CLJ Questionares
CLJ Questionares
CLJ Questionares
(RULE 128-134)
5. A,B & C raped W in that when A was having sex with W,B & C were
holding the legs and arms of W. When it was B's turn, A & C were the
ones holding W's legs and arms. When C was the one having sex with W,
the ones holding W arms and legs were A & B. Later, A succeeded in
courting W and later A contracted marriage with W. Is the criminal
liability for rape committed by A B & C extinguished ?
A. There is no extinction of penalty liability because marriage
of the offended party with the offender does not apply to multiple
B. Yes, the marriage of the offender with the offended party
shall extinguish the criminal action or remit the penalty already
C. When a single act constitutes two or more grave felonies or
less grave felonies known as compound crime
D. When an offense is a necessary means of committing the other
is the complex crime is proper
7. A with a revolver shot B, missing him but the bullet hit X who is
A's father. A committed the crime of attempted homicide with parricide.
What kind of a complex crime is committed ?
A. Compound crime because the single act of shooting resulted to
two or more grave felonies
B. Complex crime proper
C. Complex crime
D. A & B only
11. It is one, which, under the law existing at the time of its
commission and at the time of the application to be ad mitted to bail
may be punished by death, although a lower penalty than death may be i
mposed after conviction.
A. Complex crime C. Complex crime
B. Civil interdiction D. Continuo‟s offense
15. Person who aid the felons to hide away evidences or profit from
the fruits of the crimes are said to be .
A. Principal C. Accomplice
B. Accessories D. Conspirator
21. It is one for which the law impose a single punishment for various
offenses. It is committed in either of two ways; when a single act
constitutes two or more grave or less grave offenses; or when an
offense is a necessary means for committing another
A. Continuous crime C. Capital offense
B. Complex crime D. Impossible crime
27. Person who received and used property from another, knowing it was
A. Principal C. Accessory
B. Accomplice D. Principal by direct participation
28. Placing a weapon in the hand of the dead who was killed to plant
evidence, or buying the deceased who was killed by the principal
A. Principal C. Accomplice
B. Accessory D. Direct participation
32. It is a law which: a makes criminal an act done before the passage
of the law or which aggravates a crime or make it greater than it was,
when committed
A. Ex post facto law C. Amnesty
B. Bill of attainder D. Treason
34. Pardon by the offended party, as general rule, does not extinguish
the criminal liability to the offender, except
A. Private offense and before the institution of the criminal action
B. Public crime or crimes against the state
C. Private crime or crimes against the state
D. B & C only
35. In adultery and concubinage, pardon by the offended party will bar
criminal prosecution if:
A. Express or implied pardon given to the wife or husband.g as the
case may be and before the institution of the criminal action
B. Express or implied pardon given to the both offenders and before
the institution of the criminal action
C. Both offenders are express before the institution of the criminal
D. A & B
A. Marriage between the offender and the offended party even after the
filing of the case and conviction of the offended party
B. Remit the penalty already imposed against the offender, his co-
principals, accomplices and accessories
C. The penalty is ready to imposed against the offended party
D. A & B only
37. A fine of from P200.00 to P6,000.00 imposed by the court after due
hearing is
A. Afflictive C. Light
B. Correctional D. Heavy
38. Destierro is principal, divisible and correctional penalty imposed
by the judge after due trial in cases of:
A. Serious physical injuries or death under exceptional circumstances
B. Of concubine in concubinage
C. Of paramour in adultery case
D. A & B
40. Those who directly forces another to commit a crime are also
categorized as:
A. Principal by the direct
B. Principal by inducement
C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
D. Principal by indirect cooperation
46. A is charged for attempted homicide and the trial is still going
on for more than 6 yrs and he has been detained from the beginning on
the trial on failure to post a bail band. What should the court do ?
A. He shall order the immediate release of A
B. The trial should proceed until terminated
C. He shall not in order the immediate release of A
D. A % B only
48. The period of prescription shall commence to run from the day of
discovery of the crime by the offended party , the authorities ofr
their agents. Suppose A witnessed the killing of X by B, and since A
not being related to X, he did not report the crime to the authorities.
Will the crime of murder prescribe?
A. Yes, after the lapse of 20 yrs C. No, after the
lapse of 15 yrs
B. No, the crime will never prescribe D. Yes, the crime
never prescribe
50. Every person criminally liable for a felony also civil liable.
Thus, if A committed murder, he is obliged to pay the offended party
the civil liability which includes:
A. Restitution C. Indemnification for consequential
B. Reparation of damage caused D. All of the above
57. when a saw B rushing towards him holding a bolo and poised to
strike him, he immediately picked up a pointed iron bar and believing
that his life was in danger as B was close enough he made a trust on B
hitting him on the stomach which cause d the death of B. note that
the truth of a matter, however, is that B was merely trying to play
joke on C. Is A criminally liable
A. No, because he acted in self-defense due to mistake of fact
which was committed without fault or carelessness and he had no more
time to verify whether B was only playing a joke or not.
B. Liable because he had still time to move backward in order
check whether B had really the intention of hitting him with a bolo or
he was just playing a joke on him
C. Not liable because he had still time to move backward in order
check whether B really the intention of hitting him with the bolo or
he was just playing joke on him
58. Suppose, in the middle of the night and full moon at tha , X heard
the footsteps of an intruder inside their house . X picked up his
riffle and upon seeing a man armed with a pistol in his right hand
ransacking X personal effects, X shot and killed the man. Is X
criminally liable?
