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Producing An Insightful Research Paper

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Craig Scott∗

This paper originated as a lecture to students pursuing the Erasmus Mundus Master of Laws
in Transnational Trade and Finance Law at the Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.
Although generally relevant for researchers in a variety of contexts up to and including
writing book monographs, it is primarily aimed at graduate students doing major papers,
theses or dissertations and undergraduate (including first-degree law) students doing research
essays in upper-year seminars. The pointers found in the paper must accordingly be
modified, mutatis mutandi, according to the nature of the research project, including the time
available in which to complete it. The paper is divided into four sections: “Principles”
(section I); “The notion of ‘insight’” (Section II); “Presumptive research steps” (Section III);
“Tips” (Section IV); and “Conclusion” (Section V).

I. Principles

As with all principles, there may be tensions amongst these. Indeed, some of the following
principles are themselves expressed in terms of balancing or in terms of contrasting pairs.

1. Use your supervisor’s time effectively.

2. You are primarily responsible for your paper. Your supervisor’s role is subsidiary.

3. Form good habits early. This leads to consistency of effective research and writing
methods that become second nature with time.

4. In planning an essay and then in writing it, seek a balance between structure and flow
(although never sacrifice flow: sequitur, sequitur, sequitur should be your motto).

5. In research, seek a balance between selectivity (i.e. of what you read quite closely)
and comprehensiveness. The precise balance will depend on the kind of essay (a
seminar paper, a major paper, a thesis, an article, etc.).

6. Take time to familiarize yourself with relevant research tools for your area (library,
databases, relevant Internet sites).

7. In writing, seek a balance between exposition (description, scene-setting, etc) and

reflection (analysis, synthesis, critique, etc).

Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1685422

8. In writing, seek a balance between general argumentation and employment of
concrete illustrations/examples.

9. In writing, both clarity and elegance of expression matter. Good writing engages
readers and helps make your arguments more persuasive.

10. In writing, developing an argument through others’ research and ideas is important
(which must always be properly attributed), but so too is developing your own
arguments in your own voice.

11. In writing, rigour in argument is essential. Simply asserting points as “self-evident”

or “logical” does not amount to rigorous argument. (See, below, tips on the
importance of premises to sound argument.)

12. Think of “insight” as your beacon (the light in the distance that you are traveling

13. We are all hypocrites and don’t always do what we say, but that can make what we
say all the more valuable by virtue of how much we regret what we do. This applies
to professors giving young scholars research advice as it does to much of life.

II. The notion of “insight”

As indicated by the penultimate principle in the preceding section, I find “insight” to be a

better expression of the primary objective for an excellent essay than “originality,” although
the two concepts are close. “Originality” sets expectations too high and can cause paralysis
for young scholars because it seems so demanding. More importantly, speaking of
“originality” can over-emphasize newness for its own sake and under-emphasize how
important it is to build on the knowledge that comes before us.

What do I mean by “insight”? To put it as simply as possible, think of it as a helpful or

interesting way of looking at an issue or problem.

That said, for higher levels of essay work (like dissertations, scholarly articles and so on), the
goal should also be to have a measure of originality as part of your insights. But,
importantly, do not think of originality in terms of newness (i.e. something that has never been
noted or perceived or said before) but instead in terms of added value. Even if others have
made the same point before, they may have not come to the same point with the same mix
of arguments and the same ways of expressing the matter. If your mix of arguments
(whether as analysis or as synthesis) and your ways of expressing your arguments result in
some readers understanding the issue or problem better than before, then, from my
perspective, this adds value to existing knowledge and thus counts as original.

