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Domestic Violence Syllabus

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Bangor Theological Seminary Two College Circle PO Box 411 Bangor ME 04402-0411

ET 1751: Domestic and Sexual Violence in Theological Perspective

Fall 2009: Tuesdays, 9:00 to 11:50 a.m.

Instructors: Marvin M. Ellison 774-5212, ext. 207 (mellison@bts.edu) Kati McCarthy 945-5102, ext. 19 (kmccarthy@sprucerun.net) A Christian moral theology must be answerable to what women [and other survivors] have learned by struggling to lay hold of the gift of life. . . . We must learn what we are to know of love from immersion in the struggle for justice. Beverly Wildung Harrison, Making the Connections Course description: This course seeks to increase awareness of sexual and domestic violence, develop strategies of response and prevention, and strengthen cooperation between faith communities and community resources. A major focus is the religious and theological concerns of victims/ survivors and their questions about suffering, power, forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. 3 credits Course outcomes: This course allows students to: 1. Increase awareness of the nature and extent of sexual and domestic abuse. 2. Increase self-awareness of clergy contributions and limitations with respect to these concerns. 3. Examine how sexual and domestic abuse are experienced from different standpoints: abused, abuser, witness, helper/advocate. 4. Deepen understanding of how diverse religious traditions respond to intimate violence and educate/advocate for personal and social change. 5. Learn how to assess effectiveness and maintain accountability as part of a coordinated community response to abuse. Fit with Degree Program Goals: For M.A. candidates, this course will help students (1) acquire knowledge of the cultural, social, and ethical realities in which religion operates and (2) develop the ability to engage in critical and constructive theological reflection.

2 For M.Div. candidates, this course will help students (1) gain knowledge of the ecumenical Christian heritage and of the cultural, social, and ethical realities in which the churches live and respond, (2) develop the ability to act with moral sensitivity, compassion, and justice in diverse ministry settings, and (3) offer opportunity for developing a prophetic voice within a variety of social and cultural contexts. Grading: Students will receive a letter-grade unless s/he requests in writing, no later than October 6, to be evaluated on a Pass/D/Fail basis. Course Requirements: 1. Class participation (35%) a. Consistent attendance, timely completion of assigned readings, and constructive participation in discussions, including active listening. (15%) b. Facilitation of one or more class discussions (including written outline of material) (10%) In advance of the class session: 1. 2. 3. 4. Prepare a brief (one page) outline of your assigned reading. Make copies of the outline to distribute to class participants. Briefly identify key concepts/insights you find in the reading. List one or two questions this reading raises for you.

c. In-class presentation of your research topic (10%) 2. Three brief writing assignments (due September 22, November 3, and December 15). (30%) 3. Final course evaluation (due December 22). (5%) As a way to review and assess our work together, in one or two pages share your reflections about three things: a. Key learnings youve acquired in this course about ministry in relation to domestic and sexual abuse; b. Particular readings youve found helpful (or not), and why; and c. Suggestions for improving this course. 4. Research essay due January 8, 2010: (30%) An essay approximately 12-15 typed, doubled-spaced pages, in which you reflect on some aspect of religion and sexual and/or domestic violence. Include the following in your essay: (1) a statement of the problem; (2) clarification of your interests, values, and social location; (3) review of pertinent literature [a minimum of 3-4 journal articles]; (4) analysis of the ethical issues, including insights from

3 Christian or other religious traditions; and (5) a constructive proposal for prophetic ministry in response to this concern. Written work will be evaluated in terms of: Overall clarity of your thinking and expression. Your critical engagement with texts, including demonstration of your understanding of the authors main points and ability to evaluate them fairly. Your ability to state and give an accounting for your own position. Note: Late work will be penalized.