A. Yes, because defense of property requires that it will be
coupled with aggression against persons.
B. Yes, because he was acting in defense of property right the
means employed was reasonable considering that the intruder was armed
with a pistol
C. No, because he was acting in defense of property right and that
means employed reasonable considering that the intruder was armed with
a pistol.
59. Suppose in the above question, X shot to death the man while he
was running away from X house carrying with him X television set, is X
criminally liable?
A. Yes, for murder qualified by treachery as the man was running
away from X house holding the television set hence he could not defend
B. No, because he acted in defense of his property rights from an
intruder who robbed him of his TV set.
C. No, for murder qualified by treachery as the man was running
away from X house holding the television set hence he could not defend
61. X and Y tear down C house to stop the fire which break out in the
midst of many houses because if they do not demolish the said house
the fire would spread and burn other houses there by causing more
damage . are X and Y criminally liable?
A. Yes, because the practical thing for them to do is contact
firemen to prevent the spread of the fire
B. No, because they demolished C house in order to avoid an evil
or greater injury or preventing the fire spreading many houses
pursuant to article 11, par, 4
62. The doctor who had kill the a foetus to save the mother where both
could not be saved, and he running out of time ,is not criminally
liable he can invoke.
A. state of necessity
B. Avoidance or greater evil as the death of the mother is
greater than sacrificing the life of the unborn child
C. he is exempted from criminal liability
D. all of the above
63. X hit Y with his fist inside a running passenger jeep because Y
was snatching his X watch, and as a consequence Y feel the jeep, his
head hitting the hard pavement causing his death. X acted in:
A. lawful exercise of right and therefore he is exempted from
criminal liability
B. lawful exercise of an office and is exempted from criminal
C. lawful exercise of an office and is not exempted from
criminal liability.
64. the executioner of convicts sentence to die, who would make the
lethal injunction on the day and time scheduled by the court does so
in the lawful…
A. Exercise of an office, thus exempted from criminal liability
B. . Exercise of a right , thus exempted from criminal
C . . Exercise of a right , thus not exempted from criminal
65. One night C, married young woman, was sound sleep in her bedroom
when he felt a man on top of her. Thinking it was her husband who came
home early from his business trip; C let him have sex with her. After
the act the man said, “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did”
realizing that he was not her husband, he got furious and so she took
her husband gun and shot the man. Change with homicide, C invoke
defense of honor. Decide.
A. Yes, C is justified in killing C who through deceit and bad
faith was able to sex with her
B. No, C is criminally liable because the unlawful aggression
against in honor had already ceased
C. No, C is justified in killing C who through deceit and bad
faith was able to sex with her
71. A man while sleeping dreamed that he was attacked by his enemies .
suddenly he got up , took his bolo and killed his wife and wounded his
father . is he criminally liable? Decide.
A. the man is liable even if he did not intent to kill his
wife and wounding of his father which is analogous to mistake of
B. no because he acted under circumstances which are analogous
to imbecile or insanity. As a result his hallucination he was
completely deprived of consciousness of his act
C. the man is not liable even if did not intent to kill his
wife and wounding his father which is analogous to mistake of identity
72. A person who was compelled to bury the body of one who was
murdered by the killers, striking him with the butts of their guns,
threatening to kill him too if he continuous resisting the order , was
compelled to do so , is not criminally liable because;
A. he acted under the compulsion of an irresistible force
B. he acted under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an
equal or greater injury
C. he acted under the compulsion of a resistible force.
73. A with a revolver in his hand threw a knife at B , and ordered him
to kill C a person sleeping nearby otherwise he will shot B to death
and being terrorized B killed C is B criminally liable for murder?
A. no, because he acted under the impulse of an
uncontrollable fear of an equal or injury
B. no because, acted under the compulsion of an irresistible
C. yes because, he acted under the impulse of an
uncontrollable fear of an equal or injury
D. yes because he acted under the compulsion of an
irresistible force
74. absolutory causes are causes provided for under the RPC which
exempts a person from criminal liability. They are:
A. he was acting in the performance of a duty
B. he was performing a lawful act with due care when he causes an
injury without the intention of causing it
C. due to accident
D. B % C only
76. A paramour who was surprised in the act of having sex with a
legally woman cannot invoke self-defense if he killed the offended and
deceived husband who was attack or assault by the offended husband
A. lawful as he deceived by both the paramour and his wife and so
he has to defend his honor and rights.
B. the paramour knew that he was performing an unlawful and
criminal act thereby exposing himself to the vengeance of the offended
C. all the above
77. the person defending himself must have been attacked with actual
physical force or with actual use of weapon. Thus insulting words, a
light push on the head with the hand, a mere push without physical
assault do not constitute unlawful aggression. But a slap on the face
constitute unlawful aggression because;
A. the face represent a person and is dignity and is serious
physical attack
B. it is disregard of an individual personality
C. all of the above
82. those directly induce other to commit the crime and those the
crime and those who directly forces another to perpetrate the offense
are called?
