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Believers Foundation Class: Lesson 1

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NEW CREATION (The New Birth)
(Text: 2 Cor. 5:17 / John 3:1-8.)

Why Believers Foundation Classes?

1. To lay a correct and solid foundation for your walk with God. (Psa. 11:3.)
2. To understand the reality of being Born Again. (2 Cor. 5:17; John 8:36.)
3. To know who you are in Christ Jesus. (Identity in Christ). (Phi. 4:13; Rom. 8:1.)
4. To know the tools and ingredient necessary for spiritual growth. (2 Tim. 3:15-16.)
5. To help you to enjoy your Christian life. (John 10:10; Phi. 2:13.)

Introduction: When mankind fell from grace in the Garden of Eden, God put a plan in
place to restore us. That plan required us to be born twice. The second birth is a
spiritual one, and it is designed to change our Adamic nature into a Christ-like nature.
It forcefully removes us from Satan’s Kingdom and plants us into God’s Kingdom. When
we invite Jesus into our heart, we begin this wonderful journey of the New Creation.

What happened when you received Christ?

1. You became a Born Again child of God (John 1:12; 3:3-6.)
2. Became a New Person (Creation). (2 Cor. 5:17.)
3. Reconciled to God. (Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:18.)
4. Delivered from wages of sin. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 6:14.)
5. Empowered to live for God. (1 John 5:4-5; 1 John 4:4.)
Key: You have to believe all this to be true… (Matt. 16:16; Rom. 10:9-10; Heb. 11:6.)

Christian Core Values:

1. Seek to know God intimately, so that you can love Him wholeheartedly.
(Matt. 6:33; Jer. 9:23-24; Matt. 22:37-38.)
2. Learn to value people, so that you can love them unconditionally
(Matt. 22:39-40; 1 John 4:20-21.)
3. Develop a hatred for sin, Satan and everything he stands for (that’s not right)
(Rom. 6:23; Jam. 4:7; Luke 10:19.)
4. Seek to grow a disciplined spiritual life that makes you more like Christ
(1 Tim. 4:7-8; 1 Tim. 6:6-7 & 11; John 14:21 & 23-24.)

For a Christian to be stable:

1. Recognise the bigness of God (Luke 1:37; Jer. 32:27.)
2. Recognise the limitations of Satan (Mark 16:17-18; Phil. 2:9-11; Rev. 12:9-11.)
3. Understand the core need of people (John 3:3; Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23.)
4. Get to know your purpose so you can pursue it (1 Cor. 9:24-27; Phil. 3:13-21.)

Conclusion: If you want to keep growing in your faith, you must make up your mind to
give priority to your relationship with God. That means:
• Reading your Bible and praying to God everyday
• Listening and responding to God’s inner still voice
• Attending Church regularly
• Fleeing from temptations to sin against God
• Making the type of friends who are going where you want to go (spiritually).



Introduction: The bible contains the word of God. It is the gift of God to all men
everywhere, to help them get out of sin, misery and darkness. The bible is not an
ordinary book because the men who wrote it where inspired and moved by God’s Holy
Spirit to write exactly the truth as GOD GAVE IT TO THEM.

Every word is true and filled with God’s own power and authority. We should read our
bible as if it is God Himself speaking to us personally and directly. It will impart to us
light, understanding, spiritual food and physical health. It will cleanse us, sanctify us,
build us up and make us partakers of God’s own nature. It will give us power and
wisdom to overcome Satan – who is the enemy of our faith.

Understanding the importance of the word of God

Main Text: (2 Tim 3:16-17; Jos. 1:8; Psa. 119.)

