Service Manual SM1-76-38.0: Collector Ring, Recondition
Service Manual SM1-76-38.0: Collector Ring, Recondition
Service Manual SM1-76-38.0: Collector Ring, Recondition
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15 4
14 5
13 6
Figure 1
Collector Ring Assembly
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SM1-76-38.0 1102 Service Manual
Ring Slip Ring Amps Wire Harness Function
Number Wire Color 12V DC Gauge Number & Color
Table A
Wiring Code
3. If the ring core (6) or center wire harness (11) are to c. Slide replacement brush and arm assembly
be removed, carefully remove terminal connectors (16) in the stack in its place. Slide brush holdĆ
(1) from wires (2,3) at the top of the outboard ing stud (15) back in place and install nuts (7).
bearing (5). d. Slide back plastic insulation sleeve on the wire
4. Remove nuts and washers (4) holding the and disconnect old brush and arm assembly
outboard bearing (5) in place. Slide outboard (16) from brush harness (9).
bearing (5) over wires (2,3) and off unit. e. Connect wire terminal to new brush and arm
5. Install nuts and washers (4) on brush holding stud assembly (16) and slide plastic insulation
(15) and tighten against nuts (14). sleeve over the terminal.
6. Loosen nuts (7) and remove brush holding studs 8. If the ring core (6) requires replacement:
(15) from base bracket (13). Keep brush and arm a. Loosen setscrews (8).
assemblies (16) together. b. Remove springs (17) and open up brush and
7. If a brush and arm assembly (16) requires arm assemblies (16) far enough for ring core
replacement: (6) to clear them.
a. Remove nut (7). c. Remove ring core (6).
b. Slide brush holding stud (15) up until brush 9. If center wire harness (11) requires replacement,
and arm assembly (16) being replaced is free. carefully slide the wire harness (11) out the bottom
Slide it out of stack. of the torque tube (12).
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Service Manual 1102 SM1-76-38.0
10. Slide the base bracket (13) off the torque tube (12). 3. Install the brush holding studs (15) with nuts and
washers (7) and brush and arm assemblies (16)
Cleaning And Inspection attached, into the base bracket (13). Tighten nuts
4. If ring core (6) was removed, slide the ring core (6)
WARNING down the torque tube (12) until it rests on the base
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be bracket (13). Install and torque the setscrews (8) to
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 45-55 in lb (5.1-6.2Nm).
result from misuse of these products. Read a. If required, position the brush and arm assemĆ
and follow all the manufacturer's blies (16). Install springs (17).
recommendations concerning solvents and Note: Do not allow the studs to protrude
cleaning solutions. through the bottom of the base bracket.
1. If required, use compressed air to remove any dirt 5. Install springs (17) on brush and arm assemblies
and/or debris. Exercise every precaution possible (16), as required. Be careful not to over stretch
to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any other forĆ springs (17).
eign material during assembly. 6. Remove nuts (4) that were tightened against nuts
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, and washers (14). Tighten nuts (14) until they
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ lightly contact the top brush and arm assembly
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine (16). Make sure that no gaps exist between the
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace brush and arm assemblies (16).
any damaged component as required. 7. Be sure that all brush and arm assemblies (16) are
3. If corrosion exists, it may be necessary to clean the snapped in tight and making full contact with their
rings using a standard non-residue solvent. After corresponding brass ring on the ring core (6). Also
the rings have air dried, lightly sand the brushes check to make sure that connections are properly
and rings with a fine grade of sandpaper and dust made with brush harness (9).
off with compressed air.
4. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue Note: Outboard bearing must seat evenly on
should be removed from threads of hardware and the ring core and nuts and washers.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 8. Install outboard bearing (5) over wires (2,3) and on
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ top of the ring core (6).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 9. Align slots in outboard bearing (5) with brush holdĆ
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ ing studs (15). Install nuts and washers (4) on
mance of products. brush holding studs (15).
5. If equipped with the inverted mounting base, reĆ
place grease seal or o-ring.
6. Inspect the integrity of the wire harnesses that are
connected to the collector ring. Repair or replace if
required. Failure to follow wiring code specified in
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ Table A may result in damage to crane and/or
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace severe personal injury.
any major component.
10. Connect ring core wires (3) to center wire harness
Assembly wires (2) with terminal connectors (1). Refer to
1. Slide base bracket (13) down the torque tube (12). Table A for correct wiring code specifications.
2. If center wire harness (11) was removed, install 11. Check assembled height (9.58"), ensuring all parts
center wire harness (11) through bottom of torque are properly seated.
tube (12). 12. Install cover (not shown).
13. If collector ring is not to be immediately installed on
Note: If collector ring is equipped with the inĆ crane, place in a box to prevent damage and conĆ
verted mounting base, the grease seal or o- tamination, and properly store.
ring should be lubricated with GER G322L VerĆ
silubeR or equivalent silicone grease before
the insertion of the mounting tube.
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SM1-76-38.0 1102 Service Manual
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