A. principal by direct participation
B. principal by inducement
C. principal by indispensible cooperation
D. all of the above
85. the accessories or accessories after the fact are those who,
having knowledge of the commission of the crime and without having
participated as principals or accomplices, takes part subsequent to
its commission in any of the following manner;
A. profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the
effects of the crime or by concealing or destroying the body of the
crime or the effects or instruments thereof to prevent its discovery;
B. by harboring, concealing or assisting in the escaape of the
author of the crime with abuse of public functions
C. whenever a private individual assist in the escape of the
offender who committed treason, murder, parricide, and attempt to kill
the president.
D. all of the above
91. it is one which under the law existing at the time of its
commission and at the time of the application to be admitted to bail
may be punished by death, although a lower penalty than death may be
imposed after conviction.
A. complex crime C. capital offense
B. civil interdiction D. continuous offense
93. this means at least two convictions are enough the crimes are not
specified it is enough that they be embraced under the same title of
the RPC.
A. recidivism C. habitual or reiteration
B. treachery D. principles
96. it is one for which the law impose a single punishment for various
offenses it is committed in either of two ways when a single act
constitutes two or more grave or less grave offenses; or when an
offense is a necessary means for committing another.
A. continuous offense C. capital offense
B. complex crime D. impossible crime
98. where A knowing that B & C had killed X buried the corpse of X to
prevent the discovery of the killing A is liable as;
A. accomplice
C. principal by direct cooperation
B. accessory for destroying the body of the crime
D. all of the above
99. A, with a revolver, shot B missing him but the bullet hit and
killed A‟s father A committed the crime of attempted homicide with
parricide. What type of crime was committed?
A. complex crime C. special crime
B. compound crime D. all of the above
15. This is the felony wherein a public officer does not account
for what he collects as a government employee and instead
misappropriates the fees collected.
A. malversation
B. illegal exaction
C. estafa
D. Corruption of public official
16. In this crime, a public officer who has under his custody or
charge a prisoner-serving sentence by final judgment or
detention prisoner and such officer connives with or consents to
the escapes of such prisoner.
A. jailbreak
B. evasion of service of sentence
C. infidelity in the custody of prisoner
D. dereliction of duty
18.A father who intentionally kills his son who is only less
than three (3) days old is guilty of the crime of:
C. infanticide
D. homicide
19. A Moro, with four wives who are all living , who kills by
poison the third wife married by him is answerable for:
A. Parricide
B. Murder
D.Death under exceptional circumstances
A. Theft
B. Estafa
D. Coercion
26.It is qualified theft when the coconuts stolen are taken from
A. marketplace
B. premises of the coconut plantation
D.Illegal exaction
C. Estafa or swindling
A.Evasion of service
B.Delivering prisoners from jail
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
48) But the detention prisonerconspires with the one letting his
escapes said is liable for _____ as principal by indispensable
A.Delivering prisoners from jail
B.Infidelity in the custody of the prisoner
C.Evasion of service
D.None of the above
59. A woman who has given birth to a child abandons the child in
a certain place to free herself of the obligation and duty of
rearing and caring for the child. What crime did the woman
B.Abandoning a minor
C.All of the above
D.None of the above
73. But where the offended party was forcibly taken to the house
by the offender to force her to marry him, the crime committed
is :
A. Coercion
B. Illegal detention
C. Forcible abduction
D. None of the above
75. After the voluntary elopement with the girl below 12 years
old, she and the man has sexual intercourse, what crime was
A. Forcible abduction with rape
B. Rape
C. Kidnapping with rape
D. None of the above
77. A 15 years old girl was induced to leave her home and later
forcibly raped by the inducers. What crime was committed?
A. Consented abduction with rape
B. Rape
C. Forcible abduction with rape
D. All of the above
83. This crime committed upon a private person who comes to the
aid of an agent of a person in authority on direct assault
committed against the latter.
A. Indirect assault
B. Direct assault
C. Resistance
D. All of the above
85. Under R.A 7659, PD 532 and Art. 122, PRC, the crime of
piracy shall be committed by:
A. Member of the crew
B. Non-member of the vessel
C. Passenger of the vessel
D. B & C only
90. A PAL aircraft is bound for Cebu Pacific. While the pilot
and co-pilot are taking their snacks at the airport canteen,
some armed men were also there who followed the pilots in going
to the aircraft. As soon the pilot entered the cockpit, they
pulled their firearms, and compelled the pilots to fly the
aircraft to zamboanga and ordered the exteriors doors of PAL be
closed and so all exterior doors were closed. But in a short
while the offender were apprehended. The crime committed is:
A. Violation of the Anti-Hi-Jacking Law because the aircraft is
in flight already as the exterior doors were closed:
B.The Anti-Hi-Jacking Law does not apply because the aircraft is
not yet in flight hence, the crime committed is grave threats or
grave coercion
C. Piracy
D. Qualified Piracy
C. Piracy
D. Qualified Piracy
12. This is committed by any person who shall remove from any
penal establishment any person confined therein or shall help the
escape of such person by means of violence intimidation or
a. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners
b. Delivering prisoners from jail
c. Conniving to evasion
d. Evasion of service of sentence
13. This felony is committed by any convict who shall evade the
service of his sentence by escaping during the term of his
imprisonment by reason of final judgment.
a. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners
b. Delivering prisoners from jail
c. Consenting to evasion
d. Evasion of service of sentence
a. Bribery
b. Qualified bribery
c. Estafa
d. Frauds against the public treasury
d. Bobbitised punishment
32. What law is titled “An Act to Secure the State and Protect
Our People from Terrorism”? it is also known as the Anti-
terrorism Law or Human Security Act of 2007.
a. RA 9372
b. RA 9346
c. RA 9262
d. RA 9439
33. Cain and Abel are brothers. One day while Abel was in the
fields. Cain stabbed his brother Abel from behind. Abel died.
