MCQ'S Practice
MCQ'S Practice
MCQ'S Practice
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
to shift
The divide-by-60 counter in digital clock is implemented by using two cascading counters:
► Mod-6, Mod-10
► Mod-50, Mod-10
► Mod-10, Mod-50
► Mod-50, Mod-6
In NOR gate based S-R latch if both S and R inputs are set to logic 0, the previous output state is
► True
► False
The minimum time for which the input signal has to be maintained at the input of flip-flop is called
______ of
the flip-flop.
► Set-up time
► Hold time
74HC163 has two enable input pins which are _______ and _________
____________ is said to occur when multiple internal variables change due to change in one input
► Clock Skew
► Race condition
► Hold delay
► Asynchronous, synchronous
► Synchronous, asynchronous
► Mod-3 counter
► Mod-5 counter
► Mod-8 counter
► Mod-10 counter
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► 16
► 1110
► 1100
► 1000
► 0000
The voltage gain of the Inverting Amplifier is given by the relation ________
► Vout / Vin = - Rf / Ri
► Vout / Rf = - Vin / Ri
► Rf / Vin = - Ri / Vout
► Rf / Vin = Ri / Vout
► Look Up Table
The total amount of memory that is supported by any digital system depends upon ______
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory
► Bust Flash Memory
► 213
► 123
► 127
► 345
► J-K input
► EN input
__________occurs when the same clock signal arrives at different times at different clock inputs due to
propagation delay.
► Race condition
► Clock Skew
► Ripple Effect
Consider an up/down counter that counts between 0 and 15, if external input(X) is “0” the counter
upward (0000 to 1111) and if external input (X) is “1” the counter counts downward (1111 to 0000), now
suppose that the present state is “1100” and X=1, the next state of the counter will be ___________
► 0000
► 1101
► 1011
► 1111
In a state diagram, the transition from a current state to the next state is determined by
________ is used to simplify the circuit that determines the next state.
► State diagram
► State reduction
► State assignment
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
Assume that a 4-bit serial in/serial out shift register is initially clear. We wish to store the nibble 1100.
will be the 4-bit pattern after the second clock pulse? (Right-most bit first.)
► 1100
► 0011
► 0000
► 1111
Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Look Up Table
► Demorgans law
► Associative law
The operation of J-K flip-flop is similar to that of the SR flip-flop except that the J-K flip-flop ___________
► Non-reprogrammable PAL
in ____________, all the columns in the same row are either read or written.
► Sequential Access
► MOS Access
In order to synchronize two devices that consume and produce data at different rates, we can use
► Flash Memory
Spring 2010
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
The divide-by-60 counter in digital clock is implemented by using two cascading counters:
► Mod-6, Mod-10
► Mod-50, Mod-10
► Mod-10, Mod-50
► Mod-50, Mod-6
In NOR gate based S-R latch if both S and R inputs are set to logic 0, the previous output state is
► True
► False
► Bi-stable dualvibrators
► Bi-stable transformer
► Bi-stable multivibrators
► Bi-stable singlevibrators
The minimum time for which the input signal has to be maintained at the input of flip-flop is called
______ of
the flip-flop.
► Set-up time
► Hold time
74HC163 has two enable input pins which are _______ and _________
____________ is said to occur when multiple internal variables change due to change in one input
► Clock Skew
► Race condition
► Hold delay
► Asynchronous, synchronous
► Synchronous, asynchronous
► Mod-3 counter
► Mod-5 counter
► Mod-8 counter
► Mod-10 counter
► 16
► 1110
► 1100
► 1000
► 0000
The voltage gain of the Inverting Amplifier is given by the relation ________
► Vout / Vin = - Rf / Ri
► Vout / Rf = - Vin / Ri
► Rf / Vin = - Ri / Vout
► Rf / Vin = Ri / Vout
► Look Up Table
► Dynamic RAM
► Data RAM
► Demoduler RAM
► Triggering can take place anytime during the HIGH level of the CLK waveform
► Triggering can take place anytime during the LOW level of the CLK waveform
The total amount of memory that is supported by any digital system depends upon ______
The expression F=A+B+C describes the operation of three bits _____ Gate.
