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Do I Have The Right Kind of Faith?: © RBC Ministries. All Rights Reserved

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That’s Faith! . . . . . . . . . . 2
Right And Wrong . . . . . 4 DO I HAVE THE
The Wrong Kind RIGHT KIND OF
Of Faith
1. Faith In Humanism . . 6
2. Faith In Escapism. . . . 8

s it possible to have the
3. Faith In Occultism . . 10 wrong kind of faith? Or is
4. Faith In Mysticism . . 12 it enough just to believe
5. Faith In in something? And if that’s
Sacramentalism . . . . 13 the case, isn’t one religious
6. Faith In Legalism . . . 15 idea just as good as another?
7. Faith In Selfism . . . . 16 After all, like the peanut butter
8. Faith In commercial says, “Everybody
Universalism . . . . . . 19 believes in something.”
The Right Kind What does the Bible say?
Of Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
To answer these questions, our
How Much Faith staff of writers has put together
Is Enough? . . . . . . . . . . 26
this book to show that there is
Old Testament only one faith that will stand
Examples Of Faith . . . . 28
the test of time.
New Testament Martin R. De Haan II
Examples Of Faith . . . . 29
“Now I Have
The Right Faith”. . . . . . 30
Checking Your Faith . . 32
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo: Adventure Photo & Film/B. Brown
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
© 1988,2001,2002 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA

© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.

THAT’S FAITH! that God told him he is the
Messiah. She has faith in

almly and her leader.
confidently, the The dust of another
scientist explains hot midday swirls around
that the universe is billions hundreds of figures as they
and billions of years old bow reverently and humbly
and that it all started with toward their holy city.
a Big Bang. As he flashes Fanatically devoted to the
pictures of faraway galaxies religion of their ancestors,
and planets, he gives many these people of Middle East
interesting facts. But when heritage pause three times
he assures his listeners that every day to pray to the one
it all began by mere chance, they call Allah. They have
he expresses a belief for faith in Allah.
which he has no scientific The sophisticated
proof. He has faith in his crusader zealously
assumptions. campaigns for man to
Dressed in an end-of- put his trust in man. He
the-world robe, a young calls for an end to the
woman stands patiently restrictive forces of religion
beside the road. She is and God. He pleads his
trying to sell roses to case for freedom from
uninterested drivers as absolute morals and from
they stop for a red light. the promise of eternal
She smiles, and without consequences for sin.
complaint she goes about He says that man and
her simple life of peddling man alone brings progress
flowers. She gives up yet into this world. He has faith
another day of her life to in man.
a cultic leader who claims Candles light the room
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like miniature lanterns, never thinking that the
casting a wavering glow mechanism might not
over the tiny religious work. She performs
figurines on the shelf. hundreds of acts like
Day after day, the elderly that every day. She
woman who worships at has faith.
this mini-shrine devotes
herself to rituals she was
taught many years before.
Unobserved by the outside
world, she prays for her faith n. 1. A confident
deceased husband’s soul. belief in the truth, value,
She has faith in her religion. or trustworthiness of a
The housewife gets into person, idea, or thing.
her car, puts the key in the 2. Belief that does not
ignition, and turns it. rest on logical proof or
Without even giving it a material evidence.
second thought, she starts 3. Loyalty to a person
the car. She stops to pick or thing; allegiance.
up the cleaning, sure that 4. a. Belief and trust in
her garments have been God. b. Religious conviction.
taken care of. She stops at 5. A system of religious
the grocery store on the beliefs.
way home and purchases 6. A set of principles or
three cans of tomato soup, beliefs.
two loaves of bread, and —The American Heritage
a package of hot dogs, Dictionary, 2nd College Edition
trusting that each of these ©1985
items is perfectly safe to
eat. Back home she picks
up the phone and dials,
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FAITH: RIGHT • Right faith is not an
AND WRONG end in itself.
• Right faith is not based

hat makes a on one’s imagination.
faith right? With
all these voices
calling for us to trust their The rightness of
messages, how can we faith is determined
know which one to listen by its object!
to? Buying peanut butter is
one thing—it may not really
make that much difference The conclusion, therefore,
which one you put your is this: The rightness of faith
trust in. But it may make is determined by its object!
a difference when you’re Your faith is right if you put
choosing an investment your trust in the right thing.
counselor or a heart surgeon. For centuries, people
It certainly could make a have struggled with this
difference when you’re matter of faith. They have
selecting a parachute. Or made some tragic mistakes
when you’re deciding what by trusting in people and
to believe in as you confront things that failed them.
the issue of life after death. Like the passengers on the
The rightness or Titanic or the followers of
wrongness of faith is cultic leaders such as Jim
determined by its object— Jones or David Koresh, they
by what you believe in. have had the wrong faith.
