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Pre Board Questions 120 Items

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It is a peer tutoring arrangement where older

students help younger ones to a one-on-one or
1. It is a personal attribute of a teacher that makes one-to-group basis.
you feel that you “will live and die a teacher”.
a. Same age tutoring
a. Humor b. Monitorial Tutoring
b. Enthusiasm c. Instructional Tutoring
c. Commitment d. Structural Tutoring
d. Passion
7. What is the best alternative when authentic
2. Which among the following does not show a experiences and activities are not feasible?
facilitative environment for learning?
a. Discussion and Lecture
a. Does not tolerate ambiguity b. Simulations and Role Playing
b. Permits confrontation c. Using graphic organizers
c. Consistently recognizes people’s right to d. Using Videos and Pictures
commit mistakes
d. Encourages openness of self rather than 8. Learning is sometimes a painful process. Why?
concealment of self.
a. Because it is not easy to discard familiar ways of
3. “Anticipate potential problems and nip them in doing things and incorporate new behavior
the bud.” What principle in classroom b. Because in order to learn, you have to involve
management is implied in the statement? yourself to vigorous learning experiences
c. Because only you can learn for yourself
a. Consistent proactive discipline is the crux of d. Because it takes a long time to learn things
effective classroom management.
b. Reinforce positive behavior. 9. It is one of the cognitive faculties of a learner
c. Treat minor disturbance calmly. that enables him/her to form representations of
d. Minimize discipline time and maximize material objects that are not actually present to
instruction time. the senses.
4. A guiding principle in the selection of objectives a. Memory
where the essential content can be covered in b. Intellect
the amount of time available for instruction. c. Imagination
d. instinct
a. Self-sufficiency
b. Feasibility 10. Under what level of Harlow’s Psychomotor
c. Interest domain does Jumpy belong if he can do
d. Utility coordinated movements such as jumping rope,
punting, or catching?
5. The objective of the lesson is: to arrange
fractions from the highest to the lowest value. a. Reflex Movements
Which among the following assessment tasks b. Fundamental Skills
below is aligned to the objective? c. Perceptual Abilities
d. Physical Activities
a. Ask the students to give you an example of a
fraction 11. Marissa, Jade’s best friend learned that having a
b. Give several fraction numbers and ask them to relationship with a married man will ruin not
arrange it from lowest to greatest. just the real wife’s life but also your life. She
c. Ask them to separate large fraction numbers didn’t get to experience it, yet she learned from
from small fraction numbers. it. What do we call that kind of experience?
d. Ask them to submit a project that shows the
concept of fraction (e.g., a pizza sliced into a. Indirect Experience
b. Second hand Experience
several pieces).
c. Vicarious Experience
d. Implied Experience
12. While teacher Gretchen discusses the lesson, 17. This approach is also known as hybrid learning,
Macky keeps on laughing and disturbing his integrative learning, and multi-method learning
classmates for no reason. As a result, teacher because it is an effective combination of
Gretchen told Macky to get out of the class and different modes of delivery, models of teaching
stay at the reading center. What disciplinary and style of learning.
intervention did the teacher use?
a. Reflective Teaching
a. Teacher reaction b. Metacognitive Approach
b. Tangible recognition c. Self-Analysis Approach
c. Direct Cost d. Blended Learning
d. Group Contingency
18. What are the things that the teacher should
13. People are feeling and thinking beings, and consider in deciding the duration of wait time?
when their feelings and thoughts are in
harmony, learning is maximized. What principle I. Complexity of the Question
II. Type of response needed
of learning is suggested in the statement?
III. Background knowledge of the student
a. Learning is the discovery of the personal IV. Intellectual capacity of the student
meaning and relevance of ideas. a. I,II,III,IV
b. Learning is an experience which occurs inside b. I,II,IV
the learner and is activated by the learner. c. I,III,IV
c. Learning is an evolutionary process. d. II,III,IV
d. The process of learning is emotional as well as
intellectual. 19. It is a teacher’s particular style or trick used to
accomplish an immediate objective.
