Heq May21 Dip BDM Report
Heq May21 Dip BDM Report
Heq May21 Dip BDM Report
MAY 2021
General comments
Very few candidates attempted section A of the examination. Section (B) of the paper contained
the most popular questions. It covered the defining characteristics of Big Data – Laney’s v’s and
later extensions, volume, velocity, variety, valence, and value, typical measures of magnitude and
the challenges of Big Data – storage, infrastructure, technologies, processing.
Question number: A1
Syllabus area:
1 Big Data fundamentals
1.3 Challenges of Big data – storage, infrastructure, technologies, processing
3 Storage, data and programming interface models for Big Data
3.3 Data modelling – structured data, unstructured data and streamed data
3.4 Modelling real time data – pipelines with Kafka and similar technologies
Most candidates achieved reasonably high marks for this question. For part a the essential
distinction between structured and unstructured data was answered. Part b was generally well
answered although some candidates did not address consistency as a main issue. Part c was well
answered with the key areas of Kafka comprehensively described by many. A few attempts
showed difficulty in going beyond a simple publish and subscribe definition and tended to gain
lower marks for this part of the question.
Question number: A2
Syllabus area:
2 Management issues for Big Data
2.1 Staffing, skillsets, strategies, total cost of ownership
5 Big Data infrastructures
5.1 Networks, cloud based – in house v outsourced
Question number: A3
Syllabus area:
7 Introduction to R
7.2 R programming language – language and ecosystem basic syntax
7.3 Basic statistics in R – mode, mean, variance, moments
Question number: B4
Total marks allocated: 25
Examiners’ Guidance Notes
This was a very well answered question with most candidates achieving high marks. A small
number of candidates did not provide sufficient depth in their answers
Question number: B5
Total marks allocated: 25
Examiners’ Guidance Notes
Candidates were able to demonstrate good knowledge on these topics. Nearly all provided
satisfactory or better answers
Question number: B6
Total marks allocated: 25
Examiners’ Guidance Notes
A reasonably well answered question. Again more depth in the answers would have helped