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Operation Instructions: ABUS - Load Indicator System

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Operation Instructions


ABUS – Load indicator system

Type LIS – AV

Factory No. ____ / _______________

ABUS Kransysteme GmbH Tel. ##49 2261 / 37–0
Sonnenweg 1 Fax. ##49 2261 / 37247
D – 51647 Gummersbach

This document may not be reproduced or given to third parties and its content must not be divulged or used for other purposes without the prior written permission of ABUS. You will be liable to
pay compensation for any breach of this provision. All patent and registered design rights reserved.
Stand : 14. April 1998
A 435.GB

These installation, operation and maintenance instructions are intended for use in an English–
speaking country by English–speaking specialist personnel.

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter System . . . 7

1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.3 LAZ/GLZ Load Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose . . . . . . 3 4.4 List of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Notes on warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.5 Load Capacity Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Field of Application . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Overload Shut–Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Part–Load Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.1 Digital Operator Terminal . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Load Totalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.2 Basic Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Taring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.3 Taring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Load Population Recorder . . . . . . . . . 5 5.4 Reading the
Load Population Recorder . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5.1 FEM Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.1 Housing and wiring diagrams . . . . . . 9
3 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1 LIS–AV evaluation unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Load Signal Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Load Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7.1 Causes and Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.2 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1 Load Indicator System LIS–AV . . . . . 7 8 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Page 2 Data : 14.04.98

1 General
The operating instructions must always be stored near - adjustable overload shutdown thresholds
the ABUS rope hoist and must be available to operating - integrated digital operator terminal for adjustment
personnel at all times. of unit
- display of fault messages on operator terminal and
Operating, maintenance and repair personnel must load indicator
have read and understood the operating instructions - electrically isolated control signals
before starting work. - compact space–saving design
- all connections made by plug–type connectors for
easy maintenance
1.1 System Description
The ABUS LIS–AV load indicator system is a compact 1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose
universal load recording and evaluation system for
The ABUS LIS–AV is intended for use in the control sys-
hoists and cranes. The LIS–AV operates on the prin-
ciple of microprocessor–controlled evaluation of sig- tems of hoists of all types (electric chain hoists, site
nals from strain gauges installed on each hoist to be cranes, portal cranes, etc.). It is intended for installation
monitored in the form of measurement axles, measure- in a closed housing and for use under the conditions
ment bolts or similar devices. The load calculated can listed in Section 4 below.
be indicated using an ABUS type LAZ or GLZ load indi- Special investigations must be made concerning the
cator. suitability of the unit for use in other conditions and
The basic LIS–AV module with integrated load popula- modes of operation. It may be necessary to obtain the
tion recorder also offers the optional feature of record- manufacturer’s approval for any deviations.
ing and evaluating the actual operating conditions of a
crane system in accordance with FEM 9.755.
The standard load indicator system can monitor the 1.3 Notes on warranty
loads on up to three hoists simultaneously up to their ABUS assumes no liability for any loss or damage
maximum loads. caused by use other than for the intended purpose or
In addition, the system monitors the total carrying ca- any work performed improperly or by unauthorized
pacity of a crane system. The functions available in- persons. ABUS assumes no liability as towards third
clude ”part load switch”, ”totalization and indication” parties.
and ”load population recorder” (optional). The unit can ABUS products must be maintained and repaired only
easily be adapted to a variety of load signal sources by trained, authorized, specialist personnel.
and is therefore a highly functional, universal unit.
Special features: It is recommended that repair and mainten-
- overload shut–down function ance work should be carried out by the ABUS
- load evaluation service department.
- load totalization and monitoring of 1–3 hoists in
combination with LIS–FC Attention!
- 3/4–digit LAZ and/or GLZ load indicator If you modify any components under your
- load population recorder to FEM 9.755 for hoist 1 own responsibility, assemble components
(optional) other than in accordance with the installation
- two part load switches (adjustable in 2 % steps) instructions and/or plans or use any compo-
- shutdown of main lifting speed on rapid load in- nents other than genuine ABUS compo-
crease nents, ABUS will be released from any war-
- dynamic and static overload shutdown ranty obligations for the entire equipment.

