Prospectus meaning
1. The prospectus is a legal document, which outlines the
company’s financial securities for sale to the investors.
2. According to the companies act 2013, there are four types of the
prospectus, abridged prospectus, deemed prospectus, red
herring prospectus, and shelf prospectus.
Prospectus Definition
The prospectus is a legal document for market participants and
investors to pursue, detailing the features, prospects, and promise of a
financial product.
It is mandated by the law to be supplied to prospective customers.
Prospectus Example
In an IPO, the prospectus tells potential shareholders about the
company’s plans and business model.
For insurance and investment fund customers, a prospectus lists out
the objective of the product, inclusions, and exclusions, fees, etc.
For an ETF, a prospectus informs likely investors of the fund’s goals,
history, portfolio, fees and costs, and other financial details.
Types of prospectus
According to Companies Act 2013, there are four types of prospectus.
Deemed Prospectus – Deemed prospectus has mentioned under
Companies Act, 2013 Section 25 (1). When a company allows or
agrees to allot any securities of the company, the document is
considered as a deemed prospectus via which the offer is made to
investors. Any document which offers the sale of securities to the
public is deemed to be a prospectus by implication of law.
Red Herring Prospectus – Red herring prospectus does not contain
all information about the prices of securities offered and the number of
securities to be issued. According to the act, the firm should issue this
prospectus to the registrar at least three before the opening of the
offer and subscription list.
Shelf prospectus – Shelf prospectus is stated under section 31 of the
Companies Act, 2013. Shelf prospectus is issued when a company or
any public financial institution offers one or more securities to the
public. A company shall provide a validity period of the prospectus,
which should not be more than one year. The validity period starts with
the commencement of the first offer. There is no need for a prospectus
on further offers. The organization must provide an information
memorandum when filing the shelf prospectus.
Abridged Prospectus – Abridged prospectus is a memorandum,
containing all salient features of the prospectus as specified by SEBI.
This type of prospectus includes all the information in brief, which
gives a summary to the investor to make further decisions. A company
cannot issue an application form for the purchase of securities unless
an abridged prospectus accompanies such a form.