14. How do we solve a problem using the algorithm
strategy? a. Teaching approach
b. Teaching strategy
a. Following step-by-step process c. Teaching Method
b. Using the trial-and-error method d. Teaching Technique
c. Generating lots of ideas
d. Narrowing down many possible answers 20. Among the three domains – cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective, which one cannot
15. My Mathematics teacher starts the class by be omitted when creating objectives for a
stating rules on how to subtract integers. After certain lesson?
stating and explaining the rule, he then gave
some examples for us to better understand the a. Cognitive
b. Psychomotor
concept. What method of teaching did our
math teacher use? c. Affective
d. None, all the domains must be present
a. Deductive
b. Inductive 21. Chris Evans, the class valedictorian of Marvel
University said, “ Since I was young, I dreamt of
c. Exploratory
d. Indirect becoming a psychologist because I love working
with people and I want to help them overcome
16. What will you do if the student gives a wrong their problems.” His statement suggests that he
answer or if he/she cannot answer your is…
question at all? a. Nature Smart
a. If his answer is wrong, you have to be honest b. People Smart
and tell him/her that it’s wrong. c. Spirit Smart
b. Breakdown the question to guide the learner to d. Word Smart
the correct answer
c. Do not reveal the answer, wait for him/her to 22. What kind of learner is Jeremy Renner if he
prefers to work in an environment with soft
arrive at the correct answer
d. Tell him to sit down and don’t ever call her/him lighting and informal seating?
a. Global learner
b. Analytic Learner when I meet my former professors, I also say
c. Linear learner the same thing. What aspect of communicative
d. Tree Seers competence do I lack?
23. In the first day of the class, teacher Roel and his
students formulate rules and regulations. He a. discourse competence
b. grammatical competence
proposes rules and the students can agree or
disagree to it or modify it. What is teacher c. strategic competence
d. sociolinguistic competence
Roel’s mode of classroom control?
a. Assertive 29. MTB-MLE education is also a way of making a
school more welcoming to young children. Is
b. Authoritarian
c. Laissez Faire this statement true? Why?
d. Discipline a. Yes, using the language that children already
24. When is the best time for a teacher to identify know adds a sense of familiarity
b. Yes, the mother tongue language always sounds
and explain specific rules and procedures in the
classroom? more welcoming than the other language
c. No, it adds complexity to the subjects
a. When problems arise d. No, it doesn’t matter what language is used,
b. At the end of the school year what matters is how the teacher teaches the
c. First day of school lesson
d. when students misbehave
30. Why do teachers need to employ cooperative
25. Which among the following make/s the learning?
evaluation less threatening?
a. because learning atmosphere is more favorable
I. Evaluation as a cooperative process when students work together than compete
II. His/her progress is seen against his/her b. because it is part of the new curriculum
classmates’ performance c. because teachers are obliged to really use it
III. Progress is seen against his/her target d. because working with others will allow the
a. I learners know themselves better
b. II
31. An element of cooperative learning model that
c. I,II
d. I,III ensures that success by an individual promotes
success among other group members.
26. To keep the student’s attention and high
energy, Mr. Pepito cracks green jokes to the a. Face-to-face promotive interaction
b. Group Processing
class. Is it right?
c. Individual and group accountability
a. Yes, as a teacher you have to do everything to d. Positive interdependence
get the student’s attention.
b. Yes, what is important is you have their 32. Teacher Finn tackled three topics in one day
because he believes that all the topics in the
c. No, clean jokes elicit rapport in a learning curriculum guide should be taught to the
students. Another reason is that, the National
d. No, green jokes aren’t that funny, it can’t Achievement Test will take place in four days
and he wants to prepare his students for the
sustain their interest
said examination. What K to 12 teaching
27. In what grade is the mother tongue taught as a approach did he neglect?
a. from kindergarten to grade 3 a. Developmentally Appropriate
b. Relevant and Responsive
b. from grade 1 to grade 3
c. from grade 2 to grade 3 c. Culture-sensitive
d. Contextualized and Global
d. grade 3 and beyond
28. When I meet my friends, I would always say,
“Hi, dzai, kumusta na man ang life dzai?” and
33. This is example of expository advance organizer IV. The curriculum shall use the spiral progression
that gives students clue about what’s coming approach
next that helps them set a purpose of learning. a. I,II,III,IV
a. Narrative Advance Organizer c. I,III,IV
b. Skimming d. I,II,IV
c. Fish bone Diagram
d. Anticipatory Guide 39. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is
not the highest good. Teacher’s teaching is
34. Mother tongue is taught from grade one to
against what philosophy?
