the interviewee. The interviewee
has an opportunity to show up their opinion. Based on DiCicco-Bloom
and Creabtree (2006, cited in Adhabi & Anozie, 2017), the semi-
structured interview helps the researcher to gain the qualitative data,
because the interviewer can explore much information through in-depth
interview. The interview can be conducted by individual or groups, and
in this research, the researcher decided to conduct an individual
interview with the qualified participants.
The last is the unstructured interview. Based on Stuckey (2012,
cited in Adhabi & Anozie, 2017), the unstructured interview needs to
be interpreted as a narrative interview. One of the unstructured
interview types is that the researcher does not prepare the questions. The
unstructured interview concerns social issues, and the researcher has to
become a member of the research topic. The interviewer asks the
interviewee some questions and takes notes.
The researcher chose the semi-structured interview as the type
of interview because the researcher had prepared the interview
questions. The interview conducted to get more in-depth information
about the phenomena that the research wants to know. To get deeper and

detailed information, the researcher must allow the interviewee to show

their opinions and experiences. Based on the aim of this research, the
semi-structured interview is suitable for this research.

2. Documents

The second instrument was the documents. Based on Creswell

(2011), documents will show a good source for data in this research. It
consists of public and private records about the participant. It can be a
newspaper, personal journals, letters, and meeting schedules. This
document provided information that helps the researcher to analyze the
phenomena in the research fields.
The document resources came from the lecturer. The researcher
collected some of the students writing assignments which consists
teacher's feedback on the assignment. The documents supported the
lecturer's claims in the interview. The documents also helped the
researcher to identify the type of feedback that the lecturers used in the
writing class. So, the combination of interview and documents
completed both of them.

D. Research Procedure

The research procedure started with the interview. Before the interview,
the researcher chose the qualified person on writing, because this research
focused on the writing. The interviewee was three lecturers who teach writing
in the English department. They had different experiences in teaching writing
and thought different writing level. The lecturer 1 had six years of experience,
lecturer 2 had one year of experience, and lecturer 3 had nine years of teaching

writing experience. From the interviewee, the researcher expected to get deeper
information about how they provide feedback in their writing class.
Because of the situation, the interview conducted by online, before the
interview, the researcher prepared the interview instrument. The instrument of
the interview consisted of eight questions; the questions were relatable with the
research topic. After preparing the interview instrument, the researcher
contacted lecturers to make a deal to do the interview. The researcher allowed
lecturer to choose the media for the interview and shared the instrument of the
interview. So, the lecturers learned the interview's question.
The lecturer 1 used zoom application for an interview; the interview
conducted on Wednesday, 2nd of September 2020. The lecturer 2 was more
confident to interview by Whatsapp application. The interview conducted on
Wednesday, 9th of September 2020, and the lecturer 3 chose google meet for
the interview. The lecture 3 used google meet because that media was easy to
access, and the lecture used the application while thought writing in the class.
In every interview situation, the researcher also prepared hand-phone to record
the lecturer's answer. The researcher and the lecturers needed roughly 30
minutes to finish the interview.
After the interview, the researcher collected the documents from the
three lectures. The documents consisted of the student's writing assignments
completed with the correction or feedback from the lecturers. Every lecturer
gave different documents because of they teach different writing level. The
lecturer 1 gave three documents; every text had a different topic. The
documents included lecturer's feedback. Every document had comment and
suggestion. The lecturer 3 also showed three student's assignments that
including the lecturer's comment and suggestion. There was a different
document from the lecturer 2. The lecturer 2 gave more than three documents.
It consisted of student's assignments and a list of code. The list of codes was
useful to guide students to revise their assignments.

The last was fixing the lecturer's answer and the document. The
researcher heard the lecturer's answer from the recording and wrote the answer
on the table based on the question. On the documents, the researcher checked
the documents. There were unclear documents; it meant the researcher
highlighted with different colors to show student's errors. It was very useful for
detailing the lecture's correction in the documents and made the documents
more detailed and clear.

E. Data Analysis

Based on Kawulich (2015), data analysis reduces the data to make sense
of them. Patton (cited in Kawulich, 2015) added three things that happen in
analysis; organizing data, reducing data, and linking the data. The researcher
conducted the data analysis based on Milles et al. (2014) with these stages: data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data Condensation

Based on Milles et al. (2014), data condensation means selecting

and focusing the data that the researcher collected before. The researcher
collected data by instrument and document, so the researcher is filtering
and selecting data from the interview transcript and document. The
researcher only uses the relatable data of the research question.
Therefore, data condensation is filtering unnecessary data from
the interview and document. By classifying the data, the data can be
presented more straightforward and clear. The interview was
transcribed, and the researcher showed some of the participant's answers
to answering the research questions. The document has been analyzed
and classified based on the research the researcher needs. The
documents are also important in confirming the lecturer's interview.

2. Data Display

The data display or data presentation is organizing the data. The

form of data display can be an essay, charts, and also mapping types.
The most data display in qualitative method has been a text (Milles et
al., 2014). By presenting the data, the researcher easily analyzes the
data. The result of documents have been shown descriptively, and then
the researcher has done transcribed and narrated the lecturer's answer
based on the interview. The result of the documents confirmed and
validated the lecturer's answer in the interview.
In the data display, the researcher showed the research question.
The researcher picked the information from the lecturer's answers to
answering the research question. On the second research question, the
phenomena are explained descriptively from the document. The
researcher showed the document and described the phenomena based
on the document analysis.

3. Conclusions

The final step of data analysis is to conclude all the things in this
study. In this part, the researcher also verified the result of the data with
a unified theory. The researcher reduced the result of the data and
supported the result with a unified theory. In this stage, the researcher
also showed the previous research, which is suitable for this study. The
researcher verified the finding with the previous research. The
researcher can also compare the finding with other research. It can be
completed each other, and the finding is credible because the expert’s
theory supports the finding.



As explained in the previous chapter, the researcher chose the English

Education Department of Faculty of Educational Sciences at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta as the research resource. The instrument of the research is interview and
document. The writer chose three writing lecturers in English Education Department
as the participants of the interview. Furthermore, the participants asked through
interview guidelines. Moreover, the document is collected from those lecturers.
The researcher will answer the research question, which is stated in chapter 1.
The first question focuses on the teacher’s perspective about feedback in a writing
activity. The second question focuses on how teachers provide feedback on the writing
activity. The answer is below.

A. Research Findings
In determining this research, the researcher used some instruments to collect
the data. There are interviews and documents. This interview aims to find more
information about how lecturer’s perspective about feedback in writing and how
lecturers provide feedback in writing class. And then, documents supported the
lecturer’s feedback. The finding of the research answered two questions below,

1. What are the teacher’s perspectives about the feedback in the writing
Based on the lecturer’s answers, all lecturers said that feedback is
important, especially in writing skills. The result of their interview supports
the questions,

“Feedback tentunya sangat memegang peranan yang penting

dalam pengajaran writing…..”
(Feedback is currently an important aspect in teaching and
learning writing…..) –Lecturer 1-

“Hal itu penting di dalam pengajaran kemampuan menulis

karena melalui feedback guru tersebut…”
(Giving feedback on students’ works is necessary in English
teaching and learning…) –Lecturer 2-
“……Jadi itu sebagai pengingat mereka, bahwa kemampuan
mereka untuk menulis itu belum sesuai dengan standar
penulisan. Maka dari itu, diberikanlah feedback, itu adalah hal
wajib yang harus diberikan seorang guru…”
(Feedback is a reminder to students to develop their ability in
writing. Their written text must follow the writing requirement.
Giving feedback is necessary…...) -- Lecturer 3-

Lecturers also explained the reason why feedback is important to

students, especially in writing. The feedback can be a media to reflect their
ability. Students can analyze their weaknesses and their strengths and also
improve their ability in writing. Moreover, the feedback is also a reminder
to students that students must revise their writing errors based on the
writing requirement. This reason is supported in the result of the interview,

“….Melalui feedback itu mahasiswa bisa lebih paham dan bisa

menganalisa bagaimana kelebihan-kelebihan mereka dan
bagaimana kekurangan-kekurangan mereka dalam writing…..”
(..With feedback, students can more understand to analyze their
strength and weaknesses in their writing ability...)

“…karena melalui feedback guru tersebut, siswa dapat

mengembangkan kemampuan menulisnya…”
(….Because from the teacher’s feedback, students can improve
their writing ability..)

“….Jadi itu sebagai pengingat mereka, bahwa kemampuan

mereka untuk menulis itu belum sesuai dengan standar
penulisan. Maka dari itu, diberikanlah feedback..”

(Feedback is a reminder to students to develop their ability in

writing. Their written text must follow the writing

However, in feedback, lecturers are not only analyzing the

weaknesses of the student’s writing ability, but the lecturers are also
necessary to analyze the strength part of the student’s writing ability in
feedback. It is beneficial to motivate the students to improve and develop
their writing ability, and also the positive comment can increase their
motivation to do better. One of the respondents is supported this statement,

“…..Namun satu hal yang perlu digaris bawahi, bahwa

memberikan feedback itu bukanlah hanya kemampuan dosen
untuk mampu menganalisa kelemahan tetapi juga harus bisa
menganalisa kekuatan, sehingga dengan feedback yang
diberikan mahasiswa itu tau dimana kekuatan mereka, sehingga
mereka bisa mempertahankan dan bahkan

(…There is an important thing that must be underlined, feedback

does not only consists the student’s weaknesses, but the teacher
must be able to analyze the strength of the students so that they
can maintain and also improve their ability.…)

The lecturer’s document supports the statement above. In the

document, lecturer 1 complete the feedback with the comment that show
the strength of the students. From the document, the lecturer used “A nice
example” and “a good conclusion” to express the strength of the students.

