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Dorico Pro3 - Text Tokens

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Engrave mode


Text tokens
Text tokens are codes that you can use as substitutes for information stored in your project, such
as titles, composers, and the time and date. This can reduce the risk of mistakes or outdated
information appearing in your project. Text tokens are also known as “wildcards” or “text codes”.

For example, if you use a token for the title of your project, you can change the project title in the
Project Info dialog as often as you want, and the project title in every layout in your project is
updated automatically.

Tokens can refer to information in the Project Info dialog, including for the whole project or
each flow individually. Tokens can also refer to the current time and date or the time and date
the project was last saved.

● You can only use text tokens in text frames. You cannot use tokens in text/system text
● Flow tokens refer to the nearest flow below the top edge of their text frame. When the top
edge of a text frame containing a flow token is in line with or above the top staff line of the
first staff in a system, it then refers to that flow.

You can specify the flow number to which you want flow tokens to refer, such as
{@flow2title@}. This always shows the specified flow, regardless of the token’s position.

If you want to use tokens that refer to flow information on pages that contain no music,
such as title pages, you must specify the flow number in the token. For example, if you use
{@flowtitle@} on a title page containing no music frames, the token does not display any
information, but {@flow1title@} displays the title of the first flow in your project.

You can see the flow number of each flow in the Flows panel in Setup mode.

The following tokens are available in Dorico Pro.


You can access all the available tokens from the context menu when the cursor is inside a text
frame. In the context menu, tokens are organized into submenus.

General tokens

Description Token

Page number {@page@}

Player list {@playerlist@}

Player names {@playernames@}

Layout name {@layoutname@}

Layout number, as set in the Layouts panel in {@layoutnumber@}

Setup mode

Dorico 3.1.10
Engrave mode

Staff label tokens

Music symbol Token

Full staff labels of the players in the current {@staffLabelsFull@}


Abbreviated staff labels of the players in the {@staffLabelsShort@}

current layout

You can use staff label tokens, for example, as an alternative way to name part layouts, instead
of using the default {@layoutName@} token shown at the top left of the first page in part


Staff label tokens might not exactly match the appearance of staff labels shown before initial
barlines; however, staff label tokens respect your per-layout options for how transpositions
appear in staff labels.

Music symbol tokens

Music symbol Token

Flat accidental: ♭ {@flat@}

Sharp accidental: ♯ {@sharp@}

Natural accidental: ♮ {@natural@}

Treble clef {@U+E050@}

Fermata above {@U+E4C0@}

● This list is not comprehensive, as you can enter the code point for any SMuFL symbol
within a token. You can find the necessary code points in the SMuFL specification online.
● Music symbol tokens in text frames automatically use the Music text character style,
which is set to Bravura Text by default.
● You can include music symbol tokens in fields in the Project Info dialog. For example, if
you enter Symphony in B{@flat@} major into the Title field, the title displayed in text
frames using the corresponding title token is Symphony in B♭ major.

Project/Flow-specific information tokens

Field in the Project Info Token for Project page Token for Flow pages

Title {@projecttitle@} {@flowtitle@}

Subtitle {@projectsubtitle@} {@flowsubtitle@}

Dorico 3.1.10
Engrave mode

Field in the Project Info Token for Project page Token for Flow pages

Dedication {@projectdedication@} {@flowdedication@}

Composer {@projectcomposer@} {@flowcomposer@}

Arranger {@projectarranger@} {@flowarranger@}

Lyricist {@projectlyricist@} {@flowlyricist@}

Artist {@projectartist@} {@flowartist@}

Copyist {@projectcopyist@} {@flowcopyist@}

Publisher {@projectpublisher@} {@flowpublisher@}

Editor {@projecteditor@} {@floweditor@}

Copyright {@projectcopyright@} {@flowcopyright@}

Work number {@projectworknumber@} {@flowworknumber@}

Composer dates {@projectcomposerdates@} {@flowcomposerdates@}

Composition year {@projectcompositionyear@} {@flowcompositionyear@}

Other information {@projectotherinfo@} {@flowotherinfo@}

Per-flow tokens

Per-flow token function Token

Flow number of the current flow, according to {@flownumber@}

its position in the Flows panel in Setup mode

Flow number of the current flow, according to {@flowInLayoutNumber@}

its position in the current layout.