Required texts: Adams, Carol. Woman-Battering. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994. Fortune, Marie M. Keeping the Faith: Guidance for Christian Women Facing Abuse. San Francisco: Harper, 1987. Fortune, Marie M. Sexual Violence: The Sin Revisited. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2005. Maguire, Daniel C. and Sadiyya Shaikh, ed. Violence Against Women in Contemporary World Religion: Roots and Cures. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 2007. NiCarthy, Ginny. Getting Free. Seattle: Seal Press, 1986. Poling, James Newton. Understanding Male Violence: Pastoral Care Issues. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2003. Other resources: Anton, Jean, ed. Walking Together: Working with Women from Diverse Religious and Spiritual Traditions: A Guides for Domestic Violence Advocates. Seattle, WA: Faith Trust Institute, 2005. Brown, Joanne and Carole Bohn, eds. Christianity, Patriarchy, and Abuse. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1989. Coleman, Monica A. The Dinah Project: A Handbook for Congregational Response to Sexual Violence. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 2004. Heggen, Carolyn Holderread. Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1993. Herman, Judith. Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror. New York: Basic Books, 1997.

Hollies, Linda. Sister, Save Yourself! Direct Talk About Domestic Violence. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 2006. Leventhal, Beth and Sandra E. Lundy. Same-Sex Domestic Violence: Strategies for Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999. McClure, John S. and Nancy J. Ramsay, eds. Telling the Truth: Preaching about Sexual and Domestic Violence. Cleveland, OH: United Church Press, 1998. Miles, Al. Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2000. Trible, Phyllis. Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984. Weems, Renita. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1995. West, Traci C. Wounds of the Spirit: Black Women, Violence, and Resistance Ethics. New York: New York University Press, 1999. Schedule of topics and assignments: #1. September 15: In class: Introduction to this course and colleagues Developing ground rules: How to make this an ethical classroom?

#2. September 22: Opening: Due today:

Ecological Analysis of Domestic Abuse ______________________________ Writing assignment #1: Why does this issue matter?

In preparation of writing, sit for a time with the following questions: 1. What were your first experiences as a witness of violence? What were your reactions? Do you remember feelings? 2. Have you ever been on the receiving end of violence? Reflect on that experience(s) and how you have been affected. 3. Have you ever been violent toward anyone? What was that experience like? Have you had further contact with the person harmed? Under what conditions are you capable of violent behavior?

5 After reflecting about these questions, write a brief paper (2-4 page typed, doublespaced) in which you answer the question, Why does this issue matter to me and others? Summarize your own thoughts about violence, including theological assumptions that have influenced your thinking. Finally, identify any questions or issues you wish to explore during this course. Reading: Carol J. Adams, Woman-Battering, Preface, Introduction, and Ch. 1-2 (pp. 5-55). Ginny NiCarthy, Getting Free, Introduction and Section I (Making the Decision to Leave or Stay), and Ch. 24 (Emotional Abuse), pp. xix-70, 285-304. Lisa Pohlmann, Skeek Frazee, and Merril Cousin, Information Guide for Abused Women in Maine (Augusta, Maine: Maine Division, American Association of University Women, 1988, and The Maine Coalition for Family Crisis Services, 1988-1991). Video: Broken Vows [in class]

#3. September 29: Sexual Violence Opening: Reading: __________________________________ Marie Fortune, Sexual Violence: The Sin Revisited, Preface, Prologue, and Chapters 1-4.

Discussion leaders: [Bring copies of your outline with insights and questions] Ch. 1 ___________________________ Ch. 2 ____________________________ Ch. 3: ____________________________ Ch. 4: ____________________________ #4. October 6: Opening: Reading: Batterers and Perpetrators: Issues of Accountability ________________________________ Adams, Woman-Battering, chapter 5 (pp. 87-102). Adams and Fortune, Violence Against Women and Children, Calling to Accountability, 451-463.

6 James Newton Poling, Understanding Male Violence: Pastoral Care Issues, Introduction and Chapters 1-3, and 6. Marvin M. Ellison, Erotic Justice: A Liberating Ethic of Sexuality, Ch. 5 (Securing the Sanctity of Every Body), pp. 94-113. October 13: Reading Week (no class session) #5. October 20: Opening: Exploring Responses to Sexual and Domestic Abuse: What Helps? __________________________________

Assignment: Fill out Community Resources List Reading: Adams, Woman-Battering, Ch. 3-4 (pp. 56-86). Fortune, Sexual Violence, Ch. 6-7 (pp. 110-161). NiCarthy, Getting Free, Sections II and III (pp. 71-157). Traci C. West, Wounds of the Spirit: Black Women, Violence, and Resistance Ethics, Ch. 6 (Identifying Resistance), pp.151-80. Marvin M. Ellison, Setting the Captives Free: Same-Sex Domestic Violence and the Justice-Loving Church, in Marvin M. Ellison and Sylvia Thorson-Smith, eds., Body and Soul: Rethinking Sexuality as Justice-Love (Pilgrim, 2003), pp. 284-99.