• Right faith is not just a But all too often that’s
warm, secure feeling. what man does. All too
• Right faith is not a blind, often he doesn’t know
wild, irrational hope. who or what to trust in.
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THE WRONG wrong because man is
KIND OF FAITH finite in his understanding,
limited in his power,

eople will always and sinful by nature.
believe in something. The following diagram
Yet, as we have just represents the instability
seen, they often put their of faith that has man as
faith in the wrong thing— its object.
something not worthy of
their trust and allegiance.
This was true when the
pagans of past ages FAITH
invented their own
gods of wood and stone,
and it is true in our age MAN
of mushrooming scientific
knowledge and astounding In the next few pages,
technological achievements. we will be looking at some
Today man turns in common examples of the
many different directions wrong kind of faith:
in an attempt to find the • faith in humanism,
right thing to believe in. • faith in escapism,
Unfortunately, he usually • faith in occultism,
winds up putting his faith • faith in mysticism,
in himself and in his own • faith in sacramentalism,
methods, philosophies, • faith in legalism,
and systems of belief. • faith in selfism, and
When it comes down to • faith in universalism.
the final analysis, the wrong
kind of faith is faith that is
resting on man. This is
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
We have witnessed a
revival of man’s belief in
man during the past
FAITH half a century. The
1960s were years of great
accomplishments. Diseases
Humanism like polio were conquered,
and we landed a man on
1. FAITH IN the moon. John F. Kennedy,
HUMANISM expressing the spirit of the
One of man’s wrong age, said confidently, “All
objects of faith is himself. man’s problems were
Humanism, the modern created by man and can
expression of man’s belief be solved by man.”
in man, has its roots in
the Renaissance. The
rediscovery of Aristotle, a The humanist
renewed interest in the arts, says that man
the spirit of exploration, is the measure
improvements in farming
techniques, and the decline of all things.
of the feudal system
brought mankind a surge Humanism rests on the
of confidence. Alberti conviction that man’s
expressed the new thinking intellect as he uses the
when he wrote, “A man can scientific method can bring
do all things if he will.” solutions to all his problems
Müller continued the and answers to all his
thought when he said, questions. Man needs no
“We see the future of man outside help. He has in
as one of his own making.” himself all the resources he
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needs. Moreover, grievous injustice. The
humanism says that cruelty of our civilized
things will continue to get world, which produced the
better and better. Some kind Nazi concentration camps,
of cosmic force which lies is still with us. Crime rates
behind evolution guarantees keep rising all over the
continued progress. world. The number of
For decades, humanistic teenage suicides is
futurists focused on the escalating. The contrast
year 2000 as the year between the overfed rich
mankind would enter a and the starving poor
millennial-like state. becomes increasingly
Their hope in a worldwide pronounced. The tension
paradise was based on a of living in a world in which
number of factors: a madman could start a
• Interplanetary travel nuclear war increases. Drug
• Ocean exploration abuse, venereal disease,
• Space stations abortion, and other social
• Medical advances evils continue to become
• Genetic engineering more and more of a
• Futuristic housing problem.
• Global communication Man’s moral development
• Solar energy certainly isn’t keeping pace
B. F. Skinner expressed with his growing scientific
the hope of the futurists knowledge and power.
when he wrote, “We have Therefore, some of the men
not yet seen what man can who have adopted the
make of man.” humanistic approach to life
However, along with are now full of gloom and
the great triumphs of man despair. Consider this quote,
come terrible suffering and found in the Russell/Einstein
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Manifesto: “We have found
that the men who know the
most [about the future] are
the most gloomy.” FAITH
Koestler recently wrote,
“Nature has let us down.
God seems to have left the Escapism
receiver off the hook, and
time is running out.” 2. FAITH IN
Humanism is ESCAPISM
not realistic. Man’s A second wrong object of
unbounded confidence in faith is escapism, the belief
himself is unwarranted. As that we can find peace and
a result, humanists must solace in the make-believe
either engage in wishful world of alcohol and drugs.
thinking or become totally An increasing number of
pessimistic, or they must people, young and old, are
step outside their belief using artificial means to
system and talk about a escape the reality of life
“cosmic intelligence” that and to seek comfort in an
will somehow guide things unreal world.
to a proper conclusion. Alcohol abuse is
What does the widespread, and those
Bible say? The following who misuse it are inflicting
verses show that faith in terrible harm on themselves,
humanism is wrong faith: their loved ones, and
Psalm 39:5-6; 49:6-7; society. Consider these facts:
118:8; 144:3-4; 146:3; • There are more than 14
Proverbs 14:12; Jeremiah million alcoholics in the
17:5-8; 2 Corinthians 3:5; US—almost 8% of the
1 Timothy 6:17. population.
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• More than 1 million arrested for major crimes
people are injured in tested positive for drugs
alcohol-related car at the time of arrest.
crashes every year. Drug abuse is at an
• Traffic accidents involving epidemic level. Cocaine,
alcohol kill more than heroin, marijuana,
16,000 victims every year. mescaline, LSD, PCP,
• 100,000 deaths in the US and many others are used
each year are attributable to escape reality, to avoid
to alcohol abuse. the fear of death, to dream
• 20%-35% of suicides utopian dreams, and to fade
are alcohol related. into mental and emotional
• Alcoholics are 5 times oblivion.
more likely to die in car Alcohol and drugs are
accidents, 16 times more the wrong objects of faith.
likely to die in falls, and The artificial realities they
10 times more likely to create are not real, last
become burn or fire only a short time, and are
victims. increasingly disappointing.
