Northwest Samar State University: Republic of The Philippines
Northwest Samar State University: Republic of The Philippines
Northwest Samar State University: Republic of The Philippines
A narrati ve Report in
On-the-Job Training undertaken at Coca-Cola Tacloban Plant
Located at Fati ma Village, Tacloban City, Philippines
Submitt ed by:
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
1st week
They provided us an orientati on on our fi rst day about the safety and protocols
on the plant and the correct equipment need to use in every department. My fi rst
week at the Coca-Cola Tacloban plant as an intern was quite enjoyable and exhausti ng.
We were placed in several departments so that we could observe the many types of
work that each person performs for their own parti cular department. As they are
remodeling the fi nancial offi ce, we all had the opportunity to assist Ms. Felmarie
Avorque, the team leader, in getti ng rid of the old and useless fi les. The HR team was
sti ll preparing our schedules and the safety shoes we would wear throughout our
whole internship, so we were assigned there for the enti rety of the day.
I was given a job with the fl eet department, which is in charge of maintaining
all of the company's vehicles, from Tuesday to Thursday. On my fi rst day at the
department, The fl eet facilitator expert is Engr. Rey Nelson Briones gave me a more
thorough overview of the role and the tasks inside the department. He shows me how
the legal paperwork procedures are carried out for maintaining the company's
vehicles, and he claims that there are three diff erent types of repairs that must be
taken into account in order to determine if a parti cular vehicle needs an urgent repair
or not.
The three diff erent types of repairs are: fi rst is the demand, which require
immediate att enti on; second is the others or body repairs, which involve replacing
certain vehicle parts; and lastly, the preventati ve maintenance services, or PMS, which
are focused on averti ng potenti al accidents in the future. It has a lot of processes for
keeping track of and maintaining company vehicles. According to Engr. Rey, this is
being done to avoid any potenti al traffi c accidents that might occur when the goods
and empti es (Empty Bott les) are being transported. On day two, I was given the task of
organizing several Blowfacts into the appropriate binders; these Blowfacts are the
initi al pieces of writi ng used to assess what repairs would be necessary for a vehicle.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Engr. Johnny Tiu the team Leader takes me on a tour of the Cullet dump site,
showing me where the empti es are kept and where the trucks are parked as they wait
for their deliveries. He demonstrated some changes Coca-Cola has made to their
delivery trucks, including the installati on of cameras on various sides of the truck and
other sensors to prevent collisions with other vehicles. Engr. Joje Quezon the plant
Manager invited us on the third day and brought us to the manufacturing offi ce for
additi onal orientati on on the company's history and the history of producti on. He
gives us an introducti on to the machinery and equipment that are used in the factory
to make the products.
Engr. Philip Al Monterde provided a tour for us about the bott ling process
along with the roles played by the various equipments. To help us gain a greater grasp
of how the producti on line's procedures operate, Engr. Joje Quezon gave us an
additi onal project. Each intern must select one of the seven available topics. Bott le
process, beverage-, water treatment, waste water treatment, refrigerati on system,
boiler system, and air compressor. These are the steps used in the producti on of
beverages, and as I'm already prett y familiar with the subject from our previous
semester's study of it, I decided to focus on the refrigerati on system.
My fi nal day working for the fl eet department Engr. Rey showed me how to use
SAP, the company's computerized vehicle monitoring system, to create a work order.
He took me on a walk of the Transpo bay and demonstrated how some of the
machinery worked. On Friday in the engineering department, we were given a tour of
the waste water treatment plant by Sir Richard, the facility's manager. He described to
us the steps involved in the waste water treatment process and demonstrated how he
conducts laboratory tests to determine the pH level of water before discharging it into
the sea.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
2 nd week
I was placed in the Producti on/Manufacturing department during my second
week of the internship, where we organized the Plant Manual, Instructi ons, Rules, and
Regulati ons into a single Binder. The enti re week, we worked on our projects while
going to our designated machine area each aft ernoon and asking the operators some
questi ons.I learned how the process works and what accessories are in the system
from Engr. Boggie Bacsal who was in charge of maintenance on the plant's
refrigerati on system. We presented our idea to three chemical engineers, one
electrical engineer, and one mechanical engineer on Friday, which is the day of
judgment for us. Given that they are specialists in respecti ve fi elds, the presentati on
was challenging.
