5GIF Evaluation Report Final
5GIF Evaluation Report Final
5GIF Evaluation Report Final
Part I
Name of the Evaluation Group: 5G India Forum (5GIF)
5GIF is one of the registered as Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) for contributing to IMT-2020
development of ITU-R through independent evaluation of the IMT2020 candidate technologies. This
group was formed by the COAI to evaluate the IMT-2020 candidates from the perspective of Indian
network deployments.
This is a group of operators, OEM’s, universities and individual experts participating in a collaborative
manner, in the evaluation of the candidate IMT-2020 technologies of interest. This is a contribution
driven activity, with decisions made through a consensus seeking approach.
Method of Work
The 5GIF IEG is a collection of operators, industry and university members, knowledgeable on the
subject matter, and committed to the IMT 2020 evaluation. Over 30 individuals have contributed to the
evaluation process. The group employed both online and offline means for meetings. This group was
formed to evaluate the IMT 2020 candidates from the perspective of Indian network deployments. The
group worked through online and offline means, while strictly adhering to the ITU processes, and
sincerely focuses on consensus-based decision making.
Two industry workshops were facilitated by COAI, which discussed the candidate technologies of
interest. A special 48-hour hackathon with mentorship provide by industry experts helped our members
get involved actively, especially those joining us from academia. The 5GIF IEG has had five workshops
to help in deliberation and consensus building. We have a robust mechanism in place to track the
evaluation progress and ensure that the ITU timelines are adhered to.
The 5GIF IEG has submitted an interim report for the WP5D#33 meeting. We also participated in the
ITU-R WP 5D Evaluation Workshop on December 10 and 11, 2019 held on the side-lines of this
meeting. At that workshop we presented initial results, and our plans for the final evaluation. We also
interacted with other IEG’s on the evaluation during the time between meetings #33 and #34.
Contact details:
Vikram Tiwathia
Deputy Director General, COAI
Email: vtiwathia@coai.in
Telephone: +91-11-2334-9275
Technical contact
Email: imt2020@5gindiaforum.in
The individual members listed below are acknowledged for their valuable contribution to the 5GIF IEG
IMT-2020 evaluation activity.
Part – II
Technical Report
This part of the report covers the technical aspects of the evaluation report. This document is the final
evaluation report of the 3GPP RIT candidate technology (IMT-2020/14). In this report, we have
evaluated the 3GPP NR technology and refers the various information from the corresponding 3GPP
specifications (as provided by the proponents) in their ITU-R submissions and self-evaluation reports
submitted by 3GPP with respect to the IMT-2020/14.
This evaluation is also applicable to other candidate technologies (IMT-2020/131, IMT-2020/15, IMT-
2020/16 and IMT-2020/172) that are technically identical to the 3GPP NR RIT (IMT-2020/14), as
identified by WP5D in WP5D-32bis (Buzios) of step-3.
Candidate technology IMT-2020/13 used LTE-Advanced Pro for the eMBB candidate, which was not
evaluated by the 5GIF. The candidate technology DECT 2020 NR in IMT-2020/17, and candidate
technology EUHT in IMT-2020/18 are only partly evaluated by us. They had both cleared Step-3 of the
IMT-2020 process only at the WP5D#33 meeting. However, these partial evaluations allow us to make
a recommendation on these technologies as well.
The 5GIF IEG utilized the ITU-R Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-
2020 provided in ITU-R Report M.2412. The 5GIF IEG also provides some supplementary evaluation
in Sec.
