Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary in Context
abandoned absorb abused ability absolute abundant abstract abducted I can't _______________ much if you guys keep disturbing me.
abortion academy
Canada and China have just signed an _______________ on reducing barriers to
They found a cat that had been _______________ by its owners when they moved trade.
People who are self-employed need to keep a close _______________ of their
A father who was angry after losing custody of his children following his divorce has revenue and expenses for tax purposes.
_______________ the two children, and fled the country.
My wife keeps going to garage sales, and has _______________ a lot of worthless
She has a natural _______________ in sports, and seems to do well in any sport she junk that she considers to be a real bargain.
The _______________ of the winner in the Olympic shooting competition was
She got pregnant by accident, and wasn't ready to have a baby, so she decided to almost 98%.
have an _______________.
His _______________ of unfaithfulness caused her a great deal of pain.
That movie was an _______________ waste of money! Don't bother going to it.
achievements acknowledge activism ached adaptable acquisition add
Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to _______________ languages acquaintance acquittal actually
very quickly.
When I had the flu, my skin felt very sensitive, and my muscles _______________
I don't really like _______________ art, such as that done by Picasso. I much prefer all over.
something more realist. The politician listed all the _______________ made during his time in office, and
asked for their support in the coming election.
Canada is known for its _______________ natural resources.
Euripides said that the best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life,
Many women who become prostitutes were sexually _______________ as children. _______________ the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live
that way, you are really a wise man.
His parents sent him to a military _______________, because they thought he was
getting a little too wild. Franklin Jones once remarked that honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a
relative, a friend, an _______________, or a stranger.
access accusation accord accuracy accompaniment accomplish accelerated
accumulated accommodation account The _______________ of a number of original paintings by Vincent van Gogh was a
major accomplishment for the new museum.
The progress of the disease seems to have _______________ somewhat in the last A psychiatrist once observed that a woman has a much better chance than a man of
week, and his doctor is very worried. _______________ on a murder charge, and if she happens to be a blonde, her
chances rise about 45 percent.
There's something wrong with our Internet connection; I can't _______________ my
e-mail account. Political _______________ in the province has increased since Greenpeace exposed
We were able to find cheap _______________ in the heart of Athens, and spent a the terrible logging practices of the large forest companies .
week there visiting the city.
The book was a little boring at first, but _______________ I found it quite
The _______________ of a string quartet to the Beatles' song "Yesterday" was interesting once I really got into it.
considered a real musical innovation in its time.
Henrik has been able to survive in this business simply because he is so
_______________; as things change, he changes with them. Restaurants are usually happy to provide free birthday cake if you let them know in
_______________ that you will be bringing a group for a party.
A Chinese proverb tells us that riches _______________ to the house, virtues to the When young children begin their schooling, it is a considerable _______________
man. for them if they are used to being separated from their parents.
Ben is a true _______________. He has climbed this country's highest mountain,
admired inadequate adore adolescence Administration adult admit addicted canoed across the continent, and hiked through the Amazon jungle.
adopted adjust
A comedian once said that _______________ may be described as the science of
Bill Cosby once remarked that the main goal in the future should be to stop violence arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
because the world is _______________ to it.
Don't be afraid to ask your uncle for financial _______________ if you need it; he's
Recent research suggests that children born to teenage mothers are more likely to be been a financial consultant for a long time, and he knows what he's talking about.
poor, and to receive _______________ healthcare and education.
Former American president Jimmy Carter once said that we all must Environmental _______________ groups are upset at the government's plans to
_______________ to changing times, and still hold to unchanging principles. allow mining in the sensitive wilderness area.
He hopes to study Business _______________ in Canada so he can take over his After a long _______________ with her married employer, Anna decided that she
father's company when he retires. wanted to date younger, unmarried men instead.
In Burma, children are loved and _______________, but one should never The new anti-smoking regulations _______________ everyone: smokers must now
compliment them, in case the spirits get jealous, and make them sick. go outside to have a cigarette at all public buildings.
According to a poll, 33 percent of dog owners _______________ that they talk to My mother wasn't very _______________ with us kids when I was young, so I'm not
their dogs on the phone or leave messages for them on an answering machine while used to hugging and stuff.
Someone once joked that by the time a couple can _______________ to go out
Someone once remarked that _______________ is a period of rapid changes. evenings, they have to babysit with the grandchildren.
Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.
aimed alarming agency aggressive afraid agriculture aids albeit album
Scotland gradually _______________ the English language, even though it was agenda
frequently at war with England throughout its history.
Borndarasophie was very _______________ for her family in Cambodia when she
An Italian poet once remarked to his love, "I would rather have you hate me for first came to Canada after escaping from that country.
telling you the truth than _______________ me for telling you lies." The _______________ which administers food banks is planning to expand to create
a larger organization to service all the needs of the homeless.
Jean Kerr once remarked that the average, healthy, well-adjusted _______________
gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible. Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the
_______________ at the international summit in June.
Repeated studies of animals in the laboratory show that punishment procedures
usually result in _______________ behaviour.
advice affect advantage advance adventurer afford advertising affair advocacy University students who are interested in a career in _______________ may take
affectionate courses including animal husbandry, and basic mechanics.
Foster Parents Plan is a charitable organization which _______________ children Children in many countries are often forced to work in dangerous and abusive jobs
living in poverty throughout the developing world. because they are poor, and have no other _______________.
The President's speech was _______________ at the people in his own party who amended amateur amazing ambiguous amusing ammunition analogy
had been calling for his resignation. amount ambitiously ambassador
An _______________ number of teenagers are continuing to smoke cigarettes The Olympics used to be only for _______________ athletes, but recently they have
despite the government's attempts to discourage the habit. been allowing professional athletes to participate.
After 10 years working for his father, _______________ somewhat reluctantly, he Jerry Seinfeld once joked that it's _______________ that the amount of news that
finally realized his dream of starting his own business. happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.
Sharon kept a large _______________ full of newspaper clippings of her favourite The Cuban _______________ has made a formal protest to the American
movie star. government for its encouragement of political dissent in that country.
alert allergist alleges allocation alienated alcohol allowable alternative The definition of a hate crime is somewhat _______________, which makes it
alterations alliance extremely difficult to enforce the law.
Police believe that _______________ was a factor in the accident which claimed two If Apple Computers had planned their strategy a bit more _______________, they
lives over the weekend. might have been able to capture the share of the market now held by Microsoft.
The Armed Forces have been put on full _______________ amid rumours of a The university tennis club has _______________ its rules to allow players to wear
terrorist attack on the White House. grey or light brown clothing, rather than just white.
Many of the young people living on the streets of our city are kids who are totally The results of the latest opinion poll have given the government new
_______________ from their families for various reasons. _______________ in their determination to increase the education budget.
The suspect's wife _______________ that he was with her at home the night of the Alexandra does a large _______________ of her boss' work for him already, so I
killing, but a number of witnesses have placed him at the scene of the murder. think she would be an excellent replacement for him when he retires.
We took our daughter to see an _______________ because she starts sneezing Nina told us an _______________ story about how she met her boyfriend by
whenever we go to her grandparents' house, and we want to know why. accident when she spilled coffee on him in the cafeteria.
Members of the Opposition want the government to review its aid _______________
for Haiti in response to a recent report on human rights abuses in the island nation. To try to make an _______________ between the regime of Saddam Hussein and
Hitler is absurd. The actions of Hitler were without parallel in human history.
For many university courses, it is _______________ to challenge a course if you
think you already know the material taught at that level. approximately appropriateness appointed arose approaching arbitrary
arguments disapprove appreciable area
Ogden Nash once remarked that marriage is the _______________ of two people,
one of whom never remembers birthdays, and the other who never forgets. He was _______________ Canadian ambassador to France after retiring from federal
The _______________ to the motor suggested by the engineer have reduced fuel politics.
consumption considerably.
Everyone knows that coffee has caffeine, but some people don't realize that tea has
an _______________ amount of it, too. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that cities force growth, and make people talkative
and entertaining, but they also make them _______________.
Bertrand Russell once said that one of the symptoms of an _______________
nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important. William James once remarked that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of
their minds, can change the outer _______________ of their lives.
I really wonder about the _______________ of making children stand in the corner
as punishment for getting a low mark on a quiz. In 1858, Italian revolutionary Felice Orsini threw bombs at Napoleon III in Paris in
an _______________ attempt, but the emperor was unharmed.
The philosopher Voltaire once said, "I _______________ of what you say, but will
defend to the death your right to say it." Police have not yet determined if the victim was sexually _______________ before
being murdered.
The Parliament Buildings tour is _______________ 45 minutes long, depending on
how many questions are asked. The children _______________ on the school playground to hear the results of the
final races.
At one time, _______________ arrest and detention without trial were common
features of many military dictatorships throughout Latin America. assessment assigned association athletically assured astonished assets
assists assumption asserted
Crime in this _______________ has decreased considerably since the police
increased their foot patrols. The company president _______________ his power in making the final decision.
Frederico Fellini once remarked, "Making movies is my vacation. All the rest - the The company is required to do an _______________ of the environmental damage
travelling about to premieres, the social life, the endless _______________ with that would be done to the area before beginning the project.
producers who don't understand me - that is the work."
They have decided to sell off some of their _______________, and concentrate their
The charges against him _______________ as a result of his dealings with a efforts on the clothing industry side of their business.
company which is suspected of smuggling goods from Asia.
The science teacher _______________ each child to do an experiment which would
arrange arrival artificial assassination assaulted arms aspects be presented in front of the entire class.
assembled arrest articles
Hockey player Wayne Gretzky got more _______________ than any other player in
The American government under Ronald Reagan was accused of trading the league got in total points.
_______________ for hostages in Iran.
We are quite busy today, but I'll see if I can _______________ a meeting for She is a member of a neighbourhood _______________ which is trying to stop the
sometime tomorrow morning. city from allowing the company to build a highrise in their area.
Many people wonder why we continue to _______________ young people for The _______________ that birds are descended from dinosaurs has been brought
possession of marijuana, when studies show that it is less harmful than tobacco. into question by new fossil discoveries in the last few years.
The _______________ of the new president at the university has brought many The Canadian government has _______________ the refugees that they will not be
expectations of change. sent back to their countries.
The Salvation Army is looking for donations of _______________ of clothing for the You will be _______________ when you see Stacey; she has cut her hair, and lost a
victims of the fire which hit a small apartment complex last weekend. lot of weight, and just looks gorgeous.
Janet is not very _______________ gifted, but she has a lot of fun playing sports, Her _______________ has changed somewhat as she has made the change from a
nonetheless. romance writer to a mystery writer.
attachment attributed unattainable unattractive auctioned attendance The _______________ of the newly discovered composition by Mozart has been
attacked attitude attempt Atmospheric called into question by a music historian.
_______________ conditions were affected a great deal by the presence of volcanic Dr. Spock _______________ a number of popular books on child raising in the 50s
dust in the air from the recent eruption. and 60s.
Someone once said that the fewer clear facts you have in support of an opinion, the There is a Yugoslavian proverb which states that if you wish to know what a man is,
stronger your emotional _______________ is to that opinion. place him in _______________.
During his famous radio address, Franklin Roosevelt announced, "Yesterday, Most department stores now have _______________ doors for use by people in
December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of wheelchairs or parents pushing baby strollers.
America was suddenly and deliberately _______________ by naval and air forces of
the Empire of Japan." Someone once said that engineers like to solve problems, and if there are no
problems handily _______________, they will create their own problems.
Philip Chesterfield once suggested that those who aim for perfection will come much
nearer to it than those whose despondency and laziness make them give it up as Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy is a five-
_______________. minute conversation with the _______________ voter.
Sony Corp. has begun an aggressive new marketing campaign in an The deaths of some villagers after the eruption of the volcano was
_______________ to become the number one seller of VCRs in North America. _______________, for the simple reason that these people absolutely refused to
abandon their homes.
Luckily there was a doctor in _______________ at the show when one of the
performers had a heart attack. Police are putting out road blocks every night during the holidays in order to raise
_______________ of the dangers of drinking and driving.
The students in the class had a negative _______________ towards learning because
the teacher treated them like idiots whenever they made mistakes. Lying to your friend was an _______________ thing to do. I think you should
Moshe Waldoks once remarked that a sense of humour can help you overlook the
_______________, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile bankruptcy bail banned ballots bargain bald balanced background
through the unbearable. bang bare
The sculpture was originally thought to be a work of Michelangelo, but is now We need some _______________ information on the company before deciding if we
_______________ to a student of the master. want to work with them.
A number of sketches by John Lennon were _______________ off in London for The man arrested for the attempted murder of a leading politician has been refused
thousands of dollars. _______________ because the court is afraid he will try to leave the country.
Carl Jung once observed that even a happy life cannot be without a measure of
average authored authenticity authority unavoidable audience automatic darkness, and the word "happy" would lose its meaning if it were not
available awareness awful _______________ by sadness.
Comedian Bennett Cerf once said that middle age is when your old classmates are so In 1944, a pharmacist in Florida invented the first suntan cream by cooking cocoa
grey and wrinkled and _______________ they don't recognize you. butter in a coffee pot on his wife's stove, and then testing the _______________ on
his own head.
Officials of ancient Greece used seashells as _______________, because once a vote
was scratched on the shell, it couldn't be changed. The most important _______________ in Canada's history took place on the Plains
of Abraham, and was won by the English in about 10 minutes.
In Afghanistan, activities such as dancing, playing music, watching videos, flying a
kite, playing soccer, reading magazines, and even using paper bags were all Although we have talked about the dangers of smoking to the students before, I think
_______________ under the Taliban government. the information _______________ being repeated.
He got a nasty _______________ on the head with a baseball bat while playing at the Bernard Berenson once said, "I wish I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and
park this morning. _______________ people to throw me all their wasted hours."
I think I speak on _______________ of everyone in the company when I say that you
A number of airlines have had to file for _______________ since the terrorist attacks will be sorely missed, but that we hope you enjoy your retirement.
on the World Trade Centre made some people afraid to fly.
belongings bizarre behave betting benefits biased bend bidder
Really, one year is the _______________ minimum of time during which one should biodegradable bitterly
expect to make very little profit or even lose a bit of money after opening a new
business in this town. When we go to Grandma's house, I expect you children to _______________; don't
run around screaming and jumping on the furniture like last time.
There is a French proverb which notes that he that does not ask will never get a
_______________. Any _______________ left here by the children can be picked up at the lost-and-
found at the end of the summer.
bark barrier basis behalf bargain battle beg batch barrel bears
There is a Malaysian proverb which states that to _______________ a piece of
bamboo, it is best to start when it is just a shoot.
The right to sit down and _______________, even when you don't get the perfect
deal, is the fundamental right for which the international trade union movement has One of the _______________ of studying English in Victoria is that you have the
always fought. opportunity to speak English outside of class.
We chopped down the tree, and stripped off the _______________ before beginning Paul was _______________ police wouldn't be setting up any roadblocks when he
to chop it into smaller pieces. decided to drive home from the pub after drinking too much.
The robber apparently held the _______________ of the gun against the store- This company is obviously _______________ against women, because there are
keeper's head until he handed over the cash. absolutely no women whatsoever in senior management positions.
The students built a huge _______________ of chairs and desks in front of the door In 1993, an unknown _______________ paid $945,000 at auction for the Oscar
in order to keep their teacher from entering and handing out the test. award won by Vivien Leigh in the movie "Gone With the Wind."
John F. Kennedy once said that a man does what he must, in spite of personal We humans, like every other living organism, are essentially _______________, and
consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures, and that is the when we die, we return to the earth.
_______________ of all human morality.
The soccer game was a _______________ fought match between two teams that
have always hated each other. It is important for both parents to spend a lot of time with a newborn baby in the first
few days in order to _______________ with the child.
It's so _______________ that one day my boyfriend wants to break up, and then a
week later he tells me he wants to marry me. Construction workers found the _______________ of an ancient cat-like animal
while digging a hole for the new apartment building.
bland blizzard blame blade blind blasting blood boasting blank blur
Yumiko said that in many Japanese companies, workers get a _______________
A Chinese proverb states that when fate throws a knife at you, there are only two worth up to three or four months salary at the end of the year.
ways to catch it - by the _______________, or by the handle.
The end of the 1940s was the beginning of the baby-_______________ in Canada, a
My new boss always looks to put the _______________ on someone when there's a time when a lot of children were born.
problem instead of concentrating on working out a solution.
Sam Walton once remarked that outstanding leaders go out of their way to
Cooking experts say that steak must not be cut too thin before cooking, or all the _______________ the self-esteem of their personnel because if people believe in
juices will seep out, and the flavour will be _______________. themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
Author Gene Fowler once remarked, "Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a In some parts of Europe, if you cross a _______________ between two countries on
_______________ sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." a Sunday, there is no one there to show your passport to.
The construction crew is doing some _______________ at the site, so don't be I'm going to kill my little sister. She _______________ my new sweater without
surprised if you hear a big boom. asking, and then forgot it at school.
The Aztec Indians in Central America used animal _______________ mixed with I can't be _______________ making my bed every morning when I know that I'm
cement for their buildings, many of which are still standing today. just going to mess it up again at night.
Brent is totally _______________ to the fact that his business partner has been bombings bond bone borrowed border boiling boost bothered boom
cheating him out of a good part of his share of the profits. bonus
We were supposed to visit our grandparents in Calgary last winter, but our flight was In 1547, British law was changed to end the practice of _______________ people to
cancelled due to a _______________. death as punishment for criminal behaviour.
We travelled all around Europe for a month, and we went to so many places that There have been a number of recent car _______________ in the area lately,
everything seems like a _______________. believed to be the work of anti-government terrorists.
The suspect was arrested after _______________ to an undercover policeman that he It is important for both parents to spend a lot of time with a newborn baby in the first
had taken part in a murder. few days in order to _______________ with the child.
In 1547, British law was changed to end the practice of _______________ people to Construction workers found the _______________ of an ancient cat-like animal
death as punishment for criminal behaviour. while digging a hole for the new apartment building.
There have been a number of recent car _______________ in the area lately, Yumiko said that in many Japanese companies, workers get a _______________
believed to be the work of anti-government terrorists. worth up to three or four months salary at the end of the year.
The child was not _______________ enough to argue with his teacher when he was
The end of the 1940s was the beginning of the baby-_______________ in Canada, a blamed for something another child did.
time when a lot of children were born.
I think the record for the longest time someone held his _______________ under
Sam Walton once remarked that outstanding leaders go out of their way to water is around 8 minutes.
_______________ the self-esteem of their personnel because if people believe in
themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. brew briefly bribery broad broadcast bulk budget brilliance bruised
In some parts of Europe, if you cross a _______________ between two countries on
a Sunday, there is no one there to show your passport to. My grandmother used to make us a strong _______________ of fresh ginger, lemon,
and maple syrup to drink when we had a cold.
I'm going to kill my little sister. She _______________ my new sweater without
asking, and then forgot it at school. Unfortunately, corruption and _______________ seem to be common in
governments the world over.
I can't be _______________ making my bed every morning when I know that I'm
just going to mess it up again at night. Stephen R. Covey once observed that motivation is a fire from within. If someone
brains boundary bound boycott branded bragging branch bounce else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very _______________.
breath brave
The award-winning scientist attributed his _______________ in biology to his
A raisin dropped into a glass of champagne will repeatedly _______________ up and parents' constant encouragement of his fascination with sea life.
down between the top and the bottom of the glass.
Joseph Cossman once said that middle age is when your _______________ mind and
Andrew Carnegie once said that surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is narrow waist begin to change places.
_______________ to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.
There was a live _______________ from the area where the fighting was going on,
So seriously taken were land _______________ laws that the ancient Romans and the announcer had to be careful not to get in the way of the soldiers and their
executed farmers who moved _______________ stones, even if by accident. guns.
A consumer group organized a _______________ of produce grown at farms which We were afraid that my daughter's ankle was broken during the soccer game, but it
used an excess of deadly chemicals to grow their food. was just badly _______________ from a vicious kick to the shin.
Ann Landers once remarked, "_______________ is not an attractive trait, but let's be The old man treated his dog _______________, kicking it and punching it when it
honest; a man who catches a big fish doesn't go home through an alley." didn't obey him.
Frank is the head of the team that is trying to come up with a new marketing strategy, Joseph E. Levine once joked that you can fool all the people all the time if your
but the real _______________ behind the project is Sylvia. advertising _______________ is big enough.
The bank closed down its _______________ in our area, and now we have to go The author wrote the _______________ of his work in England, but only became
about 5 miles from home to get money out of our account. famous when he moved to the United States.
Taking care of a puppy can be a real _______________ at times. They need to be There will be a meeting this evening where the public can ask questions of each of
walked, fed, played with, trained, etc. the _______________ for mayor.
The little girl was _______________ with pride when her teacher showed her The first umbrellas in Europe were made of wood or whalebone, and were covered
artwork to the class. with oiled canvas.
I couldn't find my homework, but finally discovered it _______________ under a _______________ will be coming to your door this weekend, collecting funds for
pile of newspapers. spinal cord research. Please be generous.
Our company went _______________ after oil prices went up, and we could no Our new photocopier has the _______________ of working almost twice as fast as
longer compete with American companies. the old one.
One of the speakers on your stereo is making a strange _______________ sound; I capital career cast casual captives cataloguing capacity casualties
think there may be something wrong with it. carvings catastrophe
According to a recently passed municipal _______________, any new large The hospital is filled to _______________, and patients are having to sleep in beds in
commercial buildings that are built here have to include showers and lock-up space the halls.
for bicycle commuters.
Jerome wants to open his own computer store, but he doesn't have enough
American president Ronald Reagan once joked, "I have left orders to be awakened at _______________ to do it just yet.
any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a _______________ meeting."
The terrorists are believed to be holding their _______________ in the basement of a
capability cage calculators cables calmly candidates camouflage private residence somewhere near the airport.
campaigning Canvassers
He doesn't spend much time with his family because his _______________ is the
Apparently, engineers in Italy are considering holding the Leaning Tower of Pisa up most important thing in his life.
with large steel _______________.
When I was working in the far north, I saw many beautiful _______________ made
The orangutan somehow escaped from its _______________, and spent the from soapstone by Inuit artists.
afternoon in the trees surrounding the zoo.
Courtney Cox was originally _______________ as Rachel in the television show
The children always use their _______________ for their math homework, but it "Friends," but wanted to play the role of Monica, and eventually got her way.
would be much better if they figured out the answers in their heads. His _______________ attitude towards work has kept him from getting a real, steady
Police fear more _______________ may be found when firemen are able to get into The diver had to spend time in a decompression _______________ because he had
the rest of the burning building. risen to the surface a little too quickly.
Tim's work at the observatory _______________ stars has brought him a lot of My neighbour has a satellite dish that allows him to receive over 500 different
recognition in his field. television _______________, but there's still nothing good on.
The President has said that the earthquake is a national _______________, and is Downtown Vancouver is in _______________ right now, with hockey fans going
sending immediate financial aid to the region. crazy over their team's loss in the Stanley Cup final.
cave cautioned ceremony caters ceases celebrate cell challenge chain The author said that he generally started his books by quickly writing the first and
categorize last _______________, and then slowly filling in everything between.
It's quite difficult to _______________ his music because it's not classical, and it's The political campaign got ugly when the opposition leader started making attacks on
not experimental, it's something in between. the Prime Minister's _______________.
Daniella has just joined a fitness club that _______________ exclusively to The children went door to door asking for donations for a _______________ raising
overweight women. money for children living below the poverty line here in Canada.
The Ambassador _______________ the President against making any public The audience was _______________ by the speaker's friendly manner.
statements regarding the incident.
If you look at the _______________, you will see that sales have increased slightly
Two young boys discovered wall paintings that were thousands of years old in a in the past 3 months.
_______________ in Southern France.
The Red Cross has _______________ a number of planes to carry food and medical
There is a Greek proverb which states that he who _______________ to be a friend supplies to the region.
never was one.
The Prime Minister was _______________ from office as a result of the scandal.
Amanda Bradley once said one should _______________ the happiness that friends
are always giving, and make every day a holiday. chores chat cheering cholesterol chemistry cheated chewed chill choke
The prisoner was locked up in his _______________ all day after getting in a fight
with another inmate. Why don't you stop by my office before you go home, and we can _______________
about this new project I'm considering.
I didn't go to my grad _______________ when I finished my degree because I don't
really enjoy that sort of thing. My father _______________ on his income tax by not declaring all the tips he
received as a taxi driver.
Gandhi once said, "You can _______________ me, you can torture me, you can even
destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind." The sound of _______________ at the football game could be heard a block away.
Learning a second language is a _______________, but with continued effort you
can make continual progress. Pollution in our environment is actually changing the _______________ of large
character chaos chased channels charmed chart chapters chartered bodies of water.
chamber charity
Rats had _______________ through the cupboard to get at the food inside.
A man _______________ to be a police officer entered the home of an elderly
The children stood behind the trees to escape the _______________ air coming off woman, and stole all her valuables.
the ocean.
The attacker had his arm _______________ around the victim's neck.
This toy is not recommended for little children, as there are small pieces which they
could put in their mouth, and _______________ on. climb clicking climate clinic classic clauses clashes classified client
His doctor told him he has to be very careful about what he eats because his
_______________ level is getting too high. We will need some _______________ from the head office before we can sign the
Why don't you _______________ up the vegetables while I grate the cheese for the
pizza? There were a number of _______________ between police and demonstrators during
the protest against the monetary policies of the World Trade Organization.
Studies show that the average housewife walks 15 kilometres a day around the house
doing her _______________. It's a _______________ case of displaced anger. You have trouble at work so you
come home, and yell at me.
clamped chronically circulating circuit circumstances chunk citizens
civil cited claiming This data is _______________, and can only be seen with prior authorization.
My grandma is _______________ ill with a number of problems typically associated I always get confused between dependent _______________ and independent
with the elderly. _______________ in English.
The lion tore a _______________ of meat off the dead zebra, and swallowed it We could hear the _______________ of the dog's claws on the kitchen floor.
A lawyer must defend his _______________ to the best of his ability even if he
The device has an alarm in it which will ring if something breaks the himself doubts his innocence.
_______________, and turns it off.
The _______________ at the university is very tense these days, due to allegations of
There is a rumour _______________ in the office that the boss is going to be sexism and racism among faculty members.
If you put up some netting, this plant will _______________ up the side of the
Police are talking to a number of people in order to get more information about the house, and look really pretty.
_______________ in which the murder occurred.
The receptionist at the dental _______________ told me I could get an appointment
The couple _______________ irreconcilable differences as their reason for a tomorrow.
colleague codes clue coarse incoherent collected coalition coincidence
The _______________ of Victoria have voted for a new mayor in today's municipal collaboration clipped
My neighbour _______________ my cedar hedge for me while he was out working
With tensions mounting between the different ethnic groups, the U.N. fears the in his garden.
outbreak of a _______________ war.
An important _______________ to the identity of the murderer is the fact that he
smoked French cigarettes, which are only sold in one store in this town. Tiger Williams holds a _______________ lead after the first round of the
The Conservative party is expected to form a _______________ with a number of
smaller parties in order to get the majority needed to form a government. Celebrations planned to _______________ the discovery of the Americas by
Christopher Columbus have been met with protests by native people.
Cheap toilet paper is usually quite thin and _______________.
My holidays _______________ at the beginning of May.
I can't understand the computer _______________, so I can't fix the program I'm
having trouble with. A police spokesman is refusing to _______________ on accusations of racism within
the force.
The government's policy seems _______________ and unorganized.
community compact commercially committee commissions comparisons
It was quite a _______________ that my neighbour and I both went to Disneyland on commodity communication companions communism
the same day.
I think that the Apple Computer was one of the first _______________ available
Celebrities who write their autobiographies usually do so in _______________ with machines that really popularized the home computer.
a professional author.
Salesmen in this store are motivated by the large _______________ they can earn.
I ran into an old _______________ at a conference, and we went out for a beer after
the workshop. The testing _______________ is working on new standardized examinations for each
of the levels.
Over 1,000 signatures have been _______________ on a petition asking the
government to preserve the land as park. The stocks were once a much-desired _______________ but have since lost over
70% of their original value.
colonial comfortable combined column commemorate commence
combative commanding colliding comment The coach needs to maintain a good, honest _______________ with all his players.
A young boy was killed after _______________ with a tree while snowboarding on The collapse of the Berlin Wall was an important symbol of the end of
Whistler this past weekend. _______________ in Eastern Europe.
Foreign aid workers in developing countries often show a _______________ attitude He is well known in his _______________ for his work in preserving historic
towards the people of the country they are working in. buildings.
She writes a cooking _______________ for a popular weekly magazine. These new _______________ digital cameras can fit in a shirt pocket.
The politician was a very _______________ man, and he refused to give up even Frodo had three _______________ from the Shire, Sam, Merry and Pippin, with him
when polls showed he was certain to lose the election. on his journey through Middle Earth.
High winds, _______________ with the dry weather, made the spread of the fire You shouldn't make _______________ between your sisters; they each have their
almost impossible to control. own qualities.
I know this big couch is really old, but it's _______________, so I don't want to get compatible incompetent compassion competitors complex compensation
rid of it. complained compile complement compelled
Please put anything that is not _______________ into the garbage. The rest of it will
My boss showed a lot of _______________ by letting me take time off work after be used for the garden.
my mother died.
When mixed, the chemicals form a highly volatile _______________.
His strong religious beliefs don't really seem _______________ with the lifestyle of
a rock musician. Some scientists fear that there are many different chemicals in our water, mixing and
forming all kinds of deadly _______________.
I felt _______________ to work overtime to help my colleagues get the project
finished on time. It's difficult to _______________ what would make two high school boys do such a
terrible thing.
My friend bought me supper in a restaurant as _______________ for driving her to
school every day. The concert crowd was _______________ of a surprising variety of people, from
punk rockers, to businessmen, and retired couples.
There were about 200 _______________, but only half of them actually completed
the race. This government seems to _______________ on everything. I don't understand why
they don't stick to their principles.
This government has shown itself to be totally _______________ in managing the
financial affairs of the country, and has increased our debt by 25%. Social policy analysts have _______________ that for every dollar spent on helping
children at risk today, seven dollars will be saved in the future.
My wife has been using the Internet to _______________ some wonderful recipes
from cultures around the world. concern conceal concrete concessions conclusive concentration concept
condemned concessions Concurrent
We _______________ to the waiter that our food wasn't cooked properly, so we got
our meal for free. He tried to _______________ his anger, but I could see it in his eyes.
Massage treatments can be used to _______________ conventional medical The government has granted tax _______________ to new companies which create
therapies. at least 50 permanent jobs.
He has a _______________ about his mother that makes him afraid to talk to The Prime Minister has made some major _______________ to the provinces in their
women. discussions on power-sharing.
compostable components compromise composing compounds computed It requires a lot of _______________ to study in a house full of children and noise.
compound complicated comprehend comprised
Children basically have no _______________ of time until they reach a certain age.
His family relationships are kind of _______________ because both his mom and
dad are divorced and remarried, and their new partners have kids too. Canada has expressed _______________ to the United States about its severe policy
towards Cuba.
They terminated their contract with the company after determining that some of the
_______________ that were being produced were defective. DNA evidence has provided _______________ proof of the identity of the killer.
Anna spent hours _______________ a letter to Frederick explaining why she no The posts for the playground equipment have to be set in about 1 metre of
longer wanted to marry him. _______________ in order for the structure to be safe.
_______________ with his pop music career, Paul McCartney has also written an
opera and a book of poetry, and put on an exhibition of his paintings. Jeannette is very _______________ of her weight, so she is careful about everything
she eats.
After the earthquake, a number of old buildings had to be _______________ due to
serious cracks in the foundations. It is legal for two _______________ people to have sex if they have reached the age
of 16 years.
congratulation conducting confidently confession confer confirmation
confined conflict conform connected The fun-loving students suffered the unpleasant _______________ of spending too
much time partying.
Although the official language of India is Hindi, there are 14 regional languages that
are officially recognized for _______________ national affairs. We'll have to be _______________ in our spending if we want to make our money
Not everyone could make it to the meeting, but we were able to _______________
with those who couldn't come using our new tele-conferencing system. Jenna is _______________ moving to Japan for a year because she wants to be an
airline hostess, and needs to learn another language.
The suspect's _______________ was admitted as evidence in court.
He is _______________ older than his wife, and will likely die while she is still quite
The pitcher walked _______________ out to the mound for the last inning. young.
The soldiers have been _______________ to their barracks while the investigation The polar bear's diet _______________ almost entirely of seals and fish.
takes place.
There is a noticeable lack of _______________ in his work. One day he does really
I was offered a position with the firm this morning, and received _______________ well, and then the next day he can't seem to get anything done.
of my appointment as department head this afternoon.
consulted consistency contain constant contact constitutes constructed
There are reports out of the Middle East of a worsening in the _______________ console constraints consumes
between the Palestinians and Israeli settlers on the West Bank.
There is a noticeable lack of _______________ in his work. One day he does really
The vast majority of people in this world _______________ to the values and well, and then the next day he can't seem to get anything done.
traditions of their own particular culture.
Yona's friends did their best to _______________ her after she saw her boyfriend
The couple received letters of _______________ from all over the country. kissing another girl at the party.
The terrorist group is believed to be _______________ to a recent bombing in The _______________ noise of the construction going on next door is driving me
London. crazy.
consists conquer considerably conscience conservative conscious Canada's aboriginal population _______________ a small but important part of our
consistency considering consenting consequences country.
Emma fought to _______________ her fear of flying so that she could take the plane The boss has turned down our request to expand the Research and Development
to visit her grandparents in Montreal. Department due to financial _______________.
Bill Gates has _______________ the largest computer empire in the world.
My _______________ is clear; I had nothing to do with their dispute.
I wish you had _______________ with me before deciding to change everything.
Too many people are so spoiled by the _______________ of our modern lifestyle
Our new washing machine _______________ about half the electricity of our old that they become overweight due to a simple lack of activity.
The old woman claims to _______________ regularly with beings on another planet.
Please feel free to _______________ me if you have any more questions.
The _______________ of Eastern European factories into modern facilities since the
Many CDs now have warnings when the songs _______________ lyrics with sexual fall of communism has been an expensive process.
or violent content.
In order to _______________ the defendant, you must be certain, beyond a
contemporary context contract contaminated contrary contribute reasonable doubt, that he is guilty.
contrast convened controversy contradictions
My parents are trying to _______________ me to go to university in the fall, but I
The water here could be _______________, so you should boil it before drinking it. want to take a year off to travel.
Much of the _______________ music I hear nowadays just sounds like noise to me. I The suspect is _______________ with police in their search for the bodies of his
much prefer the music of the 1970s. previous victims.
The newspaper took his comments completely out of _______________, and made The _______________ of the English Language Program is responsible for
him look really bad. managing the budget, and all personnel during each three-month session.
The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a The police were not able to _______________ with the large numbers of drunken
_______________ with a major record label. fans who went on a rampage through the downtown core.
Life is full of _______________, such as pro-lifers who support capital punishment. Scientists are now able to create conditions in the lab which produce greater heat
than the _______________ of the Sun itself.
His view is completely _______________ to mine. He thinks it's a great idea, but I
think it's stupid. Both of the major political parties in the province are working to _______________
some key environmental policies into their platform.
If we _______________ the beliefs of our grandparents with those of our
grandchildren, the differences are obviously quite substantial. coughed cottages councillors coup counsellor costume corruption
correspondence couples courage
I didn't have much to _______________ to the discussion because I had been away
for a month. You should keep copies of all your _______________ with the government in case
you need to review it later.
The government's plans to cut unemployment benefits are certain to generate a great
deal of _______________. Distribution of medical supplies to the refugees is being complicated by
_______________ among the local authorities.
The prime minister has _______________ a meeting of cabinet to discuss new policy
initiatives. The leading performer had to change her _______________ no less than 14 times
during the play.
core conversion coordinator cooperating converse convict convenience Many of the beautiful old _______________ in our little village have been
convince incorporate cope demolished to make way for a huge shopping complex.
and experience, when hiring.
She _______________ as she made her way through the crowd of smokers standing
outside the building. Coffee is _______________ to the economy of Ethiopia, with exports of some $260
million in 2000.
City _______________ are discussing a plan to reduce panhandling in the city
centre. crouched crystals cruelly crucial cruise crushed crunching crowned
crops cuddled
The school _______________ encouraged the students to send their applications to
several colleges to be sure of getting a place. One of the major money-making _______________ of Southern Ontario is tobacco.
The leader of the army has been sentenced to death for his part in the attempted We couldn't see the children, who were _______________ behind the car, waiting to
_______________. spray us with the hose.
There were just _______________ at the party. I was the only single person there. Many people hope that Prince William will be _______________ king of England
when Queen Elizabeth dies.
He is a bully, and only has enough _______________ to fight children much smaller
than himself. It is _______________ that you get regular exercise if you want to lose weight.
crack credited critical crawling crew crisis cozy criteria crashed She treats her dog really _______________. She never takes it for walks, and is
criminal always yelling at it.
Make sure you are warm and _______________, and I'll go get the wine glasses. My neighbours went on a _______________ around the world after winning a
million dollars in a lottery.
The children opened the door a _______________, and peered through to where their
parents were wrapping Christmas presents. The dog was noisily _______________ the bones left over from our steaks.
My brother's friend _______________ his car while driving home from a party, and The old cars are _______________, and then melted down for the metal.
was killed instantly.
Salt _______________ look really cool if you examine them under a microscope.
When we came back to our picnic basket, we found that there were ants
_______________ across the blanket, and into our food. The young girl happily _______________ her new baby sister in her arms, and sang
softly to her.
My bank has _______________ my account with the amount that was mistakenly
charged to us without reason. cursed currents culture curly cushion curiously currency curves cure
The ship went down in stormy weather, but the entire _______________ was saved
thanks to the quick work of the Canadian Coast Guard. The _______________ of tobacco is an important source of income for many farms
in Quebec and Ontario.
Police have begun a _______________ investigation into allegations the Premier
accepted bribes from a local construction firm bidding on a large government He is quite interested in the _______________ of Turkey.
In times of _______________, one always turns to family for help. Unfortunately, we can only treat his particular form of cancer; we cannot
We will be looking at different _______________, but most importantly education _______________ it.
The people in the store looked at us _______________ when we entered wearing our The government is _______________ the possibility of raising taxes on cigarettes
monkey costumes. once again.
Fabio's hair is quite straight, but his moustache is actually very _______________. I can't afford to buy a car. I'm already in _______________ from paying for
The value of the Mexican _______________ will probably increase with the election
of a new government. debut deceiving decide decade decay decent decline decorated
declaration decrease
A hiker was drowned off the west coast of the island when he went swimming, and
was carried out to sea by the strong _______________. Tiger Williams has been a great success from the moment he made his
_______________ on the golf circuit.
I _______________ myself for forgetting my swimming goggles when I got to the
beach. Technology is changing so fast that a computer bought a _______________ ago for
thousands of dollars is totally worthless today.
I don't like women that skinny; I prefer someone with a few more _______________.
The rise in unemployment, coupled with a cut to social programs has resulted in
Most cars today come equipped with an airbag to _______________ the passengers serious _______________ in the urban areas.
in case of an accident.
His tennis serve is very _______________. It's not very fast, but it has a wicked spin,
damaged cycle custodian dared debating cynical damp data deadline and is difficult to return.
It is hard to get a _______________ education for one's children when the
It sure is cold in the building today. Could you please phone the _______________, government continues to cut the education budget.
and ask him to turn up the heat?
She couldn't _______________ whether her husband was angry with her or just
My daughter is studying the life _______________ of the butterfly in her elementary stressed out from work.
school science class.
You have to make out a customs _______________ of what is in your package if you
It's really hard not to be _______________ about this new government's promise to are going to mail it overseas.
bring integrity back to politics, given their previous scandals.
There has been a steady _______________ in the number of refugees coming from
Frank really _______________ his reputation by lying about what happened. Eastern Europe now that the situation has stabilized there.
The clothes in the dryer are still _______________, so you'd better turn it on for Vanessa _______________ her son's birthday cake with smarties and, of course, 6
another 15 minutes or so. candles.
She _______________ me to jump off the roof of the garage, so I did. The population of this country would _______________ due to our low birth rate if
we didn't have as much immigration.
The most recent period for which _______________ is available is between March
and July.
The terrorists have set a _______________ of midnight for payment of the ransom, deduce defeated deficit definite dedicate defined defaulted defected
or they will start killing the hostages. defend deduct
The teacher has promised that he will _______________ an entire class to reviewing The city's fire chief has announced that the fire that destroyed a city block was
the material that will be on the test. _______________ set by persons unknown.
By studying the handwriting, experts were able to _______________ that the author You should wash these _______________ clothes by hand because they could get
of the ransom note was a left-handed Asian woman. damaged in your washing machine.
The profits are lower than they appear, because you have to _______________ for She made a _______________ drink using a banana, orange juice, milk, and frozen
the administrators' extravagant achievement bonuses. blueberries.
The company has _______________ on its payments once again, and is expected to We had a _______________ time singing and chatting with friends at Robbie's
declare bankruptcy. wedding.
New Jersey _______________ Dallas in 6 games to win the Stanley Cup. We have fresh organic fruit and vegetables _______________ to our house once a
A number of athletes from the communist bloc _______________ to Canada after
the Montreal Olympics. My boss makes too many _______________ on me. I think he needs to hire more
The father was seriously injured trying to _______________ his son from a vicious
dog. demonstrative dents denied denote depicted depleted depends
departure deported democratically
The Ministry of Health has announced that it is operating at a _______________, and
is urgently in need of additional funding. Decisions within the group are made _______________, with an open vote.
Moderate alcohol consumption is _______________ as no more than 2 drinks a day Sue's children are quite _______________ - always ready to give a hug and a kiss to
for men, and no more than 1 drink a day for women. friends when they arrive at their home.
My daughter is considering studying graphic arts, but she hasn't made a Very fancy handwriting is said to _______________ an overly self-conscious
_______________ decision yet. personality.
delicate delegated delicious deliberately delayed delivered degree Her son put a bunch of _______________ in their garage door by practising his
demands dehydrated delightful tennis serves against it.
She got a good job in advertising after completing her _______________ in graphic Sarah broke the vase by accident, but she _______________ having anything to do
design. with it when her mother asked her.
He became _______________ during the game because he didn't drink anything You should arrive at least two hours before your _______________ time for
during the breaks. international flights.
My sister and her husband _______________ having children until they were able to The amount of time needed to cook a salmon _______________ on the thickness of
afford to buy a house. the fish.
You can get into a dangerous situation when certain duties are _______________ to In the book, the President is _______________ as a very selfish, arrogant man who
less senior staff members who do not have enough experience. will stop at nothing to gain power.
Roman statues were made with _______________ heads, so that one head could be
Many native plants have been seriously _______________ by the introduction of removed and replaced by another.
exotic plants which are taking over.
Her 6-year-old daughter drew a wonderful picture of a jungle with incredible little
A number of people from China tried to enter Canada illegally last year, but most of _______________ of different plants and insects.
them have since been _______________ back to their country.
The _______________ are political prisoners, arrested for protesting against
depressed deserved descended derive deposits desperate designed government corruption.
description despair desire
The _______________ assigned to the murder case interviewed the suspect for over
I make all my _______________ to my account through the bank machine. five hours.
I always feel _______________ after watching the news on television because of all Weather conditions on the hill are _______________, so the ski lifts will probably be
the war and starvation in the world. closing early today.
Gandhi once said, "As long as you _______________ inner help and comfort from The Prime Minister has reaffirmed his government's _______________ to improve
anything, keep it." the economy.
A feeling of tension _______________ on the party after the argument. In 1993, 350 houses were destroyed, thousands of people displaced, and part of
London's last ancient woodlands cut down, all of which _______________ the local
His _______________ of the events leading up to the accident is somewhat unclear. community, to build a six-lane highway which saves commuters six minutes of
travelling time.
I think she _______________ a higher mark, but she didn't get it because she missed
a week of classes due to illness. Birth rates in the _______________ countries have not shown a significant decrease,
despite their governments' attempts to introduce contraception.
Our course at the University of Victoria is _______________ to help students with
all skills in English, but with an emphasis on speaking and listening. dictation device deviate devise diapers diagnostic devoted dialogue
diary dialed
Her refusal to go out with him only increased his _______________ for her love.
The actors were given permission to _______________ from the script, provided
Her face was full of _______________ after she heard of the death of her mother. they stayed in character.
People in the war-torn country are _______________ for food and medical supplies. She has this really cool little electronic _______________ that measures her
heartbeat and stuff while she's doing any kind of physical activity.
despite destruction devastated deteriorating details detectives detachable
detainees determination developing Leaders of the different teenage gangs are meeting today to try to _______________
a plan to stop the violence in their city.
He won the badminton match _______________ the fact that he was playing with
the wrong hand. My grandfather was very _______________ to my grandmother, and missed her
enormously when she passed away.
The _______________ of habitat is being blamed for the decrease in the number of
butterflies we are seeing this year. We will be giving you a series of _______________ tests to determine what English
class you should be in.