• Alcohol is present in more Sometimes the “trips” are
than 50% of all incidents bad, producing suicide
of domestic violence. attempts, insanity, and
• 60% of sexual offenders wild psychological terror.
were drinking at the time What does the
of the offense. Bible say? The following
• Alcohol and drug verses show that faith in
abuse are factors in escapism is wrong faith:
the placement of more Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-33;
than 75% of children Isaiah 5:11; 28:7; Luke
entering foster care. 21:34; Romans 13:13-14;
• At least half of the adults Ephesians 5:18.
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and prostitutes may be
linked in occultic rites
requiring human sacrifice.
FAITH Several factors have
contributed to the growth
of the occult:
Occultism • The death of rationalism.
Man sees the inadequacy
3. FAITH IN of reason, so he goes
OCCULTISM outside of it.
A third wrong object of faith • Our preoccupation with
for many people is the world the unknown.
of the occult. A surprising • The influence of Eastern
percentage are turning to religions.
spiritism or even Satanism • Occult publicity through
in this “enlightened” age. movies and books.
A recent newspaper article • Escapism. A person can
gave the account of a avoid the complexities
teenage boy who was and responsibilities
found hanged on his closet of modern life by going
door, his unclothed body to an astrologer or
surrounded by occultic clairvoyant.
objects and two black • The reality of the
candles burning in the room. supernatural world.
Police continue to report the Satan and his demonic
discovery of slain animals in forces are real. We should
remote areas that appear to therefore expect some
have been sacrifices on people to turn to the occult
satanic altars. They suspect as an alternative to belief
as well that the mysterious in God. This is done in the
disappearances of vagrants following three ways:
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Superstition: This his existence would be to
form of occultism is most deny the Bible. When the
evident in practices such as
selecting a lottery number
or rolling dice. A basketball “There are two
coach who always wears
the same, “lucky sport coat,”
equal and opposite
or a professional baseball errors into which
player who never steps on our race can fall
the foul line when coming
off the field, are in the same
about the devils.
category. One is to disbelieve
Spiritism: This belief in their existence.
says that the dead can
be contacted and can
The other is to
communicate with the living. believe and then
Mediums may be consulted feel an excessive
in every major city in the
United States today.
and unhealthy
Satanism: In some interest in them.”
areas, Satan himself is C. S. Lewis
worshiped. A Church of
Satan operates in San
Francisco, and the “church Lord Jesus was tempted in the
of Antichrist” has several wilderness, He demonstrated
branches. The names of how we should act toward the
some popular music groups devil. When Satan demanded
and the words of many of worship, the Savior replied,
their songs reflect their “You shall worship the Lord
satanic influence. your God, and Him only you
Satan is real. To deny shall serve” (Mt. 4:10).
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
What does the Bible this supreme power. They
say? The following verses may give themselves to
show that faith in occultism meditation, self-denial,
is wrong faith: Exodus 22:18; and fasting, and may even
Leviticus 20:6,27; Isaiah engage in painful rites and
8:19-22; 47:12-14; Matthew ceremonies. Through these
4:8-10; 1 Corinthians 10:20- means they try to purge
22; Revelation 21:8; 22:15. themselves of the physical
world, which they believe is
a lesser reality, so that they
may become one with the
higher reality of the invisible
FAITH world.
Mysticism is rooted in
Eastern thought. Because
Mysticism it denies the self, it tends
toward fatalism. Its followers
4. FAITH IN often feel an overwhelming
MYSTICISM sense of worthlessness and
A fourth false system of view the loss of personal
belief to which many people conscious existence as an
hold today is mysticism. ideal state.
They speak of a supreme Paul warned of the
power rather than a supreme dangers of mysticism when
being. They believe that this he wrote:
supreme power is part of Let no one cheat you
everything and in everything, of your reward, taking
including themselves. delight in false humility
They use prayers, chants, and worship of angels,
and incantations to put intruding into those things
themselves in harmony with which he has not seen,
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vainly puffed up by his They believe that by
fleshly mind (Col. 2:18). participating in a series of
The mystic denies religious rituals they receive
self and thus denies the God’s grace. They speak of
possibility of personal a sacrament as “a visible
salvation. Yet with all his symbol of invisible grace.”
vaunted humility, his Sacramentalism arose
problem is his own “fleshly during the Middle Ages
mind”—his refusal to and was developed by
submit to God as He has the Scholastics. Thomas
revealed Himself in Christ. Aquinas said that the
What does the Bible sacraments have virtue
say? The following verses in themselves. They
show that faith in mysticism are therefore seen as
is wrong faith; Deuteronomy channels of grace and are
29:29; 1 Corinthians 2:7-16; administered by a priest.