Summary table of the IMT-2020 candidate technology submissions
IMT-2020/26 (Rev.1)
Submission received for proposals of Candidate Radio Interface
ETSI (TC Technologies from Proponent ‘ETSI’ and ‘DECT Forum’ under step
DECT) and 3 of the IMT-2020 process Observations of SWG Evaluation - IMT-2020
DECT Forum submission in Documents 5D/1299, 5D/1230
Acknowledgement IMT-2020/17 (Rev.1)
and 5D/1253 (Proponents ETSI (TC DECT) &
DECT Forum)
Acknowledgement of candidate SRIT submission from ETSI
(TC DECT) and DECT Forum under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process
Submissions IMT-2020/12 (Rev.1)
IMT-2020/27 (Rev.1)
received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from
proponent ‘Nufront’ under step 3 of the IMT-2020 process
Nufront Observations of SWG Evaluation - IMT-2020
Acknowledgement IMT-2020/18 (Rev.1)
submission in Document 5D/1300 (Proponent
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from Nufront under
Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process
Submissions IMT-2020/7(Rev.4)
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface
technologies from proponent ‘TSDSI’ under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 IMT-2020/28 (Rev.1)
TSDSI Observations of SWG Evaluation - IMT-2020
Acknowledgement IMT-2020/19 (Rev.1) submission in Document 5D/1301 (Proponent
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from TSDSI under
Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process
B. Confirmation of utilization of the ITU-R evaluation guidelines in
Report ITU-R M.2412;
The 5GIF IEG confirms that it has evaluated the candidate technologies as well as evaluated the
submissions from proponents based on the Reports ITU-R M.2410, ITU-R M.2411 and ITU-R M.2412.
High-level Evaluation Related section of Reports
Characteristic for evaluation assessment methodology ITU-R M.2410-0 and
method (M.2412) ITU-R M.2411-0
Peak data rate § 7.2.2 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.1
Peak spectral efficiency § 7.2.1 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.2
User experienced data rate* § 7.2.3 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.3
Area traffic capacity Analytical § 7.2.4 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.6
User plane latency § 7.2.6 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.7.1
Control plane latency § 7.2.5 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.7.2
Mobility interruption time § 7.2.7 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.12
Energy efficiency § 7.3.2 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.9
Bandwidth § 7.3.1 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.13
Support of wide range of
Inspection § 7.3.3 Report ITU-R M.2411-0, § 3.1
Supported spectrum
§ 7.3.4 Report ITU-R M.2411-0, § 3.2
Average spectral efficiency § 7.1.1 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.5
5th percentile user spectral
§ 7.1.2 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.4
Connection density § 7.1.3 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.8
Reliability § 7.1.5 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.10
Mobility § 7.1.4 Report ITU-R M.2410-0, § 4.11
Sections in Chapter 1
3) General Questions to Proponents Questions
were posted
to the forum
Annex J.3)
We also would like to bring to the notice of WP5D that though the reports M.2412 has sufficient
guidelines for evaluating the candidate technology, we had few challenges in evaluating technologies
which completely relied on MESH based network to communicate. We request WP5D to consider
inclusion of such aspects in the methodologies in future reports.
We also request WP5D to update the rural path-loss models in M.2412 through appropriate studies. We
are currently of the opinion that the current model cannot be widely applied to any rural environments.