The government needs to do more to ensure that all public buildings are readily
Timothy felt really nervous as he _______________ the phone number of a pretty accessible to the _______________.
girl in his class.
discrete discreetly disappointed discard discouragement disappeared
The U.S. has begun a _______________ with the Russians in an effort to come to an discipline discovered discount disaster
agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons.
He tried to convince his teacher he had done all the homework, but that somehow it
We don't use disposable _______________ because they're too wasteful; we use had magically _______________.
cotton ones.
The children will certainly be _______________ when they find out we can't go to
She keeps a _______________, and writes down the details of her dreams in it every the movie tonight.
morning when she wakes up.
The party was a total _______________. Hardly anyone showed up, the stereo didn't
It is easier for secretaries to take _______________ nowadays, with cassette work, and the food was terrible.
recorders and computers making everything simpler.
During the brainstorming process, we don't _______________ any ideas until they
dimensions differentiate digestion dignity diet diminished dipped dirt have been thoroughly discussed.
disabled diplomatic
There have been a number of _______________ problems in the classroom which
It is not good for your health to _______________ too often. It's important to eat must be dealt with.
well and regularly.
We offer high quality at _______________ prices.
A dog's keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colours, and enables
him to _______________ between things. High interest rates are a serious _______________ to buying a house these days.
According to my wife, eating yogurt is very good for the _______________. The stolen money was _______________ in a paper bag in the freezer in the robber's
By the time he was ready to do something about his alcoholism, he had lost all his
_______________, and was drinking cooking wine and aftershave. Security personnel are armed, though _______________, so as not to alarm our
The _______________ of the oil find are even greater than originally predicted.
A parent must be aware of the individual and _______________ needs of each of
The threat of war has _______________ now that the government has withdrawn its her/his children.
troops from the disputed territory.
displaced dismissed discuss disguised disgusted disintegrated display
The child _______________ his toes into the ocean to see if the water was cold. disposable disease discriminate
The President has demanded an apology before full _______________ relations can This new drug is able to _______________ between healthy cells and cancerous
be re-established. cells, and only attacks the cancerous cells.
We had to drive along a _______________ road for about 40 kilometres to get to the The Prime Minister met with his cabinet today to _______________ their plans for
campsite. the upcoming conference.
The _______________ of child abuse is a problem which must be recognized so that understand ourselves.
society can deal with it more effectively.
The driver hit another car when he was momentarily _______________ by a child
It only took my son about two seconds to recognize me _______________ as Santa running into the street.
Claus at his daycare Christmas party.
Every Christmas, she works hard to _______________ food and blankets to the
The other women in the office were totally _______________ by their boss' poor homeless.
treatment of the new secretary.
They are opening their workshop in the industrial _______________ on the outside
The coalition _______________ due to differences over how the government should of town.
deal with the deficit.
diving dominant donate divided disturbed domain documentation
The judge _______________ the charges, saying there was insufficient proof. diverse dizzy domestic
Tourism has _______________ fishing as this province's principal source of revenue. Why don't you go lie down for a while in the living room where you won't be
This year's fireworks _______________ was much better than last year's.
They went _______________ in Australia, and saw a shark!
Can you pick up some _______________ diapers for the baby while you're at the
store? We have a _______________ clientele in our language program, with students from
Asia, Europe and South America.
dispute distinguished distribute disrupted distant distinction distorted
district distracted dissolved In accordance with your late father's wishes, we have _______________ his estate
equally amongst his grandchildren.
The issue has been at the centre of a bitter _______________ between the provincial
and federal governments for over a year. If you feel _______________ after giving blood, please let the nurse know.
The meeting was _______________ by the noise being made by workers renovating You must send the necessary _______________ to us before the office closes on
a neighbouring office. Wednesday afternoon at 5:00.
Opposition to the government's new policy _______________ when the latest Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed using different objects to make tools, a
opinion poll showed widespread public support for the initiative. skill previously thought to be the exclusive _______________ of humans.
When she finally saw her father, he seemed _______________ and uninterested in Police were called in to settle a _______________ dispute that had become
her. dangerously violent.
The _______________ between good art and bad art is often a question of opinion. He is a very _______________ figure in the industry, so everyone listens to his
The Beatles _______________ themselves as perhaps the most important popular
musical group of the century. We should clean out the storage room, and _______________ a bunch of stuff to the
Salvation Army.
There's something wrong with our cassette recorder; we tried to record our doubtful dotted dose draught dozen dramatize dragging drafted drains
conversation, and everything was so _______________ that we couldn't even drastic
Two local men have _______________ after the canoe they were in flipped over in
He was born with a good _______________ of self-confidence which has never left high seas off the coast of Vancouver Island today.
Your library book was _______________ yesterday, so you'd better return it right
The region is _______________ with dozens of lovely little villages. away if you don't want to pay a fine.
It seems _______________ that he will get the job because he doesn't have a lot of
experience. If people don't do more to recycle, the city is going to have to expand the current site
of the city _______________.
There were about a _______________ people at the party when I arrived.
Other scientists have not been able to _______________ the results of his
Many young Americans who were _______________ for service in the Vietnam War experiments, and many are suggesting that he may have falsified his results.
fled to Canada.
After arguing with her new husband on the airplane to Hawaii, the young bride
Police are currently _______________ the river to see if they can find the bodies of remained silent for the _______________ of their honeymoon.
two tourists still missing from the ferry that sank.
dutiful economically dust dynamic ecosystems earth eccentrically
You shouldn't pour motor oil into the storm _______________ on the street because earned eagerly echoed
the water there goes into the ocean, and will pollute it.
The room hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and there was _______________ on
A number of mothers staged a day-long hunger strike to _______________ the plight everything.
of low-income families in our country.
In my country, a _______________ son is expected to take care of his parents when
This company is in deep financial trouble, so we're going to have to make some they are old.
_______________ cuts to our staff if we want to keep from going under.
James is just the sort of motivated, _______________ person we need on our sales
duplicate drowned drifted dread dripping drought due dump drilling team.
The kids _______________ packed their bags for their trip to Disneyland.
The old woman was filled with _______________ when she saw the body of her
husband lying on the kitchen floor. He has _______________ the respect of his colleagues through his hard work and
The boy _______________ into crime because his parents never seemed to care
about him, or spend time with him. When the earthquake struck, we felt the _______________ move beneath us, and
saw buildings swaying for a few seconds.
A major oil company is _______________ in Canada's far north with the hopes of
finding significant reserves there. She was dressed _______________ in pants with a skirt over them, and a funny-
looking hat.
The sweat from his forehead was _______________ into his eyes by the end of the
game. The hammer fell to the floor, and the sound _______________ throughout the
After 2 years of _______________, the people ran outside to dance and celebrate
once it finally began to rain. This part of the country is _______________-depressed because of the collapse of
the fishing industry.
As you wander down the beach, you encounter different tiny _______________, Aristotle believed that the universe is composed of 4 _______________: earth, air,
each with its own plant and animal life. fire and water.
The Prime Minister has _______________ a former backbencher to the position of
edited edge election efficiently affect elaborate elderly effort ego Minister of the Environment.
With your marks, you could be _______________ for a number of scholarships.
Derek sat on the _______________ of the new receptionist's desk, and tried to strike
up a conversation. André Agassi faces _______________ in the first round of Wimbledon if he loses
this match.
They _______________ together some excerpts from his best films for a
retrospective of his work. The college is supposed to be for the brightest students in the country, but in reality,
they are simply the children of the political _______________.
My children have not received a religious _______________ of any kind, so they
know little of Christianity. He felt really _______________ playing soccer at school because he was the only
one who didn't know the rules of the game.
The new anti-smoking regulations _______________ everyone because smokers in
all public buildings must now go outside to have a cigarette. The rebels are holding staff members of the American _______________ hostage.
She worked quickly and _______________, and was able to finish an hour ahead of The hunters _______________ from the forest, carrying the carcass of a black bear.
emissions emergency emotions empire encouraging emphasis enabled
The children made an _______________ to hide their disappointment when they unemployable empirically encountered
found out the party had been cancelled.
Our son fell off his bike, and split his head open, so we had to take him to
Professional athletes need to have a strong _______________, so that they don't get _______________ to get it stitched up.
discouraged if things go badly once in a while.
Many people have realized that the _______________ from cars are harmful to the
The general did not _______________ on his strategy, saying only that we would environment, and are taking steps to reduce their use of their own cars.
hear the details when necessary.
Going skydiving was an incredible experience, with _______________ ranging from
An _______________ man had a heart attack on the bus this morning, and had to be excitement, to fear and wonder.
taken to the hospital.
In French, the _______________ is always on the last syllable of a word.
The Prime Minister is expected to call a federal _______________ next spring.
Izzy Asper has expanded his publishing _______________ with the purchase of a
elimination eligible elegantly electrician elevated elements elite emerged number of major Canadian newspapers.
embassy embarrassed
They have based their hypothesis on _______________-based research done at the
I don't know how to fix the lights in the garage; I think I'd better phone an University of Toronto.
_______________ to do it.
The young bride walked _______________ down the aisle to where her future His total lack of skills makes him almost completely _______________.
husband was waiting.
The home computer has _______________ many people to produce their own
professional-looking magazines. Please _______________ that you answer all the questions on the test.
The astronauts _______________ a colony of expatriate Martians while working on After hearing their music in a local nightclub, an _______________ young record
a neighbouring planet. store owner named Brian Epstein went on to become the manager of the "The
Two teenage boys were arrested and charged by police after _______________ an Beatles."
old man who wanted to commit suicide to jump off a bridge.
The movie is an _______________ adventure story set in the time of King Arthur.
enemy enhance enormously endure engine endorsements energy
engaging enforced Enrollment The students were really _______________ about visiting the chocolate factory for a
There are a number of celebrity _______________ in Japan which feature well-
known American movie stars. It seemed like the _______________ world was watching the television on the day
Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
Students have to _______________ a lot of pressure during exam time.
You are certainly _______________ to your opinion, but I do not share your
The Premier called Greenpeace an _______________ of the province for their viewpoint in any way.
actions in calling for a boycott of British Columbia wood products.
All the old houses on the street were being sold as a single _______________ for
Hopefully, scientists will someday find a new source of _______________ which is commercial development of the land.
less harmful for the environment than oil or nuclear power.
_______________ are working to have the old growth forest set aside as park.
The ban on political meetings is being brutally _______________ by members of the
secret military police. It's hard not to _______________ people who seem to have so much natural ability
that they are able to pick up a new sport almost without effort.
Police have long suspected him of _______________ in the illegal drug trade.
The crack _______________ has claimed hundreds of lives in America's inner cities.
This weather is getting colder. You'd better leave the _______________ running to
keep it warm. equate equity era errors erotica eroding erupt equipment equivalent
Reading in English is an excellent way to _______________ your vocabulary.
This week's _______________ of "The Simpsons" is an hour-long special.
Céline Dion is a Canadian singer who has become _______________ popular
throughout the world. Many people _______________ Canada with snow, but in the city where I live,
sometimes we don't get any snow all winter.
_______________ at the university has increased a great deal over the past five
years. He is saving up to buy himself some new football _______________.
We have a lot of _______________ tied up in our chalet that we never even use
entire entitled enthusiastic envy epidemic entertaining enterprising It is sometimes difficult for me to find words in English that are _______________
ensure Environmentalists entity to what I can say in French.
The post-war _______________ in North America was a time of great growth and Your speaking _______________ is based on your oral test, in addition to 2 in-class
prosperity. speaking tests.
Our social safety net has been steadily _______________ due to conservative social exchange eventful eventually inexact evidence excerpt evil evolved
policies practised by right-wing governments over the last couple of decades. exaggerating examined
The art show included _______________ from different cultures around the globe. We had a really _______________ day; we went to the lake by bicycle, had supper at
a restaurant, went for a walk by the ocean, and then almost got in a car accident on
While rock-climbing, you need to remain very focused so that you don't make any the way home!
dangerous _______________.
Our flight was delayed by snow, but we _______________ got away about five
The volcano has been smoking for weeks, and scientists believe it may hours late.
_______________ any day now.
The prosecutor lost the case because he didn't have sufficient _______________ to
evacuate escape estate escalated essential escort evaluation estimation secure a conviction.
ethnic ethics
His novels always talk about the battle between good and _______________ that
Tensions in the region have _______________ in the past few months, and the army goes on in everyone's mind.
has been put on full alert.
The people of Venus have _______________ over time into super-humans who are
The prisoners planned their _______________ for months before finally getting capable of breathing under water, and communicating through thought waves.
Weather forecasting is a fairly _______________ science; one can never be 100%
My mom and dad are divorced but my dad still acted as my mom's sure the weather report will be right.
_______________ to my wedding.
Oh come on, Lulu, stop _______________! You're not dying, you've just got the flu.
Parents of elementary school children sometimes seem to forget that playing with
friends is an _______________ part of the social development of a child. Detectives _______________ the body to see if there were any clues to the cause of
We visited an English _______________ which had been turned into a safari park,
complete with lions and elephants, to help the owner pay his taxes. At my grandmother's funeral, my father read out an _______________ from a book
that she loved.
In my _______________, his scheme won't work.
I bought this shirt here yesterday, but it's a little small. Can I _______________ it for
He has absolutely no _______________ whatsoever, and will do whatever is a larger size?
necessary to get ahead.
executive exists excluded executing exhaust excrete exertion exile
The former Yugoslavia is having a lot of problems with conflicts between the exotic excitement
different _______________ groups in the region.
Professional soccer has failed to generate much _______________ in this country.
The Canadian embassy is working to _______________ its staff from the country The holiday message from the school principal _______________ all references to
before the conflict gets any worse. religion.
Trees are very important to our environment because, unlike humans, they take in I got a notice in the mail that my driver's licence is about to _______________, so
carbon dioxide and _______________ oxygen. I'm going to get it renewed at the motor vehicle branch this afternoon.
The terrorists have threatened to begin _______________ the hostages if their You are going to have a lot of _______________ to do when Dad finds out you took
demands are not met by midnight. the car without permission.
They gave him an expensive _______________ briefcase as a gift on his fifth Using the Internet, the young boy was able to make a powerful bomb, following
anniversary with the company. _______________ step-by-step instructions he found on some website.
Former Chilean president Augusto Pinochet fled to _______________ in England to The _______________ of children in developing countries will continue as long as
avoid being charged with crimes against humanity. people are willing to buy products at a low price without caring about why they are
so cheap.
Sometimes I wonder if intelligent life _______________ on other planets, or even on
this planet for that matter. She had to have _______________ surgery to determine the extent of her injuries.
There are a number of restrictions in place on the importation of _______________ Beef _______________ from Britain have decreased substantially since the mad cow
fruits and vegetables. disease scare of a few years ago.
expire unexpected experimenting experience expansion expert explosive The old man was arrested by police for _______________ himself to little children at
expense explicit explaining a playground.
Scientists now say that the continued _______________ of the universe will not last A little boy's first attraction to a little girl sometimes _______________ itself in
forever, and that the universe will actually someday start to shrink. somewhat aggressive behaviour as a means of getting attention.
Jim's promotion was totally _______________, given that the guy is the laziest He has _______________ experience working with troubled teenagers, and will be a
person in the office. great help in our project to help street kids get back on the right track.
Many British Columbia wines offer excellent quality at very little _______________. The _______________ walls of their house on the coast are being destroyed by the
salt air.
I don't think I'll get the job because they want someone with a lot of
_______________, and I've only been working in the field for a year. Too many large corporations _______________ incredible profits from factories
producing goods in the Third World, where workers are paid as little as $2.00 a day.
We have been _______________ with different kinds of vegetable drinks since we
bought an electric juicer. The fall of the Berlin Wall was an _______________ event in the political history of
He is a karate _______________, so don't get him angry at you.
Those calling for the immediate resignation of the president are simply The player _______________ to the left, and then ran to the right around the
_______________ who do not truly believe in the process of democracy. defender.
fabulous facility fabric facilitate factions factor factory fact fad faded A group of men have been arrested by Immigration Canada for _______________
passports and other documents for illegal migrants to our country.
Decades of conflict between the different ethnic groups have destroyed the social
_______________ of the country. Why don't you just walk around the offices, and _______________ yourself with the
routine here before trying to get any work done today?
The children have done a _______________ job of cleaning up the playroom.
He is a hugely _______________ badminton player in Malaysia, but here in Victoria
The government is looking for ways to _______________ foreign investment in our no one had any idea who he was.
I think Robert _______________ a girl in his class, because his teacher says he
Our neighbourhood swimming pool is a wonderful _______________, with a wave follows her everywhere.
pool, diving boards, a huge water slide and lots of equipment for small children to
play on. He has this _______________ of meeting the perfect woman, but what he needs to
do is to be a little more tolerant of others' imperfections.
It is a simple _______________ that the death penalty has never been shown to deter
violent crime. When you visit Saltspring Island, you only have to pay a one-way _______________
because the ferry is free on the way back.
The U.S. has been making lots of money selling arms to the different
_______________ at war in the region. feasibility fascination fascists fashionable faults fate favourable fax
fatal fear
Carl fears that race may have been a _______________ in the company's decision
not to promote him. Tim's boyhood _______________ with the stars eventually led him to a career as an
He got a job working in his uncle's leather _______________ punching holes in belts
and shoes. Protestors against globalism are confronting the _______________ of the corporate
She tried some _______________ diet, but instead of losing weight she just got sick.
When I was a teenager, long hair was _______________, but nowadays short hair is
The sound of music _______________ into the distance as we drove slowly home. more popular.
falsifying fainted fancies faked failed familiarize unfaithfulness famous The police are outraged at the _______________ stabbing of an officer who stopped
fantasy fare a car for speeding.
The Conservative party _______________ to win a single seat in Ontario in last We do not yet know the _______________ of the 150 passengers of the plane that
month's federal election. crashed into the Atlantic.
The old woman _______________ when she heard the news that her husband had You need to overlook your spouse's minor _______________ if you want your
been hit by a car. marriage to succeed.
The movie has received _______________ reviews from all the major newspapers.
His accusation of _______________ caused her a great deal of pain.
The _______________ you sent me was blank. Could you try sending it again?
Yuki worked _______________ from the minute classes ended until well past
His _______________ of failure causes him a lot of stress before every exam. midnight to get her presentation ready for the next day.
The local government has commissioned a _______________ study to determine if it The conflict between English and French has always been a popular theme in
is worth trying to renovate some of the historic buildings downtown. _______________ in this country.
fertile fermented federation fence feedback feature Festival fee The quarterback was injured on the play, and had to be helped from the
feminine fellows _______________.
The most interesting _______________ of the bedroom was the bed that folded up The climbers were forced to abandon their attempted ascent of Everest due to
into the wall. _______________ storms which threatened to cover them with several inches of
A _______________ of university students is working to convince the government to
invest more money in post-secondary education in this country. The government is set to announce the latest unemployment _______________
showing the success of their job creation programs.
If you want to register for the program, you must pay an application
_______________ of $50 by January 3rd. We will put your resumé in our _______________, and if anything comes up, we'll
give you a call.
It is important for parents to receive regular _______________ from teachers
regarding their children's progress at school. Some whales eat by _______________ water through their mouths, and swallowing
the small animals that are trapped by a structure known as the baleen.
One of the _______________ that I met at the bar used to go to school with my son.
The results of the next race will decide who will be in the _______________.
Why do people say that strength is masculine, and tenderness is _______________? I
don't think one should describe those qualities in that way. flavours fiscal financial flapping firm finite flames fitted flat flashing
The farm is surrounded by an electrical _______________ to keep the cows from The resignation of the senior administrator is seen as an acknowledgement that the
wandering away. company is in serious _______________ difficulty.
After the plums fell off the tree, they just lay on the ground, and _______________, We have only a _______________ amount of time to work on this, so we'd better get
so when the birds ate them, they got a little drunk, and some of them flew into our started.
living room window.
The _______________ where my uncle works hands out generous bonuses to all its
Children have a _______________ imagination which must be encouraged in order employees at Christmas time.
for them to become creative adults.
The Beatles' second film, "Help!," won first prize in the Rio de Janeiro Film We need to spend the rest of the money in our budget before the end of the
_______________ in 1965. _______________ year, or management will reduce our budget for next year.
finals fetus field fierce fiction feverishly figures files filtering fetch Karla is at her mom's place getting _______________ for her wedding dress.
A small fire started in a local park this morning, but the _______________ were
We are teaching our dog how to _______________ a stick.
quickly put out by police.
The sex of a _______________ can be determined using ultra-sound technology.
The little boy was running around the room, _______________ his arms, and Traffic is once again _______________ smoothly now that the accident has been
pretending he was a bird. cleared away.
We saw the _______________ lights of a police car as we neared the intersection. His temperature has been _______________ somewhat all day, but it hasn't gone too
high as of yet.
There was no wind, so the lake was completely _______________ when we went
canoeing. Get lots of rest, and drink plenty of _______________, and you should be feeling
much better within a couple of days.
We took the children for ice cream at a shop that has over 30 different The young girl's face _______________ with embarrassment when her new
_______________, including bubblegum and watermelon. boyfriend kissed her in front of her friends.
flip fleet flexible flop flung float flicked flourish flooding fleeing My photos didn't turn out very well. I think my hand must have been shaking a little
bit because they're all out of _______________.
Women _______________ an abusive relationship are encouraged to contact the
Ministry of Human Resources for help and support. Before you _______________ the omelette, add some cheese and the fried
The submarine was silently following a _______________ of enemy destroyers.
The old man had a real _______________ for cats, and would take care of any cat
My hours are quite _______________ in my job; as long as I get the work done, the people would find and bring to him.
administration doesn't care when I do it.
He _______________ tried to drive home from the pub, thinking he could bluff his
The child's glance _______________ around the room full of toys. way through the police roadblock.
The players were so tired at the end of the game that they _______________ The Muslim religion _______________ any depictions of God.
themselves down on the grass, and lay there panting for air.
The owners of the movie theatre chain are trying to _______________ their
The dolphin jumped high into the air, did a backwards _______________, and then employees to take a cut in salary.
came up again with a ball on its nose, to the cheers of the spectators.
Former foreigners forge foresee forecast forest formula forms format
When I was a little boy, I used to enjoy spending time at the park watching sticks formality
_______________ down the stream, and chasing after them.
The newspaper announced its _______________ for the election, based on the latest
The _______________ of the Red River in Manitoba a few years back caused polls.
millions of dollars in damage.
It is often difficult for _______________ to feel welcome in my country because
Many movies which _______________ at the cinema become popular when made there is still a lot of prejudice.
available on video.
We do not _______________ any problems; everything seems to be going very well.
The actress threw her scarf over her shoulder with a _______________, and sped off
in her sports car. We stood on the walls of the old city, looking at a _______________ of television
foolishly fluctuating fondness flushed focus fold flowing forbids fluids antennas over the city of Jerusalem.
The Reform Party is trying to _______________ an alliance with the Conservative
Party in order to defeat the Liberals in the next election. My sister _______________ my father's rib when she ran into him while playing
The concept of democracy has resulted in different _______________ of government
which, nonetheless, share the same basic ideology. My grandmother is really old, and her bones are _______________ because she
didn't get enough calcium in her diet when she was growing up.
Your marks are so high that you have already passed the course. Writing the final
exam is really just a _______________. frames fragrances frauds frown framework frequency frantically
fragmented freak freshness
First, I will _______________ your hard drive to erase the data, and then I will load
Windows onto your computer. Over the centuries, the Christian religion has _______________ into countless
different churches, each with their own interpretation of the Bible.
_______________ American president Bill Clinton was involved in a big sex scandal
with a White House aide. Employees are asked to refrain from wearing any perfumes or _______________
which may bother others in the office.
The U.S. and Russia must find some _______________ which will allow both sides
to reduce their nuclear arsenals without either side gaining any advantage. We sanded down the window _______________ to expose the beautiful wood
hidden under the paint.
foster foundation fragile fortunately fraction fractured fossilize foul
forthcoming fortune The curriculum guide provides a _______________ for new teachers to refer to when
making lesson plans.
Government officials expect that increased security measures will be
_______________ as a result of the terrorist attacks. The cat was accidentally shut up in the closet, and _______________ started
scratching at the door, and tearing at the clothes in its efforts to get out.
The child fell out of the apple tree, but _______________ was unharmed.
If you ask me, these psychics who appear on television are a bunch of
Umberto made a _______________ buying and selling houses in Toronto during the _______________ who exploit people's gullibility.
real estate boom there.
The fishing boat sank in a _______________ storm off the coast of Newfoundland.
If you don't work actively on reducing your accent, your pronunciation problems
may _______________, which could make it almost impossible to improve. Deaths due to drunk driving have decreased somewhat in _______________ due to
an aggressive public-awareness campaign.
This government's announcement of a tuition freeze has helped to _______________
a greater sense of confidence among young people today. Keeping your bagels in a paper bag which is itself inside a plastic bag, will help
ensure _______________ for at least 3 days.
The boss is in a really _______________ mood today, so you'd better stay out of his
way. The little boy's smile turned to a _______________ when he opened his present, and
saw that it was just socks and underwear.
A sincere desire to help our customers has always been the _______________ of our
business philosophy.
You can buy regular jeans at a _______________ of the cost you'd pay for designer fund fuel fundamentally fulfillment fuss infuriate functions frustrating
jeans. Furthermore gained
It is very _______________ to put in job applications at places all over town without Why don't you _______________ up your stuff while I get the car warmed up?
getting a single reply from anyone.
Use a pressure _______________ to make sure you don't put too much air in your
The largest part of a rocket is simply a reservoir for holding the vast amounts of tires.
_______________ needed to get the rocket past our Earth's gravitational pull.
The young girl sat _______________ at herself in the mirror, and thinking about how
She gets a feeling of _______________ from doing volunteer work. she looked before her accident.
Our dog is very old, and has lost control of his bodily _______________, so we're Police in full riot _______________ were called in to break up the demonstration.
going to have to have him put to sleep.
There is prejudice everywhere, against other races, the opposite _______________,
Would you like to contribute to a _______________ we have started to help victims those who are older, younger, shorter, poorer, richer, less educated, etc.
of the earthquake in Italy?
genetically generosity generation gentle genuinely gesture ghost giggled
The American democratic system is _______________ different from the British general giant
You'd better not tell your brother you broke his new CD player; it would only I read somewhere that chimpanzees are _______________ more similar to man than
_______________ him. a zebra is to a horse.
Our prime minister is an incompetent leader. _______________, his government is Even though I disagree with his views in _______________, I have to admit that he
financially irresponsible. may be right on this specific issue.
We never made a _______________ over birthdays in our house. We just had a Before dying, salmon return to the river where they were born to lay eggs, which will
simple dinner, with a small cake, and a couple of small presents. hatch to become the next _______________ of salmon.
Today, on the occasion of the marriage of our oldest child, we are happy in knowing David Lam is known for his _______________ in supporting a number of charitable
that we have not lost a daughter; we have _______________ a son-in-law. causes in our province.
gamble gender gather gasp gauge gap gangs gazing gallery gear Her father was a very _______________ man who never got mad at anyone.
There is an interesting exhibition of Australian aboriginal art on at the new I think Margaret was _______________ upset that you didn't phone her last night.
_______________ downtown.
You have to be careful with your body language in a foreign culture because a
Calling an election right now is a big _______________ for the government, with _______________ which is friendly in one country, may be considered very rude in
polls showing the opposition party growing in popularity. another.
Los Angeles is experiencing serious problems with violence between People in the village believe that the _______________ of the murdered man still
_______________ of youths in the inner city neighbourhoods. walks the streets at night, looking for his killer.
The _______________ between the rich and the poor in this country seems to be The ice-skating arena in Duncan features a _______________ hockey stick as a
growing due to the conservative financial policies of the current government. decoration on the outside of the building.
The motor gave a last _______________, and then stopped completely.
The audience didn't really laugh much during the movie, but they _______________ _______________ that everyone would hear about it within a few days.
Mexico was _______________ by the same political party throughout its entire
gloomy glance glimpse glared global glamour glittered glory glowing history, until the election of Vicente Fox.
The thief _______________ the money from the cash register, and ran out of the
She was fascinated by the _______________ of showbiz, and loved to read about the store.
private lives of film stars.
In my grandmother's time, it was important for a young woman to learn the social
Can you take a quick _______________ at my essay, and see if it looks okay to you? _______________ if she wanted to marry a good man.
The old cat _______________ at the kitten, and hissed when it tried to approach her. The principal has called an assembly for _______________ twelve students at noon
to discuss plans for the graduation party.
The computer exhibition offered a brief _______________ into the technological The change in height of my children seems _______________ to me because I see
wonders of the future. them everyday, but other people tell us they have grown really fast.
As I was skiing down the hill, the snow _______________ in the afternoon sun like a We looked at a _______________ of salt under the microscope.
million tiny diamonds.
The students of a local high school have just won a _______________ to produce an
An increase in smog throughout the world is believed to be responsible for anti-drug video.
_______________ warming.
grave graphic grateful grip greed grasping grazed grilled grievously
The workers became pretty _______________ when they heard that the company grinning
was going to be laying off staff.
Sophie wants to study _______________ arts in college, with the eventual goal of a
These old churches are designed to fill the faithful with wonderment and fear at the career in advertising.
_______________ of God.
Marion was a greedy, _______________ woman who had obviously married for
When we shone the flashlight under the bed, we could see the eyes of the cat money.
_______________ at us.
The people of Holland are very _______________ to the Canadian soldiers who
It seemed like all of Canada was _______________ to their televisions during the helped to liberate their country during the Second World War.
men's gold medal Olympic hockey game.
The family stood beside the _______________ of the old man, and talked about all
gorgeous gossip grabbed gradual grade graces grant goals grain the wonderful times they had spent together.
The fields have been _______________ by sheep, and are getting quite bare.
If you want to succeed, you need to set yourself some _______________, and then
make plans on how to achieve them. The collective _______________ of mankind has resulted in a planet where our
resources are being used up at an alarming rate.
The view of the mountains was _______________ as we stood on the shore, looking
over the ocean. He was _______________ injured in the battle, and later died in hospital.
I would never tell Georgia anything personal because she is such a
She rubbed the steak with olive oil and garlic, and _______________ it until it was
juicy and flavourful. Many animals are in danger of going extinct because their _______________ is
being destroyed as cities spread into wilderness areas.
Everyone was _______________ at me when I arrived, so I knew I had won the
award. We worked for the summer _______________ running trails through the bush at a
local lake.
The rock climber lost his _______________, and would have fallen to his death had
he not been held by the rope. Production at the factory was _______________ when one of the machines broke
groaned guts guide growl guarantee guilt guard gross guerrilla
guidelines People who only speak one language are severely _______________ in the world of
international business.
The young man _______________ in pain when the doctor checked his injured arm.
I know that it's difficult, but I'm confident that you'll be able to _______________ it.
He made this really _______________ meal out of all the left-overs in his fridge.
Bank cards are really quite _______________ because they mean you can get money
The hunter became frightened when he heard a _______________ coming from the at any time of the day or night.
bushes. Sexual _______________ in the workplace is an important issue in our society.
A decrease in interest rates does not _______________ an increase in housing sales, Our hotel room had a balcony with a view over the _______________, so we sat
especially if unemployment is high. outside in the evening, and watched the sailboats and fishing boats coming in for the
While one robber went into the bank, his partner stood _______________ outside,
watching for the police. Your father _______________ slept at all last night because his back was hurting so
Many former _______________ fighters became important figures in the Sandinista
government of Nicaragua following the fall of the Somoza regime. Scientists originally claimed that Agent Orange, a chemical used to kill plants, was
_______________ for people, but now we know that it causes cancer.
If you buy this incredible new exercise machine today, we'll throw in a 200-page
workout _______________ as a bonus, at no extra cost. harvest hasty headquarters headlines haunts hauled hassle harsh
hazardous hatchery
The doctor gave me some helpful _______________ for setting up a diet that will
help me to lose weight, and keep it off. I think spanking a child is pretty _______________ punishment for accidentally
breaking a window.
The child's mother was filled with _______________ after her son burned himself
trying to get something off the stove. Unusually good weather this spring and summer promises an excellent
_______________ for farmers in the fall.
It takes a lot of _______________ to jump out of an airplane for the first time.
The police often seem to _______________ young people that are just hanging out
on the streets with friends.
hacking harmless handicapped halted handle handy harbour habitat I think I was being a bit _______________ when I told you I wasn't interested in the
harassment hardly job because now I think it might be a good idea.
Very few women have been able to penetrate the male-dominated _______________
There is a salmon _______________ located near the mouth of the river. of most large corporations.
The juvenile suspect was _______________ before a judge to face a charge of Standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and looking out over the city in the evening
assault. was the _______________ of my visit to Paris.
We visited some of our old _______________ when we went to visit some friends at The school bus was _______________ by the father of a young boy in the school,
McGill University in Montreal last summer. and driven to the border.
The proper disposal of _______________ waste has always been a problem for hired hollow hint honesty homosexuality hopped hiss honour horns
nuclear power plants. holy
In the _______________ tonight; a Russian submarine is trapped at the bottom of the There was a _______________ of sarcasm in his voice when he congratulated her.
Barents Sea.
They _______________ her for the job of office manager, but were so impressed by
The firm's _______________ are in Toronto, but they have branches all over North her work in the first few months that they quickly promoted her to regional manager.
The basketball game was going badly, and the spectators were starting to
hierarchy health heaping hence healer herd hijacked heroic hesitate _______________ and boo at the players.
highlight I thought the chocolate bunny was _______________, but it was filled with
chocolate fudge.
She claims to be a spiritual _______________ who can cure diseases simply by
touching people. Jerusalem is considered a _______________ city by Jews, Muslims and Christians
Alcohol is actually not bad for your _______________ if you drink small amounts
from time to time. I hope that some day _______________ will be simply seen as another way of being,
not as some kind of sickness or sign of immorality.
Add one _______________ tablespoon of sugar to the mixture once it has started to
boil. One of the most important principles in business is _______________, because you
must have the confidence of your clients.
The Catholic religion holds that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin her
entire life: _______________ it would have been impossible for Jesus to have When Sears took over Eaton's department stores, the owners agreed to
brothers or sisters. _______________ any Eaton's gift certificates sold to customers prior to the take-
A couple of lions were silently stalking a small _______________ of zebras at the
waterhole. The little girl _______________ up the steps to the school door.
The firefighters were praised for their _______________ efforts in saving everyone Every year, a number of tourists are injured by the _______________ of the bulls
in the blaze that destroyed a large apartment building. during the annual running of the bulls through the streets of Pamplona, Spain.
I _______________ to recommend him for the job, because although he has a good
education, he has very little work experience. horrified horrible hug hostages hostile howled humble humming
hugely humiliation
Ursula is a total _______________ who can't seem to understand that people are not
Matt used to be a _______________ tennis player, but he has really practised, and always nice and honest.
now he's getting pretty good.
They live in a housing development where all the homes look _______________.
Karen's parents were _______________ to learn that their 15-year-old daughter was
pregnant. The woman was unable to _______________ the man who stole her purse because it
had been too dark at the time of the robbery.
The terrorists have said that they will begin killing the _______________ at midnight
if their demands are not met. The _______________ differences in the party have resulted in divisions that may
actually result in an eventual split.
Lance always becomes _______________ towards his boss after he has had a bit to
drink. She felt like an _______________ when she tried to speak Italian, and all the
children laughed at her.
The child _______________ with fear when he saw the big dog.
Discrimination is usually based on _______________ of other cultures or lifestyles.
When my mother took me to the airport to come to Canada, she gave me a big
_______________, and started to cry. The government will find it hard to _______________ the strong public opposition
to the plan.
The Titanic was a _______________ successful movie, one of the most profitable in
the history of the cinema. implemented impaired immigrate illustrates imaginative immediate
images immunity impact imitations
Even when we were in the forest far from the traffic, we could hear cars
_______________ by on the highway. The fact that marijuana is now used in some medicines _______________ how
stupid our current drug laws are.
Despite the fact that Mahatma Gandhi was a very great man who changed history, he
always remained a very _______________ person. One of the most important _______________ of the fall of communism in the 1980s
was the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
The little boy hid under the teacher's desk in _______________ after wetting his
pants in class. Stewart is a very _______________ little boy who writes wonderful stories of aliens
and monsters.
hunting ignorance humorous identify ignore idealist hypothetical idiot
ideological identical A wise man once remarked that there is only one kind of love, but there are a
thousand _______________.
Xiao told a _______________ story about how he got lost in Victoria, and everyone
laughed. A car-bomb threat was received at the embassy, and all vehicles in the
_______________ area were suspect.
Many people in our province want to stop the _______________ of grizzly bears
because they are afraid the animals are becoming too rare. Many people who _______________ to Canada end up leaving our country for the
United States.
Let me ask you a _______________ question; if you were a member of the
government, would you vote to lower student tuition, or would you choose to lower Growing up in that country, the children developed a natural _______________ to
taxes? germs in the water that make visitors ill.
All the extra-terrestrials were killed by the _______________ when their spaceship
slammed into the Eiffel Tower. Tax is payable on all _______________ received between January 1st and December
31st of this year.
My father's hearing was _______________ by the noise of working on naval ships
all his life. The price for CD burners has _______________ significantly since they first
appeared on the market.
The new government has _______________ a number of cutbacks to the education
budget It's _______________ how fast computers have become a normal part of our daily
inclined impressed implicitly importation imposed improved incident
implying incentive implicated Children in Canada are generally expected to become _______________ around the
age of 18 or 19, at which time they often move away from home, and get a job or
The President himself has been _______________ in a scheme to buy votes in the begin university.
upcoming election.
Books in the library are _______________ by author, title, subject, and key word.
I trust Young-Soo _______________, having dealt with him on numerous occasions,
and having always found him to be totally honest. Harrison _______________ to me that he would be interested in working on the
project with us if we need any help.
Were you _______________ that I stole some equipment when you mentioned that Canadian society is very _______________, whereas in my country people are more
things always went missing when I was in the office? interested in social harmony.
Farmers are very upset about the _______________ of American vegetables at a time Many stress-_______________ illnesses can be prevented by learning relaxation
when they can't sell their own products. techniques.
The festival organizers _______________ so many rules on their volunteers that a lot His CD collection is his one _______________ that he spends a lot of money on.
of people quit.
In my opinion, the government should do more to prosecute _______________ that
Her host parents were really _______________ by her progress in English after three pollute the environment.
months in the English Language Program at the University of Victoria.
inflation Infrastructure infectious inferior inevitability inform
The doctor said that the patient's health has _______________ steadily since they put ingredients influence infinite infer
him on some new medication.
The _______________ of death is a fact that we must all face at some point in our
The players receive a pay bonus for every game they win as an added lives.
_______________ in the playoffs.
Chicken pox is an _______________ disease which is usually not too bad for
The school principal is investigating an _______________ at the school in which two children, but which can be much more serious for adults.
children threatened to beat up another child if he didn't give them his lunch money.
People try to _______________ all kinds of things from my writing, but most of
Sophie has always been artistically _______________, and is hoping to study what they say is total nonsense.
graphic arts.
induced indicated independent indulgence individualistic incredible Please don't bring _______________ audio cassettes to the language lab because
industries decreased indexed income they usually break during the class.
Bella will be a wonderful kindergarten teacher. She seems to have an My boss always asks people for their _______________, but then just ignores them,
_______________ amount of patience with children, and is very loving. and does what he wants.
Analysts say that _______________ could rise by as much as 10% a month as the The businessman stopped at the hotel front desk to _______________ whether there
economy struggles with its failing currency. had been any messages for him.
Movie stars and sports celebrities have always had a lot of _______________ on insights instance inspire instructor inserting inspector institutions
what young people wear. instinct installed insistence
The management needs to _______________ its workers as soon as possible if any In order to get an accurate reading of your temperature, you should close your mouth
lay-offs are going to be part of their plans to save money. for a minute or so before _______________ the thermometer.
_______________ improvements will enhance safety for both cyclists and The police questioned the suspect for hours without gaining any new
pedestrians in the region. _______________ into the crime.
This cake is delicious! What are the _______________? There's something in here He went to the job interview at his wife's _______________, and ended up getting
that I recognize, but I can't figure out what it is. the job.
inject input initiated inheritance injured habitable innovate initiative A fire _______________ shut down the nightclub because it didn't have enough
innocently inquire emergency exits.
In our universe, there are thousands of millions of planets which have all the I'm sure this recipe book will _______________ you to try some delicious new
conditions necessary to make them _______________ by known life forms. dishes for suppers and desserts.
He lost his entire _______________ gambling on the stock market. Smoke alarms have been _______________ in all the rooms.
Our holiday in Jamaica was _______________ by my daughter's report on that A further _______________ of computer problems occurred this morning.
country for her high school geography class.
Many animals seem to have an _______________ that tells them when an earthquake
The young worker showed a lot of _______________ in making an important is going to occur.
decision that was required while his boss was unavailable.
He has done research in physics for a number of different _______________
Many movie stars _______________ some kind of stuff into their lips to make them throughout the country.
look fuller and sexier.
The math test has been cancelled until further notice because the _______________
Two people were killed, and a dozen others _______________ when a bus ran off is sick.
the road in the rain over the weekend.
Margaret asked Nancy _______________ where her husband was, unaware that they
had recently separated.
Bill Gates' continued efforts to _______________ and change have helped to keep insulted integrate integral intellectual insurance intelligence integrity
Microsoft at the top of the computer world. intention intensive instrumentalist
Eric Clapton was originally purely an _______________ who only began singing at Kory is an _______________ skier at best, so he shouldn't go on the advanced runs.
the urging of his bandmates.
The police are taking action to strengthen _______________ security after the
I felt _______________ when they suggested I had cheated on the test. attempted attack on the Prime Minister.
After the fire, our house _______________ replaced everything we had, apart from The government's failure to pass the bill is widely _______________ as a personal
the $200 deductible. defeat for the president.
Use of the Internet for research has become an _______________ part of the life of Brandy tried to speak to her boss about a raise, but she kept getting
today's university student. _______________ by phone calls the boss had to take.
It is important to _______________ the handicapped into the mainstream of our The patient had to be woken at regular _______________ to take his medicine.
society by overcoming prejudices against hiring the disabled.
We spent the _______________ time between our flights looking over our maps, and
It's really hard not to be cynical about this new government's promise to bring planning our holiday.
_______________ back to politics, given their previous scandals.
intimidating interviewing invasive intimate intrinsically investigative
Studies have shown that the _______________ development of children can be intrigue invested invoking inventions
damaged by poor nutrition.
We are _______________ people today for the position of cultural assistant in the
The ancient Egyptians thought that our hearts were the centre of _______________ summer language programs.
and emotion.
The Prime Minister has announced his _______________ to resign before the next Samantha and her boyfriend enjoyed an _______________ candlelit dinner at a fine
election. restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Following _______________ negotiations with the union, a strike appears to have Opposition critics have suggested that the government is _______________ people
been averted. into voting for them through threats of violence.
interpreted interaction interfere interrupted interior interim intervals The novel examines the world of danger and _______________ of the professional
internal intervening intermediate spy.
Studies of the _______________ of bees show that they have a very sophisticated He seems to think that classical music is _______________ better than popular
social system. music, but I disagree.
The United States has no right to _______________ in the internal matters of this New technologies in our lives are becoming more and more _______________, with
country. the result that people can use them to find out all sorts of private information about
us without our consent.
School finishes in a couple of days, and I don't start work for over two weeks, so I
think I'll go visit my brother in Vancouver in the _______________. The home computer is one of the most important _______________ of our
The _______________ of the house was disgusting because the previous owners had They _______________ all their money in a new Internet provider, and made a
been heavy smokers. fortune almost overnight.
The story of the political scandal was first revealed by an _______________ reporter Thousands of people move into big cities from the countryside in search
for the New York Times. of_______________.
By _______________ a clause in the contract guaranteeing a fixed price, The university library subscribes to hundreds of different newspapers, magazines and
management was able to avoid paying for the increase in fuel costs. academic _______________.
jam irritation iron item isolated issue involving jail jealous jerked The superfast bullet train can make the _______________ between Tokyo and Kyoto
in just over two hours.
Newspaper reports hint at a scandal _______________ the President himself.
One of the parents acted as a _______________ in the contest to see which child
The discovery of _______________ to make tools and weapons brought about great could jump the highest.
changes in the way people lived.
We watched a street performer who was _______________ a guitar, a sword, a scarf,
The teacher tried not to let her _______________ show when the children starting a flaming torch, and book, all at the same time.
fighting over who would help her clean up the classroom.
The forested area of the _______________ has been largely cut down to make way
In the past, people with serious illnesses were _______________ within their for cattle farms.
communities in order to avoid infecting others.
My car is a piece of _______________ that I couldn't sell for more than about a
An important _______________ under discussion in the world of sport today is the thousand bucks.
participation of professional athletes in the Olympic Games.
The lawyer for O.J. Simpson was able to convince the _______________ that his
I read an interesting _______________ in the newspaper about how cloning may be client had not been fairly treated by the police.
used to grow human organs for transplant in the future.
