World of Self, Family and Friends Module 1 - Welcome! Listening Listening 4 Sunday Friendship Language
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 1 - Welcome! Listening Listening 4 Sunday Friendship Language
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 1 - Welcome! Listening Listening 4 Sunday Friendship Language
1. Introduce/review adjectives (p.5) using flashcards. _____ / _____ pupils were able to
2. Pupils describe people in the flashcards in pairs correctly. achieve the learning objectives with
3. Pupils look through the lyrics of Smart Friends and sing the song guided by guidance and given reinforcement
the teacher. (21st CA) exercise (s).
4. Monitor pupils carefully as they listen to the song to evaluate their
vocabulary and Listening skills. Review vocabulary next lesson as necessary. _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
(HOTS) achieve the learning objectives and
5. Pupils can sing a song in group. (CBA) given remedial exercise (s).