Resident Handbook 2019 2021
Resident Handbook 2019 2021
Resident Handbook 2019 2021
This Handbook contains a quick reference to the Rules and Regulations, services, and
other pertinent information governing the day-by-day operation of Leisure Village West. It is
to be used in conjunction with, and as a supplement to, the governing documents. For
clarification of any of our policies, please telephone the Association Office.
A Board of Trustees, elected by the unit owners, and the Community Manager are
responsible for the administration of Leisure Village West and for insuring that the
requirements of the Master Deed and By-Laws are not violated. Rules do change from time to
time, so please read the Leisure Village West News magazine for any possible revisions.
Table of Contents
Emergency - First Aid, Police or Fire
Medical, Police or Fire Emergency: call Manchester Police 911 or 732-657-6111
If possible, then call the 70 Gate at 732-657-4334, giving your name, address and stating the emergency, and
put the outside light on.
Police non-emergency .......................................................................................................732-657-2009
Important Phone Numbers and Office Hours:
Gatehouse #1 – Route 70 - open 24 hours
Emergency and Security Only............................................................................................732-657-4334
Gatehouse #3 – Route 37 - open 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. ...........................................................732-657-1658
After 5:00 PM residents only
24 hours - emergency vehicles have access to all gates
Association Office – Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM ..................................................................732-657-9595
Association Service Office (maintenance requests) Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM ...............732-657-8878
Association Emergency Service .............................................................................................732-657-8878
Recreation Buildings – Open Daily: Willow Hall & Leisure Fair – 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Club Encore – 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM weekdays
Recreation Offices
Willow Hall – 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. ..........................................................................................732-657-9109
Club Encore – 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. ....................................................732-657-7789
Greenhouse – October - April Mon-Wed-Fri 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
VISTON Located in Willow Hall Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ....................................732-657-1818
Helping Hands ........................................................................................................................732-657-2842
Community Medical Center, Toms River ...............................................................................732-557-8000
Monmouth Medical Center So. (formerly Kimball Medical Center), Lakewood ...................732-363-1900
Ocean Medical Center, Brick..................................................................................................732-840-2200
NJ Motor Vehicle Offices ( 1 (609) 292-6500
Toms River Office 1873 Hooper Avenue
Church Rd and Hooper Ave, Toms River, NJ
OneCallNow Notification system for important messages such as power outages.
Text “alert” to 22300 to receive text messages.
Emergency Notification Volunteer based - emergency door to door notification organization.
Committee (ENC)
Leisure Village West Information regarding Leisure Village West activities for the month,
News Magazine delivered via U.S. Mail.
Channel 1970 Village Association news shown daily. Turn on at least once a day for messages and changes in
Village business, Association meetings, Recreation announcements and Bus schedules. Check the
Village Creeper for times and updates of live programs of community interest.
Channel 1972 Tune in to see your visitors entering from the Route 70 Gatehouse.
Verizon Provides Verizon’s Preferred HD cable service included in the monthly maintenance fee.
Additional channels and services are available. To install call 1-800-501-1172, for technical
support call 1-888-553-1555. Club information, recorded trustee meetings, governing documents and more.
Nixle Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant information from our local public
safety departments and schools: Register at
Administration of the Village
All operating, maintenance and financial functions of the Village are under the direction of a Board of Trustees,
consisting of 7 elected resident unit owners. The election of Trustees takes place in August. Unit owners in good
standing are eligible to vote. Rules and recommendations for Village activities are prepared by resident
committees and authorized by the Trustees. A professional staff under the direction of the Community Manager is
employed by the Association to administer the affairs of the Leisure Village West Association and its entire
property for the benefit of all residents.
Only resident owners, in good standing, may hold any office and or serve on any committee.
Advisory Council
The Council is appointed and authorized by the Board of Trustees of Leisure Village West to advise and
assist the Board with wide-ranging, general policies, issues and problems which cross the operating lines of
the standing committee.
The Council is composed of the Chairs of the standing committee. The Council is chaired by a resident
selected by the President of the Association and approved by the Board.
⚫ Administration Committee
⚫ Architectural Committee
⚫ Finance Committee
⚫ Community Services Committee
Open Board Meetings
Open Board Meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month, unless notified otherwise.
These are voting meetings where the Board conducts business in an open format. Committee reports are
made on the 3rd Wednesday.
Meetings are open to all residents, and residents are encouraged to participate during the audience
comments portion of the meeting. In general, audience questions should be addressed to the interests of
all residents. For resolution of personal or maintenance issues, contact the Department Manager or the
Manager of Resident Services and, if necessary, the Community Manager. If the Community Manager
does not resolve the issue, contact the Association Office and ask for a Trustee consultation. Trustee
consultation should only be invoked after following the procedure outlined above or in matters of
confidential situations. For more information, see the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) section.
Workshop Meetings
Trustees, management, and guests meet for information sharing only to prepare for Board of Trustee
meeting; no minutes are taken. These meetings are expected to be held prior to the Board Meeting;
moreover, any principal information shall ultimately be made ready for full disclosure to the resident
body. On occasion, a workshop session may be scheduled spontaneously for an urgent matter and
therefore not according to a regular schedule. The President or the President’s designee reports to
residents any item discussed in the workshop session preceding the Board Meeting that is not covered
under the manager’s report.
Audit Meeting
An annual audit meeting is held on the 4th Wednesday in January. Association members are encouraged
to come and participate during the audience comment portion of the meeting; questions, however, are
limited to audit items only. Members may also submit questions in writing when they cannot attend the
meeting. Meetings are televised live.
Budget Meeting
Traditionally held in July, for the purpose of presenting the next fiscal year’s budget after months of
preparation. Association members are encouraged to come and participate during the audience comment
portion of the meeting; questions, however, are limited to budget items only. Members may also submit
questions in writing when they cannot attend the meeting. Meetings are televised live.
Held on the last business day in August for the purpose of electing Trustees to fill expiring terms.
Outlined in the Bylaws relating to acts by the membership, typically Bylaws and/or Master Deed
Televised Meetings
Board of Trustee and membership meetings are broadcast live on closed circuit KLVW, Channel 1970.
Rebroadcasts are scheduled several times during the week. Residents can also watch recorded meetings
on their home computers at
Village Overview
Clubs, Groups, Activities and Services
Aquacizers Club Baby Boomers Art Class
Arts & Crafts Club Because It’s Thursday Billiards
Arts Appreciation Club Bereavement Support Group Bocce
Billiards Club Breast Cancer Support Group Bowling Leagues
Bingo Club Book Discussion Group Bus Trips
Bocce & Social Club Chess Group Card Games
Bridge Club (Duplicate) Current Events Ceramic Classes
Caritas Guild Earthlings Cornhole
Columbiettes Film Discussion Group Creative Classes
Computer Club Genealogy Group Health & Fitness Classes
Cooking Club Just for Laughs Exercise Classes
Dance Club LGBTQ and Friends Fitness Center
Farmers Club Minyonettes Group Friday Socials
Financial Information Club Nightingales Golf
First Aid Auxiliary Club Picklers Group Greenhouse
Fishing Club Photography Group Horseshoe Pitching
Garden Club Sociables KLVW-TV Productions
Golf and Social Club Stained Glass Group Library
Hadassah Club Writer’s Group Line Dance
Irish American Club Yoga Group Media Rooms
Italian American Social Club Monthly Movie
Knights of Columbus Pickleball
Model Railroad Club Qigong
Nature Club Recreational Dances
ORT Showtime
Pet Club Shuffleboard
Pine Tree Needlers Club Social Dance Class
Ping Pong Club Tennis
Recycling Club Volleyball
Rummy “Q” Club Woodshop
RV Camping & Social Club Yoga Classes
Service Club
Shuffleboard Club
Softball Club
Table Shuffleboard Club
Tennis & Social Club
Veterans of LVW Club
West Village Players Club
West Village Travelers Club
Yiddish Club
AARP Defensive Driving Course
AARP Income Tax Assistance
Helping Hands
Monmouth Medical Center South Mobile Phlebotomy
V.I.S.T.O.N. (Volunteers In Service To Our Neighbors)
Access to Village
⚫ Gate 1 Route 70 and Buckingham Drive is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
⚫ Gate 2 Colonial Drive and Huntington Drive is not staffed and provides Resident-only entrance
into Leisure Village West
⚫ Gate 3 Route 37 and Buckingham Drive is staffed from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 7 days a week
Control entry devices will be provided to the residents on the following basis:
1) One (1) control entry device will be issued to each unit upon presentation of a current, valid, vehicle
registration, a current driver’s license and a valid certificate of insurance assigned for that vehicle.