I don't believe that _______________ means that we should execute murderers. That
A dozen prisoners escaped from _______________ when a fire started, and all the is simply revenge, which is quite different.
doors were unlocked to let firemen fight the blaze.
Steve was _______________ angry when he found out he had been let go, just so the
Chris and a few of his musician friends came by to _______________ with me on boss could hire his nephew.
the weekend.
Laboratory latter leather lack landscape leaned label layer leaky
Elena became quite _______________ of her little brother when he was born, and lavishly labour lane lap leafleted leaping lashed lease lag launch lazy
got angry when her mother was too busy with him to play with her.
Psychologists _______________ behaviour as abnormal if it violates accepted
The teacher grabbed the young boy by the shirt, and _______________ him up out of standards of society.
his chair.
Your blood sample has been sent to the _______________ for analysis.
The _______________ of weeding the garden was too much for his weak back.
journals jobs junk journey juggling judge justice jungle jury We _______________ the necessary software to run this computer program.
Online seminars are useful, but often the _______________ between a message and lecturer lethal likely likewise levy limit liberalization legitimate
its reply can be somewhat long. lesbians lifted level licence
The _______________ of the country has been changed forever with the logging of He just got a position as a guest _______________ on Canadian history at a
the forest. university in California.
I got into a car accident when someone in the left-hand _______________ suddenly I couldn't understand the judge's _______________ language, so I don't understand
turned right in front of me. the decision of the court.
We are now coming to the last _______________ in the race. His grandmother told him the old _______________ of their culture when he was a
Rain _______________ the windshield of the car, and strong winds blew us from
side to side. Environmentalists are asking the government to pass _______________ to protect
endangered species.
Many people think the former alternative will work well, but personally I favour the
_______________. You must have a _______________ excuse for being absent from class or you will
lose marks.
The _______________ of the space shuttle has been delayed due to high winds.
My secretary has typed up the report for you to read at your _______________.
The house was _______________ decorated for Christmas.
Our professor is quite _______________ with homework; I wish he would be a bit
The streets were covered in a fresh _______________ of snow. more strict.
A _______________ river crawls through the countryside near the village where I I scratched the _______________ of my sunglasses when I was cleaning them.
grew up.
You seem to think that all _______________ have short hair, and are really tough,
We have _______________ the entire neighbourhood with notices about the and it's not true.
upcoming street party.
He is a karate expert, and his hands are _______________ weapons.
The house is generally in good shape, apart from the _______________ roof.
You should have your cholesterol _______________ checked from time to time.
The little boy _______________ over the fence to pet the pony.
The premier announced an additional _______________ on gasoline to pay for road
The school was burning, and children were _______________ from the windows maintenance.
onto the grass below.
She's not a good skater, so she is _______________ to hurt herself if she goes
According to your _______________, you will have to pay a heavy penalty if you rollerblading without a helmet.
decide to vacate before the year is up.
The _______________ of abortion laws has allowed women to take control of their
They have a beautiful car with an all-wood dashboard, and gorgeous bodies.
_______________ upholstery.
According to the Hindu religion, the goal of existence is _______________ from the
legalistic legislation leisure lenient legends liberation lens liable cycle of rebirth and death.
He lost his taxi _______________ after fighting with a customer. The exact _______________ of the Prime Minister's vacation spot is unknown.
I _______________ my son onto my shoulders so he could see over the crowd. If you approach the situation _______________, rather than emotionally, you can
make a much fairer decision.
He is a _______________ candidate for the post of vice-president of marketing.
The paper plane made a big _______________ in the air, and then fell to the floor.
If you ever need any help, give me a call, and _______________, if I need some
assistance, I'll let you know. The movie was only _______________ based on the novel.
The _______________ to the amount of alcohol you can drink, and still drive legally Some people suggest that _______________ tickets are simply a tax on stupidity.
differs for people of
different weights. The queen rewarded the people for their _______________ by reducing their taxes.
The _______________ was removed from his neck, and sent to the lab to be tested.
linger linked lump location luxury literally loosely loans loaded lure
littered lobbied local logically loop limp liquid literature loyalty Young men in the small towns are always attracted by the _______________ of the
lottery big cities.
The old man had a bad _______________ as a result of a wound received in the war. My wife and I are going to enjoy the _______________ of a weekend without kids
for the first time in years.
I would rather die quickly and painlessly than _______________ on and suffer.
magician magnetism magnitude mainstream machine manual manifest
The kids _______________ arms, and skated around the rink laughing and shouting. margins march management manipulation mandatory marine mainly
magnificent maintain majority manufacture manoeuvre manners
Any solid will turn to _______________ at the right temperature.
The views of the city from the top of the mountain are _______________ breath- Just push the button on the _______________, and it will do everything
taking. automatically.
The book certainly isn't great _______________, but the story was really exciting. The _______________ smiled at his audience, and then slowly drew a pigeon out of
his sleeve.
The floor was _______________ with cigarette butts and beer bottle caps after the
party. Elvis Presley possessed a kind of _______________ which many teenagers of his
generation found irresistible.
I really _______________ my plate at the buffet.
They are quite rich, and live in a _______________ old mansion on the seaside.
The federal government offers _______________ to small businesses at low interest
rates. It is the first time that accusations of this _______________ have been made against
a prime minister of this country.
A citizen's group _______________ the municipal government to have a wooded
area turned into a public park. The audience was _______________ made up of the elderly.
The Andromeda galaxy is the largest member of our _______________ group of Scenes of violence are becoming more and more graphic in _______________
galaxies. cinema.
The provincial government has decided to _______________ tuition rates at the
same level for another year. She has a very _______________ sounding voice, so when she's talking on the
phone people often mistake her for a man.
The challenge of any government is to see that the _______________ respects the
rights of the minority in their culture. You must wear a _______________ over your mouth and nose when working with
these chemicals.
What this company needs is better _______________, not a harder working office
staff. The fire reduced his collection of old coins into a _______________ of melted metal.
The _______________ retirement age in this country is 65. International investigators have been sent into the region to check on the reports of
_______________ of the civilian population.
The virus may not actually _______________ itself for many months.
The pebbles on the beach felt like they were _______________ our feet as we
Sigmund Freud once stated that knowledge is the intellectual _______________ of walked along the shore.
carefully verified observations.
The Titanic was a _______________ vessel, the biggest in the world at that time.
In some cultures, it is not good _______________ to blow your nose in public.
It can take many years to _______________ a foreign language to the point where
The politician used a brilliant _______________ to regain his status in the party. one feels truly comfortable in that language.
I wonder if we can find some paint to _______________ the paint in our kitchen.
I prefer a camera with a _______________ focus so that I can have more control The panda bear seemed very sad after the death of its _______________, and refused
over my photos. to eat for days.
Recycled glass uses only two-thirds the energy needed to _______________ glass American comedian Bill Cosby wrote all his own _______________ for his comedy
from scratch. monologues.
The new recruits were sent on a five hour _______________ with full gear in the Some people think men are naturally more skilled at _______________ than women
blazing sun. are, but I think that is silly.
Companies which conduct political polls claim their _______________ for error are Unidentified _______________ in hamburger meat has made a number of people
quite small. sick at a local restaurant.
A scientist in our province recently discovered the bones of a huge, prehistoric I saw a bumper sticker that said that you are only young once, but you can be
_______________ reptile, probably the largest in the world. _______________ forever.
material masculine match mate mechanism immature medals We need to lower our overhead costs in order to _______________ profits.
marvellous mass mask mayor maximize massacres massaging
measurement massive master matter mathematics marketability Cycling activists are meeting with the _______________ to discuss plans for a
network of bicycle paths throughout the city.
The more records a professional athlete sets, the more his _______________
increases. A close _______________ of the room showed it to be larger than we had thought.
For our wedding anniversary, we had a _______________ evening of dinner and
The firing _______________ of the rifle was damaged when he dropped it.
He made a _______________ of the project, so the boss fired him, and now we have
The veterans marched in the parade, their chests covered in _______________. to start all over again.
method media mildly medicine mess mediation member metal medium I think the _______________ of the play was that people today are too selfish and
meditation merchant melt mental memorabilia merely merciful merger individualistic.
migration message mention
An old man was walking along the beach with a _______________-detector,
The government has firm control of the _______________, so it is difficult to know searching for coins and jewellery.
what is really happening in that country.
The union has asked for _______________ in their negotiations with the I don't think hitting children is a very effective _______________ of teaching them
administration in order to avoid a strike. anything.
My sister is studying _______________ at university, and is planning to become a There has been a great deal of _______________ to Israel of Jews from the former
surgeon. Soviet republics over the last few years.
She practises yoga and _______________ as a relief from her busy workday. Audrey was only _______________ interested in coming to the movie tonight, so I
don't know if she'll actually show up.
Police say the man wanted in connection with the murder is of _______________
height and build. miracle military modifications mill mimic ministered minor modern
missile Militant moderate miserable moan mode modest model
He put the bagel in the toaster oven for a second to _______________ the butter on mobility minimum mission millionaire
_______________ bus drivers have staged an illegal strike to protest against the
She has been a _______________ of the chess club for a couple of years now. firing of one of their co-workers.
I would like to visit the museum of rock and roll, and see all the music The President has called in the _______________ to help rescuers sort through the
_______________ they have there. rubble of the earthquake.
Family life has a significant influence on the _______________ development of The lumber _______________ closed down because there simply aren't enough trees
children. left in the area to cut down.
The government statement made no _______________ of the President's health. He became a _______________ almost overnight by designing a simple software
program that is now used by institutions all over the world.
We get all our wine from a wine _______________ who visits all the best wineries
in the country. People who are able to _______________ others are said to make excellent language
They believe that God is _______________, and that sinners will be pardoned if they
repent. The government has just announced plans to raise the _______________ wage in our
We feared he was very sick, but it was _______________ a bad cold.
A group of volunteers _______________ to the needs of the victims of the tornado.
The total cost of the _______________ was in the billions of dollars.
The operation was only _______________ surgery, so he was in and out of the She is very _______________, so I never know what to expect from her.
hospital on the same day. Some people may think living together before marriage is _______________, but I
think nowadays most people find it acceptable.
There is no _______________ method to learn a second language quickly.
An increase in _______________ rates has resulted in a decrease in housing sales.
The train stopped in some _______________ little town where even the birds looked
unhappy. The little bunny stayed _______________ in the tall grass until the hawk flew away.
Authorities are now saying the airplane that crashed may have been hit with a The players felt kind of _______________ before the game because they knew the
_______________ fired by terrorists. other team was much stronger.
Environmental activist Vicky Husband is on a _______________ to save the forests You'd better lift up the _______________ when the boat gets near the shore so that it
of British Columbia. doesn't hit the rocks.
I heard a _______________, and turned to see my tennis partner sitting on the They shot a large moose while out hunting, and _______________ its head on the
ground, holding his ankle. wall.
His _______________ was restricted because of his injuries. The little boy stood _______________ at the door waving good-bye as his father left.
I like to use my camera in the manual _______________, because it allows me to be Nigel is learning division and _______________ in arithmetic now.
a bit more creative.
The heart is simply a big _______________ used to pump blood.
The city invited the public to view an architect's _______________ of the proposed
conference centre. There is an interesting display of traditional clothing from different countries at the
_______________ this month.
You need to _______________ the amount of salt that you eat because it could lead
to high blood pressure. I have a proposal to make to you which I believe may be _______________
The computer facility at the University of Victoria features the most
_______________ equipment available. She received a _______________ letter warning her to be careful.
He earns a _______________ income working as a security guard at a seniors' The centaur is a _______________ animal, half-man and half-goat.
She stood _______________ in front of the mirror, and examined her body for signs
The carpenter made some _______________ to our cupboard, so I could store the of fat.
vacuum cleaner there.
We paddled the canoe through a _______________ channel, and into the open bay.
mutually naked moody mythical monitor motionless mortgage muscle
unmotivated mounted multiplication narrow museum mysterious This _______________ weather certainly has spoiled our weekend.
immoral nasty nation mournfully native motor
The entire _______________ is watching tonight as efforts are made to rescue a little
When performing experiments, it is important to _______________ the results girl trapped in a well.
The _______________ people of our province made beautiful totem poles. A feeling of _______________ has returned to this quiet village now that the killer is
notoriously necessarily nod nevertheless navigate neatly nonsense behind bars.
negligent neutral nonetheless negativity notice neighbourly nightmare There has been a _______________ increase in profits since we began advertising on
network negotiation nominate normality notion notable the Internet.
This software allows you to _______________ easily and quickly through the Someone put a _______________ up on a telephone pole on our street warning
millions of websites on the Internet. people that there is a vicious dog on the loose.
He was very _______________ dressed for his job interview this morning. The _______________ that animals are deserving of respect and consideration is
gaining much wider acceptance in our society.
Higher prices do not _______________ mean better quality.
The administration is _______________ slow in dealing with safety concerns raised
His continued _______________ has cost him most of his friends. by the employees.
The babysitter was _______________ when she left the children unattended while Notwithstanding novelists obstacle observers obviously nurse nutrients
they played outside. nutrition obesity obedient nuclear objective nurtured obtainable
obligated obscure object obsessive occasional obliged
It has been suggested that visible goodwill is the strongest _______________
strategy. _______________ your concerns about the project, I believe we should proceed
In a _______________ gesture, the people next door brought us a big basket of fruit,
cheese and wine when we moved into our new house. There are many interesting _______________ in our country who are immigrants,
and their books provide interesting perspectives on their homelands, as well as their
The vast rail _______________ of our country is being replaced by cars and trucks. adopted home of Canada.
By remaining _______________ in the face of human rights violations, you are, in When it first made its appearance, _______________ energy was advertised as a
fact, aiding those who commit them. clean, safe alternative to coal and gas.
My salary is pretty low, but _______________ I really enjoy what I'm doing. When my grandfather fell ill, my grandmother spent all her time working to
_______________ him back to health.
Taking my baby daughter to a fancy restaurant was a _______________ that I don't
wish to repeat. My brother has always _______________ a secret goal to enter politics.
If you understand what I mean, just _______________ your head. Unable to digest bamboo efficiently, the panda obtains only a few _______________
from its food.
The Green Party is planning to _______________ a candidate in every one of the
country's ridings. Adequate _______________ is essential to the proper physical development of
The concept of democracy has resulted in different forms of government which
_______________ share the same basic ideology. Changes in eating habits in Japan have lead to an increase in the incidence of
_______________ in that country.
I think that ghost stories are absolute _______________.
In the past in my culture, women were expected to be _______________ to their
husbands. Contrary to popular belief, research now shows that young _______________
I really _______________ to you telling people private things about our marriage. generally get stiffer sentences than adults who commit the same crime.
It's hard to be _______________ when you are trying to hire someone for a job, and The old woman _______________ the young boy some money to cut her grass, but
you know one of the applicants. he refused, saying it was unnecessary to pay him.
My friend told me I didn't have to, but I felt _______________ to help him pay for The Queen is on an _______________ visit to the city, visiting friends.
the window he broke while we were playing baseball together.
The waves were getting bigger and bigger, so we were _______________ to paddle The airport has instituted a special tax to _______________ the cost of renovations
our canoe back to shore. to the building.
Politicians are often purposefully _______________ in their statements. The _______________ of a zebra must learn to run within minutes of birth in order
to survive.
A number of international _______________ to the election remarked on the fairness
of the process. Whenever he talks about how unfair it is that his wife has custody of his children, he
_______________ any mention of the fact that he never spent any time with the kids
His wife is _______________ about cleanliness; she spends hours each day cleaning before getting divorced.
her house.
The people of Iraq are receiving _______________ assistance to help them recover
Not being able to speak a second language is a real _______________ for those from the destruction of the war.
hoping to get a job in the import/export business.
The only kind of _______________ he likes is the kind sung in Bugs Bunny
Some medicinal herbs that were previously _______________ at health stores are cartoons.
now available only with a doctor's prescription.
My father has to have an _______________ on his heart some time soon.
The driver of the car was _______________ drunk because he was weaving all over
the road. He is an outspoken _______________ of the plan to increase tuition fees for foreign
His back still gives him _______________ pain, but it is much better than it was.
Many young children don't have the _______________ to go to a beautiful summer
occurrence offset occupational ordinary offenders odd unofficial offered camp like this, so you should appreciate it.
opportunity offspring opera opt ongoing oral optional optimistic
operation opponent oppose omits Some parents _______________ the sale of condoms from vending machines in high
Being a teacher at the University of Victoria doesn't have many _______________
hazards, except perhaps for breathing in chalk dust. Students may _______________ to stay in residence if they are not interested in our
homestay program.
Line-ups at food banks have become a common _______________ in a city where
these organizations didn't even exist 20 years ago. Both sides are said to be _______________ that an agreement can be reached.
Even-numbered players go to the left, _______________-numbered players to the The final section in the homework is _______________; I will mark it, but it doesn't
right. count for anything.
They made an _______________ agreement to negotiate a merger between their two she had been brought by ambulance.
A professor of criminal justice remarked that the typical mass murderer is The trunk of a banana plant is made of sheaths of _______________ leaves, tightly
extraordinarily _______________. wrapped around each other like celery stalks.
outlook ozone organized overcome outstanding overwhelmingly outlawed Many of our guest rooms _______________ our garden where we grow much of the
origins outcome overlook outlined orientation overall organic otherwise food served in our dining room.
overseas outraged output overlapping owe
My son is working _______________ for an international oil company.
There is a pub in town which serves a new locally-made beer containing only
_______________ ingredients. The small loan project has been _______________ successful in helping people who
were refused loans at all the major banks to set up their own businesses.
We'd better get _______________ or we'll never finish in time.
I _______________ my life to my neighbour, who knocked on my door, and woke
During _______________ week, the students will be introduced to all the facilities me up when a fire started in our kitchen.
available to them during their studies here.
The newest technology for keeping swimming pools free of germs is
The _______________ of many of the beliefs of Christianity can be found in a _______________.
number of religions.
He got a slight bump on his head in the car accident, but was _______________ fine. pack parameters pact parcels pale paradigm panic package
parliament paragraph partiality parallels pace paralyzed parole pad
The only _______________ that I can see of cutting the education budget is that our parade panel participates particles
children will suffer.
You need to _______________ yourself during the race; otherwise, if you start out
In my opinion, the music of Britney Spears should be _______________ because of too fast, you'll end up being too tired at the end.
its negative influence on the art world.
It only took me an hour to _______________ my bags for the trip.
The wolves were standing on the hill, _______________ against the evening sky.
Activists are fighting to have foods that are genetically-modified labelled as such on
Her illness has had a very negative impact on her general _______________ in life. the _______________.
Electrical _______________ is sometimes inadequate during a cold winter due to the The countries in the region have entered into a _______________ to negotiate an end
increase in demand. to the hostilities.
Native groups are _______________ by the government's refusal to negotiate. When I cut my forehead, the nurse put a cotton _______________ on the wound to
stop the blood until the doctor could stitch it up.
We have a number of _______________ bills to pay before we can start calculating
our profits. She has a very _______________ complexion, and always looks a little ill.
Studies suggest that _______________, more people dream in black-and-white than They let us try out the control _______________ when we visited the recording
in colour. studio with our high school band.
Her family was _______________ with grief when they arrived at the hospital where The people in the movie theatre began to _______________ and run for the exits
when they smelled the smoke. The king escaped from the castle through a secret _______________ leading to the
river, where a boat was waiting.
The _______________ featured a group of performing dogs, which did tricks and
delighted the spectators. The _______________ on the flight to Venus cheered and clapped as the planet's
main landing station came into view.
A computer has become a common _______________ for the functioning of the
human brain. The young woman kissed her husband _______________, and stroked his hair.
We have to write a three-_______________ essay on our opinion of the death So many children's games these days seem to be _______________ activities where
penalty. they do nothing actually physical.
Police investigators working on the case have noticed a number of We have a little vegetable _______________ in our backyard where we grow peas,
_______________ with other unsolved murders in the state. carrots and lettuce.
The disease left her with a _______________ right arm, so she learned to write with Pharmaceutical companies are calling on the government to protect their
her left hand. _______________ on prescription drugs for a minimum of 10 years.
Researchers are working on defining the exact _______________ of the disease. There is a small _______________ behind the houses which the children can take as
a shortcut to the elementary school.
The mail truck was full of _______________ for the Christmas season.
The teacher dismissed the student's excuses as _______________, and gave him a
The issue was debated in _______________ without being resolved. zero for failing to meet the deadline for his final essay.
One condition of the inmate's _______________ is that for two years he is not Making jewellery requires a lot of _______________, artistic ability, and dexterity.
allowed to enter any establishment that serves alcohol.
The recent attacks on the country by terrorists has increased _______________
The referee has been accused of _______________ by the visiting team. sentiments considerably.
We need to speak to the parents of a little girl in our class who never The missing soldier disappeared during a routine _______________, and is feared
_______________ in any of the group activities. dead.
Tests have shown that the air around the industrial site is full of _______________ of Many of the _______________ of this fine establishment are famous celebrities.
toxic materials.
She decided to change the _______________ for the dress a little because it was
patch partnership passengers pattern passive path pathetic passionately longer than she wanted.
peculiar particularly patience peek patriotic patent patrons passage
patrol paused paved peak The old man _______________ for a minute, and then resumed talking.
Henry Ford once remarked that nothing is _______________ hard if you divide it The first American street was _______________ so that the city's beer wagons could
into small jobs. easily get through the mud from the breweries.
Sony has recently entered into a _______________ with Warner Brothers to
strengthen their hold on the entertainment industry. Athletes have to plan their training carefully in order to _______________ at the
time of a major competition.
My neighbour is a _______________ old woman who never talks to anybody but her The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new
cats and the birds outside her house. _______________ on life.
The students tried to get a _______________ at the test that was sitting on the
teacher's desk before she came into the room. It took the child weeks to _______________ her mother to let her get a kitten.
perspective permissible peel petition peers penetrate penalize pension All _______________ information should be forwarded to the appropriate person.
pesticides perceptible performances permanent persist peg pests
persuade pessimistic periodic pertinent percentage Some people believe that the Buddha's teachings are _______________, because of
the emphasis on suffering.
My sister was able to _______________ an apple in one long continuous strip.
Many typical garden _______________ can be controlled using soapy water sprayed
It was difficult for the young boy to resist the pressure from his _______________ to on plants.
try smoking.
The government is considering banning the use of _______________ in public parks
The children had to throw a rubber ring onto a _______________ on the wall in because of health concerns.
order to win a prize.
The suspect's lawyers have filed a _______________ for all charges to be dropped
In a language class, it is hard not to _______________ shy students because you due to a lack of concrete evidence.
don't hear them enough to properly evaluate their speaking skill.
pitch pinched pipes pharmacist platform phenomena pierced phase
The walls of the bomb shelter are so thick that nothing can _______________ them. physically plasticize piles pilot plan plain philosophize planet pity
pitted plagued pills
The old man had to find a part-time job because his _______________ was not
enough for him to live on. The _______________ told me not to drink alcohol after taking these pills.
The young man gave a barely _______________ nod when asked if he had stolen the My brother is in a _______________ where he doesn't want to talk to anyone.
car. Science does not yet have all the answers to explain the _______________ of black
holes in space.
He always contributes a certain _______________ of his income to charity every
month. There is a Korean proverb which states that wise men _______________ as the fools
live on.
Someone once said that life has no rehearsals, only _______________.
My neighbour's twin daughters are _______________ very similar, but their
The police have been making _______________ checks of cars to check for drunk characters are totally different.
The eagle's cry _______________ the silence of the forest.
For many people today, marriage no longer seems to be a _______________
relationship between a man and a woman. His room was a mess, with _______________ of books on the desk, dresser and
It is not _______________ to use a calculator during the test.
I can't believe that some tobacco executives _______________ in claiming that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide by taking an overdose of
cigarettes haven't been proven to cause cancer. sleeping_______________.
The terrorists have killed the _______________ of the jetliner, and are holding the There are usually _______________ of students absent from class the first day after
passengers for ransom. a long weekend.
I _______________ myself under the chin when I was fastening my bicycle helmet, A number of mothers staged a day-long hunger strike to dramatize the
and it really hurt. _______________ of low-income families in our country.
The city is putting new water _______________ into old neighbourhoods to reduce The military is having trouble _______________ the course of the enemy submarine.
the amount of water lost through leaks in the old system.
When my daughter was a baby, she didn't want us to pull the _______________
The young tennis player was _______________ against one of the top players in the when she was in the bath because she was afraid she would go down the drain with
first round of the tournament. the water.
It was _______________ black outside at the campsite when we got up to look at the The assassination of the president _______________ the country into civil war.
The temperature is at least _______________ three degrees today.
It was a _______________ that we didn't bring our bathing suits because there was a
lake nearby where we could have gone swimming. Simon always carries a _______________ dictionary with him wherever he goes, in
The team's popular captain has been _______________ by knee injuries for most of order to look up new vocabulary.
the season.
The little girl wrote a short _______________ about flowers, and then was delighted
There is a Chinese proverb which states that you must scale the mountain if you want to see it printed in the school newsletter.
to view the _______________.
The rich socialite was imprisoned for _______________ her husband to get his
The Prime Minister has announced that the peace _______________ has been fortune.
accepted by both sides involved in the conflict.
The refund _______________ at this store allows you to return items for a credit, but
Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever lived on our _______________. not for cash.
If you _______________ your birth certificate, it will make it invalid. He is involved in a _______________ club at the university, and hopes to run for
office in the near future.
Personally, I don't really like the candidate, but I am voting more for a political
_______________ than for a specific person. If you are not registered to vote, you can do so at the _______________ station.
pollution pleasant port plight plenty plug pleaded pocket plus poem Noise _______________ is a serious problem in many large cities.
policy plotting population portions pledged political plunged polling
poisoning portrayed There is a large black _______________ which has been living in parts of Nova
Scotia for well over a hundred years.
The defendant _______________ not guilty to the charge of murder.
The fishing boats were gathered in the _______________ to wait out the storm.
Our neighbours are a _______________ older couple who just love children, and are
always offering to babysit for us. I like this restaurant; they give you enormous _______________ of food at a very
reasonable price.
The politician _______________ to lower taxes if he got elected. A national women's group has complained about the way women are
_______________ in advertising in this country. We need to take some _______________ measures to make sure that an accident of
this sort never happens again.
His family life takes _______________ in all his plans for the future.
practitioners pose predominant position praiseworthy precisely The time the father spent visiting with his children during his stay in the hospital was
postponement predatory precautionary possession predicting potential very _______________ to him.
positively precipitation powder poverty practise preach precious
precedence The weatherman says we have had record amounts of _______________ this winter.
Many citizens feel that a nuclear power plant could _______________ serious No one knows _______________ how many immigrants to our country end up
environmental problems for the area. returning to their homeland.
Working as an artist's model is hard work, especially when you are posed in an The corporation's _______________ practices in business have earned the company
uncomfortable _______________ for long periods of time. a bad reputation.
The suspect was charged with murder after being _______________ identified by the The latest opinion polls are _______________ a very close election.
principal witness in the case.
The _______________ image of African music is that of drumming and percussion.
The terrorist was arrested, and charged with _______________ of explosives.
preference prey priestess prejudice pregnant preventing preview
The _______________ of negotiations between the union and management will only pretend prevalence premiums premiere preservatives prestigious
make things more difficult. presumed pride Preliminary prepare pressure previous prescription
This new company has the _______________ to become very profitable in the next When filling positions which come open from time to time, we generally give
year. _______________ to internal applicants.
Young women brought to the capital from the countryside are often forced into She and her boyfriend decided to get married after she got _______________
prostitution by _______________ and lack of education. because they didn't want to upset their parents.
The entire town was covered in a fine grey _______________ following the eruption Social _______________ against former convicts only makes it more difficult for
of the volcano. them to reintegrate into society once they have completed their prison sentences.
The best way to improve your speaking ability is to _______________, and the best _______________ meetings suggest that there will be little trouble coming to an
way to do that is to talk to native speakers whenever possible. agreement.
Health _______________ are calling on the government to increase funding for Many celebrities are expected to attend the _______________ of this new play.
health care in our province.
My monthly life insurance _______________ are increasing as I get older.
Working as a paramedic is a very _______________ profession.
Many elite athletes practise visualization techniques to _______________ for a
The president continues to _______________ caution in reacting to the news of the competition.
terrorist threats.
The doctor wrote me a _______________ for a painkiller.
I never buy this brand of bread; it's full of _______________ and artificial colour. All people have a _______________ instinct to flee or fight in the face of danger.
Her parents are putting a lot of _______________ on her to get married, but she isn't Studies show that the _______________ reason people lie is to avoid punishment.
interested. It is simply against my _______________ to lie to anyone.
During my 20 year career, I have had the honour of working with the most You'll need to get a better original to photocopy because this one is really
_______________ scientists in this field. _______________.
One man is missing, and _______________ dead after a fishing boat sank off the The suspect was identified as having been seen in the area _______________ to the
coast of Vancouver Island this weekend. shooting.
Some types of frogs _______________ to be dead when captured, but quickly hop Generally, my _______________ in life are first my family, and second my work.
away when let go.
She was _______________ in her native country for speaking out against
The _______________ of domestic abuse in our society can no longer be ignored. government corruption.
The scientist discovered a drug which has been quite successful in _______________ It is difficult for movie celebrities to have a _______________ life away from the
certain types of cancer. cameras, and the watchful eye of the public.
The _______________ for the movie looked great, but the actual film was pretty I feel very _______________ to have had the chance to work with such an important
boring. scientist.
The man charged with murdering the young woman is also under investigation for 3 The astronauts sent a robot down to the surface of the planet to _______________
_______________ killings. for alien life forms.
Scavengers, such as vultures, like to steal the already dead _______________ of Certain _______________ must be followed when dealing with student complaints
other predators. against their teachers.
There is a Hebrew proverb which states that _______________ is the mask we make Criminal _______________ have been started against the President since the scandal
of our faults. was revealed.
The archaeologist found some writings by a _______________ of an unknown The peace _______________ has broken down in the region because of the recent
religion, describing the rituals of a number of sacred ceremonies. hostilities.
profit prime primary procedures production prior profile principles Someone once suggested that he that boasts of his own knowledge
principal unprintable priorities imprisoned privileged private profession _______________ his ignorance.
probe proclaims process proceedings primitive
The _______________ of lumber is a major contributor to the economy of this
The _______________ reason he has done so well at school is that he works province.
incredibly hard.
The engineering _______________ is well respected in this country.
The jury listened attentively to the testimony of the _______________ witness.
It is hoped that by hosting the economic summit, the city will be able to raise its A large _______________ of the bears in that region will have to be relocated to
_______________ on the international stage. another area due to the building going on there.
We are part of a purely non-_______________ organization working towards The offer of a merger of the two companies is certainly an attractive
reducing starvation in the developing world. _______________ for the shareholders.
protection progress proposition prosperity prominently proportion
propaganda promised project promotion prospect proof profound I have a business _______________ that I would like you and your partners to
properties prosecutor proposition prohibitive promptness prostitution consider.
The _______________ presented evidence to the court showing that the defendant
There is a _______________ difference in thinking between the two leaders, which had threatened to kill the victim the night of the murder.
makes reaching an agreement extremely difficult.
The little girl viewed the _______________ of playing her violin in front of an
The _______________ of the disease seems to have accelerated somewhat in the last audience with absolute terror.
week, and his doctor is very worried.
The end of the war has brought a new era of peace and _______________ to the
The cost of houses in this city has become _______________ in the last few years. region.
A local development _______________ in the area has resulted in the construction of In spite of the fact that _______________ is illegal, it continues to be a part of
a small school and health clinic. probably every society on the planet.
The state of the environment is expected to figure _______________ at the next The rose has thorns for _______________ from animals which would eat it.
meeting of the major industrial nations.
protocol protest provincial psychological purpose protein punishing
The little boy _______________ his mother that he would come straight home after pupils Publish pulse pursuit qualifications pump publicize provocative
school. puzzled purchase punch provide impurities
He turned down the _______________ offered by his boss because he didn't want the One kilogram of soy flour contains approximately the same amount of
added responsibility. _______________ as two and a half kilos of meat.
Thank-you for your _______________ in answering my letter. The students staged a _______________ march in front of the legislature in anger at
rising tuition fees.
The police have been able to find _______________ linking the suspect to the
murder weapon. The member broke _______________ by approaching the organization without
approval from the board.
During wartime, governments put out a lot of _______________ aimed at
encouraging hatred of the enemy, and complete trust in the government's actions. I'll be glad to _______________ you with a copy of the hand-out if you want to take
a look at it.
Your teeth will last a lifetime if you care for them _______________.
The _______________ government has announced additional cuts to the education
There are some one-celled creatures that have the _______________ of both plants budget for next year.
and animals.
The politician has made a number of _______________ speeches which have drawn
the anger of civil rights activists throughout the country. _______________ judgement you'll have to make on your own.
The reasons for the child's bad behaviour are probably _______________. Their prices are very good, but unfortunately the _______________ of their goods is
very low.
The government doesn't want to _______________ the fact that the fast ferries
project is deeply in debt. We buy a huge _______________ of strawberries and blueberries every summer to
_______________ or perish has long been the reality of the university professor. preserve for use all year.
The old man had apparently had a heart attack, and it took the doctors a while to find Someone once joked that if it weren't for marriage, husbands and wives would have
his _______________. to _______________ with strangers.
The heart basically acts as a _______________ which circulates blood throughout The professor _______________ her research methodology, and suggested that the
our body. results may necessitate further study.
The young boy felt dizzy and nauseous after receiving a _______________ to the The government is discussing setting _______________ for the minimum number of
head at school. women which should make up the work force in the civil service.
He has a very _______________ work schedule, and his health and family life are Any _______________ given in your essay must be properly identified with
suffering because of it. footnotes.
A number of successful business figures who were former _______________ of the He carries a rifle on a _______________ in his truck for when he goes hunting.
school have contributed towards renovating the old building.
The UFO appeared on the military _______________ screen, and appeared to be
The _______________ price for digital cameras is expected to drop significantly travelling at a speed of over 10,000 miles per minute.
over the next five years.
Workers at the nuclear power plant were exposed to _______________ during the
It is the _______________ in gemstones which give them their colour. leak.
The primary _______________ of growing rice in flooded paddies is to drown the The Prime Minister has proposed a number of _______________ changes to the
weeds surrounding the young seedlings. economy in order to make the country more competitive on international markets.
He has travelled the country in _______________ of a job in film-making. The prisoners in the concentration camp had to use dirty old _______________ to
bandage their injuries.
The old woman's doctor was quite _______________ by her sudden recovery.
The man admitted shooting his wife's lover in a fit of _______________ after
She wants the job, but she doesn't have the _______________ necessary to even get discovering them both in bed.
an interview.
Certain kinds of ants _______________ the nests of other ant tribes, kill the queen,
quality Random raised rage qualitative range ransom quarrel ranks and kidnap many of the workers, which then become their slaves.
radiation quotas quotations rack radical raid rags queried radar
rallied quantity We had to wait before going into town because the bridge into the city had been
_______________ to let a boat out of the harbour.
Deciding which of your friends and relatives you want to invite is a
Doctors were afraid the injured child wouldn't live through the night, but he has since sometimes made coldly, and without regard to the feelings of others.
_______________, and his chances for survival now seem much greater than
originally expected. The earthquake started gradually, with the _______________ of the dishes in the
_______________ acts of violence against minorities have created a state of fear in
the city. My teenage daughter went to an all-night _______________ at a local nightclub.
We chose the colour for our living room from a wide _______________ of choices at It is hard to imagine that the _______________ wool that comes from sheep is
the paint shop. eventually made into a beautiful sweater like this.
Most of the people working in senior administration in this company have moved up We could see dust floating in the _______________ of sunlight streaming through
through the _______________ from simple office positions. the living room window.
The kidnappers have said that their hostages will be killed if the _______________ is The woman at first _______________ with total disbelief when told of the death of
not paid. her husband.
ratio rate rapidity rapist reassuring rearing reality rash Ratification Children in some of our remote northern communities have taken to sniffing gasoline
rattling rarity rather reacted realized rays realm rave rationality raw to escape the harsh _______________ of a life of poverty and isolation.
They decided to adopt a child after they _______________ they weren't able to have
Police have arrested a known _______________ who is suspected in a number of one of their own.
attacks on prostitutes in the downtown core.
My brother has been fascinated by the _______________ of politics ever since he
AIDS is spreading with horrifying _______________ through certain parts of the was a teenager.
African continent.
Scientists tell us that both bird parents usually take an active part in the
Dial telephones have become a _______________ in today's push-button world. _______________ of the young.
Don't make a _______________ decision about buying a used car; have it checked They were able to discuss their divorce calmly and _______________ until they
by a mechanic first to make sure that it is in good shape. came to the subject of the children.
Political violence aside, there is a surprisingly low crime _______________ in It was very _______________ to have my son back safe at home after his first
Ireland. camping trip with his buddies.
It is better to try to figure out the meaning of new vocabulary by looking at it in recall recession recent reflects redundant rebellious receipt reckless
context, _______________ than always simply looking it up in the dictionary. reduce reconcile reckons refineries reform Reconstruction recycle
recognize referral recommendations recruit recovering
_______________ of the agreement will commit this country to reducing carbon
dioxide pollution. He was quite _______________, and in trouble with the law when he was young.
For modern computer-based learning, one computer for every 10 students is an His _______________ of the car accident wasn't too good because he was drunk at
acceptable, though not ideal, _______________. the time.
In our modern age, _______________ has become too important, and decisions are I've kept the _______________ for the clothes I bought you, so if something doesn't
fit, you can take it back. are now burning out of control.
The _______________ increase in crime in the area is being blamed on gangs of The colour black absorbs heat, whereas white _______________ it.
white youths.
The public have made a strong call for _______________ to the education system in
The _______________ has had a serious, negative impact on investment in the my country
refusal regardless region register regaining relatives regulations
The captain of the boat showed a _______________ disregard for the safety of his rehearsals refugees rehabilitation relegation regretfully regime relay
passengers when he chose to set out in such stormy weather. reign reinforce releases rejection relaxation regularity
The government _______________ the tax increase will bring in well over five
million pounds in revenue within the first year. Many people who come to Canada are economic _______________ who hope to
build a better life for themselves and their family.
Babies have the strongest sense of smell, enabling them to _______________ their
mothers by scent. He was fired from his job because of his _______________ to work overtime.
We hired the services of a consultant, who made a number of _______________ on The Communist Party is _______________ popularity in Eastern Europe among
how we could increase efficiency in our business. people disappointed by the lack of progress under their capitalist governments.
The union is working with administrators in an attempt to _______________ their All pilots on international flights identify themselves in English, _______________
two very different agendas in a way that is acceptable to both parties. of their country of origin.
_______________ of the road will begin once the gas lines have been completed. My doctor has put me on a special fitness _______________ to help me get back to
good health.
Police have announced that they have succeeded in _______________ all the cash
stolen in this week's bank robbery. She sustained serious injuries to the pelvic _______________ as a result of the car
Part of a financial consultant's job is to _______________ people interested in
pursuing a financial career. The government of our province has a _______________ of all the births, deaths and
marriages which have occurred in the province.
Aluminum, glass, and paper are the three materials most easy to _______________.
Alexander Graham Bell once said that when one door closes, another door opens, but
The city of Victoria is trying to _______________ the amount of garbage going to we so often look so long, and so _______________ upon the closed door, that we do
the municipal dump by encouraging recycling. not see the ones which open for us.
My job has been made _______________ by a computer program that can do My car has been breaking down with increasing _______________.
everything I did in a day within about forty minutes.
The government has strict _______________ regarding salmon fishing in our
You need a _______________ from your doctor in order to receive massage therapy province.
The _______________ of young offenders is a very lengthy process requiring a great
Observers say that a number of oil _______________ were hit during the attack, and deal of understanding and effort.
The child _______________ gave the toys back to his friend when it was time to go
There was a show on television which showed a number of young women going home.
through _______________ to become pop singers.
He doesn't have a car, so he always _______________ on his friends to give him a
Economists say the long _______________ of the American dollar is fading, as all lift when they go out.
major currencies have risen against it.
Someone once observed that we are born brave, trusting, and greedy, and most of us
The leader of the party is trying to _______________ his position by surrounding _______________ greedy.
himself with his most loyal supporters. Medical science is making _______________ discoveries about the relationship
between your state of mind, and your health.
The suicidal state of mind has been described as being filled with a sense of self-
hatred, _______________, and hopelessness. Her son is in a _______________ reading class, and is making excellent progress.
Birds are the closest living _______________ to dinosaurs. My daughter really _______________ me of my wife when she laughs.
My mother practised some _______________ techniques to help her deal with the Signs of pollution are now found even in the _______________ regions of our
pain she suffered as a result of having cancer. planet.
The satellite will be used primarily by the military to _______________ information My son wants a pair of roller blades with _______________ wheels so they can
regarding enemy troop movements. double as shoes.
Sweat _______________ warm water from the body, which cools as the moisture Superman was _______________ as weak and helpless as a kitten in the presence of
evaporates off the skin. the material known as kryptonite.
The _______________ of the pitcher to the minor leagues has been met with a great I have to _______________ my driver's license before it expires on my next
deal of anger by his numerous fans. birthday.
replacement irrelevant reminds Repatriation remotest relishes We were able to _______________ goalie equipment for my son when he started
relentlessly replay remarkable remain reluctantly relies replies hockey rather than having to buy it all.
remedial relief rendered rent repair renew removable
Teeth are the only parts of the human body that can't _______________ themselves.
The children questioned us _______________ about the countries we would be
visiting during our European holiday. _______________ of our constitution will allow us to manage our own legislation.
Much of what I studied while I was doing my university degree now seems totally Our secretary is on holiday but the temporary _______________ we hired seems to
_______________ to what I need in the working world. be doing a good job.
The entire country breathed a sigh of _______________ at the news that the Students can _______________ the film clip as many times as they need in order to
president had survived an assassination attempt. answer the comprehension questions.
My daughter _______________ the idea of getting a part-time job, and having her Most women who place personal ads in the newspaper receive lots of
own money to spend as she wants. _______________ from interested men.
research Representing request responses resolve irresponsible reputation examine the issues together.
reservations requires rescue report disrespectful resemblance resentful
reside resisting reproduction resignation resources resort The police claimed they had no choice but to _______________ to using pepper
spray to stop the rioters.
An anonymous caller phoned police to _______________ the murder of a local gang
leader. The _______________ of our planet are being strained to the limit by our vast
_______________ one's country at the Olympic Games is the greatest achievement
an athlete can hope for. In some societies, looking a superior in the eyes when they are speaking is
considered _______________.
Studies have shown that certain chemicals in plastics can actually harm cell
_______________ in humans. We haven't received many _______________ to the questionnaire we sent out.
His _______________ as a stockbroker was ruined by allegations of insider trading. It is totally _______________ for you to get your girlfriend pregnant, and then break
up with her.
I am going to _______________ a leave of absence for a month because my mother
is dying, and I want to be at home to take care of her. retail revenge reversed restoration restraints restrict restructure retreat
revival resumption revenues revolt retain retaliate revise retire
Studies show that the older a person gets, the less sleep he/she _______________. retrieval review result revealed
The body of a rock-climber declared missing over a week ago was found by a The _______________ of the old theatre is expected to cost over a million dollars.
mountain _______________ team this morning.
The government has put wage _______________ on workers in the public sector.
The latest scientific _______________ into cancer shows that environment is the
most important factor in the development of the disease. The government is determined to _______________ the number of imports in order
to protect the domestic market.
The beach itself sure didn't have much _______________ to the pictures in the travel
brochure. The company is hoping to _______________ its debt payments in order to avoid
She was still _______________ towards him a year after they split up.
Many people living in large cities develop health problems as a _______________ of
I have some _______________ about vacationing in that country because of their the air pollution there.
high crime rate.
The _______________ of talks between the two countries is a good sign for the
The students all _______________ in dormitories on campus. future of the peace process.
The old man sighed with _______________ when told by his boss that he would be Lower than expected _______________ sales show that the boycott has had a
let go. definite effect.
There is an old proverb which states that good habits result from _______________ Despite contact with the west, the country has been able to _______________ its
temptation. traditional culture.
In order to _______________ this conflict, we need to sit down face to face, and The American government has announced it will _______________ with great force
against the rebels for any attacks on its embassy. next fix.
A survey recently revealed that women _______________ later than men, have less Psychologists have shown that externally supplied _______________ sometimes
money, and are more worried about retirement. actually lower a person's desire to perform a task.
The major ordered his men to _______________ when it became obvious that they The baby was soothed by the quiet _______________ sound of his mother's
were heavily outnumbered. heartbeat.
The _______________ system in this new computer is incredibly fast, and can deal New vaccines may someday _______________ our planet of a number of those
with huge amounts of data. diseases that currently result in millions of deaths each year.
It was _______________ during their divorce hearing that her husband had had He paid a _______________ high price for his car just because he was determined to
numerous affairs. buy a convertible Volkswagen Beetle.
