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A Comprehensive Analysis of Consumer Decisions On Twitter Dataset Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022, pp. 1085~1093

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v11.i3.pp1085-1093  1085

A comprehensive analysis of consumer decisions on Twitter

dataset using machine learning algorithms

Vigneshwaran Pandi1, Prasath Nithiyanandam1, Sindhuja Manickavasagam2, Islabudeen Mohamed

Meerasha3, Ragaventhiran Jaganathan4, Muthu Kumar Balasubramanian4
Department of Networking and Communications, School of Computing, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur, Chennai, India
Department of Information Technology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Presidency University, Bengaluru, India
School of Computing and Information Technology, REVA University, Bengaluru, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: An exponential growth posting on the web about the product reviews on
social media, there has been a great deal of examination being done on
Received Jul 15, 2021 sorting out the purchasing behaviors of the client. This paper depends on
Revised Jun 2, 2022 utilizing twitter for sentiment analysis to comprehend the customer
Accepted Jun 20, 2022 purchasing behavior. There has been a significant increase in e-commerce,
particularly in persons purchasing products on the internet. As a result, it
becomes a fertile hotspot for opinion analysis and belief mining. In this
Keywords: investigation, we look at the problem of recognizing and anticipating a
client's purchase goal for an item. The sentiment analysis helps to arrive at a
Artificial intelligence more indisputable outcome. In this study, the support vector machine, naive
E-commerce Bayes, and logistic regression methods are investigated for understanding
Machine learning the customer's sentiment or opinion on a specific product. These strategies
Sentimental analysis have been demonstrated to be genuinely for making predictions using the
Twitter dataset analysis models which examine the client's conclusion/sentiment the most
precisely. The exactness for each machine learning algorithm will be
analyzed and the calculation which is the most precise would be viewed as
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Vigneshwaran Pandi
Department of Networking and Communications, School of Computing, College of Engineering and
Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur - 603 203, Chengalpattu District, Chennai, India
Email: vigenesp@srmist.edu.in

Social media has become one of the most important channels for communication and content
generation. It fills in as a bound together stage for clients to communicate their contemplations on subjects
going from their day by day lives to their sentiment on organizations and items. This, thus, has made it a
significant asset for digging client feelings for errands going from anticipating the exhibition of films to
aftereffects of stock market exchanges and races. Even though the vast majority is reluctant to answer
reviews about items or administrations, they express their considerations unreservedly via online media and
employ a huge impact in molding the assessments of different buyers. These customer voices can impact
brand recognition, brand dedication and brand support. Therefore, it is basic that big companies give more
consideration to mining client assessment identified with their brands and items from web-based media. With
web-based media checking, they will have the option to take advantage of shopper bits of knowledge to

Journal homepage: http://ijai.iaescore.com

1086  ISSN: 2252-8938

improve their item quality, offer better assistance, drive deals, and even recognize new business openings.
What is more, they can lessen client care costs by reacting to their clients through these web-based media
channels, as half of clients incline toward arriving at specialist organizations via online media as opposed to a
call place.
It is a phenomenal device for undertakings to dissect clients' communicated conclusions via online
media without expressly posing any inquiries as this methodology frequently mirrors their actual sentiments.
In spite of the fact that it has disadvantages with respect to the populace examined, it very well may be
utilized to surmise general assessment. The objective of this exploration is to manufacture a framework that
can give exact outcomes, helping brands to see how the clients are responding to the specific item. Nowadays
interpersonal organizations, web journals, and other media produce an enormous measure of information on
the Internet. This tremendous measure of information contains pivotal sentiment related data that can be
utilized to profit organizations and different parts of business and logical ventures. Manual following and
separating this valuable data from this monstrous measure of information is practically inconceivable.
Sentiment analysis of user posts is required to help take business decisions. It is a cycle which extricates
notions or suppositions from audits which are given by clients over a specific subject, zone, or item on the
web. Estimation may be divided into two types: i) good or ii) negative that determines an individual's overall
attitude toward a given subject. Predicting the sentiment of a tweet is our main priority. Purchasing objectives
are often assessed and used by advertising executives as a contribution to decisions regarding new and
current goods and administrations. Until date, many businesses have used client overview frameworks in
which they offer questions such, "How likely are you to buy an item in a certain time span?" and then use
that data to calculate the buy goal. We need to see whether we can use Twitter tweets to train a model that
can differentiate tweets that indicate a purchase intention for a product.

