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Research Proposal Group 11

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Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School i

Learning Activities in Word Wall Application and

Printed Materials for Grade 5 Learners
Towards Improve Reading

An Action Research
Presented to
The Faculty of Graduate School
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Education
Major in Elementary Education (Non-Thesis)


April 2022
Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School ii


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………i

APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………



TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………..ii

I. Context and Rationale………………………………………..1
II. Brief Review of Literature……………………………………4
III. Scope and Limitation………………………………………..7
IV. Significance of the Study…………………………………...7
V. Research Questions………………………………………...8
VI. Methodology…………………………………………………9
Research Design………………………………………9
Subjects of the Study………………………………….10
Data Gathering Instrument……………………………11
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………13
Data Analysis Plan…………………………………….14
VII. Results and Discussion……………………………………
VIII.Conclusions and Recommendations…………………....

REFERENCES ………………………………………………….15

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 1

I. Context and Rationale

Reading is one of the important basic skill that a learner must have.

As the generation passed by, the learners’ reading comprehension is not

evidently observed nowadays.

As a facilitator of learning, teachers need to think of a way on how to

make every learner a proficient reader. Teachers are one of the person

who can help them to develop their reading skills even in this time of


In support with this the Department of Education (DepEd) issued

memorandum No. 173 s. 2019 HAMON: Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs

initiative). Through this the Department of Education (DepEd) can

continuously fulfill its mandate to produce productive and responsible

citizens equipped with essential competencies and skills for a lifelong


According to the results released of Program for International

Student Assessment (PISA) dated December 3, 2019, Filipino students

scored a mean of 340 points in the reading comprehension exam — the

OECD average is 487 points. Performances of both boys and girls in

reading also ranked lowest among PISA-participating countries.

It also reflects with the researchers’ observation that the reading

comprehension of pupils specifically in English is low. Based from this

observation of the teachers, the Phil-Iri results shows that many pupils
Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 2

were slow readers and most learners were poor in reading comprehension.

Due to the pandemic many pupils are exposed to gadgets. They stay at

home and most of them engage in surfing the internet and different online

games. Learners now get unmotivated to read short stories because they

are now focus with the technology around them.

It clearly shows that learners need help motivation to continue and

improve their reading ability and for them to exercise their comprehension

abilities as well. It also develops their creativity, imagination and exercises

mental muscles. Reading with comprehension improves their vocabulary

and spelling skills in written and communication abilities.

In this new normal situation, everything is a challenge especially on

how pupils will read with comprehension. It requires a lot of effort for both

parent and teacher to let them engage and love reading, preparation of

localized materials like short stories with questions, using word wall

application and proper monitoring of teachers in reading via google meet

and messenger will help pupils to enhance their comprehension ability in

these new normal teaching and learning situations.

In connection with this, the researcher believe that this study about

the use of different learning activities will definitely improve the reading

comprehension of the learners.

Learning activities like word wall application and printed reading

materials can be big help when it comes to teaching reading with

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 3

comprehension to grade five pupils to improve their comprehension skills.

Word wall application is a collection of words which are displayed in large

visible letters on a wall, bulletin board, or other display surface in a

classroom. The word wall is designed to be an interactive tool for students

and contains an array of words that can be used during writing and

reading. While printed booklet reading materials are booklets which consist

of short stories with a set of questions at the end of each story related to it.

The researchers were also motivated to conduct this research study

to be well prepared not only with the necessary knowledge and skills in

teaching reading but also to be able to prepare and use the most

appropriate strategies for the pupils.

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 4

II. Brief Review of Literature

Topics on different learning activities related to the enhancement of

reading comprehension were reviewed in this study to clarify the focus of

the study.

Yates (2011) mentioned that it is important to make word walls

interactive and not simply a list of words for students to use. “Teachers

should not only have a word wall but, more importantly, also do the word

wall by involving the students actively in both creating and interacting with

the words on the wall”. Learners engage themselves in reading the words

in the wall and through that they can easily acquire the idea of the story

they have read.

It is supported also by the study of Jackson & Durham (2016) that

shows that the word walls strategically target vocabulary and include visual

aids that illustrate word meanings to deepen understanding. Interactive

word walls often include a visual representation of specific vocabulary

words and labels.