► OR
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory
► 213
► 123
► 127
► 345
Spring 2010
The ANSI/IEEE Standard 754 defines a __________Single-Precision Floating Point format for binary
► 8-bit
► 16-bit
► 32-bit
► 64-bit
► 11101
► 11011
► 10111
► 11110
► A Flip-Flop
► A Logical Gate
► An Adder
► None of given options
The output of the expression F=A.B.C will be Logic ________ when A=1, B=0, C=1.
► Undefined
► One
________ is invalid number of cells in a single group formed by the adjacent cells in K-map
► 12
► 16
The PROM consists of a fixed non-programmable ____________ Gate array configured as a decoder.
► OR
► J-K input
► EN input
► J-K input
► S-R input
► D input
► Asynchronous, synchronous
► Synchronous, asynchronous
__________occurs when the same clock signal arrives at different times at different clock inputs due to
propagation delay.
► Race condition
► Clock Skew
► Ripple Effect
Consider an up/down counter that counts between 0 and 15, if external input(X) is “0” the counter
upward (0000 to 1111) and if external input (X) is “1” the counter counts downward (1111 to 0000), now
suppose that the present state is “1100” and X=1, the next state of the counter will be ___________
► 0000
► 1101
► 1011
► 1111
In a state diagram, the transition from a current state to the next state is determined by
► State assignment
► State reduction
► State diagram
________ is used to simplify the circuit that determines the next state.
► State diagram
► State reduction
► State assignment
► Maximizes the number of state variables that don’t change in a group of related states
► Minimizes the number of state variables that don‟t change in a group of related states
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
► 10
► 32
► 25
Assume that a 4-bit serial in/serial out shift register is initially clear. We wish to store the nibble 1100.
What will be the 4-bit pattern after the second clock pulse? (Right-most bit first.)
► 1100
► 0011
► 0000
► 1111
► Depends on circuitry
► Microprocessor
► Look Up Table
The voltage gain of the Inverting Amplifier is given by the relation ________
► Vout / Vin = - Rf / Ri
► Vout / Rf = - Vin / Ri
► Rf / Vin = - Ri / Vout
► Rf / Vin = Ri / Vout
______ of a D/A converter is determined by comparing the actual output of a D/A converter with the
► Resolution
► Accuracy
► Quantization
► Missing Code
► Asynchronous up-counter
► Asynchronous down-counter
► Synchronous up-counter
► Synchronous down-counter
► n+2 (n plus 2)
► 2n (n multiplied by 2)
► 2n (2 raise to power n)
► n2 (n raise to power 2)
Spring 2010
► Demorgan‟s Law
► Distributive Law
► Commutative Law
► Associative Law
► Demorgans law
► Associative law
► True
► False
An alternate method of implementing Comparators which allows the Comparators to be easily cascaded
► Data selector
► Data router
► Data distributor
► Data encoder
The operation of J-K flip-flop is similar to that of the SR flip-flop except that the J-K flip-flop ___________
A flip-flop is connected to +5 volts and it draws 5 mA of current during its operation, the power
dissipation of
the flip-flop is
► 10 mW
► 25 mW
► 64 mW
► 1024
► Asynchronous
► Synchronous
► Positive-Edge triggered
► Negative-Edge triggered
74HC163 has two enable input pins which are _______ and _________
The divide-by-60 counter in digital clock is implemented by using two cascading counters:
► Mod-6, Mod-10
► Mod-50, Mod-10
► Mod-10, Mod-50
► Mod-50, Mod-6
In a state diagram, the transition from a current state to the next state is determined by
► 10
► State reduction
► State diagram
► Non-reprogrammable PAL
►Reprogrammable PAL
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
in ____________, all the columns in the same row are either read or written.