Colossians 2:18,23. The participant receives
righteousness by using them.
The church has long
practiced two ordinances,
baptism and the Lord’s
FAITH Supper, as commanded in
the Bible. It was probably
inevitable that some
Sacramentalism would mistakenly give
these ordinances the same
5. FAITH IN spiritual power as the written
SACRAMENTALISM Word of God. The Roman
A fifth wrong object of faith Catholic church gave these
for a growing number of two ordinances sacramental
people is sacramentalism. force and added five others:
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confirmation, penance, works, lest anyone should
extreme unction, ordination, boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).
and marriage. The idea that sacraments
The Bible, however, convey God’s grace to us is
teaches us foreign to
salvation 1. Baptism: thought to be the door Testament.
is by grace to the kingdom of God and to the Baptism is
other sacraments.
through 2. Confirmation: thought to
faith, and complete what baptism begins and clearly as a
faith alone. to confer grace in ever-increasing symbol of
Paul strength. our union
declared, 3. Eucharist: believed to confer the with Jesus
food of spiritual life in the body
“Therefore, and blood of Christ.
having 4. Penance: said to remove the through
been guilt of daily sin as baptism is said faith (Rom.
justified by to remove the guilt of original sin. 6:1-5), and
faith, we 5. Extreme Unction: said to heal the Lord’s
the soul of sins that are not
have peace remitted by penance.
with God 6. Ordination: said to empower a is shown
through person to administer the to be a
our Lord sacraments. simple
Jesus 7. Marriage: thought to make the memorial
union of man and woman
Christ” perpetual and bring it into
(Lk. 22:19;
(Rom. 5:1). harmony with the picture of 1 Cor.
He also Christ and the church. 11:23-34).
wrote, “For
by grace you have been What does the
saved through faith, and Bible say? The following
that not of yourselves; it verses show that faith in
is the gift of God, not of sacramentalism is wrong
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
faith: Isaiah 1:11-15; trying to earn salvation by
Jeremiah 6:20; Hosea 8:13; something he does.
Mark 12:33. The Pharisees were
extreme legalists. They
added hundreds of minute
regulations to the Mosaic
law and tried to get others
FAITH to live by them. At the same
time, they were fiercely
proud of the righteousness
Legalism they felt they had earned
because of their meticulous
6. FAITH IN obedience to all the
LEGALISM regulations. But Jesus firmly
A sixth false object of faith denounced these men. He
for many people is their publicly rebuked them for
own good works. People putting their laws and
like to think that they can regulations above the
please God by their own people. He showed them
efforts. It may be something that God receives sinners
as simple as giving up who come to Him humbly,
smoking, or something as but He rejects the proud
self-sacrificing as giving who place confidence in
everything away. Some their good works.
people think that if they Some converts to the
obey a long list of do’s and Christian faith in the early
don’ts they will impress church, still influenced
God with their sincerity. by their background in
In any case, legalism Judaism, thought that the
is a religion of human apostles should require the
achievement. It is man circumcision of Gentile
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believers (Acts 15:1). Others
felt that salvation was still
linked to the observances
of the Jewish dietary FAITH
regulations. The church
council under the leadership
of James, however, made it Selfism
clear that legalistic rules
were not to be imposed on 7. FAITH IN SELFISM
Gentile believers. And the A seventh wrong faith for
apostle Paul repeatedly many people today is a
rebuked those who were broad category that may
trying to mix law-keeping be called “selfism.” It may
with the gospel of God’s have a number of different
grace. In Colossians 2:16-17 labels—“positive thinking,”
he wrote, “So let no one “possibility thinking,”
judge you in food or in “New-Age thinking,” or
drink, or regarding a festival “holistic teaching.” All of
or a new moon or sabbaths, these faith systems are alike
which are a shadow of in that they speak about a
things to come, but the powerful spiritual force
substance is of Christ” (see within us, which we can tap
also Rom. 14; Gal. 1–3). if we only know how to get
What does the Bible to it. A prominent New-Age
say? The following verses promoter, Shirley MacLaine,
show that faith in legalism has written, “Each person
is wrong faith: Isaiah 64:6; is a universe. If you know
Matthew 23:1-36; Galatians yourself, you know
2:16; 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-9; everything.”