three as a subject. What is its focus?
a. Empiricism
a. fluency in the written language b. Epicureanism
b. development of speaking and reading c. Hedonism
c. for recreational reading d. realism
d. acquiring knowledge from the reading material 40. The Centers for Excellence in Teacher Education
35. Teacher Brett gave the definition of pollination in the Philippines was created by
to his students and allowed them to watch a _________________.
video about the pollinating process afterwards. A. RA No. 7784 C. RA No. 7791
What is teacher Brett’s method of teaching? B. RA No. 7836 D. RA No. 9917
41. The concept that learning to read or write does
a. Direct Method not happen quickly but is built upon many small
b. Indirect Method steps that occur over the course of the child's
c. Deductive Method early childhood.
d. Inductive Method
A. emergent literacy C. innate literacy
36. Which statement below is a correct example of
B. functional literacy D. academic literacy
an integrative approach that is intradisciplinary?
42. Mrs. Concepcion is a public-school teacher for
a. when the integration is within one discipline 35 years. Every time she was asked by her
b. when traditionally separate subjects are principal to attend a seminar, she refused and
brought together so students can grasp a more requested that the new teacher be the one to
authentic understanding take her slot. Is this correct?
c. when lessons are integrated in real life A. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion had enough of these
d. when the macro skills (speaking, listening, seminars
reading, writing) are applied in just one topic B. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion is about to retire and
these seminars will have no longer use for her
37. Teacher Elsie, a grade 10 teacher always C. No, Mrs. Concepcion should take every
provides meaningful learning experiences to her opportunity to attend a seminar for her own
students by connecting her lessons to her professional growth
student’s daily experiences. What K to 12 D. No, Mrs. Concepcion has the prerogative to
approach does this situation show? what seminar she will attend
a. Inclusivity
b. Learner-Centered 43. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a
c. Developmentally Appropriate physical examination in Ms. Manuel's class.
d. Responsive and relevant What concept best describes the quantitative
increase observed by Dr. Escoto among learners
38. The following are teaching approaches of the in terms of height and weight?
subjects in the K to 12 Curriculum except: a. Development c.learning
I. The curriculum shall be contextualized and b. Growth d. Maturation
global 44. Which statements below best describes
II. The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive development?
III. The curriculum shall be relevant, irresponsive a. A high school student's height increased by 5'2"
and research based to 5'4"
b. A high school student's change in weight from 51. What is the most accurate definition of puberty
110 lbs. to 125 lbs. stage?
c. A student had learned to operate the computer a. Rapid physical growth that occurs during
d. A student's enlargement of hips adolescence
b. Stage when sexual maturation is attained.
45. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does c. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation
young boys experience rivalry with their father that ends childhood
for their mother's attention and affection? d. Stage when adolescents establish identifies
a.Oralc.Phallic separate from their parents.
b. Anal d. Latency 52. According to Erikson, what is the primary task of
46. Christian develops an integral and coherent adolescent?
sense of self. He seeks answers to the question. a. To establish trust
"Who am I"? Which of the following is Christian b. To search for his identity
likely to develop? c. To be more intimate with others
a. Initiative d. To establish integrity
b. Identity and Role Confusion
c. Intimacy 53. Mr. Fernandez is judging the accuracy of these
statements. Which statements will he consider
d. Autonomy
47. Trisha goes with her mother in school. She as correct?
I. Test is a tool to measure a trait.
enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which of
the following ecological theories is illustrated by II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a
given trait.
the situation?
a. Microsystem c.Exosystem III. Assessment is the gathering of quantitative
and qualitative data.
b. Mesosystem d. Macrosystem
48. Which of the following is the correct order of IV. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and
qualitative data for decision making
psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund
Freud? A. I and II c. I, II, and III
b. III and IV d. I, III and IV
a. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency
stage, genital stage 54. Who among the teachers below performed
a diagnostic assessment?
b. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency
stage, genital stage a. Ms. Santos who asked questions when the
discussion was going on to know who among h
c. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency
stage, phallic stage er students understood what she was trying to
d. Anal stage, oral stage, genital stage, latency
stage, phallic stage b. Mr. Colubong who gave a short quiz after
discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine
49. Alyssa is eight years old, and although she the programs of learning.
c. Ms. Ventura who gave 10-item test to find out
understands some logical principles, she still has
troubles in understanding hypothetical the specific lessons which the students failed to
concepts. According to Piaget, Alyssa belongs to
what particular stage of cognitive development? d. Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test
to the incoming grade one pupils.