In my opinion, _______________ simply gives your enemy another excuse to attack The young boy stood _______________ against the building wall as the large dog
you. ran by.
Tax _______________ have been much higher than expected this year, resulting in a Only the most _______________ conducted research can produce results which are
large budget surplus. truly meaningful.
The politician completely _______________ his stance on the tax once he was Windows were smashed, and cars set on fire by _______________ angry about the
elected to office. loss of their national soccer team in the World Cup finals.
The government has ordered a _______________ of its aid package to the region, in The apples are picked early, and then allowed to _______________ in the store.
response to the human rights abuses.
Investing in the stock market is a very _______________ way to try to make money.
The company had to _______________ its original budget forecast due to a sudden
rise in energy costs. A Korean student gave a presentation on the _______________ marriage customs of
a traditional wedding ceremony in her country.
The current _______________ of disco music has brought many old stars back into
the entertainment business. There is a Hebrew proverb which states that _______________ between scholars
advances wisdom.
The Premier is facing a _______________ by party members who object to his
dictatorial style. The flames of the forest fire _______________ in the ears of the firefighters.
romantically robbed roasted role revolve rocket robust revolutionaries The children _______________ marshmallows around the campfire, and sang songs
rhythmic ridiculously rid rivalry risky rigidly rewards ripen ritualized all evening.
roared rioters rigorously
With the recent assassination of a leading government figure, the country was
The government has been successful in chasing the _______________ into the _______________ of its best chance for peace
This machinery is quite _______________ in both design and construction, and
Most of the problems in a drug addict's life _______________ around getting the should last for years.
Over a dozen people are dead, and scores wounded after a _______________ attack Have you heard the latest _______________ about the secretary in the complaints
on the rebel camp by forces loyal to the president. department?
Medication made from marijuana has an important _______________ to play in Large animals are a common sight on many _______________ roads in this country.
controlling nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer.
We had to _______________ home from the party when the baby-sitter phoned to
He became _______________ involved with his wife's best friend, and eventually say that my daughter was sick.
got a divorce.
row ruined rural rotten rubbed rough routinely rumour royalty root The Mafia boss had a reputation for _______________ that terrified everyone around
rude rush rotate route ruthlessness him.
When learning a second language, words that share a common _______________ are scales sacred safeguard satellite saint salvage sanctioned scandal
more easily memorized than words that do not. saluted sarcastic sacked sample sacrificed scarred satisfaction sailed
scanned sauce savagely sanctuary
The young girl forgot an apple in her knapsack for a week, and it went
_______________. The enemy _______________ and burned the villages in their path as they retreated.
It is important for farmers to _______________ their crops to avoid depleting the Stonehenge is believed to have been a _______________ site for the people who
soil. lived in England hundreds of years ago.
His hands are really _______________ because he never wears gloves when he is He _______________ his life for his country in the war.
working in the garden.
We must take immediate action to _______________ habitat for endangered species.
The gas company was able to _______________ the pipeline under our flower
garden without having to dig up our yard at all. The Titanic _______________ on an April day in 1912 on her maiden voyage from
Southampton to New York.
The Beatles are _______________ described as the most important pop group in
history. People thought he was a _______________ because of all the kind and generous
things he did for the children of the village.
Developers have built a long _______________ of luxury hotels on the most
beautiful beach on the island. The soldiers stood to attention, and _______________ as the prime minister did his
inspection of the troops.
The wedding is expected to be attended by leading politicians, celebrities and even
_______________, in the person of Prince Andrew. The _______________ operation had to be called off temporarily due to bad
The little girl woke up, and _______________ her eyes sleepily.
Psychologists use surveys to _______________ reported behaviour broadly by
My boyfriend was really _______________ to my parents, and now they're so upset gathering responses from many different individuals.
they want me to break up with him.
The country has been _______________ by the international community for refusing
The cake was _______________ when she accidentally put a cup of salt in it instead to follow the ban on whaling.
of sugar.
Many migratory birds and resident birds find _______________ in the forest of My cousin has written a _______________ for a movie, and it has just been sold to a
traditional coffee plantations. major Hollywood producer.
The _______________ policeman made me very angry when he asked me if the tree The hunting dogs quickly picked up the _______________ of the cougar, and were
had perhaps jumped in front of my car. able to track it to a tree in the city park.
My dad fell off the roof, and broke his arm while trying to install our new The plane had to make an _______________ stop in Edmonton when a passenger
_______________ dish. had a heart attack.
He doesn't get paid a lot, but he gets a great deal of _______________ from his My ex-wife is _______________ with her lawyer to take everything I've got.
He won a _______________ to study biochemistry at McGill University.
I made some spaghetti _______________ with fresh garlic and basil for supper.
The reporter got a major _______________ when he discovered evidence of a
An elderly man was attacked and _______________ beaten by young thugs, for no leading politician's role in a corruption scandal.
apparent reason.
The language in the text is beyond the _______________ of all but those who are
If the _______________ are dropping off the fish like that, you can be sure that it is experts in the field.
not very fresh.
The winning goal was _______________ with only 5 seconds remaining in the
We _______________ all our family photos onto the computer, and sent the best game.
ones to my parents by e-mail. The firemen _______________ out of bed, and jumped into their uniforms when the
siren sounded.
She preferred to have an abortion rather than risk the _______________ of having a
baby when she wasn't even married. Any _______________ of information you may have could be helpful to our
The ice was _______________ with deep cuts from the figure skaters.
They finally managed to _______________ enough money together to buy a used
screw scarcity unscheduled scattered scavenge scare scenario screened sofa for their tiny apartment.
scent scratchy scholarship scope script scheming scrambled scrape
screaming scrap scoop scored She hates wearing her wool sweater because she finds the material
_______________ and uncomfortable.
Disease is killing people daily due to the _______________ of clean water in the
region. The boys heard _______________ as they passed the house, and saw smoke coming
out of one of the windows.
Flights were delayed for over six hours after reports of a bomb _______________.
People who want to work with children have to be _______________ to make sure
The terrified villagers _______________ as the helicopters appeared in the sky they do not have a history of child abuse.
above them.
If you _______________ the two boards together it will hold better than if you nail
Thousands of people _______________ through the garbage dumps of Manila every them.
day in order to survive.
The director wants the writer to make some changes to the _______________ in
order to make the story a little more exciting. withholding evidence.
sensation scrutiny selections sculpted searched scrub section sensitively Eating the plant may cause a temporary loss of _______________ in the lips and
segments seductive senior sense security sector seek secretaries seize mouth.
seminar sealed sensibly
There is a real _______________ of urgency to the peace talks now, with both sides
Surgeons always _______________ their hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap warning of the dangers of not reaching a settlement.
before doing an operation.
After having a mild heart attack, her dad _______________ decided to change his
Working conditions in the factory must be open to public _______________ in order lifestyle.
for real change to occur. The book is an excellent educational tool which deals very _______________ with
the topic of child abuse.
The hairdresser _______________ the model's hair into the form of a Christmas tree
for the holiday fashion show. sentimental sequential shallow settle shadowy sessional sewer sentenced
series service sexual several shaking severity shady serials seriously
This smoked salmon comes in vacuum-_______________ packaging to preserve shameless shaped separation
He was _______________ to death for the murder of his wife and children.
I _______________ all over the house, and I can't find my other sock.
Everything in the office came to a halt when the _______________ went on strike. He is always very _______________ when he talks about his childhood.
The most difficult _______________ of the exam was the vocabulary part. The children have found their parents' _______________ very difficult to deal with.
The industrial _______________ is quite pleased with the government's new policy. Researchers have identified seven _______________ steps in the process.
He works as a _______________ guard in a large company, but wants to become a The magazine regularly publishes different detective _______________ which run
police officer. for about 3 months.
Your sister certainly has a very _______________ sounding voice. We heard a _______________ of shots coming from the house, and then a man ran
out covered in blood.
You should _______________ proper legal advice before you decide whether or not
to sue your former business partner. Bar owners have complained that the ban on smoking has _______________
affected their business.
Tax cuts always seem to benefit the richest _______________ of society, whereas it
is the poor who really need help. We didn't leave a tip for the waiter because the _______________ was really terrible.
The army has failed in its attempts to _______________ power from the President. She works as a _______________ instructor in the Biology department at UBC.
He made a cassette with _______________ of his favourite songs for the party. The union appears ready to _______________ with management rather than go on
We had an interesting discussion of the ethics of cloning in my sociology
_______________ today. He has written _______________ short stories about his experiences as a circus
One of the _______________ partners in the law firm has been charged with
Generally, in our criminal justice system, _______________ of punishment depends the body, and comforts the soul.
on the seriousness of the crime.
The knight they killed had been carrying a large _______________ with the sign of
Any car engine oil that you pour down the _______________ eventually ends up in an enemy king.
the ocean, where it causes serious pollution problems.
The _______________ sands of the desert in some parts of Egypt can make for a
She had her first _______________ experience just after she graduated from high difficult and dangerous crossing.
The cyclist's reflective vest _______________ bright red in the headlights of the
Plant these bushes in a _______________ area with lots of drainage. approaching cars.
The children saw the _______________ figure of the friendly lion standing at the Customs officials discovered a huge _______________ of illegal drugs at the airport
door of their bedroom. today.
Her hands were _______________ nervously when she sat down to play the piano. The young boy began _______________ in shock when told of the death of his
The old man's breathing was increasingly _______________, and doctors feared he
wouldn't last the night. The news of the death of her father came as a terrible _______________ to her.
Many people feel that promises to cut taxes are simply a _______________ attempt Hundreds of people lined up on the _______________ to watch the old sailing ships
to buy votes. float by.
Goethe wrote that we are _______________ and fashioned by what we love. Police were unable to control the crowds, due to a _______________ of officers.
sharply shelters shed shouting shaved shield shone share shuffle The children were laughing and _______________ with excitement as they got off
shifting shoved shore shipment shredded shock shrugged sheer the rollercoaster.
shortage shrank shivering
The old man _______________ the protesters out of the way, and entered the
I think we both _______________ the same general values even if we disagree on building.
some things.
Investigators were sifting through _______________ documents for evidence.
The number of homeless people in Victoria has risen _______________ in the last
ten years. The woman gasped, and _______________ against the wall as the monster
approached her.
I _______________ my head once my hair started to fall out from my chemotherapy
treatments. I apologized to my boss for missing the meeting, but he just smiled and
_______________ it off.
Put the rake and the shovel in the garden _______________, and bring the hammer
in the house. Make sure you _______________ the cards properly this time; last time I got almost
nothing but hearts.
The marathon runner collapsed from _______________ exhaustion after the race.
silver site sank siege signal silence simultaneously sighed signifies
A wise man once observed that a house becomes a home when it _______________ similarity simulated sip sincerity situations shuttling sinisterly singles
skeptically sketch simmering The singer had a quick _______________ of tequila to calm her nerves before going
on stage.
As the father of a hockey player, he spends a lot of time _______________ his son
between home and the arena. The World Trade Centre was the _______________ of the most terrible terrorist
attack to ever take place on American soil.
The parliament buildings are under _______________ by demonstrators protesting
against the new fuel tax. You shouldn't hang around with those boys or you might get yourself into
_______________ that you can't handle.
The little girl looked at her posters of her favourite movie star, and
_______________. My friends looked at me _______________ when I told them I would be a
The commander gave the _______________ for the soldiers to start firing. millionaire by the age of thirty.
The actors did a funny little ten-minute _______________ about having a check-up
Degradation of an ecosystem _______________ serious environmental pollution. at the doctor's office.
skipped slapped slaughtered slashed sliced slaves slammed slogan slots
The young couple sat in _______________, neither one brave enough to look at the smoothly slide smuggled smashing slump unskilled slim slightly slick
other. slip slopes
Canada's coins used to be made of _______________, but now they're made of some If you don't finish high school, the only job you'll be able to find is some kind of low
other metals. paid, _______________ work.
The DNA of chimpanzees shows a remarkable _______________ to that of humans. When I read the book to my son, I _______________ the scary parts because I
thought they might cause him to have nightmares.
Tensions in the region have been _______________ for months, and now it looks as
if war may break out. My sister had her finger broken when my brother accidentally _______________ his
bedroom door on it during an argument.
New firefighters go through a series of _______________ fires as part of their
training. The government has _______________ a new tax on cigarettes to discourage
teenagers from taking up smoking.
The two men fired their guns _______________ during the duel, and both were
killed. The young girl who was found by police was almost dead, after having
_______________ her wrists with a razor blade.
She said she was sorry, but her voice was totally empty of any kind of
_______________. Thousands of people have been _______________ in the conflict.
I don't like going to _______________ bars to meet men because a lot of people Many African _______________ captured for sale in America died during the
there are just looking for a one-night stand. difficult journey across the Atlantic.
The villain laughed _______________ as he tied the poor woman to the railroad We _______________ up some apples and pears for a snack for the kids.
I don't trust politicians who are too _______________ and charming; I want to hear
After the death of her cat, the old woman _______________ into a terrible from a person who is open and sincere.
We looked at a _______________ of a drop of water under the microscope, and it
was full of little things. too far away.
Our new apartment is only _______________ bigger than the old one, but it is much The blood _______________ through the sleeve of his shirt, forming a large stain.
_______________ unemployment has been a major problem for the government
I like to use a very _______________ wallet because it is light, and is more during the election campaign.
comfortable to carry in my pocket.
She was pretty drunk when I saw her at the party, but by morning she was
I wrote my friend's new phone number on a _______________ of paper, and now I _______________ enough to go home.
can't find it.
These _______________ environmentally-friendly products still come in the same
This new _______________ will be an important feature of our new sales strategy. old indestructible plastic packaging.
Sonya is very shy, and finds it difficult to be in _______________ situations.
The river bank _______________ sharply down to the water, and can be a little
dangerous. We got some new _______________ for our computer, but we don't know exactly
how to install it.
The old castle had _______________ in its walls for the archers to shoot arrows
through. _______________ require centuries, or even millennia, to form.
The goalie is in a bit of a _______________, and needs to have a good game to get Too many people forget entirely about nutrition, and choose their food
his confidence back. _______________ on the basis of how good it tastes.
During the demonstration, a group of kids starting _______________ windows, and The cloudy weather mirrored the _______________ of the memorial service.
yelling at passersby.
It has been said that compromise, if not the spice of life, is its _______________. It
The project has been running very _______________ up until now. is what makes nations great, and marriages happy.
The plane crashed after a bomb which had been _______________ on board by a Usually, when a band is playing live, they introduce each member of the group by
suicidal man exploded in the washroom. name, and then the person does a long _______________ on their instrument.
snatch somewhat solo solemnity snapping soothe sore sniffed Experts recommend using vodka as a cleaning _______________ for diamond
unsophisticated software Soaring sober so-called Soils solidity solely jewellery.
soaked social solution snuck
She is _______________ older than her husband even though she looks younger.
He sat at the table, _______________ his fingers in time to the music.
The mother stroked her baby's back to _______________ him, and put him to sleep.
We were able to _______________ a few hours sleep after our long flight, before the
meeting began. Inadequately formed ideas tend to produce _______________ arguments.
My brother and I _______________ out of our house at night, and went and raided Her eyes were _______________ and red from trying to read in the dark.
my neighbour's cherry tree.
sparks spans soul sort spirit spilled spectators sovereign spare species
The bear _______________ the air; it could smell salmon cooking on a barbecue not Sources spanking spectacular speculation spectacle sphere specific
sparkling Specimens spun Any guesses as to who will take over as chairman are pure _______________ at this
point, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Someone once joked that a man he knew had the _______________ of face that
makes you realize God does have a sense of humour. Free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a _______________, because
of its surface tension.
After his death, we felt like my grandfather's _______________ remained in our
house in order to be with our grandmother until she could join him. The contents of the box of crystal wine glasses _______________ out over the floor,
shattering into little pieces.
_______________ within the police department say that many officers feel that
marijuana should be legalized. The car hit a telephone pole, and _______________ around in circles before finally
coming to a stop in the opposite lane.
Albert Einstein once remarked that as long as there are _______________ nations
possessing great power, war is inevitable. The Olympics promotes excellence in athletics, and a _______________ of
The largest insects that ever lived on the Earth were giant dragonflies with wing
_______________ of over a metre. spoil spontaneously sponsorship staffed unstable split spokesman
spousal stabbing sprint spray stadiums stage spur squeeze spread
In my opinion, _______________ children simply teaches them that it is okay to use stack sprinkler squad spy
violence to solve their problems.
There is a Myanmar proverb which observes that once the cattle have been
The boss is pretty busy, so he can only _______________ a few minutes to talk to _______________ up, the tiger strikes.
you today.
The little boys were banging rocks together to see if they could make Dates are often called the food of the desert because they are very nutritious, and do
_______________. not easily _______________ in the hot climate.
Her eyes were _______________ with excitement as she got off the plane. A rebel _______________ has said that his group expects to take the capital city in
There is a _______________ of black bear in our province which sometimes the next few days.
produces young cubs which are white in colour.
The festival has been saved thanks to the _______________ of a number of major
Politicians never get very _______________ about what they will do if elected corporations.
because they don't want to make too many promises they can't keep.
He never does anything _______________; everything has to be planned ahead of
_______________ of hair taken from the factory workers showed abnormally high time.
levels of lead in their systems.
The _______________ benefits under this plan do not include receiving your
The _______________ of my boyfriend and my ex-husband chatting together at my pension if you die first.
daughter's wedding made me feel a little strange.
The salty _______________ from the ocean is very hard on the paint of houses
The view of the peninsula is _______________ from the top of the mountain. located near the beach.
Dozens of _______________ were crushed to death against a fence at the stadium Karate first started in India, and _______________ to China before reaching Japan in
during a game. the 1600s.
Turn the _______________ on before going out; the grass looks really dry.
Police are watching a _______________ who has been bothering women in the area
The young boy began to walk quickly, and then broke into a _______________ as over the last few weeks.
the school bus came around the corner.
The economic recovery has been _______________ by a increase in interest rates.
The government is taking steps to _______________ business investment in the
country. Eighty percent of the world's population lives in _______________ housing.
The Americans have arrested a _______________ who has been selling military We need a _______________, and a three-hole punch for the office.
secrets to the enemy for the last ten years.
Their teenage daughter is always afraid that people are _______________ at her, and
The English soccer _______________ has been seriously weakened by injuries to laughing at her clothing or hair.
key players. Over 500 people have died of _______________ since the beginning of the year in
my homeland.
When my daughter was a baby, she used to love to _______________ fresh peaches
in her fist, so she could feel them squirt through her fingers. In my opinion, it is wrong for the _______________ to execute someone, just as it is
wrong for an individual to kill someone.
The old man felt a _______________ pain in his chest, and was rushed to the
hospital. The accused gave a written _______________ to the police confessing to the crime.
My sister is a little emotionally _______________, and finds it difficult to have a The train was only _______________ long enough for a few commuters to hop on.
long-term relationship with people.
_______________, travelling by air is the safest means of transportation.
The cat knocked over a _______________ of books when it jumped up onto the
shelf. When Japanese business people meet for the first time, they exchange business cards
that give strong clues to social _______________.
Many _______________, arenas and other sports complexes are now simply named
for the corporation that paid for them. It has been raining _______________ all day, so the garden won't need to be watered
for a while.
The office is currently being _______________ by senior administrators due to the
strike by secretaries and receptionists. The songwriter is suing a popular musician who he claims _______________ some
songs he wrote.
The children were all dressed as various fruits and vegetables as they danced across
the _______________ in the school play. When the water boils, the _______________ will cause the kettle to whistle.
stakeholders stalled stapler staring stalker steam statement Statistically My stereo system is made out of _______________, and is apparently much more
stained stationary step starvation substandard steer status steadily durable than the plastic systems available today.
stem stole steel state
This new government is expected to _______________ the economy in a new
His fingers are permanently _______________ yellow from years of smoking. direction, with its major cuts to taxes.
The government has promised to hold discussions with all _______________ Immigration authorities are looking for ways to _______________ the flow of illegal
involved in this issue before making a decision. migrants into the country.
A young child has died in a tragic accident after getting her head caught in a rope
The first _______________ in getting over your alcoholism is admitting you have a swing, and being _______________ to death.
The Princess wore a beautiful _______________ gown to the party.
stray stiff storm strategic straighten stung stereotypes streaks stomach
stocks stirring stitch stream stone stimulation strain strangled The geographic location of Israel in the Middle East makes it of extreme
strapless strange straightforward _______________ importance to the United States.
The _______________ of different ethnic groups as portrayed in the media can often An innocent woman was killed by a _______________ bullet fired in a fight between
promote racism and discrimination in society. rival gangs.
The human body starts to go _______________ within a few hours of death. According to one helpful-hint expert, you can use a drop of vinegar or vodka on each
Children need mental _______________ in order to develop intellectually. lens to clean eyeglasses without _______________.
Volunteers are cleaning garbage out of the _______________ in the hopes of making
You're more likely to get _______________ by a bee on a windy day that in any it clean enough for fish to live in once again.
other weather.
strokes stretch String subsequent stylist subsidize struck struggle strip
The little children slept in their beds without _______________ while their parents strive stress subscription strollers structure studio stunned strict stuff
wrapped their Christmas presents for the next morning. insubordinate submissive
There is an old saying which states that a _______________ in time saves nine. Reducing _______________ in one's life is important for the maintenance of good
Our corner convenience store _______________ all the essentials, from toothpaste
and light bulbs to condoms and cigarettes. It is important to _______________ before you start any vigorous physical exercise.
The young boy got the wind knocked out of him when he got hit in the They sent their wild son to a private school which had _______________ discipline,
_______________ with the soccer ball. in the hopes that it would teach him better behaviour.
On the _______________ temples of Madura in southern India, there are more than
30 million carved images of gods and goddesses. Her grandfather was killed when he was _______________ by a car while crossing
the street.
A number of telephone poles were blown over in an enormous
wind_______________ we had last year. _______________ and sequence are used interchangeably in molecular biology.
Brush your hair, and _______________ your tie before you go in for the interview. A single herd of hungry elephants can _______________ an entire region of grass
and leaves.
My boss never gave me a _______________ answer to my request for a raise.
We _______________ to give our customers the best service possible.
The responsibility of taking care of both a job and a family can be a real
_______________ at times. The rowers are accompanied by a person who calls out a beat to time the
_______________ of their paddles.
I travel a lot on business, and it is a lonely feeling to wake up in a _______________
bed in some unknown city. The park was empty except for a couple of _______________, and a family having a
There is no _______________ for hard work when trying to achieve a high standard
The _______________ was seriously damaged during the fire, and will have to be in any sport.
Seasonal temperature changes are more _______________ near the equator than they
The people of the region have been involved in a long _______________ for are in other areas.
freedom and democracy.
The former champion has been _______________ in a number of attempts at
She is working in her _______________ right now, putting the last finishing touches regaining his title.
on some of her pottery pieces for the art show.
The politician _______________ the newspaper after it printed an article which
Napoleon once said that religion is excellent _______________ for keeping the accused him of lying to the public.
common people quiet.
Henry has become simply _______________ ever since he was told by the teacher
The entire world was completely _______________ by the terrorist attacks on the that he had the potential to become a successful writer.
World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Recent discoveries off the coast of Vancouver Island may someday allow Canada to
achieve _______________ in oil.
She had her hair done by a well-known _______________ who cuts hair for a
number of celebrities. Early views on the origin of life included one that _______________ sheep arose
from a plant.
The dog is very _______________, and will roll on its back when another dog
threatens it. Police were able to prevent an old man who was _______________ from jumping
off the bridge.
Any _______________ behaviour will be dealt with harshly.
It is really difficult to find a day for a party which _______________ everyone in the
The old man cancelled his _______________ to the newspaper because he was so group.
upset by the right-wing editorials.
A poet once suggested that fame is the _______________ of the misunderstanding
The supervisor has announced that our first staff meeting will last for two hours, and that gathers about a new name.
_______________ meetings for only one hour. Someone once remarked that the entire _______________ of existence is the magic
of being needed by just one person.
The government has a program to help _______________ farms that convert from
growing tobacco to other crops. The very _______________ of Mount Everest is about the size of a billiards table.
supply substantially subtle sued supervisory summit suicidal self- The new multiplex is _______________ equipped with the best in sound technology
sufficiency sum superiority suggested substitute superficial suits available today.
substance unsuccessful superbly insufferable sum supplementary
There are some _______________ similarities between the two, but actually, they
Strangely enough, research has found that cocoa powder contains a are really very different.
_______________ that may actually reduce tooth decay.
A woman recently suggested that the natural _______________ of women is a
The rate of disease is _______________ lower for children whose mothers biological fact, and a socially-acknowledged reality.
breastfeed them.
The _______________ staff meet once a month to discuss personnel matters.
Lost in the desert for days, they were eventually reduced to eating insects for
You don't need to take _______________ vitamins if you eat properly. _______________.
These are the major blood vessels which _______________ blood to the brain. Up to the age of six or seven months, a child can breathe and _______________ at
the same time. An adult cannot do this.
sweep swapped swallow sweat supposedly swore swayed supportive
supremely surgeons surface suspense survival surplus suppressants We _______________ e-mail addresses at the conference, and are planning to work
survey suspicious sustenance surroundings surrender on a couple of projects together.
My family and friends have always been _______________ of my decisions. He tried to convince his parents to let him travel to Europe with his friends, but they
wouldn't be _______________.
The strike was tentatively called off on Monday because the union and management
have _______________ made a deal. He _______________ off cigarettes after a simple cold turned into a severe case of
New evidence has shown that some popular diet _______________ can cause heart bronchitis.
problems. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet contain more _______________ glands
than any other part of the body.
Larry seems _______________ confident of winning the tournament, but I wouldn't
bet on him. According to biologists, squirrels don't like to head straight for anything. For safety,
they may run past, and _______________ around from the side.
The first man to walk on the _______________ of the moon was American Neil
Armstrong. systematic symbol sympathize swerved swung switching swells
The knee is the most easily injured of all the joints in the body, and the area most
frequently treated by _______________. It was exciting kayaking through the _______________ for a while, but when the
waves got too big, we paddled to shore.
Unemployment in this country is due to a _______________ in labour, not because
people are too lazy to work. The car was driving down the highway when the driver suddenly _______________
off the road, and into the trees.
The tourist was forced to _______________ his passport to the authorities after being
charged with smuggling. Her mood _______________ from happiness to depression and back again during
the first few days after her baby was born.
Frogs do not drink, but absorb water from their _______________ through their skin.
The young boy was stopped by a security agent at the department store after he was
Advertising companies often _______________ the public to measure interest in a seen _______________ the price tags on some clothes he was buying.
Pb is the chemical _______________ for lead.
The _______________ of many different species depends on government action.
I certainly _______________ with your desire to spend more time with your family,
The police became _______________ when they noticed a nervous-looking man but I'm afraid we just can't give you any extra time off.
waiting outside the bank.
A doctor looks at the _______________ of an illness in order to make his diagnosis.
The movie keeps you in a state of _______________ right up until the very end.
The military government in this country has been practising a _______________
campaign of torture and murder to intimidate the opposition. rulers and governments have collected them.
tangled tap tape tackle taggers talent teammates tales hi-tech tanks Todd angered his _______________ by telling everyone that he was the best player
target temperature tasks taxes tactic technically taste techniques tacks they had.
Now that my daughter is taller than me she loves to _______________ me about my
There is a world map in our classroom with coloured _______________ showing the height.
homeland of each of the students.
Japan is perhaps the most _______________-advanced nation in the world.
The government is determined to _______________ the issue right away while its
popularity is high. There are many different _______________ which one can use to practise relaxation,
such as meditation or yoga.
One successful _______________ of advertising is to use celebrity endorsements.
Young people need to have good computer skills these days if they want to get a job
The park has been defaced by _______________ who have spray-painted their name in the new _______________ industries which are opening up.
on everything. Crocodiles can last months without feeding as long as their body _______________
remains low.
The old doctor was full of _______________ of his life helping the sick in the small
villages. terrorist thereby tension temptingly temporary theoretical tenants
territorial tenderness tentacles termination terrible temples therapeutic
Those kids have a real _______________ for bothering all their neighbours. terrifying terrifically testimony text theme tendencies
The electrical wires to the computer are all _______________ up on the floor under On the stone _______________ of Madura in southern India, there are more than 30
my desk. million carved images of gods and goddesses.
Scuba divers breathe compressed air from _______________ they wear on their There is a Vietnamese proverb which says that life is a _______________ stop, but
backs. death is the journey home.
Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning _______________ on Housing prices are _______________ low this month.
your horn if visibility is limited.
We keep master copies of all the audio cassettes in the office, so that if a language The _______________ in the apartment below us were kicked out for not paying
lab _______________ is lost, we can replace it. their rent.
Random sampling ensures that everyone in a _______________ population has the The child has some violent _______________ that need to be addressed.
same likelihood of being chosen for a survey.
The _______________ in your stomach will go away once the medicine has done its
One of the most difficult _______________ in learning a second language is being job.
able to understand television or movies.
Free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of its surface
Their website features clips from a number of different songs to give people a little _______________.
_______________ of their music.
Some sea animals use their _______________ to sting their prey, paralyzing them
People have protested and complained about _______________ for about as long as before eating them.
The newly-married couple were _______________ when they were given a pair of
The latest attack has resulted in the _______________ of peace talks for the tickets to Mexico as a wedding gift from their parents.
foreseeable future.
Mosquitoes _______________ in areas where there is stagnant water.
Goethe once stated that nothing is more _______________ than ignorance in action.
With a sigh of contentment, the vampire sunk his fangs into his young victim's tender
He thinks his work is _______________ important, so he ignores everything else. _______________, and began to drink.
The first day of kindergarten in Canada was a _______________ experience for The main _______________ of his argument is that religion and science are
Yukiko because she couldn't speak a word of English. sometimes compatible.
Lions are very _______________ animals which will attack any intruders on their An earthquake caused a _______________ wave which destroyed a number of
land. villages along the coast.
What one person refers to as a _______________, another calls a freedom fighter. The _______________ of his office contrasted with the messiness of his house.
He was found guilty, thanks to the _______________ of the witness. Security is very _______________ at the conference where leaders of the
Commonwealth countries are meeting.
The _______________ which accompanies the photos provides a fascinating insight
into the creation of each image. The planet Venus does not _______________ as it goes around the Sun;
consequently, it has no seasons.
A determination to improve social programs has been a popular _______________
during the election. A human has _______________ bones meant for a tail, and unworkable muscles
once meant to move his ears.
I studied practical linguistics to become an ESL teacher, but some other people in my
classes were studying _______________ linguistics in order to do research. When going to a job interview, one good _______________ is to always look your
interviewers in the eyes.
Meditation can be very _______________ in helping to reduce stress.
The jellyfish can regrow small amounts of _______________ that have been
One way to minimize a hang-over is to drink a couple of glasses of water after each damaged.
alcoholic drink, _______________ preventing dehydration.
I can't remember the exact _______________ of this book I read, but it was
tidal theft intolerable thoroughly thrilled tight topic tones throat something like "Children of Midnight."
topple thrust title tidiness tilt tip tiny threatened thrive tissue tool
The level of noise in this city has become _______________. It's driving me crazy.
By putting a special device on the steering wheel of your car, you can greatly
decrease the chances of _______________ of your vehicle. The Chinese language is difficult to learn for me because it has a number of different
_______________ which change the meaning of a word.
It will require the services of professional cleaners to _______________ remove the
stain from your carpet. Audio-tapes are an essential _______________ in the teaching of a foreign language.
The boss _______________ him with dismissal for continually arriving late for A proper summary of an article does not include one's personal opinion on the
work. _______________.
There is a Chinese proverb which suggests that people burn incense before the god,
and then _______________ him. By the year 2000, there will be a recreational _______________ stretching from the
west coast of Canada, all the way to the east coast.
tossed torture transmission total tournament torched Tower tragic
detoxify trail traced tough transferral transactions towed traffic There is presently some concern over the security of credit card _______________
transit tracks transformations traditional which take place over the Internet.
The private homes of the leaders of the dictatorship were _______________ during The _______________ of funds from one account to another will take 24 hours.
the coup.
Some of the greatest _______________ in the history of life on our planet have
My children often like to _______________ me by playing their rap music in the arisen by migration.
In my opinion, the government should reduce the fare for city buses in order to get
We couldn't decide who would go first, so we _______________ a coin. more people to use mass _______________.
The _______________ cost of the project is estimated to be well over a million The _______________ of computer data along phone lines has been greatly
dollars. improved by the use of fibre-optics.
Spencer is known as a _______________ negotiator, so I don't think you'll have tremendously transportation treatment treads twins troops twists
much success getting him to back down. trembled trials tune trigger triumph tube typical transplant tribute
tumble treaty trust trendy tunnel traumatic trimmed
The _______________ is divided into categories depending on the age and sex of the
participant. If the chemotherapy treatments don't stop his cancer, they may have to do a bone
marrow _______________.
You may receive fines or your vehicle may be _______________ if you park
illegally. A group of parents organized _______________ for the high school graduates to
their party, so that no one would drink and drive.
The Eiffel _______________ is probably the most famous landmark in Paris.
The death of his daughter was the most _______________ event in his life.
They practise a period of fasting in order to _______________ their systems.
A Japanese proverb notes that he who _______________ the path of love walks a
The detective _______________ the footprints from the scene of the crime to the thousand metres as if it were only one.
butler's bedroom.
The _______________ my father received while in the hospital for heart surgery was
There are tire _______________ all over the grass from where some drunk drove simply excellent.
around on our front lawn.
The _______________ signed by the native people of the region guarantees them
In ancient times, the _______________ colour of bridal gowns was red. fishing rights in the river.
The _______________ of illegal migrants has become a serious issue in Canada. His voice _______________, and his hands shook uncontrollably.
The _______________ ending of the film "Titanic" made teenage girls the world It is _______________ important that we stop the forest fire before it reaches the
over break down in tears. power plant.
utilities unionization upsetting unity urbanized unification uniform
Sunglasses have remained a _______________ fashion accessory for the last fifty undergo uniquely urgency universal updated undermine uptight urge
years. utterances
Political prisoners in many countries are convicted in _______________ which In my opinion, the death penalty is the _______________ abuse of human rights.
violate internationally agreed standards.
It was impossible to achieve _______________ on this issue, so management has
The new Prime Minister paid _______________ to his predecessor, thanking her for decided to follow the wishes of the majority.
her great contribution to the nation.
My grandpa has to _______________ a number of tests in order to see if his cancer
If you apply pressure to this _______________ point on the shoulder blade, it will is operable.
help to release tension in the shoulders and neck.
Pesticides from farms have polluted the _______________ water supply.
Goats usually need to have their hooves _______________ about once a month.
Aggression and macho attitudes _______________ a lot of the violence in the sport.
This new machine is a _______________ of mechanical engineering.
Thousands of _______________ of enemy soldiers have been observed approaching Lowering prices now will just _______________ our publicity efforts at selling our
the capital city. product line as the choice of quality.
The children's inheritance from their grandfather is being held in _______________ A German proverb observes that he who _______________ to be his own teacher
for them until they turn 18. has a fool for a pupil.
He was unconscious, and had to be fed through a _______________ inserted in his Most people feel a little _______________ during a dental check-up.
Blue jeans have become the _______________ of the modern teenager.
Housing sales are expected to _______________ as a result of the increase in
mortgage rates. The cost of _______________ for the two Germanys was largely paid for by the
The boy was whistling the _______________ from a popular television commercial
as he walked to school. The recent _______________ of the factory has brought much greater job security to
the workers.
The prisoners dug a _______________ under the fence in order to escape from the
penitentiary. Her impressive skills, excellent education, and vast experience make her
There is a Chinese proverb which observes that it is not economical to go to bed _______________ suited to the job.
early to save the candles if the result is _______________. There is an Irish proverb which states that there is no strength without
The road leading up the mountain _______________ and turns around a number of
dangerous corners. According to anthropologists, there is a _______________ definition of human
The _______________ Canadian adult moves away from home between the ages of
18 - 20. Your father seems to be recovering well from his surgery, but we will keep you
_______________ of any change in his condition.
unanimity underground ultimate underlie undertakes uneasy usually
It was extremely _______________ for the murder victim's parents to see pictures of I like listening to _______________ kinds of music, but my favourite is rock.
the murder scene on the news.
The _______________ of the desert is impossible to imagine.
My boss is an _______________ sort of person who doesn't really know how to
relax. All _______________ traffic has been prohibited from the highway due to the risk of
a major avalanche.
Japan has become a very _______________ country over the last one hundred years.
The new discovery of a _______________ of high quality silver running through the
As your doctor, I _______________ you to cut down on fatty foods if you don't want rock here has generated a great deal of excitement in the mining industry.
to have heart trouble.
People in the capital are afraid to _______________ out of their homes due to falling
This is a matter of great _______________, and I hope you will attend to it without debris from buildings damaged in the earthquake.
The Olympic games are being held in a number of new _______________ built
The best places to eat in town are _______________ quite expensive. especially for that purpose.
The price of public _______________ such as electricity and gas are relatively cheap He has trouble expressing himself _______________ in French, but can read and
in this country. write the language quite well.
The lawyer for the defence has announced that his client will appeal the
A team of researchers studied millions of _______________ by native speakers of _______________.
English to determine the frequency of use of each item of vocabulary.
We have to wait until the _______________ of your credit card is complete before
Value various vaguely validity vanished versatility vain vertical ringing in your purchase.
verbally venture vastness vein vaccinations venues veterans verdict
verification version vehicular vessel Due to rapid advancements in technology, many of today's jobs require a great deal
of _______________ on the part of the worker.
Some parents refused to allow _______________ for their children, fearing negative
side-effects. The driver of the other car in the accident had a very different _______________ of
what happened than the driver of the car he hit.
The girl could _______________ remember seeing a car coming towards her, and
then everything was a blank until she woke up in the hospital. Fashion experts suggest that wearing clothes with _______________ stripes makes a
woman look thinner.
I bought my ex-girlfriend a huge bouquet of flowers in a _______________ attempt
to win her back. There is a Chinese proverb which states that when a large _______________ has
opened a path, it is easy for a small one to follow.
International observers question the _______________ of the election, given
widespread accusations of election fraud. There are not many _______________ of the First World War still left alive in this
A wise man once said, "_______________ your words. Each one may be the last."
violation visualize viability vigour virgins via viciousness victory vital
The magician _______________ in a puff of smoke, only to reappear inside a large veto vintage virtuous victim virtually virus vision violence village
box in the centre of the stage. visibility vitamins
In the American system, Congress can override a presidential _______________.
The night _______________ of tigers is six times better than that of humans.
Computers have allowed many people to work out of their home, communicating
with their colleagues _______________ e-mail and the Internet. It is very hard for children to _______________ their mother and father having sex,
and they often think that it is something their parents no longer do.
Increasing fuel costs are affecting the _______________ of the manufacturing
process. Studies show that _______________ vitamins and minerals have dramatically
declined in many fruits and vegetables today, due to modern farming methods.
The judge noted the _______________ of the attack, and gave the defendant the
maximum sentence. Instead of taking _______________ in pill form, it is better just to eat a well-
balanced diet.
The first _______________ of the electric chair took eight minutes to die.
vividness vocalized vow vomiting volunteer vulnerability volume
There is a German proverb which notes that on the day of _______________, no volatility voter
fatigue is felt.
The _______________ of the main actor's portrayal of his character made the play
The old man has the _______________ and stamina of a person half his age. come alive.
The bandits stole everything they could find, and then set fire to the The Prime Minister has _______________ his support for an increase to the health
_______________ as they rode off. budget.
This wine is the best _______________ to come out of this country in more than 50 The _______________ of these substances makes their proper storage imperative.
At the health fair, this guy was using a device to measure the _______________ of
I think having the press try to photograph the family of the victim during her funeral air you were able to take in with a single deep breath.
is a total _______________ of their privacy.
My neighbour works as a _______________ driving old people to the doctor or the
There is a Turkish proverb which says that when _______________ comes into the hospital when they need it.
house, law and justice leave through the chimney.
The most common symptoms of the flu are fever, _______________ and diarrhoea.
Not many women in my culture today are still _______________ when they get
married. Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy is a five-
minute conversation with the average _______________.
Police maintain that _______________ every panhandler on the streets has a drug or
alcohol addiction. The President made a _______________ that those who were responsible for the
terrorist attacks would be brought to justice.
He is a _______________, caring man, and is beloved by all his friends and
colleagues. Divorce can lead to feelings of _______________, and emotional insecurity in
An AIDS sufferer once remarked, "Sometimes I have a terrible feeling that I am
dying not from the _______________, but from being untouchable." ward whispered unwarranted waste wander weirdness warning waves
whisked weaken wealthy wage weapons whiplash wove wearily
Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning tap on your horn if Whereas welfare whip whereby
_______________ is limited.
Ralph Nader has suggested that the increasing availability of jobs that pay a living Our medical system, _______________ citizens pay monthly premiums, and then
_______________ contributes to lower rates in street crime. receive largely free health care, is considered by many to be one of the best in the
When a man died in ancient Egypt, the females in his family would cover their heads
and faces with mud, and _______________ through the city beating themselves, and There is a Russian proverb which observes that you do not need a _______________
tearing off their clothes. to urge on an obedient horse.
The young girl was made a _______________ of the court, because her parents were Generally, one should treat _______________ with massage or physiotherapy.
seriously neglecting her.
The suspect was _______________ into the police car, and taken away.
Someone once said that it may be that one's whole purpose in life is simply to serve
as a _______________ to others. "Good night " I _______________ as I put the baby to bed.
I think your fears are quite _______________; he knows what he's doing, and no one
will be hurt.
Researchers have found that negative events in our lives can actually The crocodile does not chew its food, but swallows it _______________.
_______________ our immune system for a short time.
Victoria offers visitors a _______________ range of choices of things to do and to
Canada is _______________ in natural resources. see.
There is a Mexican proverb which notes that where there are _______________, Support for the opposition party has become _______________ as a result of recent
there will be wars. government scandals.
The skiers trudged _______________ off to the chalet after another wonderful day One type of orangutans _______________ their faces with leaves after eating, and
on the slopes. parents teach the social skill to their young.
Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians wore sandals which they _______________ In my country, we recognize the _______________ that comes with old age, so the
out of leaves. elderly are treated with great respect.
The _______________ of the movie is what makes it so interesting. I make _______________ from my account almost every day using my bank card.
A recent study stated that corrupt politicians and greedy business people in the None of the _______________ wants to testify in the murder trial because they are
developing world are putting private gain before the _______________ of citizens afraid the suspect will kill them when he gets out of prison.
and the economic development of their countries.
A Greek proverb suggests that _______________ is the beginning of wisdom.
_______________ most substances shrink when they are cooled, water actually
expands. In ancient Egypt, onions were considered an object of _______________, and
symbolized eternal life.
Someone once said that love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes
the ride _______________.
There is a French proverb which suggests that women believe the strangest of lies as
long as they are _______________ up in praise.
Divers have been able to recover all the bodies from the _______________ of a
fishing boat that sunk off the coast of Newfoundland.
The rich old couple spent their retirement years _______________ around the French
The parents were _______________ encouragement at the children all through the
The potato _______________ more nutritious food more quickly on less land, and in
harsher climates, than any other major crop.
Two _______________ and one adult have been arrested by police for trafficking in
illegal drugs at a local high school.
Livia is a very _______________ student who asks lots of questions, and always puts
in a great deal of effort on all her assignments.
A local father who was angry after losing custody of his children following his
divorce has _______________ the two children, and fled the country.
There's a strange _______________ sound coming from your car engine; you'd better
get it checked out.
9. Many women who become prostitutes were sexually [abused] as children.
10. His parents sent him to a military [academy], because they thought he was getting
a little too wild.
1. The progress of the disease seems to have [accelerated] somewhat in the last week,
and his doctor is very worried.
2. There's something wrong with our Internet connection; I can't [access] my e-mail
3. We were able to find cheap [accommodation] in the heart of Athens, and spent a
week there visiting the city.
1. They found a cat that had been [abandoned] by its owners when they moved away. 7. People who are self-employed need to keep a close [account] of their revenue and
expenses for tax purposes.
2. A father who was angry after losing custody of his children following his divorce
has [abducted] the two children, and fled the country. 8. My wife keeps going to garage sales, and has [accumulated] a lot of worthless
junk that she considers to be a real bargain.
3. She has a natural [ability] in sports, and seems to do well in any sport she tries.
9. The [accuracy] of the winner in the Olympic shooting competition was almost
4. She got pregnant by accident, and wasn't ready to have a baby, so she decided to 98%.
have an [abortion].
10. His [accusation] of unfaithfulness caused her a great deal of pain.
5. That movie was an [absolute] waste of money! Don't bother going to it.
achievements acquaintance acquisition acquittal acknowledge activism
6. Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to [absorb] languages very adaptable actually add ached
1. When I had the flu, my skin felt very sensitive, and my muscles [ached] all over.
7. I don't really like [abstract] art, such as that done by Picasso. I much prefer
something more realist. 2. The politician listed all the [achievements] made during his time in office, and
asked for their support in the coming election.