What crime was committed by Cain?
a. Murder
b. Homicide
c. Infanticide
d. Parricide
41. What crime is committed by anyone who shall bury with pomp
the body of a person who has been legally executed?
a. Alarms and scandals
b. Contempt of court
c. Tumults and other disturbances of public order
d. Charivari
44. In the above case what crime was committed by the jail
officer concerned?
a. Delivering prisoners from jail
b. Evasion of service of sentence
c. Conniving with or consenting to evasion
d. Evasion through negligence
incapacitated for labor for ten days or more (but should not
exceed 30 days)?
a. Serious physical injuries
b. Slight physical injuries
c. Less serious physical injuries
d. Maltreatment
a. Unjust vexation
b. Slander by deed
c. Acts of lasciviousness
d. Attempted rape
71. X was driving his car when he bumped run over a pedestrian
crossing the street. The pedestrian died. What crime was
committed by X?
a. Reckless imprudence
b. Homicide
c. Reckless imprudence resulting in homicide
d. Homicide thru reckless imprudence
c. Not liable because the articles were not published with his
d. Liable as mere creation of obscene material is punishable but his
liability is mitigated because the articles were stolen.
77. X is less than 3 days old. X was killed by his own father
because the father is afraid that his real wife would discover
that he had sired X with Y their “kumara”. What crime was
committed by the father?
a. No crime
b. Infanticide
c. Parricide
d. Murder
83. X was arrested by Insp. Mills because the former parked his
motor vehicle in a parking area. What felony was committed by
Insp. Mills?
a. Illegal arrest
b. Arbitrary detention
c. Delay in the delivery of detained person
d. Unlawful arrest
89. Assume that X returned the bag to a local radio station for
its safekeeping and eventual return to the owner instead of
handling it over to the proper authorities. Question is X guilty
of any crime?
a. Yes because the law specifically enumerate the proper person to
return lost property and he failed to do this.
b. Yes if the local radio station failed to return the bag X is
guilty as an accomplice in the crime.
c. Yes because by returning the lost property to the media, X‟s real
purpose is only to gain media exposure and not really of his
desire to return the bag
d. No, because there is absence of criminal intent which is an
element of felonies in general.
91. Assume that X did not know that Y was inside the house. He
poured gas to Y‟s house and set it on fire. His only intention
was to burn the house. But again, as earlier stated Y was inside
the burning house (which is unknown to X) which caused his death.
What crime was committed by X?
a. Arson
b. Murder
c. Arson with homicide (qualified arson)
d. Technical arson
92. Assume that X entered Y‟s room and while the latter was
sleeping, stabbed him to death. X in order to hide any traces of
the crime decided to burn the house. What crime was committed by
a. Complex crime of murder with arson
b. Plain murder
c. Heinous crime
94. What crime is committed by say more than ten (10) unarmed
persons who gather together in a meeting for the purpose of
committing theft?
a. Conspiracy
b. No crime
c. Illegal assemblies
d. Illegal associations
e. Attempted theft
6. The number of days the accused has to prepare for trial after a
plea of guilty is entered.
a. Within 30 days c. Within 20 days
b. At least 15 days d. Within 60 days
10. After the prosecution has rested its case, the accused file
a motion to dismiss, with or without leave of court; this rule is
known as:
a. Bill of particular c. Demurrer to
b. Summary proceeding d. Trial
11. The entire trial period should not exceed ______ from the
first day of trial, except if authorized by special law or by the
SC circulars.
a. 120 days c. 150 days
b. 180 days d. 60 days
13. After the prosecution rested its case, the accused filed a
demurrer to evidence. Would double jeopardy be a valid defense if
he charged again with the same offense against?
a. No, because the dismissal is with his consent or upon his
own motion
b. Yes, because the dismissal is tantamount to acquittal
c. The case was not terminated on its merits hence double
jeopardy does not apply
d. The case was terminated on its merits hence double
jeopardy does not apply
20. X was charged with murder but during the trial the offense
proved was homicide. What would be the decision of the judge?
a. The court will convict the accused only for homicide
b. Dismiss the case there being a variance of offense charged
and proved
c. All of the above
d. None of the Above
21. Suppose the charge is homicide, but during the trial the
offense proved is murder. What would be the decision of the
a. Dismiss the case there being variance of the offense
charged and the offense proved
b. Convict the accused only of homicide because homicide is
necessarily included in the offense proved
c. All of the above
d. A & B
26. X was charged with rape. What was proved was qualified
seduction. Can X be convicted of qualified seduction?