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational 55. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of
learning. Which of these should she include in
C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational her plan considering her purpose for
50. Which of the following will be Freud's
description of the child's behavior if he he has a. How to give immediate feedback to student's
strengths and weaknesses
biting, sarcastic manner?
a. Anally expulsive b. How to determine the area of interest of
b. Anally retentive
c. Fixated in the oral stage c. How to certify student's achievement
d. How to design one's instruction
d. Experiencing the crisis of trust vs. mistrust
56. You targeted that after instruction, your a. Measurement is assigning a numerical value to
students should be able to show their ability to a given trait while evaluation is giving meaning
solve problems with speed and accuracy. You to the numerical value of the trait.
then designed a tool to measure this ability. b. Measurement is the process of gathering while
What principle of assessment did you consider evaluation is the process of quantifying the data
in this situation? gathered.
A. Assessment should be based on clear and c. Measurement is the process of quantifying data
appropriate learning targets or objectives. while evaluation is the process of organizing
B. Assessment should have a data.
positive consequence on student's learning d. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment
C. Assessment should be reliable. while evaluation is the pre-requisite of testing.
D. Assessment should be fair. 61. Ms. Ricafort uses alternative methods of
57. Ms. Aviz wants to determine if the students' assessment. Which of the following will she not
scores in their Final Test is reliable. However, likely use?
she has only one set of tests and her students a. Multiple Choice Test
are already on vacation. What test of reliability b. Reflective Journal Writing
can she employ? c. Oral Presentation
A. Test-Retest d. Developing Portfolios
B. Kuder Richardson Method 62. . Mrs. Banaticla is a high school teacher known
C. Equivalent Forms for her integrity and credibility. In her
D. Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms community, she was regarded as one of the
58. Ms. del Rosario rated her students in terms of leaders. All thru out her career as a teacher, she
appropriate and effective use of some is also a part of the board of canvassers every
laboratory equipment and measurement tools time there is an election. One time, she was
and the students ability to follow the specified asked by her nephew to campaign for him in the
procedures. What mode of assessment should forthcoming election for he will run as a
Miss del Rosario use? Congressman. Should Mrs. Banaticla campaign
A. Portfolio Assessment for her nephew?
B. Journal Assessment A. Yes, there is no reason why she can't do this
C. Traditional Assessment since blood is thicker than water.
D. Performance-based Assessment B. Yes, she will be campaigning for her nephew
59. Mrs. Hilario presented the lesson on baking and will do it discretely.
through a group activity so that the students C. No, she hates her nephew and it's time to get
will not just learn how to bake but also develop even.
their interpersonal skills. How should this lesson D. No, she knows that it is against her principle as
be assessed? a teacher and this might put her credibility as a
I. She should give the students an essay test teacher at risk.
explaining how they baked the cake. 63. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year-
II. The students should be graded on the quality old pupils were tested to find out who among
of their baked cake using a rubric. them can already read. The result was used to
III. The students in a group should rate the determine their sections. What kind of test was
members based on their ability to cooperate in given to them?
their group activity. a. Diagnostic c.Placement
IV. She should observe how the pupils perform b. Formative d. Summative
their tasks. 64. Mr. Cartilla developed an Achievement Test in
Math for her grade three pupils. Before she
a. I, II, and III c.I,II,andIV finalized the test she examined carefully if the
b. I, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV test items were constructed based on the
60. Mrs. Acebuche is comparing measurement from competencies that have to be tested. What test
evaluation. Which statement explains the of validity was she trying to establish?
difference? A. Content-validity
B. Concurrent validity
C. Predictive validity
D. Construct validity norm-referred interpretation?
65. If Mr. Paraiso will have to make a scoring rubric a. How does the pupils test performance in our
for the student's output, what format is better school compare with that of other schools?
to construct considering that the teacher has b. How does a pupil's test performance in reading
limited time to evaluate their work? and mathematics compare?
a. Analytic Rubric c. What type of remedial work will be most helpful
b. Holistic Rubric for a slow- learning pupil?
c. Either A or B d. Which pupils have achieved master of
d. Neither A nor B computational skills?