Tan et al. [1] proposed interpreting public sentiment variation to be able to further understand the
reason behind the shift of public opinion on product or even people. In this case, they proposed using two
models: one foreground and background latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) to filter out background topics that
have no significance in the most recent public sentiment variation, and the other reason candidate and
background LDA to rank the various reasons based on their "popularity" in the given period. It also
employed Gibb's sampling since it was simple to expand and shown to be a successful approach. A sentiment
analysis tool for slang word translation was also used, which could translate slangs into legitimate terms,
which may be beneficial for more accuracy. They used data from the Stanford Network Analysis Platform.
The suggested approach outperformed previous models in terms of accuracy and might be used for product
evaluations, scientific publications, and many other applications; it is also the first effort to assess public
sentiment changes. Xia et al. [2] developed dual sentiment analysis to solve the polarity shift problem in
sentiment analysis, which affects the entire order but is otherwise treated the same in a typical model. So, in
order to address the polarity shift, they offer dual training and dual prediction algorithms to assess both
original and reversed data in order to comprehend not only how positive or negative the original data is, but
also how positive or negative the reversed data is. They also expanded their polarity paradigm to a three-class
structure that includes neutral data. They created language-independent pseudo-antonym dictionaries to
lessen their reliance on external antonym dictionaries. Support vector machine (SVM), naive Bayes, and
logistic regression classifiers were used, and it was discovered that they exceed the baseline by 3.0 and 1.7%
on average, respectively. Hamroun et al. [3] advocated using latent semantics instead of current models that
employ polarity terms and matching phrases and may fail when views are stated using latent semantics,
which is known as customer intents analysis. They combined OpenNLP, W3C Web Ontology Language
(OWL) ontologies, and WordNet natural language processing processes with additional meanings. Their
strategy was to automatically extract patterns from Twitter for consumer intention research. The idea is to
use domain ontology for two key purposes: creating ontology representations and using ontology
representations in pattern learning. They utilized five distinct datasets, with the continuous integration (CI)
pattern outperforming the baseline by 3-6% on average.
Li et al. [4] proposed combining two models: Sentiment-specific word embeddings and Weighted
text feature modal. Because the majority of conventional models are either lexicon-based or machine
learning-based. Instead of immediately using the word embeddings approach, it will be done by first
constructing vectors in order to avoid missing out on semantic hints and to enhance semantic categorization.
weighted text feature model that generates two sort of features: the first is a negation feature based on
negation terms, and the second is generated by computing the similarity of tweets and their polarity. The
suggested strategy outperformed the previous model and separated sentiment specific word embeddings
(SSWE) and (weighted text feature model (WTFM); moreover, when SSWE + word2vec was used, the