Student achievement improves when academic vocabulary, student-

generated materials, and visual supports are arranged to organize

learning. Interactive word walls support the Common Core Language Arts

standards because they help students form relationships with vocabulary

and learn through interactive visual literacy. Comprehension and

vocabulary need to go hand in hand to comprehend the larger texts being

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 5

read, readers must have knowledge of the smaller words that make up the

text. The more words a reader knows and understands, the better they are

able to comprehend what they have read (Boyer, 2017).

Another study on the effectiveness of word walls reported that

scores on high-stakes tests increased across all student groups when

teachers used interactive word walls and provided opportunities for

students to encounter and use science vocabulary in authentic and

engaging ways (Jackson, et al., 2011). An interactive word wall, as

opposed to the traditional word wall, provides visual aids that assist in

illustrating word meanings and conceptually organize words to deepen

understanding. These word walls usually include a visual representation of

the word along with a vocabulary label, with definitions optional.

DeBruin-Parecki et al. (2015) states that reading enables students

to become independent in comprehending complex text structures while

improving their proficiency in academic and professional skills. Successful

readers tend to have a higher extent of comprehension as they are able to

create connections between different ideas, understand complex notions

and reflect on the information simultaneously while reading. Hence,

educators are required to implement educational strategies that promote

critical thinking and pre-reading to develop comprehension skills in

students (Javed et al., 2015).

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 6

It was also supported by the study of Glenberg (2017) which implies

that comprehension accounts as the ability to engage in adequate

response to the information provided in text. Similarly, reading

interventions in education settings enables the students to engage in the

critical reflection and understanding of text, and utilize rational thinking in

order to generate adequate responses in comprehension.

Teachers must create lessons that provide choice and purposes for

reading. Tasks should be created for students based on ability. Students

must be instructed on how to self-monitor their learning. Collaboration

must be present. Teaching strategies should encourage construction of

meaning because the end goal is to “read to learn.” When students are not

engaged in what they are reading, they will not read. There are many

techniques that should be implemented in order to engage struggling

readers. “Focusing on the motivation of struggling adolescent readers is

critical because, while students who are motivated to read readily an

autonomously enhance their reading performance and comprehension

skills, unmotivated adolescents are usually reluctant to improve their

reading and do not acquire the necessary skills to become proficient

readers” (Macid & Kimber, 2013 p. 87).

All the reviewed study discussed above provide the researcher with

sufficient bases for the analysis and interpretation of the variables and their

indicators in this study.

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 7

III. Scope and Limitation

The main focus of this study is in the reading comprehension skills

in English of Grade 5 learners in Calicanto Elementary School.

The subject of the study are 115 learners and 4 teachers of

Calicanto Elementary School, while the time frame covers the school year

2021 – 2022.

The study was limited to Grade 5 learners and teachers.

Furthermore, the present research was limited to the responses of the

respondents to the researcher-made questionnaire and results in reading


IV. Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be helpful particularly to school head,

teachers, learners and future researchers.

To teachers, this will help to have a deeper understanding of the

performance of learners in reading with comprehension. Thus, it will

provide a better way of teaching reading comprehension.

To learners, this study will serve as reference or guide in reading. It

will also help learners enhance performance in reading comprehension


To researchers, this study will be helpful in a way that it will provide

as a guide in upcoming researches. The findings of this study will be a tool

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 8

to have better research. The study can also open in the development of

understanding reading comprehension.

V. Research Questions

The study aims to determine the reading comprehension ability of

Grade 5 learners during SY 2021-2022.

Specifically, it seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of effectiveness of using the following reading

materials in improving the reading comprehension level of Grade 5


1.1 word wall application;

1.2 printed short story with HOTS questions; and

1.3 listing 5 words from the story and use it in the sentence

2. What is the level performance of the pupils in reading comprehension in

term of:

2.1 word recognition;

2.2 comprehension; and

2.3 reading?

3. What are the difficulties encountered by the Grade 5 learners in

utilization of the prepared materials?

4. Based on the analysis, what enrichment activities may be proposed to

continuously improve the reading performance of the Grade 5 learners?

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 9

VI. Methodology
This part presents the discussion on the methods and procedures

of research employ in the study, the respondents, the instrument use, and

data gathering procedures.