1. The Bible was inspired by God. (2 Peter.1: 20-21.)

2. The Word of God is food for our human spirit. (Mat. 4:4; 1 Peter. 2:2-3.)

3. The Word of God gives us direction. (Psa. 119:105.)

4. The Word of God is health to our flesh. (Pro. 4:20- 22.)

5. The Word of God is spirit and life. (John 6:63.)

6. The Word of God must dwell in us richly.(Col 3:6; John 15:7.)

7. The Word of God builds us up. (Acts 20:32.)

8. The Word of God gives victory over Satan. (Rev. 12:11.)

9. The Word of God helps us not to sin. (Psa. 119:11.)

10. The Word of God gives us light and understanding. (Psa. 119:130.)

11. The Word of God brings comfort in affliction.(Psa. 119:50.)

12. The Word of God is settled in heaven. (Psa. 119:89.)

13. We must spend time to study and meditate on it. (Jos. 1:8; 2 Tim. 2:15.)

14. The Authority of God’s Word. (Psa. 119: 89, John 10:35, Isa. 55:10–11.)

God has called us to eat the Word, breath the Word, speak the Word, memorise the
Word, preach the Word, obey the Word, and live by the Word. Nothing less would do!



Text: Luke 11:9-13, Matt. 7:7-8, John 15:7.

Introduction: Prayer is the great means by which Christians come into the presence of
God to worship Him, and to receive the guidance, help and the strength for a victorious
life. Every Christian should set aside regular times each day to spend in personal prayer
and bible reading. For us to be powerful and influential in our world as Christians, we
need to know how to pray and to get answers to our prayers.

What is Prayer? (Matt. 6:6-14)

• Prayer is communicating with God. It involves talking and listening to God.

• Therefore, prayer is not just a monologue. Prayer is a dialogue.

• You talk to God and He answers you – although not always immediately or the way
you expect him to answer.

When should we pray?

1. Pray at all times. (Eph. 6:18, Luke 18:1)

2. Morning, Afternoon and Night. (Psa. 55:17)

3. Pray continuously. (1 Thess.5:17, Matt. 26:41)

Hindrances to Prayers

1. Doubt God’s Word. (James 1:5-8.)

2. Hypocrisy. (Matt. 6:5.)

3. Unnecessary Repetition. (Matt. 6:7.)

4. Wrong Motives. (James 4:3.)

5. Living in Sin. (James 5:14-16.)

6. Not Loving or Honouring your Spouse. (1Pet. 3v7)

7. Not Praying the Will of God. (1John 5:14-15)

How Do We Pray?

Text: (Matt. 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4)

1. Praise and Worship God. (vs.2; Psa. 29v2; 1Tim. 2:8)

2. Forgiveness of Sins. (vs.4; 2 Chron.7:14; John 20:23; 1John 1:9)

3. Ask for what you want. (v.3; Luke 18:41; 1Kings 17:18)

4. Pray in the name of Jesus. (Acts 3:6; John 14:13, 16:23)

5. Give Thanks. (Matt. 11:25; John 11:41-42)



Text: Rom. 1:16; Mark 16:15; Isa. 61v1-3; Prov. 11:30.

Introduction: Sharing our Faith with other people should and must be our priority
when we become believers (Born again). It is a command and an opportunity to identify
with and contributing to God’s kingdom. To be fulfilled as a Christian we must desire to
Walk, Talk and Act like Jesus. Our attitude, behaviour and the fruits of our lives are
ways of sharing our Faith. (Matt.5:16.)

Reasons for not sharing our Faith:

People shy away from reaching out to people around them for many reasons, and
overcoming them becomes really crucial if you are to be obedient to the call of the Great

Below are some of the reasons:

1. Lack of knowledge. (Hos. 4:6.)
2. Lack of boldness /Low self-esteem / Shame / Fear. (2 Tim. 1:7.)
3. Timidity. (2 Tim. 2:15; Acts 4:13; John 7:14-17.)
4. Too Busy. (Heb. 12:1; 2Cor. 4:18; Matt. 16:26.)
5. Cannot be bothered/ passive attitude. (Prov. 11:30; Rev. 2:1-5.)
6. Immaturity. (Heb. 5:12-14.)
7. No burden to see souls saved. (2 Pet. 3:9, Eph. 5:1.)
8. Don’t know the various approaches.(Luke 10:1; Matt. 10:5-10.)