Philippians 3:8-9; Colossians This concept of a divine
2:16; Titus 3:5. force in us and around us is
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so vague that it allows for and similar techniques as
a great deal of diversity of the means by which this
belief. Some people dabble force can be used to
in astrology as their means develop human potential.
of getting in touch with this The term selfism, then,
all-pervading force. Others applies to the faith of
try to do so through mood- those who see a divine
altering drugs. Holistic power residing within
healing supporters say man waiting to be used.
that we can tap this same Sad to say, some
all-permeating power people who claim to be
within us through dieting, evangelicals have fallen
biofeedback, hypnotism, or into a form of selfism.
Although they refer to a
personal God instead of an
impersonal, all-pervading
This concept force, they seem to
of a divine force advocate the same method
in us and around of getting to this God. They
tell us that we can use the
us is so vague force of our intellect, with
that it allows for divine help, to eliminate all
a great deal of negative thoughts from our
minds. They say that
diversity of belief. oppressive thoughts of
sin and evil ruin our self-
esteem and influence us to
mind-control. Educators fail. A popular spokesman
who refer to an “inner for this group wrote:
self” may promote yoga, I don’t think anything
centering, fantasy, imaging, has been done in the
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name of Christ and under “Christ Jesus came into
the banner of Christianity the world to save sinners”
that has proven more (1 Tim. 1:15). Every form
destructive to the human of selfism—from New-Age
personality and, hence, pantheism to pseudo-
counterproductive to the evangelical positive
evangelical enterprise thinking—represents a faith
than the often crude, that does not please God.
uncouth, and unchristian
strategy of attempting to
make people aware of
their lost and sinful Many are
condition (Time, preaching a
March 1985, p.70). false gospel
This man’s influence
is widespread. Many are of wealth,
following his lead and are prosperity,
preaching a gospel of wealth, and success.
prosperity, and success. By
focusing their thoughts on
the positive and forcing
out any negative thinking, What does the
they are striving to achieve Bible say? The following
personal and spiritual verses show that faith in
happiness through success. selfism is wrong faith:
How contrary to the Proverbs 27:2; Daniel 4:28-
teaching of the Bible! Paul 37; Matthew 16:24; Luke
instructed each Christian to 14:11; John 12:25; Romans
“esteem others better than 12:3; 1 Corinthians 10:24;
himself” (Phil. 2:3). He 2 Corinthians 10:17-18;
reminded Timothy that 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
must judge it. He must
bring punishment to the
sinner. The Bible teaches
FAITH that the one who sins will
die (Ezek. 18:4), and that
the wages of sin is death
Universalism (Rom. 6:23). The issue of
our sin must therefore be
8. Faith In settled. That’s why God in
Universalism love did provide for us a
A very popular faith many way of salvation, as we will
people have adopted is that see in the next section.
of universalism. It is the What does the
idea that because God Bible say? The following
is love, He will not send verses show that faith in
anyone to hell. They universalism is wrong faith:
believe that a loving God Daniel 12:2; Matthew 7:22-
would never sentence one 23; 13:38-42,49-50; 25:41-
of His creatures to eternal 46; Revelation 20:12-15.
destruction. Everyone, Those who proclaim
according to this view, will a gospel of love without
ultimately spend eternity doing justice to the
with God. teaching of the Bible
Now the Bible does about God’s holiness may
teach that God is love (1 Jn. be very sincere. In fact,
4:8,18). No one can deny humanists, escapists,
that. But God is also a God occultists, mystics,
of holiness (Lev. 11:44-45; sacramentalists, legalists,
16:2; 20:7; 1 Pet. 1:16). selfists, and universalists
Because He is holy, He may all be sincere in what
cannot ignore sin. He they believe. But sincerity is
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not enough. A person can mistake. There is a right
be sincere—but sincerely kind of faith and there is a
wrong. wrong kind of faith. Left to
himself, man will put his
Summing It Up confidence in the wrong
objects of faith. We
looked at some that are
popular today: humanism,
FAITH escapism, occultism,
mysticism, sacramentalism,
legalism, selfism, and
MAN universalism. God’s Word
shows us clearly that faith
1. Humanism placed in these objects will
2. Escapism end up smashed on the
3. Occultism rocks of disappointment
4. Mysticism and despair.
5. Legalism
6. Sacramentalism
7. Selfism Faith placed
8. Universalism
in the wrong
The popular mood today objects will end
is toleration. The idea is
expressed as follows:
up smashed
“Let everybody do his on the rocks of
own thing. What a person disappointment
believes doesn’t matter
much anyway. Just so he’s
and despair.
happy.” People who say
this are making a serious
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THE RIGHT great crowds followed Him.
KIND OF FAITH He was a man of high
principle and impeccable

o answer the character. He spoke with
question “Do I have authority. He refuted the
the right kind of faith?” falsely pious of His day.
we have first examined He was a man of truth,
eight examples of the wrong integrity, prayer, and
kind of faith. And we have
seen that all of them are
inadequate because they
have the wrong object. FAITH
These faiths—which
originate in man, depend on
man, and end with man— CHRIST
are contrary to the teaching
of the Bible. It is in God’s patience. Yes, He was the
revealed Word that we can kind of man to believe in.
discover the right object of But even more important,
faith—Jesus Christ. Jesus is the right object of
faith because He is God.