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 1085-1093

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1087

performance was extremely near to SSWE. Tweepy, a Twitter Application Program Interface (API), was
utilized to generate the dataset. Ren and Wu [5] created a lexicon-based learning method that is also language
dependent to anticipate unknown user subject opinions. They attempted to include topical and social
information into the current prediction model mathematically. They understood the association between
social and topical context after applying an appropriate hypothesis and also utilized topic content similarity
(TCS) to quantify the same. The findings revealed that the suggested ScTcMF framework was really superior
to the existing one. The scope of the project was just for twitter and the dataset was also from twitter API.
Chen et al. [6] evaluated a very hard constraint project which only focused on engineering students'
difficulties faced during their program. Naive Bayes and multi-label classification algorithms were employed
in the technique. The method used was a combination of qualitative analysis and large-scale data mining
approaches. It is a machine learning method that is also language dependent. It was founded on the notion
that informal social media data might give additional information about students' experiences. Purdue
University provided the tweets, which included subjects ranging from sleep deprivation to food. The dataset
was taken from twitter API Tweepy. Bollegala et al. [7] looked to address the mismatch problem arising in
trained dataset and target dataset that is when the trained dataset has been for selected words and the test data
does not contain those words, it creates a mismatch. In order to overcome this mismatch problem, they came
up with a cross-domain sentiment classifier where they used already extracted sentiment sensitive words and
were able to determine that the existing models such as SentiWordNet, which is a lexical resource were
outperformed by cross-domain classifier. It also uses a lexical based approach and is a language dependent
model aimed mainly at product reviews and the dataset was taken from amazon.com.
Lin et al. [8] presented a joint sentiment analysis model as well as a reparametrized version of
supervised joint sentiment-topic because it was frequently observed that the weakly supervised joint
sentiment topic, which is a component of LDA, failed to produce acceptable performance when shifting to
new domains. As a result, our model can now recognize both sentiment and the subject of a certain data set.
It is a machine learning method that is also language dependent. The dataset came from Amazon.com and
IMDB.com and was based on product or movie reviews. Wang et al. [9] proposed that for complete
sentiment analysis of a tweet, we should also consider hashtags as complete words, and that three types of
information are required to generate the complete sentiment polarity for hashtag, which differs from sentence
and document level sentiment analysis. They also suggested using improved boosting classification, which
would allow us to use the literal meaning of hashtags as a semi-supervised training set. To construct the
hashtag sentiment, they utilized an SVM classifier; it was a language dependent model for the Twitter
dataset. Mudinas et al. [10] assessed both lexicon-only and learning-only approaches and presented a hybrid
strategy that takes the best of both worlds from lexicon and learning-only algorithms. When they ran the
experiment, they discovered that the sentiment polarity classification and sentiment strength detection values
in their pSenti system were higher, which is very near to the pure learning model and higher than the pure
lexicon model. It was language-specific and used both machine learning and lexical models. This model was
created for software and movie reviews, including data from computer network (CNET) and internet movie
database (IMDB). Yu et al. [11] built their whole research around a movie domain case study and assessed
the difficulty of forecasting sales using sentiment analysis. They investigated several hidden sentiment
components in order to use sentiment Probabilistic Latent Sentiment Analysis (PLSA) to evaluate
complicated forms of sentiment. They then suggested an updated version of the auto-regressive sentiment
aware model to boost accuracy. It was a language-dependent, machine-learning-based model that focused on
sales prediction in a movie-based case study. The dataset was derived from the Twitter API, Tweepy, and
was created exclusively for Twitter.
Jose and Chooralil [12] evaluated and tried to address the problem with selecting just one algorithm
for sentiment analysis, so they came up with the solution of combining machine learning algorithms along
with lexicon-based algorithms which would choose the appropriate algorithm for its use so as to remove the
risk of selecting inappropriate classifiers. They chose SentiWordNet classifier, naive Bayes classifier, and
Hidden Markov model classifier, which showed to be more accurate. So, after analyzing sentiment
classification on numerous tweets, they concluded that their ensemble technique produced an accuracy of
roughly 71.48%, which was higher than all three classifiers combined. Kouloumpis et al. [13] recommended
using Twitter hashtags to achieve even more accurate sentiment analysis since hashtags and emoticons may
occasionally add significantly to model accuracy. In contrast to basic sentiment or non-sentiment analysis,
they would employ a three-way classifier. To work on the datasets, they concentrated on n-gram features,
lexicon features, and part of speech features. They employed three datasets for development and training:
hashtagged dataset from Edinburgh Twitter Corpus, emoticon dataset from twittersentiment.appspot.com,
and iSieve company for assessment. After doing their investigation, they discovered that combining the n-
gram, lexicon, and microblogging features resulted in an accuracy of 74-75%. Park and Seo [14] used
sentiment analysis to rank the three AI assistants, Siri from Apple, Cortana from Microsoft, and Google
Assistant from Google, based on user feedback. They evaluated tweets using valence aware dictionary and
A comprehensive analysis of consumer decisions on Twitter dataset … (Vigneshwaran Pandi)
1088  ISSN: 2252-8938

