Red Hat Enterprise Linux Migrate To 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Migrate To 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Migrate To 8
Enterprise Linux®
Migrate to 8
“ In November 2020, critical security and urgent bug fixes that have been provided for
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 during Extended Lifecycle Support will cease. IBM and Red Hat have
jointly introduced a set of upgrade services to help clients migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.”
As the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform, Red Hat As one of the most widely deployed Linux platforms within
Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is widely trusted across industries and enterprises, many IT organizations run legacy versions of
by customers around the world to provide a modern foundation Red Hat Enterprise Linux, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux
that can support any application, any environment, anywhere. versions 5 and 6. As of November 2020:
According to IDC research, IT organizations using Red Hat — Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will no longer have
Enterprise Linux were expected to have saved $6.7 billion in Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS)
2019 alone. IT executives responding to IDC’s global survey — Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 will enter product retirement
found that Red Hat Enterprise Linux provided business benefits and require ELS
for most workloads – an increase in revenues, a decrease in
expenses, or an increase in employee productivity. This means that bug fixes, security fixes, hardware enablement,
or root-cause analysis that has been provided for Red Hat
Namely: Enterprise Linux 5 under Extended Lifecycle Support will
— Reducing the annual cost of software by 52% cease, potentially putting business critical workloads at risk.
— Reducing the amount of time IT staff spend on tasks by 25% Recognizing the critical importance of maintaining systems to
— Reducing costs associated with unplanned downtime by 5% avoid security, operational, and compliance issues, IBM and
Red Hat have jointly introduced a set of services, provided by a
qualified team of subject matter experts, to help you efficiently
migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and 8.
End of Extended
Version General Availability End of Full Support End of Maintenance Support Product Retirement
Life-cycle Support
5 15 Mar 2007 8 Jan 2013 31 Jan 2014 31 Mar 2017 30 Nov 2020
6 10 Nov 2010 10 May 2016 10 May 2017 30 Nov 2020 30 June 2024
Together, an IBM and Red Hat team of subject matter experts will perform Migrate to 8 services using a three-phased approach:
“Red Hat Enterprise Linux Migrate to 8 leverages best practices from IBM’s Garage Methodology
and Red Hat’s Open Innovation Labs to help migrate Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms …
... allowing you to run mission critical workloads and provide a foundation for Red Hat
Automation and Containerization.”
To accelerate the desired outcome of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux upgrade, businesses have unique access to either IBM Garage or
Red Hat Innovation Labs. You choose what works best for you.
IBM Garage drives Enterprise Design Thinking at scale. Based Red Hat Open Innovation Labs is an immersive residency for
on agile principles for collocated and distributed teams, the IBM modernizing application development. IT teams innovate
Garage Methodology leverages DevOps tools and techniques faster and improve quality with a DevOps approach. In an Open
for continued delivery and operations, fosters digital talent and Innovation Lab, make large-scale changes iteratively, instead of
culture change, and enables Site Reliability Engineering. all at once - adjusting direction as you go.
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registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Red Hat®, Red Hat Enterprise Linux® are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Other product and service names might be
trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark
information” at