Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 1
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by ROliveira <> - 05/25/2001
1 - Legal Stuff
My FAQs are only available for FREE, and only in the above mentioned
sites. If you got'em anyway or anywhere else, e-mail me ASAP!
2 - Intro
2.1 - About me
Why a beginner's FAQ? Because with good direction, you can beat
this excellent game quite easily. Unlike previous RE games, this one
REALLY has a difficulty level suited for true newbies to the game.
In Heavy Mode you start with: M92F (15 Bullets), Mixing Tool,
Play Manual A and Play Manual B. In the Chest, there is only the
Carlos starts with: AR (100%) and a SigPro (15 Bullets); 3 Ink
Ribbons and the useless C.Knife in Chest.
All enemies are harder to kill, and your initial capability in
Inventory is 8. However, when you knock a non-boss Nemesis down, you
may get items from him: Eagle 6.0 parts A and B, M37 parts A and B,
Spray Bag (twice) and AR/Infinite Ammo. This MUST be the Mode of play
of serious RE players (although the game isn't that hard anyway). ;)
Rankings/Hidden Secrets:
You get a Score (not shown) whenever you beat the game. The
total points you'll get depends on three categories, Herbs (Green,
Red, Blue), Sprays, and Time Limit used to complete the game. Each
of the categories has maximum points of 100, which will be total up
in order to determine the rank/grade. To get the Mercenaries:
Operation Mad Jackal subgame, you only have to beat the game. The
Special Key is used to open the Boutique (the closed door near the
Bar Jack).
Also, each time you complete the game, you get an epilogue from
a different character from the RE series. You must play your
subsequent games from the same save file for this to occur. Rankings
in parenthesis are for BH3. Unlike RE2, using special weapons and/or
infinite ammo DOES NOT alter your ranking. I'm not sure if number of
saves has any influence.
The following list shows the points you can get for each
category, together with the condition of getting the points:
0 100
1 90
2 80
3 70
4 - 5 60
6 - 8 50
9 - 12 40
13 - 17 30
18 - 23 20
24 - 30 10
31+ 0
4 - About Mercenaries
In this secret subgame, you begin in the Cable Car, and you
have to return to the very first Save Point in the game. You start
with some weapons, a certain (and small!) amount of ammo and some
healing items. The time limit is 2 min.. When you kill an enemy (or
a group), your time is increased. You have 3 characters to choose:
Carlos, Nicholai and Mikhail. The amt of time you gain depends on:
1 - The type of enemy you kill. Zombies add 3 sec., Crows 1 sec.,
Dogs 4 sec., Drain Deimos 5 sec., Hunters 6 sec., Giant Spider 4
sec., Sliding Worm (group) 1 sec.. Nemesis Knockdown: 10 sec. (1st)
and 20 sec. (2nd). If you get in the Bus (near the parking) with
2min.+ left, you will fight Mutated Nemesis, that will add 120 sec.
when you KILL it. Dodge adds 1 sec., Dodge then kill varies, Drum
Blast Kill also varies. If you check the dead guard (where you get
M3S/Lighter Oil) will add 2sec.. Moreover, if you kill your enemy
with the C.Knife, your time will be x8 increased!!
3 - If you kill an enemy and then kill another BEFORE the "+xxx sec"
disappears, you will add time as if you killed them simultaneously.
E.G.: if you kill a Zombie, you add 3 sec. If, with a sec. shot
you kill other, will add an extra 7 sec.. If you then kill a 3rd
Zombie, 14 more sec. will add in your timer. It's better than
killing they all with a single shot, but, unfortunately, you don't
have too much ammo, so you should be very careful when making it.
4 - A Survivor adds 20 sec. to your time, and also gives you ammo.
There are 5 survivors. In order to rescue him/her, you must get
there with 2min.+(?) time and kill all enemies nearby. Rescuing all
survivors will add about $1000 to your reward. The UBCS depends on
who you are playing with. E.G.: if you are playing with Mikhail, #1
is Nicholai and #2 is Carlos.