A 435.GB Page 3
2 Field of Application
Function: for the two hoist speeds are immediately shut
down. Dynamic load peaks below this value do not
For load recording and evaluation, the LIS–AV load automatically result in a shut–down.
indicator system needs a load signal transmitter
(measurement axle, measurement bolt, etc.) installed c) Shut–down on sudden load increase. If the load in-
on the hoist. creases too rapidly, the relay for the main lifting
If a unit is to be used for monitoring two or three hoists, speed is shut–down. The relay is only re–activated
additional signal converters (LIS–FC) are required for when the load has ceased to increase, provided
converting the signal into a frequency signal propor- that the maximum load has not been exceeded.
tional to the load. This ensures that signals can be This function prevents rope breakage as a result of
transmitted to the LIS–AV unit over considerable dis- lifting an excessive load with a loose rope at main
tances without interference. lifting speed. Also, excessive force on the rope is
prevented if the crane hook is suddenly blocked.
The signal transmitter receives a precision power sup-
ply (10 V DC) from the LIS–AV or LIS–FC and returns a Note:
low–voltage signal proportional to the load to the LIS– In the event of an overload shut–down, the
AV/LIS–FC. In the LIS–AV unit, the signal is amplified load can always be lowered using the preci-
and evaluated by a microcontroller system. sion lifting speed. When the load has been
lowered (load below 90 % of static load
If the preset load limits are exceeded, hoist movement threshold), the overload shut–down is reset.
is stopped or other appropriate action is initiated using
relay contacts. In addition, the load signal is processed
for display on a load indicator and fed to the LAZ load
indicator in the pendant control (and/or a large load dis- 2.2 Part–Load Switch
play). The LIS–AV unit monitors both the individual load
In some applications, another shut–down point below
signals and the total load measured. Either the load
the rated load is required in addition to the overload
measured by one of the three load measurement de-
shut–down. This may be the case if part of the hall
vices or the total load may be displayed.
structure is not designed for the entire load capacity of
a crane system.

The LIS–AV unit is equipped with two part–load

2.1 Overload Shut–Down switches. The settings of these switches can be ad-
justed between 0 and 100 % of rated load (see also
The LIS–AV unit monitors up to three hoists for com-
Section 4.4).
pliance with their maximum load capacity rating and
the maximum load capacity of the entire system. Over-
Each of the part–load switches is equipped with a
load shutdown thresholds can be set between 0 and
changeover contact for switching functions when the
110 % of rated load using the DBE operator terminal
setting is exceeded. The part–load switches are active
(see list of parameters in Section 4.4). The values given
above and inactive below the settings.
in this section are based on the standard setting of 110
%. The LIS–AV is equipped with two relays for enabling
The settings of part–load switches always refer to total
the main and precision lifting speed. If the overload
threshold is exceeded, these relays shut the hoist
down. At the same time, the load indicator display
flashes at intervals of one second. If the unit is used for
monitoring more than one hoist, the other hoists are
also shut down if the overload threshold of one hoist is 2.3 Load Totalization
exceeded. The LIS–AV can not only process the load values of up
to three hoists; monitoring and processing of the total
The unit implements three types of overload shut– load value is also possible. The display value required
down function: can be selected by controlling control inputs E1 and E2
(see also Section 3.4).
a) Static overload shut–down. Static loads must not
exceed 110 % of the rated value. The actual load The signal from the measurement axle of hoist 1 is fed
value is averaged over the measurement time and directly to terminals B+, B–, U+ and U–. The load–pro-
compared with the threshold. This prevents prema- portional frequency signals from the LIS–FC for the two
ture shut–down caused by dynamic load peaks. If other hoists are fed to inputs F1 and F2.
the static load measured exceeds 110 % of the
rated value, the two output relays are shut down. To allow the evaluation of hoists 2 and 3, the rated load
capacity of the hoists must be entered via menu level 1
b) Dynamic overload shut–down. If any dynamic peak (P2.0 and P3.0, see Section 4.4). If only two hoists are
exceeds 125 % of the rated value, the output relays connected, parameter P3.0 must be set to zero.