Additional control entry devices will be issued as follows:
a) Residents of Eton, Greenbriar, Concord, Falmouth or Nantucket models may obtain a maximum of one
(1) additional control entry device, upon the presentation of a valid Driver’s License, Vehicle
Registration and Insurance card. This second vehicle is required to park in a 72-hour parking space in
the Encore overflow parking lot.
b) Residents of Cambridge, Baronet, Winfield, Regency, Wheaton, Oxford, Stratford, Blair, St Tropez,
Hastings, Roxy, Savoy, Ritz, Pickford, Waldorf, or Victoria models may obtain a maximum of two (2)
additional control entry devices, upon the presentation of a valid Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration
and Insurance card registered to the resident. The additional vehicle is required to park in a 72-hour
parking space in the Encore overflow parking lot if driveway space in unavailable.
2) Gate entry devices are not transferable from vehicle to vehicle nor resident to resident.
4) No entry device will be assigned to vehicles used for commercial purposes, livery vehicles, scooters,
mopeds, bicycles and oversized vehicles.
5) A resident who is provided a company owned vehicle may be assigned a device upon the presentation of a
current registration, valid driver’s license and certificate of insurance and in the case of a rental or lease a
copy of the lease agreement and a letter from the company authorizing the use of the vehicle. Gate
devices will not be assigned unless the information is presented.
6) Residents with a disability who possess a state issued non-driver ID, solely for the purpose of providing
identification, or if there is no vehicle owned or associated with their unit, may obtain a handheld
transponder. Handheld transponders are only to be used by the resident to whom it is issued and may
result in forfeiture if used by others.
7) All Gate Access Devices will be controlled by the Association office and may be disabled at the discretion of
the Association without prior notice.
8) Emergency vehicles and Police, Fire, Emergency medical vehicles and postal vehicles will be assigned with
the approval of the Community Manager.
9) A memorandum of agreement between the Association and the resident is to be signed at time of device
issuance referring to the parking of vehicles.
A) Any driver causing damage and/or destruction to property will be responsible for replacement or
repair of any damaged property.
B) Vehicles using the entry and exit gates must not proceed through gates until the gate and wooden
arm is in a full maximum upright position. Vehicles must not piggyback nor bumper-hug the vehicle
in front during entry or exiting the village.
Violation of these rules, regulations and policies may result in the revocation of the control gate entry device.
Admittance of Visitors
Residents should advise the guard, in advance, of an expected visitor’s arrival by telephoning Gate 1 at
732-657-4334 and/or Gate 3 at 732-657-1658. If advance notification has not been given, the resident
will be telephoned when a visitor arrives at the gate.
Completion of a Visitor Authorized Access Form will enable your frequent visitors to be admitted
without the necessity of a telephone call to or from the gate. This form is available at the Association
⚫ The visitors' gate must not be raised by the guard while a resident vehicle is passing through
the residents' gate. Also, the gate guard is not to raise the visitors' gate until visitor is ready
to proceed.
Vehicle Use and Parking
PURPOSE: To provide New Jersey State rules and regulations and to help residents use their vehicles in a
manner which will provide the greatest convenience for the vehicle owner and the least inconvenience to
their fellow residents.
All drivers within Leisure Village West must observe New Jersey State rules and regulations in addition to
rules set herein.
• No vehicle shall be parked where it impedes pedestrians, emergency vehicles, or service vehicles.
• No parked vehicle shall extend beyond the unit driveway.
• No vehicles should block another unit’s access. Residents should be mindful not to block neighboring
unit’s access.
• Drivers must adhere to the 25 MPH speed limit.
• Vehicles in a non-operative condition may not be parked on any LVW road or unit driveway.
• Vehicles which have been modified to produce excessive noise are not permitted.
• Vehicle repairs or washing are not permitted on a resident’s driveway or anywhere else within LVW
other than minor repairs such as flat tire, dead battery, etc.
• Drivers and/or Operators must possess a current driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of
• A current inspection sticker and license plate is required for each motor vehicle owned and/or
operated within LVW.
• The Association may tow a vehicle, at the owner’s expense, for abandonment or blocking emergency
access in accordance with New Jersey Statues or for violation of the LVW Parking Policy.
Registry of Vehicles
Residents must register all their vehicles with the Association Office. In addition, residents must notify the
Association Office if adding or replacing a vehicle.
Parking at Your Unit
Residents must park in their garage, in the unit driveway (apron), or for units with no garage or
driveway, in the unit’s designated parking space. Under no circumstances are vehicles permitted to park on
the grass or sidewalks. Side by side parking in a unit’s driveway is not permitted.
Recreational, Oversized and Non-Standard vehicles are allowed only brief standing in or adjacent to the
resident’s driveway.
No parking is permitted on any LVW street during the hours of 2:00 am to 6:00 am except where 72 hours
parking signs are posted. The Association will ticket vehicles parked overnight on the street between 2:00 am
and 6:00 am. See Violations on page 5.
Special Parking
Spaces marked SP (Special Parking) are provided for the use of service vehicles and visitors. SP spaces are not
for parking of resident’s vehicles. Overnight parking in SP spaces requires a permit which may be valid for up
to 72 hours.
• Daytime Parking is available at Willow, Encore and Leisure Fair parking lots.
• Overnight parking is permitted at the Administration building from 5PM until 7AM only.
• On weekends and holidays at the Administration Building.
The areas listed below have spaces designated for 72-hour parking:
The Overflow Lot, located under the power line right-of-way, has specific designated parking areas as
• Vehicles of residents on day trips from LVW may park in the front of the lot facing Buckingham Drive.
• Daytime parking for both residents and visitors is permitted in the un-numbered parking spaces
between the first and second light poles.
• 72-hours parking for both residents and visitors is permitted between the second and third pole.
(Spaces marked 31-90).
• Residents requiring parking longer than 72 hours must contact the Association office.
• RV and boat spaces are provided and will be assigned by the Administration office.
Paid Parking
Paid Parking is available in the unpaved gravel area at the rear of the Overflow Lot. Spaces P1 – P20 are
reserved for residents who require monthly storage of a vehicle or who possess a non-standard or oversized
A resident expecting a visitor with an RV must obtain permission from the Association Office for that RV to
park in a designated area at the Encore Overflow lot.
All parking in this area requires a permit from the Association Office
Snow Parking
When snow has been forecast, all cars must be removed from streets and driveways in order to enable snow
removal to be accomplished as quickly as possible. With the exception of the Administration Office lot, all
parking lots are available for parking until the snow has been cleared.
Bicycle traffic is governed by traffic regulations similar to those of Motor Vehicles. Bicycles must be ridden in
the direction of traffic and close to the curb. Riding is not permitted on sidewalks. Children on bicycles must
be accompanied by an adult.
The operation of motorized wheelchairs or scooters in LVW by disabled individuals is governed by traffic
regulations similar to those for motor vehicles.
The following resident owned vehicles must be registered at the Association Office:
Mobile homes
Pop-up trailers
Bus-type campers
Other types of recreational vehicles (hereafter called RVs)
Boats on boat trailers
The Association has designated 30 large sized spaces for RVs and spaces for boats on boat trailers. If a space is
available in the RV section, a boat may be assigned that space.
There shall be no overnight occupancy and no cooking at any time in RVs on LVW property. Discharge of gray
or black water from RVs is not permitted anywhere within LVW.
Commercial Vehicles
Definition: all vehicles with commercial license plates OR with advertising or lettering on the body or windows
which would identify them as commercial vehicles. Vehicles with ladder and/or equipment racks, vehicles
with specialized bodies such as utility bodies, flat beds, rack bodies, etc. are considered commercial vehicles.
Definition: Oversized vehicles are those in excess of 18 feet in length, 8 feet in width and/or 7 feet in height.
Non-standard vehicles include mini-buses, limousines and pick-up trucks without commercial identification
but with a wheel base larger than that of a full-sized sedan.
Residents who possess a non-standard or oversized vehicle must request a permit to park in the Paid Parking
Area. These vehicles are allowed only brief standing in or adjacent to the resident’s driveway.
A permit is required from the Association office to cover a currently registered and in-use vehicle, in a
driveway or in the unit’s assigned parking space, with an appropriate form-fitting cover.
For visitors requiring overnight and/or 72-hour parking in spaces marked SP, permit will be issued by the Gate
Residents may obtain a permit at the Association Office for visitors parking an RV in the Overflow Lot.
Residents requesting monthly storage in the Paid Parking lot may obtain a permit at the Association Office.