*Infinite AR $2000
*Infinite Gatling $3000
*Infinite M66 $4000
*Infinite Ammo $9999
These add-ons are available in the normal game only, both for
Jill and Carlos. Except by Infinite Ammo (for all weapons), all
items are in the Chest. Also, these items are only available in the
Mode you beat the game (unavailable for New Game).
Henry LaPierre (see "Acknowledgements") says that, after
extensive testing (2 days only in Mercenaries!) he realizes that the
ranking is semi-random also... :(
5 - How to Play
FL FO FR up-left=front-left up up-right=front-right
(Move to left) (move front) (Move to Right)
In Fire Mode
Use - Fire
FO - Aim up / Head Shot (if close enough)
BA - Aim down / Floor Shot (if close enough)
Change - Change Target - L1-button (Auto-Aim only)
In File Mode
In Map Mode
Map - Exit
Use - Zoom or Full Screen (toggle)
Run - Exit to Inventory
FO - Move view to the top
BA - Move view to the bottom
RI - Move view to the right
LE - Move view to the left
The Use Button (X) is, by far, the most important in the game.
It's named "Use", because it will do almost everything: from
pick up items to weapon fire, this is the button.
* Open doors - Place your character near (and facing to) the
door and press Use. Some doors are locked and require a specific key
(or the Lockpick) to open. Gates operate the same way.
In the Hospital elevator, you must first close the door, then
select the floor you want to go.
On the top of the screen, there is the Character Bar. Here you
can see the CH you're currently using, your status, the weapon you
are currently equipped with, etc.
On the left corner of the Character Bar, you will see a picture
of your CH, and his/her name below.
In the middle of the Character Bar, you will see a box named
"Status". This is so essential to your gameplay that there will be
an entire section for it in this FAQ, Section 5.4. Watch it.
On the right of the Status, you will see a box named "Equip".
It shows the weapon you are currently using. If it's empty, it means
that you aren't equipped with any weapon at all. Pay attention,
because it's pretty disappointing when you get in a perfect firing
position (or you are in danger) and THEN you realize that there's no
weapon ready at all...
On the right corner, there will be 4 boxes: "Item", "File",
"Map" and "Exit". Use selects them, and Map goes to Map Mode.
Under Character Bar, there will be 3 big boxes: Display on the
left, Comments on bottom left and Items on the right. Item Box
selects Items, File Box activates File Mode, Map Box activates Map
Mode and Exit button returns to action.
* Items: the most used (and default) one. The Items Area is divided
in several small boxes, each one with an Item in it (more on this
in Section 5.5.). To use an item, place the cursor on it, then
press Use.
* File: if you like to know what is happening, and not only believe
in what the others (e.g. FAQ authors) tell you, take a look here.
When you enter in File, Display will be full of boxes, each with a
small image of a File Item (a fax, a book and the like). When you
place the cursor over a File Item, it's name will appear in the
Display. Place the cursor on a File Item, and press Use. The
screen turns black, with one (or two) arrows in the left and/or
right sides, and/or the word "Exit". You will see the image of
the File Item in the background, full sized. Press RI to the next
page, LE for previous. When in the last page, an Exit box will
appear. Select it and press Use to return to Inventory Mode. Run
will always exit of File Mode.
You can't carry more than 8 (or 10, after you get a backpack
from Carlos) items at a time (Heavy Mode). You'll find TONS of items
in the game, so you need to keep them in some place. A specific room
would not be good, because you'd have to walk a lot to get/drop off
your stuff (like in Parasite Eve II). Moreover, sometimes you get in
an area that you cannot return to later. That's why you have a
"Chest" in the game (looks like a big box).
The Chests (a.k.a. Magic Boxes) will keep the items for you.
Any item guarded in a Chest will be available in all Chests - that's
why some people call it a "Magic Box"... Chests are usually (but not
always) togheter with a "Save Point". In a Save Point (actually, a
typewriter) you can save your progress. More in Section 5.4.When you
"activate" a Chest, you enter in Chest Mode, that resembles the
Inventory Mode, but there are some big and important differences.