Page 4 Data : 14.04.98

2.4 Taring
The LIS–AV has a taring input E3. Using the taring but- the indication of the LAZ or GLZ can be set to zero at a
ton, which is normally installed on the pendant control, certain load (see Section 5.3).

2.5 Load Population Recorder The following precautions have therefore been taken in
order to achieve safe working periods (S.W.P.).
If a load population recorder is integrated in the LIS–AV,
the actual operating conditions of a hoist can be re- Cranes and hoists are subdivided into various groups
corded. In addition to the total running time T, which is in accordance with FEM 9.511.
equivalent to the time during which the motor is
switched on, the actual load on the hoist is recorded.
For this purpose, the unit evaluates the load measure- The operator of a standard hoist is responsible for en-
ments on a continuous basis. suring that the actual operating conditions of the hoist
are recorded and documented in the test book at least
The LIS–AV unit calculates the actual use S, the load once per year. In the course of regular inspection, the
spectrum factor Km and the remaining service life of the inspector must also verify and determine whether the
hoist in accordance with FEM 9.755 from these values. hoist is still being operated within its safe working
The load spectrum factor is equivalent to the load po- period.
pulation with which the hoist was operated.

The following table shows the theoretical service life D

2.5.1 FEM Groups as a function of the FEM group and the load spectrum
The EU machinery directive requires precautions to factor.
prevent hazards due to fatigue and ageing on hoists.

1Dm 1Cm 1Bm 1Am 2m 3m 4m 5m

FEM groups
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
load group / ropes load
line Theoretical service life D, (h)
light 1 / L1
1 K = 0.5 800 1600 3200 6300 2500 5000 50000 100000
(Km1 = 0.125 º 0.53)
medium 2 / L2
2 0.5 < K < 0.63 400 800 1600 3200 6300 2500 25000 50000
(Km2 = 0.25 º 0.633)
heavy 3 / L3
3 0.63 < K < 0.8 200 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500 25000
(Km3 = 0.5 º 0.83)
very heavy 4 / L4
4 0.8 < K < 1 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500
(Km4 = 1 º 13)

When the theoretical service life D has elapsed, cranes can have the actual hours of use S and other para-
and hoists connected to them may represent a risk to meters displayed at any time (see Section 5.4). This
persons and machines. If a load population recorder is evaluation must be made and documented by the in-
used, it is easier to determine the actual hours of use S, spector.
from which the remaining service life is calculated.
The FEM group is stored in the LIS–AV unit and can be
In the case of standard hoists equipped with an LIS–AV displayed using the operator terminal (see Section
with integrated load population recorder, the operating 4.4). The group is indicated in hours at full load.
conditions are recorded electronically. The inspector

A 435.GB Page 5
2.5.2 Definitions from initial commissioning through to final decommis-
Theoretical service life sioning of the hoist.
The theoretical service life D is the calculated hours of Remaining service life
service of a crane or a hoist over a period of about 10 The remaining service life or theoretical remaining ser-
years taking into consideration the group determined vice life of a hoist is the difference between the actual
in accordance with FEM 9.511. hours of use S and the theoretical service life D. If the
Actual hours of use remaining service life is less than 5 % of the value in the
The actual hours of use S represent the effective use of table, the hoist must be overhauled.
the unit determined on the basis of operating hours and Safe working period (SWP)
load populations. The hoist is within its safe working period if S/D is less
Total service life than or equal to 1.
The total service life of a standard hoist is the period