a. No, although qualified seduction is a lesser offense than
rape, the elements of the two offenses are different
b. Yes, X can be convicted of qualified seduction because it
is a lesser offense than rape
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
35. X was charged with Estafa. Later, the case was dismissed
provisionally with the consent of the accused. Can another estafa
case be filed against X before the temporary dismissal becomes
permanent without placing him in double jeopardy? Yes, because:
a. There was a previous provisional dismissal;
b. There was no conviction or acquittal or unconditional
dismissal of the case
c. A provisional dismissal such as the above case does not
validly terminate the first jeopardy
d. B & C only
45. A motion for new trial should be filed at any time within
15 days from the promulgation of a judgment of conviction
a. Before the final entry of a judgment of conviction
b. Before the appeal is perfected
c. After the final entry of a judgment of conviction
d. Before the final entry of a judgment of conviction
a. Appellee c. Prosecution
b. Appellant d. All of the above
53. Under the law, a search warrant shall be valid for how many
a. 15 days from its date c. 10 days after its
b. 10 days from its date d. 5 days after its
58. Stop and frisk search known as Terry Search is the right of
the police to:
a. Stop a suspicious looking person wandering at midnight in a
place where crimes have been reported prevalent.
b. The right of the police to pat or frisk for concealed
c. It is a limited protective search of outer clothing
d. All of the above
72. From the provision of Section 1, Rule 120 it would seem that in
a judgment of acquittal, the court has…
a. Authority to impose a reprimand
b. No authority to impose a reprimand
c. Authority to call a conference with both prosecutor and
defense counsel
d. All of the forgoing
77. Where the offense charged does not include the offense proved,
it matters not how conclusive and convincing the evidence of
guilt may be, an accused person cannot be convicted in any court
of any offense unless…
a. The accused is charged of a complex crimes
b. It is charged in the information on which he is tried or
necessarily included therein
c. The accused is recidivist
d. All of them
78. Takes place when the Clerk of Court enters final judgment in
accordance with the order of the court and when judgment is thus
entered, it is legally promulgated.
a. Rendering of the judgment c. Legal promulgation
of the judgment
b. Pronouncing of the judgment d. Entry of judgment
83. A motion for new trial should be filed at any time within
fifteen days from the promulgation of a judgment of conviction
that is…
a. Before the final entry of a judgment of conviction
b. Before the appeal id perfected
c. After the final entry of a judgment of conviction
d. After the appeal is perfected, the trial court
84. Where the appeal has been perfected, the motion for new trial
should be presented to the appellate court, because once an
appeal is perfected, the trial court…
a. Still retains its power to set aside the judgment rendered
by it or to grant a new trial
b. Loses its power to set aside the judgment rendered by it or
to grant a new trial
c. All of the above
d. None of them
c. B only
d. A & B
87. The period for appeal from final orders, resolutions, awards
judgments or decisions of any court in all cases shall be made:
a. 15 days counted from the notice of the final order,
resolution, award, judgment or decision appealed from;
b. Within in 15 days from receipt of the notice of the final
order, resolution, award, judgment or decision appealed
c. 15 days after the notice of the final order, resolution,
award, judgment or decision appealed from;
d. 15 days before the notice of the final order, resolution,
award, judgment or decision appealed from
88. Corollary to the item above mentioned, when will the period for
perfecting an appeal be interrupted?
a. After the time a motion for a new trial or reconsideration
is filed until notice of the order overruling the motion
shall have served upon the accused or his counsel;
b. After the time a motion for new trial or reconsideration is
filed until notice of the order overruling the motion shall
have served upon the accused or his counsel;
c. Before the time a motion for a new trial or reconsideration
is filed until notice of the order overruling the motion
shall have been served upon the accused or his counsel;
d. None of them
92. X was charged with murder but during the trial, the offense
proved was homicide only. What would be the decision of the
a. Murder because this is the offense charged
b. Homicide for being lesser offense, which is included in the
offense, charged;
c. No decision
95. The court shall consider no evidence, which has not been
formally offered. The purpose for which the evidence is offered
must be specified. When shall offer of evidence be made? As
regards the testimony of witness, the offer must be made at the
time (a) ; as to documentary and object evidence,
the offer shall be made: (b) .
a. The witness is called to testify;
b. After the presentation of all the party‟s testimonial
c. During the presentation of the parties‟ evidence
d. A & B
102. A search warrant has a lifetime of ten (10) days. When the
search under a warrant on one day was interrupted, it may be
continued under the same warrant the following day:
a. If it is still within the ten-day period;
b. Even after ten days from its date;
c. “A” only
109. The rights against warrantless arrest and search and seizure is
not absolute. Under the Rules of Criminal Procedure, an arrest
without a warrant may be lawfully made by a peace officer or a
private person if:
a. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has
committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to
commit an offense;
b. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable
cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts and
circumstances that the person to be arrested has probably
committed the offense;
c. Escaped prisoner from place of confinement/detention;
d. All of the above
111. Mayor Sanchez was arrested 46 days after the commission of the
alleged rape of Sarmenta and the killing of Gomez and Sarmenta.
He was arrested without warrant of arrest. Was the arrest legal?
a. It is illegal because this is not arrest in flagrante
b. Mayor Sanchez is not an escaped prisoner;
c. It is not in hot pursuit
d. All of the above
112. X threw a bag from a truck and marijuana leaves spilled out of
the bag. He was arrested and search without warrant. Was that
search valid?
a. It is legal c. All of the above
b. There was no search-conducted d. It is a plain view
doctrine search
b. Necessary
c. Indispensable
d. B & C only
116. Of the four requisites for issuing search warrant, one of the
following is not included…
a. The warrant issued must particularly described the person
who committed the crime;
b. It must be issued upon probable cause
c. The probable cause must be determined by the judge himself
and not by the applicant or any other person;
d. In the determination of probable cause the judge must
examine under oath affirmation, the complainant and such
witness as the latter may produce;
120. To whom does the officer seizing property under warrant must
give a detailed receipt for the same?