Figure 4.1
The Feedback Document of Lecturer 1

For example, they can reduce the bottle plastic. Therefore, many
programs from them can be a smart solution to make a good
environment. [A nice example]”

In conclusion, I believe that my discussion has allowed me to favor the

regulation can [regulation that can] give benefit to fix the problem, a
new invention can give benefit [benefits] impact and socialization [the
socialization] also give [gives] the solution. [A good conclusion, but
you lose some control over grammar here]”

2. How do teachers provide feedback in writing activity?

According to the lecturer's answers, overall, they provide feedback
with a combination of oral and written feedback based on the class's
condition. Moreover, the researcher also asked more in-depth about how
teachers provided their feedback to students, and teachers said that they use
mostly direct feedback, but sometimes they even use indirect feedback.

“…..Jadi memang di combine antara written dan oral feedback.

Jadi memang harus ada kombinasi antara written dan oral..”
(I use a combination between written and oral feedback…..)

“….Lebih banyak feedback tertulis, dan terkadang oral

(Mostly written feedback and oral feedback only

“..Bila pertemuan tatap muka langsung, saya secara oral

langsung memberi tahu mana saja yang salah…”
(..If the class is conducted offline, I give oral feedback to
students, I show the incorrect statement…)

a. Written and Oral Feedback

Based on the lecturer 1, lecture uses the combination of written
and oral feedback; this statement is suitable with,

“…..Jadi memang di combine antara written dan oral feedback.

Jadi memang harus ada kombinasi antara written dan oral..”
(I use a combination of written and oral feedback…..)

Moreover, because of this situation, writing activity is

conducted online. Students collect assignments by google classroom.
The lecturer then gives the written feedback one by one in the student’s
assignment, and students access the document from google classroom.
If there is no time, the lecturer picks one or two general errors or the
most mistakes students made in the student’s assignment and shows
them on the screen through a zoom application. This explanation
supported by the result of the interview,

“Karena sekarang sistemnya adalah daring, jadi tentunya

teknisnya sedikit berbeda, jadi bisanya mahasiswa
mengumpulkan tugas melalui goggle classroom, ini biasanya
saya berikan feedback secara keseluruhan, semua mahasiswa
mendapatkan feedback. Tapi tergantung juga dengan
ketersediaan waktu saya. Karena mengoreksi writing adalah
pekerjaan yang membutuhkan waktu yang sangat banyak.
Ketika nanti mulai ada pertemuan kelas, seperti biasa saya akan
ambil contoh satu atau dua display melalui share screen lalu
kemudian kita bahas bersama. Secara umum strateginya masih

tetap sama, namun kita lakukan melalui online melalui fasilitas

share screen dari platform online, terutama zoom…”

(Now, teaching and learning are conducted online, so there is a

differences way. Students collect assignment by google
classroom, and I give general feedback to the students, every
student gets feedback. But it depends on my availability.
Because correcting writing assignment needs much time. When
we have a class meeting, I do the same thing, I pick one or two
examples, and I share on the screen, and then we discuss
together. In general, the strategy is the same, but we do the class
online via zoom meeting.)

The lecturer 1 also explained that the combination of written and

oral feedback was necessary. Oral feedback can complete written
feedback. Based on the result of the interview,

“…….Jadi memang di combine antara written dan oral

feedback. Jadi memang harus ada kombinasi antara written dan
oral, justru disatu sisi oral feedback pun sangat bagus. Karena
dia bisa menjelaskan dengan lebih lues, karena terkadang
mahasiswa juga complain terhadap feedback written yang
diberikan oleh dosen, karena terkadang tidak jelas ini
maksudnya apa. Jadi dosen kurang mengkomunikasikan apa
yang dimaksud dengan feedback nya tersebut…”

(..I use a combination of written and oral feedback. The

combination of both written and oral are good. Oral feedback is
good because oral feedback can be a media to confirm the
written feedback. Because sometimes students do not
understand the written feedback that the teacher gives to
students. The teacher lacks communication to deliver the focus
of feedback.)

“…….Nah ini justru adalah kesempatan yang baik sekali, ketika

diberikan feedback secara oral. Jadi bahasanya bisa lebih lues,
misalkan teacher hanya menulis coma slices di written
feedback. Itu kan bisa jadi mahasiswa belum paham mengenai
coma splices itu, nah melalui oral feeback ini bisa dijelaskan

apa yang dimaksud coma splices, contohnya bagaimana, lalu

bagaimana cara menghindarinya dan lain sebagainya…”

(Of course, it’s a good opportunity, when a teacher delivers

feedback with oral feedback, they can more comfortable to
deliver the focus of feedback, for example, in the student’s
assignments teacher wrote “comma splices” as a comment, if
students do not understand, the teacher can use oral feedback to
explain more about the comma splices, the example of the
comma splices, how to avoid them, etc. So, the combination of
them is good.)

From the answer and example, sometimes students do not

understand the teacher’s comments in their assignment. So, oral
feedback is useful to confirm the teacher’s correction of the student’s
assignment. And good communication is necessary to deliver feedback
to students.
Lecturer 3 is almost the same. Before this pandemic, writing
class is conducted offline, and the lecture gives oral feedback. It is
supported in,

“Bila pertemuan tatap muka langsung, saya secara oral

langsung memberi tahu mana saja yang salah….”
(…..If the class is conducted offline, I give oral feedback to
students, I show the incorrect statement….)

Moreover, the lecturer explained again after students presented

their assignments, the lecturer directly shows the error, and the students
must revise at that time.

“…..saya meminta mahasiswa untuk mengungkapkan kalimat

atau ide, lalu jika salah, saya langsung memperbaiki di depan
kelas, jadi semua mahasiswa dapat belajar dari hal tersebut,
dan tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama…”

(….I ask students to share their sentences and idea if, the
sentences and ideas are incorrect. I revise it directly in front of
the class. Therefore, all students can learn and do not do the
same thing …)

The lecturer also explained the online writing class. The writing
class is conducted online because of the pandemic. The lecturer chooses
google meet and google classroom as media for teaching and learning
writing. First, the lecturer has a discussion class with students in the
google meet, and then in every meeting, the students get an assignment,
and they collected through google classroom. The lecturer gives written
feedback one by one in the comment box after students collect the
assignment. It helps students to know about their mistakes. The
explanation supported in,

“…….Tapi ketika kondisi seperti ini, saya dan mahasiswa

sepakat memilih untuk menggunakan google meeting untuk
mengadakan pertemuan. Dan untuk tugas, saya menggunakan
google classroom, mahasiswa mengumpulkan tugas nya dan
saya memberikan written feedback di kolom komentar.”

(….But in this condition, my students and I choose google meet

to have a class. And for assignments, I use google classrooms,
collect the assignment, and give feedback in the comment box.)

It was different from lecturer 2; the lecturer said that the lecture
mostly uses written feedback in this pandemic. But occasionally, the
lecturer uses oral feedback. The explanation supported in,

“Lebih banyak feedback tertulis, dan terkadang oral feedback.

Untuk feedback tertulis, saya memberi tanda apa yang kurang
tepat pada tugas siswa tersebut, (direct or indirect) dan

meminta mereka untuk memperbaiki tugasnya. Untuk oral

feedback, saya memberikan tanda apa-apa saja yang kurang
tepat pada tugas mereka, dan membicarakannya di depan kelas,
jadi siswa akan lebih mengetahui apa yang salah dan
bagaimana cara memperbaiki hal tersebut.”

(Mostly written feedback, and oral feedback only occasionally.

For written feedback, I highlight what’s wrong or inaccurate in
students’ work (explicitly or implicitly) and ask them to revise
their work. For oral feedback, I highlight all kinds of errors or
inaccuracies and discuss them in front of the class so students
will be aware of what’s wrong or inaccurate and how to revise

For written feedback, the lecture highlights the student’s

assignment about their mistakes and asks them to revise it. Based on the
document, the lecturer gives the correction with code. Before the class,
the lecturer gives a list of codes as the student’s guidelines to revise their
assignment. So, students can know their errors from the list of the code.
For oral feedback, the lecturer uses this feedback to explain the mistakes
or the error which students do the most.

b. Direct and Indirect Feedback

This aspect is answered with interviews and documents which
the researcher got from the lecturer. From the interview with lecturer 1,

“Saya biasanya kombinasi, tetapi lebih banyak ke yang direct

feedback, saya langsung lakukan koreksi terhadap kesalahn-
kesalahan yang mereka lakukan. Jadi kombinasi saja, tapi
masih didominasi dengan direct feedback.”

(I usually combine them. I directly show the student’s errors and

correct them. I use the combination, but mostly I use direct

Lecturer 1 said that he used a combination of direct and indirect

feedback, but he used mostly direct feedback than indirect feedback
because direct feedback is more explicit than indirect feedback. He said
that he directly shows the student’s errors. Indirect feedback is very
useful to encourage student’s critical thinking, students learned to
analyze their error independently, but sometimes students do not
understand the implicit comment. It supported,

“Karena takutnya kalau saya memberikan indirect feedback

khawatirnya tidak jelas. Padahal sebenarnya indirect feedback
itu cukup bagus, artinya bisa me- encourage mahasiswa untuk
lebih berfikir kritis.”