sentiment reasoner (VADER), the Kruskal Wallis test, and the Mann-Whitney test to determine statistical
significance between groups. They employed null hypotheses and the t-test to determine how the similarity
of various aides varied over time.
Prakruthi et al. [15] assess people's feelings towards a person, trend, product, or brand. The Twitter
API is used to directly retrieve tweets from Twitter and construct sentiment classifications for the tweets. The
data are categorized and represented using a Histogram and a Pie Chart. The pie chart depicts the%age of
positive, negative, and neutral attitude, which is believed to be roughly 65% positive, 20% negative, and 15%
neutral. The histograms below depict positive, negative, and neutral emotion. Go et al. [16] tested many
models and performed trials to identify the best classifier for organizations who wish to analyze the
sentiment of their products. Twitter tweets with emoticons serve as training data. Three classifiers were used:
naive Bayes, maximum entropy, and SVM; all methods had an accuracy of more than 80% when trained
using emoticon data. However, the SVM was the most accurate, with an accuracy of 85%.
Trupthi et al. [17] want to do real-time sentiment analysis on tweets retrieved from Twitter and
present the results to the user. The tools and processes used here are natural language processing. Naïve
Bayes and Twitter API. Natrual Language Processing (NLP) is used to remove the words with tags which is
not helpful for the building of the classifier. The tweets removed by the Streaming API are then arranged into
positive, negative, or unbiased tweets. The analytics for word nepotism from twitter is evident that Twitter
verse feels mostly negative about nepotism. The results for the word education were mostly positive.
Karthika et al. [18] evaluated different models and the experiments were conducted to find the best classifier
to analyze the reviews from shopping site amazon. Based on those reviews the product is classified as
positive, negative, or neutral. Algorithms used here are random forest and SVMs. Random forest gave the
best accuracy showing 84% while SVM showed 81% accuracy. Dataset contains reviews from 7 different
products. Ramalingam et al. [19] tested numerous models and performed trials to discover the best classifier
for identifying similar qualities among depressed persons and identifying them using various machine
learning methods. The algorithms are intended to examine tweets for emotion detection as well as the
identification of suicide ideation among social media users. logistic regression, SVM, and Random Forest are
the algorithms employed here. The goal of these strategies is to leverage data accessible on Twitter and other
social media to forecast people's mindsets by studying their numerous social media posts. When compared to
logistic regression and random forest, SVM has the highest accuracy of 82.5%. Singh and Kumar [20]
analyzed numerous models and conducted trials to determine the best method for predicting cardiac disease
using various machine learning techniques. K-nearest neighbor, decision tree, linear regression, and SVM are
the approaches. Jupyter notebook is employed as the simulation tool in this case. The dataset contains 14
variables such as sex, age, blood sugar, and so on. We discovered that the accuracy of each algorithm was
87%, 79%, 78%, and 83%, respectively. As a result, k-nearest neighbor (KNN) is the most precise. Sujath et
al. [21] tested many models and performed tests to determine the optimal method for analyzing the impact of
COVID-19 on the stock market. Using several algorithms, we attempt to determine which method provides
the best accurate prediction of the impact of COVID-19 on the stock market. The algorithms are random
forest, linear regression, and SVM. The dataset was discovered on Kaggle. We discovered that SVM had the
highest accuracy of 82%.
Mujumdar and Vaidehi [22] analyzed different models and experiments were conducted to find the
best algorithm to predict diabetes among patients. The dataset contains 800 records and 10 attributes.
Algorithms used here are decision tree, logistic regression and KNN. Logistic regression shows the most
accuracy with 96% compared to the other two which shows only 90% and 86% accuracy. Huq et al. [23]
examined many models and performed tests to determine the best algorithm to predict the sentiment of a
tweet on social media, i.e., whether it is good, negative, or neutral. It generally focuses on the tweet's
wording and sentiment. KNN and SVM are the algorithms applied in this case. The dataset was obtained
from the website Kaggle. According to the research, KNN is the most accurate, with an accuracy rate of 84%.
Lassen et al. [24] examined many models and performed trials to determine the best algorithm to forecast
iPhone sales based on tweets. The tweets are categorized as good, negative, or neutral. The dataset utilized
here contains 400 million tweets from 2007-2010. Predictions are performed using linear regression and
multiple regression models. Multiple regression has the smallest gap between anticipated and actual sales (5-
10%), making it the most accurate. Dhir and Raj [25] examined many models and performed trials to
determine the best algorithm for predicting movie performance. In this section, we analyze the internet movie
database (IMDB) and estimate the IMDB score, as well as how it influences the movie collection. Logistic
regression decision tree and random forest are the methods employed in this case. With 61% accuracy,
random forest is the best. It demonstrates that social media likes, the number of voted users, and the length all
have a significant impact on the IMDB score. Labib et al. [26] used machine learning methodologies to
examine multiple models and perform tests to discover the optimal algorithm to analyze traffic incidents to
predict the intensity of accidents. The algorithms employed in this case include naive Bayes, decision trees,