a. To lawful occupant of the premises in whose presence the
search and seizure were made
b. In the absence of such occupant and the search was made in
the presence of at least two witnesses of sufficient age
and discretion residing in the same locality, leave a
receipt in the place in which he found the seized property
c. true
d. false
37. The witness attested that he saw the last person seen
with the woman when she was still alive was Carlito is?
a. direct evidence
b. prima facie evidence
c. demonstrative evidence
d. circumstantial evidence
R.C., J.D./2016
CSC-Antipolo City Pride/What Criminologist Knows?/2016
a. original documents
b. secondary evidence
c. carbon copy
d. mimeograph
birth, marriage, death, the dates when and the places where
these facts occurred and the names of relatives.
a. culture
b. heritage
c. inheritance
d. pedigree
b. the former
c. either of them
d. none of them
1.It is rule of conduct or right.It is a rule of action prescribed by the state for the governing of human
a.Law c.Practice of law
b.Practice d.Trial
2.It is the application of an art or science.It is the actual performance or application of aquired
knowledge.It shows the lawyer how to get there.
a.Trial c.Practice
b.Practice of law d.Theory
3.It is the analysis of a set of facts in their ideal relation to one another.It tells or guides the lawyer
where to go.
a.Theory c.Practice
b.Law d.Practice of law
4.It is the doing or performing services in a court of jurtice,It includes legals advice,preparation of legal
instruments and contracts by which legal rights are secured,although such matters may not be pending
in court.
a.Trial c.Practice
b.Theory d.Practice of law
5.It means the proceedings in open court or while court is in session after the pleadings have been filed
and the case is otherwise ready for hearing up to and including the rendition of judgement.
a.Trial c.Practice
b.Pre-trial d.Law
9.The private prosecutor duly appointed and approved by the chief prosecutor and the presiding judge
of the court will enter his appearance after greeting the judge:
a.Appearing as private prosecutor in collaboration with the public prosecutor,ready your honor
b.Private prosecutor representing the offended party,ready your honor
c.Respectfully appearing as private prosecutor under the direct control and supervision of the
public prosecutor,then state his name his contact number,ready your honor.
d.Appearing as private prosecutor under the direct control and supervision of the public
13.A requirement,which is considered as one of the safeguards,set down by law to secure and protect
the right of the defendant.It is made before the court where the complaint or informatindn has been
filed or assigned for trial.
a.Trial c.Prosecution
b.Arraignment d.Judgement
15.The requirement of the rules on arraignment is mandatory and failure to observe them is ground
a.Dismissal of the case
b.Reversal of the judgement and the remanding of the case for new trial.
c.Appeal of the case.
16.If the accused refuses to plead,or make a conditional plea of guilty,what shall the court do?
a.The arraignment must be postponed
b.A pleas of not guilty for the record shall be entered for him.
c.A pleas of guilty for the record shall be entered for him
17.An accused may enter a conditional plea of guilty,in the sense that he admits his guilt on condition
that a certain penalty shall be imposed upon him.Such kind of plea must be deemed a plea of...
a.Guilty c.waiver of arraignment
b.Not guilty d.All of them
18.In localities where no such members of the bar are available during the arraignment,who shall be
appointed by the court as counsel de Oficio of the accused?
a.The local Chief of police b.The Vice Mayor of the locality
c.Any person,resident of the province and good repute for probity and ability to defend the accused.
a.The accused has been arraigned,he has been notified of the scheduled trial and his failure to
appear is unjistified.
b.Even without arraignment provided has been notified of the schedule trial and he failed to
attend the scheduled trial without valid reason.
c.The accused has not be arraigned and not be notified of the scheduled trial.
22.Of the following,one is the duty of the court when the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense.
a.The court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntaries and full comprehension of the
consequences of his plea and require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of
b.To order the investigating officer to conduct air tight investigation of the case.
c.To redirect the fiscal to personally investigate the case.
d.To sentence the accused in accordance with his plea of guilty to the capital offense charged
with note address to the Supreme Court that the case should be reviewed.
23.The right to counsel is a personal one and therefore may be waived.It is waived when the
defendant. . .
a.Voluntarily submits himself to the jurisdiction of the court and proceeds with his defense.
b.Refuses to voluntarily submits himself to the jurisdiction of the court.
c.Refuses to hire his counsel.
24.After plea of not guilty,the accused is entitled to such number of days to prepare for trial unless the
court for good cause grants him further time.
a.Fifteen days c.One day
b.Four days d.Three days
25.If the accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condition that effectively render him
unable to fully understand the charge against him and to plead intelligently..
a.The arraignment shall be suspended
b.The criminal charged shall be dismissed
c.The trial shall be suspended
d.All of them
27.In case of acquittal,the judgement shall make a finding on the civil liability of the accused in favor of
the offended party,except when...
a.There is a clear showing that the act from which the civil liability might arise did not exist.
b.There is prejudicial question
c.The offender is pardon by the offended party
d.The guilty party dies before judgement
28.It is said to exist when the complaint or information sets out an offense but the evidence establishes
another crime.
a.Complex crimes c.Continuing offense
b.Variance d.false accusation
29.In case of variance between information and proof,the accused can only be convicted of the....