A fine of $50.00 will be assessed for the second violation within 1-year from the first violation.
ANY INFRACTION subsequent to the second violation will result in the vehicle being towed at the resident’s
Obligations of Association Members
Please notify the Association Office if there have been:
⚫ Addition of pets
Manchester Township Ordinance: No more than two (2) persons may reside in a one bedroom unit.
A two-bedroom unit is limited to three (3) residents.
The maintenance fee is determined by the number of occupants in a unit. Notification in the change of
occupants is required. This information may increase or decrease your maintenance fee. Failure to
report additional occupants may result in charges for the entire fiscal year.
Should a guest remain in your unit for more than 30 days, and is a permissible occupant, the
resident/owner must report the guest to the Association Accounting Office and pay the additional
maintenance fee. Fines for non-compliance may be levied as per the Bylaws.
Damage to Property
Damage to either personal or Association property by a resident or the guest of a resident shall be the
responsibility of the unit owner who must bear the full cost of repair or replacement. The Association
is not responsible for any personal property.
You must notify the Association Office of your intent to sell so that information required by law can be
made available to prospective buyers. Units must be sold subject to the provisions of the governing
documents. In the interest of security, real estate agents must bring any prospective buyers only by
appointment with the owner or his agent (except for open house). Estate sales and garage sales are
not permitted.
Open Houses
• Realtors must call the Association Office at 732-657-9595 and register by the Wednesday prior to
their open house.
• Open houses are permitted on Sundays only between the hours of 12 PM and 4 PM.
• Only one sign posted on the garage side of the unit is permissible.
1. A maximum of two house pets may be kept and maintained in a unit, provided such pets are not kept or
maintained for commercial purposes.
2. When outside of the unit including the patio area, an animal must be carried or be on a leash not to exceed six
feet and attended by a responsible person.
3. Owners are responsible for removing their pet's wastes from the common elements and units and are to place
the wastes in their own garbage receptacle, not in any public receptacle or storm drain.
4. No animal may be leashed to any stationary object on the common areas. No animal is permitted in or on any
community facilities or recreation areas.
5. Pet owners are responsible for any property damage, odors, injury, disturbances or intimidation caused by their
6. Pets must be walked in the streets (at the curb) and in such open or wooded areas not used for recreational
purpose or parking facilities or in common areas.
7. No pet shall be permitted to bark, howl, or make other loud noises for such an unreasonable time as disturbs
neighbors' rest or peaceful enjoyment of their unit or the common elements.
8. Visitors with pets shall conform to all rules and regulations concerning pets.
9. Feeding of water fowl is absolutely forbidden per Manchester Township ordinance. Feeding of other wildlife is
strongly discouraged.
10. Animals must be registered at the Manchester Township office according to municipal and state laws -
registration will require a certificate of a rabies prevention injection.
11. All cats and dogs must wear the I.D. tag and be registered at the Association office.
12. Droppings must be picked up immediately and put into the owners' own receptacle containers abiding by
Manchester Township Ordinance #93-183 - any resident who does not immediately remove all droppings
deposited by his dog will face a fine of as much as $500 and up to 90 days in jail.
Responsibilities of Unit Owners Who Rent their Unit
Lease Agreement
An owner must reside in their unit for two years before the unit can be leased/rented. A one-year
written lease, the required Leisure Village West Association addendum and a lease fee must be
submitted to the Association Office prior to occupancy by the tenant. When you renew the lease, or
change tenants, a new lease agreement must be submitted. The tenant will be provided with a
“Resident Package” of information regarding life at Leisure Village West. Unit owners must be aware
that a permit and fee is required by Manchester Township in order to lease your unit.
All badges, transponders and privileges to use the facilities (with the exception of voting rights) convert
to the tenant. The owner forfeits these rights as there must never be a dual use of badges,
transponders, etc.
Voting rights can be exercised by tenants only if the owner submits permission in writing to the
Association Office.
A copy of the rental agreement or lease must, in all instances, be filed with the Association Office prior
to occupancy by the tenant.
Condition of Unit
⚫ Each unit must contain all major appliances in working order.
If you own a unit but rent it to others, special insurance arrangements should be made to fit your
individual needs. The tenant should be advised to purchase HO-4 Tenant Coverage.
Monthly Maintenance Fees
The Association's operating funds are dependent upon prompt monthly maintenance payments which
are due the 1st of each month. Payments not received by the 10 th of the month will be assessed a
delinquent charge.
Maintenance fees cover the costs of the day-to-day operation of Leisure Village West as well as funds
for planned future expenditures (i.e., roads, roofs, etc.).
Online Payment:
Pay your maintenance fees electronically on a monthly basis via your online Tops[One]
Owner Access Portal. These payments can be one-time payments or set up as recurring
By Coupon:
Make your check or money order payable to Leisure Village West Association and
deposit your envelope with check and coupon enclosed in the mailbox provided in the
Association Office parking lot, or when away, mail check and coupon to:
Advance Payment:
Unit owners who wish to pay their annual maintenance fees by check, money order or
ACH for the new fiscal year in advance on or before October 10th will receive a 2%
refund after payment is received and check clears our bank. Important Note: There will
be no 2% refund on any credit card payments.
Important Unit Ownership Documents
Following are the important documents pertaining to your unit that you should keep in a safe place:
Deed (recorded)
Closing Statement
Owner’s Title Insurance Policy
Certificate of Occupancy
Mortgage Contract (if applicable)
HO-6 Insurance Policy
HO-6 Insurance
The Association maintains a master policy to insure the common elements and all buildings and equipment
owned by the Association.
In accordance with your Association’s governing documents, all buildings, comprising Leisure Village West
Association are insured on an “Original Specifications” basis with a Replacement Cost valuation provision. Put
simply, this means that each unit is covered in its entirety in accordance with the builder’s original
specifications subject to the policy limit (less any applicable deductible). Deductibles are applied on a per
occurrence basis (currently $10,000). The Association’s master policy is not intended to cover personal
property, loss of use (temporary rental assistance), loss assessment, upgrades or improvements made by any
unit owners (past or present), or their personal liability. It is highly recommended that each owner and/or
tenant consult with their insurance professional and provide them with the above information when
determining their personal needs.
The information in this Resident Handbook is a general rather than a specific statement. A copy of the
declaration page of the Master Policy can be obtained from the insurance agent for Leisure Village West.
It is recommended that unit owners purchase HO6 insurance to cover the following:
General and Useful Information
Air Conditioner Will not operate properly when temperature is below 70 degrees.
Filters need to be cleaned once a month during the cooling season.
Replace filter at least annually. Do not shut off circuit breaker in
winter months to protect the unit from freezing.
Do not line oven with aluminum foil as it may cause door glass to
shatter. Door and glass replacement is not covered by Leisure Village
West Association.
Garbage Disposal Use cold water when operating the disposal. Turn water on first, and
then switch on the disposal. Let disposal churn, turn switch off, and
then let water run a few seconds before turning water off. Bones,
celery, corncobs, artichokes, banana peels, nut shells or anything
stringy should not be put in the disposal.
If the disposal does not start, push the red button on the unit under
the sink. When absent for an extended period, put a tablespoon of
vegetable oil in the garbage disposal.
Milk Delivery Home delivery is available from Bey Lea, 215 Oak Avenue in Toms
River, 732-349-7051.
Newspapers Newspapers covering this area of New Jersey are the Asbury Park
Press and the Star Ledger. Home delivery of these and other
newspapers is available. The Manchester Times is a free local weekly
newspaper and is available in the clubhouses and many local
For Your Safety
Smoke Alarm For best protection, both ionization and photoelectric alarms should be installed.
Combination alarms that include both technologies in a single device are available.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for placement and mounting height.
Carbon Monoxide All units are required by New Jersey State law to have a carbon monoxide detector
which should be installed in a central location outside each sleeping area.
It is suggested that residents test all alarms monthly by pushing the test button. Batteries should be
replaced annually. It is recommended to change your devices every 7 to 10 years or in accordance with
the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Fire Extinguisher A fire extinguisher, also required by Manchester Township, should be mounted in an
area easily accessible to the kitchen and/or the garage. If you have to use it,
remember to keep your back to an exit so that you have a way to escape in the
event that the fire cannot be controlled.
Washing Machine Faucets should be turned off when not in use. Water pressure could cause the hose
to burst. Any flooding damage because of forgetfulness is the resident’s
Clothes Dryer Clean filter after each dryer load; also clean inside door to prevent a fire. If drying
time seems excessive, call the Maintenance Department for service.