We noticed that one of the questions in the Description template is about interoperability of a
candidate with other IMT technology as well as other candidate technologies. It will be helpful if the
proponents share the details or existing specifications that enables such inter-operability. Some such
communications are as below:
Table of Contents
1. Verification of Compliance Templates of candidate Technologies ........................................................ 11
1.1 Candidate technologies – IMT-2020/13 & /14, IMT-2020/15, IMT-2020/16 ............................................ 11
1.1.1 Observations on gaps identified .......................................................................................................... 11
1.1.2 Request for Clarifications ................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Candidate technology - DECT-Forum IMT-2020/17 ................................................................................. 11
1.2.1 Observations on gaps identified .......................................................................................................... 12
DESCRIPTION TEMPLATES (, M.2411) .................................................................................... 12
COMPLIANCE TEMPLATES (, M.2411)..................................................................................... 12
1.3 Candidate technology - IMT-2020/18 ........................................................................................................ 14
1.4 Candidate technologies - IMT-2020/19..................................................................................................... 16
2. Assessment of Candidate technology by 3GPP –RIT (IMT-2020/14) & SRIT (IMT-2020/13) ........... 17
2.1 Compliance Templates ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.1 Services ................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.2 Spectrum ............................................................................................................................................. 18
2.1.3 Technical Performance ....................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.4 Link Budget Templates ....................................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Detailed Technical Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 Analysis Aspects ................................................................................................................................. 26 PEAK SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY ........................................................................................ 26 PEAK DATA RATE ................................................................................................................ 31 USER EXPERIENCED DATA RATE .......................................................................................... 33 AREA TRAFFIC CAPACITY ....................................................................................................... 37 CONTROL PLANE LATENCY .................................................................................................... 38 USER PLANE LATENCY ............................................................................................................ 43 MOBILITY INTERRUPTION TIME ............................................................................................ 47
2.2.2 Inspection Aspects .............................................................................................................................. 48 BANDWIDTH ............................................................................................................................ 48 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ............................................................................................................. 50 SUPPORT OF WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES .......................................................................... 52 SUPPORTED SPECTRUM BAND(s)/RANGE(s) ..................................................................... 53
2.2.3 Simulation Aspects ............................................................................................................................. 56 SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY ..................................................................................................... 56 SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY - SUPPLEMENTRARY EVALUATION................................... 67 CONNECTION DENSITY ........................................................................................................... 72
NB-IoT ..................................................................................................................................................... 75 MOBILITY.............................................................................................................................. 78 RELIABILITY ......................................................................................................................... 83
2.3 Similarity with other Candidate Technologies .................................................................................... 94
2.3.1 Commonality of the eMBB component .......................................................................................... 94
2.3.2 The Non-standalone (NSA) mode .................................................................................................. 95
2.3.3 Idle/Inactive mode behaviour and Initial Access Process ............................................................... 95
2.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 98
3.2.1 ANALYSIS ASPECTS................................................................................................................. 104 USER PLANE LATENCY .................................................................................................. 104 CONTROL PLANE LATENCY ......................................................................................... 106
3.2.2 INSPECTION ASPECTS ............................................................................................................. 109 BANDWIDTH ..................................................................................................................... 109 SUPPORTED SPECTRUM BANDS(s)/RANGE(s) ............................................................... 109
3.2.3 SIMULATION ASPECTS .............................................................................................................. 110
3.3 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 115
I. SLS Results: ........................................................................................................................................... 181
I.1 Pathloss Model ..................................................................................................................................... 181
J. EUHT .................................................................................................................................................... 188
J.1 EUHT specification:.......................................................................................................................... 188
J.2 Analysis on channel coding design ...................................................................................................... 188
J.3 Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 195
K. Scenarios and Configurations as per ITU-R M.2412 ................................................................................ 196
1. Verification of Compliance Templates of candidate Technologies
In this chapter, we have reported our observations on the submissions of the candidate technologies at
the end of step 3 of the IMT-2020 process. We referred the final submissions from 3GPP, China and
Korea (IMT-2020/14 & /13, IMT-2020/15 & IMT-2020/16) which cleared step 3 during the WP5D#32
meeting at Brazil.
For the other candidate technologies from DECT, Nufront and TSDSI (IMT-2020/17, IMT-2020/18 &
IMT-2020/19) we referred their revised submission approved in WP5D#34 meeting.
This chapter verifies the following aspects like – gaps and deficiencies in the templates – link budget,
characteristic and compliance templates as well as ambiguous parts of the submissions which needs
sufficient clarifications from the proponents so as to independently evaluate the technology as per
M.2412 recommendations.
In this chapter, we have included our observations on the verification of the information in the revised
submission by TC DECT Forum submitted after WP5D#32, Bouzios, Brazil. This final revised
submission 5D/1299 was discussed during the WP5D#34 meeting.