Flow number of the current flow shown in {@flowNumberRomanLower@}

lower case Roman numerals, such as iii or xvi

Flow number of the current flow shown in {@flowNumberRomanUpper@}

upper case Roman numerals, such as III or XVI

Number of this page within the current flow, {@flowPage@}

counting from 1

Total number of pages in the current flow {@flowPageCount@}

Dorico 3.1.10
Engrave mode

Per-flow token function Token

The displayed page number on which the {@flownPageCount@}

specified flow “n” begins, such as

Duration of the current flow in minutes and {@flowDuration@}


Duration of the specified flow “n” in minutes {@flownDuration@}

and seconds, such as {@flow3Duration@}

Page number tokens

Page number token function Token

Total number of pages in the layout {@pageCount@}

Number of this page within the current flow, {@flowPage@}

counting from 1 for the first page of the flow
and including pages with no displayed page

Total number of pages in the current flow {@flowPageCount@}

Displayed page number of the page on which {@flownFirstPage@}

the specified flow “n” begins, according to its
position in the Flows panel in Setup mode, for
example, {@flow5FirstPage@}


{@flowPage@} and {@flowPageCount@} tokens only consider the flow that is active at the
beginning of the first system of the music frame closest to the top left corner of the page on
which the tokens are used.

Time/Date tokens to show when the project was last saved

Time/Date description Time/Date example Token

Standard date and time string Sun Dec 31 11:10:12 2017 {@projectdate@}
(locale dependent)

Four-digit year 2017 {@projectdateyear@}

Two-digit year 17 {@projectdateyearshort@}

Full month name (locale October {@projectdatemonth@}


Short month name (locale Oct {@projectdatemonthshort@}


Dorico 3.1.10
Engrave mode

Time/Date description Time/Date example Token

Month as a decimal number, 10 {@projectdatemonthnum@}

range 1-12

Full weekday name (locale Friday {@projectdateday@}


Abbreviated weekday name Fri {@projectdatedayshort@}

(locale dependent)

Day of month as decimal 24 {@projectdatedaynum@}

number, range 1-31

ISO 8601 date 2017-12-31 {@projectdateymd@}

Month day, year December 31, 2017 {@projectdatemdy@}

Day month year 31 December 2017 {@projectdatedmy@}

Time representation (locale 11:10:12 {@projectdatetime@}


Hours:minutes, hour in 24- 23:10 {@projectdatetimeHHMM@}

hour clock range

Hours:minutes:seconds, hour 13:02:24 {@projectdatetimeHHMMSS@

in 24-hour clock range }

Hour in 24-hour clock range 23 {@projectdatetimehour24@}

Hour in 12-hour clock range 11 {@projectdatetimehour12@}

Minute as decimal number, 10 {@projectdatetimeminute@}

range 00-59

Second as decimal number, 44 {@projectdatetimesecond@}

range 00-59

Time/Date tokens to show the current time and date

Time/Date description Time/Date example Token

Standard date and time string Sun Dec 31 11:10:12 2017 {@date@}
(locale dependent)

Four-digit year 2017 {@dateyear@}

Two-digit year 17 {@dateyearshort@}

Full month name (locale October {@datemonth@}


Dorico 3.1.10
Engrave mode

Time/Date description Time/Date example Token

Short month name (locale Oct {@datemonthshort@}


Month as a decimal number, 10 {@datemonthnum@}

range 1-12

Full weekday name (locale Friday {@dateday@}


Abbreviated weekday name Fri {@datedayshort@}

(locale dependent)

Day of month as decimal 24 {@datedaynum@}

number, range 1-31

ISO 8601 date 2017-12-31 {@dateymd@}

Month day, year December 31, 2017 {@datemdy@}

Day month year 31 December 2017 {@datedmy@}

Time representation (locale 11:10:12 {@datetime@}


Hours:minutes, hour in 24- 23:10 {@datetimeHHMM@}

hour clock range

Hours:minutes:seconds, hour 13:02:24 {@datetimeHHMMSS@}

in 24-hour clock range

Hour in 24-hour clock range 23 {@datetimehour24@}

Hour in 12-hour clock range 11 {@datetimehour12@}

Minute as decimal number, 10 {@datetimeminute@}

range 00-59

Second as decimal number, 44 {@datetimesecond@}

range 00-59

Project Info dialog on page 101
Player, layout, and instrument names on page 137
Flow names and flow titles on page 143
Renumbering layouts on page 136
Instrument transpositions in staff labels on page 1139

Dorico 3.1.10

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