► Sequential Access
► MOS Access
In order to synchronize two devices that consume and produce data at different rates, we can use
► Flash Memory
► 2n (n multiplied by 2)
(2 raise to power n)
(n raise to power 2)
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory
► 1010
► 1110
► 1011
► 0101
Spring 2010
►a capacitor
►a fuse
For a positive edge-triggered J-K flip-flop with both J and K HIGH, the outputs will______ if the clock
goes HIGH.
►not change
If an S-R latch has a 1 on the S input and a 0 on the R input and then the S input goes to 0, the latch will
► set
► reset
► invalid
► clear
5. Determine the values of A, B, C, and D that make the sum term A(bar) + B+C(bar)+D equal to zero.
►A = 1, B = 0, C = 0, D = 0
►A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, D = 0 (Lecture 8)
►A = 0, B = 1, C = 0, D = 0
►A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, D = 1
►dc supply voltage and the peak current Click here for detail
A Karnaugh map is similar to a truth table because it presents all the possible values of input variables
NOR Gate can be used to perform the operation of AND, OR and NOT Gate
Using multiplexer as parallel to serial converter requires ___________ connected to the multiplexer
►A counter circuit
The 3-variable Karnaugh Map (K-Map) has _______ cells for min or max terms
►Only inputs
►8 (not sure)
If S=1 and R=0, then Q(t+1) = _________ for positive edge triggered flip-flop
►Input is invalid
If S=1 and R=1, then Q(t+1) = _________ for negative edge triggered flip-flop
► Invalid
► Input is invalid
The minimum time for which the input signal has to be maintained at the input of flip-flop is called
►Set-up time
►Hold time
We have a digital circuit. Different parts of circuit operate at different clock frequencies (4MHZ, 2MHZ
and 1MHZ), but we have a single clock source having a fix clock frequency (4MHZ), we can get help by
►J-K flip-flop
In ________ Q output of the last flip-flop of the shift register is connected to the data input of the first
►Moore machine
►Meally machine
►Johnson counter
►Ring counter
The _________ of a ROM is the time it takes for the data to appear at the Data Output of the ROM chip
►Write Time
►Recycle Time
►Refresh Time
►Access Time
Bi-stable devices remain in either of their _________ states unless the inputs force the device to switch
propagation delay.
►Race condition
►Clock Skew
►Ripple Effect
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory
A full-adder has a Cin = 0. What are the sum (<PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=sigma"> ) and the carry
►= 0, Cout = 0
►= 0, Cout = 1
►= 1, Cout = 0
►= 1, Cout = 1
► Truth table
► k-map
► state table
► state diagram
► Look Up Table
______ of a D/A converter is determined by comparing the actual output of a D/A converter with the
► Resolution
► Accuracy
► Quantization
► Missing Code
________ is used to simplify the circuit that determines the next state.
►State diagram
►State reduction
►State assignment
Q2 :=Q1 OR X OR Q3
►Q2:= Q1 $ X $ Q3
►Q2:= Q1 # X # Q3 (
►Q2:= Q1 ! X ! Q3
Generally, the Power dissipation of _______ devices remains constant throughout their operation.
►CMOS 5 Series
►Power dissipation of all circuits increases with time.
When the control line in tri-state buffer is high the buffer operates like a ________gate
3.3 v CMOS series is characterized by __________ and _________as compared to the 5 v CMOS series.
Fall 2009
► Addition
► Subtraction
► Multiplication
► Division
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A Karnaugh map is similar to a truth table because it presents all the possible values of input variables
and the
► True
► False
The binary numbers A = 1100 and B = 1001 are applied to the inputs of a comparator. What are the
► A > B = 0, A < B = 1, A = B = 0
► A > B = 1, A < B = 0, A = B = 0
► A > B = 0, A < B = 1, A = B = 1
OR Gate level
► boolean
► arbitrary
► Comparator
► Multiplexer Click here for detail
► Demultiplexer
► Parity generator
► Bi-stable dualvibrators
► Bi-stable transformer
► Bi-stable multivibrators
► Bi-stable singlevibrators
If S=1 and R=0, then Q(t+1) = _________ for positive edge triggered flip-flop
► Invalid
► Input is invalid
If S=1 and R=1, then Q(t+1) = _________ for negative edge triggered flip-flop
► Invalid
► Input is invalid
The operation of J-K flip-flop is similar to that of the SR flip-flop except that the J-K flip-flop ___________
The minimum time for which the input signal has to be maintained at the input of flip-flop is called
______ of
the flip-flop.
