Akashic Tales Hallow Icons
Akashic Tales Hallow Icons
Akashic Tales Hallow Icons
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Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names
(characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress. (Elements that
have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game
product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this
work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written
Required Books: The minimum required books to make use of most of the material presented in this document
are the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, and Akashic Mysteries from Dreamscarred Press.
Recommended Books: City of Seven Seraphs: Akashic Trinity from Lost Spheres Publishing, and Lords of the
Night, Lords of the Wild, and Path of War from Dreamscarred Press.
Enhanced Content: Some content in this books relies on classes or other elements that are can be difficult to
find. For convenience hyperlinks have been included for this material.
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Archetypes 9
Vampire Feats 14
Bonus Content 15
Art Credits 20
Calavera: This word is Spanish for skull. This word is also used to refer to the decorated sugar or clay skulls that are
associated with the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos).
Related Material (with associated content):
• “Dracula” by Bram Stoker (Vampire’s Blessing)
• “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley (Frankenstein’s Head Mirror)
• “Legend of the Gargouille” (Gargoyle Vambraces): French legend associated with St.Romanus of Rouen.
• “Stingy Jack” (Jack’s Lantern): An Irish folk tale.
• The Trial of Peter Stumpp the The Werewolf of Bedburg (Werewolf’s Pelt): 1589 German werewolf trial.
• Classic horror movies form the 1930s - 1950s.
Superscript notations are used throughout this book to indicate materials originating from other sources. The superscript and
the related sources are as follows:
AA2- Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer’s Armory 2 LotN- Lords of the Night
AM- Akashic Mysteries LotW- Lords of the Wild
APG- Advanced Player’s Guide PA- Planar Adventures
ATHH- Akashic Tales: Horrible Horsemen PAP80- Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves
ATRoA- Akashic Tales: Relics of Atlantis PFU- Pathfinder Unchained
ATRP- Akashic Tales: Red’s Peril PoW- Path of War
ATSS- Akashic Tales: Spider’s Stories PoWE- Path of War: Expanded
B6- Bestiary 4 OA- Occult Adventures
B6- Bestiary 6 SoM- Spheres of Might
BotD- Book of the Damned TF- The Fisherking
BotN- Blood of the Night USoP- Ultimate Spheres of Power
Co7SAT: City of Seven Seraphs: Akashic Trinity WoVHD- The World of Vampire Hunter D
DPR- Divergent Paths: Rajah
Chakra Bind (Shoulders) Binding this veil to your Slot: Hands, Wrists
Shoulders chakra grants you the ability to become even Saving Throw: Will; see text
more ghostly. When you would be hit by an attack or
other effect, as an immediate action, you may make an “How will you light your way? Here is a coal for you, hot
Escape Artist or Stealth check with a DC equal to the from my own fires. Now quit my gate and make for yourself
attack’s attack roll, saving throw DC for effects that do a lantern, stingy Jack.” – Mephistopheles
not require an attack roll or, or 15 + the attacking
Descriptors: None This veil grants you a bite primary natural attack
dealing 1d6 (bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing)
Class: Daevic, Huay damage for medium veilweavers (adjust for other size
categories as normal, 1d4 Small and so on). You may use
Slot: Chest, Hands your veilweaver level in place of your base attack bonus
Save: None to determine your to-hit and other abilities of this veil.
Additionally, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1/2
Moss green scales cover your body and sharp claws sprout the damage dealt with the bite attack granted by this veil
from your fingertips. against living creatures. These temporary hit points last
for one minute per veilweaver level you possess.
Shaping this veil grants you the ability to breathe water
and two claw primary natural attacks dealing 1d4 for Essence: For every odd-numbered point of essence
medium veilweavers (adjust for other size categories as invested in this veil, you gain a +1 insight bonus on Bluff
normal, 1d3 Small and so on) damage. and Diplomacy skill checks. For every even-numbered
point of essence invested in this veil, the bite attack
Essence: For each point of essence gains a +1 enhancement bonus.
invested in this veil you gain a +2 insight
bonus to Swim checks. For every 2 points Chakra Bind (Neck) Binding this veil to your
of essence invested in this veil these Neck chakra allows you to briefly borrow the full
claws deal an additional 1d4 slashing might of a vampire. As a swift action
damage. you can gain the vampire templateLotN .
This transformation lasts for a number of
Chakra Bind (Hands) Binding this veil rounds per day equal to 3 + your
to your Hands chakra allows you to borrow veilweaving modifier. You do not gain
the might of a primordial creature of the the ability to create new vampires.
swamp. You gain a 30 foot swim speed and This is a polymorph effect. You do
a number of times per day equal to your not need to use these rounds
veilweaving modifier you can cast burst of consecutively. Ending this
adrenalineOA as a spell-like ability. transformation is a free action.