8. Canada is known for its [abundant] natural resources.
3. Euripides said that the best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life,
[acknowledge] the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that on the phone or leave messages for them on an answering machine while away.
way, you are really a wise man.
7. Someone once remarked that [adolescence] is a period of rapid changes. Between
4. Franklin Jones once remarked that honest criticism is hard to take, particularly the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.
from a relative, a friend, an [acquaintance], or a stranger.
8. Scotland gradually [adopted] the English language, even though it was frequently
5. The [acquisition] of a number of original paintings by Vincent van Gogh was a at war with England throughout its history.
major accomplishment for the new museum.
9. An Italian poet once remarked to his love, "I would rather have you hate me for
6. A psychiatrist once observed that a woman has a much better chance than a man of telling you the truth than [adore] me for telling you lies."
[acquittal] on a murder charge, and if she happens to be a blonde, her chances rise
about 45 percent. 10. Jean Kerr once remarked that the average, healthy, well-adjusted [adult] gets up
at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible.
7. Political [activism] in the province has increased since Greenpeace exposed the
terrible logging practices of the large forest companies . advice advantage affair affectionate adventurer advertising afford
advocacy affect advance
8. The book was a little boring at first, but [actually] I found it quite interesting once
I really got into it. 1. Restaurants are usually happy to provide free birthday cake if you let them know
in [advance] that you will be bringing a group for a party.
9. Henrik has been able to survive in this business simply because he is so
[adaptable]; as things change, he changes with them. 2. When young children begin their schooling, it is a considerable [advantage] for
them if they are used to being separated from their parents.
10. A Chinese proverb tells us that riches [add] to the house, virtues to the man.
3. Ben is a true [adventurer]. He has climbed this country's highest mountain, canoed
adjust inadequate adult admired adore adolescence adopted addicted across the continent, and hiked through the Amazon jungle.
Administration admit
4. A comedian once said that [advertising] may be described as the science of
1. Bill Cosby once remarked that the main goal in the future should be to stop arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
violence because the world is [addicted] to it.
5. Don't be afraid to ask your uncle for financial [advice] if you need it; he's been a
2. Recent research suggests that children born to teenage mothers are more likely to financial consultant for a long time, and he knows what he's talking about.
be poor, and to receive [inadequate] healthcare and education.
6. Environmental [advocacy] groups are upset at the government's plans to allow
3. Former American president Jimmy Carter once said that we all must [adjust] to mining in the sensitive wilderness area.
changing times, and still hold to unchanging principles.
7. After a long [affair] with her married employer, Anna decided that she wanted to
4. He hopes to study Business [Administration] in Canada so he can take over his date younger, unmarried men instead.
father's company when he retires.
8. The new anti-smoking regulations [affect] everyone: smokers must now go outside
5. In Burma, children are loved and [admired], but one should never compliment to have a cigarette at all public buildings.
them, in case the spirits get jealous, and make them sick.
9. My mother wasn't very [affectionate] with us kids when I was young, so I'm not
6. According to a poll, 33 percent of dog owners [admit] that they talk to their dogs used to hugging and stuff.
on the White House.
10. Someone once joked that by the time a couple can [afford] to go out evenings,
they have to babysit with the grandchildren. 3. Many of the young people living on the streets of our city are kids who are totally
[alienated] from their families for various reasons.
agency aggressive agenda afraid agriculture aids aimed albeit
alarming album 4. The suspect's wife [alleges] that he was with her at home the night of the killing,
but a number of witnesses have placed him at the scene of the murder.
1. Borndarasophie was very [afraid] for her family in Cambodia when she first came
to Canada after escaping from that country. 5. We took our daughter to see an [allergist] because she starts sneezing whenever
we go to her grandparents' house, and we want to know why.
2. The [agency] which administers food banks is planning to expand to create a
larger organization to service all the needs of the homeless. 6. Members of the Opposition want the government to review its aid [allocation] for
Haiti in response to a recent report on human rights abuses in the island nation.
3. Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the
[agenda] at the international summit in June. 7. For many university courses, it is [allowable] to challenge a course if you think
you already know the material taught at that level.
4. Repeated studies of animals in the laboratory show that punishment procedures
usually result in [aggressive] behaviour. 8. Ogden Nash once remarked that marriage is the [alliance] of two people, one of
whom never remembers birthdays, and the other who never forgets.
5. University students who are interested in a career in [agriculture] may take courses
including animal husbandry, and basic mechanics. 9. The [alterations] to the motor suggested by the engineer have reduced fuel
6. Foster Parents Plan is a charitable organization which [aids] children living in consumption considerably.
poverty throughout the developing world. 10. Children in many countries are often forced to work in dangerous and abusive
jobs because they are poor, and have no other [alternative].
7. The President's speech was [aimed] at the people in his own party who had been area arose approximately approaching appreciable appropriateness
calling for his resignation. disapprove arbitrary appointed arguments
8. An [alarming] number of teenagers are continuing to smoke cigarettes despite the 1. He was [appointed] Canadian ambassador to France after retiring from federal
government's attempts to discourage the habit. politics.
9. After 10 years working for his father, [albeit] somewhat reluctantly, he finally 2. Everyone knows that coffee has caffeine, but some people don't realize that tea has
realized his dream of starting his own business. an [appreciable] amount of it, too.
10. Sharon kept a large [album] full of newspaper clippings of her favourite movie 3. Bertrand Russell once said that one of the symptoms of an [approaching] nervous
star. breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
alliance alcohol alternative alleges allergist alienated alterations 4. I really wonder about the [appropriateness] of making children stand in the corner
allowable alert allocation as punishment for getting a low mark on a quiz.
1. Police believe that [alcohol] was a factor in the accident which claimed two lives 5. The philosopher Voltaire once said, "I [disapprove] of what you say, but will
over the weekend. defend to the death your right to say it."
2. The Armed Forces have been put on full [alert] amid rumours of a terrorist attack 6. The Parliament Buildings tour is [approximately] 45 minutes long, depending on
how many questions are asked.
10. The children assembled on the school playground to hear the results of the final
7. At one time, [arbitrary] arrest and detention without trial were common features of races.
many military dictatorships throughout Latin America.
assumption assessment assists assured assigned athletically assets
8. Crime in this [area] has decreased considerably since the police increased their asserted association astonished
foot patrols.
1. The company president [asserted] his power in making the final decision.
9. Frederico Fellini once remarked, "Making movies is my vacation. All the rest - the
travelling about to premieres, the social life, the endless [arguments] with producers 2. The company is required to do an [assessment] of the environmental damage that
who don't understand me - that is the work." would be done to the area before beginning the project.
10. The charges against him [arose] as a result of his dealings with a company which 3. They have decided to sell off some of their [assets], and concentrate their efforts
is suspected of smuggling goods from Asia. on the clothing industry side of their business.
aspects artificial arrest arms arrange articles arrival assassination 4. The science teacher [assigned] each child to do an experiment which would be
assaulted assembled presented in front of the entire class.
1. The American government under Ronald Reagan was accused of trading arms for 5. Hockey player Wayne Gretzky got more [assists] than any other player in the
hostages in Iran. league got in total points.
2. We are quite busy today, but I'll see if I can arrange a meeting for sometime 6. She is a member of a neighbourhood [association] which is trying to stop the city
tomorrow morning. from allowing the company to build a highrise in their area.
3. Many people wonder why we continue to arrest young people for possession of 7. The [assumption] that birds are descended from dinosaurs has been brought into
marijuana, when studies show that it is less harmful than tobacco. question by new fossil discoveries in the last few years.
4. The arrival of the new president at the university has brought many expectations of 8. The Canadian government has [assured] the refugees that they will not be sent
change. back to their countries.
5. The Salvation Army is looking for donations of articles of clothing for the victims 9. You will be [astonished] when you see Stacey; she has cut her hair, and lost a lot
of the fire which hit a small apartment complex last weekend. of weight, and just looks gorgeous.
6. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that cities force growth, and make people 10. Janet is not very [athletically] gifted, but she has a lot of fun playing sports,
talkative and entertaining, but they also make them artificial. nonetheless.
7. William James once remarked that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes attachment Atmospheric attendance attacked attempt attitude
of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. unattractive auctioned attributed unattainable
8. In 1858, Italian revolutionary Felice Orsini threw bombs at Napoleon III in Paris 1. [Atmospheric] conditions were affected a great deal by the presence of volcanic
in an assassination attempt, but the emperor was unharmed. dust in the air from the recent eruption.
9. Police have not yet determined if the victim was sexually assaulted before being 2. Someone once said that the fewer clear facts you have in support of an opinion, the
murdered. stronger your emotional [attachment] is to that opinion.
5. Most department stores now have [automatic] doors for use by people in
3. During his famous radio address, Franklin Roosevelt announced, "Yesterday, wheelchairs or parents pushing baby strollers.
December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of
America was suddenly and deliberately [attacked] by naval and air forces of the 6. Someone once said that engineers like to solve problems, and if there are no
Empire of Japan." problems handily [available], they will create their own problems.
4. Philip Chesterfield once suggested that those who aim for perfection will come 7. Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy is a five-
much nearer to it than those whose despondency and laziness make them give it up minute conversation with the [average] voter.
as [unattainable].
8. The deaths of some villagers after the eruption of the volcano was [unavoidable],
5. Sony Corp. has begun an aggressive new marketing campaign in an [attempt] to for the simple reason that these people absolutely refused to abandon their homes.
become the number one seller of VCRs in North America.
9. Police are putting out road blocks every night during the holidays in order to raise
6. Luckily there was a doctor in [attendance] at the show when one of the performers [awareness] of the dangers of drinking and driving.
had a heart attack.
10. Lying to your friend was an [awful] thing to do. I think you should apologize.
7. The students in the class had a negative [attitude] towards learning because the
teacher treated them like idiots whenever they made mistakes. bare bankruptcy bail banned bargain bald background bang balanced
8. Moshe Waldoks once remarked that a sense of humour can help you overlook the
[unattractive], tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through 1. We need some [background] information on the company before deciding if we
the unbearable. want to work with them.
9. The sculpture was originally thought to be a work of Michelangelo, but is now 2. The man arrested for the attempted murder of a leading politician has been refused
[attributed] to a student of the master. [bail] because the court is afraid he will try to leave the country.
10. A number of sketches by John Lennon were [auctioned] off in London for
thousands of dollars. 3. Carl Jung once observed that even a happy life cannot be without a measure of
darkness, and the word "happy" would lose its meaning if it were not [balanced] by
awful authenticity awareness available authority authored automatic sadness.
unavoidable average audience
4. Comedian Bennett Cerf once said that middle age is when your old classmates are
1. Her [audience] has changed somewhat as she has made the change from a romance so grey and wrinkled and [bald] they don't recognize you.
writer to a mystery writer.
5. Officials of ancient Greece used seashells as [ballots], because once a vote was
2. The [authenticity] of the newly discovered composition by Mozart has been called scratched on the shell, it couldn't be changed.
into question by a music historian.
6. In Afghanistan, activities such as dancing, playing music, watching videos, flying
3. Dr. Spock [authored] a number of popular books on child raising in the 50s and a kite, playing soccer, reading magazines, and even using paper bags were all
60s. [banned] under the Taliban government.
4. There is a Yugoslavian proverb which states that if you wish to know what a man 7. He got a nasty [bang] on the head with a baseball bat while playing at the park this
is, place him in [authority]. morning.
8. A number of airlines have had to file for [bankruptcy] since the terrorist attacks on be sorely missed, but that we hope you enjoy your retirement.
the World Trade Centre made some people afraid to fly.
belongings behave bidder biodegradable benefits biased bitterly betting
9. Really, one year is the [bare] minimum of time during which one should expect to bizarre bend
make very little profit or even lose a bit of money after opening a new business in
this town. 1. When we go to Grandma's house, I expect you children to [behave]; don't run
around screaming and jumping on the furniture like last time.
10. There is a French proverb which notes that he that does not ask will never get a
[bargain]. 2. Any [belongings] left here by the children can be picked up at the lost-and-found
at the end of the summer.
bark barrier basis behalf bargain battle beg batch barrel bears
3. There is a Malaysian proverb which states that to [bend] a piece of bamboo, it is
1. The right to sit down and [bargain], even when you don't get the perfect deal, is the best to start when it is just a shoot.
fundamental right for which the international trade union movement has always
fought. 4. One of the [benefits] of studying English in Victoria is that you have the
opportunity to speak English outside of class.
2. We chopped down the tree, and stripped off the [bark] before beginning to chop it
into smaller pieces. 5. Paul was [betting] police wouldn't be setting up any roadblocks when he decided
to drive home from the pub after drinking too much.
3. The robber apparently held the [barrel] of the gun against the store-keeper's head
until he handed over the cash. 6. This company is obviously [biased] against women, because there are absolutely
no women whatsoever in senior management positions.
4. The students built a huge [barrier] of chairs and desks in front of the door in order
to keep their teacher from entering and handing out the test. 7. In 1993, an unknown [bidder] paid $945,000 at auction for the Oscar award won
by Vivien Leigh in the movie "Gone With the Wind."
5. John F. Kennedy once said that a man does what he must, in spite of personal
consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures, and that is the [basis] 8. We humans, like every other living organism, are essentially [biodegradable], and
of all human morality. when we die, we return to the earth.
9. The soccer game was a [bitterly] fought match between two teams that have
6. In 1944, a pharmacist in Florida invented the first suntan cream by cooking cocoa always hated each other.
butter in a coffee pot on his wife's stove, and then testing the [batch] on his own
head. 10. It's so [bizarre] that one day my boyfriend wants to break up, and then a week
later he tells me he wants to marry me.
7. The most important [battle] in Canada's history took place on the Plains of
Abraham, and was won by the English in about 10 minutes. bland blank blame blasting boasting blind blood blur blade blizzard
8. Although we have talked about the dangers of smoking to the students before, I 1. A Chinese proverb states that when fate throws a knife at you, there are only two
think the information [bears] being repeated. ways to catch it - by the [blade], or by the handle.
9. Bernard Berenson once said, "I wish I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, 2. My new boss always looks to put the [blame] on someone when there's a problem
and [beg] people to throw me all their wasted hours." instead of concentrating on working out a solution.
10. I think I speak on [behalf] of everyone in the company when I say that you will 3. Cooking experts say that steak must not be cut too thin before cooking, or all the
juices will seep out, and the flavour will be [bland].
7. Sam Walton once remarked that outstanding leaders go out of their way to [boost]
4. Author Gene Fowler once remarked, "Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a the self-esteem of their personnel because if people believe in themselves, it's
[blank] sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." amazing what they can accomplish.
5. The construction crew is doing some [blasting] at the site, so don't be surprised if 8. In some parts of Europe, if you cross a [border] between two countries on a
you hear a big boom. Sunday, there is no one there to show your passport to.
6. The Aztec Indians in Central America used animal [blood] mixed with cement for 9. I'm going to kill my little sister. She [borrowed] my new sweater without asking,
their buildings, many of which are still standing today. and then forgot it at school.
7. Brent is totally [blind] to the fact that his business partner has been cheating him 10. I can't be [bothered] making my bed every morning when I know that I'm just
out of a good part of his share of the profits. going to mess it up again at night.
8. We were supposed to visit our grandparents in Calgary last winter, but our flight breath brave branded bound brains boycott branch bounce Bragging
was cancelled due to a [blizzard]. boundary
9. We travelled all around Europe for a month, and we went to so many places that 1. A raisin dropped into a glass of champagne will repeatedly [bounce] up and down
everything seems like a [blur]. between the top and the bottom of the glass.
10. The suspect was arrested after [boasting] to an undercover policeman that he had 2. Andrew Carnegie once said that surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its
taken part in a murder. possessor is [bound] to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.
bombings bond boiling bothered bonus boom boost border borrowed 3. So seriously taken were land [boundary] laws that the ancient Romans executed
bone farmers who moved [boundary] stones, even if by accident.
1. In 1547, British law was changed to end the practice of [boiling] people to death as 4. A consumer group organized a [boycott] of produce grown at farms which used an
punishment for criminal behaviour. excess of deadly chemicals to grow their food.
2. There have been a number of recent car [bombings] in the area lately, believed to 5. Ann Landers once remarked, "[Bragging] is not an attractive trait, but let's be
be the work of anti-government terrorists. honest; a man who catches a big fish doesn't go home through an alley."
3. It is important for both parents to spend a lot of time with a newborn baby in the 6. Frank is the head of the team that is trying to come up with a new marketing
first few days in order to [bond] with the child. strategy, but the real [brains] behind the project is Sylvia.
4. Construction workers found the [bone] of an ancient cat-like animal while digging 7. The bank closed down its [branch] in our area, and now we have to go about 5
a hole for the new apartment building. miles from home to get money out of our account.
5. Yumiko said that in many Japanese companies, workers get a [bonus] worth up to 8. The young teenager was [branded] as a trouble-maker after getting into a fight
three or four months salary at the end of the year. with two different guys in the first week of school.
6. The end of the 1940s was the beginning of the baby-[boom] in Canada, a time 9. The child was not [brave] enough to argue with his teacher when he was blamed
when a lot of children were born. for something another child did.
2. Your son has quite a [bump] on his head from where he was hit with a baseball.
10. I think the record for the longest time someone held his [breath] under water is
around 8 minutes. 3. We went camping with a [bunch] of friends from school last weekend.
bribery briefly brilliance bruised broad brew bulk broadcast budget 4. Taking care of a puppy can be a real [burden] at times. They need to be walked,
brutally fed, played with, trained, etc.
1. My grandmother used to make us a strong [brew] of fresh ginger, lemon, and 5. The little girl was [bursting] with pride when her teacher showed her artwork to
maple syrup to drink when we had a cold. the class.
2. Unfortunately, corruption and [bribery] seem to be common in governments the 6. I couldn't find my homework, but finally discovered it [buried] under a pile of
world over. newspapers.
3. Stephen R. Covey once observed that motivation is a fire from within. If someone 7. Our company went [bust] after oil prices went up, and we could no longer compete
else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very [briefly]. with American companies.
4. The award-winning scientist attributed his [brilliance] in biology to his parents' 8. One of the speakers on your stereo is making a strange [buzzing] sound; I think
constant encouragement of his fascination with sea life. there may be something wrong with it.
5. Joseph Cossman once said that middle age is when your [broad] mind and narrow 9. According to a recently passed municipal [bylaw], any new large commercial
waist begin to change places. buildings that are built here have to include showers and lock-up space for bicycle
6. There was a live [broadcast] from the area where the fighting was going on, and
the announcer had to be careful not to get in the way of the soldiers and their guns. 10. American president Ronald Reagan once joked, "I have left orders to be
awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a [cabinet]
7. We were afraid that my daughter's ankle was broken during the soccer game, but it meeting."
was just badly [bruised] from a vicious kick to the shin.
cage capability calmly camouflage candidates campaigning calculators
8. The old man treated his dog [brutally], kicking it and punching it when it didn't cables Canvassers
obey him.
1. Apparently, engineers in Italy are considering holding the Leaning Tower of Pisa
9. Joseph E. Levine once joked that you can fool all the people all the time if your up with large steel [cables].
advertising [budget] is big enough. 2. The orangutan somehow escaped from its [cage], and spent the afternoon in the
trees surrounding the zoo.
10. The author wrote the [bulk] of his work in England, but only became famous
when he moved to the United States. 3. The children always use their [calculators] for their math homework, but it would
be much better if they figured out the answers in their heads.
burden bump bylaw bullied buried bust cabinet bursting buzzing
bunch 4. The young boy walked [calmly] into the principal's office to complain about his
1. Research has shown that children who are continuously [bullied] at school have a
higher rate of suicide. 5. The young man who attacked a local fast food restaurant was dressed in
[camouflage] gear, and carrying a rifle.
6. The Prime Minister is [campaigning] for the rural vote in northern British 10. The President has said that the earthquake is a national [catastrophe], and is
Columbia today. sending immediate financial aid to the region.
7. There will be a meeting this evening where the public can ask questions of each of cave cautioned chain caters ceases categorize ceremony cell celebrate
the [candidates] for mayor. challenge
8. The first umbrellas in Europe were made of wood or whalebone, and were covered 1. It's quite difficult to [categorize] his music because it's not classical, and it's not
with oiled canvas. experimental, it's something in between.
9. [Canvassers] will be coming to your door this weekend, collecting funds for spinal 2. Daniella has just joined a fitness club that [caters] exclusively to overweight
cord research. Please be generous. women.
10. Our new photocopier has the [capability] of working almost twice as fast as the 3. The Ambassador [cautioned] the President against making any public statements
old one. regarding the incident.
casual carvings catastrophe capital career captives cast cataloguing 4. Two young boys discovered wall paintings that were thousands of years old in a
casualties capacity [cave] in Southern France.
1. The hospital is filled to [capacity], and patients are having to sleep in beds in the 5. There is a Greek proverb which states that he who [ceases] to be a friend never
halls. was one.
2. Jerome wants to open his own computer store, but he doesn't have enough [capital] 6. Amanda Bradley once said one should [celebrate] the happiness that friends are
to do it just yet. always giving, and make every day a holiday.
7. The prisoner was locked up in his [cell] all day after getting in a fight with another
3. The terrorists are believed to be holding their [captives] in the basement of a inmate.
private residence somewhere near the airport.
8. I didn't go to my grad [ceremony] when I finished my degree because I don't really
4. He doesn't spend much time with his family because his [career] is the most enjoy that sort of thing.
important thing in his life.
9. Gandhi once said, "You can [chain] me, you can torture me, you can even destroy
5. When I was working in the far north, I saw many beautiful [carvings] made from this body, but you will never imprison my mind."
soapstone by Inuit artists.
6. Courtney Cox was originally [cast] as Rachel in the television show "Friends," but 10. Learning a second language is a [challenge], but with continued effort you can
wanted to play the role of Monica, and eventually got her way. make continual progress.
7. His [casual] attitude towards work has kept him from getting a real, steady job. chased character chaos channels chamber charmed charity chapters
chartered chart
8. Police fear more [casualties] may be found when firemen are able to get into the
rest of the burning building. 1. The diver had to spend time in a decompression [chamber] because he had risen to
the surface a little too quickly.
9. Tim's work at the observatory [cataloguing] stars has brought him a lot of
recognition in his field. 2. My neighbour has a satellite dish that allows him to receive over 500 different
television [channels], but there's still nothing good on. they could put in their mouth, and [choke] on.
3. Downtown Vancouver is in [chaos] right now, with hockey fans going crazy over 8. His doctor told him he has to be very careful about what he eats because his
their team's loss in the Stanley Cup final. [cholesterol] level is getting too high.
4. The author said that he generally started his books by quickly writing the first and 9. Why don't you [chop] up the vegetables while I grate the cheese for the pizza?
last [chapters], and then slowly filling in everything between.
10. Studies show that the average housewife walks 15 kilometres a day around the
5. The political campaign got ugly when the opposition leader started making attacks house doing her [chores].
on the Prime Minister's [character].
chunk circuit civil circulating cited claiming chronically citizens
6. The children went door to door asking for donations for a [charity] raising money circumstances clamped
for children living below the poverty line here in Canada.
1. My grandma is [chronically] ill with a number of problems typically associated
7. The audience was [charmed] by the speaker's friendly manner. with the elderly.
8. If you look at the [chart], you will see that sales have increased slightly in the past 2. The lion tore a [chunk] of meat off the dead zebra, and swallowed it whole.
3 months.
3. The device has an alarm in it which will ring if something breaks the [circuit], and
9. The Red Cross has [chartered] a number of planes to carry food and medical turns it off.
supplies to the region.
4. There is a rumour [circulating] in the office that the boss is going to be replaced.
10. The Prime Minister was [chased] from office as a result of the scandal.
5. Police are talking to a number of people in order to get more information about the
cheering cheated chemistry choke chewed cholesterol chill chat chores [circumstances] in which the murder occurred.
6. The couple [cited] irreconcilable differences as their reason for a divorce.
1. Why don't you stop by my office before you go home, and we can [chat] about this
new project I'm considering. 7. The [citizens] of Victoria have voted for a new mayor in today's municipal
2. My father [cheated] on his income tax by not declaring all the tips he received as a
taxi driver. 8. With tensions mounting between the different ethnic groups, the U.N. fears the
outbreak of a [civil] war.
3. The sound of [cheering] at the football game could be heard a block away. 9. A man [claiming] to be a police officer entered the home of an elderly woman, and
stole all her valuables.
4. Pollution in our environment is actually changing the [chemistry] of large bodies 10. The attacker had his arm [clamped] around the victim's neck.
of water. client clashes climb classified clicking classic clarification clauses
climate clinic
5. Rats had [chewed] through the cupboard to get at the food inside.
1. We will need some [clarification] from the head office before we can sign the
6. The children stood behind the trees to escape the [chill] air coming off the ocean. contract.
7. This toy is not recommended for little children, as there are small pieces which 2. There were a number of [clashes] between police and demonstrators during the
protest against the monetary policies of the World Trade Organization. the same day.
3. It's a [classic] case of displaced anger. You have trouble at work so you come 8. Celebrities who write their autobiographies usually do so in [collaboration] with a
home, and yell at me. professional author.
4. This data is [classified], and can only be seen with prior authorization. 9. I ran into an old [colleague] at a conference, and we went out for a beer after the
5. I always get confused between dependent [clauses] and independent [clauses] in
English. 10. Over 1,000 signatures have been [collected] on a petition asking the government
to preserve the land as park.
6. We could hear the [clicking] of the dog's claws on the kitchen floor.
colonial commemorate combative comfortable column comment colliding
7. A lawyer must defend his [client] to the best of his ability even if he himself combined commanding commence
doubts his innocence.
1. A young boy was killed after [colliding] with a tree while snowboarding on
8. The [climate] at the university is very tense these days, due to allegations of Whistler this past weekend.
sexism and racism among faculty members.
2. Foreign aid workers in developing countries often show a [colonial] attitude
9. If you put up some netting, this plant will [climb] up the side of the house, and towards the people of the country they are working in.
look really pretty.
3. She writes a cooking [column] for a popular weekly magazine.
10. The receptionist at the dental [clinic] told me I could get an appointment
tomorrow. 4. The politician was a very [combative] man, and he refused to give up even when
polls showed he was certain to lose the election.
colleague clue coarse collected clipped codes incoherent coincidence
coalition collaboration 5. High winds, [combined] with the dry weather, made the spread of the fire almost
impossible to control.
1. My neighbour [clipped] my cedar hedge for me while he was out working in his
garden. 6. I know this big couch is really old, but it's [comfortable], so I don't want to get rid
of it.
2. An important [clue] to the identity of the murderer is the fact that he smoked
French cigarettes, which are only sold in one store in this town. 7. Tiger Williams holds a [commanding] lead after the first round of the tournament.
3. The Conservative party is expected to form a [coalition] with a number of smaller 8. Celebrations planned to [commemorate] the discovery of the Americas by
parties in order to get the majority needed to form a government. Christopher Columbus have been met with protests by native people.
4. Cheap toilet paper is usually quite thin and [coarse]. 9. My holidays [commence] at the beginning of May.
5. I can't understand the computer [codes], so I can't fix the program I'm having
trouble with. 10. A police spokesman is refusing to [comment] on accusations of racism within the
6. The government's policy seems [incoherent] and unorganized.
comparisons commissions communication committee compact commodity
7. It was quite a [coincidence] that my neighbour and I both went to Disneyland on communism community companions commercially
1. I think that the Apple Computer was one of the first [commercially] available
machines that really popularized the home computer. 6. This government has shown itself to be totally [incompetent] in managing the
financial affairs of the country, and has increased our debt by 25%.
2. Salesmen in this store are motivated by the large [commissions] they can earn.
7. My wife has been using the Internet to [compile] some wonderful recipes from
3. The testing [committee] is working on new standardized examinations for each of cultures around the world.
the levels.
8. We [complained] to the waiter that our food wasn't cooked properly, so we got our
4. The stocks were once a much-desired [commodity] but have since lost over 70% meal for free.
of their original value.
9. Massage treatments can be used to [complement] conventional medical therapies.
5. The coach needs to maintain a good, honest [communication] with all his players.
10. He has a [complex] about his mother that makes him afraid to talk to women.
6. The collapse of the Berlin Wall was an important symbol of the end of
[communism] in Eastern Europe. components compromise compound comprised complicated compostable
computed compounds composing comprehend
7. He is well known in his [community] for his work in preserving historic buildings.
1. His family relationships are kind of [complicated] because both his mom and dad
8. These new [compact] digital cameras can fit in a shirt pocket. are divorced and remarried, and their new partners have kids too.
9. Frodo had three [companions] from the Shire, Sam, Merry and Pippin, with him on 2. They terminated their contract with the company after determining that some of
his journey through Middle Earth. the [components] that were being produced were defective.
10. You shouldn't make [comparisons] between your sisters; they each have their 3. Anna spent hours [composing] a letter to Frederick explaining why she no longer
own qualities. wanted to marry him.
competitors compatible compensation compelled compile complement 4. Please put anything that is not [compostable] into the garbage. The rest of it will
incompetent complained compassion complex be used for the garden.
1. My boss showed a lot of [compassion] by letting me take time off work after my 5. When mixed, the chemicals form a highly volatile [compound].
mother died.
6. Some scientists fear that there are many different chemicals in our water, mixing
2. His strong religious beliefs don't really seem [compatible] with the lifestyle of a and forming all kinds of deadly [compounds].
rock musician.
7. It's difficult to [comprehend] what would make two high school boys do such a
3. I felt [compelled] to work overtime to help my colleagues get the project finished terrible thing.
on time. 8. The concert crowd was [comprised] of a surprising variety of people, from punk
rockers, to businessmen, and retired couples.
4. My friend bought me supper in a restaurant as [compensation] for driving her to
school every day. 9. This government seems to [compromise] on everything. I don't understand why
they don't stick to their principles.
5. There were about 200 [competitors], but only half of them actually completed the
10. Social policy analysts have [computed] that for every dollar spent on helping 4. The pitcher walked [confidently] out to the mound for the last inning.
children at risk today, seven dollars will be saved in the future.
5. The soldiers have been [confined] to their barracks while the investigation takes
concessions concessions concentration concept concern conclusive place.
Concurrent conceal condemned concrete
6. I was offered a position with the firm this morning, and received [confirmation] of
1. He tried to [conceal] his anger, but I could see it in his eyes. my appointment as department head this afternoon.
2. The government has granted tax [concessions] to new companies which create at 7. There are reports out of the Middle East of a worsening in the [conflict] between
least 50 permanent jobs. the Palestinians and Israeli settlers on the West Bank.
3. The Prime Minister has made some major [concessions] to the provinces in their 8. The vast majority of people in this world [conform] to the values and traditions of
discussions on power-sharing. their own particular culture.
4. It requires a lot of [concentration] to study in a house full of children and noise. 9. The couple received letters of [congratulation] from all over the country.
5. Children basically have no [concept] of time until they reach a certain age. 10. The terrorist group is believed to be [connected] to a recent bombing in London.
6. Canada has expressed [concern] to the United States about its severe policy conscience consenting conservative conquer consistency conscious
towards Cuba. consists considerably considering consequences
7. DNA evidence has provided [conclusive] proof of the identity of the killer. 1. Emma fought to [conquer] her fear of flying so that she could take the plane to
visit her grandparents in Montreal.
8. The posts for the playground equipment have to be set in about 1 metre of
[concrete] in order for the structure to be safe. 2. My [conscience] is clear; I had nothing to do with their dispute.
9. [Concurrent] with his pop music career, Paul McCartney has also written an opera 3. Jeannette is very [conscious] of her weight, so she is careful about everything she
and a book of poetry, and put on an exhibition of his paintings. eats.
10. After the earthquake, a number of old buildings had to be [condemned] due to 4. It is legal for two [consenting] people to have sex if they have reached the age of
serious cracks in the foundations. 16 years.
confirmation confer conflict connected confession confined 5. The fun-loving students suffered the unpleasant [consequences] of spending too
congratulation confidently conducting conform much time partying.
6. We'll have to be [conservative] in our spending if we want to make our money last.
1. Although the official language of India is Hindi, there are 14 regional languages
that are officially recognized for [conducting] national affairs. 7. Jenna is [considering] moving to Japan for a year because she wants to be an
airline hostess, and needs to learn another language.
2. Not everyone could make it to the meeting, but we were able to [confer] with those
who couldn't come using our new tele-conferencing system. 8. He is [considerably] older than his wife, and will likely die while she is still quite
3. The suspect's [confession] was admitted as evidence in court. 9. The polar bear's diet [consists] almost entirely of seals and fish.
10. There is a noticeable lack of [consistency] in his work. One day he does really [contract] with a major record label.
well, and then the next day he can't seem to get anything done.
5. Life is full of [contradictions], such as pro-lifers who support capital punishment.
console constitutes constructed consulted constraints consistency contact
constant contain consumes 6. His view is completely [contrary] to mine. He thinks it's a great idea, but I think
it's stupid.
1. There is a noticeable lack of [consistency] in his work. One day he does really
well, and then the next day he can't seem to get anything done. 7. If we [contrast] the beliefs of our grandparents with those of our grandchildren, the
differences are obviously quite substantial.
2. Yona's friends did their best to [console] her after she saw her boyfriend kissing
another girl at the party. 8. I didn't have much to [contribute] to the discussion because I had been away for a
3. The [constant] noise of the construction going on next door is driving me crazy.
9. The government's plans to cut unemployment benefits are certain to generate a
4. Canada's aboriginal population [constitutes] a small but important part of our great deal of [controversy].
10. The prime minister has [convened] a meeting of cabinet to discuss new policy
5. The boss has turned down our request to expand the Research and Development initiatives.
Department due to financial [constraints].
convenience convince incorporate coordinator conversion convict
6. Bill Gates has [constructed] the largest computer empire in the world. converse cooperating core cope
7. I wish you had [consulted] with me before deciding to change everything. 1. Too many people are so spoiled by the [convenience] of our modern lifestyle that
they become overweight due to a simple lack of activity.
8. Our new washing machine [consumes] about half the electricity of our old model.
2. The old woman claims to [converse] regularly with beings on another planet.
9. Please feel free to [contact] me if you have any more questions.
3. The [conversion] of Eastern European factories into modern facilities since the fall
10. Many CDs now have warnings when the songs [contain] lyrics with sexual or of communism has been an expensive process.
violent content.
4. In order to [convict] the defendant, you must be certain, beyond a reasonable
context contemporary contaminated contradictions convened contrary doubt, that he is guilty.
contract controversy contribute contrast
5. My parents are trying to [convince] me to go to university in the fall, but I want to
1. The water here could be [contaminated], so you should boil it before drinking it. take a year off to travel.
2. Much of the [contemporary] music I hear nowadays just sounds like noise to me. I 6. The suspect is [cooperating] with police in their search for the bodies of his
much prefer the music of the 1970s. previous victims.
3. The newspaper took his comments completely out of [context], and made him look 7. The [coordinator] of the English Language Program is responsible for managing
really bad. the budget, and all personnel during each three-month session.
8. The police were not able to [cope] with the large numbers of drunken fans who
4. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a went on a rampage through the downtown core.
9. Scientists are now able to create conditions in the lab which produce greater heat 2. The children opened the door a [crack], and peered through to where their parents
than the [core] of the Sun itself. were wrapping Christmas presents.
10. Both of the major political parties in the province are working to [incorporate] 3. My brother's friend [crashed] his car while driving home from a party, and was
some key environmental policies into their platform. killed instantly.
corruption cottages correspondence counsellor councillors couples 4. When we came back to our picnic basket, we found that there were ants [crawling]
costume coup across the blanket, and into our food.
courage coughed
5. My bank has [credited] my account with the amount that was mistakenly charged
1. You should keep copies of all your [correspondence] with the government in case to us without reason.
you need to review it later.
6. The ship went down in stormy weather, but the entire [crew] was saved thanks to
2. Distribution of medical supplies to the refugees is being complicated by the quick work of the Canadian Coast Guard.
[corruption] among the local authorities.
7. Police have begun a [criminal] investigation into allegations the Premier accepted
3. The leading performer had to change her [costume] no less than 14 times during bribes from a local construction firm bidding on a large government contract.
the play.
8. In times of [crisis], one always turns to family for help.
4. Many of the beautiful old [cottages] in our little village have been demolished to
make way for a huge shopping complex. 9. We will be looking at different [criteria], but most importantly education and
experience, when hiring.
5. She [coughed] as she made her way through the crowd of smokers standing
outside the building. 10. Coffee is [critical] to the economy of Ethiopia, with exports of some $260 million
in 2000.
6. City [councillors] are discussing a plan to reduce panhandling in the city centre.
cuddled crucial cruelly crushed crouched crowned crops crunching
7. The school [counsellor] encouraged the students to send their applications to crystals cruise
several colleges to be sure of getting a place.
1. One of the major money-making [crops] of Southern Ontario is tobacco.
8. The leader of the army has been sentenced to death for his part in the attempted
[coup]. 2. We couldn't see the children, who were [crouched] behind the car, waiting to spray
us with the hose.
9. There were just [couples] at the party. I was the only single person there.
3. Many people hope that Prince William will be [crowned] king of England when
10. He is a bully, and only has enough [courage] to fight children much smaller than Queen Elizabeth dies.
4. It is [crucial] that you get regular exercise if you want to lose weight.
crack crawling critical cozy crisis crashed credited criteria criminal
crew 5. She treats her dog really [cruelly]. She never takes it for walks, and is always
yelling at it.
1. Make sure you are warm and [cozy], and I'll go get the wine glasses.
6. My neighbours went on a [cruise] around the world after winning a million dollars
in a lottery. ask him to turn up the heat?
7. The dog was noisily [crunching] the bones left over from our steaks. 2. My daughter is studying the life [cycle] of the butterfly in her elementary school
science class.
8. The old cars are [crushed], and then melted down for the metal.
3. It's really hard not to be [cynical] about this new government's promise to bring
9. Salt [crystals] look really cool if you examine them under a microscope. integrity back to politics, given their previous scandals.
10. The young girl happily [cuddled] her new baby sister in her arms, and sang softly 4. Frank really [damaged] his reputation by lying about what happened.
to her.
5. The clothes in the dryer are still [damp], so you'd better turn it on for another 15
cultivation cure curiously culture currents curly currency cursed minutes or so.
cushion curves
6. She [dared] me to jump off the roof of the garage, so I did.
1. The [cultivation] of tobacco is an important source of income for many farms in
Quebec and Ontario. 7. The most recent period for which [data] is available is between March and July.
2. He is quite interested in the [culture] of Turkey. 8. The terrorists have set a [deadline] of midnight for payment of the ransom, or they
will start killing the hostages.
3. Unfortunately, we can only treat his particular form of cancer; we cannot [cure] it.
9. The government is [debating] the possibility of raising taxes on cigarettes once
4. The people in the store looked at us [curiously] when we entered wearing our again.
monkey costumes.
10. I can't afford to buy a car. I'm already in [debt] from paying for university.
5. Fabio's hair is quite straight, but his moustache is actually very [curly].
decline debut decade decay decent decide declaration decorated
6. The value of the Mexican [currency] will probably increase with the election of a deceiving decrease
new government.
1. Tiger Williams has been a great success from the moment he made his [debut] on
7. A hiker was drowned off the west coast of the island when he went swimming, and the golf circuit.
was carried out to sea by the strong [currents].
2. Technology is changing so fast that a computer bought a [decade] ago for
8. I [cursed] myself for forgetting my swimming goggles when I got to the beach. thousands of dollars is totally worthless today.
9. I don't like women that skinny; I prefer someone with a few more [curves]. 3. The rise in unemployment, coupled with a cut to social programs has resulted in
serious [decay] in the urban areas.
10. Most cars today come equipped with an airbag to [cushion] the passengers in
case of an accident. 4. His tennis serve is very [deceiving]. It's not very fast, but it has a wicked spin, and
is difficult to return.
damp cycle cynical damaged debt deadline debating data dared
custodian 5. It is hard to get a [decent] education for one's children when the government
continues to cut the education budget.
1. It sure is cold in the building today. Could you please phone the [custodian], and
6. She couldn't [decide] whether her husband was angry with her or just stressed out
from work. 10. My daughter is considering studying graphic arts, but she hasn't made a [definite]
decision yet.
7. You have to make out a customs [declaration] of what is in your package if you
are going to mail it overseas.
dehydrated delegated delayed delivered delicate demands deliberately
8. There has been a steady [decline] in the number of refugees coming from Eastern delightful delicious degree
Europe now that the situation has stabilized there.
1. She got a good job in advertising after completing her [degree] in graphic design.
9. Vanessa [decorated] her son's birthday cake with smarties and, of course, 6
candles. 2. He became [dehydrated] during the game because he didn't drink anything during
the breaks.
10. The population of this country would [decrease] due to our low birth rate if we
didn't have as much immigration. 3. My sister and her husband [delayed] having children until they were able to afford
to buy a house.
definite defected defined defeated defaulted deduct dedicate defend
deduce deficit 4. You can get into a dangerous situation when certain duties are [delegated] to less
senior staff members who do not have enough experience.
1. The teacher has promised that he will [dedicate] an entire class to reviewing the 5. The city's fire chief has announced that the fire that destroyed a city block was
material that will be on the test. [deliberately] set by persons unknown.
2. By studying the handwriting, experts were able to [deduce] that the author of the 6. You should wash these [delicate] clothes by hand because they could get damaged
ransom note was a left-handed Asian woman. in your washing machine.
3. The profits are lower than they appear, because you have to [deduct] for the 7. She made a [delicious] drink using a banana, orange juice, milk, and frozen
administrators' extravagant achievement bonuses. blueberries.
4. The company has [defaulted] on its payments once again, and is expected to 8. We had a [delightful] time singing and chatting with friends at Robbie's wedding.
declare bankruptcy.
9. We have fresh organic fruit and vegetables [delivered] to our house once a week.
5. New Jersey [defeated] Dallas in 6 games to win the Stanley Cup.
10. My boss makes too many [demands] on me. I think he needs to hire more help.
6. A number of athletes from the communist bloc [defected] to Canada after the
Montreal Olympics. deported demonstrative depends denote democratically depicted dents
depleted denied departure
7. The father was seriously injured trying to [defend] his son from a vicious dog.
1. Decisions within the group are made [democratically], with an open vote.
8. The Ministry of Health has announced that it is operating at a [deficit], and is
urgently in need of additional funding. 2. Sue's children are quite [demonstrative] - always ready to give a hug and a kiss to
friends when they arrive at their home.
9. Moderate alcohol consumption is [defined] as no more than 2 drinks a day for
men, and no more than 1 drink a day for women. 3. Very fancy handwriting is said to [denote] an overly self-conscious personality.
4. Her son put a bunch of [dents] in their garage door by practising his tennis serves 9. Her face was full of [despair] after she heard of the death of her mother.
against it.
10. People in the war-torn country are [desperate] for food and medical supplies.
5. Sarah broke the vase by accident, but she [denied] having anything to do with it
when her mother asked her.
6. You should arrive at least two hours before your [departure] time for international
flights. destruction despite detachable details determination detectives detainees
developing deteriorating devastated
7. The amount of time needed to cook a salmon [depends] on the thickness of the
fish. 1. He won the badminton match [despite] the fact that he was playing with the wrong
8. In the book, the President is [depicted] as a very selfish, arrogant man who will
stop at nothing to gain power. 2. The [destruction] of habitat is being blamed for the decrease in the number of
butterflies we are seeing this year.
9. Many native plants have been seriously [depleted] by the introduction of exotic
plants which are taking over. 3. Roman statues were made with [detachable] heads, so that one head could be
removed and replaced by another.
10. A number of people from China tried to enter Canada illegally last year, but most
of them have since been [deported] back to their country. 4. Her 6-year-old daughter drew a wonderful picture of a jungle with incredible little
[details] of different plants and insects.
despair deposits depressed designed descended desire derive deserved
description desperate 5. The [detainees] are political prisoners, arrested for protesting against government
1. I make all my [deposits] to my account through the bank machine.
6. The [detectives] assigned to the murder case interviewed the suspect for over five
2. I always feel [depressed] after watching the news on television because of all the hours.
war and starvation in the world.
7. Weather conditions on the hill are [deteriorating], so the ski lifts will probably be
3. Gandhi once said, "As long as you [derive] inner help and comfort from anything, closing early today.
keep it."
8. The Prime Minister has reaffirmed his government's [determination] to improve
4. A feeling of tension [descended] on the party after the argument. the economy.
5. His [description] of the events leading up to the accident is somewhat unclear. 9. In 1993, 350 houses were destroyed, thousands of people displaced, and part of
London's last ancient woodlands cut down, all of which [devastated] the local
6. I think she [deserved] a higher mark, but she didn't get it because she missed a community, to build a six-lane highway which saves commuters six minutes of
week of classes due to illness. travelling time.
7. Our course at the University of Victoria is [designed] to help students with all 10. Birth rates in the [developing] countries have not shown a significant decrease,
skills in English, but with an emphasis on speaking and listening. despite their governments' attempts to introduce contraception.