► Set-up time
► Hold time
We have a digital circuit. Different parts of circuit operate at different clock frequencies (4MHZ, 2MHZ
1MHZ), but we have a single clock source having a fix clock frequency (4MHZ), we can get help by
► D-flipflop
► J-K flip-flop
► T-Flip-Flop
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In asynchronous digital systems all the circuits change their state with respect to a common clock
► True
► False
A flip-flop is connected to +5 volts and it draws 5 mA of current during its operation, the power
dissipation of
the flip-flop is
► 10 mW
► 25 mW
► 64 mW
► 1024
__________occurs when the same clock signal arrives at different times at different clock inputs due to
propagation delay.
► Race condition
► Clock Skew
► Ripple Effect
A counter is implemented using three (3) flip-flops, possibly it will have ________ maximum output
► 15
► 10 Hz
► 50 Hz
► 100 Hz
► 500 Hz
► Truth table
► k-map
► state table
► state diagram
► 10
At T0 the value stored in a 4-bit left shift was “1”. What will be the value of register after three clock
In _______ the
output of the last flip-flop of the shift register is connected to the data input of the first flipflop.
► Moore machine
► Meally machine
► Johnson counter
► Ring counter
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In ________ Q output of the last flip-flop of the shift register is connected to the data input of the first
► Moore machine
► Meally machine
► Johnson counter
► Ring counter
► Serial in/parallel in
Assume that a 4-bit serial in/serial out shift register is initially clear. We wish to store the nibble 1100.
What will be the 4-bit pattern after the second clock pulse? (Right-most bit first.)
► 1100
► 0011
► 0000
► 1111
The _________ of a ROM is the time it takes for the data to appear at the Data Output of the ROM chip
after an
► Write Time
► Recycle Time
► Refresh Time
► Access Time
► n+2 (n plus 2)
► 2n (n multiplied by 2)
(2 raise to power n)
(n raise to power 2)
Fall 2009
NOR Gate can be used to perform the operation of AND, OR and NOT Gate
► I Only
► IV Only
► I and IV only
► II and III only
Consider A=1,B=0,C=1. A, B and C represent the input of three bit NAND gate the output of the NAND
will be _____
► Zero
► One
► Undefined
The capability that allows the PLDs to be programmed after they have been installed on a circuit board is
If S=1 and R=1, then Q(t+1) = _________ for negative edge triggered flip-flop
► Invalid
► Input is invalid
The operation of J-K flip-flop is similar to that of the SR flip-flop except that the J-K flip-flop ___________
► Q(t)
► Invalid
In asynchronous digital systems all the circuits change their state with respect to a common clock
► True
► False
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► J-K input
► S-R input
► D input
► Asynchronous, synchronous
► Synchronous, asynchronous
Following Is the circuit diagram of mono-stable device which gate will be replaced by the red colored
in the circuit.
In ________ outputs depend only on the combination of current state and inputs.
