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Briefly Explain Design Constraints For Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks?

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21. Briefly explain Design Constraints for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks?

Autonomy: Since there will not be any centralized entity to make the routing decision, the
routing procedures are transferred to the network nodes.

Energy Efficiency: Routing protocols should prolong network lifetime while maintaining a
good grade of connectivity to allow the communication between nodes. It is important to note
that the battery replacement in the sensors is infeasible since most of the sensors are randomly
placed. Under some circumstances, the sensors are not even reachable.

Scalability: Wireless sensor networks are composed of hundred of nodes so routing protocols
should work with this amount of nodes

Resilience: Sensors may unpredictably stop operating due to environmental reasons or to the
battery consumption. Routing protocols should cope with this eventuality so when a current-in-
use node fails, an alternative route could be discovered.

Device Heterogeneity: the introduction of different kinds of sensors could report significant
benefits. The use of nodes with different processors, transceivers, power units or sensing
components may improve the characteristics of the network. Among other, the scalability of the
network, the energy drainage or the bandwidth are potential candidates to benefit from the
heterogeneity of nodes.

Mobility Adaptability: The different applications of wireless sensor networks could demand
nodes to cope with their own mobility, the mobility of the sink or the mobility of the event to
sense. Routing protocols should render appropriate support for these movements.

22. List down Attribute-based or Data-centric Routing Protocols and explain each of
a) SPIN (Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation) :
Nodes running a SPIN communication protocol name their data using high-level data
descriptors, called meta-data. They use meta-data negotiations to eliminate the transmission of
redundant data throughout the network. In addition, SPIN nodes can base their communication
decisions both upon application-specific knowledge of the data and upon knowledge of the
resources that are available to them. This allows the sensors to efficiently distribute data given a
limited energy supply.

In point-to-point networks, the sender announces that it has new data with an advertisement
message to each neighbor. When the neighbor receives the message, the node checks the
metadata to know if it already stores the data item. If the neighbor is interested in the
information, it responds with a request message. Upon receiving it, the sender transmits the
information in a data message. The neighbor that receives the data, inform about its availability
to its own neighbors with an advertisement message

Comparing the SPIN protocols to other possible approaches, the SPIN protocols can deliver 60%
more data for a given amount of energy than conventional approaches in a point-to-point
network and 80% more data for a given amount of energy in a broadcast network.

b) Directed Diffusion:
A node that demands the data generates a request where an interest is specified according to the
attribute-value based scheme defined by the application. The sink usually injects an interest in
the network for each application task. The nodes update an internal interest cache with the
interest messages received. The nodes also keep a data cache where the recent data messages are
stored. This structure helps on determining the data rate. On receiving this message, the nodes
establish a reply link to the originator of the interest.

c) Rumor:
In this algorithm, the queries generated by the sink are propagated among the nodes that have
observed an event related to the queries. To do so, a node that observes an event inject a long-
lived packet called agent. The agents are propagated in the network so distant nodes have
knowledge about which nodes have perceived certain events. To optimize the behavior of agents,
when an agent reaches a node which has detected another event, the agent is still forwarded but
aggregating the new discovered event. Additionally, the agents maintain a list of the recent
visited nodes so loops are partially avoided.
d) COUGAR: Under this approach, the network is foreseen as a distributed database where
some nodes containing the information are temporary unreachable. Since node stores
historic values, the network behaves as a data warehouse.

e) ACQUIRE (Active Query Forwarding in Sensor Networks)

This algorithm also considers the wireless sensor network as a distributed database. In this
scheme, a node injects an active query packet into the network. Neighboring nodes that detects
that the packet contains obsolete information, emits an update message to the node. Then, the
node randomly selects a neighbor to propagate the query which needs to resolve it. As the active
query progress through network, it is progressively resolved into smaller and smaller
components until it is completely solved. Then, the query is returned back to the querying node
as a completed response.

23) List down Geographical routing protocols and explain each of them

These algorithms take advantage of the location information to make routing techniques more
efficient. Specifically, neighbors exchange information about their location so when a node
needs to forward a packet, it sends it to the neighbor which is assumed to be closest to the final
destination. To operate, the source inserts the destination's coordinates in the packets. The
location information used in geographical algorithms can be derived from specific devices such
as GPS or it can be modeled by virtual coordinates.