#6. October 27: Opening: Reading:

Bible and Abuse _____________________________________ Fortune, Keeping the Faith Fortune, Sexual Violence, Ch. 5 (pp. 101-109). Frederick W. Keene, Structures of Forgiveness in the New Testament, in Adams and Fortune, Violence Against Women and Children, Part II (Reconsidering Biblical Concepts), pp. 121-34. Catherine Clark Kroeger, Lets Look Again at the Biblical Concept of Submission, in Adams and Fortune, pp. 135-40.

7 Peter Horsfield, The Gerasene Demoniac and the Sexually Violated, in Adams and Fortune, Violence Against Women and Children, pp. 141-50. #7. November 3: Opening: Due today: Theological Issues _______________________________ Writing assignment #2

In 2-4 pages (typed, double-spaced), discuss two or three theological claims/messages and reflect on how these may be helpful or hurtful to women who have been battered and/or sexually assaulted. Reading: Adams, Woman-Battering, Chapter 6 (pp. 103-114). Fortune, Sexual Violence, Ch. 8 (What About Forgiveness?), pp. 162-170. Poling, Understanding Male Violence, Chapter 8-12 (pp. 147-204). Carolyn Heggen, Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches, Ch. 5 (Religious Beliefs and Abuse), pp. 82-97. #8. November 10: Opening: Reading: Listening to/learning from survivors __________________________________ NiCarthy, Getting Free, Sections V and VI. Adams, Woman-Battering, Ch. 1 (re-read) #9. November 17: Opening: Reading: Christian responses ___________________________________ Maguire, Daniel C. and Sadiyya Shaikh, ed. Violence Against Women in Contemporary World Religion: Roots and Cures, Introduction (The Religiously Induced Illness of Womens Subordination and Its Cure), pp. 1-8. Christine E. Gudorf, Violence Against Women in World Religions, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 9-28. Grace M. Jantzen, The Courtroom and the Garden, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 29-48.

Maria Jose Rosado-Nunes and Regina Soares Jurkewicz, Sexual Violence in the Roman Catholic Church, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 212-30. Video: Religious Consultation, What Harm Is It to Be a Woman? [in class]

November 24: Thanksgiving Recess [no class] #10. December 1: Opening: Reading: Jewish and Buddhist responses _______________________________ David R. Loy, The Karma of Women, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 49-65. Ouyporn Khuankaew, Buddhism and Violence Against Women, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 174-191. Liora Gubkin, I Will Espouse You With Righteousness and Justice, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 192-211. Video: Religious Consultation, What Harm Is It to Be a Woman? [in class] Hindu and Muslim responses ____________________________ Sadiyya Shaikh, A Tafsir of Praxis: Gender, Marital Violence, and Resistance in the South African Muslim Community, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp. 66-89. Veena Talwar Oldenburg, Sitas Epic Journey: Reflections on the Violence in the Lives of Hindu Women in North India, in Maguire and Shaikh, pp.153-73. Guest: #12. December 15: Developing a Prophetic Ministry and Voice Opening: Due today: ______________________________ Writing assignment #3

#11. December 8: Opening: Reading:

9 In 3-5 pages, first define what you mean by prophetic ministry, and then discuss some of the opportunities for justice advocacy in both congregational and community contexts. What obstacles are you likely to encounter in addressing sexual and domestic abuse, and how might these obstacles be overcome? Reading: Adams, Woman-Battering, Conclusion, pp. 115-118. Fortune, Sexual Violence, Chapters 9-11, Epilogue, and Afterword Traci West, Wounds of the Spirit, Ch. 7 (Maintaining the Momentum, Sustaining an Ethic of Resistance), pp. 181-207.

#13: December 22: Opening: Due Today:

Reports on research topics ______________________________ Course evaluation

Friday, January 8, 2010: Research essay (see descriptions, page 2) due today. Note: If you wish to have your final work returned to you by mail, please submit a self- addressed, stamped envelope with your paper. Otherwise, you may pick up your coursework at the Registrars office after January 25, 2010.

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