► Mealy machine
► Moore Machine
________ is used to simplify the circuit that determines the next state.
► State diagram
► State reduction
► State assignment
► 16
At T0 the value stored in a 4-bit left shift was “1”. What will be the value of register after three clock
A bidirectional 4-bit shift register is storing the nibble 1110. Its input is LOW. The nibble 0111 is
waiting to be entered on the serial data-input line. After two clock pulses, the shift register is storing
► 1110
► 0111
► 1000
► 100
In order to synchronize two devices that consume and produce data at different rates, we can use
► Flash Memory
If the FIFO Memory output is already filled with data then ________
The process of converting the analogue signal into a digital representation (code) is known as
► Strobing
► Amplification
► Quantization
► Digitization
► Asynchronous up-counter
► Asynchronous down-counter
► Synchronous up-counter
► Synchronous down-counter
(A B)(A B C)(A C)
is an example of ______________
► Demorgans law
► Associative law
Q2 :=Q1 OR X OR Q3
► Q2:= Q1 $ X $ Q3
► Q2:= Q1 # X # Q3
► Q2:= Q1 & X & Q3
► Q2:= Q1 ! X ! Q3
Fall 2009
► 10
► 16
► I Only
► IV Only
► I and IV only
The decimal “17” in BCD will be represented as _________10001(right opt is not given)
► 11101
► 11011
► 10111
► 11110
A Karnaugh map is similar to a truth table because it presents all the possible values of input variables
and the
resulting output of each value.
► True
► False
The simplest and most commonly used Decoders are the ______ Decoders
► n to 2n
► (n-1) to 2n
► (n-1) to (2n-1)
► n to 2n-1
► 2-to-8 encoder
► 4-to-16 encoder
► BCD-to-Decimal
► Decimal-to-BCD Priority
3-to-8 decoder can be used to implement Standard SOP and POS Boolean expressions
► True
► False
If S=1 and R=0, then Q(t+1) = _________ for positive edge triggered flip-flop
► Invalid
► Input is invalid
If the S and R inputs of the gated S-R latch are connected together using a ______gate then there is only
single input to the latch. The input is represented by D instead of S or R (A gated D-Latch)
► OR
In asynchronous digital systems all the circuits change their state with respect to a common clock
► True
► False
The low to high or high to low transition of the clock is considered to be a(n) ________
► State
► Edge
► Trigger
► One-shot
Bi-stable devices remain in either of their _________ states unless the inputs force the device to switch
its state
► Ten
► Eight
► Three
► Two
► J-K input
► S-R input
► D input
__________occurs when the same clock signal arrives at different times at different clock inputs due to
propagation delay.
► Race condition
► Clock Skew
► Ripple Effect
► The changes in the data at the inputs of the latch are seen at the output
► The changes in the data at the inputs of the latch are not seen at the output
► Propagation Delay is zero (Output is immediately changed when clock signal is applied)
► Input Hold time is zero (no need to maintain input after clock transition)
► Mealy machine
► Moore Machine
► Bit
► Nibble
► Byte
► Word
► 16
► Non-reprogrammable PAL
► Reprogrammable PAL
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
to shift
► Dynamic RAM
► Data RAM
► Demoduler RAM
which gate?
► OR
► n+2 (n plus 2)
► 2n (n multiplied by 2)
► 2n (2 raise to power n)
► n2 (n raise to power 2)
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory
Fall 2009
► Demorgans law
► Associative law
► 1001
► 1000
► 1111
A full-adder has a Cin = 0. What are the sum (<PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=sigma"> ) and the carry (Cout)
when A = 1 and B = 1?
►= 0, Cout = 0
►= 0, Cout = 1
►= 1, Cout = 0
►= 1, Cout = 1
► OR
► Bi-stable dualvibrators
► Bi-stable transformer
► Bi-stable multivibrators
► Bi-stable singlevibrators
► J-K input
► EN input
► Truth table
► k-map
► state table
► state diagram
► Mealy machine
► Moore Machine
► 10
A 8-bit serial in / parallel out shift register contains the value “8”, _____ clock signal(s) will be required
to shift
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► 10
► 32
► 25
In ________ Q output of the last flip-flop of the shift register is connected to the data input of the first
►Moore machine
►Meally machine
►Johnson counter
►Ring counter
► Dynamic RAM
► Data RAM
► Demoduler RAM
If the FIFO Memory output is already filled with data then ________
► Look Up Table
______ of a D/A converter is determined by comparing the actual output of a D/A converter with the
► Resolution
► Accuracy
► Quantization
► Missing Code
In the circuit diagram of 3-bit synchronous counterThe red rectangle, shown above would be replaced
► OR
► FIFO memory
► LIFO memory
► Flash Memory