Historical Background of Indian Constitution
Historical Background of Indian Constitution
Historical Background of Indian Constitution
Eventually, after slowly There are various layers in the background of the Indian Constitution
gaining more power, they attained the rights to collect revenue and govern themselves. - Regulating Act 1773, Pitt’s India Act 1784, Charter Act of 1813,
In order to do this, they enacted various laws, rules and regulations. - Charter Act of 1833, Charter Act of 1853, Government of India Act 1858,
In 1858, after the Revolt of 1857, the rule of the East India Company was brought to an end. - Indian Councils Act 1861, India Councils Act 1892,
The British Crown surpassed direct control of India after the dissolution of the East India - Indian Councils Act 1909, Government of India Act 1919,
Company and begins the British Raj. - Government of India Act 1935, Indian Independence Act 1947
The British crown had always assumed the sovereignty over India. Government of India Act in 1858
was the first statute passed by parliament which is marked as the beginning of the evolution of
The first step was taken by the British Parliament to control and regulate the affairs of the East India Company in India.
With this, the Presidency of Bengal was superior to those of Bombay and Madras. Also, its governor was then designated as the Governor-General of all
the three provinces. Warren Hastings was authorized as the Governor-General through the act.
The Supreme Court was established at Calcutta as the Apex Court in 1774, comprising of Chief Justice(Sir Elijah Impey) and three other Judges.
It prohibited servants of the company from engaging in any private trade or accepting bribes from the natives.
The company territories in India were called ‘British possession in India’. The company’s rule was extended to another 20 years.
Commercial and political functions of the company separated. The Court of Directors The Company’s monopoly over Indian trade terminated; Trade with India open to
managed the commercial activities while the Board of Control managed political affairs. all British subjects. except for the trade in tea, opium, and with China.
Reduced the strength of the Governor General’s council to three members. This act grant permission to the missionaries to come to India.
Governor’s councils were established in Madras and Bombay. The act provided for a financial grant towards the revival of Indian literature
Governor-General (of Bengal) became the Governor-General of India. A Central Legislative Council was created of 6 members out of which 4
First Governor-General of India was Lord William Bentick. were appointed by the provisional governments of Madras, Bombay,
This was the final step towards centralization in British India. Agra and Bengal.
Beginning of a Central legislature for India as the act also took away legislative powers The legislative and executive powers of the Governor-General’s Council
As per the act, an Indian law commission was established. It introduced a system of open competition as the basis for the recruitment
This act ended the commercial activities of the company and it was transformed into an administrative body. of civil servants of the Company.
With this Act the rule of company was replaced by the rule of the crown in India. This Act introduced a popular element of involving Indians for the very first time
The powers of the British Crown were to be exercised by the Secretary of State for to represent in the legislative council and executive council as the
India. He was assisted by a 15-member Council of India. non-official members. three Indians entered the Legislative council.
The Governor-General was designated the Viceroy as well, Lord Canning was the first Legislative councils were established in Center and provinces.
The Court of Directors and the Board of Control were abolished. Decentralisation initiated with the presidencies of Madras and Bombay being
The act increased the number of additional or non-official members in the Act is also known as the Morley- Minto Reforms.
legislative councils. Direct elections to the legislative councils were introduced for the first time.
Gave more functions to the legislative councils such as the discussion of budget Changed the name of the Central Legislative Council to the Imperial Legislative
and questioning the executive. Council, in which membership to Indian given for first time.
The legislative councils were empowered to make new laws and repeal old laws with the It introduced concept of ‘separate electorate’.
permission of the Governor-General. Lord Minto appointed Satyendra P Sinha as the first Indian member of the Viceroy’s
Diarchy was introduced in the provincial governments with executive councillors being in Provinces and the Princely States as units, though the envisaged federation
charge of the reserved list and the ministers in charge of the transferred list of subjects. never came into being.
A bicameral legislature was introduced for the first time at the centre, Legislative Assembly Subjects were divided between the centre and the provinces. Centre was in
with 140 members and Legislative council with 60 members. charge of the Federal List, provinces in charge of the Provincial List and
It mandated 3 members of the Viceroy’s executive council to be Indians. there was a Concurrent List which both catered to.
The act provided for the establishment of the Public Service Commission. Diarchy was abolished at the provincial level and introduced at the centre.
This act extended the right to vote, about 10% of the population acquired voting rights. A federal court was established and the Indian Council abolished.
This Act introduced direct elections in India for the first time.
The act provided for the partition of India and Pakistan and all the laws which were enforced in British India would be applicable to both dominions
Designated the Viceroy India and the provincial Governors as the Constitutional (normal heads).
The Government of India Act 1935 was replaced by the Constitution of India after independence.