To help underline the above points in a way that should put you on course to be future
Nobel Prize laureates in Law (should such a prize ever be added to the current Nobel
Prizes), consider the following quotation from the 18 October 2008 issue of The Economist

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1685422

magazine (at page 85) with respect to the justification for the award to Paul Krugman of the
Nobel Prize in Economics:

In neither [Nobel Prize Committee-cited] contribution [one on international

trade and one on economic geography] did Mr Krugman claim great
originality for his ideas …His achievement was to formalize insights that
many people had previously had informally. Ideas that had fluttered in and
put of people’s grasp for decades, he pinned down like a butterfly on display.
Sometimes a good economist…succeeds not by making a point before
someone everyone else, but by making it better than anyone else.

III. Presumptive Research Steps

I use the word “presumptive” because it is important to recognize that we all end up
working a bit differently. Sometimes some of us can be very effective by skipping stages that
others cannot skip or by changing the order of stages or by breaking a stage up into
segments that we mix in with other stages. But, as a starting point, keep the following steps
in mind:

A. Decide on the essay concept and write a mini-proposal to yourself (which can
also then be used for your supervisor to give feedback on the topic) – What is your topic?
What is the basic question (or several questions) that will animate your research on that
topic? Try to write your essay concept down in less than 250 words (and revise the
description as your thinking progresses).

B. Bibliographic research – In light of the concept, (a) familiarize yourself with the
relevant sources and then (b) do an initial ‘long list’ bibliography of existing literature
(including primary documents – legislation, treaties, case law, etc) that initially appear

C. Bibliographic sorting – Then, without yet having looked at anything beyond titles,
do a preliminary sorting of the long list into three categories: 1) those that appear (from the
titles and, as you get to know your field, the authors) to almost certainly be very important;
2) those that seem likely to be of some importance (if you were to have time to consult
them) but not as important as category 1; 3) and those that seem likely to be of marginal or
no use.

D. “First-pass” reading for a second sorting of the bibliography – Set aside a

number of hours over several days to engage in intelligent skimming (or, scan reading) of the
works in the above three categories. (See the Tips section on scan reading.) Your goal is to
come up with a refined bibliographic list that you will later read with more care (and take
notes on); a sub-goal is to identify the truly essential readings, which are the ones you should
read ahead of the others. For works in each category, decide whether to retain the works in
that category or to move it to one of the other categories. For those that stay in or are
moved to category 1 (see sub-section C, above), you may wish to use an additional
annotation system (like an asterisk - *) to identify the super-important works. One of the
reasons that it is important to take some time initially to sort out the categories before

starting to read closely is that it gives you a basis for making decisions later in your research
about when it is okay to stop reading and start writing, if it appears you are getting pressed
for time.

E. Revised description and first outline – Now that you have done some skim
reading and produced a newly sorted bibliography, return to the your topic/concept
description (step A) and decide whether it needs a little revising. Once that is done, create an
outline of how you think the paper (based on your current general knowledge) should be
structured. You can use a system to identify sections in the outline that may prove not to be
important to include, or that you may need to exclude if time is tight towards the end of the
writing stage (e.g. italicize or underline the sections that are ideal but perhaps not crucial).
Think of the outline as the table of contents for your essay; use a numbering system (Part 1,
Section A, sub-section (i), or some such system), because this will allow you to mark the
relevant sections on the notes that you take while researching. It is up to you whether you
wish to add short digests in some or all of the outline’s sections as to the kind of questions
you will address and what things you need to look for when you start reading more closely.

F. Close reading of category 1 works and note-taking – If you used an asterisk

system to identify the super-important works, start with them and read as closely as
necessary to understand the work and to spend extra time grasping the parts of the work
most relevant for your own paper. By the time you finish the super-important works, you
will likely have started to develop a level of confidence that allows you to read more
selectively as you more easily find the parts of the work that are most important. That said,
there will be works that you simply must read closely in their entirety; this is especially the
case in closely-argued philosophical papers where nuances may be missed if you dip in and
out of the work too much. As for note-taking, it is very personal. I still prefer using index
cards and writing notes by hand, but this is probably a function of the habits I formed when
a graduate student. There are lots of electronic index-card programs out there, which at
minimum have the benefit of allowing you to copy relevant passages from an electronic
version of an article that you may be reading and paste them into the index card. But, the
point is that you have to develop your own comfort level with how you take notes, notably
with respect to how much detail (which is partly a function of whether the work or a
photocopy or an e-copy will remain closely at hand for you to consult later, in which case
more spare notes are possible) and with respect to whether you create a new card for distinct
points. It is also up to you whether to read with your outline close at hand and to use the
numbering system from the outline to annotate your notes so that you are, already at this
stage, identifying where these notes will likely prove of the most relevance when the time
comes to sort the notes and get down to writing.