3 rd week
In the third week, I was assigned to the logisti cs offi ce, whose staff are in
charge of shipping and transporti ng goods and paper works to the approved supplier
at the scheduled delivery ti me. Proper documentati on is very necessary to avoid
mixed up; damages of items needed to be delivered to their diff erent desti nati on. I
spent the enti re week there assisti ng them in organizing the paperwork for various
work orders, laminati ng rules and regulati ons, and making photocopies of the
paperwork they required for the delivery trucks.
4 th week
I was transferred to the QA, or quality assurance, department during the fourth
week of my internship, where they test the beverages they make. The enti re week
there was quite great because I had the chance to work in the laboratory with the best
and friendliest chemical engineer. They let me run some tests and performing some
manual testi ng actually taught me quite a bit. They taught me diff erent things that
were beyond Mechanical Engineering, I was working there and I was learning things
that are absolutely new to me. The fi rst test I conducted was Net Content Monitoring,
in which I weighed each item to determine its exact volume before recording it on the
monitoring sheet. Prior to shipping out some items in the rework area, we check the
correct quanti ti es every morning. Every day for the enti re week, I ran a diff erent test,
such as a torque test to evaluate the proper alignment of the bott le lids, a test to help
me identi fy the bott le washer's parameters, and a test to compute the degree brix and
syrup's hue. In order to maintain the original product and ensure product quality for
the sati sfacti on of the consumer, various tests are run.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
5 th week
Since there isn't much to accomplish this week, the producti on of the
beverages had to stop due to a CO2 shortage. I was given the duti es of helping the
Safety department organize the beverages in the retenti on room according to their
best-by dates and dispose of any expired beverages. I had the opportunity to assist
ate Jo in making some assay soluti on. We also take part in the plant's earthquake and
fi re preventi on dry runs during this week.
6 th week
We are in the fi nal week of our internship program, and I was charged with the duty of
the fi nancial department where we provide weekly fl eet monitoring assistance. They
are busy this week as is audit week, so there isn't much to do. Finally, on the last day
of our internship, Ms. Trina Saplad, the HR supervisor, held a meeti ng and asked us
about what we had learned from our ti me as interns at the Coca-Cola Tacloban Plant.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
I was exposed to the company's actual industrial acti vity during my internship
at the Coca-Cola Tacloban Plant. I also discovered how many of the machines there
were used and became familiar with them. I acquired some knowledge on how to
operate some offi ce equipment. Aside from those things, I also developed my social
skills and learned how to adapt to the people and surroundings with which I work.
I learned a great deal during my short stay there, not only things relevant to my
degree but also things that have shaped the person I am now. Working as a Trainee at
the Coca-Cola Tacloban Plant taught me how to be adaptable and persistent. It's
crucial that I do the assignment given to me on ti me and do it correctly. I gained an
understanding of the beauty of integrati ng the theoreti cal knowledge I had learned at
school into practi ce. I was able to disti nguish between the theories and how those
theories actually worked.Also, to understand that everything that was taught in school
can be a tool that I can used in my future career.
Aside from the experience I gained for my course, the traineeship program
allowed me to get to know the workers at the Coca-Cola Tacloban Plant. Parti cularly
for the QA Team, being around them is fun. The engineers there conti nuously
moti vated and inspired me to work hard in my studies and always give my best eff ort
while I was a trainee. Though I have since left my positi on as an intern, I am sti ll
looking forward to working with them in the future—not as a trainee any longer, but
as an Engineer. I truly had a very important and unforgett able experience there.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Because of this program, which broadens my knowledge of the practi cal aspects
of my course, on-the-job training is undoubtedly an important and necessary
component for students. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses in the actual work
environment is helpful.
Experience is the best teaching tool there is. My goal of one day becoming a
mechanical engineer was fostered with the help of the student internship program.
This training inspired me to approach my studies with more seriousness and
dedicati on, in order to become a mechanical engineer. Many mechanical engineers
pushed me to put more work into my academics.