Pointers on how to share our Faith:

1. Look for opportunities to share your faith

2. Do not talk too much around the bible but talk about the love of God, about
Jesus and the need for everyone to know Him. Keep it simple.

3. Be polite, don’t talk too much and don’t be arrogant or argumentative.

4. Deal with one person at a time (as you start to build your confidence).

5. Keep things people tell you confidential.

6. Be sensitive, when someone seems to be ready, pray with them (the sinner’s
prayer) and lead them to the Lord.

7. Encourage them to attend a full gospel church or invite them to yours.

8. Keep in touch and pray for them regularly.

Conclusion: When you share your faith with people around you, you are planting
spiritual seeds into their hearts. Learn to trust that those seeds will continue to take
root and grow. One day, when they are ready, God will touch their heart and save them.
But you would be rewarded for the part you played in getting them to that point.



Text: Acts 2:40-42, 46; Psa. 133, 1John1: 3-7.

Introduction: After we have given our heart and our life to Jesus, it is compulsory to
keep regular fellowship with believers to enhance our growth in the Lord. This is where
we receive the nutrients needed for our spiritual growth. Fellowship is defined as a
society of people sharing mutual interests and activities (such as Faith); it also means
Inter-mingling, Togetherness and Relationship.

FELLOW + SHIP = Fellows in the same ship / Group of people heading same direction
(aiming for the same goal, worshipping and serving the same God.)…

Why is the discipline of fellowship so important?

1. It is a command from God. (Heb. 10:24-25.)

2. It attracts Jesus’ spiritual presence. (Matt. 18:20.)

3. It’s where God releases His blessings. (Psa. 133: 1-3.)

4. It is a place of edification and encouragement. (Prov. 27:17, Col. 3:16.)

5. We are stronger together [Cooperate anointing] (Eccl. 4:9.)

6. It is where our spiritual perspective & faith is sustained. (Psa. 73: 2, 3, 17.)

7. It is the evidence that we are walking in the light. (1John 1:7a.)

8. It produces spiritual cleansing. (1John 1:7b)

9. It sharpens our ability to discern & hear God. (1 Cor. 12:7; Pro. 27:17.)

10. A lack of fellowship can cause us to become lukewarm (or backslide).

11. Fellowship is a practice that will continue in Eternity.


The Psalmist says:

For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be
a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of
wickedness. (Psalms 84:10.)

Question: What was he trying to say here? Discuss.



Text: Romans 6: 3-23, Matthew 28:19.

Introduction: Baptism cames from the Greek word BAPTIZO meaning to dip under, to
immerse or submerge. In this lesson we will be examining the meaning and significance
of baptism. To be baptised is to be totally immerse in water. It is a public declaration of
our faith; a sign and seal of salvation (…since we are washed by the blood of Jesus)

• Jesus (Matt. 3:13.)
• Commandment (Mark 16:15-16.)
• Peter’s sermon (Acts 2:38.)

Significance: Rom. 6:3-23.

1. Identify with Christ – in His death and resurrection (vs. 3&4)
2. Newness of life (vs. 4&6)
3. Dominion over death (vs. 9)
4. Dominion over sin (vs. 14)
5. Righteousness (vs. 19)
6. Eternal life (vs. 23)
7. Repentance. (Matt. 3:11a)
8. Remission of sins. (Acts 2:28)

Types of Baptism

1. Baptism into Christ: This takes place as soon as we give our life to Christ. This
is when the Holy Spirit opens our heart so that Jesus can come in (Rev. 3:20).
This is also when we are translated from Satan’s kingdom to God’s Kingdom.
• Also known as Baptism of Salvation (Titus 3: 5-7) or Baptism of Newness
(2 Cor. 5:15-17).

2. Baptism in Water: This is immersion in water after giving one’s life to Christ.
Identifying with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a public
declaration of our faith; a sign and seal of salvation. (Matt.3:13; 28:19)
• Baptizer – Local Church; Element– Water; Object– Believer.