8. Her refusal to go out with him only increased his [desire] for her love. device dialed dictation devoted diagnostic diapers deviate dialogue
diary devise 4. By the time he was ready to do something about his alcoholism, he had lost all his
[dignity], and was drinking cooking wine and aftershave.
1. The actors were given permission to [deviate] from the script, provided they
stayed in character. 5. The [dimensions] of the oil find are even greater than originally predicted.
2. She has this really cool little electronic [device] that measures her heartbeat and 6. The threat of war has [diminished] now that the government has withdrawn its
stuff while she's doing any kind of physical activity. troops from the disputed territory.
3. Leaders of the different teenage gangs are meeting today to try to [devise] a plan 7. The child [dipped] his toes into the ocean to see if the water was cold.
to stop the violence in their city. 8. The President has demanded an apology before full [diplomatic] relations can be
4. My grandfather was very [devoted] to my grandmother, and missed her
enormously when she passed away. 9. We had to drive along a [dirt] road for about 40 kilometres to get to the campsite.
5. We will be giving you a series of [diagnostic] tests to determine what English class 10. The government needs to do more to ensure that all public buildings are readily
you should be in. accessible to the [disabled].
6. Timothy felt really nervous as he [dialed] the phone number of a pretty girl in his discovered discard discrete disappointed disappeared discouragement
class. disaster discount discipline discreetly
7. The U.S. has begun a [dialogue] with the Russians in an effort to come to an 1. He tried to convince his teacher he had done all the homework, but that somehow
agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons. it had magically [disappeared].
8. We don't use disposable [diapers] because they're too wasteful; we use cotton 2. The children will certainly be [disappointed] when they find out we can't go to the
ones. movie tonight.
9. She keeps a [diary], and writes down the details of her dreams in it every morning 3. The party was a total [disaster]. Hardly anyone showed up, the stereo didn't work,
when she wakes up. and the food was terrible.
10. It is easier for secretaries to take [dictation] nowadays, with cassette recorders 4. During the brainstorming process, we don't [discard] any ideas until they have
and computers making everything simpler. been thoroughly discussed.
diplomatic differentiate disabled dignity dimensions dipped digestion 5. There have been a number of [discipline] problems in the classroom which must
diminished dirt diet be dealt with.
1. It is not good for your health to [diet] too often. It's important to eat well and 6. We offer high quality at [discount] prices.
7. High interest rates are a serious [discouragement] to buying a house these days.
2. A dog's keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colours, and
enables him to [differentiate] between things. 8. The stolen money was [discovered] in a paper bag in the freezer in the robber's
3. According to my wife, eating yogurt is very good for the [digestion].
9. Security personnel are armed, though [discreetly], so as not to alarm our
customers. showed widespread public support for the initiative.
10. A parent must be aware of the individual and [discrete] needs of each of her/his 4. When she finally saw her father, he seemed [distant] and uninterested in her.
5. The [distinction] between good art and bad art is often a question of opinion.
disgusted discriminate disposable disease display discuss disguised
disintegrated dismissed displaced 6. The Beatles [distinguished] themselves as perhaps the most important popular
musical group of the century.
1. This new drug is able to [discriminate] between healthy cells and cancerous cells,
and only attacks the cancerous cells. 7. There's something wrong with our cassette recorder; we tried to record our
2. The Prime Minister met with his cabinet today to [discuss] their plans for the conversation, and everything was so [distorted] that we couldn't even understand
upcoming conference. ourselves.
3. The [disease] of child abuse is a problem which must be recognized so that society 8. The driver hit another car when he was momentarily [distracted] by a child
can deal with it more effectively. running into the street.
4. It only took my son about two seconds to recognize me [disguised] as Santa Claus 9. Every Christmas, she works hard to [distribute] food and blankets to the homeless.
at his daycare Christmas party.
10. They are opening their workshop in the industrial [district] on the outside of
5. The other women in the office were totally [disgusted] by their boss' poor town.
treatment of the new secretary.
diving dizzy disturbed donate divided domain documentation domestic
6. The coalition [disintegrated] due to differences over how the government should dominant diverse
deal with the deficit.
1. Why don't you go lie down for a while in the living room where you won't be
7. The judge [dismissed] the charges, saying there was insufficient proof. [disturbed].
8. Tourism has [displaced] fishing as this province's principal source of revenue. 2. They went [diving] in Australia, and saw a shark!
9. This year's fireworks [display] was much better than last year's. 3. We have a [diverse] clientele in our language program, with students from Asia,
Europe and South America.
10. Can you pick up some [disposable] diapers for the baby while you're at the store?
4. In accordance with your late father's wishes, we have [divided] his estate equally
dissolved disrupted distant district distinction distinguished dispute amongst his grandchildren.
distorted distribute distracted
5. If you feel [dizzy] after giving blood, please let the nurse know.
1. The issue has been at the centre of a bitter [dispute] between the provincial and
federal governments for over a year. 6. You must send the necessary [documentation] to us before the office closes on
Wednesday afternoon at 5:00.
2. The meeting was [disrupted] by the noise being made by workers renovating a
neighbouring office. 7. Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed using different objects to make tools,
a skill previously thought to be the exclusive [domain] of humans.
3. Opposition to the government's new policy [dissolved] when the latest opinion poll
8. Police were called in to settle a [domestic] dispute that had become dangerously 2. The boy [drifted] into crime because his parents never seemed to care about him,
violent. or spend time with him.
9. He is a very [dominant] figure in the industry, so everyone listens to his advice. 3. A major oil company is [drilling] in Canada's far north with the hopes of finding
significant reserves there.
10. We should clean out the storage room, and [donate] a bunch of stuff to the
Salvation Army. 4. The sweat from his forehead was [dripping] into his eyes by the end of the game.
drafted dotted dozen dramatize drains draught doubtful dragging dose 5. After 2 years of [drought], the people ran outside to dance and celebrate once it
drastic finally began to rain.
1. He was born with a good [dose] of self-confidence which has never left him. 6. Two local men have [drowned] after the canoe they were in flipped over in high
2. The region is [dotted] with dozens of lovely little villages. seas off the coast of Vancouver Island today.
7. Your library book was [due] yesterday, so you'd better return it right away if you
3. It seems [doubtful] that he will get the job because he doesn't have a lot of don't want to pay a fine.
8. If people don't do more to recycle, the city is going to have to expand the current
4. There were about a [dozen] people at the party when I arrived. site of the city [dump].
5. Many young Americans who were [drafted] for service in the Vietnam War fled to 9. Other scientists have not been able to [duplicate] the results of his experiments,
Canada. and many are suggesting that he may have falsified his results.
6. Police are currently [dragging] the river to see if they can find the bodies of two 10. After arguing with her new husband on the airplane to Hawaii, the young bride
tourists still missing from the ferry that sank. remained silent for the [duration] of their honeymoon.
7. You shouldn't pour motor oil into the storm [drains] on the street because the water dutiful economically dust dynamic ecosystems earth eccentrically
there goes into the ocean, and will pollute it. earned eagerly echoed
8. A number of mothers staged a day-long hunger strike to [dramatize] the plight of 1. The room hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and there was [dust] on everything.
low-income families in our country.
2. In my country, a [dutiful] son is expected to take care of his parents when they are
9. This company is in deep financial trouble, so we're going to have to make some old.
[drastic] cuts to our staff if we want to keep from going under.
3. James is just the sort of motivated, [dynamic] person we need on our sales team.
10. During hot weather, bees will fan their wings at the entrance to their hive in order
to produce a cool [draught]. 4. The kids [eagerly] packed their bags for their trip to Disneyland.
drifted duplicate drowned drought dump dripping due duration 5. He has [earned] the respect of his colleagues through his hard work and honesty.
drilling dread
6. When the earthquake struck, we felt the [earth] move beneath us, and saw
1. The old woman was filled with [dread] when she saw the body of her husband buildings swaying for a few seconds.
lying on the kitchen floor.
7. She was dressed [eccentrically] in pants with a skirt over them, and a funny-
looking hat. elimination elite elements
8. The hammer fell to the floor, and the sound [echoed] throughout the silence. 1. I don't know how to fix the lights in the garage; I think I'd better phone an
[electrician] to do it.
9. This part of the country is [economically]-depressed because of the collapse of the
fishing industry. 2. The young bride walked [elegantly] down the aisle to where her future husband
was waiting.
10. As you wander down the beach, you encounter different tiny [ecosystems], each
with its own plant and animal life. 3. Aristotle believed that the universe is composed of 4 [elements]: earth, air, fire and
effort affect ego elaborate efficiently edge education edited election
elderly 4. The Prime Minister has [elevated] a former backbencher to the position of
Minister of the Environment.
1. Derek sat on the [edge] of the new receptionist's desk, and tried to strike up a
conversation. 5. With your marks, you could be [eligible] for a number of scholarships.
6. André Agassi faces [elimination] in the first round of Wimbledon if he loses this
2. They [edited] together some excerpts from his best films for a retrospective of his match.
7. The college is supposed to be for the brightest students in the country, but in
3. My children have not received a religious [education] of any kind, so they know reality, they are simply the children of the political [elite].
little of Christianity.
8. He felt really [embarrassed] playing soccer at school because he was the only one
4. The new anti-smoking regulations [affect] everyone because smokers in all public who didn't know the rules of the game.
buildings must now go outside to have a cigarette.
9. The rebels are holding staff members of the American [embassy] hostage.
5. She worked quickly and [efficiently], and was able to finish an hour ahead of
schedule. 10. The hunters [emerged] from the forest, carrying the carcass of a black bear.
6. The children made an [effort] to hide their disappointment when they found out enabled emissions emotions emergency empire empirically unemployable
the party had been cancelled. encountered encouraging emphasis
7. Professional athletes need to have a strong [ego], so that they don't get discouraged 1. Our son fell off his bike, and split his head open, so we had to take him to
if things go badly once in a while. [emergency] to get it stitched up.
8. The general did not [elaborate] on his strategy, saying only that we would hear the 2. Many people have realized that the [emissions] from cars are harmful to the
details when necessary. environment, and are taking steps to reduce their use of their own cars.
9. An [elderly] man had a heart attack on the bus this morning, and had to be taken to 3. Going skydiving was an incredible experience, with [emotions] ranging from
the hospital. excitement, to fear and wonder.
10. The Prime Minister is expected to call a federal [election] next spring. 4. In French, the [emphasis] is always on the last syllable of a word.
elegantly electrician emerged eligible elevated embarrassed embassy 5. Izzy Asper has expanded his publishing [empire] with the purchase of a number of
major Canadian newspapers. 10. [Enrollment] at the university has increased a great deal over the past five years.
6. They have based their hypothesis on [empirically]-based research done at the enterprising enthusiastic entertaining epidemic entire ensure entitled
University of Toronto. entity Environmentalists envy
7. His total lack of skills makes him almost completely [unemployable]. 1. Please [ensure] that you answer all the questions on the test.
8. The home computer has [enabled] many people to produce their own professional- 2. After hearing their music in a local nightclub, an [enterprising] young record store
looking magazines. owner named Brian Epstein went on to become the manager of the "The Beatles."
9. The astronauts [encountered] a colony of expatriate Martians while working on a 3. The movie is an [entertaining] adventure story set in the time of King Arthur.
neighbouring planet.
4. The students were really [enthusiastic] about visiting the chocolate factory for a
10. Two teenage boys were arrested and charged by police after [encouraging] an old tour.
man who wanted to commit suicide to jump off a bridge.
5. It seemed like the [entire] world was watching the television on the day Neil
enemy enforced endure endorsements energy enhance enormously Armstrong landed on the moon.
engaging engine 6. You are certainly [entitled] to your opinion, but I do not share your viewpoint in
any way.
1. There are a number of celebrity [endorsements] in Japan which feature well-
known American movie stars. 7. All the old houses on the street were being sold as a single [entity] for commercial
development of the land.
2. Students have to [endure] a lot of pressure during exam time.
8. [Environmentalists] are working to have the old growth forest set aside as park.
3. The Premier called Greenpeace an [enemy] of the province for their actions in
calling for a boycott of British Columbia wood products. 9. It's hard not to [envy] people who seem to have so much natural ability that they
are able to pick up a new sport almost without effort.
4. Hopefully, scientists will someday find a new source of [energy] which is less
harmful for the environment than oil or nuclear power. 10. The crack [epidemic] has claimed hundreds of lives in America's inner cities.
5. The ban on political meetings is being brutally [enforced] by members of the equate episode equipment equivalent erupt equity erotica eroding era
secret military police. errors
6. Police have long suspected him of [engaging] in the illegal drug trade. 1. This week's [episode] of "The Simpsons" is an hour-long special.
7. This weather is getting colder. You'd better leave the [engine] running to keep it 2. Many people [equate] Canada with snow, but in the city where I live, sometimes
warm. we don't get any snow all winter.
8. Reading in English is an excellent way to [enhance] your vocabulary. 3. He is saving up to buy himself some new football [equipment].
9. Céline Dion is a Canadian singer who has become [enormously] popular 4. We have a lot of [equity] tied up in our chalet that we never even use anymore.
throughout the world.
5. It is sometimes difficult for me to find words in English that are [equivalent] to
what I can say in French. 9. The Canadian embassy is working to [evacuate] its staff from the country before
the conflict gets any worse.
6. The post-war [era] in North America was a time of great growth and prosperity.
10. Your speaking [evaluation] is based on your oral test, in addition to 2 in-class
7. Our social safety net has been steadily [eroding] due to conservative social policies speaking tests.
practised by right-wing governments over the last couple of decades.
evidence examined excerpt eventually exaggerating eventful evil inexact
8. The art show included [erotica] from different cultures around the globe. evolved exchange
9. While rock-climbing, you need to remain very focused so that you don't make any 1. We had a really [eventful] day; we went to the lake by bicycle, had supper at a
dangerous [errors]. restaurant, went for a walk by the ocean, and then almost got in a car accident on the
way home!
10. The volcano has been smoking for weeks, and scientists believe it may [erupt]
any day now. 2. Our flight was delayed by snow, but we [eventually] got away about five hours
3. The prosecutor lost the case because he didn't have sufficient [evidence] to secure
a conviction.
escape evacuate escalated essential estimation escort ethnic ethics
estate evaluation 4. His novels always talk about the battle between good and [evil] that goes on in
everyone's mind.
1. Tensions in the region have [escalated] in the past few months, and the army has
been put on full alert. 5. The people of Venus have [evolved] over time into super-humans who are capable
of breathing under water, and communicating through thought waves.
2. The prisoners planned their [escape] for months before finally getting away.
6. Weather forecasting is a fairly [inexact] science; one can never be 100% sure the
3. My mom and dad are divorced but my dad still acted as my mom's [escort] to my weather report will be right.
7. Oh come on, Lulu, stop [exaggerating]! You're not dying, you've just got the flu.
4. Parents of elementary school children sometimes seem to forget that playing with
friends is an [essential] part of the social development of a child. 8. Detectives [examined] the body to see if there were any clues to the cause of
5. We visited an English [estate] which had been turned into a safari park, complete
with lions and elephants, to help the owner pay his taxes. 9. At my grandmother's funeral, my father read out an [excerpt] from a book that she
6. In my [estimation], his scheme won't work.
10. I bought this shirt here yesterday, but it's a little small. Can I [exchange] it for a
7. He has absolutely no [ethics] whatsoever, and will do whatever is necessary to get larger size?
excluded exile executing exhaust excitement excrete exists exotic
8. The former Yugoslavia is having a lot of problems with conflicts between the executive exertion
different [ethnic] groups in the region.
1. Professional soccer has failed to generate much [excitement] in this country.
6. He is a karate [expert], so don't get him angry at you.
2. The holiday message from the school principal [excluded] all references to
religion. 7. I got a notice in the mail that my driver's licence is about to [expire], so I'm going
to get it renewed at the motor vehicle branch this afternoon.
3. Trees are very important to our environment because, unlike humans, they take in
carbon dioxide and [excrete] oxygen. 8. You are going to have a lot of [explaining] to do when Dad finds out you took the
car without permission.
4. The terrorists have threatened to begin [executing] the hostages if their demands
are not met by midnight. 9. Using the Internet, the young boy was able to make a powerful bomb, following
[explicit] step-by-step instructions he found on some website.
5. They gave him an expensive [executive] briefcase as a gift on his fifth anniversary
with the company. 10. This material is quite [explosive], and should be handled with extreme caution.
6. Many athletes report feeling pleasant drug-like sensations as a result of extreme external extremists expresses extraordinary exploratory exploitation
[exertion]. exposing extensive exports extract
7. The smell from the [exhaust] pipe is coming in the car; roll up the windows. 1. The [exploitation] of children in developing countries will continue as long as
people are willing to buy products at a low price without caring about why they are
8. Former Chilean president Augusto Pinochet fled to [exile] in England to avoid so cheap.
being charged with crimes against humanity.
9. Sometimes I wonder if intelligent life [exists] on other planets, or even on this 2. She had to have [exploratory] surgery to determine the extent of her injuries.
planet for that matter. 3. Beef [exports] from Britain have decreased substantially since the mad cow
disease scare of a few years ago.
10. There are a number of restrictions in place on the importation of [exotic] fruits
and vegetables. 4. The old man was arrested by police for [exposing] himself to little children at a
experimenting expert experience explicit explosive expense unexpected
expansion explaining expire 5. A little boy's first attraction to a little girl sometimes [expresses] itself in
somewhat aggressive behaviour as a means of getting attention.
1. Scientists now say that the continued [expansion] of the universe will not last
forever, and that the universe will actually someday start to shrink. 6. He has [extensive] experience working with troubled teenagers, and will be a great
help in our project to help street kids get back on the right track.
2. Jim's promotion was totally [unexpected], given that the guy is the laziest person
in the office. 7. The [external] walls of their house on the coast are being destroyed by the salt air.
3. Many British Columbia wines offer excellent quality at very little [expense]. 8. Too many large corporations [extract] incredible profits from factories producing
goods in the Third World, where workers are paid as little as $2.00 a day.
4. I don't think I'll get the job because they want someone with a lot of [experience],
and I've only been working in the field for a year. 9. The fall of the Berlin Wall was an [extraordinary] event in the political history of
5. We have been [experimenting] with different kinds of vegetable drinks since we
bought an electric juicer. 10. Those calling for the immediate resignation of the president are simply
[extremists] who do not truly believe in the process of democracy.
passports and other documents for illegal migrants to our country.
fabulous facility factions fad factory factor faded facilitate fact fabric
6. Why don't you just walk around the offices, and [familiarize] yourself with the
1. Decades of conflict between the different ethnic groups have destroyed the social routine here before trying to get any work done today?
[fabric] of the country.
7. He is a hugely [famous] badminton player in Malaysia, but here in Victoria no one
2. The children have done a [fabulous] job of cleaning up the playroom. had any idea who he was.
3. The government is looking for ways to [facilitate] foreign investment in our 8. I think Robert [fancies] a girl in his class, because his teacher says he follows her
country. everywhere.
4. Our neighbourhood swimming pool is a wonderful [facility], with a wave pool, 9. He has this [fantasy] of meeting the perfect woman, but what he needs to do is to
diving boards, a huge water slide and lots of equipment for small children to play on. be a little more tolerant of others' imperfections.
5. It is a simple [fact] that the death penalty has never been shown to deter violent 10. When you visit Saltspring Island, you only have to pay a one-way [fare] because
crime. the ferry is free on the way back.
6. The U.S. has been making lots of money selling arms to the different [factions] at fear fascists fate fascination fatal fashionable feasibility faults fax
war in the region. favourable
7. Carl fears that race may have been a [factor] in the company's decision not to
promote him. 1. Tim's boyhood [fascination] with the stars eventually led him to a career as an
8. He got a job working in his uncle's leather [factory] punching holes in belts and
shoes. 2. Protestors against globalism are confronting the [fascists] of the corporate elite.
9. She tried some [fad] diet, but instead of losing weight she just got sick. 3. When I was a teenager, long hair was [fashionable], but nowadays short hair is
more popular.
10. The sound of music [faded] into the distance as we drove slowly home.
4. The police are outraged at the [fatal] stabbing of an officer who stopped a car for
fainted faked familiarize unfaithfulness fare failed famous falsifying speeding.
fantasy fancies
5. We do not yet know the [fate] of the 150 passengers of the plane that crashed into
1. The Conservative party [failed] to win a single seat in Ontario in last month's the Atlantic.
federal election.
6. You need to overlook your spouse's minor [faults] if you want your marriage to
2. The old woman [fainted] when she heard the news that her husband had been hit succeed.
by a car.
7. The movie has received [favourable] reviews from all the major newspapers.
3. His accusation of [unfaithfulness] caused her a great deal of pain.
8. The [fax] you sent me was blank. Could you try sending it again?
4. The player [faked] to the left, and then ran to the right around the defender.
9. His [fear] of failure causes him a lot of stress before every exam.
5. A group of men have been arrested by Immigration Canada for [falsifying]
10. The local government has commissioned a [feasibility] study to determine if it is [Festival] in 1965.
worth trying to renovate some of the historic buildings downtown.
finals fetch fetus fierce feverishly filtering fiction field figures files
3. Yuki worked [feverishly] from the minute classes ended until well past midnight
feature fee feminine fellows federation fence fermented fertile to get her presentation ready for the next day.
feedback Festival
4. The conflict between English and French has always been a popular theme in
1. The most interesting [feature] of the bedroom was the bed that folded up into the [fiction] in this country.
5. The quarterback was injured on the play, and had to be helped from the [field].
2. A [federation] of university students is working to convince the government to
invest more money in post-secondary education in this country. 6. The climbers were forced to abandon their attempted ascent of Everest due to
[fierce] storms which threatened to cover them with several inches of snow.
3. If you want to register for the program, you must pay an application [fee] of $50
by January 3rd. 7. The government is set to announce the latest unemployment [figures] showing the
success of their job creation programs.
4. It is important for parents to receive regular [feedback] from teachers regarding
their children's progress at school. 8. We will put your resumé in our [files], and if anything comes up, we'll give you a
5. One of the [fellows] that I met at the bar used to go to school with my son.
9. Some whales eat by [filtering] water through their mouths, and swallowing the
6. Why do people say that strength is masculine, and tenderness is [feminine]? I don't small animals that are trapped by a structure known as the baleen.
think one should describe those qualities in that way.
10. The results of the next race will decide who will be in the [finals].
7. The farm is surrounded by an electrical [fence] to keep the cows from wandering
8. After the plums fell off the tree, they just lay on the ground, and [fermented], so
when the birds ate them, they got a little drunk, and some of them flew into our
living room window.
9. Children have a [fertile] imagination which must be encouraged in order for them
to become creative adults. flapping finite fitted flavours flames firm fiscal flat financial flashing
10. The Beatles' second film, "Help!," won first prize in the Rio de Janeiro Film 1. The resignation of the senior administrator is seen as an acknowledgement that the
company is in serious [financial] difficulty. 6. The dolphin jumped high into the air, did a backwards [flip], and then came up
again with a ball on its nose, to the cheers of the spectators.
2. We have only a [finite] amount of time to work on this, so we'd better get started.
7. When I was a little boy, I used to enjoy spending time at the park watching sticks
3. The [firm] where my uncle works hands out generous bonuses to all its employees [float] down the stream, and chasing after them.
at Christmas time.
8. The [flooding] of the Red River in Manitoba a few years back caused millions of
4. We need to spend the rest of the money in our budget before the end of the [fiscal] dollars in damage.
year, or management will reduce our budget for next year.
9. Many movies which [flop] at the cinema become popular when made available on
5. Karla is at her mom's place getting [fitted] for her wedding dress. video.
6. A small fire started in a local park this morning, but the [flames] were quickly put 10. The actress threw her scarf over her shoulder with a [flourish], and sped off in her
out by police. sports car.
7. The little boy was running around the room, [flapping] his arms, and pretending he
was a bird.
9. There was no wind, so the lake was completely [flat] when we went canoeing.
10. We took the children for ice cream at a shop that has over 30 different [flavours],
including bubblegum and watermelon. fluctuating forbids fluids fold focus flushed fondness flowing foolishly
1. Traffic is once again [flowing] smoothly now that the accident has been cleared
flung flop fleet flicked float flexible flip flooding flourish fleeing
2. His temperature has been [fluctuating] somewhat all day, but it hasn't gone too
1. Women [fleeing] an abusive relationship are encouraged to contact the Ministry of high as of yet.
Human Resources for help and support.
3. Get lots of rest, and drink plenty of [fluids], and you should be feeling much better
2. The submarine was silently following a [fleet] of enemy destroyers. within a couple of days.
3. My hours are quite [flexible] in my job; as long as I get the work done, the 4. The young girl's face [flushed] with embarrassment when her new boyfriend
administration doesn't care when I do it. kissed her in front of her friends.
4. The child's glance [flicked] around the room full of toys. 5. My photos didn't turn out very well. I think my hand must have been shaking a
little bit because they're all out of [focus].
5. The players were so tired at the end of the game that they [flung] themselves down
on the grass, and lay there panting for air. 6. Before you [fold] the omelette, add some cheese and the fried mushrooms.
7. The old man had a real [fondness] for cats, and would take care of any cat people reduce their nuclear arsenals without either side gaining any advantage.
would find and bring to him.
8. He [foolishly] tried to drive home from the pub, thinking he could bluff his way
through the police roadblock.
10. The owners of the movie theatre chain are trying to [force] their employees to
take a cut in salary.
8. First, I will [format] your hard drive to erase the data, and then I will load 9. My sister [fractured] my father's rib when she ran into him while playing squash.
Windows onto your computer.
10. My grandmother is really old, and her bones are [fragile] because she didn't get
9. [Former] American president Bill Clinton was involved in a big sex scandal with a enough calcium in her diet when she was growing up.
White House aide.
10. The U.S. and Russia must find some [formula] which will allow both sides to
getting a single reply from anyone.
frantically fragmented frames fragrances frequency frauds freshness
freak frown framework 2. The largest part of a rocket is simply a reservoir for holding the vast amounts of
[fuel] needed to get the rocket past our Earth's gravitational pull.
1. Over the centuries, the Christian religion has [fragmented] into countless different
churches, each with their own interpretation of the Bible. 3. She gets a feeling of [fulfillment] from doing volunteer work.
2. Employees are asked to refrain from wearing any perfumes or [fragrances] which 4. Our dog is very old, and has lost control of his bodily [functions], so we're going
may bother others in the office. to have to have him put to sleep.
3. We sanded down the window [frames] to expose the beautiful wood hidden under 5. Would you like to contribute to a [fund] we have started to help victims of the
the paint. earthquake in Italy?
4. The curriculum guide provides a [framework] for new teachers to refer to when 6. The American democratic system is [fundamentally] different from the British
making lesson plans. system.
5. The cat was accidentally shut up in the closet, and [frantically] started scratching 7. You'd better not tell your brother you broke his new CD player; it would only
at the door, and tearing at the clothes in its efforts to get out. [infuriate] him.
6. If you ask me, these psychics who appear on television are a bunch of [frauds] 8. Our prime minister is an incompetent leader. [Furthermore], his government is
who exploit people's gullibility. financially irresponsible.
7. The fishing boat sank in a [freak] storm off the coast of Newfoundland. 9. We never made a [fuss] over birthdays in our house. We just had a simple dinner,
with a small cake, and a couple of small presents.
8. Deaths due to drunk driving have decreased somewhat in [frequency] due to an
aggressive public-awareness campaign. 10. Today, on the occasion of the marriage of our oldest child, we are happy in
knowing that we have not lost a daughter; we have [gained] a son-in-law.
9. Keeping your bagels in a paper bag which is itself inside a plastic bag, will help
ensure [freshness] for at least 3 days.
10. The little boy's smile turned to a [frown] when he opened his present, and saw
that it was just socks and underwear. gamble gap gallery gangs gather gauge gazing gasp gear gender
2. Calling an election right now is a big [gamble] for the government, with polls
showing the opposition party growing in popularity.
fuel functions infuriate fund fundamentally frustrating fulfillment fuss 3. Los Angeles is experiencing serious problems with violence between [gangs] of
gained Furthermore youths in the inner city neighbourhoods.
1. It is very [frustrating] to put in job applications at places all over town without 4. The [gap] between the rich and the poor in this country seems to be growing due to
the conservative financial policies of the current government.
7. You have to be careful with your body language in a foreign culture because a
5. The motor gave a last [gasp], and then stopped completely. [gesture] which is friendly in one country, may be considered very rude in another.
6. Why don't you [gather] up your stuff while I get the car warmed up? 8. People in the village believe that the [ghost] of the murdered man still walks the
streets at night, looking for his killer.
7. Use a pressure [gauge] to make sure you don't put too much air in your tires.
9. The ice-skating arena in Duncan features a [giant] hockey stick as a decoration on
8. The young girl sat [gazing] at herself in the mirror, and thinking about how she the outside of the building.
looked before her accident.
10. The audience didn't really laugh much during the movie, but they [giggled]
9. Police in full riot [gear] were called in to break up the demonstration. sometimes.
10. There is prejudice everywhere, against other races, the opposite [gender], those
who are older, younger, shorter, poorer, richer, less educated, etc.
1. She was fascinated by the [glamour] of showbiz, and loved to read about the
private lives of film stars.
2. Can you take a quick [glance] at my essay, and see if it looks okay to you?
giggled general genetically giant generation gentle generosity ghost 3. The old cat [glared] at the kitten, and hissed when it tried to approach her.
gesture genuinely
4. The computer exhibition offered a brief [glimpse] into the technological wonders
of the future.
1. I read somewhere that chimpanzees are [genetically] more similar to man than a
zebra is to a horse. 5. As I was skiing down the hill, the snow [glittered] in the afternoon sun like a
million tiny diamonds.
2. Even though I disagree with his views in [general], I have to admit that he may be
right on this specific issue. 6. An increase in smog throughout the world is believed to be responsible for
[global] warming.
3. Before dying, salmon return to the river where they were born to lay eggs, which
will hatch to become the next [generation] of salmon. 7. The workers became pretty [gloomy] when they heard that the company was going
to be laying off staff.
4. David Lam is known for his [generosity] in supporting a number of charitable
causes in our province. 8. These old churches are designed to fill the faithful with wonderment and fear at
the [glory] of God.
5. Her father was a very [gentle] man who never got mad at anyone.
9. When we shone the flashlight under the bed, we could see the eyes of the cat
6. I think Margaret was [genuinely] upset that you didn't phone her last night. [glowing] at us.
drug video.
10. It seemed like all of Canada was [glued] to their televisions during the men's gold
medal Olympic hockey game.
1. Sophie wants to study [graphic] arts in college, with the eventual goal of a career
in advertising.
2. Marion was a greedy, [grasping] woman who had obviously married for money.
3. The people of Holland are very [grateful] to the Canadian soldiers who helped to
graces governed grant goals gorgeous gradual grain gossip grabbed liberate their country during the Second World War.
4. The family stood beside the [grave] of the old man, and talked about all the
1. If you want to succeed, you need to set yourself some [goals], and then make plans wonderful times they had spent together.
on how to achieve them.
5. The fields have been [grazed] by sheep, and are getting quite bare.
2. The view of the mountains was [gorgeous] as we stood on the shore, looking over
the ocean. 6. The collective [greed] of mankind has resulted in a planet where our resources are
being used up at an alarming rate.
3. I would never tell Georgia anything personal because she is such a [gossip] that
everyone would hear about it within a few days. 7. He was [grievously] injured in the battle, and later died in hospital.
4. Mexico was [governed] by the same political party throughout its entire history, 8. She rubbed the steak with olive oil and garlic, and [grilled] it until it was juicy and
until the election of Vicente Fox. flavourful.
5. The thief [grabbed] the money from the cash register, and ran out of the store. 9. Everyone was [grinning] at me when I arrived, so I knew I had won the award.
6. In my grandmother's time, it was important for a young woman to learn the social 10. The rock climber lost his [grip], and would have fallen to his death had he not
[graces] if she wanted to marry a good man. been held by the rope.
7. The principal has called an assembly for [grade] twelve students at noon to discuss
plans for the graduation party.
10. The students of a local high school have just won a [grant] to produce an anti- guts guerrilla growl guidelines guide gross guilt guarantee groaned
guard international business.
1. The young man [groaned] in pain when the doctor checked his injured arm. 5. I know that it's difficult, but I'm confident that you'll be able to [handle] it.
2. He made this really [gross] meal out of all the left-overs in his fridge. 6. Bank cards are really quite [handy] because they mean you can get money at any
time of the day or night.
3. The hunter became frightened when he heard a [growl] coming from the bushes.
7. Sexual [harassment] in the workplace is an important issue in our society.
4. A decrease in interest rates does not [guarantee] an increase in housing sales,
especially if unemployment is high. 8. Our hotel room had a balcony with a view over the [harbour], so we sat outside in
the evening, and watched the sailboats and fishing boats coming in for the night.
5. While one robber went into the bank, his partner stood [guard] outside, watching
for the police. 9. Your father [hardly] slept at all last night because his back was hurting so much.
6. Many former [guerrilla] fighters became important figures in the Sandinista 10. Scientists originally claimed that Agent Orange, a chemical used to kill plants,
government of Nicaragua following the fall of the Somoza regime. was [harmless] for people, but now we know that it causes cancer.
7. If you buy this incredible new exercise machine today, we'll throw in a 200-page
workout [guide] as a bonus, at no extra cost.
8. The doctor gave me some helpful [guidelines] for setting up a diet that will help
me to lose weight, and keep it off.
9. The child's mother was filled with [guilt] after her son burned himself trying to get
something off the stove.
10. It takes a lot of [guts] to jump out of an airplane for the first time. headquarters hasty hassle hauled headlines harvest harsh hatchery
haunts hazardous
10. The firm's [headquarters] are in Toronto, but they have branches all over North
hired hollow homosexuality hiss holy horns hopped hinting honesty
3. Add one [heaping] tablespoon of sugar to the mixture once it has started to boil. 5. Jerusalem is considered a [holy] city by Jews, Muslims and Christians alike.
4. The Catholic religion holds that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin her 6. I hope that some day [homosexuality] will be simply seen as another way of being,
entire life: [hence] it would have been impossible for Jesus to have brothers or not as some kind of sickness or sign of immorality.
7. One of the most important principles in business is [honesty], because you must
5. A couple of lions were silently stalking a small [herd] of zebras at the waterhole. have the confidence of your clients.
6. The firefighters were praised for their [heroic] efforts in saving everyone in the 8. When Sears took over Eaton's department stores, the owners agreed to [honour]
blaze that destroyed a large apartment building. any Eaton's gift certificates sold to customers prior to the take-over.
7. I [hesitate] to recommend him for the job, because although he has a good 9. The little girl [hopped] up the steps to the school door.
education, he has very little work experience.
10. Every year, a number of tourists are injured by the [horns] of the bulls during the
8. Very few women have been able to penetrate the male-dominated [hierarchy] of annual running of the bulls through the streets of Pamplona, Spain.
most large corporations.
hunting idealist identify idiot hypothetical humorous ideological ignore
identical ignorance
4. Lance always becomes [hostile] towards his boss after he has had a bit to drink. 4. Ursula is a total [idealist] who can't seem to understand that people are not always
nice and honest.
5. The child [howled] with fear when he saw the big dog.
5. They live in a housing development where all the homes look [identical].
6. When my mother took me to the airport to come to Canada, she gave me a big
[hug], and started to cry. 6. The woman was unable to [identify] the man who stole her purse because it had
been too dark at the time of the robbery.
7. The Titanic was a [hugely] successful movie, one of the most profitable in the
history of the cinema. 7. The [ideological] differences in the party have resulted in divisions that may
actually result in an eventual split.
8. Even when we were in the forest far from the traffic, we could hear cars
[humming] by on the highway. 8. She felt like an [idiot] when she tried to speak Italian, and all the children laughed
at her.
9. Despite the fact that Mahatma Gandhi was a very great man who changed history,
he always remained a very [humble] person. 9. Discrimination is usually based on [ignorance] of other cultures or lifestyles.
10. The little boy hid under the teacher's desk in [humiliation] after wetting his pants 10. The government will find it hard to [ignore] the strong public opposition to the
in class. plan.
1. The fact that marijuana is now used in some medicines [illustrates] how stupid our
current drug laws are.
3. Were you [implying] that I stole some equipment when you mentioned that things
2. One of the most important [images] of the fall of communism in the 1980s was the always went missing when I was in the office?
destruction of the Berlin Wall.
4. Farmers are very upset about the [importation] of American vegetables at a time
3. Stewart is a very [imaginative] little boy who writes wonderful stories of aliens when they can't sell their own products.
and monsters.
5. The festival organizers [imposed] so many rules on their volunteers that a lot of
4. A wise man once remarked that there is only one kind of love, but there are a people quit.
thousand [imitations].
6. Her host parents were really [impressed] by her progress in English after three
5. A car-bomb threat was received at the embassy, and all vehicles in the [immediate] months in the English Language Program at the University of Victoria.
area were suspect.
7. The doctor said that the patient's health has [improved] steadily since they put him
6. Many people who [immigrate] to Canada end up leaving our country for the on some new medication.
United States.
8. The players receive a pay bonus for every game they win as an added [incentive]
7. Growing up in that country, the children developed a natural [immunity] to germs in the playoffs.
in the water that make visitors ill.
9. The school principal is investigating an [incident] at the school in which two
8. All the extra-terrestrials were killed by the [impact] when their spaceship slammed children threatened to beat up another child if he didn't give them his lunch money.
into the Eiffel Tower.
10. Sophie has always been artistically [inclined], and is hoping to study graphic arts.
9. My father's hearing was [impaired] by the noise of working on naval ships all his
10. The new government has [implemented] a number of cutbacks to the education
induced decreased individualistic independent indexed indicated income
indulgence incredible industries
1. Tax is payable on all [income] received between January 1st and December 31st of
this year.
2. The price for CD burners has [decreased] significantly since they first appeared on
implying implicitly incentive importation improved incident impressed the market.
inclined implicated imposed
3. It's [incredible] how fast computers have become a normal part of our daily lives.
1. The President himself has been [implicated] in a scheme to buy votes in the
upcoming election. 4. Children in Canada are generally expected to become [independent] around the
age of 18 or 19, at which time they often move away from home, and get a job or
2. I trust Young-Soo [implicitly], having dealt with him on numerous occasions, and begin university.
having always found him to be totally honest.
5. Books in the library are [indexed] by author, title, subject, and key word. struggles with its failing currency.
6. Harrison [indicated] to me that he would be interested in working on the project 7. Movie stars and sports celebrities have always had a lot of [influence] on what
with us if we need any help. young people wear.
7. Canadian society is very [individualistic], whereas in my country people are more 8. The management needs to [inform] its workers as soon as possible if any lay-offs
interested in social harmony. are going to be part of their plans to save money.
8. Many stress-[induced] illnesses can be prevented by learning relaxation 9. [Infrastructure] improvements will enhance safety for both cyclists and pedestrians
techniques. in the region.
9. His CD collection is his one [indulgence] that he spends a lot of money on. 10. This cake is delicious! What are the [ingredients]? There's something in here that
I recognize, but I can't figure out what it is.
10. In my opinion, the government should do more to prosecute [industries] that
pollute the environment.
1. In our universe, there are thousands of millions of planets which have all the
conditions necessary to make them [habitable] by known life forms.
10. The businessman stopped at the hotel front desk to [inquire] whether there had integrate intellectual intensive insulted intelligence intention integral
been any messages for him. integrity instrumentalist insurance
1. Eric Clapton was originally purely an [instrumentalist] who only began singing at
the urging of his bandmates.
3. After the fire, our house [insurance] replaced everything we had, apart from the
instance insights inspector insistence instructor inserting inspire $200 deductible.
installed instinct institutions
4. Use of the Internet for research has become an [integral] part of the life of today's
1. In order to get an accurate reading of your temperature, you should close your university student.
mouth for a minute or so before [inserting] the thermometer.
5. It is important to [integrate] the handicapped into the mainstream of our society by
2. The police questioned the suspect for hours without gaining any new [insights] overcoming prejudices against hiring the disabled.
into the crime.
6. It's really hard not to be cynical about this new government's promise to bring
3. He went to the job interview at his wife's [insistence], and ended up getting the [integrity] back to politics, given their previous scandals.
7. Studies have shown that the [intellectual] development of children can be damaged
4. A fire [inspector] shut down the nightclub because it didn't have enough by poor nutrition.
emergency exits.
8. The ancient Egyptians thought that our hearts were the centre of [intelligence] and
5. I'm sure this recipe book will [inspire] you to try some delicious new dishes for emotion.
suppers and desserts.
9. The Prime Minister has announced his [intention] to resign before the next
6. Smoke alarms have been [installed] in all the rooms. election.
7. A further [instance] of computer problems occurred this morning. 10. Following [intensive] negotiations with the union, a strike appears to have been
8. Many animals seem to have an [instinct] that tells them when an earthquake is
going to occur.
10. The math test has been cancelled until further notice because the [instructor] is
2. Samantha and her boyfriend enjoyed an [intimate] candlelit dinner at a fine
restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day.
interrupted interaction interim intermediate interpreted intervening 3. Opposition critics have suggested that the government is [intimidating] people into
interfere internal intervals interior voting for them through threats of violence.
4. The novel examines the world of danger and [intrigue] of the professional spy.
1. Studies of the [interaction] of bees show that they have a very sophisticated social
system. 5. He seems to think that classical music is [intrinsically] better than popular music,
but I disagree.
2. Sergei's marital problems are starting to [interfere] with his ability to do his job.
6. New technologies in our lives are becoming more and more [invasive], with the
3. School finishes in a couple of days, and I don't start work for over two weeks, so I result that people can use them to find out all sorts of private information about us
think I'll go visit my brother in Vancouver in the [interim]. without our consent.
4. The [interior] of the house was disgusting because the previous owners had been 7. The home computer is one of the most important [inventions] of our generation.
heavy smokers.
8. They [invested] all their money in a new Internet provider, and made a fortune
5. Kory is an [intermediate] skier at best, so he shouldn't go on the advanced runs. almost overnight.
6. The police are taking action to strengthen [internal] security after the attempted 9. The story of the political scandal was first revealed by an [investigative] reporter
attack on the Prime Minister. for the New York Times.
7. The government's failure to pass the bill is widely [interpreted] as a personal 10. By [invoking] a clause in the contract guaranteeing a fixed price, management
defeat for the president. was able to avoid paying for the increase in fuel costs.
8. Brandy tried to speak to her boss about a raise, but she kept getting [interrupted]
by phone calls the boss had to take.
9. The patient had to be woken at regular [intervals] to take his medicine. iron isolated jerked item involving jail jam irritation jealous issue
10. We spent the [intervening] time between our flights looking over our maps, and 1. Newspaper reports hint at a scandal [involving] the President himself.
planning our holiday.
2. The discovery of [iron] to make tools and weapons brought about great changes in
the way people lived.
3. The teacher tried not to let her [irritation] show when the children starting fighting
intimidating intimate invasive invoking intrigue invested intrinsically over who would help her clean up the classroom.
interviewing inventions investigative
4. In the past, people with serious illnesses were [isolated] within their communities
1. We are [interviewing] people today for the position of cultural assistant in the in order to avoid infecting others.
summer language programs.
5. An important [issue] under discussion in the world of sport today is the 8. The lawyer for O.J. Simpson was able to convince the [jury] that his client had not
participation of professional athletes in the Olympic Games. been fairly treated by the police.
6. I read an interesting [item] in the newspaper about how cloning may be used to 9. I don't believe that [justice] means that we should execute murderers. That is
grow human organs for transplant in the future. simply revenge, which is quite different.
7. A dozen prisoners escaped from [jail] when a fire started, and all the doors were 10. Steve was [justifiably] angry when he found out he had been let go, just so the
unlocked to let firemen fight the blaze. boss could hire his nephew.
8. Chris and a few of his musician friends came by to [jam] with me on the weekend.
9. Elena became quite [jealous] of her little brother when he was born, and got angry
when her mother was too busy with him to play with her.
10. The teacher grabbed the young boy by the shirt, and [jerked] him up out of his
juggling journals jungle journey justice junk judge jobs jury 1. Two [juveniles] and one adult have been arrested by police for trafficking in
justifiably illegal drugs at a local high school.
1. Thousands of people move into big cities from the countryside in search of [jobs]. 2. Livia is a very [keen] student who asks lots of questions, and always puts in a
great deal of effort on all her assignments.
2. The university library subscribes to hundreds of different newspapers, magazines
and academic [journals]. 3. A local father who was angry after losing custody of his children following his
divorce has [kidnapped] the two children, and fled the country.
3. The superfast bullet train can make the [journey] between Tokyo and Kyoto in just
over two hours. 4. There's a strange [knocking] sound coming from your car engine; you'd better get
it checked out.
4. One of the parents acted as a [judge] in the contest to see which child could jump
the highest.