Other Electric Disconnect TV cable, stereo, computers and other electronic equipment during an
active lightning storm or when one is forecast.
Portable Gas Grill NJ State Law requires that gas grills must be at least 5 feet away from the unit, and
propane tanks are not to be stored within the unit or in the garage at any time.
Gas Grill Propane or Natural Gas grills must be at least 5 feet away from a unit wall and fence
(NJ State Law). The grill must be placed on a solid base. Extra propane tanks must
be placed adjacent to the grill within the parameters stated above. Propane tanks
must not be stored in the garage or in the unit. A storage area for propane tanks is
available in the Maintenance Yard. Smoker grills are prohibited.
When Going Away
For a worry-free time away, observe these few suggestions before leaving:
Shut off main water valve, typically located in laundry closet – turn clockwise.
Open cabinet doors under all sinks to allow warmth to enter. This procedure will help avoid damage to water
pipes resulting from low temperatures.
Shut off outside faucets and disconnect hoses during heating months. Failure to do this could result in
damage to water pipes and possible flooding which will be repaired at owner's expense.
Turn the circuit breakers for "Water Heater," "Electric Range," and “Electric Dryer" to off position.
It is recommended that minimum heating be maintained at 50 degrees during the entire heating season,
especially during prolonged absences. Shutting your heating off completely will require your unit to be
professionally winterized.
If going away for a week or more, disconnect all appliances. When emptied of food, leave refrigerator door
ajar to permit circulation.
Unscrew and unplug all TV and stereo cables and electrical cords. This should also be done whenever there is
an electrical storm to prevent a fire and/or damage to your sets.
Leave key with someone you trust who will check your home periodically, especially after a heavy rain or snow
Telephone and water can be shut off by contacting the utility companies.
Place a tablespoon of vegetable oil in garbage disposal if absent for any length of time in order to protect the
Procedure for Maintenance Service
Call 732-657-8878 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Most in-unit maintenance items can be scheduled for repair
when it is convenient for you. Appointments are scheduled between 8:00 AM and Noon and from 1:00
PM to 4:00 PM. A limited number of first appointments for the morning and afternoon are available for
your convenience. Most outdoor maintenance items are classified as non-scheduled and are handled in
the order they were received.
A limited number of appointments are available for weeknights until 10:00 PM and weekends from 8:00
AM to 4:00 PM.
If any maintenance work is unsatisfactory, please contact the maintenance office at 732-657-8878 and
ask to speak to the Department Manager.
If the item is not resolved by the Department Manager, ask to speak to the Resident Service Manager.
If the Community Manager does not resolve the issue, contact the Association Office and ask for a
Trustee consultation. Trustee consultation should only be invoked after following the procedure
outlined above or in matters of confidential situations.
After hours calls to 732-657-8878 are automatically forwarded to 732-657-4334, Gatehouse Rt. 70. The
following are examples of items where Emergency Maintenance Service might be required:
In all cases, covered items are as originally spec’d and installed by the developer and may vary depending on
model. Leisure Village West Association reserves the right to change, modify or remove any services and
procedures. Optional equipment, not part of the developer’s offering, will not be serviced by the Association.
Appliances and other household appliances as approved by the Association described below will be
repaired if they are repairable, as determined by the Service Department, see exceptions noted below.
Appliances no longer repairable are those for which the repair costs (parts and labor) are more than
50% of the replacement cost. The replacement will be the unit owner’s responsibility.
NOTE: new appliances are serviced by the manufacturer’s warranty for the first 12 months.
Other Household Appliances: Central A/C, Natural Gas Heat, Electric Heat, Heat Pumps, Water Heater.
Some installations may require permit from the Association as well as from Manchester Township
(obtained by the contractor) and must conform to all building codes and specifications.
Plumbing Fixtures:
• Faucets, Moen or Pfister models only - washers, cartridges, stems, non-ceramic handles, supply
lines, shut-offs, stoppers, diverter for kitchen hose and spray, hot and cold indicators caps, if
available. (If these brands are still under warranty, the resident should contact the
manufacturer who should provide the parts at no cost.)
• Toilets - internal parts, supply lines, tank bolts, flange, closet bolts, shut off, wax seal, waste line
blockages (If resident is responsible, there may be a charge.)
• Circuit breakers
Garage Doors:
Openers and components are not covered. Replacement of complete garage doors or door panels is
the Resident’s responsibility. Any damage caused by garage door openers or automobiles is also the
Resident’s responsibility.
Exterior Doors:
Glass Condensation Guidelines: Windows must show visible water droplets between the sealed panes
to be considered for replacement. Unit owners may have window glass replaced at their own expense.
A unit owner installing windows in place of those provided by the developer understands that the
Leisure Village West Association is no longer responsible for maintenance of the replacement windows.
Unit owner must obtain a permit to replace windows.
Painting: Exterior wood trim and shakes are scheduled for painting once every 5 years. Exterior
aluminum siding is scheduled for painting every 25 years. Unit owners must comply with the
requirement for clearance between plantings and unit such as walls, windows and fences to
provide access to the painters. Hanging and potted plants must be removed. Any resulting
damage is the unit owner’s responsibility.
Termites: Wood destroying insects only, termite control and damage to building components only.
Items NOT Covered by the Association, including but not limited to:
A/C Coils Glass Tops on Stove Attic Fans
Light Bulbs: Replacement and changing of all types of interior and exterior residence light bulbs is the
responsibility of the owner. Service will be provided on all wiring up to but not including the fixture.
Fireplaces, Chimneys, Spark Arrestors and Chimney Caps: Fireplaces were an option offered by the developer
or installed subsequently by the unit owner. Any cost to repair or replace these elements will remain the
responsibility of the unit owner.
The Association will maintain a restoration program to remove and restore the chimney caps in Encore
models. If necessary, the Association will remove and replace spark arrestors and all costs will be charged to
the homeowner.
Lockout Service: Please plan ahead as lock out service is not provided by the Association.
Items Available from the Association and Charged to the Resident, including but not limited to:
Exterior door locks Fireplace chimney cap Door & window rescreening
See for a complete list with the latest service charges.
Work done in and around your unit may require a permit from either the Township of Manchester or
Leisure Village West Association or both. Please check with the Association Office before starting any
Township Permits
Township Permits are required for some improvements, modifications or repairs to assure that the work
conforms to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. A contractor may, at the owner’s request,
obtain the required permit and arrange for the subsequent inspection. There is a fee for a Township
Leisure Village West permits are required for many changes a unit owner wishes to make. There is no
charge for these permits which may be obtained at the Association Office.
Tenants or lessees will need written permission from the owner for all modifications.
• Installation of a satellite dish, limited to common area only (installation not permitted on units).
• Any modification or alteration inside or outside the unit, e.g., doors, windows, electrical, plumbing,
Please contact 811 or 1-800-272-1000 before you dig for removal, replacement or new planting of
shrubs. There may be electrical lines, water lines, drain lines, gas lines or cable lines underground.
Common and Limited Common Area
The 5-foot area surrounding the outside walls of a unit is to be maintained primarily as the unit
owner’s planting area. Responsibility for edging, trimming, watering and otherwise maintaining the
area shall be that of the owner. This area is commonly referred to as “the 5-foot area.”
Because there may be underground utility lines within this 5-foot area, it is imperative that you call for
an underground mark out before doing any digging in this area. Dial 811 or 1-800-272-1000 for this
free service.
To prevent water and termite damage, residents must maintain the bedding area of at least 2 to 4
inches below and away from the siding.
Inspections of the 5-foot area are conducted on an annual basis by the Association. Units not meeting
the above standards may be brought into compliance by the
Association at the homeowner’s expense.
1. Residents must maintain the 5-foot area predominantly as a planting area and MUST have foundation
2. Planting of low-growing bushes, shrubs, flowers or ground cover is permitted in an area extending five (5)
feet from the foundation of a unit and the area between unit walls and walkways. NO TREES may be
planted in the 5-foot area.
3. The center of all bushes and shrubs must be at least thirty (30) inches from the unit foundation and all
branches, etc., including ground cover, i.e. mulch, gravel, etc. must be kept maintained and/or trimmed to
at least twelve (12) inches from the unit siding to minimize damage to siding.
4. Planting in front of windows must be maintained to not exceed three (3) feet in height and preferably not
higher than the windows. Plantings must not obstruct access to or from the window. Mature shrubs
should be trimmed to leave the upper panes of windows unobstructed.
5. Planting in front of solid walls must be maintained so as not to exceed five (5) feet in height and should be
trimmed to a height where they do not brush against the siding or overhang gutters.