CHRIST IS THE His Deity. The
RIGHT OBJECT following are just a few of
OF FAITH the many verses throughout
Even from a human the Bible which indicate
perspective, Jesus was the that Christ is God:
kind of person people are In the beginning was the
looking for to believe in. He Word [Jesus Christ], and
was a wise master teacher. the Word was with God,
He had such power and and the Word was God
personal magnetism that (Jn. 1:1).
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The Word became flesh Because Christ is God,
and dwelt among us, and faith placed in Him has
we beheld His glory, the unshakable stability.
glory as of the only Consider the following:
begotten of the Father, • Christ is eternal
full of grace and truth (Jn. 1:1; 17:5).
(Jn. 1:14). • Christ is all-knowing
No one has seen God (Jn. 16:30; 21:17).
at any time. The only • Christ is all-powerful
begotten Son [Jesus (Jn. 5:19).
Christ], who is in the • Christ is unchanging
bosom of the Father, (Heb. 13:8).
He has declared Him • Christ is everywhere
(Jn. 1:18). (Mt. 18:20; 28:20).
To the Son [Jesus Christ] • Christ is the Creator
He [the Father] says: of all (Col. 1:16).
“Your throne, O God, • Christ is the Upholder
is forever and ever” of all (Heb. 1:3).
(Heb. 1:8). Wrong faith puts its
When Jesus Christ was trust in an object that is
born, the second person of finite, fickle, and limited
the eternal trinity became in knowledge and power.
man. Without losing His The contrast is obvious!
deity, He took on Himself His Activity. Faith
our human nature (Phil. 2:5- in Jesus Christ is further
11). Although this is hard to strengthened when one
comprehend, the deity of considers what He has
Christ is clearly taught in done, what He is doing,
Scripture (Isa. 9:6; Mt. and what He will do for
26:63-65; Jn. 10:30; 14:9; us. For example:
17:11; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3). • Christ became human to
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
rescue us from eternal supernatural peace
death (Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. of God (Jn. 14:27;
2:9). Phil. 4:6-7).
• Christ lived as a man, • Christ will raise the
giving us an example bodies of believers
to follow (1 Pet. 2:21; from the grave and
1 Jn. 2:6). transform them into an
• Christ suffered and incorruptible, immortal
died to free us from form (1 Cor. 15:51-54;
the penalty of sin (Mk. 1 Th. 4:15-17).
10:45; Heb. 9:26-28). • Christ will reward the
• Christ rose from the faithful and condemn
dead, proving His those who have not
victory over death and trusted in Him (Jn. 5:24-
His power to provide 30; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor.
eternal life (Rom. 6:8-11; 5:10-11; Rev. 20:11-15).
1 Cor. 15:20-22). • Christ will rule the earth
• Christ is in heaven with His saints for 1,000
preparing an eternal years (Rev. 20:4,6).
home for those who • Christ will create an
have put their faith eternal new heaven
in Him (Jn. 14:2). and earth that will have
• Christ intercedes on no death, sorrow, crying,
behalf of His children or pain (Rev. 21:1-6).
(Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25). The Testimony Of
• Christ defends Scripture. The Bible says
believers against that Jesus is to be the object
Satan’s accusations of our faith. We must put
(1 Jn. 2:1; cp. Heb. our trust in Him if we are to
9:23; Rev. 12:10). have our sins forgiven and
• Christ provides the to be at peace with God.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
When the Philippian jailer I have written you who
asked the apostle Paul, believe in the name of the
“What must I do to be Son of God, that you
saved?” he replied, “Believe may know that you have
on the Lord Jesus Christ, eternal life (1 Jn. 5:11-13).
and you will be saved” According to these
(Acts 16:30-31). Elsewhere, verses, he who believes
the Bible says: in Christ will be saved, will
For God so loved the not perish, and will not be
world that He gave His condemned. But the one
only begotten Son, that who refuses to put his
whoever believes in Him faith in Christ is already
should not perish but condemned and does not
have everlasting life have eternal life.
