Ethics Course Guide
Ethics Course Guide
Ethics Course Guide
Course Outline
Orientation of the subject and class room policies; VMGO
Moral Dilemmas
Cultural Relativism
The Filipino Way
Universal Value
Week 5-6
Universal Values and Human Survival
Development and Stages of Moral Character
Week 9 Reasoning
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Week 12 Aristotle and St. Aquinas on Virtue
Week 14 Utilitarianism
Final Exam
Course Requirements
Midterm & Final Examinations
Chapter Assessments
Group Presentations
Course Learning Outcomes Required Output
CLO 1. Differentiate between moral and non- Midterm & Final Examinations
moral problems. Quizzes
CLO 2. Describe what a moral experience is Essay
as it happens in different levels of Oral recitations
human existence.
CLO 3. Explain the influence of Filipino culture
on the way students look at moral
experiences and solve moral
CLO 4. Describe the elements of moral
development and moral experience.
CLO 5. Use ethical frameworks or principles to
analyze moral experiences.
CLO 6. Make sound ethical judgments based
on principles, facts, and the
stakeholders affected.
CLO 7. Develop sensitivity to the common
CLO 8. Understand and internalize the
principles of ethical behaviour in
modern society at the level of the
person, society, and in interaction with
the environment and other shared
Course Policies Grading System
1. For each chapter, there are discussion, 1. There will be two rating periods: Mid-term,
examples, and exercises as a course and Finals
requirement to contribute 60% of your 2. The grade for each rating period shall be
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grades. computed as:
2. Students shall faithfully observes prompt 60%- Class Standing
and regular attendance in all class 40%- Major Examination
sessions. 3. Mid-Term Grade+Final Grade/2
3. Time lost by late enrolment is Average Grade = (Mid-term Grade+Final
considered lost by absence. Grade)/2
4. A student, who for unavoidable cause
(s) absents himself/herself from class
must obtain an excuse slip from the
College Dean to be presented to the
instructor concerned not later than the
second class session following the
student’s return.
5. In case of absence due to illness, a
medical certificate must be obtained
from the attending physician or
university physician and must be
presented to the instructor not later than
the second class session following the
student’s return.
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Consultation Schedule
Friday, 8am-12:00 pm
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