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 1085-1093

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1089

KNN, and AdaBoost. It classifies the severity of incidents as deadly, serious, or minor harm. AdaBoost has
the highest accuracy rate of 80%. It also revealed that accidents are more common at no-joint exits and T
intersections. Wongkar and Angdresey [27] created this model for the 2019 presidential election using
Python and the naive Bayes, SVM, and K-NN classifiers. Crawlers were employed to get tweets from
Twitter, which were then tokenized to discover significant terms. They discovered that naive Bayes was more
accurate, with an accuracy of 75-76%, after extensive study.
Gamon [28] proposed to perform sentiment analysis on even noisy data by the use of large feature
vectors with feature reduction. As customer feedback are received at a very large volume, to be able to react
to it quickly there has to be an efficient model to class the tweets into positive, negative, and neutral. They
used NLPW in natural language processing for linguistic analysis. The accuracy at the end was 85.47%.
Kusrini and Mashuri [29] proposed two classifiers SVM and naive Bayes and compared both classifiers to
understand which classifier gives the best result. It first takes the dataset, uses tokenization to segregate the
words, removes various slangs and then uses stemming using python to reduce the volume of data. The
accuracy at the end was around 82-83%. Mandloi and Patel [30] proposed using three different classifiers
namely SVM, naive Bayes and maximum entropy classification to understand the user’s sentiment towards
the following product, movie, and the people’s alignment towards the political parties. To extract the data,
they used three features namely unigram, bi-gram and n-gram features and the accuracy came out to be 85%
for naive Bayes.

Table 1 (as seen in Appendix) shows the comparison of existing systems. To summarize all the
existing works on sentiment analysis, we’ve gone through, we can divide it categorically into four types,
which are document-level, sentence-level, phrase-level, and aspect-level. These existing papers tried to either
tackle any one of the four types or even clubbed them, some tried to incorporate hashtags, some even tried to
incorporate emoticons, some had language dependency, and some even had language independency. Some
had greater accuracy but could tackle only one of the types, where some even had lesser accuracy but could
incorporate a lot, some even tried building a complete corpus-based antonym dictionary.
Overall, we have a lot to dig in to use opinion mining to its fullest potential. What we will be doing
in our model is, we will be taking the three best performing algorithms which are SVM, naive Bayes, and
logistic regression to build a model which would allow enterprises to actually understand how well their
products are performing, what shortcomings did customers feel, what could be better and many more. The
proposed system will be much more efficient.