6. In order to prevent damage from rot, insect damage and/or mold, the entire 5-foot area must be kept 2- 4
inches below the bottom of any siding material, when possible. This includes the top of any groundcover,
mulch, blocks, bricks, stones, gravel, edging material, etc., that are within the area. Edging material should
not be higher than 6 inches above grade and parallel to the foundation/siding and must not block water
drainage away from unit.
7. The restrictions in the previous paragraph must apply where there is brick, stone, or any other masonry
veneer. The lowest portion of any concealed framing behind the veneer must be determined by
8. Water shutoffs and sewer cleanouts must remain visible for emergency access.
9. No furniture or structures are permitted in the five foot area.
(Species should be selected that have adjectives in the botanical names such as Compacta, Compressa,
Minima, Nana, Pygmala, Prostrada, or Pendular)
C. Deciduous Shrubs:
Abelia Barberry Deutzia Viburnum Azalea Cotoneaster
Privet Spirea
Holiday Decorations
Residents are reminded to limit the display to one month prior to the holiday and should be removed
within two weeks following the event. It is requested that for the safety of the Village, decorations not
be placed on common areas. No decoration shall be permanently installed. Decorations shall not be
fastened, in any way, using screws, nails, rivets, glue or any similar fastening devices to the
unit. Decorations should be esthetically pleasing and residents are reminded to be considerate and
sensitive to items that may be offensive to your neighbors. To prevent possible heat damage,
incandescent lighting may not be used on or along fences. LED lighting is permissible and may be
arranged along fences and / or held in place using non-destructive hooks, such as or similar to
CommandTM Brand mounting systems. Decorations must be light in weight, as not to warp or deform
the vinyl fence.
Garden Lights
Garden lights, either low voltage or non-wired solar charged, are permitted to be installed within the 5-
foot area only, not along walkways or common areas where it can impede lawn maintenance.
Plants (living or artificial) in hanging pots or baskets may be attached to the wood trim of the unit using
rust resistant screws and brackets. Plants may also be hung from shepherd’s hooks placed within the
5-foot area and planters may not be placed on or attached to the patio fence.
Planters must not be placed on steps or walkways as they present a safety hazard and are a violation.
Garden containers must be removed out of season and stored in the resident’s garage or fenced patio.
Storage of Firewood
Firewood must not be stored in the garage but on proper racks on patios or porches with a minimum
clearance of 4 inches above the ground or slab and 8 inches away from unit walls to prevent termite
Vinyl fence post caps may be replaced with LED lighted; battery operated solar rechargeable caps that
meet the following specification. Solar caps must be square, white in color with maximum overall
dimensions limited to 7 inches in height, width and depth made to fit a standard 5 X 5 vinyl fence
post. Caps may not be fastened with screws, nails, rivets, or any similar fastening devices. Caps may be
fastened with 4 small dabs of clear vinyl adhesive applied to the underside of cap where it comes in
contact with the post. Existing caps may be stored by unit owners for subsequent unit owners or
turned into the Maintenance Department for stock.
Limited to the 5-foot area. Cannot be more than 6 feet tall and may not be attached to the unit.
Flags and Banners
Two (2) flag pole brackets may be attached to the wood trim of each unit for displaying the flag of the
United States or a decorative seasonal banner, and any other permissible banner is allowed to be
displayed for 24 hours. (In the ground flagpoles are only permitted with a permit from the Association).
Outdoor Furniture
Outdoor furniture should be placed on a unit’s patio, not in either the 5-foot area or on the grass.
Household trash is collected twice a week from the recessed trash container which is located in your 5-
foot area. All trash should be put in bags before being placed in the container. Any bagged household
trash that does not fit into the container should be placed near the container on the day of scheduled
Garden debris should be placed in convenient piles or plastic bags at the curb on the garage side of the
unit no earlier than the day before pickup. From December 1 through March 31, pickup is by request
only. Christmas trees will be picked up curbside in early January.
Bulk trash such as furniture, mattresses, rugs, electronics, etc., is picked up twice yearly by the
Township. Dates are announced in the Leisure Village West News magazine, on,
on the Village Creeper Channel 1970 and in local newspapers. Bulk items may be placed at the curb the
day before the scheduled date. Pick-up may take up to a week.
Hazardous Waste such as paint cans, aerosols, herbicides, pesticides and household cleaners can be
brought to a designated landfill at scheduled times. Call 732-367-0802 to pre-register.
Newspapers tied securely in 6-inch bundles can be left in the container at the front of the Encore
Overflow Lot. Magazines and junk mail are also accepted. Those who are physically challenged may
contact a Recycling Club member to arrange for pick up. Disposing of your newsprint in this manner
not only saves Leisure Village West garbage dumping fees but also generates additional income.
Manchester Township Recycling collects commingled recyclable materials in a reusable container. This
includes plastic materials with the recycling 1 or 2 symbol on the bottom of the container, bottles
(empty without caps), aluminum and steel cans, mixed paper and corrugated cardboard. Recyclable
materials should be placed adjacent to the end of the driveway in a closed container on alternate
Wednesdays as announced in the Leisure Village West News magazine, on and
on the Village Creeper Channel 1970. Plastic bags are prohibited.
Grounds Department Services
Condominium living allows residents to relax while someone else maintains the common elements. Grass
cutting and other grounds work will be more efficient and prevent damage if hoses, lawn furniture and other
objects are kept clear of the area. Our personnel will not remove these items, and the Association will not
be responsible for damage or replacements.
A sprinkler system is in place to water the common area. Residents must call the Maintenance Department if
any adjustment or repair is required.
Following are the services performed by the Leisure Village West Grounds Department:
Grass Cutting
Edging (once yearly minimum)
Reseeding (seasonal as required)
Weed control to be applied in the Spring
Fertilizer (Spring and Fall application)
Irrigation for the common areas (maintained as originally installed)
Weekly debris pick up (December 1 - March 31: upon request only)
Pruning of trees and shrubs that pose a hazard in the common area
Drainage in areas where there is standing water for longer than 24 hours
Fence replacement post & rail
Dead trees & shrubs on the common areas (removed, but not replaced)
Live trees posing imminent danger will be removed
Unit power washing, siding trim, fence & walkway (once yearly)
Services NOT Furnished by the Grounds Department, including but not limited to:
Cosmetic repairs to sidewalks and driveways
Maintenance of the 5-foot area adjacent to the unit
Maintaining the natural areas except for litter - not leaves or branches
NOTE: Residents must not apply herbicides, insecticides, or fertilizer in the common area; residents will be
held responsible for any resulting damage.
Snow Clearing Procedure
Improperly parked cars are the biggest problem during snow removal. Remember: your garage or
assigned parking is the only place to keep your car so snow-clearing equipment can operate. Residents
with two cars must remove their second car from the street and driveway. Most of our clearing
equipment is too large to clear a double driveway with a car on one side and are often left behind and
cleaned up later when the smaller equipment is used; therefore, please keep driveways cleared. Snow
removal on the main roads will start upon arrival of labor and equipment after a two-inch accumulation.
Driveways and single entry units will be started after snowfall has stopped and main roads have been
opened. Obviously, it is impossible to start every area at once so rotation of the starting place will be
done. Your cooperation in observing a few suggestions will minimize any inconvenience.
Your cooperation is requested by remaining in your home as long as possible for your own safety until
the snow clearing is complete. Tune in to Village Creeper Channel 1970 for additional information.
If you receive dialysis or chemotherapy, you must submit a letter annually to LVWA from your
treatment facility listing the days and times of treatments.
Storm Preparation – See for information and to sign up for email updates. Also check
with Manchester Township for availability of services from them during snowstorms.
⚫ Have a flashlight and/or emergency LED lanterns with fresh batteries. Even if you never use the
flashlight, put in new batteries.
⚫ A portable radio with new batteries.
⚫ Bottled water – one gallon of water per person per day.
⚫ A supply of ready-to-eat, non-perishable foods that will not need refrigeration after opening (e.g.,
peanut butter).
⚫ If you open your refrigerator only for a few seconds, the cold should last 24-48 hours. The more
things in the refrigerator the longer the cold will last.
⚫ When a SNOWSTORM alert is announced, be sure to have all your medications and other medical
devices on hand.
⚫ Heat/Air conditioning and shelter are offered at Willow Hall.
Selected Rules and Regulations
In order to provide for the peaceful enjoyment of Leisure Village West by all residents, owners and
occupants of units should exercise extreme care to avoid making loud or objectionable noises such as
might come from a motor vehicle, musical instruments, radios, phonographs, stereos, television sets,
amplifiers, etc.
