AT17602 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Part - A Unit 1
AT17602 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Part - A Unit 1
AT17602 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Part - A Unit 1
Part – A
Unit 1
Unit 2
Since TRIAC can be triggered in either direction a trigger circuit with TRIAC
needs careful consideration.
SCRs are available in larger rating compared to TRIAC
Unit – 4
6. What is srm?
It is a doubly salient , single excited motor this means that it has salient poles on both rotor
and the stator. but only one member carries winding the rotor has no windings, magnets or
case windings.
7. What are the advantages of SRM?
Construction is very simple
Rotor carries no winding
No brushes and requires less maintenance
8. What are the disadvantages of SRM?
It requires a position sensor
Stator phase winding shold be capable of carrying magnetizing currents
9. Why rotor position sensor is essential for the operation of switched reluctance motor?
It is necessary to use a rotor position sensor for commutation and speed feedback. The
turning on and off operation of the various devices of power semiconductor switching
circuit are influenced by signals obtained from rotor position sensor.
1. Define EMI.
Electromagnetic interference, EMI, has been defined as undesired conducted or radiated
electrical disturbances from an electrical or electronic apparatus, including transients, which
can interfere with the operation of other electrical or electronic apparatus. Such
disturbances can occur anywhere in the electromagnetic spectrum.
2. What is meant by EMI shielding?
A shield is defined as a metallic or electrically conductive configuration inserted between a
source of EMI/RFI and a desired area of protection, which has the capability of absorbing
and/or reflecting EMI/RFI and reducing the energy levels thereof. As a practical matter, such
shields normally take the form of an electrically conductive housing that is electrically
3. Explain in brief about SAE J551 standard.
This SAE Standard covers the measurement of radio frequency radiated emissions and
immunity. Each part details the requirements for a specific type of electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) test and the applicable frequency range of the test method. The
methods are applicable to a vehicle or other device powered by an internal combustion
engine or electric motor.
4. Discuss in brief about the SAE J1113 standard.
This SAE Standard covers the measurement of voltage transient immunity and within the
applicable frequency ranges, audio (AF) and radio frequency (RF) immunity, and conducted
and radiated emissions.
5. Explain in detail about ASI 038 standard.
This standard specifies the construction and functional safety requirements for L, M and N
categories of electric power train vehicles.
6. What is the importance of measuring electrical isolation resistance?
Testing the electrical isolation between points within a fuel cell coolant loop and each
vehicle’s chassis is important because the coolant can be a shorting path.
7. Define the term electrical isolation.
The electrical resistance between a high-voltage source and any of the vehicle’s electrical
chassis divided by the working voltage of the high-voltage source.
8. Discuss in brief about the AIS 041 standard.
This standard applies to the representation of the curve as a function of motor speed and
the power at full load indicated by the vehicle/motor manufacturer for motors of electric
drive trains and the maximum 30 minutes power of electric drive trains intended for the
propulsion for L, M and N categories of Electric Power Train Vehicles as defined in Rule 2 (u)
of CMVR.
9. What is the importance of the test AIS 039?
This standard specifies the method for measurement of electrical energy consumption
expressed in Wh/km for L, M & N categories of Electric Power Train Vehicles as defined in
Rule 2 (u) of CMVR.
10. Discuss in brief about the AIS 048 standard.
This standard applies to the traction (driving power) batteries used for battery operated
vehicles of L, M and N category vehicles as defined in AIS-053.
Part – B
Unit – 1
Unit – 2
1. Discuss in detail about the specification and requirements of batteries for electric vehicle.
NOL: Page: 14-16
2. Explain in brief about Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Battery Operating Requirements.
NOL: Page: 17
3. Explain in brief about Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Battery Operating Requirements.
NOL: Page: 18
4. With a neat sketch discuss the chemistry and functioning of Lithium-ion battery.
NOL: Page: 19
5. With a neat sketch discuss the chemistry and functioning of Lithium-Polymer battery.
NOL: Page: 20
6. With a neat sketch discuss the chemistry and functioning of Ni-MH battery.
NOL: Page: 21
7. Discuss in brief about various charging standards.
NOL: Page: 27
8. Explain in detail about charging methods and charging mode for EV and HEV.
NOL: Page: 28-29
9. Discuss in detail about tesla power wall.
NOL: Page: 31
10. With a neat sketch explain in detail about the wireless power transfer technology
NOL: Page: 32
11. Explain in detail about the regenerative braking.
NOL: Page: 37
Unit – 3
Unit – 4
Unit – 5