This article addresses a number of machines learning methods, including naive Bayes, SVM,
logistic regression, and random forest. After extensive research, we discovered that SVM, naive Bayes, and
logistic regression may be utilized to develop a model for our project that will provide a more accurate model
than the present one, as demonstrated in the publications above. As we all know how analysis of twitter is
being done to mine the opinions of users or customers in order to bring in potential customers or to enhance
their products or services. Hence, it has become very important to constantly evolve and bring out even more
accurate models. This work will help enterprises to draw out a basic idea on how the customers are reacting
to the products which will then help them to make the product even better. This may help enterprises to leave
behind the traditional methods of feedback forms which anyways is not very accurate.
People now have the option to organize the unrelenting rise of knowledge from interpersonal
organizations. Because virtually all actual complicated concerns ranging from natural to mechanical in nature
may be addressed via social media, its challenges should be heard. Rumor detection, evaluation repetition,
patterns of online conversations resulting in riotous circumstances, and online shaming, all shift assumptions,
allowing us to understand social pervasiveness in the form of preferences, shares, and retweets. Finding the
right content and the right time to publish are two of the most important difficulties that need be addressed in
interpersonal organizations before fully integrating into people's life. Indeed, even the detection of fraudulent
remarks should be attended to at the tiniest level of social places like Twitter to avoid unnecessary badgering
from spammers. Medical issues of genuine concern should be addressed in additional study so that they have
a strong impact via web-based media clients. It would be appropriate at this point to prepare a tied up unified
model that comprehends the assessments of the clientele when she/he is making remarks on social media.

A comprehensive analysis of consumer decisions on Twitter dataset … (Vigneshwaran Pandi)

1090  ISSN: 2252-8938


Table 1. Performance analysis comparison of existing systems (continue)

Name of the authors Year of publication Methodology Algorithms used Accuracy
Tan et al. [1] 2014 Foreground and Gibbs sampling, 69.70%
Background LDA, Parameter estimation,
Reason Candidate and Average word entropy
Background LDA
Xia et al. [2] 2015 Dual Training and Dual Naive Bayes, SVM, 85-87%
Prediction along with logistic regression
corpus-based antonym
Hamroun et al. [3] 2015 OPEN NLP, WordNet, CI patterns 72%
OWL ontology
Li et al. [4] 2016 LibLinear Model and N-gram, SSWE, WTFM 66.8
Ren and Wu [5] 2013 The social and topical Breadth-first search, 60.35
contexts Factorization user topic opinion
of Matrixes (ScTcMF) labelling
Chen et al. [6] 2014 Use informal social Naive Bayes, multilevel 61%
medial data to provide classification
Bollrgala et al. [7] 2013 SentiWordNet lexica Cross-domain sentiment 80%
classifier, corpus based classification
Lin et al. [8] 2012 To identify sentiment Joint sentiment-topic 71.20%
and topic from text at (JST) model with weak
the same time supervision based on
latent Dirichlet
allocation (LDA,
Wang et al. [9] 2011 To automatically create SVM classifier 76%
the overall sentiment
polarity for a specific
hashtag during a
specified time period,
which differs
significantly from the
typical sentence-level
and document-level
sentiment polarities.
Mudinas et al. [10] 2012 To classify polarity and A hybrid strategy 77%
detect sentiment (lexicon-based + M/c
strength learning) was used.
Yu et al. [11] 2012 To Predict Sales Sentiment S-PLSA (an 73%
Performance Autoregressive
Sentiment and Quality
Aware model)
Jose and Chooralil [12] 2016 Three-way classifier n-gram feature, lexicon 75%
unlike simple sentiment feature and part of
or non-sentiment speech feature
Kouloumpis et al. [13] 2011 Three-way classifier n-gram feature, lexicon 75%
unlike simple sentiment feature and part of
or non-sentiment speech feature
Park and Seo [14] 2018 Three AI assistants VADER, Kruskal 71%
namely Siri by Apple, Wallis test and Mann-
Cortana by Microsoft Whitney test
and Google Assistant by
Google using sentiment
Prakruthi et al. [15] 2018 Sentiment classification Bag of Words algorithm 68%
for the tweets using
Histogram and Pie
Go et al. [16] 2009 Unigrams, Bi-grams, Naive Bayes, SVM 81%
and parts of speech to
use emoticons
Trupthi et al. [17] 2017 Natural Language Naive Bayes 74%
Processing – NLTK classification