(When in fact, indirect feedback is good, it can encourage

students to think more critically. Indirect feedback can stimulate
students to think more critically…)

The lecture statement is strengthened by these documents


Figure 4.2
The Feedback Document of Lecturer 1

Another opinion is that related [is related] to the regulation [to

regulation] like socialization. The citizen [citizens], especially
intellectual prople must be responsible for this situation. They share
their knowledge and make a community that really considers the
environment. They can work with other organizations to reduce the
factor of gGlobal wWarming. | For example, they can reduce the bottle
plastic. Therefore, many programs from them can be a smart solustion
to make a good environment. | [A nice example]

In conclusion, I believe that my discussion has allowed me to favor the

regulation can [regulation that can] give benefit to fix the problem, a
new invention can give benefit [benefits] impact and socialization [the
socialization] also give [gives] the solution. [A good conclusion, but
you lose some control over grammar here]

Based on the document above. The lecturer showed the incorrect

part with the red font and also gave highlight the correct one directly.
The correction included a correction about capitalization too. Therefore,
the type of feedback that the lecturer uses in the feedback is mostly
direct feedback.
Lecturer 2 also said that he used the type of feedback according
to the level of writing. The lecturer uses direct feedback in the first and
second writing levels because students still need clear direction about
what they must do to improve their writing ability, or they need to get
clear feedback to revise their errors in their assignment. In the third and

fourth levels of writing, the lecturer tries to provide feedback with

indirect feedback. The lecturer allows the students to think and to reflect
on their errors first in their writing assignment, and revise it. It is
supported with,

“Untuk level pemula, semester 1 atau 2 contohnya, saya lebih

memilih menggunakan explicit feedback, jadi sisswa memiliki
petunjuk yang jelas apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk
memperbaiki tulisan mereka.
Untuk level yang lebih tinggi, semester 3 atau 4, saya lebih
memilih implicit feedback, jadi siswa memiliki kesempatan
untuk memikirkan apa yang kurang tepat pada tugas pertama
mereka dan mengidentifikasi kesalahannya, kemudian

(For low level students, first or second semester students for

example, I prefer explicit corrective feedback, so students will
have a clear direction of what they need to do in improving their
writing. For higher level students, third or fourth semester
students for instance, I prefer implicit corrective feedback, so
students will have opportunities to reflect on what’s or
inaccurate in their work first and identify the errors, then revise
them accordingly.)

At this time, lecturer thought writing at a higher level. The

lecturer uses indirect feedback on the student’s assignment. Although
the feedback is given indirectly, the lecturer directly locates and shows
the error by code. The list of codes is a guideline for students to revise
their assignments. It is suitable with the document below,

Figure 4.3
The Feedback Document of Lecturer 2

Even human tastes are kind or weird, but people still do know when they are
[BDel] dislike things. They need something to help them when theyare
feeling blue or frustrating. It makes them to feeling [BIF] intense with it, and
makes them called [BIF] [RN] ‘favorite object’. The background reasons
sometimes seem silly and no [BBWN] make sense at all. But, we don’t [BFS]
have a right to judge, or even blame them. Beside, I have my own favorite
object too.

Overall Comments:
Quite a number of minor grammatical mistakes in your essay. Less sensory
description of the object you’re talking about throughout your essay.

Based on the document, the yellow highlight shows the wrong

word, and the red font shows the type of error. The students know their
error by the code that the lecturer gives to students before the class

Next, lecturer 3 said that she uses direct feedback when the writing
class is conducted offline. The students have the opportunity to share
their idea or the topic directly, and when the topic or idea is incorrect,
the lecturer revises it directly in the class. It is related to the lecturer’s

“Jadi saya itu kalau dalam pertemuan itu biasanya memberikan

feedback secara langsung, pada saat mereka mengungkapkan
kembali apa yang mereka tulis, atau mengungkapkan ide, ada
kesalahan dalam memproduksi kalimat, biasanya saya langsung
cut kalimat tersebut..”

(In the meeting class, I give feedback directly, when they show
the idea that they are written, if there is an incorrect statement,
I directly cut it…)

Then, the lecturer uses indirect feedback, too, especially when

the lecturer checks student’s assignment at home.

“Saya juga memakai indirect feedback secara tidak langsung,

ketika saya memeriksa tulisan mereka, saya bawa pulang dan
saya berikan indirect feedback. Jadi indirect feedback yang
dimaksud itu, saya menandai bagian yang salah, saya garis
bawahi, kemudian saya kasih catatan, terkadang saya juga
menulis secara umum, sebagai contoh,
“Kamu harus banyak belajar mengenai grammar”
“Menggunakan kosakata yang tepat”
“Kamu harus lebih menguasai tentang plural dan singular nya,
grammatical rule nya atau kamu harus menguasai tenses nya

(I also use indirect feedback, and I correct their assignment in

my home. Indirect feedback, in this case, means that I
highlighted the incorrect part, I underlined and I give a note, or
I write a general, for example,
“You should learn grammar more”
“Please, use the correct word”
“You should mastering plural and singular, and learn more
about tenses”)

The document is also supporting the indirect feedback which the

lecturer used. The lecturer gives a general comment at the end of the
assignment. The document is presented below,

Figure 4.4
The Feedback Document of Lecturer 3

Comment Feedback: You do not divide the details into parts. What do
you mean by context? You meant background?

Additionally, she said that when the class was conducted online,
she provided feedback one by one in the google classroom comment
column. Thus, after students collect the assignment in google
classroom, she gives the feedback directly. However, when the
feedback is still unclear, she uses goggle meeting to discuss the
feedback with all the students.

“…….Tapi ketika kondisi seperti ini, saya dan mahasiswa

sepakat memilih untuk menggunakan google meeting untuk
mengadakan pertemuan. Dan untuk tugas, saya menggunakan
google classroom, mahasiswa mengumpulkan tugas nya dan
saya memberikan written feedback di kolom komentar.”

(….But in this condition, my students and I choose google meet

to have a class. And for assignments, I use google classroom,
students collect the assignment and I give feedback in comment

B. Discussion

The research aims to know how teachers provide feedback in the class.
Every teacher has their idealist to choose an appropriate type of feedback, but the
way they deliver the feedback is also important. Because feedback is one of the
media to help students evaluate their ability, they can improve their ability with
Based on the finding that is presented above. Feedback is important and
also a crucial aspect of the learning process. Dignen (2014, cited in Klimova, 2015)
also said that feedback is essential for communication skills; by feedback, the
teachers can motivate students to continue learning and improve their
performances. Especially in writing, Keh (1990) argues that feedback is a crucial
aspect of writing. Feedback guides students to revise their assignment because
Brookhart (2008, cited in Küçükali, 2017) aid feedback consists of comments that
can help students revise their assignment. Based on Flower (1979, cited in Keh,
1990), the comment can guide students to broaden their idea and help students
reflect on their errors. The additional comment from the feedback can help students
get detailed information about their assignments, Narciss and Huth (2006, cited in
Gielen et al., 2010). Wahyuni (2017) also believes that feedback is important;
students can review and focus on the subject they learned before.
Mory (2003, cited in Gielen et al., 2010) showed the reason why feedback
can improve student's learning. The first is feedback can be used as an opportunity
to improve the reaction rate and/or precision. The second is that feedback can
affirm the correct answer in the student's assignments (focused on the correct
response). The third is feedback is information to students to validate and change
their incorrect responses in their assignments (focused on the incorrect response).
The last is feedback can help students to build their schemata in their learning

It is also important; feedback does not only consist of the comment of the
student's error. Based on Kulhavy and Wager (1993, cited in Nelson & Schunn,
2009) one of the feedback meanings is motivational meaning. Kulhavy and
Wager's opinions are suitable with Wahyuni (2017) that feedback must consist of
both weaknesses and strengths of student's abilities. It is suitable with the way
lecturer 1 provides the feedback; the lecturer adds a positive comment about the
strengths aspect in student's assignments. Klimova (2015) supported that teachers
should not only focus on the correction; it can make students have less confidence
through their assignments. Ravichandran (2002, cited in Razali & Jupri, 2014)
argued that students feel more interested in writing activities when their teachers
are more interested in their topic of writing rather than the language form. The
teachers start with a discussion about the student's topic by commenting on the
topic's positive side. If the topic or the language form is inappropriate or improper,
the teachers can correct or give suggestions for a better result. Therefore, feedback
consists of comments about the student's weaknesses and consists of a positive
statement to encourage students to improve their ability and maintain their
Then, the lecturers provide feedback according to the class and the
student's condition. One of the lectures mostly used written feedback in the writing
class. Written feedback can be a question, comment, code toward a student's
assignment, based on Mack (2009 cited Agbayahoun, 2016). In the feedback, the
teacher's role is important because the correction depends on the teacher's point of
view. Hyland and Hyland (2006) has the same argument that teachers play a central
role in the writing class. In the feedback, the teachers must make sure that students
understand the feedback (Razali & Jupri, 2014). Additionally, in writing feedback,
teachers directly write the comment or suggestion in the student's assignment.
On the other hand, other lecturers used mostly oral feedback in their writing
class. It is different from written feedback; oral feedback includes interaction
between teacher and students. Brookhart (2008, cited in Ashrafi & Foozunfar,