3 Components
3.1 LIS–AV evaluation unit The LIS–AV and LIS–FC units are coordinated using the
operator terminal incorporated in the LIS–AV.
The LIS–AV unit (Fig. 1) is designed to evaluate the
measurement axle signal of one hoist. The measure-
ment axle is connected to terminals B+, B–, U+ and U–
of the unit. B+ and B– supply a stabilized voltage of 10 3.3 Load Signal Transmitter
V to the measurement axle. The load–proportional volt- Strain gauge transmitters requiring a 10 V DC power
age signal at terminals U+ and U– is in the range from 0 supply can be used as load signal transmitters. The
to 35 mV. transmitter must supply a load–proportional millivolt
If the unit is used for monitoring two or three hoists, the output signal. Any measurement bolts, tension straps
load–proportional frequency signals from the LIS–FC and load cells in accordance with the technical data
units are connected to terminals F1–GND and may be used.
The LIS–AV allows the signal amplification to be ad-
The functions of the isolated control inputs E1 to E4 are justed to the sensitivity of the load signal transmitter
as follows: used. Even if the sensitivity of the transmitter is not
known, it is possible to calibrate the system using a
E1, E2 = selection of value for display / known load. As the output signal of the transmitter is
Preselection of load population recorder only of the order of a few millivolts, it must be connected
E3 = taring to the LIS–AV or LIS–FC unit using a shielded cable.
E4 = load population recorder / The cable should be as short as possible and must not
Enabling of precision lift relay be routed via any terminals. In addition, the connecting
cable must not be installed directly next to a power
Output Q supplies a serial data protocol for the control cable.
of the ABUS load indicators LAZ (display in pendant
control) and GLZ (large load display).
The 5V power supply for the LAZ unit is provided by the
LIS–AV unit.
3.4 Load Indicator (OPTIONAL)
The GLZ unit has an integrated 24 V AC power supply. The LIS–AV is equipped with contacts for the connec-
tion of an ABUS load indicator. The load can then be
The integrated digital operator terminal DBE is used for indicated by a three or four–digit LAZ load indicator in-
reading and setting the variable parameters of the corporated in the pendant control and/or a large GLZ
LIS–AV unit (see also Section 5.1). load indicator. Both types of load indicator are so de-
signed that it is easy to read the load value even in poor

The driver stage of the display is updated by the

3.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter LIS–AV at intervals of one second, ensuring rapid in-
The LIS–FC signal converter (Fig. 2) is used to extend dication of any load changes. A three–conductor cable,
the system for monitoring 2 or 3 hoists. It supplies a sta- cross section 1 mm), must be installed for the load indi-
bilized, short–circuit–proof voltage of 10 V at a maxi- cator. The cable need not be shielded.
mum current of 100 mA at terminals B+ and B– for
power supply to the load signal transmitter. The LIS–FC If the system is overloaded, the indicator flashes at in-
unit requires no adjustment and converts the millivolt tervals of one second. In the event of a fault, including a
signal of the transmitter (U+, U–) into a load–propor- wire breakage, an incorrect setting or similar problems,
tional frequency signal (F). an error code (see Section 7.1) is displayed directly.

Page 6 Data : 14.04.98

Control input E1 E2 LKS
Individual loads or the total load can be selected for in- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
dication on an LAZ or GLZ unit by controlling control in- –
puts E1 and E2 as follows. Depending on the type of Indication of load on hoist 1 1 0 ON
equipment, the AC control voltage required is 48 V, 110 Indication of load on hoist 2 0 1 OFF
V or 230 V (+/– 10 %). Indication of load on hoist 3 1 1 OFF
Indication of total load 0 0 ON

1 = signal at input
0 = no signal at input

4 Technical Data

4.1 Load Indicator System LIS–AV

Power supply voltage A1, A2 48, 110, 230 VAC +/– 10%
Input voltage E1–E4 48, 110, 230 VAC +/– 10%
Power supply frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Switch contacts (3u,1a) 250VAC, 8A
Power required ca. 15VA (with LAZ)
Ambient temperature range –20 until +55 °C
Power supply for transmitter B+, B– 10V
max. 100mA
Input voltage U+,U– 0 – 25mV
Output voltage for LAZ 5V
Indicator signal Q ± 12V