(Jn. 3:16). Putting Faith In
He who believes in Christ. If your faith is in
Him [Jesus Christ] is anyone or in anything other
not condemned; but he than Christ, your faith is
who does not believe is inadequate. It is the wrong
condemned already, kind of faith. To have the
because he has not right kind of faith, the Bible
believed in the name of gives the following steps:
the only begotten Son of 1. You must admit
God (Jn. 3:18). your sinfulness and desire
This is the testimony: that to turn from it. Jesus said,
God has given us eternal “Unless you repent you
life, and this life is in His will all likewise perish”
Son. He who has the Son (Lk. 13:3).
has life; he who does not 2. You must believe
have the Son of God does that “Christ died for our
not have life. These things sins according to the
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Scriptures, and that He faith, is now. Paul
rose again the third day” wrote, “Behold, now
(1 Cor. 15:3-4). is the accepted time;
3. You must trust in behold now is the day of
Jesus Christ alone as your salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). You
personal Savior and Lord. can do it today by bowing
Romans 10:9 says, “If you your head and praying
confess with your mouth something like this:
the Lord Jesus and believe Dear God, I know that
in your heart that God has I am a sinner and that
raised Him from the dead, in my own strength I
you will be saved.” By an cannot do anything to
act of faith, by a deliberate please You or to earn
choice, you must accept eternal life. I believe that
God’s offer of salvation You love me and that
through His Son and be You sent Your Son to die
willing to let Him take on the cross to pay the
control of your life. penalty for my sin. I will
now put my faith in You
and trust completely in
The time to choose Jesus Christ to rescue
to trust in Christ, me. I desire to turn away
from my sin and to let
to make Him You take control of my
the object of your life. Save me and be
faith, is now. my Lord. Amen.
If you prayed that
prayer in all sincerity, you
The time to choose can honestly say, “Now I
to trust in Christ, to make have the right kind of
Him the object of your faith!”
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
HOW MUCH available information.
FAITH IS This decision involves
the knowledge of essential
ENOUGH? facts, a personal acceptance

ow much of those facts as true and
faith does a valuable, and a
person need to: commitment to act in
• parachute out of an accordance with those facts.
• cross a bridge?
• get married? Faith is
• sit on a chair?
• ride a rollercoaster?
more than
• jump into a life raft? a feeling.
• become a Christian?
In each of these cases,
you might feel fear or For example, how much
confidence to some degree. faith would it take for you
But would those emotions to cross a footbridge over a
be accurate indicators of canyon? First, you would
faith? You could be terrified collect some basic facts
and yet decide to parachute by visually evaluating
out of an airplane. Or you the structural reliability
could feel very confident of the bridge. Then, if you
and yet decide not to jump concluded that it was safe,
into thin air. Faith is more you would cross the bridge.
than a feeling. Biblical faith operates in
Faith is primarily much the same way. First,
a decision to entrust you must learn from the
ourselves to something Bible basic information
or someone, based on about God, man, sin, and
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Christ (Acts 10:34-43; Rom. have great faith in God
10:17). Then, once you to get you through the
realize that these facts are trials of life?
true and that they demand Again the answer is
a personal response, you found in whether or not
must make a decision to your faith is in the right
believe what God has said object. Christ told His
and to trust Jesus Christ disciples that faith in God,
as your only hope of even if it was the size of a
forgiveness and eternal life mustard seed, would be
(Jn. 10:9; Acts 20:21). enough to move a mountain
So, how much faith is (Mt. 17:20). The amount of
enough? To answer this,
consider the following
questions: Do you know “If you have faith
the basic information about
God, man, sin, and Christ? as a mustard seed,
Have you recognized your you will say to this
hopeless condition without mountain, ‘Move
Jesus Christ? Have you
accepted His offer of rescue? from here to there,’
Have you responded in trust and it will move;
and obedience? If you have and nothing will be
answered yes to each of
these questions, your faith impossible for you.”
is enough. Jesus (Mt. 17:20)
You may ask, though,
about the amount of faith
you need after you have faith is not the issue, it’s
put your trust in Christ for the object of our faith that
salvation. Do you have to determines its effectiveness.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
OLD TESTAMENT from his deathbed
EXAMPLES OF (50:22-26; Heb. 11:22).
Moses: He chose
FAITH to devote himself to
Abel: God accepted God’s care and direction
Abel’s offering given from rather than to depend on
a heart of faith (Heb. 11:4; Pharaoh’s riches (Heb.
Gen. 4:2-4). 11:24-28; Ex. 2:1–4:31).
Noah: When God Rahab: She gave
looked over a rebellious evidence of her faith
earth, He saw that in the God of Israel when
Noah alone lived by she sheltered Jewish spies
faith (Heb. 11:7; (Heb. 11:31; Josh. 2).
Gen. 6:8–9:29). David: David believed
Abraham: As the that the Lord could use him
“father of all those who to kill a giant (1 Sam. 17),
believe” (Rom. 4:11), deliver him from a jealous
Abraham was declared king (1 Sam. 15–31),
right with God because of give him military victories
his faith, not because of (2 Sam. 5,8,10,21), and
human works (Heb. 11:8- forgive his sins (Ps. 51).
19; Gen. 15:6). Samuel: As a child,
Joseph: Genesis 39 Samuel expressed his faith
through 50 shows that in the Lord (1 Sam. 3:10).