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 1085-1093

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1091

Table 1. Performance analysis comparison of existing systems

Name of the authors Year of publication Methodology Algorithms used Accuracy
Karthika et al. [18] 2019 Receiver Operating Random forest 84%
Characteristic (ROC) algorithm, SVM
curve to evaluate
classifier output
Ramalingam et al. [19] 2019 Machine learning and Logistic regression, 82.50%
lexicon-based SVM, and random
techniques to opinion forest
mining, as well as
assessment metrics
Singh and Kumar [20] 2020 Machine learning k-nearest neighbor, 87%
algorithms' accuracy in decision tree, linear
predicting heart disease regression, and support
vector machine
Sujath et al. [21] 2020 forecasting model for decision tree, logistic 96%
COVID-19 pandemic regression and KNN.
Mujumdar and Vaidehi 2019 best algorithm to predict decision tree, logistic 96%
[22] diabetes among patients. regression and KNN
Huq et al. [23] 2017 To predict the sentiment KNN and SVM 84%
of a tweet on social classifiers
Lassen et al. [24] 2014 predict iPhone sales linear regression and 70%
using tweets based on multiple regression
iPhone models
Dhir and Raj [25] 2018 movie success logistic regression 61%
prediction decision tree and
random forest
Labib et al. [26] 2019 determine the intensity naïve bayes, decision 80%
of accidents trees, KNN and
Wongkar and 2019 Data collection utilizing Naive Bayes classifier, 76%
Angdresey [27] Python libraries, text SVM classifier and K-
processing, testing NN classifier
training data, and text
Gamon [28] 2004 Train linear SVMs to NLPW in natural 85%
obtain high language processing for
classification accuracy linguistic analysis.
on difficult-to-classify
Kusrini and Mashuri 2019 Lexicon Based and SVM, naive Bayes 83%
[29] Polarity Multiplication
Mandloi and Patel [30] 2020 Three features namely SVM, naive Bayes and 85%
unigram, bi-gram and n- Maximum Entropy
gram features

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Vigneshwaran Pandi has obtained his Doctoral Degree in Anna University

Chennai in 2016 and Master of Engineering under Anna University Chennai in June 2005. He is
having 20 years of experience and specialization in Cybersecurity. Presently, He is working as
Associate Professor at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. He has published
more than 30 papers in various international journals and 10 in International Conferences. His
area of interest includes Security, Routing, and Intelligent Data Analysis. He can be contacted at
email: vigenesp@srmist.edu.in.