Outside Clothes Lines
No garments or other articles shall be hung outdoors to air or dry.
Attachments to Siding
Nothing shall be permanently attached to the siding of any unit so as not to interfere with the siding
maintenance and repair.
Garage Usage
The primary purpose of the garage is to house the resident’s vehicle.
⚫ Conversion of the garage to expand the living area is prohibited.
⚫ You may install shelving or cabinets for storage of personal property along walls only.
⚫ Usage of the garage for business is not permitted at any time.
⚫ The use or storage of flammable or hazardous materials is prohibited.
⚫ Equipment installed in garage must be installed in conformance with Leisure Village West
Association’s regulations, State and National building codes (especially electrical) and National Fire
Protection Agency’s standards.
⚫ Walls, ceiling and floors of the garage may not be altered without the Association’s permission.
⚫ No changes should be made that could affect the efficacy of the firewall between units.
⚫ Residents must maintain free and clear access to and from the electrical panel.
Outdoor Private Parties
Occupants of units may have outdoor parties attended by other residents or houseguests as long as
such party is held on the unit owner's patio. If it is desired to hold a private party in any part of any
common area, permission must first be obtained from the Recreation Department giving the location
desired and number of guests. Outdoor parties on common areas are limited to (2) per year. Care must
be taken to not cause undue disturbance to other nearby unit owners.
Resident Members are welcome to rent auditoriums, multipurpose rooms or the atrium for private
parties, following the rules for private parties and filling out the required form. Fees are required and
exceptions apply. For more detailed information, see the concierge in Willow or Encore.
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages shall not be served in the recreational areas unless written permission is first
obtained from the Recreation Director. A permit will be required from the Township if serving alcohol.
Resident I.D/Access cards are to be used in the community when using and accessing the recreational
facilities. This card is non-transferrable. It is also valuable in identifying a resident if an accident or
sudden illness occurs. Lost or damaged cards can be replaced for a $10.00 charge. If the lost card is
found, there will be no refund.
Residents using the Fitness Room or Woodshop must swipe their specially issued cards to gain entry to
the room.
All guests in the village must be accompanied by a resident when using the recreational facilities. There
are restrictions for guests under 16 years of age using the recreation facilities due to health, safety and
insurance reasons. Guests cannot use the Fitness Room or Woodworking Shop. All residents are
obligated to advise guests and visitors of the Rules & Regulations of Leisure Village West. Guests,
visitors, vendors, and employees are subject to these same Rules & Regulations.
Leisure Village West has numerous clubs and groups for a variety of interests, and all residents are
encouraged and welcome to attend meetings. Clubs may restrict attendance for special functions.
General Description and Use of Recreation Buildings and Facilities
Proper attire, e.g., shirts, cover-ups and shoes, is required at all times on the premises.
All pictures, plaques, displays, notices, flyers, etc., require the approval of management prior to being posted
on bulletin boards or placed on display tables throughout the facility.
Guests must be accompanied by a resident member at all times.
Willow Hall: Located near the Route 70 gate and is open from 8:00 am through 10:00 pm. The
picturesque Willow Pond and Gazebo highlight this property which also boasts a heated pool,
volleyball and shuffleboard courts, putting green, outdoor barbeque areas and more. Vending for
snacks, drinks and copying is available. Free Wi-Fi is also available. Restrooms are accessible year-
round, 24 hours a day.
Leisure Fair: Located adjacent to the Professional Buildings and Willow Hall. Leisure Fair is open
from 8:00 am through 10:00 pm. This recreation hall, though smaller in footprint than the other two
buildings, is full of activities for your enjoyment. The large main room is great for meetings, games and
parties for Clubs, Groups and the Association. There are a few smaller rooms for more intimate events
and another large room where Ping-Pong and Table Shuffleboard prevail, but also is used for meetings
and other events. Vending for snacks and drinks is available. Free Wi-Fi is also available.
Club Encore:
8:00 am through 10:00 pm daily,
Centrally located on Buckingham Drive, this Art Deco inspired building has many of the amenities of
Willow plus a few extra. Encore hosts the Fitness Center, Media Room, and the Library, the Atrium
which boasts the actual bar from the Queen Mary, Bocce, Tennis, Shuffleboard and Pickleball courts as
well as a pool with hot tub. Vending is available in the Coffee Lounge for snacks and drinks. Free Wi-Fi
is also available. Restrooms are accessible year-round, 24 hours a day.
Recreation Rooms:
Recreation rooms and common areas are controlled by our Recreation Director. The following shall
serve as a condensed reference for use of the facilities. All times and operations are subject to change,
so please check all LVW media and other publications for updates.
Lobby Areas: Lobbies are commonly available to individual members for reading, watching TV
and chatting with friends. Clubs or Groups may, upon approval from the
Recreation Director, use a small area of the lobby for club promotions. Lobbies
are not suitable for meetings of any kind and are therefore prohibited.
Multipurpose Rooms:
Generally, these rooms are used for Clubs, Groups and for Association purposes.
Members may use for individual activities, if approved and scheduled by the
Recreation Director. Often these rooms are used for games, i.e. cards, Mahjong
and such.
Woodshop: Willow Hall is host to the Woodshop. Resident members may use the facility
after viewing the required video presentation and signing a waiver, in order to
obtain a controlled access key from the Association office. Residents must
supply their own materials for their projects and clean up after each use.
Contact the Recreation Office for certification classes and scheduling.
Ping Pong Room: The second largest room in Leisure Fair is where you’ll find the activity of Ping
Pong. This multipurpose room is also home to the Ping Pong Club where you can
join them in a volley or two, but the facility is also available for any members use
for open play when not occupied.
Fitness Center: The Fitness Center, located in Club Encore, is for resident members only and NOT
their guests. Resident members may use the facility after obtaining an access
card from the Association Office. Fees may apply for lost access cards. The
Fitness Center opens at 6:00 am for you early birds and closes at 10:00 pm.
Billiards Rooms: Billiards can be played at both Willow and at Encore. Guests above the age of 18
are welcome when accompanied by a resident adult.
Ceramics Room: Situated in Willow Hall, here’s a place for you to join classes with fellow
residents on Mondays and Wednesdays to make ceramics. In addition to
ceramics, this room is often used by Clubs, Groups and the Association for
Coffee Lounge: The Coffee Lounge is located in Club Encore. This room is open to all residents.
Organized meetings of any kind or size are prohibited.
Music Room: This Encore room is dominated by a beautiful Baby Grand Piano and is mostly
used for practicing and rehearsing vocals and for the serious musicians.
Computer Room: Located in Club Encore is this room is dedicated for hands-on training provided
by the Computer Club.
Media Room: Located in Willow and Encore, these rooms have computers available for
resident use. In addition, a kiosk is available to watch Association meetings and
events, on-demand, which is especially useful for those without an internet
connection at home.
Kitchens: Every recreation building has kitchen facilities for use by Clubs and Groups.
These amenities are for events; as well as for private parties booked through the
Recreation Department. Kitchen use is closely governed by the Recreation
Greenhouse: Bordering Willow Pool is the majestic greenhouse, which operates October
through April on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Hours are 9:30 am through
11:30 am. Residents may winter their plants here as long as they follow the
Greenhouse guidelines. Space is limited so sign up early.
Private Parties: Resident Members are welcome to rent Auditoriums, multipurpose rooms or the
Atrium for private parties following the Rules for Private Parties and filling out
the required form. Fees are required. For more detail see the concierge in
Willow or Encore for more information.
Boating: Willow Lake has several row boats for your enjoyment, available from April 15 th
through October 15th. Restrictions do apply so be sure to check and comply with
the boating rules posted in the Gazebo. Guests under six years of age are not
Fishing: Catch and release fishing is available at the Willow Lake and the Buckingham
Golf Courses: We’re fortunate to have two 9-hole executive, par 3courses, in the Village. The
“Willows” conveniently located across from Willow Hall and the “Pines” course is
located off Huntington Drive. Both courses officially open 8:00 am, April through
October, unless otherwise posted. Guests must be at least 16 years of age and
all guests must be accompanied by a resident. General rules for play are posted
in each Gazebo at the first tee.
Tennis: Tennis courts located near the Club Encore pool are open, subject to court
reservations which are typically posted the day before on the tennis billboard
located adjacent to the courts. Courts are open for all residents and
accompanying guests over the age of 14.
Pickleball: Two Pickleball courts are located adjacent to Club Encore near the overflow
parking area. Pickleball is open for all residents and accompanying guests over
the age of 14.