a.Graver offense which is included in the other
b.Lesser crime which is included in the other
c.Mitigating circumstances
d.Aggravating circumstances
30.Where the offense charged does not include the offense proved,It matters not how conclusive and
convincing the evidence or guilt may be,an accused person cannot be convicted by the court of any
offense unless. . .. .
a.The accused is charged of a complex crimes
b.It is charged in the information on which he is tried or necessarily included therein
31.X charged with homicide.He pleads but tells the judge,"Hindi ko sisanadya"The plea is not valid
because it is.:
a.Conditional plea c.Reverted plea
b.Negative indirect plea d.All of the above
33.X was charged with murder.After the prosecution presented its evidence,X filed a motion to dismiss
on the ground the prosecution failed to prove that the crime was committed within the territorial
jurisdiction of the court.The prosecution appealed,hence,X invoked double jeopardy.Decide
a.This is a dismissal on the merits of the case
b.There is no double jeopardy because the dismissal was upon his own motion or with his
express consent.
c.Accused waived his right to present his evidence
d.Accused can still present his evidence
34.X installed a jumper cable,which allowed him to reduce his electricity bill.He was prosecuted and
convicted for violating a municipal ordinance punishing unauthorized installation of such device.Can he
still be prosecuted for theft?
35.The following are constitutional rights of the accused during the trial of his case except:
a.To presumed innocent until the contrary is proved;
b.To be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him,to be present and defend
in person and by counsel at every stage of the proceedings,from arraignment to promulgation of the
c.Right to appeal
36.When the court is satisfied,upon proof of oath that a material witness will not testify when
required,it may upon the motion of either party order the witness to .. .
a.To be discharged
b.To be implicated in the complaint or information
c.To post bail in such sum as may be deemed proper
37.The general rule is that a case shall not be provissionally of the following is
an exeption to the general rule,and that is. . .
a.When the accused dies before the final judgement of the case
b.When the accussed is expressly pardoned by the offended party
c.With the express consent of the accused and with notice to the offended party
38.The prosecution is required to present evidence and the sworn statement of each proposed state
witness at the hearing in support of the discharge is admissible in evidence,Thus the motion to discharge
the accused to be state witness must be filed.
a.Before the prosecution rests its case
b.Before the presentation of evidence
c.For the first time on appeal
d.Before arraignment
39. The legal effect if there is a provisional dismissal of offenses punishable by imprisonment not
exceeding 6 years or a fine of any amount,or both.
a.Without the consent of the offender,the provisional dismissal of such offense will be void ab
b.Such dismissal shall be valid,either with or without the express consent of the accused.
c.Such dismissal shall become permanent 1 year after issuance of the order without the case
having been revived.
40.The legal effect if and when all agreements,made or entered during the pre-trial conference,which
are reduced in writing,are not signed by the accused and his counsel.
a.It is considered as admission of guilt
b.Cannot be used against the accused
c.The court shall order for another pre-trial conference of the case
41.The authority of the court when satisfied,upon proof or oath,that a material witness will not testify
when required,upon motion of either party.
a.May proceed to the trial of the case
b.May order the witness to post bail In such sum as may be deemed proper
c.Shall commit him to prison until he complies or is legally discharged after his testimony has
been taken.
42.The authority of the court upon refusal of the material witness to post bond.
a.May proceed to the trial of the case
b.May order the material witness be put in jail for obstruction of justice
c.Shall commit him to prison until he complies or is legally discharged after his testimoy has
been taken.
43.The period of prescription with respect to criminal offenses commences to run from the day on
which the crime is discovered by the:
a.Offended parties
b.The authorities or their agents
c.All of the above
44.What is the remedy of the accused if the court denies his motion to quash?
a.He should plead and proceed to trial
b.He should appeal
c.He should plead
45.What is the rule on double jeopardy?It means that when a person is regularly charged with a crime
and the case is terminated either by acquittal or conviction or in any other manner without the consent
of the accused,the latter:
a.Cannot be charged with the same offense or identical offense
b.Can still be charged with the same offense proven but not charged during the trial.
c.Cannot be charged with the same offense proven but not charged during the trial.
46.The following are the requisites for the first jeopardy to attach:
a.Valid indictment(complaint or information)filed in a court of competent jurisdiction
b.Valid arraignment and valid plea
c.The accused was acquitted,convicted or the case was dismissed without his express consent
d.All of the above
47.As a rule there is no double jeopardy if the dismissal of the case was with the express consent of the
accused except:
a.When there is insufficiency of evidence to support the charge against him and when there is
delay in violation of the accuser's right to speedy trial.