2018) also argue that there is an interaction between students and teacher in oral
feedback, and it can be conducted one by one or in a group. Sometimes, students
understand more by listening to the explanation of the teacher. Teachers must try
to communicate their written feedback to students (Razali & Jupri, 2014).
Bitchener et al. (2005, cited in Razali & Jupri, 2014) added that students could
improve their writing if teachers directly deliver the feedback frequently. When
the oral feedback is conducted, it is a perfect time for students to confirm the
misunderstanding about the teacher's feedback. Thus, students can be more aware
of their weaknesses in their writing.
Then, to provide feedback, one lecturer used direct feedback. The lecturer
showed the error directly and revised the error. Direct feedback is more precise
than indirect feedback. According to I Lee (2003), direct feedback is the feedback
that consists of the explicit revision and consists of the correct answer. The
teachers can add the sign-in incorrect part. Nematzadeh and Siahpoosh (2017)
supported that teachers located the error by circling or lining with a colored pen
and give a short comment as the correct answer in the student's assignments.
Chandler (2003, cited in Mahfoozifard & Mehdiabadi, 2016) reported from her
research that 31 students prefer to choose direct feedback from their teachers
because the feedback can help them to revise their assignment.
Other lecturers used indirect feedback, and they delivered differently.
Based on I Lee's table, the indirect feedback is divided into two types: the lectures
indicate the error, but they did not give the correct answer. The second one is that
the lectures only give a general comment on the student's assignments one of the
lectures used code to show student's errors, and other lectures only give general
comments at the end of the assignments. Lee (2004, cited in Mahfoozifard &
Mehdiabadi, 2016) supported that indirect feedback is when teachers provide a
symbol in student's assignments, but they do not give the correct forms.
Many experts believe that indirect feedback is more beneficial for
advanced students Chambers (2006, cited in Nematzadeh & Siahpoosh, 2017). By

practicing indirect feedback, students can practice learning how to solve their
problems independently, based on Lalande (1982, cited in Nematzadeh &
Siahpoosh, 2017). The use of direct and indirect feedback is also according to the
students' condition and the writing level's goal. In Chen (2018) studies, students
who study in the first-year English major are still confused about the error. Even
though the teachers have been pointed at the error. The problem can be a similarity
of the words because they have limited vocabulary or are still confused to
distinguish similar words. In this case, a symbol from teachers is not enough for
students, and the students still need the teacher's guidance to solve their problem
Furthermore, some researchers believe that the combination of oral and
written is good. In her research, Diab Rula (2015) that students more accept the
combination of oral and written feedback. Then Sofi (2011) also believe that the
combination of direct and indirect feedback is effective for students, students can
directly reach their errors through direct feedback, and indirect feedback is
encouraging students to learn how to analyze their errors and revise them. The
combination of oral and written, direct, and indirect feedback is completing with
each other. In writing, the teachers not only choose appropriate feedback, but they
must be able to appropriately provide the type of feedback according to the
condition of the class, students, and the goal of the writing level. Therefore,
students can use the feedback to revise their errors and improve their writing


A. Conclusion
Based on the data analysis, feedback is an important aspect of teaching
and language learning, especially writing. From the teacher's perspective,
feedback is an aspect that facilitates students to evaluate their assignments. It
consists of a teacher's analysis of the student's ability. With feedback, teachers
also help students to reflect on their weaknesses and improve them. However,
feedback does not only consist of the weaknesses of students. Teachers must be
able to analyze the strengths of the student's abilities. Therefore, feedback is
not only useful to evaluate the weaknesses of student's ability, but feedback is
also useful to motivate students to maintain their strength.
Then, lecturers provide feedback on different types of feedback.
Lecturers provide feedback with oral and written feedback. It is based on the
class's condition; when the class is conducted offline, lecturers provide oral
feedback mostly; they show the error which students did the most and explain
how to revise it. Students get written feedback from take-home assignments.
However, when the class is conducted online, lecturers mostly used written
feedback. Students collected their assignment in the email or some media, and
then the lecturers give them the feedback; it can be a general comment or direct
Moreover, lecturers also provided direct and indirect feedback on
student's assignments. Lecturers also provided indirect and direct feedback in
the class. Sometimes, Lecturers prefer to pick one or two errors from the
students and explain them in the class. Lecturers used direct feedback to the
student's assignment; one of them highlighted the error and gave the correct


answer. Then, the other lecturers gave general comments after the assignment
or in the comments box.

B. Suggestion

1. Lecturers are expected to provide feedback with a combination of

written feedback and oral feedback. The cross between them is
important because the combination of them is important to confirm each
other. If the written feedback is not clear, lectures can re-explain with
oral feedback. Then, written feedback is also important because students
have a note about their error. So, students have a note about their error.
Sometimes, if lectures only gave oral feedback, students forget about
the feedback.
2. Lecturers are expected to provide direct feedback to each student's
assignment. Therefore, students focus more on their error, feedback in
front of the class is also necessary, but students also need feedback
directly for themselves.
3. Lecturers are expected to guide students to do a self-feedback and peer
feedback. It will encourage students to learn and analyze their mistakes,
and also lectures prepare the feedback guideline before the students
conduct self and peer feedback.
4. A positive comment is also important for students. The positive
comment builds the motivation for students to improve their ability, and
they feel more confident about their performance.

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Appendix 1 : Writing Lecturer’s Semi-Structured Interview

Modified from Razia Sultana’s Thesis entitled “The Survey on Using Oral
Corrective Feedback in ESL Classroom in Bangladeshi Context”
Muhammad Jauhari’s Skripsi entitled “Study on Teacher’s Ways of Giving
Feedback in the Class of Writing at the 3rd Semeseter Students of English
Department of IAIN Walisongo in the Academic Year of 2010/2011”

Interview’s Guidelines
No. Questions
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)
5. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
6. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?

(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
7. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
9. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)
10. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)

Appendix 2 : Lecturer’s Feedback Documents

Lecturer 1
Writing Taks 1

|Global warming is a special [particular special] issue that has a big impact on people
aroun the world. Many people argue that to tackle that problem, they have to work
together with their government. The government must enact strict regulations about
recycling. | [Good opening sentences] | Undoubtedly, I strongly agree with the
statement, the upcoming paragraphs will shed light on my arguments pertinent to the
very conception. | [A clear thesis statement]

To begin with, recycle [recycling] at home is a small solution, and the government must
apply a great innovation in society. The discovery of scientists has a great impact on
benefiting human lives. In the other words, science and technology have changed
people’s lifestyles from the conventional way to be modern one. | For example,
alternative energy from a waste product. | [Complete the sentences] They can utilize it
and convert the plastic to be alternative energy. As a result, it is so useful for the citizens
to get a positive impact from the invention. | [A nice example]

Another opinion is that related [is related] to the regulation [to regulation] like
socialization. The citizen [citizens], especially intellectual prople must be responsible
for this situation. They share their knowledge and make a community that really
considers the environment. They can work with other organizations to reduce the factor
of gGlobal wWarming. | For example, they can reduce the bottle plastic. Therefore,
many programs from them can be a smart solustion to make a good environment. | [A
nice example]

In conclusion, I believe that my discussion has allowed me to favor the regulation can
[regulation that can] give benefit to fix the problem, a new invention can give benefit
[benefits] impact and socialization [the socialization] also give [gives] the solution. [A
good conclusion, but you lose some control over grammar here.

Writing Task 2

Lecturer 2
Favorite Object: My Cute Aromatherapy

Even human tastes are kind or weird, but people still do know when they are
[BDel] dislike things. They need something to help them when theyare feeling blue or
frustrating. It makes them to feeling [BIF] intense with it, and makes them called [BIF]
[RN] ‘favorite object’. The background reasons sometimes seem silly and no [BBWN]
make sense at all. But, we don’t [BFS] have a right to judge, or even blame them.
Beside, I have my own favorite object too.
That is my aromatherapy. Simple thing, but relaxing [AMS] to swipe away my
bad mood. The shpe is cute, long, and small. It makes me easy to bring it everywhere,
because I just can hang it on my bag, or even just hold in. moreover, its [BFS] not
shameful if people have to see me bring this cute thing.
My aromatheraphy is not just a display. Its [BFS] very useful and important to
me. I just have to sniff this thing when I think I need to relax. It just takes a minute for
me to back with nice-condition and extraordinary [BIPS]. Not just relaxing, I can feel
that I am in Eden. Its clear my disordered-mind [ACS]. Also, I can choose what aroma
that I want.
Its really frustrating when you can not relax. Meanwhile, head full of worried
is something bad. We can not do something with [Bdel] appropriate [BAF]. Your body
just want [BSVA] to sleep and forget anything, but you can not do that because you
have your own deadline. When I cry and overthink everything, this aromatherapy help
[BSVA] me to bring back to my line. It is always be [BDel] there for me to help a little
of those [BIPR] stress.
Even this thing is not valuable and I can buy it easily, but its very annoying if I
lost it [AIT]. We think we need something luxurious, but that’s not exactly right. For

me, have [PP1] a thing that always be [BBWF] there, [Bdel] and help me everywhere
and everytime is more than eough. Therefore, I am proud I found [BBWN] it.

Overall Comments:
Quite a number of minor grammatical mistakes in your essay. Less sensory description
of the object you’re talking about throughout your essay.

Writing Task 3

Lecturer 3
Writing Essays Is Fun! Writing an essay can be a difficult and daunting task.
At the same time essay writing can be a confidence builder, and can even be fun.
[Hook] There are three reason why essay writing is fun. [Context] First, it gives one
the opportunity to be creative. Second, it allows one to share his or her ideas with others
and finally, it provides an excellent opportunity for healthy debate. [Thesis]
First of all, essay writing provides one with an excellent opportunity to be
creative. Whether one chooses to create a work of fiction, an expository essay, or a
persuasive essay these are limitless opportunities to express oneself. Will I use humor
to get my point across? Or, will I instead choose to use allegory, or even a didactic
method in my writing? writing is, in a sense, like painting a picture. The only difference
is a painter uses pigment and writer uses words. [Main body]
Secondly, essay writing allows one to share his or her ideas with others. When
doing research for an essay the student has the potential to become an expert on his or
her topic. Through essay writing one can now share his or her wealth of knowledge
with fellow students and even the teacher. Actually, he or she becomes the teacher.
[Main body]
Finally, essay writing particularly persuasive essay writing, provides an
excellent opportunity for healthy debate. Once other have had the opportunity to read
an essay they may find that they disagree with certain detail or opinion expressed by
the author. The author and reader can then both defend their position in the friendly art
of debate. After all, who doesn’t enjoy arguing passionately for what they believe in?
[Main body]
In conclusion essay writing is a very enjoyable experience. One just has to look
at writing from a more creative perspective. Writing can be extremely creative

experience in that the writer is literally painting a picture with words. Composing
essays allows one to share ideas, thoughts, and philosophies with others. [Conclusion]

Comment Feedback: You do not devide the details into parts. What do you mean by
context? You meant background?