4.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter System

Power supply voltage A1, A2 48, 110, 230 VAC +/– 10%
Power supply frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Power required ca 4,0 VA
Ambient temperature range – 20 until +55 °C
Power supply for transmitter B+, B– 10V
max. 100 mA
Input voltage U+, U– 0 – 25 mV
Output voltage F ± 12V
Output frequency F 500Hz until 30 kHz

4.3 LAZ/GLZ Load Indicator

Large load indicator
Pendant control LAZ

Power supply voltage 5VDC 24VAC

Digit size 10mm (LED) 127mm (LED)

Digits 3/4 3/4

A 435.GB Page 7
4.4 List of Parameters
Menu level 1 = press enter key for two seconds

Parameter function Adjustment range * Unit

P0.0 Total rated load capacity 0–100 t
P1.0 Rated load capacity, hoist 1 0–80 t
P2.0 Rated load capacity, hoist 2 0–80 t
P3.0 Rated load capacity, hoist 3 0–80 t
P4.0 Overload shut–down, total 0–110 %
P4.1 Overload shut–down, hoist 1 0–100 %
P4.2 Overload shut–down, hoist 2 0–100 %
P4.3 Overload shut–down, hoist 3 0–100 %
P4.5 Part–load switch 1 0–100 %
P4.6 Part–load switch 2 0–100 %
P5.0 Display selection 3/4
P5.1 Display FEM group h (Full load hours)
P5.2 Read load population recorder CODE 2233
1. Theoretical service life D h
2. Actual hours of use S h
3. Load spectrum factor Kmj
4. Total operating hours Tj h
5. Remaining service life h
6. Starting value h
P5.3 System test CODE 1443
P5.4 Equipment diagnosis CODE 1443
P6.0 Input of code no. for menu level 2 P–No.
P9.9 Quit parameter level

* The values can only be changed on level 2 after entering a PIN number under P6.0.

4.5 Load Capacity Ranges 4.6 Accuracy

The maximum sum of rated load is 100 t. Individual The accuracy of the load measurement system is
loads can total up to 80 t. The right load capacity adjust- largely dependent on the measurement error of the
ment (P0.0–P3.0) is important for the correct unit load signal transmitters used. On ABUS hoists, a
adjustment, load totalization and load indication. measurement axle or bolt is installed on the rope fixed
point cross arm or the top block of the hoist. As a result
of rope friction on the rollers and especially rope
spread, the measurement error with the hook in a high
position may be as high as 5 %.

Page 8 Data : 14.04.98

5 Operation
5.1 Digital Operator Terminal accuracy. It is recommended that a test load of at least
80 % of the rated load should be used.
The integrated digital operator terminal (DBE) with LED
No adjustments are required on the LIS–FC signal con-
display and three–button keypad (Fig. 1, items 1 to 4)
is used for operating the unit and reading operating
parameters. The system has 2 menu levels; access to
level 2 is only available to ABUS–authorized personnel
(a code number is required). 5.3 Taring
Load indicator LAZ or GLZ can be set to zero with a cer-
The operator terminal is normally in the power–down tain load on the hook (for example, load support de-
mode, indicated by bars ”––––” on the display (4). If the vices, etc.) using a tare button which is normally in-
enter button (1) is pressed, the current load is dis- stalled on the pendant control. To set the load indicated
played. The parameter adjustment menu can be to zero, the tare button must be pressed for about 3
opened by pressing the enter key for about 2 seconds. seconds. The display will then show zero.
”P0.0” then appears on the display. Read–only access
is available to the level 1 parameters. The user can This operation can be repeated at any time, by pres-
move up and down through the parameter list by pres- sing the button until the value zero is displayed (after
sing the ”UP” (3) and ”DOWN” (2) buttons on the oper- about 3 sec.).
ator terminal. To select a parameter, the enter button When a load which has been tared is lowered to the
(1) must be pressed. ground, the value ”–0.00” is displayed. This indicates
that the load measured is lower than the tare value.
The parameters which are accessible to users are
listed in Section 4.4. The tare value is erased if the tare button is pressed for
about 3 sec. with an empty hook.
Level 1 parameters can only be changed after entering
a valid PIN number in parameter P6.0 on level 2. If three After taring, the current total load (gross load) can be
incorrect attempts are made to enter a code number, displayed by pressing the tare button briefly (ca 1,5 s).
level 2 is entirely disabled. If parameter P9.9 is selected,
the parameter selection menu is ended and the unit is
5.4 Reading the Load Population
5.2 Basic Settings The load population recorder is activated by ABUS at
The LIS–AV is adjusted at the factory. Any fine adjust- the request of the customer.
ments or new adjustments which may be necessary After entering the CODE number ”2223” under para-
must be carried out by personnel authorized by ABUS meter 5.2 (level 1), the stored, calculated values of the
using a test load. Where possible, the test load should load population recorder can be called up in sequence
be equal to the rated load. If the test load is lower, there on the display by briefly pressing enter for each value
will be a significant deterioration in system accuracy. As (see 4.4 Parameter list). To return to level 1, you must
a basic principle, the higher the test load, the higher the press the enter button (1, Fig 1) for a little longer.