G. General consultation of notes and then revision of outline – Once you have
finished your reading and associated note-taking, you should look at your first outline, then
flip through your notes with that outline in mind, and then return to the outline in order to
decide whether to revise it. When revising the outline, you should retain (e.g. in parentheses)
the old numbers for a section if it gets renumbered – if you have already started putting
outline section numbers on your notes – because you will need to return to your notes and
revise the numbers.

H. Write first draft – Here, I will not say much more as writing is a very personal thing.
Look to the Principles and Tips sections for some considerations that may prove relevant to
your writing (e.g. the suggestion to write a précis of a section before writing it in full or the
advice to carefully inspect the transitions between sections to make sure you have both
structure and flow).

I. Pause, go to a movie and poke some fun at your friends who are still writing
their first draft – See the tip on waiting a little while, if you have time before your deadline,
before you start to edit.

J. Hand-edit your first draft for substance as well as for style – As with writing,
there is not much I will say. Good editing is a talent all to itself, but it is crucial to note that it
is part of good writing. I have heard it said by a novelist that her novels are 20% first draft
and 80% editing. While that is of course far too much for a basic university essay, it does
give you the idea that editing should not be thought of as a luxury, least of all as something
that can be done simply with a spell-check program on a computer. The reason I suggest
hand-editing (the old-fashioned making of marks on paper with ink or graphite) is that I
believe it concentrates the mind. It also results de facto in not one but two stages of editing:
the first stage is the hand-edit and the second stage is when you enter the edits into the
computer (at which stage you will almost certainly be finding yourself perfecting your own
edits as you enter them).

K. Go to another movie if you have time and then read the paper one last time –
Make sure the writing (grammar, syntax, clarity, etc) is as good as you can expect. You may
find yourself making one or two substantive changes as well, but the primary purpose is to
produce a nice, clean final product that your supervisor will love you for.

L. Submit the final essay and go to another movie – Congratulations.

M. If this is a dissertation or an article or a book, expect sometime in the future

to do at least a couple more rounds of further revisions – This will be as a result of
feedback from your supervisor, examining committee, journal editor, book publisher, and so
on. Look forward to another movie once it is finally done.

IV. Tips

Note that the following tips are in a fairly random order:

 Develop your own skills and comfort level for scan reading. The only basic advice I
will give is that I normally find it useful to skim in the following stages: 1) read the
entire introduction quickly; 2) scan the headings and sub-headings of the entire work
(in the case of most books and some journal articles, this can be done by looking at
the table of contents); and 3) read the conclusion quickly. This is enough to reach a
preliminary conclusion on the category of importance/relevance (1, 2 or 3 – see
Presumptive Research Steps above) in which to place the work you are reading. If it is

not, then you will need to use your best judgment to do some additional speed
reading in order to make that final determination.

 Accept that you sometimes have to stop reading even though you feel there is more
(sometimes much more) that you should or could read. In order to leave yourself
time to write and edit, you will almost always need to set artificial deadlines about
when to stop reading.

 For your topic and associated essay concept, lean toward the narrow over the broad
while at the same time treating the topic/concept proportionately to the seriousness
of the essay. (A topic may be too narrow to permit a developed discussion for an
entire dissertation. A topic that is good for a PhD is very unlikely to be advisable for
an essay in an undergraduate seminar. And so on.)