Appendix 3 : Interview Transcript of Writing Lecturers in English Education


Lecturer 1’s Transcript in Bahasa

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
Tergantung dari level writing nya, jadi kayak misalnya writing 1, itu
fokusnya lebih kepada bagaimana mereka bisa compose paragraf yang baik
dan juga ditujukan untuk mampu menulis salah satu genre dari writing yaitu
narrative writing. kalau mulai dari writing 2, mereka sudah mulai
diperkenalkan dengan bagaimana mengembangkan sebuah essai, mengenali
yang dinamakan bagian-bagian essai, ada introduction, body, conclusion, dan
lain sebagainya, dan juga fokus juga dalam membuat thesis statement.
Sedangkan genre yang difokuskan di writing 2 lebih kepada descriptive
writing, terutama description of the scene and description of the process,
selain itu juga ditekankan untuk memahami genre writing terkait dengan
report writing. Jadi pada masing-masing tahap itu gradasi, jadi mulai dari
yang sederhana hingga yang paling rumit, tentunya nanti writing 3 itu akan
mengarah ke genre yang lebih ke argumentative writing, lalu writing 4 sudah
mulai mempergunakan referensi-referensi akademik, dan kemudian
academic writing yang difokuskan kepada bagaimana bisa membuat proposal
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?)
Feedback tentunya sangat memegang peranan yang penting dalam
pengajaran writing. melalui feedback itu mahasiswa bisa lebih paham dan

bisa menganalisa bagaimana kelebihan-kelebihan mereka dan bagaimana

kekurangan-kekurangan mereka dalam writing. Namun satu hal yang perlu
digaris bawahi, bahwa memberikan feedback itu bukanlah hanya kemampuan
dosen untuk mampu menganalisa kelemahan tetapi juga harus bisa
menganalisa kekuatan, sehingga dengan feedback yang diberikan mahasiswa
itu tau dimana kekuatan mereka, sehingga mereka bisa mempertahankan dan
bahkan meningkatkannya dan juga tahu kelemahan-kelemahannya sehingga
mereka bisa mengevaluasi untuk peningkatan kemampuan yang lebih baik.
Jadi feedback itu sangat memegang peranan central di dalam pengajaran
writing, dan juga demikian juga dengan speaking, pokoknya untuk skill skills
yang sifatnya productive, seperti speaking dan writing, iya itu sangat
dibutuhkan feedback.
3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)
Tergantung dengan situasinya, feedback itu perlu waktu, untuk
memikirkan membaca tulisan, mencoba menganalisa dimana kelebihan dan
kekurangan. Jadi mostly, saya melakukan feedback itu dilakukan setelah
selesai pengajaran, mostly, itu untuk me-cover keseluruhan mahasiswa. Tapi
sering juga saya memberikan feedback on the spot, kepada mahasiswa.
Namun caranya adalah dengan mem-pick up satu atau dua contoh tulisan
mahasiswa, lalu kemudian saya display on the screen, lalu kita analisa
Hal ini karena agar yang lain bisa tahu dengan satu atau dua contoh
yang di display di screen di depan kelas, melalui contoh tersebut mana
kelebihan-kelebihan dari hasil tulisan temannya dan dimana kelemahan-
kelemahannya, sehingga mereka juga bisa me-refelksikan hal tersebut di

dalam penulisan mereka. Tapi kalau di dalam pengajaran kelas, tidak

mungkin teacher’s feedback (feedback yang diberikan teacher) bisa
dilakukan keseluruhan murid dalam waktu pengajaran, itu hampir tidak
mungkin. Jadi kita harus punya strategi-strategi yang efektif untuk
memberikan feedback kepada mahasiswa.
4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
Karena sekarang sistemnya adalah daring, jadi tentunya teknisnya
sedikit berbeda, jadi bisanya mahasiswa mengumpulkan tugas melalui goggle
classroom, ini biasanya saya berikan feedback secara keseluruhan, semua
mahasiswa mendapatkan feedback. Tapi tergantung juga dengan ketersediaan
waktu saya. Karena mengoreksi writing adalah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan
waktu yang sangat banyak. Ketika nanti mulai ada pertemuan kelas, seperti
biasa saya akan ambil contoh satu atau dua display melalui share screen lalu
kemudian kita bahas bersama. Secara umum strateginya masih tetap sama,
namun kita lakukan melalui online melalui fasilitas share screen dari
platform online, terutama zoom.
Jadi memang di combine antara written dan oral feedback. Jadi memang
harus ada kombinasi antara written dan oral, justru disatu sisi oral feedback
pun sangat bagus. Karena dia bisa menjelaskan dengan lebih lues, karena
terkadang mahasiswa juga complain terhadap feedback written yang
diberikan oleh dosen, karena terkadang tidak jelas ini maksudnya apa. Jadi
dosen kurang mengkomunikasikan apa yang dimaksud dengan feedback nya
Nah ini justru adalah kesempatan yang baik sekali, ketika diberikan
feedback secara oral. Jadi bahasanya bisa lebih lues, misalkan teacher hanya

menulis coma slices di written feedback. Itu kan bisa jadi mahasiswa belum
paham mengenai coma splices itu, nah melalui oral feeback ini bisa
dijelaskan apa yang dimaksud coma splices, contohnya bagaimana, lalu
bagaimana cara menghindarinya dan lain sebagainya. Jadi kombinasi written
dan oral sangat bagus.
5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?
(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
Biasanya saya itu memberikan comment itu dua ya, content dan
grammatical range and accuracy nya. Karena ketika kita misalkan kita
memberikan feedback terhadap report writing, kita harus memberikan
comment juga apakah report nya sudah memenuhi standar penulisan report
writing itu sendiri, apakah masih ada element yang kurang ataukan sudah
cukup atau yang lain sebagainya. Misalnya, kalimat-kalimat awalnya itu
belum merefleksikan kalimat-kalimat pembuka yang baik, yaitu dari segi
content. Namun mereka juga perlu diberikan feedback-feedback secara
grammatical structure, grammatical range and accuracy, ini memegang
peran penting, dari yang dinamakan dengan convention, jadi convention itu
artinya kesepakatan. Jadi ada rumus-rumus tertentu yang bisa diberikan
kepada mahasiswa, sehingga mereka mengerti contohnya dengan
penggunaan simbol.
Jadi di awal kuliah itu biasanya, harusnya itu diberikan penjelasan
tentang simbol-simbol tersebut, kadang-kadang ada garis miring itu artinya
apa, atau garis melengkung artinya apa, atau singkatan (gr.) itu artinya apa,
terus maksudnya (Adv) itu apa, (Adj) itu apa, dan lain sebagainya. Ini kalau
kita memberikan feedback dengan menggunakan simbol-simbol ini, ini harus
dikomunikasikan dengan mahasiswa supaya mereka paham maksudnya apa.

Jadi ada kesepakatan sebelumnya, untuk memberikan arahan bahwa simbol

ini tuh maksudnya apa, jadi hal tersebut dapat meminimalisir tulisan-tulisan
yang dosen berikan di dalam feedback tersebut, diganti dengan simbol-simbol
yang sudah dipahami mahasiswa.
6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
Saya biasanya kombinasi, tetapi lebih banyak ke yang direct feedback,
kenapa? Karena takutnya kalau saya memberikan indirect feedback
khawatirnya tidak jelas. Padahal sebenarnya indirect feedback itu cukup
bagus, artinya bisa me- encourage mahasiswa untuk lebih berfikir kritis.
Sebagai contoh, kita kasih feedback “Apakah ada yang kurang di dalam thesis
statement yang kamu tulis?” itu kan contoh indirect feedback. Itu akan
merangsang daya nalar kritis mahasiswa untuk berfikir “Ohh kalau diberikan
komentar seperti ini, berarti ada something wrong di thesis statement yang
saya buat” jadi itulah baiknya indirect feedback. Tapi saya lebih sering
memberikan direct feedback, langsung lakukan koreksi terhadap kesalahn-
kesalahan yang mereka lakukan. Jadi kombinasi saja, tapi masih didominasi
dengan direct feedback.
Ini juga selaras dengan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis, semakin
baik dia menulis maka akan sering ada indirect feedback yang diberikan,
karena dia sudah tau nature dari feedback yang diberikan oleh dosen.
7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)

