First A Poem Must Be
First A Poem Must Be
First A Poem Must Be
The following excerpt is an interview with the poet Jose Garcia Villa. In
thisinterview, he is asked to explain "Lyric 17." You should find it very
interesting tocompare your interpretation of each of the seven couplets to the
poet's personalinterpretations.
If you find that your interpretations differ from Villa's, do not feel that
yourideas were necessarily incorrect. Note how both the interviewer and the
poetadmit that it is not an easy task to give an exact prose interpretation of a
poeticexpression, particularly because poems are not explicitly stated; the
interviewer,at one point, admits: "I have always found the next lines difficult to
Focus here on the poet's response: "You must remember," Villa said, "somelines and
some poems cannot be explained. But let me try..."
Once you have finished reading the interview, compare his interpretationswith your
own and with the interpretations made by members of your cooperative group.
The Interview
Villa's lyrical and exquisitely crafted poem,"Lyric 17" (Villa, 1942),can serve as
the basis for discussing his techniques of poetry. Although the poet did not setout
to achieve this end, he does so, gracefullyand economically. As you shall see, this
beautiful poem leads to a unique definition of what apoem should be.
Villa said, "These lines mean exactly what theysay: That a poem must have magic,
and it mustbe musical."
I asked the poet, "What meaning would youascribe to the next lines?"
Villa explained, "There are some brightnesses which are stationary and static, but
a poem,like a bird, must fly. This is the differencebetween prose and poetry. Prose
is flatfootedand stationary; poetry soars, flies like a bird.The stationary bird,
when first seen, appearslike a rosebud.When it begins to fly, it opensup and
spreads its wings and blooms like aflower."
To these lines, Villa responded, "A poem is economical; it's slender as a bell, it
has no adiposetissue; it's lean and clean. Poorly written poemsshould, of
necessity, go on a diet, to rid themselves of excess verbiage and adjectives. And
by'fire' in the next line, I simply mean that apoem must have a spirit."
"I have always found the next lines difficultto comprehend," I confessed:
"You must remember," Villa said, "somelines and some poems cannot be explained.But
let me try. I am speaking of the archer'sbow. A good bow is one that knows when
toshoot, and one that directs the arrow to itsmark. Just as a good poem, it never
goes astray.To 'kneel like a rose' is a metaphor for humility. All fine people are
humble and a poemshould also be humble, however beautiful it is."
"There's a good man behind every finepoem. A good poet is usually a good
person.'Luminance' naturally means brightness.When I see a good face, it's a good
face and Irespond. When I see a bad face, it is the facefull of crime, even though
he doesn't proclaimhis crime. His face proclaims it out loud."
And for the meaning of the next couplet, Iprodded Villa to discuss,
Villa, without hesitation, began, "A poemmust not explicitly state meaning. The
reader issupposed to sense it out, feel it. The languageitself doesn't tell you,
but the substructurebehind that language is the real meaning. It isnot explicit and
declarative. That's why when Isay, 'It must have the wisdom of bows,' youmust guess
at what I mean, and children loveto guess at meaning. That's why they love riddles.
I used to love riddles as a child."
is possibly one of the most beautiful ever written. "The last line has a
masterfully dramaticeffect. At the same time, this couplet is, to me,the most
mystifying one in the poem," I commented.
Villa nodded and offered this explanation:"When you see a blessed creature, God
shinesand hovers over that saintly creature. Thepoem itself creates a God-hood, and
the poemradiates Godness. At the same time, God ishovering over it, acknowledging
the Godnessradiating from the poem, itself, which embodies the spirituality
existing in a poem and, atthe same time, radiates it to others."
Indeed, there is a Godness to this poem; andthere is a God-hood within this poet.
PoetRichard Eberhardt understood this, too, evidenced in a review of Villa's work
in which hestates:
A pure, startling, and resoundingbody of poetry, informed with somuch legerity and
fire, remarkablyconsistent in its devotion to spiritualreality. The subject matter
is formidable, the author a God-driven poet.He arrives at peaks without showingthe
strenuous effort of climbing; thepersonal is lost in a blaze of linguistic
glories.... (Eberhardt, 1958)