Additionally, if you have not gained at
Chakra Bind (Chest) Binding this veil
least a cumulative total of 10 temporary hit
to your Chest chakra grants you all the
points using this veil’s base effect in the last 24
benefits of binding it to your Hands
hours, you are treated as hungry for the purposes of the
chakra, and as long as you are partially
templates’ thirst ability. Any choices made when first
or completely submerged in water you
Improved Essence Capacity: At 15th level the Akashic Attunement: Essence infused phantoms treat
maximum essence capacity of all the crimson scholar’s their master’s spiritualist level as their character and
essence receptacles increases by 1. veilweaver level for the purposes of qualifying for
akashic feats.
Veil Touched Mastery: At 20th level, each day when
the crimson scholar shapes their veils for the day, Bridge (Su): Starting at 3rd level, phantom can emit
instead of they would regain their spells per day, they akashic effects for its master. If the master and the
choose one vampiric focus to be active on themself for phantom are within 5 feet at the time the master
the entire day. activates a veil or constellation effect that requires a
touch attack, or ranged touch attack, the master can
This ability modifies but otherwise functions as master designate the phantom as the “toucher” or ranged
vampire hunter. "toucher". The phantom can then deliver the attack just
as the master would; including moving or making any
necessary attack rolls. The master can bind essence into
this ability. For each point of essence bound into this
ability the maximum distance between them and their
phantom, for the purposes of this ability, increases by
This ability replaces deliver touch spells.
At 9th level, while the scion of the veil has Vanth’s Eyes Call Psychopomp (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per
bound they can take a point of essence burn, as a swift day the scion of the veil can use the act of withdrawing
action, to see into the Ethereal Plane out to a distance of their phantom into their mind to signal a shepherd of
30 feet +5 feet per point of essence invested in Vanth’s the dead for aid. As either a swift or an immediate
Eyes. This enhanced sight lasts for a number of minutes action, a scion of the veil can take a point of essence to
per day equal to their veilweaving modifier. They do not call their phantom back into their consciousness. This
need to use these minutes consecutively and they can essence burn does not recover until after they manifest
end this ability as a free action, but each use of this their phantom again. At the start of the next round one
ability consumes a minimum of 1 minute. A scion of the of the following psychopomps, of the scion of the veil’s
veil can burn any number of additional points of essence choice, appears in a square adjacent to them: esobokPAP80,
▪ Solar Grace (replaces Vampiric Call): The agent This modifies but otherwise functions as master
of the light can call upon the life giving vampire hunter.
properties of the sun. Once during each
activation of this focus, as an immediate action,
the agent of the light can heal themself or a
willing adjacent creature a number of points
equal to their vampire hunter level. At 8th level,
the agent of the light also gains DR 5/Cold Iron.
At 16th level, the damage reduction becomes 10/
▪ Solar Sight (replaces Vampiric Sight): The agent
of the light gains low-light vision (if they already
have low-light vision, they instead gain a +3
competence bonus on sight-based Perception
checks in dim light). At 8th level, the agent of the
light has their existing low-light vision enhanced
so that they can see four times as far in
conditions of dim light. At 16th level, the agent
of the light also gains blindsense to a range of 30
Bless Light (Su): At 4th level, an agent of the light can
consecrate mundane light with the properties of the sun.
The light shed by non-magical light sources in the agent
of the light’s possession (e.g. torches) counts as natural
sunlight as long as they are in contact with the light
source. As a standard action the agent of the light can
touch a non-magical light source and expend 2 minutes
worth of use from one of their vampiric focus abilities,
to make light shed by that light source count as natural
sunlight for the next 12 hours. Creatures harmed by
natural sunlight are always aware of the properties of
light affected by this ability.
This ability replaces stake.
This ability replaces vampire tracker. Spell Pool: The guardian of the living gains a small
reservoir of energy they can call on to create truly
Expanded Alchemy (Ex): Beginning at 11th level, a wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains
bane can increase their alchemical repertoire. They can a number of spell points equal to their class level + their
gain an Alchemy sphere talent in place of the following casting ability modifier. This pool replenishes once per
vampire hunter class features: vampire bane (11th), day after roughly 8 hours of rest.
quarry (14th), and improved quarry (19th, must replace
if quarry is replaced). Magic Talents: A guardian of the living gains a magic
talent at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.
This replaces the vampire hunter class ability the bane
gives up.
“Frankenstein At Work In His Laboratory” artist 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
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“Warrior Hallway” by jcoope12 subtracted from this License except as described by the
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