6. The forested area of the [jungle] has been largely cut down to make way for cattle
7. My car is a piece of [junk] that I couldn't sell for more than about a thousand
1. Psychologists [label] behaviour as abnormal if it violates accepted standards of
2. Your blood sample has been sent to the [laboratory] for analysis.
3. The [labour] of weeding the garden was too much for his weak back.
5. Online seminars are useful, but often the [lag] between a message and its reply can
be somewhat long.
6. The [landscape] of the country has been changed forever with the logging of the
7. I got into a car accident when someone in the left-hand [lane] suddenly turned
right in front of me.
9. Rain [lashed] the windshield of the car, and strong winds blew us from side to
10. Many people think the former alternative will work well, but personally I favour
the [latter].
11. The [launch] of the space shuttle has been delayed due to high winds.
14. A [lazy] river crawls through the countryside near the village where I grew up.
15. We have [leafleted] the entire neighbourhood with notices about the upcoming
street party.
laboratory leafleted lag leaky lease leaned labour lavishly lack 16. The house is generally in good shape, apart from the [leaky] roof.
landscape lap leather latter layer launch leaping lane lazy lashed
label 17. The little boy [leaned] over the fence to pet the pony.
18. The school was burning, and children were [leaping] from the windows onto the
grass below.
7. Our professor is quite [lenient] with homework; I wish he would be a bit more
19. According to your [lease], you will have to pay a heavy penalty if you decide to strict.
vacate before the year is up.
8. I scratched the [lens] of my sunglasses when I was cleaning them.
20. They have a beautiful car with an all-wood dashboard, and gorgeous [leather]
upholstery. 9. You seem to think that all [lesbians] have short hair, and are really tough, and it's
not true.
11. You should have your cholesterol [level] checked from time to time.
12. The premier announced an additional [levy] on gasoline to pay for road
13. She's not a good skater, so she is [liable] to hurt herself if she goes rollerblading
without a helmet.
14. The [liberalization] of abortion laws has allowed women to take control of their
licence legalistic lens liberalization lecturer legislation limit legends 15. According to the Hindu religion, the goal of existence is [liberation] from the
likewise levy leisure legitimate lenient lesbians likely level liable cycle of rebirth and death.
liberation lifted lethal
16. He lost his taxi [licence] after fighting with a customer.
17. I [lifted] my son onto my shoulders so he could see over the crowd.
1. He just got a position as a guest [lecturer] on Canadian history at a university in
California. 18. He is a [likely] candidate for the post of vice-president of marketing.
2. I couldn't understand the judge's [legalistic] language, so I don't understand the 19. If you ever need any help, give me a call, and [likewise], if I need some
decision of the court. assistance, I'll let you know.
3. His grandmother told him the old [legends] of their culture when he was a child. 20. The [limit] to the amount of alcohol you can drink, and still drive legally differs
for people of different weights.
4. Environmentalists are asking the government to pass [legislation] to protect
endangered species.
5. You must have a [legitimate] excuse for being absent from class or you will lose
6. My secretary has typed up the report for you to read at your [leisure].
14. The paper plane made a big [loop] in the air, and then fell to the floor.
16. Some people suggest that [lottery] tickets are simply a tax on stupidity.
17. The queen rewarded the people for their [loyalty] by reducing their taxes.
18. The [lump] was removed from his neck, and sent to the lab to be tested.
luxury lure linger location literature linked lump loyalty limp liquid
lobbied literally littered loans logically local loop loosely lottery 19. Young men in the small towns are always attracted by the [lure] of the big cities.
20. My wife and I are going to enjoy the [luxury] of a weekend without kids for the
first time in years.
1. The old man had a bad [limp] as a result of a wound received in the war.
2. I would rather die quickly and painlessly than [linger] on and suffer.
3. The kids [linked] arms, and skated around the rink laughing and shouting.
5. The views of the city from the top of the mountain are [literally] breath-taking.
6. The book certainly isn't great [literature], but the story was really exciting.
7. The floor was [littered] with cigarette butts and beer bottle caps after the party.
9. The federal government offers [loans] to small businesses at low interest rates.
10. A citizen's group [lobbied] the municipal government to have a wooded area march magician magnificent mainly margins manners marine
turned into a public park. manipulation magnitude manual mainstream majority mandatory
management manifest manoeuvre manufacture maintain machine
11. The Andromeda galaxy is the largest member of our [local] group of galaxies. magnetism
12. The exact [location] of the Prime Minister's vacation spot is unknown.
13. If you approach the situation [logically], rather than emotionally, you can make a 1. Just push the button on the [machine], and it will do everything automatically.
much fairer decision.
2. The [magician] smiled at his audience, and then slowly drew a pigeon out of his
sleeve. 19. Companies which conduct political polls claim their [margins] for error are quite
3. Elvis Presley possessed a kind of [magnetism] which many teenagers of his
generation found irresistible. 20. A scientist in our province recently discovered the bones of a huge, prehistoric
[marine] reptile, probably the largest in the world.
4. They are quite rich, and live in a [magnificent] old mansion on the seaside.
5. It is the first time that accusations of this [magnitude] have been made against a
prime minister of this country.
7. Scenes of violence are becoming more and more graphic in [mainstream] cinema.
8. The provincial government has decided to [maintain] tuition rates at the same level
for another year.
9. The challenge of any government is to see that the [majority] respects the rights of
the minority in their culture.
10. What this company needs is better [management], not a harder working office match massaging material measurement marvellous mass maximize
staff. mask massacres massive matter medals mayor masculine mathematics
master mechanism mate immature marketability
11. The [mandatory] retirement age in this country is 65.
12. The virus may not actually [manifest] itself for many months.
1. The more records a professional athlete sets, the more his [marketability]
13. Sigmund Freud once stated that knowledge is the intellectual [manipulation] of increases.
carefully verified observations.
2. For our wedding anniversary, we had a [marvellous] evening of dinner and
14. In some cultures, it is not good [manners] to blow your nose in public. dancing.
15. The politician used a brilliant [manoeuvre] to regain his status in the party. 3. She has a very [masculine] sounding voice, so when she's talking on the phone
people often mistake her for a man.
16. I prefer a camera with a [manual] focus so that I can have more control over my
photos. 4. You must wear a [mask] over your mouth and nose when working with these
17. Recycled glass uses only two-thirds the energy needed to [manufacture] glass
from scratch. 5. The fire reduced his collection of old coins into a [mass] of melted metal.
18. The new recruits were sent on a five hour [march] with full gear in the blazing 6. International investigators have been sent into the region to check on the reports of
sun. [massacres] of the civilian population.
7. The pebbles on the beach felt like they were [massaging] our feet as we walked
along the shore.
8. The Titanic was a [massive] vessel, the biggest in the world at that time.
9. It can take many years to [master] a foreign language to the point where one feels
truly comfortable in that language.
10. I wonder if we can find some paint to [match] the paint in our kitchen. medium memorabilia mediation meditation media member metal
mention message merciful merely mental merger medicine mess
11. The panda bear seemed very sad after the death of its [mate], and refused to eat merchant method melt migration mildly
for days.
12. American comedian Bill Cosby wrote all his own [material] for his comedy
monologues. 1. The government has firm control of the [media], so it is difficult to know what is
really happening in that country.
13. Some people think men are naturally more skilled at [mathematics] than women
are, but I think that is silly. 2. The union has asked for [mediation] in their negotiations with the administration
in order to avoid a strike.
14. Unidentified [matter] in hamburger meat has made a number of people sick at a
local restaurant. 3. My sister is studying [medicine] at university, and is planning to become a
15. I saw a bumper sticker that said that you are only young once, but you can be
[immature] forever. 4. She practises yoga and [meditation] as a relief from her busy workday.
16. We need to lower our overhead costs in order to [maximize] profits. 5. Police say the man wanted in connection with the murder is of [medium] height
and build.
17. Cycling activists are meeting with the [mayor] to discuss plans for a network of
bicycle paths throughout the city. 6. He put the bagel in the toaster oven for a second to [melt] the butter on it.
18. A close [measurement] of the room showed it to be larger than we had thought. 7. She has been a [member] of the chess club for a couple of years now.
19. The firing [mechanism] of the rifle was damaged when he dropped it. 8. I would like to visit the museum of rock and roll, and see all the music
[memorabilia] they have there.
20. The veterans marched in the parade, their chests covered in [medals].
9. Family life has a significant influence on the [mental] development of children.
11. We get all our wine from a wine [merchant] who visits all the best wineries in the
12. They believe that God is [merciful], and that sinners will be pardoned if they military millionaire minimum missile modern
13. We feared he was very sick, but it was [merely] a bad cold.
1. [Militant] bus drivers have staged an illegal strike to protest against the firing of
14. The total cost of the [merger] was in the billions of dollars. one of their co-workers.
15. He made a [mess] of the project, so the boss fired him, and now we have to start 2. The President has called in the [military] to help rescuers sort through the rubble
all over again. of the earthquake.
16. I think the [message] of the play was that people today are too selfish and 3. The lumber [mill] closed down because there simply aren't enough trees left in the
individualistic. area to cut down.
17. An old man was walking along the beach with a [metal]-detector, searching for 4. He became a [millionaire] almost overnight by designing a simple software
coins and jewellery. program that is now used by institutions all over the world.
18. I don't think hitting children is a very effective [method] of teaching them 5. People who are able to [mimic] others are said to make excellent language
anything. learners.
19. There has been a great deal of [migration] to Israel of Jews from the former 6. The government has just announced plans to raise the [minimum] wage in our
Soviet republics over the last few years. province.
20. Audrey was only [mildly] interested in coming to the movie tonight, so I don't 7. A group of volunteers [ministered] to the needs of the victims of the tornado.
know if she'll actually show up.
8. The operation was only [minor] surgery, so he was in and out of the hospital on
the same day.
10. The train stopped in some [miserable] little town where even the birds looked
11. Authorities are now saying the airplane that crashed may have been hit with a
[missile] fired by terrorists.
13. I heard a [moan], and turned to see my tennis partner sitting on the ground,
holding his ankle.
modest Militant mill mimic model ministered mode miracle 14. His [mobility] was restricted because of his injuries.
miserable mobility moderate mission moan modifications minor
15. I like to use my camera in the manual [mode], because it allows me to be a bit 3. Some people may think living together before marriage is [immoral], but I think
more creative. nowadays most people find it acceptable.
16. The city invited the public to view an architect's [model] of the proposed 4. An increase in [mortgage] rates has resulted in a decrease in housing sales.
conference centre.
5. The little bunny stayed [motionless] in the tall grass until the hawk flew away.
17. You need to [moderate] the amount of salt that you eat because it could lead to
high blood pressure. 6. The players felt kind of [unmotivated] before the game because they knew the
other team was much stronger.
18. The computer facility at the University of Victoria features the most [modern]
equipment available. 7. You'd better lift up the [motor] when the boat gets near the shore so that it doesn't
hit the rocks.
19. He earns a [modest] income working as a security guard at a seniors' complex.
8. They shot a large moose while out hunting, and [mounted] its head on the wall.
20. The carpenter made some [modifications] to our cupboard, so I could store the
vacuum cleaner there. 9. The little boy stood [mournfully] at the door waving good-bye as his father left.
13. I have a proposal to make to you which I believe may be [mutually] beneficial.
16. She stood [naked] in front of the mirror, and examined her body for signs of fat.
17. We paddled the canoe through a [narrow] channel, and into the open bay.
motionless naked moody mutually motor mortgage unmotivated
mounted nasty multiplication mournfully immoral museum mysterious 18. This [nasty] weather certainly has spoiled our weekend.
nation native monitor narrow mythical muscle
19. The entire [nation] is watching tonight as efforts are made to rescue a little girl
trapped in a well.
1. When performing experiments, it is important to [monitor] the results carefully. 20. The [native] people of our province made beautiful totem poles.
13. The Green Party is planning to [nominate] a candidate in every one of the
country's ridings.
14. The concept of democracy has resulted in different forms of government which
[nonetheless] share the same basic ideology.
neatly negativity negotiation navigate nominate neutral nevertheless 16. A feeling of [normality] has returned to this quiet village now that the killer is
necessarily negligent neighbourly network nod notable notoriously behind bars.
notice notion nonetheless nonsense normality nightmare
17. There has been a [notable] increase in profits since we began advertising on the
1. This software allows you to [navigate] easily and quickly through the millions of 18. Someone put a [notice] up on a telephone pole on our street warning people that
websites on the Internet. there is a vicious dog on the loose.
2. He was very [neatly] dressed for his job interview this morning. 19. The [notion] that animals are deserving of respect and consideration is gaining
much wider acceptance in our society.
3. Higher prices do not [necessarily] mean better quality.
20. The administration is [notoriously] slow in dealing with safety concerns raised by
4. His continued [negativity] has cost him most of his friends. the employees.
5. The babysitter was [negligent] when she left the children unattended while they
played outside.
6. It has been suggested that visible goodwill is the strongest [negotiation] strategy.
7. In a [neighbourly] gesture, the people next door brought us a big basket of fruit,
cheese and wine when we moved into our new house.
8. The vast rail [network] of our country is being replaced by cars and trucks.
9. By remaining [neutral] in the face of human rights violations, you are, in fact,
aiding those who commit them.
obviously obsessive obtainable novelists nurse nurtured objective
10. My salary is pretty low, but [nevertheless] I really enjoy what I'm doing. observers Notwithstanding obscure nutrients occasional nutrition
obstacle nuclear object obedient obliged obesity obligated the process.
16. His wife is [obsessive] about cleanliness; she spends hours each day cleaning her
1. [Notwithstanding] your concerns about the project, I believe we should proceed
immediately. 17. Not being able to speak a second language is a real [obstacle] for those hoping to
get a job in the import/export business.
2. There are many interesting [novelists] in our country who are immigrants, and
their books provide interesting perspectives on their homelands, as well as their 18. Some medicinal herbs that were previously [obtainable] at health stores are now
adopted home of Canada. available only with a doctor's prescription.
3. When it first made its appearance, [nuclear] energy was advertised as a clean, safe 19. The driver of the car was [obviously] drunk because he was weaving all over the
alternative to coal and gas. road.
4. When my grandfather fell ill, my grandmother spent all her time working to 20. His back still gives him [occasional] pain, but it is much better than it was.
[nurse] him back to health.
6. Unable to digest bamboo efficiently, the panda obtains only a few [nutrients] from
its food.
10. I really [object] to you telling people private things about our marriage.
opt optional ordinary occurrence offenders unofficial offered
11. It's hard to be [objective] when you are trying to hire someone for a job, and you offspring operation opera ongoing offset occupational optimistic odd
know one of the applicants. opportunity opponent omits oral oppose
12. My friend told me I didn't have to, but I felt [obligated] to help him pay for the
window he broke while we were playing baseball together.
1. Being a teacher at the University of Victoria doesn't have many [occupational]
13. The waves were getting bigger and bigger, so we were [obliged] to paddle our hazards, except perhaps for breathing in chalk dust.
canoe back to shore.
2. Line-ups at food banks have become a common [occurrence] in a city where these
14. Politicians are often purposefully [obscure] in their statements. organizations didn't even exist 20 years ago.
15. A number of international [observers] to the election remarked on the fairness of 3. Even-numbered players go to the left, [odd]-numbered players to the right.
19. They made an [oral] agreement to negotiate a merger between their two
4. Contrary to popular belief, research now shows that young [offenders] generally companies.
get stiffer sentences than adults who commit the same crime.
20. A professor of criminal justice remarked that the typical mass murderer is
5. The old woman [offered] the young boy some money to cut her grass, but he extraordinarily [ordinary].
refused, saying it was unnecessary to pay him.
7. The airport has instituted a special tax to [offset] the cost of renovations to the
8. The [offspring] of a zebra must learn to run within minutes of birth in order to
9. Whenever he talks about how unfair it is that his wife has custody of his children,
he [omits] any mention of the fact that he never spent any time with the kids before organized origins outcome otherwise outlawed owe overseas
getting divorced. overlapping output ozone outlook overall overwhelmingly outraged
orientation outlined overcome outstanding overlook organic
10. The people of Iraq are receiving [ongoing] assistance to help them recover from
the destruction of the war.
11. The only kind of [opera] he likes is the kind sung in Bugs Bunny cartoons. 1. There is a pub in town which serves a new locally-made beer containing only
[organic] ingredients.
12. My father has to have an [operation] on his heart some time soon.
2. We'd better get [organized] or we'll never finish in time.
13. He is an outspoken [opponent] of the plan to increase tuition fees for foreign
students. 3. During [orientation] week, the students will be introduced to all the facilities
available to them during their studies here.
14. Many young children don't have the [opportunity] to go to a beautiful summer
camp like this, so you should appreciate it. 4. The [origins] of many of the beliefs of Christianity can be found in a number of
15. Some parents [oppose] the sale of condoms from vending machines in high
schools. 5. He got a slight bump on his head in the car accident, but was [otherwise] fine.
16. Students may [opt] to stay in residence if they are not interested in our homestay 6. The only [outcome] that I can see of cutting the education budget is that our
program. children will suffer.
17. Both sides are said to be [optimistic] that an agreement can be reached. 7. In my opinion, the music of Britney Spears should be [outlawed] because of its
negative influence on the art world.
18. The final section in the homework is [optional]; I will mark it, but it doesn't count
for anything. 8. The wolves were standing on the hill, [outlined] against the evening sky.
9. Her illness has had a very negative impact on her general [outlook] in life.
10. Electrical [output] is sometimes inadequate during a cold winter due to the
increase in demand. pad pack pact pale participates parole parallels panel pace package
paragraph paradigm paralyzed parameters parcels parliament panic
11. Native groups are [outraged] by the government's refusal to negotiate. parade partiality particles
12. We have a number of [outstanding] bills to pay before we can start calculating
our profits.
1. You need to [pace] yourself during the race; otherwise, if you start out too fast,
13. Studies suggest that [overall], more people dream in black-and-white than in you'll end up being too tired at the end.
2. It only took me an hour to [pack] my bags for the trip.
14. Her family was [overcome] with grief when they arrived at the hospital where
she had been brought by ambulance. 3. Activists are fighting to have foods that are genetically-modified labelled as such
on the [package].
15. The trunk of a banana plant is made of sheaths of [overlapping] leaves, tightly
wrapped around each other like celery stalks. 4. The countries in the region have entered into a [pact] to negotiate an end to the
16. Many of our guest rooms [overlook] our garden where we grow much of the food
served in our dining room. 5. When I cut my forehead, the nurse put a cotton [pad] on the wound to stop the
blood until the doctor could stitch it up.
17. My son is working [overseas] for an international oil company.
6. She has a very [pale] complexion, and always looks a little ill.
18. The small loan project has been [overwhelmingly] successful in helping people
who were refused loans at all the major banks to set up their own businesses. 7. They let us try out the control [panel] when we visited the recording studio with
our high school band.
19. I [owe] my life to my neighbour, who knocked on my door, and woke me up
when a fire started in our kitchen. 8. The people in the movie theatre began to [panic] and run for the exits when they
smelled the smoke.
20. The newest technology for keeping swimming pools free of germs is [ozone].
9. The [parade] featured a group of performing dogs, which did tricks and delighted
the spectators.
10. A computer has become a common [paradigm] for the functioning of the human
11. We have to write a three-[paragraph] essay on our opinion of the death penalty.
12. Police investigators working on the case have noticed a number of [parallels]
with other unsolved murders in the state.
13. The disease left her with a [paralyzed] right arm, so she learned to write with her
left hand.
3. The king escaped from the castle through a secret [passage] leading to the river,
14. Researchers are working on defining the exact [parameters] of the disease. where a boat was waiting.
15. The mail truck was full of [parcels] for the Christmas season. 4. The [passengers] on the flight to Venus cheered and clapped as the planet's main
landing station came into view.
16. The issue was debated in [parliament] without being resolved.
5. The young woman kissed her husband [passionately], and stroked his hair.
17. One condition of the inmate's [parole] is that for two years he is not allowed to
enter any establishment that serves alcohol. 6. So many children's games these days seem to be [passive] activities where they do
nothing actually physical.
18. The referee has been accused of [partiality] by the visiting team.
7. We have a little vegetable [patch] in our backyard where we grow peas, carrots
19. We need to speak to the parents of a little girl in our class who never and lettuce.
[participates] in any of the group activities.
8. Pharmaceutical companies are calling on the government to protect their [patent]
20. Tests have shown that the air around the industrial site is full of [particles] of on prescription drugs for a minimum of 10 years.
toxic materials.
9. There is a small [path] behind the houses which the children can take as a shortcut
to the elementary school.
10. The teacher dismissed the student's excuses as [pathetic], and gave him a zero for
failing to meet the deadline for his final essay.
11. Making jewellery requires a lot of [patience], artistic ability, and dexterity.
12. The recent attacks on the country by terrorists has increased [patriotic] sentiments
13. The missing soldier disappeared during a routine [patrol], and is feared dead.
14. Many of the [patrons] of this fine establishment are famous celebrities.
patience patch paved patrol partnership passengers passive peek
passionately patent pathetic particularly patriotic path pattern passage 15. She decided to change the [pattern] for the dress a little because it was longer
paused peak patrons peculiar than she wanted.
16. The old man [paused] for a minute, and then resumed talking.
1. Henry Ford once remarked that nothing is [particularly] hard if you divide it into 17. The first American street was [paved] so that the city's beer wagons could easily
small jobs. get through the mud from the breweries.
2. Sony has recently entered into a [partnership] with Warner Brothers to strengthen 18. Athletes have to plan their training carefully in order to [peak] at the time of a
their hold on the entertainment industry. major competition.
19. My neighbour is a [peculiar] old woman who never talks to anybody but her cats
and the birds outside her house. 8. He always contributes a certain [percentage] of his income to charity every month.
20. The students tried to get a [peek] at the test that was sitting on the teacher's desk 9. Someone once said that life has no rehearsals, only [performances].
before she came into the room.
10. The police have been making [periodic] checks of cars to check for drunk drivers.
13. I can't believe that some tobacco executives [persist] in claiming that cigarettes
haven't been proven to cause cancer.
14. The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new
[perspective] on life.
15. It took the child weeks to [persuade] her mother to let her get a kitten.
peers pests pertinent periodic penalize peel pessimistic persist
petition permanent peg pension perspective perceptible percentage 16. All [pertinent] information should be forwarded to the appropriate person.
penetrate pesticides persuade performances permissible
17. Some people believe that the Buddha's teachings are [pessimistic], because of the
emphasis on suffering.
1. My sister was able to [peel] an apple in one long continuous strip. 18. Many typical garden [pests] can be controlled using soapy water sprayed on
2. It was difficult for the young boy to resist the pressure from his [peers] to try
smoking. 19. The government is considering banning the use of [pesticides] in public parks
because of health concerns.
3. The children had to throw a rubber ring onto a [peg] on the wall in order to win a
prize. 20. The suspect's lawyers have filed a [petition] for all charges to be dropped due to a
lack of concrete evidence.
4. In a language class, it is hard not to [penalize] shy students because you don't hear
them enough to properly evaluate their speaking skill.
5. The walls of the bomb shelter are so thick that nothing can [penetrate] them.
6. The old man had to find a part-time job because his [pension] was not enough for
him to live on.
7. The young man gave a barely [perceptible] nod when asked if he had stolen the
14. It was a [pity] that we didn't bring our bathing suits because there was a lake
nearby where we could have gone swimming.
15. The team's popular captain has been [plagued] by knee injuries for most of the
pipes pitted phase physically philosophize plan piles pilot pinched 16. There is a Chinese proverb which states that you must scale the mountain if you
platform plain pierced pharmacist pills plagued plasticize phenomena want to view the [plain].
pitch planet pity
17. The Prime Minister has announced that the peace [plan] has been accepted by
1. The [pharmacist] told me not to drink alcohol after taking these pills. both sides involved in the conflict.
2. My brother is in a [phase] where he doesn't want to talk to anyone. 18. Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever lived on our [planet].
3. Science does not yet have all the answers to explain the [phenomena] of black 19. If you [plasticize] your birth certificate, it will make it invalid.
holes in space.
20. Personally, I don't really like the candidate, but I am voting more for a political
4. There is a Korean proverb which states that wise men [philosophize] as the fools [platform] than for a specific person.
live on.
5. My neighbour's twin daughters are [physically] very similar, but their characters
are totally different.
7. His room was a mess, with [piles] of books on the desk, dresser and floor.
9. The terrorists have killed the [pilot] of the jetliner, and are holding the passengers
for ransom.
10. I [pinched] myself under the chin when I was fastening my bicycle helmet, and it
really hurt.
11. The city is putting new water [pipes] into old neighbourhoods to reduce the
amount of water lost through leaks in the old system. polling population pleasant pollution plotting policy portrayed port
plenty portions plunged pledged pleaded plug plus plight poem
12. The young tennis player was [pitted] against one of the top players in the first political poisoning pocket
round of the tournament.
13. It was [pitch] black outside at the campsite when we got up to look at the stars.
1. The defendant [pleaded] not guilty to the charge of murder.
2. Our neighbours are a [pleasant] older couple who just love children, and are 19. I like this restaurant; they give you enormous [portions] of food at a very
always offering to babysit for us. reasonable price.
3. The politician [pledged] to lower taxes if he got elected. 20. A national women's group has complained about the way women are [portrayed]
in advertising in this country.
4. There are usually [plenty] of students absent from class the first day after a long
6. The military is having trouble [plotting] the course of the enemy submarine.
7. When my daughter was a baby, she didn't want us to pull the [plug] when she was
in the bath because she was afraid she would go down the drain with the water.
8. The assassination of the president [plunged] the country into civil war.
10. Simon always carries a [pocket] dictionary with him wherever he goes, in order
to look up new vocabulary.
predicting position possession potential precipitation positively
11. The little girl wrote a short [poem] about flowers, and then was delighted to see it postponement praiseworthy preach powder practise poverty precisely
printed in the school newsletter. practitioners precautionary pose predominant precious precedence
12. The rich socialite was imprisoned for [poisoning] her husband to get his fortune.
13. The refund [policy] at this store allows you to return items for a credit, but not for
cash. 1. Many citizens feel that a nuclear power plant could [pose] serious environmental
problems for the area.
14. He is involved in a [political] club at the university, and hopes to run for office in
the near future. 2. Working as an artist's model is hard work, especially when you are posed in an
uncomfortable [position] for long periods of time.
15. If you are not registered to vote, you can do so at the [polling] station.
3. The suspect was charged with murder after being [positively] identified by the
16. Noise [pollution] is a serious problem in many large cities. principal witness in the case.
17. There is a large black [population] which has been living in parts of Nova Scotia 4. The terrorist was arrested, and charged with [possession] of explosives.
for well over a hundred years.
5. The [postponement] of negotiations between the union and management will only
18. The fishing boats were gathered in the [port] to wait out the storm. make things more difficult.
6. This new company has the [potential] to become very profitable in the next year.
7. Young women brought to the capital from the countryside are often forced into
prostitution by [poverty] and lack of education.
8. The entire town was covered in a fine grey [powder] following the eruption of the
9. The best way to improve your speaking ability is to [practise], and the best way to
do that is to talk to native speakers whenever possible. pretend prey pregnant prepare Preliminary premiums prescription
preference premiere pride prejudice prestigious presumed preventing
10. Health [practitioners] are calling on the government to increase funding for pressure prevalence preview previous preservatives priestess
health care in our province.
15. The time the father spent visiting with his children during his stay in the hospital 4. [Preliminary] meetings suggest that there will be little trouble coming to an
was very [precious] to him. agreement.
16. The weatherman says we have had record amounts of [precipitation] this winter. 5. Many celebrities are expected to attend the [premiere] of this new play.
17. No one knows [precisely] how many immigrants to our country end up returning 6. My monthly life insurance [premiums] are increasing as I get older.
to their homeland.
7. Many elite athletes practise visualization techniques to [prepare] for a competition.
18. The corporation's [predatory] practices in business have earned the company a
bad reputation. 8. The doctor wrote me a [prescription] for a painkiller.
19. The latest opinion polls are [predicting] a very close election. 9. I never buy this brand of bread; it's full of [preservatives] and artificial colour.
20. The [predominant] image of African music is that of drumming and percussion. 10. Her parents are putting a lot of [pressure] on her to get married, but she isn't
11. During my 20 year career, I have had the honour of working with the most
[prestigious] scientists in this field.
12. One man is missing, and [presumed] dead after a fishing boat sank off the coast 1. The [primary] reason he has done so well at school is that he works incredibly
of Vancouver Island this weekend. hard.
13. Some types of frogs [pretend] to be dead when captured, but quickly hop away 2. The jury listened attentively to the testimony of the [prime] witness.
when let go.
3. All people have a [primitive] instinct to flee or fight in the face of danger.
14. The [prevalence] of domestic abuse in our society can no longer be ignored.
4. Studies show that the [principal] reason people lie is to avoid punishment.
15. The scientist discovered a drug which has been quite successful in [preventing]
certain types of cancer. 5. It is simply against my [principles] to lie to anyone.
16. The [preview] for the movie looked great, but the actual film was pretty boring. 6. You'll need to get a better original to photocopy because this one is really
17. The man charged with murdering the young woman is also under investigation
for 3 [previous] killings. 7. The suspect was identified as having been seen in the area [prior] to the shooting.
18. Scavengers, such as vultures, like to steal the already dead [prey] of other 8. Generally, my [priorities] in life are first my family, and second my work.
9. She was [imprisoned] in her native country for speaking out against government
19. There is a Hebrew proverb which states that [pride] is the mask we make of our corruption.
10. It is difficult for movie celebrities to have a [private] life away from the cameras,
20. The archaeologist found some writings by a [priestess] of an unknown religion, and the watchful eye of the public.
describing the rituals of a number of sacred ceremonies.
11. I feel very [privileged] to have had the chance to work with such an important
12. The astronauts sent a robot down to the surface of the planet to [probe] for alien
life forms.
13. Certain [procedures] must be followed when dealing with student complaints
against their teachers.
14. Criminal [proceedings] have been started against the President since the scandal
was revealed.
15. The peace [process] has broken down in the region because of the recent
profit prime profession principal imprisoned primitive primary hostilities.
procedures probe unprintable proclaims private priorities privileged
proceedings process profile production prior principles 16. Someone once suggested that he that boasts of his own knowledge [proclaims]
his ignorance.
17. The [production] of lumber is a major contributor to the economy of this 4. A local development [project] in the area has resulted in the construction of a
province. small school and health clinic.
18. The engineering [profession] is well respected in this country. 5. The state of the environment is expected to figure [prominently] at the next
meeting of the major industrial nations.
19. It is hoped that by hosting the economic summit, the city will be able to raise its
[profile] on the international stage. 6. The little boy [promised] his mother that he would come straight home after
20. We are part of a purely non-[profit] organization working towards reducing
starvation in the developing world. 7. He turned down the [promotion] offered by his boss because he didn't want the
added responsibility.
9. The police have been able to find [proof] linking the suspect to the murder
10. During wartime, governments put out a lot of [propaganda] aimed at encouraging
hatred of the enemy, and complete trust in the government's actions.
11. Your teeth will last a lifetime if you care for them [properly].
12. There are some one-celled creatures that have the [properties] of both plants and
13. A large [proportion] of the bears in that region will have to be relocated to
another area due to the building going on there.
promotion prosperity progress project prominently prostitution 14. The offer of a merger of the two companies is certainly an attractive [proposition]
promised proof properly prospect prohibitive proposition profound for the shareholders.
propaganda properties proposition protection promptness proportion
prosecutor 15. I have a business [proposition] that I would like you and your partners to
16. The [prosecutor] presented evidence to the court showing that the defendant had
1. There is a [profound] difference in thinking between the two leaders, which makes threatened to kill the victim the night of the murder.
reaching an agreement extremely difficult.
17. The little girl viewed the [prospect] of playing her violin in front of an audience
2. The [progress] of the disease seems to have accelerated somewhat in the last week, with absolute terror.
and his doctor is very worried.
18. The end of the war has brought a new era of peace and [prosperity] to the region.
3. The cost of houses in this city has become [prohibitive] in the last few years.
19. In spite of the fact that [prostitution] is illegal, it continues to be a part of
probably every society on the planet. deeply in debt.
20. The rose has thorns for [protection] from animals which would eat it. 9. [Publish] or perish has long been the reality of the university professor.
10. The old man had apparently had a heart attack, and it took the doctors a while to
find his [pulse].
11. The heart basically acts as a [pump] which circulates blood throughout our body.
12. The young boy felt dizzy and nauseous after receiving a [punch] to the head at
13. He has a very [punishing] work schedule, and his health and family life are
suffering because of it.
14. A number of successful business figures who were former [pupils] of the school
publicize protein protest provide provincial psychological pump have contributed towards renovating the old building.
Publish protocol provocative puzzled qualifications purchase pulse
pursuit punch pupils purpose impurities punishing 15. The [purchase] price for digital cameras is expected to drop significantly over the
next five years.
3. The member broke [protocol] by approaching the organization without approval 19. The old woman's doctor was quite [puzzled] by her sudden recovery.
from the board.
20. She wants the job, but she doesn't have the [qualifications] necessary to even get
4. I'll be glad to [provide] you with a copy of the hand-out if you want to take a look an interview.
at it.
6. The politician has made a number of [provocative] speeches which have drawn the
anger of civil rights activists throughout the country.
quantity quality quarrel raised quotas radar Random rags raid rack
7. The reasons for the child's bad behaviour are probably [psychological]. rallied quotations radical qualitative radiation queried rage ransom
range ranks
8. The government doesn't want to [publicize] the fact that the fast ferries project is
16. Doctors were afraid the injured child wouldn't live through the night, but he has
1. Deciding which of your friends and relatives you want to invite is a [qualitative] since [rallied], and his chances for survival now seem much greater than originally
judgement you'll have to make on your own. expected.
2. Their prices are very good, but unfortunately the [quality] of their goods is very 17. [Random] acts of violence against minorities have created a state of fear in the
low. city.
3. We buy a huge [quantity] of strawberries and blueberries every summer to 18. We chose the colour for our living room from a wide [range] of choices at the
preserve for use all year. paint shop.
4. Someone once joked that if it weren't for marriage, husbands and wives would 19. Most of the people working in senior administration in this company have moved
have to [quarrel] with strangers. up through the [ranks] from simple office positions.
5. The professor [queried] her research methodology, and suggested that the results 20. The kidnappers have said that their hostages will be killed if the [ransom] is not
may necessitate further study. paid.
6. The government is discussing setting [quotas] for the minimum number of women
which should make up the work force in the civil service.
7. Any [quotations] given in your essay must be properly identified with footnotes.
9. The UFO appeared on the military [radar] screen, and appeared to be travelling at
a speed of over 10,000 miles per minute.
rattling rapidity realm rarity rearing rate Ratification rationality
10. Workers at the nuclear power plant were exposed to [radiation] during the leak. rave reacted raw reasonably ratio realized rays reality rash rapist
rather reassuring
11. The Prime Minister has proposed a number of [radical] changes to the economy
in order to make the country more competitive on international markets.
12. The prisoners in the concentration camp had to use dirty old [rags] to bandage 1. Police have arrested a known [rapist] who is suspected in a number of attacks on
their injuries. prostitutes in the downtown core.
13. The man admitted shooting his wife's lover in a fit of [rage] after discovering 2. AIDS is spreading with horrifying [rapidity] through certain parts of the African
them both in bed. continent.
14. Certain kinds of ants [raid] the nests of other ant tribes, kill the queen, and kidnap 3. Dial telephones have become a [rarity] in today's push-button world.
many of the workers, which then become their slaves.
4. Don't make a [rash] decision about buying a used car; have it checked by a
15. We had to wait before going into town because the bridge into the city had been mechanic first to make sure that it is in good shape.
[raised] to let a boat out of the harbour.
5. Political violence aside, there is a surprisingly low crime [rate] in Ireland. trip with his buddies.
9. In our modern age, [rationality] has become too important, and decisions are
sometimes made coldly, and without regard to the feelings of others.
10. The earthquake started gradually, with the [rattling] of the dishes in the cupboard. recall reflects refineries reform referral recession reckons reckless
recent receipt recognize redundant reconcile Reconstruction recycle
11. My teenage daughter went to an all-night [rave] at a local nightclub. recovering recruit rebellious reduce recommendations
12. It is hard to imagine that the [raw] wool that comes from sheep is eventually
made into a beautiful sweater like this.
1. He was quite [rebellious], and in trouble with the law when he was young.
13. We could see dust floating in the [rays] of sunlight streaming through the living
room window. 2. His [recall] of the car accident wasn't too good because he was drunk at the time.
14. The woman at first [reacted] with total disbelief when told of the death of her 3. I've kept the [receipt] for the clothes I bought you, so if something doesn't fit, you
husband. can take it back.
15. Children in some of our remote northern communities have taken to sniffing 4. The [recent] increase in crime in the area is being blamed on gangs of white
gasoline to escape the harsh [reality] of a life of poverty and isolation. youths.
16. They decided to adopt a child after they [realized] they weren't able to have one 5. The [recession] has had a serious, negative impact on investment in the country.
of their own.
6. The captain of the boat showed a [reckless] disregard for the safety of his
17. My brother has been fascinated by the [realm] of politics ever since he was a passengers when he chose to set out in such stormy weather.
7. The government [reckons] the tax increase will bring in well over five million
18. Scientists tell us that both bird parents usually take an active part in the [rearing] pounds in revenue within the first year.
of the young.
8. Babies have the strongest sense of smell, enabling them to [recognize] their
19. They were able to discuss their divorce calmly and [reasonably] until they came mothers by scent.
to the subject of the children.
9. We hired the services of a consultant, who made a number of [recommendations]
20. It was very [reassuring] to have my son back safe at home after his first camping on how we could increase efficiency in our business.
refusal reinforce refugees regardless rehearsals reign register region
10. The union is working with administrators in an attempt to [reconcile] their two regularity relay rehabilitation regretfully regulations relegation regime
very different agendas in a way that is acceptable to both parties. relatives rejection releases relaxation regaining
11. [Reconstruction] of the road will begin once the gas lines have been completed.
12. Police have announced that they have succeeded in [recovering] all the cash 1. Many people who come to Canada are economic [refugees] who hope to build a
stolen in this week's bank robbery. better life for themselves and their family.
13. Part of a financial consultant's job is to [recruit] people interested in pursuing a 2. He was fired from his job because of his [refusal] to work overtime.
financial career.
3. The Communist Party is [regaining] popularity in Eastern Europe among people
14. Aluminum, glass, and paper are the three materials most easy to [recycle]. disappointed by the lack of progress under their capitalist governments.
15. The city of Victoria is trying to [reduce] the amount of garbage going to the 4. All pilots on international flights identify themselves in English, [regardless] of
municipal dump by encouraging recycling. their country of origin.
16. My job has been made [redundant] by a computer program that can do everything 5. My doctor has put me on a special fitness [regime] to help me get back to good
I did in a day within about forty minutes. health.
17. You need a [referral] from your doctor in order to receive massage therapy 6. She sustained serious injuries to the pelvic [region] as a result of the car accident.
7. The government of our province has a [register] of all the births, deaths and
18. Observers say that a number of oil [refineries] were hit during the attack, and are marriages which have occurred in the province.
now burning out of control.
8. Alexander Graham Bell once said that when one door closes, another door opens,
19. The colour black absorbs heat, whereas white [reflects] it. but we so often look so long, and so [regretfully] upon the closed door, that we do
not see the ones which open for us.
20. The public have made a strong call for [reform] to the education system in my
country. 9. My car has been breaking down with increasing [regularity].
10. The government has strict [regulations] regarding salmon fishing in our province.
11. The [rehabilitation] of young offenders is a very lengthy process requiring a great
deal of understanding and effort.
12. There was a show on television which showed a number of young women going
through [rehearsals] to become pop singers.
13. Economists say the long [reign] of the American dollar is fading, as all major
currencies have risen against it.
14. The leader of the party is trying to [reinforce] his position by surrounding himself
with his most loyal supporters. 4. My daughter [relishes] the idea of getting a part-time job, and having her own
money to spend as she wants.
15. The suicidal state of mind has been described as being filled with a sense of self-
hatred, [rejection], and hopelessness. 5. The child [reluctantly] gave the toys back to his friend when it was time to go
16. Birds are the closest living [relatives] to dinosaurs.
6. He doesn't have a car, so he always [relies] on his friends to give him a lift when
17. My mother practised some [relaxation] techniques to help her deal with the pain they go out.
she suffered as a result of having cancer.
7. Someone once observed that we are born brave, trusting, and greedy, and most of
18. The satellite will be used primarily by the military to [relay] information us [remain] greedy.
regarding enemy troop movements.
8. Medical science is making [remarkable] discoveries about the relationship
19. Sweat [releases] warm water from the body, which cools as the moisture between your state of mind, and your health.
evaporates off the skin.
9. Her son is in a [remedial] reading class, and is making excellent progress.
20. The [relegation] of the pitcher to the minor leagues has been met with a great
deal of anger by his numerous fans. 10. My daughter really [reminds] me of my wife when she laughs.
11. Signs of pollution are now found even in the [remotest] regions of our planet.
12. My son wants a pair of roller blades with [removable] wheels so they can double
as shoes.
13. Superman was [rendered] as weak and helpless as a kitten in the presence of the
material known as kryptonite.
16. Teeth are the only parts of the human body that can't [repair] themselves.
1. The children questioned us [relentlessly] about the countries we would be visiting 17. [Repatriation] of our constitution will allow us to manage our own legislation.
during our European holiday.
18. Our secretary is on holiday but the temporary [replacement] we hired seems to be
2. Much of what I studied while I was doing my university degree now seems totally doing a good job.
[irrelevant] to what I need in the working world.
19. Students can [replay] the film clip as many times as they need in order to answer
3. The entire country breathed a sigh of [relief] at the news that the president had the comprehension questions.
survived an assassination attempt.
20. Most women who place personal ads in the newspaper receive lots of [replies]
from interested men.
9. The beach itself sure didn't have much [resemblance] to the pictures in the travel
10. She was still [resentful] towards him a year after they split up.
11. I have some [reservations] about vacationing in that country because of their high
crime rate.
13. The old man sighed with [resignation] when told by his boss that he would be let
14. There is an old proverb which states that good habits result from [resisting]
report research reproduction request rescue disrespectful resignation 15. In order to [resolve] this conflict, we need to sit down face to face, and examine
reputation reservations resemblance Representing responses resentful the issues together.
resolve resort requires reside irresponsible resisting resources
16. The police claimed they had no choice but to [resort] to using pepper spray to
stop the rioters.
1. An anonymous caller phoned police to [report] the murder of a local gang leader. 17. The [resources] of our planet are being strained to the limit by our vast
2. [Representing] one's country at the Olympic Games is the greatest achievement an
athlete can hope for. 18. In some societies, looking a superior in the eyes when they are speaking is
considered [disrespectful].
3. Studies have shown that certain chemicals in plastics can actually harm cell
[reproduction] in humans. 19. We haven't received many [responses] to the questionnaire we sent out.
4. His [reputation] as a stockbroker was ruined by allegations of insider trading. 20. It is totally [irresponsible] for you to get your girlfriend pregnant, and then break
up with her.
5. I am going to [request] a leave of absence for a month because my mother is
dying, and I want to be at home to take care of her.
6. Studies show that the older a person gets, the less sleep he/she [requires].
7. The body of a rock-climber declared missing over a week ago was found by a
mountain [rescue] team this morning.
8. The latest scientific [research] into cancer shows that environment is the most
important factor in the development of the disease.
13. It was [revealed] during their divorce hearing that her husband had had numerous
14. In my opinion, [revenge] simply gives your enemy another excuse to attack you.
revolt restraints restructure resumption revise revenge retire retain
revealed review retaliate restrict reversed retreat restoration result 15. Tax [revenues] have been much higher than expected this year, resulting in a
revenues retail retrieval revival large budget surplus.
16. The politician completely [reversed] his stance on the tax once he was elected to
1. The [restoration] of the old theatre is expected to cost over a million dollars.
17. The government has ordered a [review] of its aid package to the region, in
2. The government has put wage [restraints] on workers in the public sector. response to the human rights abuses.
3. The government is determined to [restrict] the number of imports in order to 18. The company had to [revise] its original budget forecast due to a sudden rise in
protect the domestic market. energy costs.
4. The company is hoping to [restructure] its debt payments in order to avoid 19. The current [revival] of disco music has brought many old stars back into the
bankruptcy. entertainment business.
5. Many people living in large cities develop health problems as a [result] of the air 20. The Premier is facing a [revolt] by party members who object to his dictatorial
pollution there. style.
6. The [resumption] of talks between the two countries is a good sign for the future
of the peace process.
7. Lower than expected [retail] sales show that the boycott has had a definite effect.
8. Despite contact with the west, the country has been able to [retain] its traditional
9. The American government has announced it will [retaliate] with great force
against the rebels for any attacks on its embassy.
10. A survey recently revealed that women [retire] later than men, have less money,
and are more worried about retirement.
