Factors Influencing Globalization
Factors Influencing Globalization
Factors Influencing Globalization
Many countries in particular developing one's impose International Finance Institutions (INFs) play a significant
restrictions to globalization by: role in supporting the private sector in developing
countries by encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives that
I. Imposing high taxes and duties for help developing countries achieve sustainable growth.
capital goods, spares and materials
II. Licensing restrictions
III. Foreign exchange restriction Banks facilitate the use of money for transactions in the
IV. Investment restrictions economy because people and firms can use bank accounts
V. Incentives and prioritization to specific when selling or buying goods and services, when paying a
domestic industries worker or being paid, and when saving money or receiving a
VI. Banning/ Restricting products of foreign loan.
VII. Procedural hassles; bureaucracy
Financial system plays a key role in employment growth in
VIII. Close Minded set
an economy. Businesses and industries are financed by the
financial systems which lead to growth in employment and
in turn economic activity and domestic trade.
Example of FInancial institutions:
1. Access to new culture, Globalization makes it
easier than ever to access foreign culture,
including food, movies, music and arts ● African Development Bank
2. The spread of technology and innovation ● Asian Development Bank
3. Lower cost for products ● Caribbean Development Bank
4. Higher standards of living across the world ● European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
5. Access to new markets ● Inter-American Development Bank
6. Access to new talent
● World Bank
● Other IFs & Institutions
➔ It is a virtual world without borders, inhabited by
A situation in which separate markets for the same
marketing individuals and/or companies who have
products become one single market, for example when an
joined the geographical world with the intent of
import tax in one of the markets is removed. It has long
conducting research and development and making
been recognized that market integration is far more
efficient than firm integration
➔ Considered as the international exchange of
goods and services
Provides a number of social benefits, including broadening
➔ Countries benefit by producing goods and services
the range of financial services and investment
they can provide most cheaply and by buying the
opportunities available to consumers and increasing
goods and services other countries can provide
competition in the provision of those services
most cheaply.
➔ It can be defined as the sum of activities that take
Occurs when prices among different locations or related
place both within a country and between countries
goods follow similar patterns over a long period of time.
➔ The global economy provides linkages between
Groups of goods and services often move proportionately
the regions and nations of the world in a system of
to each other and when this relationship is very clear
economic relationships
among different markets it is said that the markets are
➔ These relationships involve the exchange of goods
and services, financial flows across borders,
exchanging different nation’s currencies,
movement of people in search of better standards
It provides a number of social benefits, including
of living.
broadening the range of financial services and investment
opportunities available to consumers and increasing
● Investments
competition in the provision of services
● Researches
● Technology
Measuring the impact of globalization on individual
● Medical Equipment
economies. People, companies and economies are more
● International trade of goods and services
integrated and interconnected than ever before. This helps
● Investments by multinational companies
facilitate connections which leads to specialization, trade and communication have in some ways made the
innovation and economic progress. world smaller, yet in other ways made the gaps between
nations larger by creating greater dependency of poor
TYPES OF MARKET INTEGRATION nations to wealthy nations.
● Horizontal Integration
● Vertical Integration The Global North includes many countries in the Northern
● Conglomeration Hemisphere and also some, such as Australia, New Zealand,
that are located in the Southern Hemisphere.
Horizontal Integration
Occurs when firms or agencies gain control of The Global South includes many countries in the southern
other markets producing similar products. hemisphere and some in the northern hemisphere.
Example: Facebook, Instagram
Vertical Integration Refers to the idea of inequality between countries. This
This occurs when a firm performs more than one may refer to economic differences between countries as
activity in the sequence of the marketing process. well as medical and educational differences.
Example: Mcdonald's , Starbucks.
A combination of agencies that are not directly NORTH DIVIDE
involved/related to each other. The process ➔ Known as first world
whereby a firm expands by supplying a range of ➔ Home to four of the five permanent members of
different products and such, operates in a number the United Nations Security Council
of markets rather than a single market. ➔ Richer and developed countries
➔ 95% has enough food and shelter and functioning
system as well
As one of 10 members of the Asean Economic Community SOUTH DIVIDE
(AEC) which was launched on December 31, 2015, the ➔ Poor and less developed countries
country stands to benefit from access to a single market of ➔ 5% of the population has enough food and shelter
over 600 million consumers and an increasingly integrated ➔ It is serves as a source of raw materials for global
regional economy. Including the free movement of skilled north
workers and products. STATE OF THE GLOBAL SOUTH
In addition to its membership in ASEAN, and subsequently ● People in this region is dealing with Poverty
in the AEC, the Philippines is highly integrated at a regional ● Corruption
and global level through membership in international ● Lack of Education system
organizations and partnerships, such as the World Trade ● Lack of Right Technology
Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Customs ● Unstable Politics
Organization, World Bank.
1. Hunger
BRANDT LINE 2. Mental State
The Brandt line, proposed by Willy Brandt (German 3. Poor Groundwork
Chancellor) in 1980, created a partition between the 4. Education
“developed” North and “Developing” South. 5. Health
6. Lack of income
The Brandt Line is a visual depiction of the North-South
divide between their economies, based on GDP per capita, ASIAN REGIONALISM
proposed by Willy Brandt in the 1980’s.
The Brandt Line is a visual representation created to Is the product of economic interaction, not political
illustrate international inequalities and the socioeconomic planning. As a result of successful, outward oriented
gulf that separates regions of the world, popularized in growth strategies, Asian economies have grown not only
North-South. richer but also closer together.
Asian regionalism moved forward steadily until the 1997 GLOBAL MEDIA
Asian financial crisis
➔ is the “the mass communication on a global level
During the past several years, The Asia Society Policy allowing people across the world to share and
Institute (ASPI) has organized policy dialogues and working access the same information”.
groups focused on finding solutions to pressing challenges ➔ In cultural studies, media culture refers to the
for particular countries and subregions in Asia. overall impact and intellectual guidance exerted by
the media, not only on public opinion but also on
The Policy institute divides its work into five subregions- tastes and values.
East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and
West Asia. Some ASPI initiatives cover multiple subregions; MEDIA- communication outlets or channels used to store
for instance, ASPI’s work on building Asian security and and deliver information or data
trade architecture.
CULTURE- the customs, arts, social institutions, and
FIVE MAJOR REGIONS OF ASIA achievements of a particular nation, people or other social
1. Southeast Asia
3. Central Asia It conveys the idea that such culture emerges
4. South Asia spontaneously from masses themselves, that such culture
5. Southwest Asia is the product of the mass media
Religions have crossed many boundaries having been 2. Growth of a large marginalized population that has
spread by immigrants refugees, aggressions, or by the a very hard time earning a living in the
founders of the country marketplace defined by these high-end activities.
Religion is an abiding force crossing through: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT- the development that
➔ Culture meets the needs of the present without compromising the
➔ Politics ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
➔ Economy
The most known religions across the world are Christianity,
● Yield
Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
● Technology
● Climate change
● Biofuels
● Brings a culture of pluralism
● Agriculture Transformation
● Globalization engenders greater religious
● Governance
● Building political forums that integrate cultural
ethics and religious differences.
● Cross-cultural awareness
● Adaptability
● Technology Skills
● Community and Collaboration
● Critical Thinking and Problem solving
● Human rights
● Environmental protection
● Religious pluralism
● Gender equity
● sustainable worldwide economic growth