Shuffleboard: Shuffleboard courts, located at both Willow Hall and Club Encore, are both open
for all residents and accompanying guests over the age of 14. The Willow courts
are occasionally occupied by the Shuffleboard Club but are typically open to all.
Bocce: Bocce courts, located behind Club Encore, are typically occupied by the Bocce
Club. Plenty of time is available for those looking to dabble in the game. Bocce
courts are for all residents and accompanying guests over the age of 14.
Horseshoe Pits: The Horseshoe Pits are located near Willow Hall and are open for all residents
and accompanying guests over the age of 14.
Volleyball: Volleyball is located on Willow Hall grounds and is open for all residents and
accompanying guests over the age of 14.
Fines, Delinquencies and Violations
The Bylaws authorize the Board to administer and enforce all governing documents of Leisure Village West
including the authority to levy fines. When fines or liens are assessed against a unit, the owner is responsible
for payment.
Procedure for Handling Infractions
Residents may be contacted in one of three ways: by Telephone, by Traffic or Parking citation, or by letter.
Whatever method is used, the resident is requested to take immediate steps to correct the situation in order
to avoid a formal inquiry and possible penalties.
Traffic violations
▪ A warning notice (ticket and/or letter) for the first violation.
▪ A fine of $50.00 will be assessed for the second violation within 1-year from the first
▪ ANY INFRACTION subsequent to the second violation will result in the vehicle being towed
at the owner’s expense
Unrestrained pets, noise violations, littering, etc.
▪ Warning notification for the first violation
▪ $25.00 for the second violation
▪ $50.00 for the third and any subsequent violations
Architectural, landscaping, or commercial vehicle parking, etc.
▪ $10.00 per day until the matter is resolved
Unpaid Fines
Unpaid fines may result in a lien being filed against the owner’s unit. Notice will be given to the owner if a lien
is to be filed and all costs of such actions will be the owner’s responsibility.
Membership rights will be suspended for residents of a unit who are not members in good standing as defined
by the governing documents. These rights include access to the common facilities of the Association and use
of the automatic gate access equipment (i.e., transponders).
If the Community Manager cannot resolve the dispute, contact the Association Office and ask for a
Trustee consultation or an ADR Hearing.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Alternative Dispute Resolution is a method of providing an unbiased third party body to assist and help in the
resolution of disputes, thereby avoiding costly legal alternatives to seemingly minor matters. The ADR
Committee is made up of resident volunteers.
The New Jersey Condominium Act, N.J.S.A. 46:8b-14(k) requires the Association to provide a fair and efficient
procedure for the resolution of disputes between unit owners and the Association, and between unit owners,
and between clubs as an alternative to litigation.
The Board of Trustees has authority to exercise all power, duties and authority necessary for the proper conduct
of the affairs of the Association.
From time to time, in a unit owner’s dealings with Village volunteer committees, LVW Association, or LVW
Management, the unit owner is dissatisfied with decision(s) ultimately rendered; the LVW Board of Trustees has
established a procedure whereby a unit owner may appeal such decision(s) or disputes in an orderly manner to
an Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee.
Effective upon adoption of this Policy Statement and the annexed ADR procedure, the existing alternate dispute
resolution process in Leisure Village West shall be terminated. Any pending matters shall be processed pursuant
to this Policy and the annexed ADR Procedure.
2. The Chair shall be a non-trustee resident selected by the Board of Trustees. The Chair shall have a two (2)
year term of office and may be reappointed by the Board of Trustees. Any vacancy in the office shall be filled by
appointment of the Board of Trustees.
3. The Chair shall recommend to the Board of Trustees, non-trustee residents to serve and/or be reappointed as
Mediators for a two (2) year term.
4. The ADR process is informal and shall not be electronically recorded. A party may be represented by counsel.
Any statements or testimony made by a party, witness or by Mediators shall not be evidentiary, for any purpose,
in any subsequent legal proceeding.
7. There shall be no ADR held for the sole purpose of disclosing the name of the complainant in a particular
instance and the name of the complainant shall not be released to any party and shall be held confidential.
Any dispute between a unit owner, and the Association, or between unit owners, or between clubs relating to
acts or omissions which may violate the Articles of Incorporation, the Master Deed, the Bylaws or the Rules and
Regulations of the Association (collectively called “the Governing Documents”) or otherwise related to the use
and ownership of a condominium unit in Leisure Village West, together with rights to utilize the common
elements of Leisure Village West, may be submitted for a hearing to the ADR Committee, as provided in this
In the event disputes arise between or among unit owners of the Village, or between a unit owner and the
Association, or a club, it is our desire that these disputes be settled in an orderly and on an amicable basis. To
accomplish this goal:
Within ten (10) days after receipt of the letter of appeal, from the complainant, the Community Manager will
forward such request along with all applicable documentation to the Chair of ADR..
The Chair, will contact all parties to the dispute to establish a date and time for the Conference. All Conferences
shall be scheduled during business hours, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
The Chair shall designate three (3) Mediators to conduct the appeal. An alternate, mediator may also be
designated. (The alternate will serve in the event any of the regular designees cannot complete their
The appeal shall be conducted in a fair and orderly manner. The parties shall have the opportunity to present
facts and argument(s) both orally and/or in writing, and may present and examine witnesses.
The Mediator(s) shall consider all the facts and arguments presented and will attempt to mediate an amendable
solution agreeable by all parties involved. A simple agreement letter shall be prepared that all parties can sign,
memorializing the solution. In the event that the parties are unable to reach a settlement, the mediators shall
then impose a non-binding arbitration settlement, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of the Conference.
The chair will notify the parties, in writing, confirming the non-binding arbitration reached, a copy of which will
also be forwarded to the Association.
If there is a need to postpone, all parties to the dispute will be promptly notified of the postponement.
The Complainant or other parties to the dispute may request a postponement of the conference if received in
within 24 hours prior to the scheduled Conference to allow the Chair, ADR Committee, to reschedule the
If the request for postponement is received too late (i.e. within 24 hours prior to the scheduled Conference) In
the event the appellant fails to appear at a scheduled ADR conference, and if and where possible, the
conference will proceed. All documents, letters, arguments, written or oral, will be considered at this time.
There shall be no further administrative review from the mediation or non-binding arbitration of the ADR
When Association funds are involved, and in specific cases when deemed necessary, the Chair of the ADR
Committee shall announce the recommendation or non-binding arbitration at a subsequent Board of Trustees
*From Gate #1 (Main Gate) at Route 70 to Gate #3 at Route 37, along Buckingham Drive, every intersection is numbered in order from #1 to
#43.Gate #2 at Colonial Drive is on Huntington Drive which is intersection 25. To find all other intersections go to the end of Huntington (to
Buckingham). To find 1 to 24 turn left, 26 to 43 turn right.