3. Baptism with the Spirit: This takes place after Salvation. The in-filling of The
Holy Spirit. This is what the Apostles experience on the Day of Pentecost (Acts
• Baptizer – Jesus; Element – Holy Spirit; Object – Believer.


Text: Acts 2:1-4 & 38; John 16:7-14.

Introduction: Jesus in his entire ministry was completely dependent on the Holy
Spirit. Before the Holy Spirit descended upon Him at the river Jordan, He never
preached a sermon or performed a miracle. After that all he did was by the power of
the Holy Spirit. When He was about to leave His disciples, He promised them that He
would send the Holy Spirit to them, who would in turn be their Comforter and supply
all their spiritual needs. The promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when they
were all baptised in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2.)

Who is the Holy Spirit to us?

1. We need to understand that the Holy Spirit is a Person (with a distinct

personality); not a thing, or a bird, or a ghost, or a feeling.

2. He wants to be our Friend, Helper, Comforter, Counsellor, and our Advocate.

The Characteristics of Holy Spirit

1. He has a mind – (Rom. 8:27.)
2. He can be pleased and grieved – (Eph. 4:30.)
3. He leads and guides – (John 16:13; Rom. 8:14.)
4. He speaks and can hear – (John 16:13.)
5. He comforts and helps – (John 14:16.)
6. He teaches and directs – (John 14:26.)
7. He guards and protects – (John 16:13 / Ezek. 36:27.)
8. He strengthens and empowered – (Acts 1:8.)
9. He helps us to pray right – (Rom. 8:26-27.)
10. He helps us to love unconditional – (Rom.5:5.)
11. He helps us to understand God’s word – (John 14:26.)
12. He helps us to live free from sins- (Rom. 8:12-13, Gal. 5:16-17.)
13. He can help us know everything thing God wants us to know – (1Cor. 2:12.)

How to receive the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:37-39; Matt. 7:7-11.)

1. We must have a burning desire for the Holy Spirit (vs.37a) – They were cut to
the heart.
2. We must be willing to do whatever it takes (vs.37b) – What shall we do?
3. We must start with a genuine repentance (vs.38)
4. Be ready to be baptised (vs.38)
5. We must understand that the promise of the Holy Spirit is for all who believes
(vs. 39)
6. We must ask and receive the Holy Spirit by faith, then expect Him to fill us with
His presence.

Conclusion: When the Holy Spirit fills you to overflowing, you will overflow in a
language you did not learn. That’s what we call speaking in tongues. It is God’s way of
announcing that you’ve been filled with His Spirit. (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6.)


(John 14:15-17, 25-27; Acts 1:8.)

Introduction: There are two major areas of the Holy Spirit’s operation in Believers
that we need to understand and embrace. The first area is to do with the fruit He
deposits in us (to transform our character), and the second is to do with the gifts He
equips us with (to do the work He wants us to do for God).


2. JOY

*When the Holy Spirit enters into your heart, He brings in the nature and character
of God. So you now have all the about mentioned virtues in your heart. Just exercise
them whenever they are called for.

2. THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT… (1Cor.2: 9-12; 1Cor.12: 8-10.)

The Gifts of The Spirit are ministry tools for effectiveness and fruitfulness, these
spiritual gifts are given to believers for the profit of everyone. (1Cor.12:7). The gifts
can be divided into 3 classifications:

1. UTTERANCE OR VOCAL GIFTS: These Gifts declare or say something

a. Different kinds of Tongues
b. Interpretation of Tongues
c. Prophecy

2. REVELATION GIFTS: These Gifts reveal or show us something

a. Word of Knowledge (Informative)
b. Word of Wisdom (Instructive)
c. Discerning of Spirit

3. POWER GIFTS: These Gifts release the power of God or do mighty things
a. Gift of Healing
b. Gift of Miracles
c. Gift of Special Faith

Conclusion: Every child of God is entitled to at least one gift of the Spirit. Do you know
yours? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you which gift(s) He has for you.

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