70. Which of the following situations may lower the
66. The school principal has 3 teacher applicants all validity of test?
of whom graduated from the same institution a. Mrs. Josea increases the number of items
and are licensed teachers. She only needs to measuring each specific skill from three to five.
hire one. What should she do to choose the b. Mr. Santosa simplifies the language in the
best teacher from the three? directions for the test.
I. Give them a placement test. c. Miss. Lopeza removes the items in the
II. Interview them on why they want to apply in achievement test that everyone would be able
the school. to answer correctly.
III. Let them demonstrate how to teach a d. None of the above.
particular lesson. 71. In a negatively skewed distribution, which of the
IV. Study their portfolios to examine the following statements is true?
qualities of the students' outputs when they a. Mode is lower than the mean.
were in College. b. Mean is lower than the mode.
a. I and II. c.IandIII,IV c. Median is higher than the mode.
b. II and III. d. II, III and IV d. Mode is lower than the median.
67. Who among the teachers below gave the most 72. The result of the test given by teacher A showed
authentic assessment task for the objective a negatively skewed distribution. What kind of
"Solve word problems involving the four basic test did Teacher A give?
operations" a. The test is difficult
a. Mrs. Juliano who presented a word problem b. It is not too easy nor too difficult
involving four fundamental operations and then c. It is moderately difficult
asked the pupils to solve it. d. It is easy
b. Mrs. Mandia who asked her pupils to construct 73. Which set of scores has the least variability?
a word problem for a given number sentence Set 1   0,5,10,15,20
that involves four fundamental operations and Set 2   25,35,45,55
then asked them to solve the word problem Set 3   0,2,8,15,20
they constructed. Set 4   505,501,503
c. Mrs. Malang who asked her pupils to construct a. Set 1 c. Set 3
any word problem that involves the four b. Set 2 d. Set 4
fundamental operations and then asked them 74. Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his
to show how to solve it. pupils in the social studies test with their grades
d. Mrs. Pontipedra who asked her pupils to in the same subject last 3rd quarter. What test
construct any word problem that involves the validity is he trying to establish?
four fundamental operations then formed them a. Content validity
by twos so that each pair exchanged problems b. Construct validity
and help solve each other's problem. c. Concurrent validity
68. In a positively skewed distribution, the following d. Criterion related validity
statement are true except 75. Mrs. Reyes would like to find out how well her
a. Median is higher than the mode. students know each other. What assessment
b. Mean is higher than the Media. instrument would best suit her objective?
c. Mean is lower than the Mode. a. Self-report instrument
d. Mean is not lower than the Mode. b. Sociometric technique
69. Which of the following questions indicate a c. Guess-who technique
d. All of the above A. Community members as supporters of
76. This phase of curriculum development involves curriculum
decisions, among other things, on grade B. Community members as curriculum resources
placement and sequencing of content. Which C. Community members as managers of
phase is this? curriculum
a. Curriculum planning D. Community members as beneficiaries of
b. Curriculum evaluation curriculum
c. Curriculum organization 83. What type of curriculum divides the school day
d. Curriculum implementation into different periods such as language arts,
77. One example of this design of subject-centered social studies, science and health, arithmetic,
curriculum is that which shows social studies etc.?
being combined with geography, civics, culture a. Correlated c.Integrated
and history to comprises subject area. Which b. Broad fields d. Separate Subject
design is this? 84. Which curriculum design element is taking place
A. Correlated when Eduardo, a 4th year student can connect
B. Broadfields the lessons he learned in a subject area to a
C. Separate Subject related content in another subject area?
D. Core a. Articulation
78. Ms. Ortiz, as Science teacher tries to enrich the b. Balance
content of her lesson by identifying related c. Continuity
concepts in Math. What pattern of organizing d. Integration
subjects did Ms. Ortiz consider? 85. The curriculum used during the period in
a. Broadfield c.Core Philippine history terminated the use of English
b. Correlated d. Separate Subject as a medium of instruction, What period is this?