Kesulitan yang pertama adalah time constrain. Ini jelas ya, karena waktu
yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan feedback terhadap writing itu cukup
banyak ya, satu tulisan mahasiswa itu bisa membutuhkan waktu diatas 10
menit, tergantung dari panjang pendeknya tulisan mahasiswa tersebut. Kalau
masih berbentuk 1-2 paragraf mungkin lebih cepat. Namun, kalau panjang itu
butuh waktu yang cukup panjang.
Solusinya adalah, jadi feedback itu dasarnya seharusnya diberikan oleh
guru atau dosen tetapi kita juga harus promote yang dinamakan dengan self-
feedback dan peer feedback. Self-feedback adalah feedback yang diberikan
oleh mahasiswa terhadap dirinya sendiri. Lalu kemudian peer feedback
artinya feedback yang diberikan oleh teman sebaya nya. Nah, disini
pentingnya peran seorang dosen me-traning para mahasiswanya untuk bisa
melakukan peer feedback dan self-feedback. Mereka tidak bisa langsung
dilepas, dosen harus memberikan contoh bagaimana cara melakukan hal
tersebut, dengan cara dosen memberikan rubric atau kriteria bagaimana cara
melakukan self-feedback dan peer feedback tersebut. Sehingga, mahasiswa
dan teman-temannya merupakan sumber yang powerful dan potential untuk
memberikan feedback terhadap writing.
Saya juga mau menggaris bawahi bahwa feedback is not only the
teacher’s job tetapi everyone responsibility. Justru kalau kita bisa meminta
mahasiswa dan encorourage mahasiswa untuk melakukan self-feedback dan
peer feedback, ini akan jadi sangat powerful juga terhadap perkembangan
tulisan mereka. Sehingga mereka bisa merefleksikan kelebihan dan
kekurangan yang mereka miliki, atau bisa melihat contoh dari tulisan teman.
Memaksimalkan self-feedback dan peer feedback itu sangat penting, tapi
guidance dari dosen memegang peranan yang crucial.
Yang kedua, kalau tulisan mahasiswa sangat parah, jadi bingung mau
fokus memberikan feedback yang mana. Jadi terkadang ini yang menjadi

kendala dalam memberikan feedback. Jadi dosen harus pintar-pintar memilih-

milih pada saat ini dimana area feedback yang harus diberikan, karena kalau
kita berikan semuanya juga, pertama, really time consuming dan yang kedua
tidak akan efektif karena mahasiswa tersebut akan mempelajari sesuatu yang
banyak at the same time, sehingga sulit untuk mencerna bagaimana dia harus
memulai dari mana yang harus diperbaiki terlebih dahulu.
8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)
Sebenarnya ini adalah rangkuman dari yang sudah saya sampaikan
diawal hingga akhir. Pertama, karakteristik pemberian feedback, harus
menyentuh keseluruhan aspek, mulai dari sisi konten, dan juga grammatical
range and accuracy nya. Kemudian yang kedua, dari sisi variasi feedback,
kombinasi antara direct and indirect feedback, ini penting juga, kemudian
dari sisi teknis, teacher feedback dikombinasikan dengan self-feedback,
kemudian dikombinasikan dengan peer feeback. Ini 3 rankai yang akan
menjadi powerful sekali. Dan masing-masing memiliki kekurangan dan
kelebihan feedback. Intinya bagaimana kita sebagai dosen mampu
memaksimalkan pemberian feedback, jadi semua sisis kelebihannya dapat
dimaksimalkan dan pada saat bersamaan mengurangi kelemahan yang ada.

Lecturer 1’s Interview Transcript in English

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
It depends on the level of writing. For example, writing 1 focus on how
students can compose good paragraphs. Students can write a narrative genre
in their writing. For writing 2, students will learn how to develop a good
essay. They know the parts of the essay, such as introduction, body, and
conclusion. They will focus on how to make a thesis statement. In this stage,
students will focus on descriptive writing and repots writing. In descriptive
writing, students focus on the descriptive of the scene and description of the
process. Every writing level is different; it starts from a simple one until they
face the complex one.
Moreover, in writing 3, students will focus on argumentative writing.
Then in writing 4, students will use academic references. In this stage,
students will focus on academic writing, and they will learn how to make a
research proposal.
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
Feedback is currently an important aspect of teaching and learning
writing. With feedback, students can more understand to analyze their
strength and weaknesses in their writing ability. There is an important thing
that must be underlined, feedback does not only consists the student’s
weaknesses, but the teacher must be able to analyze the strength of the
students so that they can maintain and also improve their ability. So, feedback

is a central aspect of teaching and learning writing. Also, in speaking, or in

other productive skills, feedback is very important.
3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)
It depends on the situations, feedback takes time, because before the
teacher gives feedback, teacher must-read, and also analyze the strength and
the weaknesses. Mostly, I give feedback at the end of the class; it can cover
all the student’s mistakes. But, sometimes I give feedback on the spot in the
class. I pick one or two examples of sentences from students, and I show on
the screen, and we analyze together.
So, students can learn from those examples, students can know the
strength and the weaknesses of their friends, and they can reflect their
sentences by themselves. It is very useful if the teaching and learning writing
is conducted in the class, it is impossible for teachers to give feedback one by
one to each student, it takes time. So, the teacher must have an effective
strategy to give feedback to their students.
4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
Now, teaching and learning are conducted online, so there is a
differences way. Students collect assignment by google classroom, and I give
general feedback to the students, every student gets feedback. But it depends
on my availability. Because correcting writing assignment needs much time.
When we have a class meeting, I do the same thing, I pick one or two

examples, and I share on the screen, and then we discuss together. In general,
the strategy is the same, but we do the class online via zoom meeting.
I use a combination of written and oral feedback. The combination of
both written and oral are good. Oral feedback is good because oral feedback
can be a media to confirm the written feedback. Because sometimes students
do not understand the written feedback that the teacher gives to students. The
teacher lacks communication to deliver the focus of feedback.
Of course, it’s a good opportunity, when a teacher delivers feedback
with oral feedback, they can more comfortable to deliver the focus of
feedback, for example, in the student’s assignments teacher wrote “comma
splices” as a comment, if students do not understand, the teacher can use oral
feedback to explain more about the comma splices, the example of the comma
splices, how to avoid them, etc. So, the combination of them is good.
5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?
(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
I usually give two kinds of comments, based on content and
grammatical. Because if we give report writing feedback, we must comment
about the report text, the result of the report text is complete or not based on
the standard? For example, the teachers give a comment on their idea in the
sentences. But, students must have grammatical feedback (grammatical
structure, grammatical range, and accuracy); it has an important role. The
conventions are also important. Sometimes, when teachers give grammatical
feedback, they use a symbol to make it simple. Teachers and students can
make convention before the class to make students understand the symbol
that teachers use in student’s assignments.

It could be better if teachers gave students an explanation about the

symbol that teachers used in the feedback in the first-time classroom meeting.
For example, what is slash, curved lines mean? What is gr? What is adv? And
what is adj means? The explanation about the symbols is important if teachers
used the symbol to show the student’s error. Teachers must give the
information before starting the class so that students can understand the
symbol’s means. The use of symbols is also minimalizing the teacher’s
handwriting and make the feedback is more straightforward.
6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
I usually combine them, but mostly I use direct feedback, why? Because I
am worried if I use indirect feedback, it is unclear. When, in fact, indirect
feedback is good, it can encourage students to think more critically. For
example, I said to students “is there a missing thing in your thesis statement?”
(Indirect feedback). Indirect feedback can stimulate students to think more
critically, “If I get this comment, it means that there is something wrong in
my thesis statement.” But mostly I use direct feedback, I directly show
student’s error and correct them. I use a combination, but mostly I use direct
It is directly proportional to student's writing ability; if students have
good ability in writing, they usually get indirect feedback, because they knew
the nature of feedback that teachers give to them.

7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?

(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada

siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)
The first difficulties are time constrain. It is clear because to give
feedback; teachers must have more time to correct student’s writing
assignments. One task needs more than 10 minutes; it is based on the length
of the written assignment. If the assignment only consists of 1-2 paragraphs,
it does not need much time.
The solution to the problem is the teachers must promote self-feedback
and peer feedback. Self-feedback means that students give a correction to
themselves. And peer feedback means the students get feedback from their
peers in the classroom. Teacher's role in this stage is important because the
teachers must direct students or accompany students to do self and peer
feedback. Students can not do this feedback independently. The teachers must
give an example and give students a rubric of the self and peer feedback
criteria. So, students can be a potential and powerful resource in giving
feedback in writing.
It is also important to be underlined, that feedback is the teacher’s
job and everyone’s responsibility. If teachers encourage students to do self
and peer feedback, it is very good to develop their writing ability. Therefore,
they can reflect on their weaknesses and their strength in writing or learn from
the peer assignment as an example. Increasing the use of self and peer
feedback is good, but the teacher's guidance is crucial.
The second difficulty, there are many kinds of errors that students do in
their writing assignments. So, sometimes teachers confuse to correct the
errors. Teachers must be careful to choose the aspect that teachers want to
correct first. It is time-consuming. It can not be effective between teachers
and students; for students, they must learn many aspects simultaneously, so

students can feel confused to revise the assignment because there are many
8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)
It is the conclusion from my explanation above. First, the characteristic
of giving feedback, the feedback must consist of all aspects, starting from
content, grammatical range, and accuracy. The second is the variety of
feedback, the combination of direct and indirect feedback. It is also important,
and then from technical aspects, teacher feedback is combined with self-
feedback and peer feedback. The combination is very powerful. And every
feedback has its own strength and weaknesses. The important thing is how
the teacher can effectively give feedback, so the strength of the feedback is

Lecturer 2’s Interview Transcript in Bahasa

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk bisa mengungkapkan ide dalam
bentuk tulisan, sesuai dengan level atau tingkatanya:
a. Menulis paragraf deskripsi
b. Menulis paragraf narrative
c. Menulis paragraf argumentative
d. Dan kemampuan menulis lainnya (seperti IELTS atau Ibt TOEFL)
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
Memberikan feedback terhadap hasil kerja siswa sangat perlu di dalam
pengajaran bahasa inggris Feedback dapat dilakukan secara langsung atau
tidak langsung diberikan kepada siswa, berdasarkan tingkat kemampuan
siswa tersebut. Hal itu penting di dalam pengajaran kemampuan menulis
karena melalui feedback guru tersebut, siswa dapat mengembangkan
kemampuan menulisnya. Feedback harus jelas, rinci dan edukatif sehingga
siswa akan mengetahui bagian mana yang menjadi kelemahannya di dalam
writing, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkannya melalui feedback
3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)