The most popular forwarding techniques in geographical routing protocols are

a) Greedy Algorithms
Under this approach, a node decides about the transmission path based on the position of its
neighbors. To proceed, the source compares the localization of the destination with the
coordinates of its neighbors. Then, it propagates the message to the neighbor which is closest to
the final destination. The process is repeated until de packet reaches the intended destination.
The main limitation of the greedy algorithms is that the transmission may fail when the current
holder of the message has no neighbors closer to the destination than itself.

b) GAF (Geographic Adaptive Fidelity):

aims at optimizing the performance of wireless sensor networks by identifying equivalent nodes
with respect to forwarding packets. Two nodes are considered to be equivalent when they
maintain the same set of neighbor nodes and so they can belong to the same communication
routes. Source and destination in the application are excluded from this characterization. To
identify equivalent nodes, their positions are necessary.

Nodes identify equivalent nodes by the periodic exchange of discovery messages with the nodes
in their cells. With the information contained in these messages, the nodes negotiate which one is
going to support the communications. The other nodes will stay powered off. With this
procedure, the routing fidelity is kept, that is, there is uninterrupted connectivity between
communicating nodes. However, the elected node periodically rotates for fair energy
consumption. To do so, the nodes wake up periodically

24) List down Hierarchical Routing Protocols and explain each of them

The main objective of hierarchical routing is to reduce energy consumption by classifying nodes
into clusters. In each cluster, a node is selected as the leader or the cluster head. The different
schemes for hierarchical routings mainly differ in how the cluster head is selected and how the
nodes behave in the inter and intra-cluster domain.

a) LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)

the role of the cluster head is periodically transferred among the nodes in the network in order to
distribute the energy consumption. The performance of LEACH is based on rounds. Then, a
cluster head is elected in each round. For this election, the number of nodes that have not been
cluster heads and the percentage of cluster heads are used. Once the cluster head is defined in the
setup phase, it establishes a TDMA schedule for the transmissions in its cluster. This scheduling
allows nodes to switch off their interfaces when they are not going to be employed. The cluster
head is the router to the sink and it is also responsible for the data aggregation. As the cluster
head controls the sensors located in a close area, the data aggregation performed by this leader
permits to remove redundancy.

b) PEGASIS (Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems)

is considered an optimization of the LEACH algorithm. Rather than classifying nodes in clusters,
the algorithm forms chains of the sensor nodes. Based on this structure, each node transmits to
and receives from only one closest node of its neighbors. With this purpose, the nodes adjust the
power of their transmissions. The node performs data aggregation and forwards it the node in the
chain that communicates with the sink. In each round, one node in the chain is elected to
communicate with the sink. The chain is constructed with a greedy algorithm

c) TEEN (Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient Sensor Network Protocol)

is other hierarchical protocol for reactive networks that responds immediately to changes in the
relevant parameters. In this protocol a clusters head (CH) sends a hard threshold value and a soft
one. The nodes sense their environment continuously. The first time a parameter from the
attribute set reaches its hard threshold value, the node switches on its transmitter and sends its
data. The nodes then transmits data in the current cluster period if the following conditions are
true: the current value of the sensed attribute is greater than the hard threshold, and the current
value of the sensed attribute differs from sensed value by an amount equal to or greater than the
soft threshold. Both strategy looks to reduce energy spend transmitting messages.

d) DirQ (Directed Query Dissemination):

aims at optimizing the propagation of queries in a wireless sensor network. The main objective is
that the queries are just propagated by the minimum number of nodes that ensure that the queries
arrive at the nodes that are able to service the query. To do so, certain information is exchanged
in the network. The periodicity of the update messages depend on the rate of variation of the
physical parameters that the network is sensing. Then, each node autonomously maintains its
own threshold (δ). If a sensor node has a value V of a desired parameter and the next
measurement period gets the same or a similar value in the interval between (δ − V, V + δ) then
it decides not to send anything to sink. However, if the sink does not receive any message from a
specific node then it assumes that this node has a measured value that has not changed much
from what has been reported recently. To allow a precise delivery of applications, all network
nodes must be capable of storing information which can be considered a disadvantage depending
on the amount of information stored in the topology and the number of nodes. DirQ is a protocol
suitable for situations where the number of requests is high and times of transmission of requests
are known

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