In Chest, you can't access the Map. Display and Comments are
replaced by the Chest Area, that looks like the Items Area. Chest
also replaces CH's Picture and Status boxes. Equip and Exit are the
only remaining, plus Items Area. Also, in the right side of Chest
Area, you can see a scrollbar. Weapons and ammo items are indicated
by red squares, normal items in blue, and two brackets indicate the
item box you are currently viewing.
A Chest Area item box is much wider than an Items Area box, so
there's only one box per line. This big box also contains the name
of the item. The item picture is exactly like the IA's, so read
Section 5.5 for more details. You can only make 2 things with a
Chest item:
TIP: When you are playing the normal game, walk ONLY with the
* Use - the top and default. Uses a specific item. To use some
items, you have to be in the correct place AND position. The Healing
items can be used this way ONLY. You will be warned if the selected
item cannot be used now, with an alert in Comments.
* Equip (Weapons only) - replaces Use. This is to equip (arm)
yourself with the selected weapon. If you choose Equip on a weapon
that you are already equipped with, you will de-select the weapon,
and will be unarmed. That's pretty dangerous, so pay attention.
* Full - all the map fits in the screen. It shows the entire
"Area" (not stage, level or the like, as RE is different from other
games). When an Area has several floors, 1 or 2 small green arrows
on the bottom and/or top of the map.
* Zoom - a small view, with a cross pointing at you in the
center of the screen. You can move the cross (and the point you are
viewing) using the directional pad. There are four arrows in the
vertices of the cross. 1 or 2 missing means that you are in the end
of the map in this (these) directions.
It's noteworthy that the map doesn't turn. Near the bottom
right corner, there's a scale and a cross indicating the direction.
The map is truly important when you don't know where to go. Use
it to find out, or you may waste your time, ammo and life.
Make sure you fire in the correct direction. If you miss, the
recovery lag may be long enough for an enemy - Nemesis, in the worst
case - to smother you. If you hit anything hazardous - explosives,
steam, acid and the like - you may hit a monster. Just remember that
these things may hurt YOU also, if you are close enough. They may
kill you instantly, so be careful. You can't walk in Aim Mode.
6 - Stuff Profile
You will find lots of things in the game. Knowing what they are
and how to use them is essential in the game. As there is a VERY
wide variety of items, I divided this chapter in 6 parts.
*(HandGun Bullets - small red box - 30) - default ammo, for all
HandGuns. About 6 shots are required to waste a Zombie (with M92F).
This is the most easily found ammo in the game.
*(Black Taurus Bullets - small white box - varies) - special
ammo, unavailable for Eagle 6.0. :[ There are only 2 ways to obtain
this ammo: 1) with Powders - read section 6.2 for more details. 2)
in the Mercenaries subgame, playing with Nicholai, you obtain this
ammo when you rescue the Woman in Raccoon Press Office and Mikhail
in Bar Jack. It is harder to obtain, but it doubles the power of the
M92F shots, making it at least as powerful as the Eagle 6.0 (but no
critical hits).
* Western Custom M37 (6) - Did you watch "Terminator 2"? It's
the very same shotgun (lever action) used by Schwarzenegger in that
movie! New and very cool weapon!
I only found it using Nemesis Items (see Section 6.6). MUCH
faster than the M3S, but has the same uses overall. Only that you
must not fear if your enemies are too close, even Drain Deimos.
* Smith & Wesson (S&W) M692C - The Magnum, in .44 Magnum cal..
Magnums have always been in RE series, but this is a new one.
Available with Mikhail in Mercenaries; in the normal game, it
will be found either in the Sub Station or in the S.T.A.R.S. office,
depends on where you found the HK. It is the most powerful of
the normal weapons, even more than the HK!! A Head Shot
(default, if you are in the same height level) will almost always
kill a Zombie, sometimes taking the head out. This is the best
weapon to hunt (hehehe) Hunters (both breeds) and Drain
Deimos/Brain Sucker - 1 shot will do the trick. The bigger handicap
in this weapon: recovery time is big. It also excels against
Nemesis and Digger.