11. The major ordered his men to [retreat] when it became obvious that they were
heavily outnumbered. role romantically rocket robust revolve ritualized rigidly ripen
rhythmic roared ridiculously rigorously rioters rewards rivalry
12. The [retrieval] system in this new computer is incredibly fast, and can deal with revolutionaries risky rid robbed roasted
huge amounts of data.
17. This machinery is quite [robust] in both design and construction, and should last
1. The government has been successful in chasing the [revolutionaries] into the for years.
18. Over a dozen people are dead, and scores wounded after a [rocket] attack on the
2. Most of the problems in a drug addict's life [revolve] around getting the next fix. rebel camp by forces loyal to the president.
3. Psychologists have shown that externally supplied [rewards] sometimes actually 19. Medication made from marijuana has an important [role] to play in controlling
lower a person's desire to perform a task. nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer.
4. The baby was soothed by the quiet [rhythmic] sound of his mother's heartbeat. 20. He became [romantically] involved with his wife's best friend, and eventually got
a divorce.
5. New vaccines may someday [rid] our planet of a number of those diseases that
currently result in millions of deaths each year.
6. He paid a [ridiculously] high price for his car just because he was determined to
buy a convertible Volkswagen Beetle.
7. The young boy stood [rigidly] against the building wall as the large dog ran by.
8. Only the most [rigorously] conducted research can produce results which are truly
ruined rotten route rough routinely royalty rude root rumour
9. Windows were smashed, and cars set on fire by [rioters] angry about the loss of rotate rural rush row ruthlessness rubbed
their national soccer team in the World Cup finals.
10. The apples are picked early, and then allowed to [ripen] in the store.
1. When learning a second language, words that share a common [root] are more
11. Investing in the stock market is a very [risky] way to try to make money. easily memorized than words that do not.
12. A Korean student gave a presentation on the [ritualized] marriage customs of a 2. The young girl forgot an apple in her knapsack for a week, and it went [rotten].
traditional wedding ceremony in her country.
3. It is important for farmers to [rotate] their crops to avoid depleting the soil.
13. There is a Hebrew proverb which states that [rivalry] between scholars advances
wisdom. 4. His hands are really [rough] because he never wears gloves when he is working in
the garden.
14. The flames of the forest fire [roared] in the ears of the firefighters.
5. The gas company was able to [route] the pipeline under our flower garden without
15. The children [roasted] marshmallows around the campfire, and sang songs all having to dig up our yard at all.
6. The Beatles are [routinely] described as the most important pop group in history.
16. With the recent assassination of a leading government figure, the country was
[robbed] of its best chance for peace 7. Developers have built a long [row] of luxury hotels on the most beautiful beach on
the island.
9. The little girl woke up, and [rubbed] her eyes sleepily.
satisfaction scandal sacred safeguard scanned saint sanctioned salvage
10. My boyfriend was really [rude] to my parents, and now they're so upset they want sailed sample sacrificed sanctuary scales satellite sarcastic savagely
me to break up with him. sacked sauce saluted scarred
11. The cake was [ruined] when she accidentally put a cup of salt in it instead of
1. The enemy [sacked] and burned the villages in their path as they retreated.
12. Have you heard the latest [rumour] about the secretary in the complaints
department? 2. Stonehenge is believed to have been a [sacred] site for the people who lived in
England hundreds of years ago.
13. Large animals are a common sight on many [rural] roads in this country.
3. He [sacrificed] his life for his country in the war.
14. We had to [rush] home from the party when the baby-sitter phoned to say that my
daughter was sick. 4. We must take immediate action to [safeguard] habitat for endangered species.
15. The Mafia boss had a reputation for [ruthlessness] that terrified everyone around 5. The Titanic [sailed] on an April day in 1912 on her maiden voyage from
him. Southampton to New York.
6. People thought he was a [saint] because of all the kind and generous things he did
for the children of the village.
7. The soldiers stood to attention, and [saluted] as the prime minister did his
inspection of the troops.
8. The [salvage] operation had to be called off temporarily due to bad weather.
10. The country has been [sanctioned] by the international community for refusing to
follow the ban on whaling.
11. Many migratory birds and resident birds find [sanctuary] in the forest of
traditional coffee plantations.
12. The [sarcastic] policeman made me very angry when he asked me if the tree had
perhaps jumped in front of my car.
1. Disease is killing people daily due to the [scarcity] of clean water in the region.
13. My dad fell off the roof, and broke his arm while trying to install our new
[satellite] dish. 2. Flights were delayed for over six hours after reports of a bomb [scare].
14. He doesn't get paid a lot, but he gets a great deal of [satisfaction] from his work. 3. The terrified villagers [scattered] as the helicopters appeared in the sky above
15. I made some spaghetti [sauce] with fresh garlic and basil for supper.
4. Thousands of people [scavenge] through the garbage dumps of Manila every day
16. An elderly man was attacked and [savagely] beaten by young thugs, for no in order to survive.
apparent reason.
5. My cousin has written a [scenario] for a movie, and it has just been sold to a major
17. If the [scales] are dropping off the fish like that, you can be sure that it is not very Hollywood producer.
6. The hunting dogs quickly picked up the [scent] of the cougar, and were able to
18. We [scanned] all our family photos onto the computer, and sent the best ones to track it to a tree in the city park.
my parents by e-mail.
7. The plane had to make an [unscheduled] stop in Edmonton when a passenger had a
19. She preferred to have an abortion rather than risk the [scandal] of having a baby heart attack.
when she wasn't even married.
8. My ex-wife is [scheming] with her lawyer to take everything I've got.
20. The ice was [scarred] with deep cuts from the figure skaters.
9. He won a [scholarship] to study biochemistry at McGill University.
10. The reporter got a major [scoop] when he discovered evidence of a leading
politician's role in a corruption scandal.
11. The language in the text is beyond the [scope] of all but those who are experts in
the field.
12. The winning goal was [scored] with only 5 seconds remaining in the game.
13. The firemen [scrambled] out of bed, and jumped into their uniforms when the
siren sounded.
14. Any [scrap] of information you may have could be helpful to our investigation.
15. They finally managed to [scrape] enough money together to buy a used sofa for
scoop scent scare scheming script scavenge scenario screened scored their tiny apartment.
unscheduled screw scrape scarcity scope scrambled scrap scattered
scholarship scratchy screaming 16. She hates wearing her wool sweater because she finds the material [scratchy] and
17. The boys heard [screaming] as they passed the house, and saw smoke coming out
of one of the windows.
6. Everything in the office came to a halt when the [secretaries] went on strike.
18. People who want to work with children have to be [screened] to make sure they
do not have a history of child abuse. 7. The most difficult [section] of the exam was the vocabulary part.
19. If you [screw] the two boards together it will hold better than if you nail them. 8. The industrial [sector] is quite pleased with the government's new policy.
20. The director wants the writer to make some changes to the [script] in order to 9. He works as a [security] guard in a large company, but wants to become a police
make the story a little more exciting. officer.
11. You should [seek] proper legal advice before you decide whether or not to sue
your former business partner.
12. Tax cuts always seem to benefit the richest [segments] of society, whereas it is
the poor who really need help.
13. The army has failed in its attempts to [seize] power from the President.
14. He made a cassette with [selections] of his favourite songs for the party.
security scrutiny sealed secretaries senior sector sense segments 16. One of the [senior] partners in the law firm has been charged with withholding
seductive sensitively seminar seek searched scrub seize sculpted evidence.
selections section sensation sensibly
17. Eating the plant may cause a temporary loss of [sensation] in the lips and mouth.
18. There is a real [sense] of urgency to the peace talks now, with both sides warning
1. Surgeons always [scrub] their hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap before of the dangers of not reaching a settlement.
doing an operation.
19. After having a mild heart attack, her dad [sensibly] decided to change his
2. Working conditions in the factory must be open to public [scrutiny] in order for lifestyle.
real change to occur.
20. The book is an excellent educational tool which deals very [sensitively] with the
3. The hairdresser [sculpted] the model's hair into the form of a Christmas tree for the topic of child abuse.
holiday fashion show.
5. I [searched] all over the house, and I can't find my other sock.
12. Generally, in our criminal justice system, [severity] of punishment depends on
the seriousness of the crime.
13. Any car engine oil that you pour down the [sewer] eventually ends up in the
ocean, where it causes serious pollution problems.
14. She had her first [sexual] experience just after she graduated from high school.
16. The children saw the [shadowy] figure of the friendly lion standing at the door of
their bedroom.
shady service severity shaking sentimental sequential serials seriously
sentenced series sessional several sexual sewer separation shaped settle 17. Her hands were [shaking] nervously when she sat down to play the piano.
shadowy shallow shameless
18. The old man's breathing was increasingly [shallow], and doctors feared he
wouldn't last the night.
1. He was [sentenced] to death for the murder of his wife and children. 19. Many people feel that promises to cut taxes are simply a [shameless] attempt to
buy votes.
2. He is always very [sentimental] when he talks about his childhood.
20. Goethe wrote that we are [shaped] and fashioned by what we love.
3. The children have found their parents' [separation] very difficult to deal with.
5. The magazine regularly publishes different detective [serials] which run for about
3 months.
6. We heard a [series] of shots coming from the house, and then a man ran out
covered in blood.
7. Bar owners have complained that the ban on smoking has [seriously] affected their
8. We didn't leave a tip for the waiter because the [service] was really terrible.
1. I think we both [share] the same general values even if we disagree on some 18. The woman gasped, and [shrank] against the wall as the monster approached her.
19. I apologized to my boss for missing the meeting, but he just smiled and
2. The number of homeless people in Victoria has risen [sharply] in the last ten years. [shrugged] it off.
3. I [shaved] my head once my hair started to fall out from my chemotherapy 20. Make sure you [shuffle] the cards properly this time; last time I got almost
treatments. nothing but hearts.
4. Put the rake and the shovel in the garden [shed], and bring the hammer in the
5. The marathon runner collapsed from [sheer] exhaustion after the race.
6. A wise man once observed that a house becomes a home when it [shelters] the
body, and comforts the soul.
7. The knight they killed had been carrying a large [shield] with the sign of an enemy
8. The [shifting] sands of the desert in some parts of Egypt can make for a difficult
and dangerous crossing.
9. The cyclist's reflective vest [shone] bright red in the headlights of the approaching
10. Customs officials discovered a huge [shipment] of illegal drugs at the airport silver singles signifies situations siege sincerity simmering sinisterly
today. simultaneously sip skeptically sketch signal silence shuttling similarity
simulated sighed sank site
11. The young boy began [shivering] in shock when told of the death of his mother.
12. The news of the death of her father came as a terrible [shock] to her.
1. As the father of a hockey player, he spends a lot of time [shuttling] his son
13. Hundreds of people lined up on the [shore] to watch the old sailing ships float by. between home and the arena.
14. Police were unable to control the crowds, due to a [shortage] of officers. 2. The parliament buildings are under [siege] by demonstrators protesting against the
new fuel tax.
15. The children were laughing and [shouting] with excitement as they got off the
rollercoaster. 3. The little girl looked at her posters of her favourite movie star, and [sighed].
16. The old man [shoved] the protesters out of the way, and entered the building. 4. The commander gave the [signal] for the soldiers to start firing.
5. Degradation of an ecosystem [signifies] serious environmental pollution.
6. The young couple sat in [silence], neither one brave enough to look at the other.
7. Canada's coins used to be made of [silver], but now they're made of some other
9. Tensions in the region have been [simmering] for months, and now it looks as if
war may break out.
10. New firefighters go through a series of [simulated] fires as part of their training.
11. The two men fired their guns [simultaneously] during the duel, and both were skipped slick slapped unskilled slaughtered slashed smashing slump
killed. sliced slide slaves slots slim slightly slammed slip slogan slopes
smuggled smoothly
12. She said she was sorry, but her voice was totally empty of any kind of [sincerity].
13. I don't like going to [singles] bars to meet men because a lot of people there are
just looking for a one-night stand. 1. If you don't finish high school, the only job you'll be able to find is some kind of
low paid, [unskilled] work.
14. The villain laughed [sinisterly] as he tied the poor woman to the railroad tracks.
2. When I read the book to my son, I [skipped] the scary parts because I thought they
15. After the death of her cat, the old woman [sank] into a terrible depression. might cause him to have nightmares.
16. The singer had a quick [sip] of tequila to calm her nerves before going on stage. 3. My sister had her finger broken when my brother accidentally [slammed] his
bedroom door on it during an argument.
17. The World Trade Centre was the [site] of the most terrible terrorist attack to ever
take place on American soil. 4. The government has [slapped] a new tax on cigarettes to discourage teenagers
from taking up smoking.
18. You shouldn't hang around with those boys or you might get yourself into
[situations] that you can't handle. 5. The young girl who was found by police was almost dead, after having [slashed]
her wrists with a razor blade.
19. My friends looked at me [skeptically] when I told them I would be a millionaire
by the age of thirty. 6. Thousands of people have been [slaughtered] in the conflict.
20. The actors did a funny little ten-minute [sketch] about having a check-up at the 7. Many African [slaves] captured for sale in America died during the difficult
doctor's office. journey across the Atlantic.
8. We [sliced] up some apples and pears for a snack for the kids.
9. I don't trust politicians who are too [slick] and charming; I want to hear from a
person who is open and sincere.
snuck snatch sniffed solo Soaring social somewhat solely solidity so-
10. We looked at a [slide] of a drop of water under the microscope, and it was full of called solution sober Soils snapping software soaked solemnity sore
little things. soothe unsophisticated
11. Our new apartment is only [slightly] bigger than the old one, but it is much nicer.
12. I like to use a very [slim] wallet because it is light, and is more comfortable to 1. He sat at the table, [snapping] his fingers in time to the music.
carry in my pocket.
2. We were able to [snatch] a few hours sleep after our long flight, before the
13. I wrote my friend's new phone number on a [slip] of paper, and now I can't find meeting began.
3. My brother and I [snuck] out of our house at night, and went and raided my
14. This new [slogan] will be an important feature of our new sales strategy. neighbour's cherry tree.
15. The river bank [slopes] sharply down to the water, and can be a little dangerous. 4. The bear [sniffed] the air; it could smell salmon cooking on a barbecue not too far
16. The old castle had [slots] in its walls for the archers to shoot arrows through.
5. The blood [soaked] through the sleeve of his shirt, forming a large stain.
17. The goalie is in a bit of a [slump], and needs to have a good game to get his
confidence back. 6. [Soaring] unemployment has been a major problem for the government during the
election campaign.
18. During the demonstration, a group of kids starting [smashing] windows, and
yelling at passersby. 7. She was pretty drunk when I saw her at the party, but by morning she was [sober]
enough to go home.
19. The project has been running very [smoothly] up until now.
8. These [so-called] environmentally-friendly products still come in the same old
20. The plane crashed after a bomb which had been [smuggled] on board by a indestructible plastic packaging.
suicidal man exploded in the washroom.
9. Sonya is very shy, and finds it difficult to be in [social] situations.
10. We got some new [software] for our computer, but we don't know exactly how to
install it.
12. Too many people forget entirely about nutrition, and choose their food [solely]
on the basis of how good it tastes.
13. The cloudy weather mirrored the [solemnity] of the memorial service.
14. It has been said that compromise, if not the spice of life, is its [solidity]. It is what
makes nations great, and marriages happy.
15. Usually, when a band is playing live, they introduce each member of the group 4. Albert Einstein once remarked that as long as there are [sovereign] nations
by name, and then the person does a long [solo] on their instrument. possessing great power, war is inevitable.
16. Experts recommend using vodka as a cleaning [solution] for diamond jewellery. 5. The largest insects that ever lived on the Earth were giant dragonflies with wing
[spans] of over a metre.
17. She is [somewhat] older than her husband even though she looks younger.
6. In my opinion, [spanking] children simply teaches them that it is okay to use
18. The mother stroked her baby's back to [soothe] him, and put him to sleep. violence to solve their problems.
19. Inadequately formed ideas tend to produce [unsophisticated] arguments. 7. The boss is pretty busy, so he can only [spare] a few minutes to talk to you today.
20. Her eyes were [sore] and red from trying to read in the dark. 8. The little boys were banging rocks together to see if they could make [sparks].
9. Her eyes were [sparkling] with excitement as she got off the plane.
10. There is a [species] of black bear in our province which sometimes produces
young cubs which are white in colour.
11. Politicians never get very [specific] about what they will do if elected because
they don't want to make too many promises they can't keep.
12. [Specimens] of hair taken from the factory workers showed abnormally high
levels of lead in their systems.
14. The view of the peninsula is [spectacular] from the top of the mountain.
species soul sphere Sources spilled spans spare sparkling specific
spectacular Specimens spun sparks speculation spectacle spectators 15. Dozens of [spectators] were crushed to death against a fence at the stadium
sovereign sort spanking spirit during a game.
16. Any guesses as to who will take over as chairman are pure [speculation] at this
point, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
1. Someone once joked that a man he knew had the [sort] of face that makes you
realize God does have a sense of humour. 17. Free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a [sphere], because of its
surface tension.
2. After his death, we felt like my grandfather's [soul] remained in our house in order
to be with our grandmother until she could join him. 18. The contents of the box of crystal wine glasses [spilled] out over the floor,
shattering into little pieces.
3. [Sources] within the police department say that many officers feel that marijuana
should be legalized. 19. The car hit a telephone pole, and [spun] around in circles before finally coming to
a stop in the opposite lane.
9. Turn the [sprinkler] on before going out; the grass looks really dry.
20. The Olympics promotes excellence in athletics, and a [spirit] of sportsmanship.
10. The young boy began to walk quickly, and then broke into a [sprint] as the school
bus came around the corner.
11. The government is taking steps to [spur] business investment in the country.
12. The Americans have arrested a [spy] who has been selling military secrets to the
enemy for the last ten years.
13. The English soccer [squad] has been seriously weakened by injuries to key
spoil staffed stadiums stage stack spontaneously spray spousal 14. When my daughter was a baby, she used to love to [squeeze] fresh peaches in her
sponsorship spokesman spread unstable sprint spur squeeze spy squad fist, so she could feel them squirt through her fingers.
split stabbing sprinkler
15. The old man felt a [stabbing] pain in his chest, and was rushed to the hospital.
16. My sister is a little emotionally [unstable], and finds it difficult to have a long-
1. There is a Myanmar proverb which observes that once the cattle have been [split] term relationship with people.
up, the tiger strikes.
17. The cat knocked over a [stack] of books when it jumped up onto the shelf.
2. Dates are often called the food of the desert because they are very nutritious, and
do not easily [spoil] in the hot climate. 18. Many [stadiums], arenas and other sports complexes are now simply named for
the corporation that paid for them.
3. A rebel [spokesman] has said that his group expects to take the capital city in the
next few days. 19. The office is currently being [staffed] by senior administrators due to the strike
by secretaries and receptionists.
4. The festival has been saved thanks to the [sponsorship] of a number of major
corporations. 20. The children were all dressed as various fruits and vegetables as they danced
across the [stage] in the school play.
5. He never does anything [spontaneously]; everything has to be planned ahead of
6. The [spousal] benefits under this plan do not include receiving your pension if you
die first.
7. The salty [spray] from the ocean is very hard on the paint of houses located near
the beach.
8. Karate first started in India, and [spread] to China before reaching Japan in the
15. The songwriter is suing a popular musician who he claims [stole] some songs he
stakeholders steadily stained stalled Statistically status staring stapler
state steer stationary starvation statement step substandard steam 16. When the water boils, the [steam] will cause the kettle to whistle.
stole stem steel stalker
17. My stereo system is made out of [steel], and is apparently much more durable
than the plastic systems available today.
1. His fingers are permanently [stained] yellow from years of smoking. 18. This new government is expected to [steer] the economy in a new direction, with
its major cuts to taxes.
2. The government has promised to hold discussions with all [stakeholders] involved
in this issue before making a decision. 19. Immigration authorities are looking for ways to [stem] the flow of illegal
migrants into the country.
3. Police are watching a [stalker] who has been bothering women in the area over the
last few weeks. 20. The first [step] in getting over your alcoholism is admitting you have a problem.
7. Their teenage daughter is always afraid that people are [staring] at her, and
laughing at her clothing or hair.
8. Over 500 people have died of [starvation] since the beginning of the year in my
9. In my opinion, it is wrong for the [state] to execute someone, just as it is wrong for
an individual to kill someone.
stiff stimulation streaks strangled stung storm stocks stitch stomach
10. The accused gave a written [statement] to the police confessing to the crime. stirring stream stray straighten strapless stereotypes strain strange
strategic stone straightforward
11. The train was only [stationary] long enough for a few commuters to hop on.
6. There is an old saying which states that a [stitch] in time saves nine.
7. Our corner convenience store [stocks] all the essentials, from toothpaste and light
bulbs to condoms and cigarettes.
8. The young boy got the wind knocked out of him when he got hit in the [stomach]
with the soccer ball.
9. On the [stone] temples of Madura in southern India, there are more than 30 million stress strokes strict String strive subscription stuff struck struggle
carved images of gods and goddesses. strollers stretch subsequent structure stylist submissive strip studio
subsidize stunned insubordinate
10. A number of telephone poles were blown over in an enormous wind[storm] we
had last year.
11. Brush your hair, and [straighten] your tie before you go in for the interview. 1. Reducing [stress] in one's life is important for the maintenance of good health.
12. My boss never gave me a [straightforward] answer to my request for a raise. 2. It is important to [stretch] before you start any vigorous physical exercise.
13. The responsibility of taking care of both a job and a family can be a real [strain] 3. They sent their wild son to a private school which had [strict] discipline, in the
at times. hopes that it would teach him better behaviour.
14. I travel a lot on business, and it is a lonely feeling to wake up in a [strange] bed in 4. Her grandfather was killed when he was [struck] by a car while crossing the street.
some unknown city.
5. [String] and sequence are used interchangeably in molecular biology.
15. A young child has died in a tragic accident after getting her head caught in a rope
swing, and being [strangled] to death. 6. A single herd of hungry elephants can [strip] an entire region of grass and leaves.
16. The Princess wore a beautiful [strapless] gown to the party. 7. We [strive] to give our customers the best service possible.
17. The geographic location of Israel in the Middle East makes it of extreme 8. The rowers are accompanied by a person who calls out a beat to time the [strokes]
[strategic] importance to the United States. of their paddles.
18. An innocent woman was killed by a [stray] bullet fired in a fight between rival 9. The park was empty except for a couple of [strollers], and a family having a
gangs. picnic.
10. The [structure] was seriously damaged during the fire, and will have to be
11. The people of the region have been involved in a long [struggle] for freedom and insufferable summit superficial substance substantially substitute
democracy. subtle suits supplementary sued superbly supply self-sufficiency
suggested supervisory suicidal sum superiority unsuccessful sum
12. She is working in her [studio] right now, putting the last finishing touches on
some of her pottery pieces for the art show.
13. Napoleon once said that religion is excellent [stuff] for keeping the common 1. Strangely enough, research has found that cocoa powder contains a [substance]
people quiet. that may actually reduce tooth decay.
14. The entire world was completely [stunned] by the terrorist attacks on the World 2. The rate of disease is [substantially] lower for children whose mothers breastfeed
Trade Centre and the Pentagon. them.
15. She had her hair done by a well-known [stylist] who cuts hair for a number of 3. There is no [substitute] for hard work when trying to achieve a high standard in
celebrities. any sport.
16. The dog is very [submissive], and will roll on its back when another dog 4. Seasonal temperature changes are more [subtle] near the equator than they are in
threatens it. other areas.
17. Any [insubordinate] behaviour will be dealt with harshly. 5. The former champion has been [unsuccessful] in a number of attempts at regaining
his title.
18. The old man cancelled his [subscription] to the newspaper because he was so
upset by the right-wing editorials. 6. The politician [sued] the newspaper after it printed an article which accused him of
lying to the public.
19. The supervisor has announced that our first staff meeting will last for two hours,
and [subsequent] meetings for only one hour. 7. Henry has become simply [insufferable] ever since he was told by the teacher that
he had the potential to become a successful writer.
20. The government has a program to help [subsidize] farms that convert from
growing tobacco to other crops. 8. Recent discoveries off the coast of Vancouver Island may someday allow Canada
to achieve [self-sufficiency] in oil.
9. Early views on the origin of life included one that [suggested] sheep arose from a
10. Police were able to prevent an old man who was [suicidal] from jumping off the
11. It is really difficult to find a day for a party which [suits] everyone in the group.
12. A poet once suggested that fame is the [sum] of the misunderstanding that
gathers about a new name.
management have [supposedly] made a deal.
13. Someone once remarked that the entire [sum] of existence is the magic of being
needed by just one person. 3. New evidence has shown that some popular diet [suppressants] can cause heart
14. The very [summit] of Mount Everest is about the size of a billiards table.
4. Larry seems [supremely] confident of winning the tournament, but I wouldn't bet
15. The new multiplex is [superbly] equipped with the best in sound technology on him.
available today.
5. The first man to walk on the [surface] of the moon was American Neil Armstrong.
16. There are some [superficial] similarities between the two, but actually, they are
really very different. 6. The knee is the most easily injured of all the joints in the body, and the area most
frequently treated by [surgeons].
17. A woman recently suggested that the natural [superiority] of women is a
biological fact, and a socially-acknowledged reality. 7. Unemployment in this country is due to a [surplus] in labour, not because people
are too lazy to work.
18. The [supervisory] staff meet once a month to discuss personnel matters.
8. The tourist was forced to [surrender] his passport to the authorities after being
19. You don't need to take [supplementary] vitamins if you eat properly. charged with smuggling.
20. These are the major blood vessels which [supply] blood to the brain. 9. Frogs do not drink, but absorb water from their [surroundings] through their skin.
10. Advertising companies often [survey] the public to measure interest in a product.
12. The police became [suspicious] when they noticed a nervous-looking man
waiting outside the bank.
13. The movie keeps you in a state of [suspense] right up until the very end.
14. Lost in the desert for days, they were eventually reduced to eating insects for
15. Up to the age of six or seven months, a child can breathe and [swallow] at the
sweat sweep swore swayed supposedly suspicious surplus survey same time. An adult cannot do this.
supremely sustenance surgeons surrender surroundings suppressants
suspense supportive survival surface swapped swallow 16. We [swapped] e-mail addresses at the conference, and are planning to work on a
couple of projects together.
17. He tried to convince his parents to let him travel to Europe with his friends, but
1. My family and friends have always been [supportive] of my decisions. they wouldn't be [swayed].
2. The strike was tentatively called off on Monday because the union and 18. He [swore] off cigarettes after a simple cold turned into a severe case of
7. A doctor looks at the [symptoms] of an illness in order to make his diagnosis.
19. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet contain more [sweat] glands than
any other part of the body. 8. The military government in this country has been practising a [systematic]
campaign of torture and murder to intimidate the opposition.
20. According to biologists, squirrels don't like to head straight for anything. For
safety, they may run past, and [sweep] around from the side.
1. It was exciting kayaking through the [swells] for a while, but when the waves got
too big, we paddled to shore.
2. The car was driving down the highway when the driver suddenly [swerved] off the
road, and into the trees.
3. Her mood [swung] from happiness to depression and back again during the first
few days after her baby was born.
4. The young boy was stopped by a security agent at the department store after he
was seen [switching] the price tags on some clothes he was buying.
6. I certainly [sympathize] with your desire to spend more time with your family, but
I'm afraid we just can't give you any extra time off.
14. People have protested and complained about [taxes] for about as long as rulers
and governments have collected them.
taste tackle taggers tactic tape techniques talent tanks tap tales
tasks temperature teammates taxes tacks tangled technically tease hi- 15. Todd angered his [teammates] by telling everyone that he was the best player
tech target they had.
16. Now that my daughter is taller than me she loves to [tease] me about my height.
1. There is a world map in our classroom with coloured [tacks] showing the 17. Japan is perhaps the most [technically]-advanced nation in the world.
homeland of each of the students.
18. There are many different [techniques] which one can use to practise relaxation,
2. The government is determined to [tackle] the issue right away while its popularity such as meditation or yoga.
is high.
19. Young people need to have good computer skills these days if they want to get a
3. One successful [tactic] of advertising is to use celebrity endorsements. job in the new [hi-tech] industries which are opening up.
4. The park has been defaced by [taggers] who have spray-painted their name on 20. Crocodiles can last months without feeding as long as their body [temperature]
everything. remains low.
5. The old doctor was full of [tales] of his life helping the sick in the small villages.
6. Those kids have a real [talent] for bothering all their neighbours.
7. The electrical wires to the computer are all [tangled] up on the floor under my
8. Scuba divers breathe compressed air from [tanks] they wear on their backs.
9. Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning [tap] on your horn
if visibility is limited.
10. We keep master copies of all the audio cassettes in the office, so that if a
language lab [tape] is lost, we can replace it. theoretical thereby temporary testimony tenants tenderness theme
terrifying tentacles terrifically tendencies termination terrible temptingly
11. Random sampling ensures that everyone in a [target] population has the same terrorist text therapeutic tension territorial temples
likelihood of being chosen for a survey.
12. One of the most difficult [tasks] in learning a second language is being able to
understand television or movies. 1. On the stone [temples] of Madura in southern India, there are more than 30 million
carved images of gods and goddesses.
13. Their website features clips from a number of different songs to give people a
little [taste] of their music. 2. There is a Vietnamese proverb which says that life is a [temporary] stop, but death
is the journey home.
each alcoholic drink, [thereby] preventing dehydration.
3. Housing prices are [temptingly] low this month.
4. The [tenants] in the apartment below us were kicked out for not paying their rent.
6. The [tenderness] in your stomach will go away once the medicine has done its job.
7. Free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of its
surface [tension].
8. Some sea animals use their [tentacles] to sting their prey, paralyzing them before
eating them.
9. The latest attack has resulted in the [termination] of peace talks for the foreseeable tilt thoroughly thrust thrilled throat threatened tidiness tool topic
future. topple thrive tones tight tiny intolerable tip tissue theft tidal title
10. Goethe once stated that nothing is more [terrible] than ignorance in action.
11. He thinks his work is [terrifically] important, so he ignores everything else. 1. By putting a special device on the steering wheel of your car, you can greatly
decrease the chances of [theft] of your vehicle.
12. The first day of kindergarten in Canada was a [terrifying] experience for Yukiko
because she couldn't speak a word of English. 2. It will require the services of professional cleaners to [thoroughly] remove the
stain from your carpet.
13. Lions are very [territorial] animals which will attack any intruders on their land.
3. The boss [threatened] him with dismissal for continually arriving late for work.
14. What one person refers to as a [terrorist], another calls a freedom fighter.
4. The newly-married couple were [thrilled] when they were given a pair of tickets to
15. He was found guilty, thanks to the [testimony] of the witness. Mexico as a wedding gift from their parents.
16. The [text] which accompanies the photos provides a fascinating insight into the 5. Mosquitoes [thrive] in areas where there is stagnant water.
creation of each image.
6. With a sigh of contentment, the vampire sunk his fangs into his young victim's
17. A determination to improve social programs has been a popular [theme] during tender [throat], and began to drink.
the election.
7. The main [thrust] of his argument is that religion and science are sometimes
18. I studied practical linguistics to become an ESL teacher, but some other people in compatible.
my classes were studying [theoretical] linguistics in order to do research.
8. An earthquake caused a [tidal] wave which destroyed a number of villages along
19. Meditation can be very [therapeutic] in helping to reduce stress. the coast.
20. One way to minimize a hang-over is to drink a couple of glasses of water after 9. The [tidiness] of his office contrasted with the messiness of his house.
10. Security is very [tight] at the conference where leaders of the Commonwealth
countries are meeting. transmission torture total detoxify Tower transit transferral
transformations traffic torched tossed towed tracks tough traced
11. The planet Venus does not [tilt] as it goes around the Sun; consequently, it has no traditional tournament trail tragic transactions
12. A human has [tiny] bones meant for a tail, and unworkable muscles once meant
to move his ears. 1. The private homes of the leaders of the dictatorship were [torched] during the
13. When going to a job interview, one good [tip] is to always look your interviewers
in the eyes. 2. My children often like to [torture] me by playing their rap music in the house.
14. The jellyfish can regrow small amounts of [tissue] that have been damaged. 3. We couldn't decide who would go first, so we [tossed] a coin.
15. I can't remember the exact [title] of this book I read, but it was something like 4. The [total] cost of the project is estimated to be well over a million dollars.
"Children of Midnight."
5. Spencer is known as a [tough] negotiator, so I don't think you'll have much success
16. The level of noise in this city has become [intolerable]. It's driving me crazy. getting him to back down.
17. The Chinese language is difficult to learn for me because it has a number of 6. The [tournament] is divided into categories depending on the age and sex of the
different [tones] which change the meaning of a word. participant.
18. Audio-tapes are an essential [tool] in the teaching of a foreign language. 7. You may receive fines or your vehicle may be [towed] if you park illegally.
19. A proper summary of an article does not include one's personal opinion on the 8. The Eiffel [Tower] is probably the most famous landmark in Paris.
9. They practise a period of fasting in order to [detoxify] their systems.
20. There is a Chinese proverb which suggests that people burn incense before the
god, and then [topple] him. 10. The detective [traced] the footprints from the scene of the crime to the butler's
11. There are tire [tracks] all over the grass from where some drunk drove around on
our front lawn.
12. In ancient times, the [traditional] colour of bridal gowns was red.
13. The [traffic] of illegal migrants has become a serious issue in Canada.
14. The [tragic] ending of the film "Titanic" made teenage girls the world over break
down in tears.
15. By the year 2000, there will be a recreational [trail] stretching from the west
coast of Canada, all the way to the east coast. 3. The death of his daughter was the most [traumatic] event in his life.
16. There is presently some concern over the security of credit card [transactions] 4. A Japanese proverb notes that he who [treads] the path of love walks a thousand
which take place over the Internet. metres as if it were only one.
17. The [transferral] of funds from one account to another will take 24 hours. 5. The [treatment] my father received while in the hospital for heart surgery was
simply excellent.
18. Some of the greatest [transformations] in the history of life on our planet have
arisen by migration. 6. The [treaty] signed by the native people of the region guarantees them fishing
rights in the river.
19. In my opinion, the government should reduce the fare for city buses in order to
get more people to use mass [transit]. 7. His voice [trembled], and his hands shook uncontrollably.
20. The [transmission] of computer data along phone lines has been greatly improved 8. It is [tremendously] important that we stop the forest fire before it reaches the
by the use of fibre-optics. power plant.
9. Sunglasses have remained a [trendy] fashion accessory for the last fifty years.
10. Political prisoners in many countries are convicted in [trials] which violate
internationally agreed standards.
11. The new Prime Minister paid [tribute] to his predecessor, thanking her for her
great contribution to the nation.
12. If you apply pressure to this [trigger] point on the shoulder blade, it will help to
release tension in the shoulders and neck.
13. Goats usually need to have their hooves [trimmed] about once a month.
transportation tunnel transplant troops trials treatment typical 15. Thousands of [troops] of enemy soldiers have been observed approaching the
trembled tribute trimmed traumatic tube tune treads twists trendy capital city.
treaty twins trigger trust tremendously triumph tumble
16. The children's inheritance from their grandfather is being held in [trust] for them
until they turn 18.
1. If the chemotherapy treatments don't stop his cancer, they may have to do a bone 17. He was unconscious, and had to be fed through a [tube] inserted in his nose.
marrow [transplant].
18. Housing sales are expected to [tumble] as a result of the increase in mortgage
2. A group of parents organized [transportation] for the high school graduates to their rates.
party, so that no one would drink and drive.
19. The boy was whistling the [tune] from a popular television commercial as he
walked to school.
7. A German proverb observes that he who [undertakes] to be his own teacher has a
20. The prisoners dug a [tunnel] under the fence in order to escape from the fool for a pupil.
8. Most people feel a little [uneasy] during a dental check-up.
21. There is a Chinese proverb which observes that it is not economical to go to bed
early to save the candles if the result is [twins]. 9. Blue jeans have become the [uniform] of the modern teenager.
22. The road leading up the mountain [twists] and turns around a number of 10. The cost of [unification] for the two Germanys was largely paid for by the west.
dangerous corners.
11. The recent [unionization] of the factory has brought much greater job security to
23. The [typical] Canadian adult moves away from home between the ages of 18 - the workers.
12. Her impressive skills, excellent education, and vast experience make her
[uniquely] suited to the job.
13. There is an Irish proverb which states that there is no strength without [unity].
15. Your father seems to be recovering well from his surgery, but we will keep you
[updated] of any change in his condition.
unanimity underlie underground undermine unity uneasy utterances
urbanized uniform unionization uniquely usually unification upsetting 16. It was extremely [upsetting] for the murder victim's parents to see pictures of the
undertakes uptight universal ultimate urgency updated undergo urge murder scene on the news.
17. My boss is an [uptight] sort of person who doesn't really know how to relax.
18. Japan has become a very [urbanized] country over the last one hundred years.
1. In my opinion, the death penalty is the [ultimate] abuse of human rights.
19. As your doctor, I [urge] you to cut down on fatty foods if you don't want to have
2. It was impossible to achieve [unanimity] on this issue, so management has decided heart trouble.
to follow the wishes of the majority.
20. This is a matter of great [urgency], and I hope you will attend to it without delay.
3. My grandpa has to [undergo] a number of tests in order to see if his cancer is
operable. 21. The best places to eat in town are [usually] quite expensive.
4. Pesticides from farms have polluted the [underground] water supply. 22. The price of public [utilities] such as electricity and gas are relatively cheap in
this country.
5. Aggression and macho attitudes [underlie] a lot of the violence in the sport.
23. A team of researchers studied millions of [utterances] by native speakers of
6. Lowering prices now will just [undermine] our publicity efforts at selling our English to determine the frequency of use of each item of vocabulary.
product line as the choice of quality.
12. The Olympic games are being held in a number of new [venues] built especially
for that purpose.
13. He has trouble expressing himself [verbally] in French, but can read and write the
language quite well.
14. The lawyer for the defence has announced that his client will appeal the [verdict].
vaguely validity vaccinations vehicular various vanished vein vain
versatility Value veterans vertical version vastness verbally vessel 15. We have to wait until the [verification] of your credit card is complete before
venture verification verdict venues ringing in your purchase.
16. Due to rapid advancements in technology, many of today's jobs require a great
deal of [versatility] on the part of the worker.
1. Some parents refused to allow [vaccinations] for their children, fearing negative
side-effects. 17. The driver of the other car in the accident had a very different [version] of what
happened than the driver of the car he hit.
2. The girl could [vaguely] remember seeing a car coming towards her, and then
everything was a blank until she woke up in the hospital. 18. Fashion experts suggest that wearing clothes with [vertical] stripes makes a
woman look thinner.
3. I bought my ex-girlfriend a huge bouquet of flowers in a [vain] attempt to win her
back. 19. There is a Chinese proverb which states that when a large [vessel] has opened a
path, it is easy for a small one to follow.
4. International observers question the [validity] of the election, given widespread
accusations of election fraud. 20. There are not many [veterans] of the First World War still left alive in this
5. A wise man once said, "[Value] your words. Each one may be the last."
6. The magician [vanished] in a puff of smoke, only to reappear inside a large box in
the centre of the stage.
9. All [vehicular] traffic has been prohibited from the highway due to the risk of a
major avalanche.
victory victim violation vision vital veto via visibility visualize
10. The new discovery of a [vein] of high quality silver running through the rock virgins vitamins viciousness village virus viability violence virtually
here has generated a great deal of excitement in the mining industry. virtuous vigour vintage
11. People in the capital are afraid to [venture] out of their homes due to falling
debris from buildings damaged in the earthquake.
1. In the American system, Congress can override a presidential [veto]. 18. It is very hard for children to [visualize] their mother and father having sex, and
they often think that it is something their parents no longer do.
2. Computers have allowed many people to work out of their home, communicating
with their colleagues [via] e-mail and the Internet. 19. Studies show that [vital] vitamins and minerals have dramatically declined in
many fruits and vegetables today, due to modern farming methods.
3. Increasing fuel costs are affecting the [viability] of the manufacturing process.
20. Instead of taking [vitamins] in pill form, it is better just to eat a well-balanced
4. The judge noted the [viciousness] of the attack, and gave the defendant the diet.
maximum sentence.
5. The first [victim] of the electric chair took eight minutes to die.
6. There is a German proverb which notes that on the day of [victory], no fatigue is
7. The old man has the [vigour] and stamina of a person half his age.
8. The bandits stole everything they could find, and then set fire to the [village] as
they rode off.
9. This wine is the best [vintage] to come out of this country in more than 50 years. volunteer vocalized vividness volatility vulnerability voter volume vow
10. I think having the press try to photograph the family of the victim during her
funeral is a total [violation] of their privacy.
11. There is a Turkish proverb which says that when [violence] comes into the house, 1. The [vividness] of the main actor's portrayal of his character made the play come
law and justice leave through the chimney. alive.
12. Not many women in my culture today are still [virgins] when they get married. 2. The Prime Minister has [vocalized] his support for an increase to the health
13. Police maintain that [virtually] every panhandler on the streets has a drug or
alcohol addiction. 3. The [volatility] of these substances makes their proper storage imperative.
14. He is a [virtuous], caring man, and is beloved by all his friends and colleagues. 4. At the health fair, this guy was using a device to measure the [volume] of air you
were able to take in with a single deep breath.
15. An AIDS sufferer once remarked, "Sometimes I have a terrible feeling that I am
dying not from the [virus], but from being untouchable." 5. My neighbour works as a [volunteer] driving old people to the doctor or the
hospital when they need it.
16. Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning tap on your horn if
[visibility] is limited. 6. The most common symptoms of the flu are fever, [vomiting] and diarrhoea.
17. The night [vision] of tigers is six times better than that of humans. 7. Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy is a five-
minute conversation with the average [voter].
8. The President made a [vow] that those who were responsible for the terrorist
attacks would be brought to justice. waves whiplash wander weapons warning waste unwarranted wealthy
whisked wearily weirdness wage ward wove Whereas weaken whip
9. Divorce can lead to feelings of [vulnerability], and emotional insecurity in whispered welfare whereby
1. Ralph Nader has suggested that the increasing availability of jobs that pay a living
[wage] contributes to lower rates in street crime.
2. When a man died in ancient Egypt, the females in his family would cover their
heads and faces with mud, and [wander] through the city beating themselves, and
tearing off their clothes.
3. The young girl was made a [ward] of the court, because her parents were seriously
neglecting her.
4. Someone once said that it may be that one's whole purpose in life is simply to
serve as a [warning] to others.
5. I think your fears are quite [unwarranted]; he knows what he's doing, and no one
will be hurt.
7. Elephants communicate in sound [waves] below the frequency that humans can
8. Researchers have found that negative events in our lives can actually [weaken] our
immune system for a short time.
10. There is a Mexican proverb which notes that where there are [weapons], there
will be wars.
11. The skiers trudged [wearily] off to the chalet after another wonderful day on the
12. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians wore sandals which they [wove] out of
13. The [weirdness] of the movie is what makes it so interesting. government scandals.
14. A recent study stated that corrupt politicians and greedy business people in the 4. One type of orangutans [wipe] their faces with leaves after eating, and parents
developing world are putting private gain before the [welfare] of citizens and the teach the social skill to their young.
economic development of their countries.
5. In my country, we recognize the [wisdom] that comes with old age, so the elderly
15. [Whereas] most substances shrink when they are cooled, water actually expands. are treated with great respect.
16. Our medical system, [whereby] citizens pay monthly premiums, and then receive 6. I make [withdrawals] from my account almost every day using my bank card.
largely free health care, is considered by many to be one of the best in the world.
7. None of the [witnesses] wants to testify in the murder trial because they are afraid
17. There is a Russian proverb which observes that you do not need a [whip] to urge the suspect will kill them when he gets out of prison.
on an obedient horse.
8. A Greek proverb suggests that [wonder] is the beginning of wisdom.
18. Generally, one should treat [whiplash] with massage or physiotherapy.
9. In ancient Egypt, onions were considered an object of [worship], and symbolized
19. The suspect was [whisked] into the police car, and taken away. eternal life.
20. "Good night " I [whispered] as I put the baby to bed. 10. Someone once said that love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what
makes the ride [worthwhile].
11. There is a Turkish proverb which states that a knife [wound] heals, whereas a
[wound] caused by words does not.
12. There is a French proverb which suggests that women believe the strangest of lies
as long as they are [wrapped] up in praise.
13. Divers have been able to recover all the bodies from the [wreck] of a fishing boat
that sunk off the coast of Newfoundland.
14. The rich old couple spent their retirement years [yachting] around the French
yelling yields wide wisdom wipe worship witnesses widespread
wound whole wonder zone wrapped wreck yachting withdrawals 15. The parents were [yelling] encouragement at the children all through the game.
16. The potato [yields] more nutritious food more quickly on less land, and in harsher
climates, than any other major crop.
1. The crocodile does not chew its food, but swallows it [whole]. 17. Children growing up in a war [zone] may suffer emotional problems for their
entire lives.
2. Victoria offers visitors a [wide] range of choices of things to do and to see.
3. Support for the opposition party has become [widespread] as a result of recent