79. What refers to the matching between a. American
curriculum and test to be used to assess the b. Spanish
learners? c. Commonwealth
a. Alignment c.Articulation d. Japanese
b. Auditing d. Delivery 86. What process is being undertaken by curriculum
80. Ms. Mateo, a History teacher considers the developers when they enrich or modify certain
element of time in arranging content of her aspects of a particular program without
lessons in World History. What way of changing its fundamental conceptions?
establishing sequence is given emphasis by Ms. a. Curriculum improvement
Mateo? b. Curriculum change
A. Simple to complex c. Curriculum design
B. Part to whole d. Curriculum implementation
C. Concrete to abstract 87. What refers to the authenticity of the content
D. Chronological selected by the curriculum developer?
81. Mr. Bernardo, a curriculum consultant on a. Feasibility c.Significance
Economics insists that in selecting the b. Learnability d. Validity
curriculum content, it is better that throughout 88. Which type of curriculum design serves as a
the high school years, economic geography response to society's demand for integration of
concepts be used to recur and be repeated with knowledge and enables the learner to see
depth for effective learning. What criterion in relationship among various aspects?
content selection is shown here? a. Broadfield c.Core
a. Validity c.Significance b. Correlated d. Separate subjects
b. Continuity d. Learnability 89. To provide individual differences in the
82. Mrs. Manuel, the Principal of Bagong Barrio classroom, how is curriculum designed?
Elementary School invited the Brgy. Captain in a. Minimum learning competencies are included
the school to solicit inputs for a new curriculum b. Realistic and meaningful experiences are
in Social Science which highlights indigenous provided
knowledge in the community. What is shown in c. Some degree of flexibility is provided
this situation? d. Social skills are emphasized
90. Which of the following best defines curriculum a. Real objects, print, audio-visual materials and
development? visual materials
a. The total mental phenomena directly received b. Visual materials, audio visual materials, print
at any given time and computers
b. The planning of learning opportunities intended c. Visual materials, print, audio-visual materials
to bring about certain desired changes in pupils and realia
and the assessment of the extent to which d. Print, audio-visual materials, computers and
these changes have taken place. realia
c. A continuous cycle of activities in which all 98. Ms. Delos Santos is a fresh graduate teacher
elements of curriculum are considered. who was hired to teach in an elementary school
d. Education is aiding each child to be socially where there are enough resources for
creative individuals. instruction. She wanted to start preparing her
91. What do you call the curriculum when the instructional materials. Which is the most
teacher puts into action all the different systematic process in doing this?
planned activities in the classroom? A. Design, utilization, evaluation, development
a. Recommended Curriculum B. Design, development, utilization, evaluation
b. Written Curriculum C. Development, design, utilization, evaluation
c. Taught Curriculum D. Development, utilization, evaluation, design
d. Supported Curriculum 99. In the delivery of distance education, what
92. What refers to the appropriateness of the computer application is used to organize
content in the light of the particular students instructions and track students records and
who are to experience the curriculum? progress?
a. Significance c.Interest a. Computer-based Multimedia
b. Validity d. Learnability b. Computer-assisted Instruction
93. "Knowledge is true if it is workable". What c. Computer-mediated Education
philosophical foundation supports this d. Computer-managed Instruction
statement? 100. Which of the following is NOT an
a. Idealism c.Pragmatism example of a communicative tool?
b. Realism d. Essentialism a. Chat
94. As a member of the curriculum committee, your b. Electronic mail
chief concern is to give the child freedom to c. Teleconferencing
choose what to learn and believe, as you allow d. Multimedia encyclopedia
them to set their own identities and standards. 101. The following are the steps that a
What philosophy will you consider? teacher follows in using instructional material in
a. Existentialismc.Idealism the classroom. In what order must the steps be
b. Realism d. Pragmatism accomplished? NO ANSWER – SHOULD BE
95. Mrs. Olivarez presented real samples of rocks in II,IV,III,I
her General Science class. What principle did I. Follow up
she apply? II. Prepare yourself
a. Appropriateness III. Prepare the materials
b. Authenticity IV. prepare the students
c. Responsiveness a. IV, II, III and I c. IV, I, II and III
d. Simplicity b. III, IV, II, I d. III, II, I and IV
96. Which is the best reason why teachers state the 102. People who were born in the time when
objectives before using instructional media? digital technologies were commonplace are
a. To secure materials called__________.
b. To prepare the materials beforehand. a. Digital natives c. Digital experts
c. To determine which media to use best. b. Digital migrants d. Digital dinosaurs
d. To be able to practice how to operate the 103. Which of the following instructional
equipment materials is the least concrete?