*(Magnum Rounds - bright clip - 6) - possibly the most scarce
of all ammo types:[. It has 6 jacketed hollow point (JHP) Rounds,
or 24 if you make them with Powders (Section 6.3). In the
Mercenaries subgame, when you play with Mikhail, Brad Vickers, in
the Restaurant Basement, will give you 12 Rounds. It has a VERY
small piercing capability, and I only saw it working when I blasted
away an Explosive Drum... In the normal game, I'm only aware of 2
places with this ammo: 1) in the Park, in the corpse near the locked
gate and 2) in the Disused Plant Communications Room (where you get
the Radar), in a locker beside the door.
Powder A + B : Powder C
Powder Ammo
As you can see, the best thing to do is make Magnum ammo (even
more in Light, because there will be 48 rounds!!). Powder A is VERY
easily found, but Powder B is much more scarce. My suggestion is to
save Powder Bs you find, but Powder As should be no problem to turn
into HandGun bullets. Only be sure to save 3, so you can make Magnum
ammo. However, if ammo is short, don't try to save Powders and die:
make ammo whenever you feel you need it. With some practice,
however, you will easily be capable of using the correct ammo
against the correct enemy, so ammo won't be a hassle in RE3.
No matter how good a player you are and/or the weapons you are
using, you will sometimes be hit and need to heal. Even good players
die, sometimes in places they know very well and being well armed.
There are two classes of Healing items: Sprays and Herbs.
*First Aid Spray - usually named only Spray, gives 100% Health.
Can be used just once and don't have Poison healing capabilities.
Sprays remain unchanged since RE1, and can be easily found in RE3.
Use only:
* when you are in orange Caution/Danger;
* when you are in yellow Caution and is fighting against
Nemesis, Digger and Hunters (large groups of enemies too).
When you reach a certain amount of skill, you will see that
it's quite easy to beat the game WITHOUT using any Sprays.
Spray Bag is used the same way as a Spray. The only difference
is that it can carry up to 3 Sprays at a time, and can be
"reloaded"! Spray Bags are new in RE series. You start with one in
Light (both Jill and Carlos), and in Heavy they are Nemesis Items
#3 and #6 (read Section 6.6). As you get more experienced with the
game, you'll notice that Sprays and Spray Bags suck, as they
decrease your ranking A LOT.
Combinations Effects
In some places, you will find the Blue Bush, that cannot be
removed. The Blue Bush is like an infinite amount of Blue Herbs. If
you can find one when you are Poison, use it and save yourself a
Blue Herb! Also, I've heard from a friend that a Green + Red + Blue
gives you momentary invincibility. Except by Blue Bushes, all herbs
can only be used once.
TIP: to save herbs, use a Green + Green herb if you are in any
condition better than Danger. Of course, if you are Poisoned, use a
Blue Herb/Bush before.
*Ink Ribbons - the only way you can save without beating the
game is by using the Typewriters available in the Save Points. But
you cannot use them without Ink Ribbons. In RE3, Ink Ribbons are
very usual and easy to find (unlike RE1...). In Light Mode, you
have infinite Ink Ribbons in the Chest, and in RE3 they're usually
found in Save Points, near the Typewriters, in piles of 3.
They are required to beat the game, and their location is fixed.
When there is a /, it means that the location depends on the
choices you make during the game. If an item is in one place, its
"complement" is in the other. Weapons locations are in Section 6.1.
