1ST Efdt Mapeh 10 Sir Gonzales
1ST Efdt Mapeh 10 Sir Gonzales
1ST Efdt Mapeh 10 Sir Gonzales
At the end of the lesson
1. Assess physical activities, exercises and eating habits.
2. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a
Reading Book
PowerPoint Presentation
A. Explore
How about this picture? Mr. Antonio: Sir, the picture shows that
in dancing, there’s a lot of benefits like
burning fats.
Very well said, Mr. Antonio!
B. Firm –up
Now, I want all of you to watch and listen
carefully to the video, to answer my
questions later. Ms. Tejada: Okay po, noted po Sir!
Link: https://youtu.be/SA5K6tR7PLU
According to the video, what are the 10 Mr. Alday: Sir, I only remember 3
benefits of dancing? benefits in dancing. First, we will make
new friends. Second, it builds self-
confidence. And the third is, it improves
your posture.
Who’s next? There’s still 7 benefits in Ms. Almeria: Sir, I remember 4 of them.
dancing, what are those? It reduces stress, it will help to regulate
your weight, dancing increases your
flexibility, and It builds strong muscles.
C. Deepen
D. Transfer
Now, answer the page 405 in your book Ms. Caballes: Nothing, Sir!
with the title “I Know.” Think of a short
narration where you can use your hip-hop
dancing skills in your daily activities (Thank you so much, Sir!)