Saya biasanya memberikan feedback tugas mahasiswa seminggu sekali,

dan juga ketiga mid-term test. Memberikan feedback bisa dilakukan
seminggu atau dua minggu itu adalah bagian dari formative assessment, jadi
siswa akan mengentahui kelemahannya di setiap aspek menulis, contohnya
ketika sedang menulis thesis statement, atau kalimat pendukung, hanya dari
feedback guru lah mereka dapat mengetahui kelemahan atau kesalahan nya
apa dan mengetahui apa yang harus mereka kembangkan lagi. Hal ini juga
sama ketika memberikan feedback sebagai summative assessment, seperti
mid-term test atau final test. Untuk guru ini penting untuk mengetahui apakah
siswanya dapat mencapai kriteria atau tujuan dari pengajaran writing yang
sedang diajarkan di semester tersebut atau tidak, contohnya pada ujian tengah
semester dan ujian akhir semester. Sedangkan untuk siswa, feedback adalah
sesuatu hal yang sangat penting untuk memantau skill atau kemapuan dan
untuk fokus mengembangkan kekurangan siswa tersebut.
4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
Lebih banyak feedback tertulis, dan terkadang oral feedback. Untuk
feedback tertulis, saya memberi tanda apa yang kurang tepat pada tugas siswa
tersebut, (direct or indirect) dan meminta mereka untuk memperbaiki
tugasnya. Untuk oral feedback, saya memberikan tanda apa-apa saja yang
kurang tepat pada tugas mereka, dan membicarakannya di depan kelas, jadi
siswa akan lebih mengetahui apa yang salah dan bagaimana cara
memperbaiki hal tersebut.
5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?

(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
Keduanya adalah hal yang sama penting untuk diperhatikan dalam
pengajaran writing. dalam hal content, sebagai contoh, siswa perlu
mengetahui bagaimana memililih topik penulisan, untuk mengembangkan
kerangka menulis yang baik, untuk memetakan ide (thesis statement,
supporting ideas, concluding ideas), untuk mengatur ide. Sedangkan dalam
hal form atau grammar, ini sudah cukup jelas bahwa tulisan yang baik,
memiliki tata bahasa inggris yang baik.
6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
Untuk level pemula, semester 1 atau 2 contohnya, saya lebih memilih
menggunakan explicit feedback, jadi sisswa memiliki petunjuk yang jelas
apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk memperbaiki tulisan mereka.
Untuk level yang lebih tinggi, semester 3 atau 4, saya lebih memilih
implicit feedback, jadi siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk memikirkan apa
yang kurang tepat pada tugas pertama mereka dan mengidentifikasi
kesalahannya, kemudian memperbaikinya.
7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)
Tantangan terbesar untuk memberikan feedback adalah waktu.
Memberikan feedback kepada siswa secara perorangan sangat memakan
banyak waktu dan memerlukan tenaga yang banyak.

Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, saya biasanya merencananakan

semuanya, khususnya bentuk tugas yang diberikan. Saya meminta siswa
untuk mengerjakan, dan saya memutuskan tugas mana yang akan saya
berikan feedback tertulis secara perorangan, dan tugas mana yang akan saya
berikan oral feedback di depan kelas waktu akan selalu menjadi
pertimbangan saya yang serius.
Terkadang saya berfikir untuk melakukan hal lain yang memungkinkan,
seperti peer feedback dimana siswa akan diberikan kesempatan untuk
memberikan feedback ke tugas temannya, tapi sejauh ini pilihan tersebut
belum cukup bagus, karena di dalam kelas kemampuan menulis siswa
berbeda-beda dan pengalaman peer feedback yang masih kurang di lingkup
8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)
Memberikan feedback di pengajaran writing, dan di skill lainnya itu
perlu. Itu akan menjadi tidak berguna bila memberikan tugas menulis tanpa
memberikan feedback ata apa yang telah siswa kerjakan. Jadi, seperti yang
sudah saya sampaikan diatas, feedback harus diberikan secara jelas kepada
siswa, sesuai dengan apa yang siswa butuhkan untuk mengembangkan
kemampuan menulis siswa. Feedback kemudian akan menjadi salah satu
fasilitas pembelajaran mandiri dan memperkuat kemampuan keterampilan

Lecturer 2’s Interview Transcript in English

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
Developing students’ ability to express their ideas in written forms relevant
to their levels:
a) writing descriptive paragraphs
b) writing narrative paragraphs
c) writing argumentative essays
d) other kinds of writing skills ( such as IELTS or iBT TOEFL writing)

2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing

class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
Giving feedback on students’ works is necessary in English teaching
and learning. Corrective feedback, implicit or explicit depending on students’
levels of ability, is important in teaching writing skills because it is through
the teacher’s feedback students are expected to develop their targeted skills.
Feedback should be clear, detailed, and instructive in such a way that students
know very well their areas of weakness in writing, so they can improve them

3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)

I usually give my feedback on my students’ works as the semester

progresses week by week, and on my students major works such as mid-term
exam. Giving feedback as the classes take place on a weekly or biweekly
bases is crucial as part of formative assessment, so students will be aware of
their weakness in a certain aspect of writing skill for example in writing a
thesis statement, or supporting sentences or concluding sentences, then only
with the teacher’s feedback they will know what their weaknesses are and
what to do to improve their skills.The same is also true as to providing
feedback as part of summative assessment such as mid-term or final term
exam for two main reasons.
For the teacher, it is important to know how good his or her students are
in achieving the course objectives at a certain point in the semester, for
example, mid-term or final term. For the students, such feedback is also of
great importance to monitor their own skill development and to focus on
improving their areas of weakness for constant skill improvement.

4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
Mostly written feedback, and oral feedback only occasionally. For
written feedback, I highlight what’s wrong or inaccurate in students’ work
(explicitly or implicitly) and ask them to revise their work. For oral feedback,
I highlight all kinds of errors or inaccuracies and discuss them in front of the
class so students will be aware of what’s wrong or inaccurate and how to
revise them.

5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?

(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
Both content and form are equally important to pay attention to in
teaching writing. In terms of content, for example, students need to know how
to pick a good writing topic, to develop an effective outline, to map ideas (for
thesis statement, supporting ideas, concluding ideas), to organize ideas, etc.
In terms of form or grammar, this is self-explanatory as good piece of writing
requires strong command of English grammar

6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
For low level students, first or second semester students for example, I
prefer explicit corrective feedback, so students will have a clear direction of
what they need to do in improving their writing. For higher level students,
third or fourth semester students for instance, I prefer implicit corrective
feedback, so students will have opportunities to reflect on what’s or
inaccurate in their work first and identify the errors, then revise them

7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)

The biggest challenge to providing quality feedback is time. Giving

feedback on students’ individual works is undoubtedly time-consuming and
labor-labor intensive.
To handle the situation I usually plan everything ahead, especially what
kinds of assignments I’m going to ask my students to do, and then I will
decide on which assignments I’m going to give detailed written feedback
individually and on which ones I’m going to do overall oral feedback in front
of the class. Time will always be my serious consideration.
Sometimes I also think of doing other possible options such as peer-
assessment where students will have the opportunities to provide their
feedback on their fellow students’ works, but so far this is not a viable option
yet, because of existing classroom constraints such as students’ different
levels of writing ability and lack of peer-assessment experience among my

8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)
Giving feedback in teaching writing, like in other skills, is necessary. It
is useless to give students’ writing assignments without giving them feedback
on what they have done. So, as I said above, feedback should give students a
clear direction of what they need to do in improving their writing skill
development. Quality feedback is then one that facilitates self-directed
learning and strengthens acquisition of targeted skills on the part of students.

Lecturer 3’s Interview Transcript in Bahasa

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
Sebenarnya, banyak mahasiswa yang menganggap writing itu adalah
sesuatu hal yang sulit, dan saya akan mencoba membantu mereka untuk
berhenti menganggap writing itu sulit, hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan
banyak practice dan mau belajar mengembangkan diri dengan kekurangan
yang mereka miliki. Jadi kesimpulannya adalah untuk mendukung agar
mereka memiliki keahlian menulis dan menjadi penulis yang professional,
mereka dapat menyalurkan ide atau cerita ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Dan
mereka dapat menguasi setiap jenjang mata kuliah writing, bagaimana
mereka mengorganisasikan idenya, bagaimana mereka memperoleh idenya,
kemudian penggunaan rule-rules bahasa inggris yang benar, yang jelas
mereka dapat menguasai skill, masing-masing genre ya tentunya, sesuai
dengan tujuan menulisnya untuk apa.
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
Seperti yang sudah disebutkan oleh saya sebelumnya, banyak mahasiswa
yang masih menganggap bahwa writing itu sesuatu hal yang sulit. Jadi,
bagaimana mereka dapat mengembangkan keahlian mereka kalau misalnya
apa yang mereka tulis itu tidak diberikan masukkan atau catatan catatan. Jadi
itu sebagai pengingat mereka, bahwa kemampuan mereka untuk menulis itu
belum sesuai dengan standar penulisan. Maka dari itu, diberikanlah feedback,
itu adalah hal wajib yang harus diberikan seorang guru, baik feedback secara
langsung maupun feedback secara tidak langsung.