6 Installation
Attention! 6.1 Housing and wiring diagrams
Before commissioning, it is essential to check
The dimensions required for the installation of the
whether the equipment voltage is in accor-
LIS–AV and LIS–FC are given in the drawings 1 and 2.
dance with the control voltage and whether
the wiring of the equipment is in accordance
with the wiring plans attached to the opera-
ting instructions.
The ABUS LIS–AV / LIS–FC must only be in-
stalled by specialists.

A 435.GB Page 9

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Wiring diagram for system with one hoist (with monitoring circuit)

Fig. 3

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Wiring diagram for system with two hoists (with monitoring circuit)

Fig. 4

A 435.GB Page 11
6.2 Regulations Safety warnings:
You must not carry out any work inside the unit.
The load indicator system LIS–AV is in accordance with
In the event of a defect in an LIS–AV unit, please contact
the following codes and standards:
our service department. (see Section 7.2).
EMC 89/336/EEC (electromagnetic compatibility)
In order to avoid the risk of serious injury and severe
NSR 73/23/EEC (low voltage)
damage, only persons qualified to work on electric
power systems may work on the units. Before installing
EN 50081–1 VDE 0839
any commissioning the units, these persons must care-
EN 50082–2 VDE 0839
fully read the operating instructions and observe the
safety instructions.
Electrical installation work must be performed in ac-
cordance with the following general codes and stan-
Any modifications to ABUS products and any
parts installed in or on ABUS products which
IEC 364
could impair the safety of the products must
Requirements for the installation of power systems with
be approved by the manufacturer. ABUS will
rated voltages up to 1000V
not be liable for any injury, loss or damage
which may occur as a result of modifications
IEC 204
which have not been approved or the use of
Requirements for the electrical equipment of proces-
products other than for the intended pur-
sing machinery
For special applications, other standards and regula-
tions may also be applicable.
The unit has been designed in accordance
with the EMC directive no. 89/336/EEC.

7 Malfunctions
7.1 Causes and Remedies
The LIS–AV displays the following error codes on the operator terminal or the load display.

Error code Explanation Remedy

F1 Error at measurement point 1 Check signals from measurement axle 1
F2 Error at measurement point 2 Check signals from measurement axle 2 or LIS–FC
unit 1
F3 Error at measurement point 3 Check signals from measurement axle 3 or LIS–FC
unit 2
F4 Total load equal to zero or less than Check system parameters (P0.0 to P3.0).
individual load

The input and output voltage data required for trouble- 7.2 Service
shooting are stated in Section 4 ”Technical Data”.
If any other malfunctions occur, please contact our ser-
The ABUS Service Centre can be reached
vice centre (see Section 7.2).
day and night.


8 Disposal
ABUS products are designed with a view to recycling mentally compatible disposal when they are no longer
and have a modular structure which facilitates environ- required.

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