Personal Development
Personal Development
Personal Development
Discovering my The learner Illustrate the 1.discuss the Knowing Analyzing Essay Written Essay writing Presentation Panel
uniqueness develops as a whole person connections relationship among Writing Exam about his/her discussion
between thoughts, physiological, what make
and the various aspects of feelings, and cognitive, him/her
holistic development: behaviors in a psychological, Case study unique. “Draw me
physiological, cognitive, person’s holistic spiritual, and social solving that
development. development to Case study Picture”
psychological, spiritual, and
understand his/her
social development. thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors
Quiz Visualizing “Sweet
situations talks”
2. evaluate his/her
own thoughts,
feelings, and
behaviors Seatwork
Understanding Evaluating Communication
3. show the
connections between
thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors in
actual life situations Doing Creating Reasons and proofs
The learner demonstrates The learner 1.classify various Knowing Analyzing Essay Written Role Play Buzz
understanding in the skills demonstrates in developmental tasks Exam Group
and tasks appropriate for making a list of according to Writing Connections
middle and late adolescence, ways to become developmental stage
and preparatory to early responsible KWL
adulthood. adolescents 3.2 ev 2. evaluate one’s Quiz Video Making
development in
prepared for adult
comparison with Understanding Creating
Developmental persons of the same Sweet
age group Seatwork Problem Solving Talks
Stages in Middle
and Late 3. list ways to become
Adolescence a responsible Doing Analyzing Concept
adolescent prepared
for adult life Mapping
The challenges of The Challenges of 1. Clarify and 1.Discuss that facing
the middle and late Middle and Late manage the the challenges during Knowing Analyzing Quiz Written Research Problem solving Buzz Group
adolescence. Adolescence demands of the adolescence may able Exam
teen years (middle to clarify and manage
The developmental
Coping with stress and late the demands of teen
in middle and late changes in middle and years. Seat work
late adolescence, and adolescence).
expectations of and 2. Identify personal 2.Express his/her Self check
from adolescents. ways of coping for feelings on the and
healthful living. expectations of the Evaluation
Coping with Stress in significant people Doing Evaluating Research
Middle and Late around him/her
Adolescence (parents, siblings,
friends, teachers,
The developmental
community leaders). Problem/
changes in middle and
late adolescence, and 3.Make affirmations solving Sweet talks
expectations of and that help one become
from adolescents. more lovable and
capable as an
adolescent. “Mirror,
Understanding Creating Mirror on
4.Discuss that the wall”
understanding stress
and its sources during
adolescence may help
in identifying ways to
cope and have a
healthful life.
Knowing Analyzing
5.Identify sources of
one’s stress and
illustrate the effect of
stress on one’s
personal ways of
coping with stress for
healthful living.
Understanding Analyzing
Doing Creating
Prepared by:
Criteria Beginning (1-5 points) Developing (6-10 points) Accomplished (11-15 points) SCORE
The scenario and solution in the The scenario and solution in the The scenario and solution in the action
action plan are not clear enough action plan are realistic and plan are realistic and absolutely effective
Content to give readers accurate view of effective, but some details are as based from Biblical principles.
the situation ; the details are not related and weak.
vague or are not related to the
GENERAL The scenario and solution in the The scenario and solution in the The scenario and solution in the action plan
action plan are not well action plan are well organized are well organized and related to the
Organization organized and related to the and related to the challenge; just challenge;
challnege; the points are not some are not
There were more than three There were one to three errors in The action plan was well presented and
Structure errors in spelling, mechanics, spelling, mechanics, word usage done.
word usage and neatness of and neatness of work.
TASK SPECIFIC Knowledge The use of appropriate There some inappropriate The principles being applied in the action
Steps and principles principles being applied in the plan are realistic and effective.
action plan
are not appropriate at
all for the chosen
situation in the action plan.
Subject Teacher
Culminating Performance Standard: Proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective delivery.
Types of Communicative The learner The learner Engages in a communicative Essay Written
Strategy recognizes that situation using acceptable, Exam
communicative demonstrates polite and meaningful Understanding Analyzing Writing Informal Communication
1. Nomination competence effective use of communicative strategies
2. Restriction communicative
3. Turn-taking requires strategy in a Debate
4. Topic control understanding of variety of speech
5. Topic shifting situations. Explains that a shift in Quiz Think-Pair-
6. Repair speech context, speech context, speech style, Share
7. Termination speech style, speech act and
speech act and communicative strategy
communicative affects the following
Language form Fast Talk
Duration of
Relationship of Connections
speaker Understanding Applying
Role and Role Play
responsibilities of
the speaker
Types of Speeches The learner The learner Distinguishes types of Understanding Analyzing Communication
A. According to purpose realizes the rigors proficiently speeches. Quick
of crafting one’s delivers various writing
Expository/ speech speeches using the
Informative principles of Uses principles of effective
Speech effective speech speech delivery in different Think-Pair-
Persuasive Speech delivery situations. Write
Entertainment Speech
Prepared by:
Standard and Criteria for the Success: Your project will be graded using the rubric below.
Criteria Beginning (1-5 points) Developing (6-10 points) Accomplished (11-15 points) SCORE
GENERAL The speech lacks many pertinent The speech lacks one or two The speech includes all the pertinent points about the
points about the topic. pertinent points about the topic. topic.
Organization The ideas in the The ideas in the The ideas in the speech are
speech are logically organized,
but some
speech are not logically logically organized; transitions are clear and properly
organized; transitional devices transitions are unclear or used.
are not used or unclear. inappropriate.
Language There were eight or more There were four to seven There were only zero to three language errors.
language errors. language errors.
(spelling, mechanics, grammar, and
The first draft and edited speech The first draft and edited speech The first draft and edited speech were submitted ahead of
were submitted more than day were submitted a day late. or on time.
The purpose, topic, and main The purpose, topic, and main The purpose, topic, and main ideas are clear and
Evident purpose and research in speech ideas are not clear. ideas are clear, but there is a supported by detailed and accurate information.
content lack of detailed information.
The speech was uninteresting The speaker showed good The speaker demonstrated good stage presence,
and not presented well. delivery but needs to improve in confidence, facial expressions, gestures, movements,
Speech delivery some areas. proper word articulation, and appropriate voice
The speaker failed to engage and The speaker was effective in The speaker was effective in engaging and sustaining the
sustain the interest of the engaging and sustaining the interest of the audience and maintained eye contact all
audience; no eye contact interest of the audience in some throughout the speech.
Rapport with audience parts of the speech
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