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Pre-Authorization Request Form: (Please Tick The Relevant Box)

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Form: P
Contact us: 1800 - 103 - 6363/022 - 42492929 Fax us: 1800 - 103 - 4778 / 022 - 42492828

PART - I (To be filled in by Claimant/Patient/Life Assured)

Mandatory Documents Attached (Please tick the relevant box)
Photo ID Proofs:
1. Name of Patient/ Life Assured

Pan Card


Driving License

Election Card

Others(Pls specify)______________________
2. Policy Number:
(8 Digit Number)

4. Age:

5. Gender:

3. Address:(Incl. state,
city, pin code)

6. Tel / Mobile No:

PART II (To be filled in by the Doctor/Hospital)

7. Clinic/Hospital Name: 9. Clinic/Hospital Address:(incl.
State, City, Pin Code)

8. Fax No: 10. Tel No & Email ID:

11. Chief Complaints:

12. Ailment Duration: 14. Treatment Plan:

13. Clinical Findings: 15. Provisional Diagnosis: 16. Treatment Details: 17. Name of treating Doctor: 19. Any past illness relevant to present ailment: 21. Expected Date & D D M M Y Y Y Y Time of Admission: 23. Emergency/ or Planned Hospitalization? 24. Expected length of stay (in days):



18. Doctor Mobile No: 20. Doctor Sign & Date: (_____:_____Hrs)
Emergency Planned ICU


22. Past history of any illness: a) Diabetes: b) Hypertension: c) Heart Disease: d) Br. Asthma:
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No

Since when:

25. Class of accommodation: 26. Room Rent + Nursing Costs (per day): 27. Expected Cost: 28. Doctor Fee:
Rs. Rs. (Investigation + Medicines + Consumables & Other Hospital expenses) Rs. (Surgeon + Asst surgeon + Anesthetist + Doctor Visit Charges)

e) Osteo Arthritis: f) Cancer: g) HIV or STD: h) Any h/o alcohol/ substance abuse: i) Any other Ailment/Surgery: b) Obstetric History:

29. Package Rate (if any): 30. Cost of Implants (if applicable pls specify): 31. Total Expected Cost of Hospitalization: 32. Maternity Details: a) Menstrual History: d) NORMAL / LSCS Expected: 33. Accident: a) H/O Alcohol Abuse: c) MLC / FIR Copy:

Rs. Rs. Rs.

c) LMP: e) G: P:

2010, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Comp/doc/Feb/2010/1176. Comm/ Form/PREAUTH/1.0/Feb112010



Yes Yes

No No

b) Circumstances: d) MLC/FIR No:

(MLC- Medico Legal Certificate) (FIR- First Information Report)

Authorization / Declaration
The above details provided with respect to complaints and past illnesses are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event that any of the details are found to be untrue or incorrect, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company (Company) may refuse my preauthorization request or where the authorization has already been given, refuse payment in respect of the same. I further understand and agree that I shall be responsible and agree to bear the hospitalization expenses in any of the aforesaid event / circumstances. I hereby authorize the Company to obtain any medical records or seek additional/ related information pertaining to my claim from the Hospital / Nursing Home. (x) Patient/Life Assured Signature OR (x) Claimant's Signature Name of Claimant:_____________________________________________________________________ Relationship with Patient/Life Assured: _____________________________________________________

Hospital ID: _________________


Instructions: 1.The Company will not be held liable for payment in the event of any discrepancy in information provided by the hospital at the time of admission & network settlement (in final document submission) 2. If any details provided are insufficient / incorrect, there may be a delay / denial of pre - authorization (cashless) request. All queries raised by the Company should be replied within 24 hours. 3. Denial of cashless does not mean denial of treatment. 4. Any change in the diagnosis / Treatment plan / Length of stay should be intimated to the company before discharge of the life assured. 5. Any request for authorization / enhancement made by the hospital after discharge of the life assured will not be considered
Mailing Address: Health Claim Cell; Vinod Silk Mill Compound, Chakravarthy Ashok Nagar, Ashok Road, Kandivali (E), Mumbai - 400 101.

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