458 TO 462 Turn at 13 Turn at E 731 to 734 Turn at 26 Turn at A
735 to 738 Turn at 26 Go past A
600 to 617 Turn at 25 Turn at J Turn at 5 463 to 475 Turn at 19
7 to 25 Odd Only Turn at 4 513 to 520 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 2
22 to 32 Even Only Turn at 3 CHESTERFIELD
34 to 48 Even Only Turn at 5 439, 453 to 457 Turn at 13 Turn at F
50 to 58 Even Only Turn at 6
60 TO 74 Even Only Turn at 8 COVENTRY
76 to 98 Even Only Turn at 10 487 to 489 Turn at 13 Turn at D
99 to 104 Turn at 11
105 to 112 Turn at 12 DARTMOOR
114 to 126 Even Only Turn at 14 440 to 442 Turn at 13 Turn at G
128 to 134 Turn at 17 Turn at A 494 to 498 Turn at 13 Turn at G
136 to 142 Turn at 18
144 to 150 Turn at 20 DEVONSHIRE
476 to 479 Turn at 21 595 to 599 Turn at 25 Turn at G Turn at 11 Turn at A
499 to 502 Turn at 23 609 to 612 Turn at 25 Turn at J Turn at 4
668 to 679 Turn at 1 633 to 637 Turn at 25 Turn at J Turn at 3
958 to 963 Turn at 27 639 to 642 Turn at 25 Turn at J at 1
984 to 985 Turn at 35 Keep left at H 647 to 654 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 6
986 Turn at 35 Turn at H (on right)
987 to 988 Turn at 35
989 to 997 Turn at 34
1003 to 1007 Turn at 32 EDINBURGH
1008 to 1010 Turn at 31 1 to 5 Turn at 13 Turn at B
1011 Turn at 33 6 to 11 Turn at 13 Turn at C
1012 to 1015 Turn at 31 12 to 16 Turn at 13 Turn at H
1016 to 1017 Turn at 33 17 to 21 Turn at 13 Turn at C
1018 to 1023 Turn at 36 22 to 23 Turn at 13 Turn at I
1046 to 1048 Turn at 38, on left 24 to 30 Turn at 13 Turn at L
1049 to 1050 Turn at 43 Past D on right 31 to 36 Turn at 13 Turn at I
1051 to 1052 Turn at 38, at D 37 to 42 Turn at 13 Turn at M
1053 to 1055 Turn at 38, on right 43 to 46 Turn at 13 Turn at K
1056 to 1058 Turn at 39, on left 47 to 54 Turn at 13 Turn at J
1059 to 1063 Turn at 43, Past C 55 to 59 Turn at 13 Turn at K
1064 Turn at 39 on left at bend
1065 to 1066 Turn at 39 FARRINGTON
1071 to 1078 Turn at 42 Turn at Z 666 to 668 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn D
1079 to 1082 Turn at 40 or 37
1099 Turn at 42 Turn at Z on right FINCHLEY
1105 to 1107 Turn at 41, on left 630 to 632 and 638 Turn at 25 Turn at I
1108 Turn at 40
1109 to 1110 Turn at 41, on left FRIAR
1142 Turn at 42, Turn at Z, on left 683 to 701 Turn at 25 Turn at C
587 to 594 Turn at 25 Turn at G Turn at 10 1 to 37 Turn at 2
CAMBRIDGE 443 TO 452 Turn at 15
1 to 57 Turn at 16 HUNTINGTON
58 to 116 Turn at 22 521 to 524 Turn at 25 Turn at D
680 to 682 Turn at 25 Turn at F
662 to 665 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn B
1036 to 1038 Turn at 42 Turn at Y on right 577 to 586 Turn at 25 Turn at G Turn at 9
1039 to 1045 Turn at 42 Turn at Y Turn at 1
1067 to 1070 Turn at 42 Turn at Y
1083 to 1090 Turn at 42 Turn at Y Turn at 2
1091 to 1098 Turn at 42 Turn at Y Turn at 3
1141 Turn at 42 Turn at Y, on right
702 TO 706 Turn at 28 Turn at A 728 to 730 Turn at 30 Turn at C
742 to 746 Turn at 28 Turn at B 964 to 970 Turn at 30 Turn at E
747 to 751 Turn at 29 Turn at T 971 to 977 Turn at 30 Turn at G
752 to 756 Turn at 28 Turn at C 978 to 983 Turn at 35 Right at H
757 to 761 Turn at 28 Turn at D 998 to 1002 Turn at 30 Turn at D
762 to 765 Turn at 28 Turn at D Turn at 1 1024 to 1026 Turn at 30 Turn at I
766 to 775 Turn at 28 Turn at E 1027 to 1029 Turn at 30 Turn at K
776 to 783 Turn at 28 Turn at F 1030 to 1031 Turn at 30 Turn at M on right
815 Turn at 28 Turn at H Turn on left 1032 Turn at 30 Past K on right
816 to 821 Turn at 28 Turn at H Turn at 1 1033 to 1035 Turn at 30 Past J on left
822 to 825 Turn at 28 Turn at H Turn at 2 1100 Turn at 42 on right
826 to 827 Turn at 28 Turn at H on right 1101 to 1104 Turn at 43 on left
834 to 840 Turn at 28 Turn at I 1111 to 1120 Turn at 30 Turn at M
863 to 865 Turn at 29 Turn at M on left 1121 to 1124 Turn at 30 Past M on right
866 to 868 Turn at 29 Turn at J 1125 to 1128 Turn at 42 Turn at U
869 to 871 Turn at 29 Turn at J Turn at 1 1129 to 1134 Turn at 42 Turn at T
872 to 873 Turn at 29 Turn at M on right 1135 to 1137 Turn at 42 Keep Right at R (on right)
881 to 886 Turn at 29 Turn at L 1138 to 1139 Turn at 42 Turn at T on left past 1
909 to 911 Turn at 29 Turn at Q on left 1140 Turn at 42 Past Y on right
912 to 917 Turn at 29 Turn at N 1143 to 1145 Turn at 42 Past AA on left
918 to 920 Turn at 29 Turn at Q Turn at 1 1146 to 1153 Turn at 42 Turn at AA
921 to 923 Turn at 29 Turn at O Turn at 1 1154 to 1156 Turn at 42 Past Y on right
924 to 929 Turn at 29 Turn at P 1157 to 1158 Turn at 42 Turn at V
930 to 932 Turn at 29 Turn at O Turn at 1 1159 to 1162 Turn at 42 Turn at W
933 to 941 Turn at 29 Turn at R 1163 Turn at 42 Turn at X
942 to 947 Turn at 29 Turn at S Past 1 1164 Turn at 42 Turn at W
948 to 949 Turn at 29 Turn at S Turn at 1 1165 Turn at 42 Turn at X
950 to 951 Turn at 29 Turn at S on right 1166 Turn at 42 Turn at W
MALVERN 1167 to 1172 Turn at 42 Turn at X
555 to 563 Turn at 25 Turn at E Turn at 2 1173 to 1180 Turn at 43 Turn at A
MAYFAIR 1181 to 1184 Turn at 43 Turn at B
549 to 553 Turn at 25 Turn at E Turn at 1 1185 TO 1186 Turn at 43 Turn at B Turn at 1
564 to 569 Turn at 25 Turn at E Past 2 1187 to 1191 Turn at 43 Turn at C
1192 Turn at 43 Turn at B Turn at 1 on left
NEW CASTLE 1193 Turn at 43 Past B on right
432 to 438 Turn at 13 Turn at A 1194 to 1195 Turn at 30 Turn at O
490 to 493 Turn at 13 Turn at A 1196 to 1197 Turn at 30 Past O on right
NORWICH 1198 to 1199 Turn at 42 Turn at P on right
542 to 548 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 5 1200 to 1212 Turn at 42 Straight on R past 1
PULHAM 1213 to 1215 Turn at 42 Turn at P on left
648 to 653 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn at C 1216 to 1221 Turn at 42 Turn at Q
655 to 657 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn at E 1222 to 1224 Turn at 42 Straight on R on right
658 to 661 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn at A 1225 Turn at 42 Past Q on right
669 to 670 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 7 Turn at F 1226 Turn at 42 Turn at S on left
SHEFFIELD 1227 Turn at 42 Opposite Q on right
525 to 527 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 1 1228 Turn at 42 Turn at S on left
528 to 531 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 3 1229 Turn at 42 Right Corner at R
570 to 576 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 8 1230 to 1233 Turn at 42 Turn at S
605 to 608 Turn at 25 Turn at G Turn at 12 1234 to 1239 Turn at 42 Turn at T
SHERWOOD 1240 to 1242 Turn at 42 Turn at U on left
618 to 621 Turn at 25 Turn at J Turn at 2 then right 1243 to 1246 Turn at 42 Past T on left
643 to 646 Turn at 25 Turn at J Turn at 2 then left 1247 to 1252 Turn at 42 Straight on R Turn at 1
622 to 629 Turn at 25 Turn at H
1 to 13 Turn at 9 Turn at A 503 to 512 Turn at 25 Turn at A
15 to 31 Turn at 9 Turn at E WARWICK
32 to 37 Turn at 9 Turn at B 532 to 541 Turn at 25 Turn at B Turn at 4
38 to 41 Turn at 9 Turn at D
42 to 48 Turn at 9 Turn at F
887 to 898 Turn at 29 Turn at O Turn at 2 795 to 798 Turn at 28 Turn at G Turn at 2
899 to 908 Turn at 29 Turn at O 799 to 803 Turn at 28 Turn at G Turn at 3
804 to 809 Turn at 28 Turn at G Turn at 4
810 to 814 Turn at 28 Turn at G Turn at 5
828 to 833 Turn at 28 Turn at G Turn at 1
841 to 849 Turn at 29 Turn at K Turn at 1 480 to 486 Turn at 24
850 to 862 Turn at 29 Turn at K Turn at 3
707 TO 710 Turn at 30 Turn at A Turn at 1
711 to 714 Turn at 30 Turn at A Turn at 3
YORKSHIRE 715 to 718 Turn at 30 Turn at A Turn at 4
1 to 32 Turn at 7 719 to 723 Turn at 30 Turn at A Turn at 5
724 to 727 Turn at 30 Turn at A Turn at 2