b.Due to insufficiency of the information
c.Due to lack of information
49.That the agreement on the plea of the accused should be a lesser offense is limited only to the:
a.Offense necessarily included in the offense charged
b.Even to an offense not included or necessarily included in the offense charged
c.The case will be dismissed
51.Supreme Court Circular No.38-39 promulgate for the purpose of implementing the provisions of:
a.R.A 8493 Known ar the Speedy Trial Act of 1998
b.SC AM 05-8-26
c.Revised Penal Code
d.Rules of Court
54.The rules of criminal procedure shall be liberally construed in favor of the accused and strictly agains
a.Offended party c. Accused
b.Complainant d. State
56.Municipal Trial Courts(Municipal Trial Court:Municipal Trial Court in Cities;Municipal Circuit Trial
Court,Metropolitan Trial Court)exercise exclusive jurisdiction except:
a.Over all violations of city or municipal ordinances committed within their respective territorial
b.Over all offenses punishable with imprisonment not exceeding 6 years regardless of the fine
and other accessory penalties;
c.Where the only penalty provided by law is fine not exceeding P4,000.00;
d.Laws on written defamation or libel
58.As general rule,the offended party cannot go directly to court to file a criminal action;except:
a.Where the accused is under detention;
b.Where a person has been deprived of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus proceedings;
c.Where actions are coupled with provisional remedies and where the action may be barred by
the statute of limitations;
d.All of them
60.The general rule is that the civil action is not necessarily extinguished by the acquittal of the
accused.Even if the accused is acquitted,the court can still award civil liability when:
a.The acquittal is based on reasonable doubt;
b.There is a declaration in the decision that the liability of the accused is only civil;
c.When the civil liability is not based on the act of which the accused is acquitted;
d.All of the above
61.The independent civil actions are those provide in Articles 32,33,34 and 2176 of the Civil Code.They
may proceed independently of the criminal action and they shall require.....of evidence.
a.Independently c.Substantial evidence
b.Preponderance d.All of the above
65.The rule allowing the parents,grandparents,and guardians to file a complaint on behalf of the minor-
victim applies only to private crimes,except:
a.Seduction c.Acts of lesciviousness
b.Abduction d.Adultery and concubinage
67.X was charged with estafa,but the recital of facts in the information actually alleges theft.Can X be
convicted of theft?No,because:
a.The recital of facts and not the designation of the offense is controlling;
68.In which offenses is the particular place where the offense was committed indispensable?
a.Violation of domicile
b.Trespass to dwelling
c.Violation of election law(prohibiting the carrying of a deadly weapon within a 30-meter radius
of polling places);
d.All of the above
69.For which offenses is the time of the commission of the offense essential?
a.Infanticide c.Abortion
b.Violation of Sunday Law d.All of the above
71.A complaint or information must be charged only one offense except when the law provide only one
punishment for various offenses:
a.Compound crimes c.Special complex crime
b.Complex crimes d.All of the above
72.What is the effect of the failure of the accused to be object to duplicious charges in the information?
a.The right to object is deemed waived
b.He may be convicted of as many offense as charged;
c.All of the above
d.None of the above
73.X fired his gun but the bullet two persons What crime he commit?
a.Complex crime c.Special complex crime
b.Compound crime d.All of the above.
74.X was charged with both robbery and estafa in one information.Can he be convicted of both
a.If the objects to the duplicitous information,he cannot be convicted under the information;
b.If he fails to object before arraignment,he can be convicted of both offenses;
c.All of the above
d.None of the above
75.X was speeding on a highway when his car collided with another car.The other car was totally
wrecked and the driver thereof suffered serious physical injuries.How many information should be filed
and for what offense or offenses will he be charged?
a.One information for serious physical injuries and damage to property through rekless
imprudence as there is only one negligent act resulting to two offenses;
b.Two seperate cases of physical injuries and another damage to property;
c.One seperate cases of physical injuries and another for damage to property;
d.All of the above
76.Before plea,a complaint or information can be amended as to form or substance without leave of
a.If amendment will downgrade the offense;
b.If information drops an accused from the said information
c.All of the above
d.None of the Above
80.The change in the nature of the offense due to supervening event is......amendment:
a.Substantial c.All of the above
b.Formal d.None of the above
85.Can the accused demand the right to confront and cross-examine the witnesses during the
preliminary investigation?No,because:
a.It is not part of the trial;
b.It is summary and inquisitorial in nature;
c.Its function is to determine the existence of probable cause and not the guilt of the accused;
daAll of the above
d.RTC Judge
87.How does the investigating prosecutor resolve the findings after preliminary investigation:
a.If he finds probable cause to hold the respondent for trial,he shall prepare the information
against him:
b.If the investigating prosecutor finds no probable cause he shall recommend the dismissal of
the complaint;
c.A and B
d.None of the above
(Note:No complaint or information may be filed or dismissed by an investigating prosecutor without the
prior approval of the provincial or city prosecutor)
92.Can the accused demand the right to confront and cross-examine the witnesses during the
preliminary investigation?No,because;
a.It is not part of the trial;
b.It is summary and iquisitorial in nature;
c.Its function is to determine the existence of probable cause and not the guilt of the accused;
d.All of the above
93.A preliminary examination is a proceeding conducted by judges for the purpose of determining
probable cause for the:
a.Issuance of warrant of arrest;
b.To determine fact of commission of a crime;
c.To determine the probability that the person sought to be arrested committed the crime;
d.To determine the guilt of the accused
e.To conduct of PTI
f.A and E only
g.A,B and C only
96.Which of the following cases are within the jurisdiction of MTC in criminal cases?
a.All violations of city or municipal ordinances committed within their territorities
b.All of offenses punishable with imprisonment not exceeding six years.
c.Cases where the penalty provided by law is fine only not exceeding P4,000.00
d.All of the above
101. A mandatory requirement that a complaint or information shall be in writing,against all person
who appear to be responsible for the offense involved:
a.In the name of the People of the Philippines
b.Instituted in the name of the aggrieved party
c.Criminal action
d.Civil action
103. It is defined as an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense subscribed by the
fiscal and filed with the court:
a.Action c.Information
b.Complaint d.Police Blotter