Learning Tasks/Activities: Rubric For Video Project
Learning Tasks/Activities: Rubric For Video Project
Learning Tasks/Activities: Rubric For Video Project
Note: Provide a separate sheet in Microsoft word/PDF file for your answers on the questions
with the following format; Normal margins, Portrait, A4 size, Justify, 1.5 double line spacing
with Complete name, Course, Date, Class Schedule, Module/Lesson #, and Lesson Title.
1. Digestion of proteins begins in the ________ where ________ and ________ mix with
food to break down protein into ________. _____D_______
A. stomach; amylase; HCl; amino acids
B. mouth; pepsin; HCl; fatty acids
C. stomach; lipase; HCl; amino acids
D. stomach; pepsin; HCl; amino acids
1. Amino acids are not stored in the body. Describe how excess amino acids are
processed in the cell.
- It is absorbed and extracted as glucose or ketones because there are so many
amino acids. In the urea acid cycle, the nitrogen waste that is released in this phase is
processed to urea and removed in the urine. Amino acids can be used as an energy supply
in times of starvation and recycled via the period of Krebs.
2. Identify at least one type of diet that is published and discuss the metabolic
processes that occurs in that particular diet.
-The paleo diet argues that before agriculture evolved, you could consume the
same diets that your hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed. The hypothesis is that the
Western diet and the consumption of grains, dairy, and refined foods can be related to
most contemporary diseases. Although it is debatable if this diet actually contains the
same meals that your ancestors consume, some remarkable health benefits are correlated
with it. Whole meats, lean protein, vegetables, bananas, nuts, and seeds are emphasized
by the paleo diet, thus discouraging refined foods, sugar, butter, and grains.