97. Which of these technologies used in the a. School newsletter
classroom are arranged from the most symbolic b. Simulated flight software
to multisensory? c. Tutorial video
d. Illustrated textbooks b. Existentialist
104. In Piaget’s cognitive Development, c. Essentialist
when a mother explains to the child that cats d. Constructivist
unlike dogs do not bark, the child is in the 112. Self-evaluation allows the teacher to
process of creating a new cognitive structure. examine one’s strengths and weaknesses. The
What term did Piaget used to describe the following ate forms of self-evaluation EXCEPT
child’s cognitive experience? for__________.
a. Accommodation c. Equilibrium a. Journal
b. Assimilation d. Schema b. Self-videotape of class performance
105. Joey, seven-year old girl, knows how to c. Evaluation tool/instruments
arrange objects or thing according to weight, d. Teacher’s Quality Circle/ Peer Feedback
shape, color and size. Joey as a young learner 113. Can Liza Macuja be given a special
has already developed which concept according permit to teach ballet in highschool?
to Jean Piaget? a. No, she cannot. In the very first place,
a. Conservation c. Reversibility she is not an education graduate.
b. Decentering d. Seriation b. No, she has not passed the LET.
106. Katniss has reached the wherein similar c. Yes, she is a graduate of ALS.
to her peers, she tries to know herself more, d. Yes, she has excelled and gained
discovery her interests and passio, and so as her international recognition.
sexuality. Based on Erikson’s Psychosocial 114. Jhera took the LET last September 2015.
Theory, what critical age does Katniss belong? However, she failed in the examination. Is she
a. Infancy c. Middle and Late Childhood qualified for the position of para-teachers?
b. Early Childhood d. Adolescence a. No, she needs to take the examination
107. According to Grace Goddell, what b. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 15
reading skill is found at the last step of the percentage points from the passing
reading skills ladder? general average rating.
a. Parts of the book c. Dictionary c. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 10
b. Phoenitics d. Contextual Cues percentage points from the passing
108. The following are some of the ways to general average rating.
advance metacognition EXCEPT for______. d. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 5
a. Learn how to study percentage points from the passing
b. Learn to organize thoughts general average rating.
c. Accept now knowledge 115. According to Batas Pambansa Blg. 232,
d. Assess our thinking the following are rights of school EXCEPT for
109. Which of the following objectives is the __________.
highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? a. Right for basic education to determine
a. Identify the meaning of the terms subjects of study
b. Compute the mean, median and mode b. Right provide proper governance
c. Determine the steps in solving worded c. Right to enforce administrative systems
problems d. Right for institutions of higher learning
d. Interpret the computed value of to determine academic grounds for
standard deviation admission
110. Which of the following type of test can 116. A teacher shall base the evaluation of
measure broad range of achievement better? the learner’s work only in____.
a. Multiple-choice a. Attendance, character, merit and
b. Matching type quality of academic performance
c. True or false b. Attendance, beauty, merit and quality
d. Short-answer item of academic performance
111. What educational philosophy should a c. Attendance, merit and quality of
teacher emphasize if he wants his students to academic performance
develop self-responsibility and accountability? d. Merit and quality of academic
a. Utilitarianist performance
117. Which is true of LET passers?
a. Every LET passer shall be required to
take the Professional Oath before
practicing as a Professional Teacher.
b. Taking the Professional Oath before
practicing as a Professional Teachers is
optional for LET passer.
c. The Professional Oath can be taken
before any Professional Teacher.
d. The taking of oath must be within one
month from passing the LET.
118. Jen Passed the PBET in 1993. She
decided to apply in the public school in 2016 as
an elementary teacher. However, DepEd
requires that every teacher applicant should be
LET passers. Will DepEd accept the application
of Jen?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. Only if there is only scarcity of LET
passers in the divisions where she
d. No, she is not a LET Passer.
119. What is at the heart of the Teacher
Education Development Program (TEDP)?
d. LET
120. What government program envisions to
minimize the gap between low social status and
educational opportunities for deserving
a. National Achievement Test
b. National College Admission Examination
c. Education Service Contracting Scheme
d. Annual Fiscal Allocation

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