Joseph’s faith was strong He then devoted his life to
in temptation (39), in serve Him (1 Sam. 1–24).
unjust imprisonment (40),
in interpreting Pharaoh’s
dreams (41), in ruling
Egypt (41–50), and in
giving his last instructions
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
NEW TESTAMENT Cornelius: This
EXAMPLES OF military leader readily
responded to Peter’s gospel
FAITH message (Acts 10:1-48).
Nicodemus: This Lydia: God opened
Jewish leader’s actions give this woman’s heart to Paul’s
strong evidence that he put preaching, and she and her
his faith in Jesus after he household were baptized
met with Him privately (Jn. (Acts 16:14-15).
3:1-21; 7:50-52; 19:38-42). Philippian Jailer:
Matthew: He gave up a In a moment of crisis, this
lucrative tax-collecting job to man asked Paul how to
follow Jesus Christ (Mt. 9:9). be saved, and his entire
Peter: This fisherman household believed
recognized Jesus as Messiah (Acts 16:30-34).
and made profound Bereans: Many
statements of faith (Mt. people in Berea heard
16:18; Jn. 6:68; Acts 1–12). Paul’s message and studied
Ethiopian Official: what he said for accuracy
This man put his faith in before giving their lives to
Jesus after Philip explained Christ (Acts 17:10-12).
Isaiah’s prophecy of the Timothy: Through
Messiah (Acts 8:26-40). the influence of his
Paul: He had to be grandmother, mother,
blinded before he could and Paul, Timothy trusted
see Christ as his Savior Christ (1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim.
and Lord. His life 3:14-16).
and words became a
testimony to salvation
by grace through faith
(Acts 9–28).
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
NOW I HAVE taught, and some of my
THE RIGHT teachers even warned my
classmates and me of the
FAITH dangers of disobeying
by Betty Kwekel
God. I didn’t worry, though,
as told to David C. Egner
because I was trusting in

wo years ago I was the religious dedication of
not a Christian. My life my parents. But inside I
was empty, and I felt began to rebel.
hollow inside. I had been The week that I
forced to admit to myself graduated from high school,
that the things I was when I was 17 years old,
trusting in were not living I went out on my own. I felt
up to their promises. I was I didn’t need my family or
in trouble, and I knew it! its religion, so I took my
I had been raised in a independence.
very religious home. We For the next several
went to church twice every years, I trusted in myself
Sunday without fail, and we and in my own ability to
prayed before each meal. I make myself happy. I was
recited The Lord’s Prayer going to live my own life
every Sunday morning and do it my own way.
along with the minister, I believed that I didn’t
attended catechism need anything or anybody
classes, and memorized besides myself.
Bible verses. Everything My life fell into a
we did in our home was pattern: work during the
influenced by our religion. day and parties at night. I
My parents sent me to drank regularly, sometimes
a Christian school. There heavily, and even smoked
I heard the Bible read and some marijuana—doing
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
what all my friends said I tell me that the things I had
should do to live “the good been putting my faith in
life.” I was constantly were false. I already knew
looking for a good time, that.
and I didn’t care what The day came when I
anyone else thought about realized I couldn’t do it on
it or how they felt. my own, so I turned in faith
But gradually, after to the Lord Jesus and asked
several years, I began to Him to save me. He filled
realize that I wasn’t going
anywhere. Although my
life was full on the outside, “I realized that
it was empty on the inside.
I was supposed to be
I couldn’t do it
happy—but I was far from on my own, so
it. My pattern of working I turned in faith
and partying had become
pointless and depressing,
to the Lord Jesus
so I began to think more and asked Him
about serious things. to save me.”
I began attending a
large church not far from
where I lived, and there I the empty place in my
was befriended by a young life. Although I know
couple. They invited me to I’ve disappointed Him
their house for dinner and sometimes, I’ve been
really seemed to accept growing spiritually ever
me as I was. Gently and since. It was the most
patiently they urged me to important decision of
trust in Jesus Christ as my my life. Now I know
Savior. They didn’t have to I have the right faith!
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
CHECKING YOUR ❏ My faith is not in my
FAITH own sincerity.

n this booklet we’ve ❏ My faith is not in my
been talking about power to tap some inner,
having the right kind godlike resources.
of faith. Take a moment
now to evaluate your own ❏ My faith is in Jesus
faith by placing a check in Christ.
the appropriate boxes.

❏ My faith is not in my
ability to control my When it comes
own destiny.
to your own
❏ My faith is not in my eternal destiny,
good name and good it’s essential
that you trust
❏ My faith is not in my the right Person.
church or its ceremonies.

❏ My faith is not in
my ability to improve Remember, when it
myself. comes to your own eternal
destiny, it’s essential that
❏ My faith is not in you trust the right Person.
my ability to push all If you have placed your
negative thoughts out faith in Jesus Christ, you
of my life. can know you have the
right kind of faith!
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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