 Brainstorm at major decision points (e.g. what topic and associated issues to
research; what aspects to include or exclude; whether to rely on a particular line of
argument; etc), ideally both with your supervisor and separately with student

 Especially for shorter essays in time-limited contexts, learn the art of ‘bracketing’
issues and angles. Everyone has 20/20 vision in hindsight and we always find it
easiest to criticize others’ work by pointing out what they should have addressed. But
every article cannot be a book, and every undergraduate essay cannot be a masters
thesis or PhD dissertation. So, you should make sure to include brief but clear
statements of what you are knowingly and deliberately excluding from the essay (this
is what I call ‘bracketing’); these can be in the introduction section or, occasionally as
needed throughout your essay, in footnotes. It is a bit of an art in two respects. You
first have to predict what others will think you should have addressed and you
secondly need to phrase the exclusion without making it sound defensive (as if you
are making an excuse for something you actually think you should have included).
Obviously, for shorter essays in the context of university programs, it is sufficient to
say that time and space does not permit coverage of the excluded elements. For
scholarly articles and books, it takes more explaining to make it seem reasonable that
something was sidestepped or ‘bracketed.’ One device is to point out how the
bracketed issues are a logical future step to pursue but need not be addressed at this
point for the essay to have value.

 In all writing, your ultimate aim is to convince an assumed audience (who will or may
read your essay) of the merits of the essay (both the value of even spending time on
the topic and the worth of the arguments you make). If that is true, think of
persuasion as an overarching orientation to your own arguments when you are writing
your essay. Would this convince someone reading my essay in a reflective and fair
way? Do I need to make one or more premises/assumptions more explicit in order
for them to follow my argument and do I need to deepen those
premises/assumptions for the reader not only to follow but also to accept my

 The most persuasive essays tend to be those that both acknowledge counter-
perspectives and depict those counter-perspectives with reasonable fairness, before
then going on to demonstrate why those counter-perspectives are mistaken (whether
in whole or only in part). There are limits to how extensively one can do this for
short essays in limited-time contexts, but it is still a useful ideal to seek to achieve as
much as possible.

 Footnotes or endnotes: I am biased toward footnotes. I like to see what is important

enough to be cited, and I hate having to flip to the back of a work in order to find
the reference. Others feel differently, but I am right and they are wrong ….:) How’s
that for a persuasive argument?

 One approach to producing insights (in the sense described earlier) is to use the
method of framing issues and problems in different ways from the ways they have
been presented/described in the literature that comes before you. This is of course
reframing in ways you consider helpful, not just reframing for its own sake; you want
the new frame to make the painting look better not just the same as before.

 Explanation of what others have said or argued is a valuable part of scholarship.

Explanation by descriptive distillation is very often necessary to set the ground for
subsequent analysis and it can also produce insights because you may distill matters
better than others have done. But, it is also dangerous to rely on explanation alone
to be the point of an essay because it is still a form of description and also risks
having the reader think you are really only repeating what others have said. So, you
should strive for something that feels like an insightful synthesis in which you add
value by observing both where prior arguments are compatible with each other (or
even mutually supporting of each other) and where some arguments stand in tension
with (or possibly complete opposition to) each other.

 Use section headings as markers for giving structure and providing guides as to the
progression of the overall argument. But, do not over-use them (in the style of some
academic traditions) to the point that distinction upon distinction is made and you
end up not being able to ‘see the forest for the trees.’

 Always check and refine transitions between sections as part of the final editing
process; this ensures you have managed to create flow at the same time as structure.

 The conclusion to the essay is best used for either crystallizing the final or overall
argument or briefly reminding the reader of the key point/s of the article. It should
not be a reiteration, however condensed, of what you have already written nor, least
of all, a detailed after-the-fact roadmap (so, not: “In this essay, I have done ‘x, y and
z’ in section 1, ‘a, b, and c’ in section 2, etc….”). As well, the ideal conclusion should
be fairly brief because the key arguments should already have been made. Also,
stylistically, a brief conclusion helps leave the impression with the reader of a clear
and focused essay.