3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)
Jadi feedback yang dilakukan itu, ketika sedang pertemuan dan ketika di
akhir kelas juga. Jadi saya mau, mahasiswa itu practice dan setelah itu tau
tentang kekurangannya, dan belajar dari kekurangan itu, pasti dalam
prosesnya itu mereka akan berkembang, akan terlihat maju dan mundurnya,
dan saya merasa mahasiswa tidak ada yang terlihat ingin mundur. Kalaupun
ada mahasiswa yang terlihat leih lambat, itulah tugas saya untuk memberikan
pendekatan, memberikan motivasi di setiap pertemuan, tidak ada mahasiswa
yang bodoh, yang penting adalah proses menempa dirinya untuk berlatih
lebih banyak. Karena menulis itu harus dipraktikan.
4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
Bila pertemuan tatap muka langsung, saya secara oral langsung
memberi tahu mana saja yang salah, saya meminta mahasiswa untuk
mengungkapkan kalimat atau ide, lalu jika salah, saya langsung memperbaiki
di depan kelas, jadi semua mahasiswa dapat belajar dari hal tersebut, dan
tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Tapi ketika kondisi seperti ini, saya
dan mahasiswa memilih untuk menggunakan google meet untuk mengadakan
pertemuan. Dan untuk tugas, saya menggunakan google classroom,
mahasiswa mengumpulkan tugas nya dan saya memberikan written feedback
di kolom komentar.
5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?

(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
Yang pertama adalah content, mengemukakan ide, mengurutkan ide
(organization), baru grammatical rule nya. Jadi kan dalam penulisan itu ada
4C (concise, credible, clear, correct). Concise artinya idenya tidak kemana-
mana, runtun. Credible artinya ide mereka itu didukung oleh ahli, sesuai
dengan fakta. Clear, jelas, jadi tidak tercampur-campur. Correct, nah ini
berkaitan dengan grammatical rule (punctuation, transitional word, etc).
6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda
Jadi saya itu kalau dalam pertemuan itu biasanya memberikan feedback
secara langsung, pada saat mereka mengungkapkan kembali apa yang mereka
tulis, atau mengungkapkan ide, ada kesalahan dalam memproduksi kalimat,
biasanya saya langsung cut kalimat tersebut, tapi saya selalu mengingatkan
mahasiswa bahwa,
“Kamu tidak perlu malu, ini hanya sebagai pengingat, kalau kamu
salah, bukan berarti kamu bodoh, ini sebagai pengingat juga untuk semua”.
Jadi itulah manfaat dari direct correction. Saya juga memakai indirect
feedback secara tidak langsung, ketika saya memeriksa tulisan mereka, saya
bawa pulang dan saya berikan indirect feedback. Jadi indirect feedback yang
dimaksud itu, saya menandai bagian yang salah, saya garis bawahi, kemudian
saya kasih catatan, terkadang saya juga menulis secara umum, sebagai
“Kamu harus banyak belajar mengenai grammar”
“Menggunakan kosakata yang tepat”

“Kamu harus lebih menguasai tentang plural dan singular nya,

grammatical rule nya atau kamu harus menguasai tenses nya lagi’
Jadi begitu ya, walaupun dengan indirect tapi ada juga direct nya di
dalam, catatan itu, jadi saya menggunakan kombinasi antara indirect dan
direct feedback. Karena terkadang mahasiswa pun suka memberi komentar,
“Kok hanya dicoret-coret saja? Tidak ada catatan atau komentar
kesalahnnya” diberi catatan agar mahasiswa tidak melakukan kesalahan
kedua kali.
7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)
Kesulitan yang saya hadapi adalah banyaknya mahasiswa. Jadi akan
dilakukan bertahap, kalau dalam satu minggu mungkin tidak bisa langsung
memberikan feedback satu per satu ke setiap mahasiswa, maka akan
diberikan feedback secara umum saja, pasti saya berikan.
Solusinya ada dalam rencana pembelajaran yang saya buat. Jadi kalau
di jenjang writing yang saya pegang, setiap mahasiswa membuat background
research nya, setelah itu mereka menyebutkan reason-reason mengapa
mahasiswa tersebut memilih topik penelitian tersebut, lalu setiap dari mereka
akan bertukar ke sebelahnya dan mereka saling mengoreksi tugas temannya,
dan tetap akan saya lihat.

8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?
(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)
Jadi secara umum, feedback itu ada secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
Artinya sebenarnya, dua duanya efektif, jadi tergantung kita

menggunakannya sesuai dengan kecocokan situasi tertentu. Seperti contoh,

saya memberikan tugas ke mahasiswa, lalu saya membaca hasil tersebut, saya
akan me list dimana kesalahan terbanyak yang dilakukan mahasiswa, nah
itulah yang akan saya sampaikan kepada mahasiswa. Kedua, jenis pemberian
feedback itu bagus disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi yang berlangsung,
disesuaikan juga dengan tingkat kesulitan yang mahasiswa sedang hadapi.

Lecturer 3’s Interview Transcript in English

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your goal in your writing class?
(Apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam kelas writing Anda?)
Many students feel that writing is difficult, and I try to help students stop
thinking that writing is difficult. The students must do more practice and
reflect on their weaknesses. Therefore, my goal in writing class is supporting
my students to have writing ability; the students can be professional authors,
and also students can deliver their idea into written text. And then, they are
mastering all of the writing levels, how to organize the idea, how to get the
idea, how they use correct English rules in the written text, and they also have
the ability to write in many types of genres according to the level of writing.
2. What is your perspective about teacher’s feedback, especially in writing
class? Why is it important to students?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan mengenai feedback yang diberikan guru,
khususnya di kelas menulis? Kenapa hal itu adalah hal yang penting?
Based on the previous, many students argue that writing is hard. They
can not improve their ability if they do not know about their weaknesses in
writing. Feedback is a reminder to students to develop their ability in writing.
Their written text must follow the writing requirement. Giving feedback is
necessary; it can be direct feedback or indirect feedback.
3. When did you do the feedback? During the writing’s class or in the end of
the class? Why?
(Kapan Anda melakukan feedback? Ketika kelas menulis berlangsung atau
ketika kelas berakhir? Kenapa?)
For both of them, I give feedback during the class meeting and at the end
of the class. Students must practice and learn from their weaknesses, and in
the process, there will be an improvement from students. Suppose I see my

students are slower than others. In that case, this is my role in giving them
motivations. The process is important, and students must take more practice
because writing must be practised.
4. How do you provide the feedback in the writing class? With written or oral
feedback? And how you provide the feedback with those types?
(Bagaimana Anda memberikan feedback di kelas menulis? Dengan tertulis
atau berbicara langsung? Dan bagaimana cara Anda memberikannya?)
If the class is conducted offline, I give oral feedback to students. I show
the incorrect statement. I ask students to share their sentences and idea if, the
sentences and ideas are incorrect. I revise it directly in front of the class.
Therefore, all students can learn and do not do the same thing. But in this
condition, my students and I choose google meet to have a class. And for
assignments, I use google classrooms, collect the assignment, and give
feedback in the comment box.
5. What is your focus on your feedback? Content of the writing or form?
(Apa yang menjadi fokus Anda dalam memberikan feedback? Isi atau
struktur informasi yang ada dalam tulisan atau tata bahasa? Kenapa?)
The first is content, show the idea, organize the idea, and then
grammatical rule. There is 4C in writing (concise, credible, clear, correct).
Concise means the idea is consistent, credible means that the ideas have a
background and based on fact. Clear means that the idea is obvious. And then
correct relates to the grammatical rule (punctuation, transitional word, etc.)
6. How do you provide your feedback? Indirect or direct feedback? Why you
choose it? And how do you apply the feedback you your student?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberikan feedback Anda? Secara direct atau
indirect? Kenapa Anda memilih tipe tersebut? dan bagaimana cara Anda

In the meeting class, I give feedback directly, when they show the idea
that they are written, if there is an incorrect statement, I directly cut and give
a reminder, I always said,
“Don’t be shy, this is a reminder because you are wrong, it does not mean
that you are stupid, this is reminder to all of you.”
It is a benefit of direct correction. I also use indirect feedback, and I
correct assignment in my home. Indirect feedback, in this case, means that I
highlighted the incorrect part, I underlined stand I give a note, or I write a
general, for example,
“You should learn grammar more.”
“Please, use the correct word.”
“You should mastering plural and singular, and learn more about
So, I combine direct and indirect feedback. Sometimes, students said
“why the correction is unclear?”. Hence, I decided to give a note, I hope that
students did not do the same incorrectness.
7. Is there any difficulties when you give feedback to the student? And how
you handle it?
(Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama memberikan feedback kepada
siswa? Jika ada, apa dan bagaimana mengatasinya?)
The problem is the number of students. I do one by one or step by
step. I can not give each student one by one in a week or two weeks, so I give
general feedback to students.
The solution was in my RPP. For example, in my writing class, every
student makes a research background, and it must be supported by the reasons
why they choose the topic. Students do peer feedback, and I guide them.
8. Are there any suggestions to teacher in giving a good and effective feedback
to students?

(Adakah saran untuk guru dalam memberikan feedback untuk murid-murid)

In general, there is direct feedback and indirect feedback. Two of them
are effective, according to the situation. For example, I give an assignment,
and I read it, I will list the error that students mostly did, and I explain it to
students. According to the situation, the second, how to provide feedback is
according to student’s problems in writing.

Appendix 4 : Surat Bimbingan Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D.


Appendix 5 : Surat Bimbingan Maya Defianty, Ph.D.


Appendix 6 : Surat Izin Penelitian


Appendix 7 : References Examinations Paper

Name : Nazmillah
Student’s Number : 11160140000071
Title : A Study of How Teachers Provide Feedback in Writing
(A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Department of
English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

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Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A. TESOL., Ph.D. Maya Defianty, Ph.D.

NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001 NIP. 19801213 200901 2 005

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