Research Design

In this study, the reading comprehension level of Grade 5 learners in

Calicanto Elementary School employed the descriptive method of

research. The method is appropriate since the main purpose of the study is

to develop a functional reading intervention. According to Sevilla et al.,

(2000), the descriptive method is an investigation to gather information

about present condition.

To serve this purpose, the descriptive method is utilized since it

involves collecting data in order to answer questions concerning the

subject of the study. It also gives a better and deeper understanding of a


According to Perwarden (2014) descriptive research is a method

used to gather quantifiable information for statistical inference by

describing, recording, and analyzing the gathered data to measure and

interpret the significance of some aspects about a group of respondents

and the population they represent and to reveal the strengths of target

group’s opinions, attitudes and behaviors with regards to a given subject.

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 10

Questionnaire using google form and results of reading assessment

were used in this study.

Subjects of the Study

The respondents of the study were 115 Grade 5 learners and 4

teachers of Calicanto Elementary School with a total of one hundred fifteen

(115). The researchers selected the pupils and teacher as respondents of

the study using non-probability purposive sampling.

The subject of the study is to enhanced reading intervention

activities for Grade 5 learners in Calicanto Elementary School, District

Five, Batangas City academic year 2021 – 2022.

Section Population


Earth 28

Mercury 28

Venus 28

Teacher 4

Total 115
Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 11

Data Gathering Instrument

In this study, the researcher made google form questionnaires and

results in reading assessment for pupils in order to obtain data relevant to

the research and to make the study complete. The researcher also made

an interview with the co-grade teachers to gather additional information

about the study.


The device tackled about the respondents’ extent in reading. It was

composed of two parts.

The first part of the questionnaire contained the extent of reading

assessment regarding reading. It was divided into two, reading materials /

facilities, parent and teacher involvement. Each composed of five items of

statement that checked by the respondents. Verbal interpretation was also

used strongly agree – 4, agree – 3, disagree – 2, and strongly disagree –


The second part of the questionnaire are the difficulties encountered

by the Grade 5 learners in utilization of the prepared materials. The

respondents choose two or more difficulties encounter from the choices.

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 12

The draft of the questionnaire was prepare and show to the adviser

for corrections, comments and suggestions. It is present once more to the

adviser for approval.

Construction of Test Items. The researcher make a first draft of

the questionnaire base on the problem statements. The development of

the questionnaire was facilitated by the researchers through the review of

research works related to the present study. The researcher had extensive

reading from different books, studies and other questionnaires related to

the study to provide substance to their own questionnaire.

Validation. The questionnaire was validated by the adviser for the

congruency of the item to the problem of the study. After the validation, the

researchers wrote the final draft incorporating comments and suggestions

from the adviser. The researchers prepared the final copy for its


Administration. The researchers personally asked and get the

results in reading assessment for each adviser and administered the

questionnaire. The directions were explained to the respondents to ensure

that the data provided were reliable. The questionnaire was retrieved as

soon as respondents finished answering it. The data gathered were tallied

and subjected for statistical treatment.

Scoring of responses. The data interpreted in terms of criteria that

based on the following scale:

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 13

Options Scale / Range Verbal Description

4 3.50 – 4.00 Very Strongly Agree

3 2.50 – 3.49 Strongly Agree

2 1.50 – 2.49 Agree

1 1.00 – 1.49 Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The study use the prepare google form questionnaires. The first

step undertaken by the researcher is to ask the validity of the

questionnaires. After its validation, the researcher seek permission to class

adviser to get the results of reading assessment. When the permission

grant, the distribution of the questionnaires for the respondents of the

study deliver. The researchers carefully the direction in the questionnaire

via online. This is to make sure that they can be able to obtain the most

accurate data base from the responses. The respondents also given an

ample time to finish all the items contain in the questionnaire. When the

researcher had already finished administering and collecting the

questionnaire and results of reading assessment the researcher started

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School 14

tallying and tabulating the data. The data are tallied and tabulated for

statistical treatment.

Data Analysis Plan

In this study, the researcher used frequency, percentage and

ranking were the statistical treatment of data to quantify the results.

Frequency. This will be used to determine the number of responses

on the test given.

Percentage. This will be used to determine the rank assignment of

each item.

Ranking. This will be used to determine the rank of the respondent

responses in the test given.

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