 Do not write by over-citation, which can result in the citations submerging your own
voice. Learn to précis and to attribute generally to a source, thus retaining your own
way of expressing the matter.

 Beware of passages or points that will appear to the reader like they have been
“parachuted” into the piece (i.e. no clear connection to what has come before or,
worse, also no clear connection to what comes afterward).

 In arguing your points, know what your premises are and when to make them
explicit so that the reader can more easily follow why you believe a specific
conclusion follows from your arguments.

 Do not be lazy with your writing style. At least at the final editing stages, make sure
you look for all grammatical errors including problems of syntax. If a reader keeps
coming up against poor writing, it affects her impression of the substantive
argument. Consider asking a friend (who has enough knowledge of law) to read the
final version to catch any lingering problems; ask her to point out (a) clear
grammatical mistakes and (b) sentences where she simply cannot follow what you
intend to say.

 Less is often more. (This is a rule I break too often.) This refers both to the overall
length of an essay and to the length of component parts (from individual sentences
to sub-sections). It is fine to write at some length when just ‘getting your basic
argument down on paper’ but then you should make sure you have left enough
editing time to allow you to make your arguments as tight as possible. Although it is
a bit simplistic to say what I am about to say, it is often true that forcing yourself to
cut length by at least 10% (perhaps even 20%) can result in the realization that you
can make the same point more sharply and clearly – and thus more effectively.

 Be prepared to suggest a process for interacting with your supervisor that you feel
will be of most benefit to you, but ultimately be prepared to adjust to your
supervisor’s way of working. The more flexible you are prepared to be, the more
you will get out of the experience and the less frustration you will feel.

 Many scholars are not very organized and especially not very good at keeping track
of things. Early in your career, you should try to develop good record-keeping and
planning habits. One place to start is to make sure you keep good records of all of
your interactions with your supervisor: emails, drafts provided (with dates), copies of
any written notes from the supervisor (e.g. on your drafts), transcriptions of any oral
feedback from the supervisor during an appointment, and so on. Because a paper
evolves over a period of time (and some may span several years, like PhD
dissertations), it is often the case that you will periodically need to brief (if not re-
brief) the supervisor on where things stand – what you have discussed before, which
version of a draft you are now discussing, and so on. You keep the records because
most supervisors will not do it well.

 Consider suggesting to your supervisor a little ‘trick’ that I use in my own
supervisions. I suggest to my supervisees that “short chunk” meetings can be more
useful than trying to get feedback on a long portion of work. These short-chunk
meetings involve the student bringing a piece of writing to the meeting for the
supervisor to read on the spot (while the student reads something else to pass the
time). The supervisor then gives immediate feedback, which can include handing
back the written work with annotations made while reading. Meetings need to be
scheduled to be longer than usual to take into account how long it takes to read the
agreed number of pages; for example, I will schedule 45 minutes to an hour for 15
double-spaced pages of writing, with 20-30 minutes for reading and 15-25 minutes
for discussion. But the benefits of this approach include: (a) it avoids supervisor
delays in reading longer drafts, however well in advance of a meeting you submit the
long draft; (b) it generates feedback when the text is fresh in the mind of both
student and supervisor; and (c) it produces a focused and usually very productive

 When submitting a new draft of something already read by the supervisor, it can be
helpful if it is highlighted to show where you have reworked or added material.
Supervisors only have so much time, and do not appreciate having to read 90% of
the same material in order to actually find 10% of new material.

 Pause before re-reading your own work. Give it something like two days. It helps
you detect undue looseness or even laziness in your formulations and arguments.

 Just as I have suggested supervisors have certain pathologies you need to take into
account, be aware of your own pathologies and make efforts to counteract them.
For example, if you have a tendency to procrastinate or a tendency to read too much
or a tendency to read too closely or a tendency to do your writing when you are not
fresh, then make conscious efforts not to do these things.