Prasath Nithiyanandam has obtained his Doctoral Degree from Anna University,
Chennai in 2017 and Master of Technology from SASTRA University in 2009 and
Undergraduate degree under Anna University Chennai in 2006. He is having 13+ years of
experience in teaching and Industry. He has published 4 patents and published more than 15
research papers in refereed conferences and in journals. He is a member many professional
societies. His research interests include MANET, Sensor Networks, IoT and Cloud, Cyber
Physical System and Machine Learning. He can be contacted at email: prasathn@srmist.edu.in,

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 1085-1093

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1093

Mrs. Sindhuja Manickavasagam M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor (Senior

Grade) at Department of Information Technology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College from
August 2006 onwards. She is having more than 15 years of experience in teaching. Presently she
is acting as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade). She is pursuing Doctoral Program under Anna
University in the field of Data Analytics. Her research interest includes artificial intelligence,
machine learning, deep learning, bigdata analytics, and bioinformatics. She has published 14
international Journals including 3 from SCI and Scopus Indexed Journals. She has published one
patent titled “Arm Band for Blood Testing” under the category of Design patent. She has visited
Japan and Malaysia for presenting her research work in reputed International Conferences.
Presently, she is working in the project of Cancer Analysis. She is a Certified Talend DI
developer by Virtusa, IBM certified DB2 and Tivoli developer. She acted as resource person for
various workshops held in other Engineering Colleges and University on her research topics.
She can be contacted at email: sindhuja.m@rajalakshmi.edu.in.

Dr. Islabudeen Mohamed Meerasha received his B.E. Degree in Computer

Science and Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India in 2001 and M.E.
Degree in Computer Science and Engineering and Ph.D. Degree in Information and
Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2008 and 2021,
respectively. He is currently working as an Associate Professor in Department of Computer
Science Engineering, School of Engineering, Presidency University, Bengaluru, India. He is
having more than 20 years of academic experience. His current research interests include
Cryptography and Network Security, Blockchain, Wireless Networks and Data Mining. He is a
life member of Computer Society of India (CSI) and Indian Society for Technical Education
(ISTE). He has served as an active reviewer and chair for many reputed international
conferences and journals including IEEE and Springer. He has more than 20 publications in
reputed international conferences and refereed journals. He can be contacted at email:

Dr. Ragaventhiran Jaganathan received his B.E. and M.E. degree in Computer
Science and Engineering and Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from
Madurai Kamaraj University and Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India respectively. He is
currently working as an Associate Professor in School of Computing and Information
Technology in REVA University, Bengaluru India. His research interest includes data mining,
big data, data structure and cloud computing. He is a life member in computer society of India
(CSI) and Institution of Engineers (IEI) India. He has reviewed and chaired various national and
international conferences including IEEE conferences. He is also a reviewer for refereed
journals. He can be contacted at email: jragaventhiran@gmail.com.

Dr. Muthu Kumar Balasubramania Professor, School of Computing and

Information Technology, REVA University, Bengaluru received his B.E., (CSE) degree from
Anna University, Chennai in the year 2005, M.Tech., (CSE) (Gold Medalist) received from Dr.
MGR. University, Chennai in the year 2007 and Doctoral degree from St. Peter’s University,
Chennai in the year 2013. He is having more than 16 years of teaching experience in reputed
engineering colleges. He has published more than 40 peer reviewed International Journals, 50
International/National Conference and attended more than 150 Workshops/FDPs/Seminars etc.,
He organized many events like Conference/FDPs/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lecture. He has
published more than 10 patents in various fields like Wireless Sensor Networking, Image
Processing, Optimization Techniques and IoT. He received nearly 5.67 Lakhs funding from
various agencies like AICTE, ATAL and IEI. He has written 2 books from reputed publishers.
He received Best Researcher Award in the year 2021 and Innovative Research and Dedicated
Professor Award in Computer Science and Engineering in the year 2018. He has professional
membership on ISTE, CSI, IEI, IACSIT, IAENG, CSTA, and SIAM. He has invited as guest
lecture, chairperson, examiner, and reviewer/editorial board member in various institutions,
journals, and conferences. He is a recognized supervisor in Anna University, Chennai and
currently guiding 4 research scholars. His areas of interest are image processing, wireless
networks, IOT and computing techniques. He can be contacted at email: muthu122@gmail.com.

A comprehensive analysis of consumer decisions on Twitter dataset … (Vigneshwaran Pandi)

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