* Trolley (Cable Car) Items - here you find the Wrench (more
below). To activate it, you need to place 3 items in the rear panel:
*Jumper Cables - Parking Garage, on a mini-van
*Fuse - Room A of El. Substation
*Machine Oil - this is not an item, but a combination of M. Oil
Canister (Stagla Gas Station) and M. Oil Additive (Pharmaceutical
Sales Office Medical Storage Room)
* Wrench - Cable Car. Used to get the Hose (below) and open the
door to reach Gas Station Cabinet. Discard after doing both
* Hose - in alley South of crashed #33 Midtown Bus. Use it in
the place on fire, near the gate you opened by burning down
the ropes in the gate. There is a hydrant in the wall, with a
red light, Use the Hose there to reach Pharmaceutical Company
Sales Office
* Six Sided Hex Crank - Shopping Street Storeroom. Use to open
G. Station Cabinet. It brokens in your hands, then you have
to use the Wrench to open the door
Jill Again
* Red Pipe - Raccoon Park Shed. Used to break the wall after
you burn the wood in the fireplace with the Lighter
To get all items, you must finish Nemesis whenever you find
him - but that's not easy without infinite ammo.
The numbers below are the places where he appears and, if
defeated, will give you an item. * mark those I find better, but
sometimes not the fastest. # indicates the best choices when you
DON'T want to fight him.
1a. When you reach the RCPD for the 1st time and choose to stay and
* fight (1st choice) (you can just get the Card Case from Brad's
body and escape)
1b. When you reach the RCPD for the 1st time and choose escape (2nd
# choice), but this way you won't get all items
4a. If you go to SubStation before you get the M. Oil Additive and
* choose to run out the back door (1st choice). Make sure you get
# the weapon in the locker 1st. Try to reach the elevator and he
will try to catch you, then you can smother him. (you have
more space to fight or escape)
4b. If you get the M. Oil Additive or start the generator in the
SubStation, he appears near the Sales Office (in the place
where you doused the fire with the Hose)
5. When you go to the Cable Car with all items required, he appears
in the bifurcation near the Gas Station
6a. After you get the Chronos Key, try to return inside the Clock
* Tower. Choose to electrocute him (2nd choice), he is knocked
down. Just remember that he will get up and chase you if you
don't return and finish him off (you can get more items)
6b After you get Chronos Key, try to return inside the Clock Tower.
# Choose to shine the light in his eyes. Then, after you play with
Carlos and give the Virus Vaccine to Jill, he appears in the
Atrium, jumping down from the 2nd floor in Clock Tower (this way
you only get 6 items, but won't have to fight/ignore him with
Carlos. You will also be able to fisnish with the last part of
the Clock Tower without the need to fight/ignore Nemesis).
7a. Dance Room: he comes running through the broken window next to
the Clock Tower Dining Room, if you finished him off in the
outer balcony and NOT knocked him down with Carlos (before you
give the Virus Vaccine to Jill).
7b. Crashing through the Clock Tower Dining Room door, if you
finished him off in the outer balcony and knocked him down with
Carlos (before you give the Virus Vaccine to Jill)
7 - Enemies Profile
As I said before, all enemies are weak and easy to kill - even
more when you compare with RE1! However, they usually come in groups
with 3 (Hunters and Dogs) or more monsters of the same breed. I will
give a subjective description of them, so if you have any correction
or add on, please e-mail me. I will also describe the best ways to
kill an enemy. All enemies (except by Nemesis Final and Grappler)
may be found in the Mercenaries subgame. All data here is for Heavy
Mode. In Light, your life will be easier!! Ah, when I say "weapon",
forget about C.Knife! ;)
TIP: if you are not sure that a knocked down enemy is still
alive, TB and Aim (with Auto Aim on). Your CH will aim to the
direction of the fallen enemy if it's alive yet. Dead enemies have a
blood pool under it.
* Sliding Worm - a new enemy, much like the Snakes of RE1. They
come in groups, usually coming more when you kill some. Unlike other
enemies, they may respawn, that is, if you return to an area where
you killed all them, they may appear again. Look like snakes, and
become reddish as they suck your blood.
They jump and grab you, then suck your blood for a while,
before returning to the floor. They are fast but can be easily
avoided. A single shot will kill, and they are really low powered.
However, as they come in large groups, many of them may grab you at
the same time, so be careful, specially if you are in orange
Caution or Danger.