 For a short essay, even a single insight suffices. Some of the best published articles
have a single value-added point, albeit well developed and well argued.

 Create your own rolling list of sources (catalogues, databases, relevant websites,
printed bibliographies, leading journals, etc) for your area/s of research. They are
“rolling” in that you modify and add to them as you gain experience in the field.

 Create your own order of work for your research. By “order of work”, I mean the
steps you take to start and finish a research essay. Although there are some
suggested standard stages (see Presumptive Research Steps section, earlier), we each may
have our own variations that we find useful. Not everyone likes to do all their
research before starting to write, for example. Others like everything to be done
before writing, albeit leaving some possibility for a little more research to be done if
one comes up against an unexpected gap. The point of writing out your own order
of work is to encourage you to think explicitly about work habits that make sense for
you and to then develop a consistently effective way of researching. Habits tend to

stick with you, and that includes sloppy or ineffective research habits. To develop
effective research habits that stay with you, the earlier the better.

 You should consider building up your own personal “research guide” of everything
you learn that has proven useful to you in your research, from sources to process.
Notwithstanding what I say below about the dangers of relying on the Internet, you
may wish to consider building your own personal research portal by making use of
one of the free ‘dashboards’ out there that allows you to customize your own web
interface (and use it as a home page, if you like) with links to all the relevant places
on the web for your research, from university catalogue websites to scholarly
discussion forums to splash pages for commercial legal-research databases. Google
has a facility that you can use to build your own portal but there are others.

 Notwithstanding the foregoing point tip, beware of the Internet as a primary, let
alone a sole, source for research, except as a medium to access professional research
databases. Some websites have accurate and reliable information, but you should
assume 99% of what you find on the Internet (especially through a simple Google
search) is not something to rely on in a scholarly essay. Do not cite Wikipedia as a
source, even if you may of course legitimately use it as a background source to get an
initial idea about a topic. As a flipside of this principle, get to know (and love) the
libraries you have access to. Spend some time wandering the sections relevant to
your work and spend some time learning reference sources (bibliographies, indices,
etc) that are still in print only.

 Be especially aware of how badly the library profession has catalogued chapters in
edited books. Finding good work in edited books often requires discovering a title
that seems very useful and then going to physically look at the book so you see what
chapters are in it.

 Do not rely on articles simply because they tend, for the most part, to be more
accessible via electronic databases. While, in some fields, articles will be the
dominant form of scholarship, it will still be the case that there will be key books for
your research topic.

 Writing outlines at different stages, starting as soon as you feel you have a basic
sense of the issues you want to research, can be helpful. It is a focused way of
constantly reflecting on your ideas, without having to do a lot of writing.

 Before you start writing the paper (or any given section of it), consider clarifying
your arguments to yourself in précis (short) form before writing the actual section/s.
Sketch before you paint. Like a good painter, you can always depart from the sketch
as you paint, but you will almost always be glad to have taken the time to have a
sketch to refer to.

 Especially in advanced scholarly contexts, it is almost always useful if colleagues with

some degree of familiarity with your topic (or the area/s of law to which it relates)
can read the penultimate draft and offer some comments. People are busy, but if

you make sure that even one comment is welcome, you will increase the chances
others will give it a look and give you some useful feedback.

 As part of starting to build your own personal research guide, write down all the tips
that you think I missed. There are bound to be a number of them.

V. Conclusion

Take everything I have said with a grain of salt. Ultimately, the only truly key advice for
producing insightful research papers is to develop early in one’s writing career the habits that
prove to be effective for your own style and for the particularities of your own research
questions; the above considerations will hopefully assist in fashioning the best approach for
you. The corollary advice is not to allow careless or inefficient research and writing habits to
become so ingrained that they end up hard-wired and extremely difficult to modify down the


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