Useful Item Locations
Useful Item Locations
Useful Item Locations
-Moon Stone on route 111 (No HM needed), and also in Meteor Falls
-Water Stone on route 114,
-Leaf Stone on route 115. Walk down to the ledge that drops you back to rustboro,
then walk right. Also in route 120 in the very tall grass
-Fire Stone in fiery path, as before
-Thunderstone on Route 110 by surfing
-2 Sun Stone on wild Solrock, and also by item finder on route 111 desert
---There are other copies of these items elsewhere in the region - roughly enough
to evolve every pokemon once.
-2 Shiny Stone in Lilycove near the lighthouse/Tar Pit on the left side of the map.
-2 Dawn Stone in Pa'I canyon east of route 111/gauntlet island
-2 Dusk Stone inside Mt. Pyre/ Abandoned ship with Dive
-1 Ice stone on route 115 by using Strength/Rock Smash
-Oval stone held by most wild chansey
---Also, in the battle frontier, all stones can be purchased from a shop.
Evolution items
Onix ->Steelix
Scyther -> Scizor by levelling up when holding a Metal Coat (From New
Mauville/Victory Road/Wild magneton/)
Seadra -> Kingdra levelling up when holding a Dragon Scale (From Meteor Falls via
Clamperl -> Gorebyss when holding deepseascale during the day (Both this and the
tooth are given by Captain Stern in exchange for scanner)
Clamperl -> Huntail when holding deepseatooth during the night (Also from Captain
Stern in exchange for scanner)
Sneasel -> Weavile by levelling up when holding a Razor claw (route 111 by
surfing/Gauntlet Island)
Gligar -> Gliscor by levelling up when holding a Razor Fang (Route 123/Gauntlet
Electabuzz -> Electivire by levelling up when holding an electirizer (New Mauville)
Magmar -> Magmortar by levelling up when holding a Magmarizer (Fiery path)
Rhydon -> Rhyperior by levelling up when holding a Protector (Safari Zone right
hand side)
Dusclops -> Dusknoir by levelling up when holding a Reaper Cloth (Mt Pyre Summit
hidden item. Also very rarely on wild Banette)
Slowpoke -> Slowking
Poliwhirl -> Politoed by levelling up when holding a King�s rock (mossdeep from a
guy, same as emerald. Also in safari zone/victory road/wild poliwhirl)
-Metal Powder: directly behind the flower shop route 104 (well hidden)
-Wailmer Pail: Flower Shop
-Ring Target: rustboro
-white herb: in the flowers beside a house in rustboro
-Blackglasses: semi-hidden route 117
-big mushroom: semi-hidden in petal burg woods via cut, acts as Big Root.
-Black Belt: Dew Beach
-Old Rod: route 106 trainer
-Everstone: granite cave
-Iron Ball: rock smash in granite Cave
-Binding Band: Manor island
-Sea Incense: manor Island, via surf
-Light Ball: Mauville
-Cell Battery: Mauville, and an infinite amount in a box in New Mauville
-Safety Goggles (Safety Specs): Mauville, accessed from New Mauville.
-Macho Brace: reward from Victoria Winstrate on beating her family on route 110
-Wide Lens: Route 110 via Acro Bike
-zoom lens: route 103 via acro bike
-Normal Gem: Verdanturf Battle tent, girl on the left