Most like Crows; area effect weapons (coughShotGunscough) are
better. However, it's quite easy to avoid 'em, so train to save your
ammo. You have bigger worries.
* Zombie Dogs - downpowered from both RE1 and 2, they are well
known foes of RE players. Disfigured Dobermanns.
They can jump to attack you. They can run to reach you, but
they are really SLOW, if compared to RE1 and 2. However, they don't
come in pairs anymore. They now come in trios, so watch out. If you
are hit by one, each of the other Dogs will probably bite you before
you can move, so you will take 3 or 4 bites before you can move.
Their attack is stronger than Zombie's, so beware.
Area effect weapons are best. 2 well placed ShotGun shells kill
all of the trio. The HK kills one in a single shot, sometimes
blowing its head off. If you only have a HandGun, you should hit a
shot to knock it. While it's floored, shoot. Most of times, you can
kill a Dog with a HandGun this way without being hurt. Automatics
excel here, but you don't need so much firepower. The M629C blows
off a Dog's head.
* Hunters Beta/Gamma - they are back from RE1 :(, and were,
fortunately, tuned down a lot, as they can't kill in a single Head
Attack anymore. :) As a balance, they now come in trios. Humanoid
dark monsters with Katana (Samurai sword) like white claws and teeth
are Hunter Beta. Hunter Gamma has a frog-like head. Hunter gamma has
all the dangerous features of normal Hunters, and if they get close
enough, they can swallow you instantly, which means Game Over!!!
They are annoying and dangerous enemies. They can jump and hit
your head, or get down and hit your legs. They are very fast, smart
monsters that can easily kill you if you don't kill them ASAP, so do
not underestimate them, or you will die. If you knock one down but
don't kill it, it will roll sidewards in the ground and quickly get
up, usually jumping just after recovery. Hard to avoid, specially if
all 3 are alive and standing. Powerful enough to kill you with a
single head hit if you are in Caution or to take you out of 100%
Fine to orange Caution with a single head hit. Moreover, if a Hunter
Gamma is allowed to get too close, it may swallow you, beware!!
You'd better use the M629C/HK to kill Hunters. The only
other weapon I recommend is the AR, because others are too slow
and/or weak to make the job. A single M629C/HK shot will waste one
Hunter. Don't try to shhot it while it's on the floor, because they
get up quickly. If they jump, a Head Shot may do the trick. If they
are running far away, the M629C will almost surely miss, because
they are smaller then Zombies, so if they're not up close, use the
AR/HK instead of the M629C. The HK also hits when they are up close
and try to jump. If you have Special Shells, the M3S is also good.
8 - Acknowledgements
2 - GameFAQs (
VGStrategies (
Gamers Domain (
PSX Codez (
Absolute PlayStation (
CheatStop (
Survival Horror (
For publishing tons of FAQs, including this one. Find here the
answer for that question you didn't find in any other place, in or
out the net! My FAQs are only available for FREE, and only in the
above mentioned sites. If you got'em anyway or anywhere else, e-mail
me ASAP!
5 - Friends
Friends are among the best things you may have in life! Thanks
to all those who helped me when I was a newbie, and those who help
me today, as an average player. Some names (no order in particular):
Rafael, Bruno, Junior, Max, Jean and Leandro. I'm building a site
about firearms and ammo, in Portuguese (our official language,
rather than Spanish), with my bud Marlon.
7 - FAQ Authors
Those guys that spend hours to put on the net almost all info
we need! All these listed below also revised mine. Their guides and
walkthroughs are so complete that discouraged me to write one (if I
do, that will be a speed guide)! Make it pretty sure you read all of
them! I doubt that you guys mentioned below will ever need to use
anything from this crap FAQ, but if you do, you have my permission
to use it - just give me the righful credit, and no profit, OK?
NOTE: the game has 1 name in the U.S. and another in Japan. The
names listed here will be based in the U.S. name (RE).
If you think your name should be listed here, please e-mail me.
Thanks for reading!