We attempted to find gaps and clarification of the information needed for evaluation of this technology
using their description templates and referred specification and study report (ETSI TR 103 504). We
have referred to the assumptions given in the self-evaluation report in 5D/1299 and the clarifications
during the discussion in SWG Evaluation included in the IMT2020/26.
The DECT RIT contains two component technology – 3GPP NR (for eMBB usage scenarios) based on
IMT-2020/14 that is evaluated in chapter 2 and the DECT2020 NR component which is technically
different from 3GPP NR and is the candidate component for meeting the performance requirements for
URLLC and mMTC usage scenarios. These observations are related to the DECT2020 NR component.
5GIF Comments: There is an inconsistency about the system bandwidth of the DECT2020 NR
5GIF Comments: It seems like this RIT component is limited to Omni-direction antenna only and may
not be possible to deploy using multiple sectors and active antenna systems.
5GIF Comments
The submission by DECT describes that the DECT 2020 NR supports various IMT bands, but the
specification/report lists the carrier frequency numbers only for the range 1880-1900MHz and 1900-
1980MHz, 2010-2025MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz The specification lacks any information how other IMT
bands can be used or identified.
5GIF Comments
It is noted that the value provided seems to have calculation error, the calculation is based on assumption
of SCS=108kHz and 432 KHz using 1024 FFT points would lead to the maximum bandwidth of
110.592 MHz and 4.42 GHz respectively. Although, 5GIF could not find any specifications related SCS
other than 27kHz.
i) Macro mMTC
5GIF Comments:
a) The link budget is ambiguous because it reports same coverage for control & data for both
Uplink and downlink
b) The link budget is missing important parameters ( recommended in M.2411) - Tx & Rx antenna
ports , UE speed=0
c) Transmission bit rate value is same for both data & control channel
d) Required SNR values for both control channel and data channel are same
e) Link-budget for O2I is missing, which is needed to understand the technology as 80% UEs
devices are assumed indoor and transmitter is outdoor.
The Self-evaluation report refers to some results based on the specification and study report ETSI - TS
103 514, which has simulation using channel models used for IEEE 802.11ax, these channel models
are same as M2412.
A. Connection Density
The Self-evaluation report in 5D/1299 assumes a MESH based topology and relies on multi-hop
communication to get the device from a MTC device to the network.
5GIF Comments:
a) The linkbudget for mMTC though claims to have a coverage of data, control channel of 480m
with 100% reliability, but in the self-evaluation it is stated that DECT with star topology does
not meet coverage requirement due to which multihop mesh technology is implemented in
mMTC scenario. There is inconsistency in understanding the technology’s coverage.
b) The details in the Self-evaluation for connection density is not very clear, and it appears to not
follow the M.2412 evaluation methodology.
a. the principle understanding of “Minimum requirement” of any technical performance
metric implies that the technology will be able to support lower than the minimum
b. Since the connection density evaluation of DECT very much depends on “relaying”, if
the number of MTC devices are very less like just few 10s in a network layout of
ISD=500m, it is very likely to fail.
c. So even if the technology meets minimum devices of 1,000,000/sqkm, it is very likely
it won’t meet the requirements if there less than the minimum devices.
c) The evaluation of relay-based simulation requires – Channel model between device to device,
which are at the same height (1.5m), which is not supported in the current channel model in
M.2412. The report has no details about it.
d) Interference characteristics and modelling is also needed to understand the quality of multi-hop
relaying to ensure the small packets are delivered to the final network within the given time
with 1% PER probability.
e) The uplink power class being 23dBm, seems the simulation is not evaluated with 23dBm UE
power class and hence is not according to ITU-R evaluation methodology. If the self-evaluation
had used 23dB, the UL coverage as reported in link-budget implies no relaying would be needed.
f) The self-evaluation report also does not explain how the “relay propagation” from one MTC
device is restricted to flow to adjacent cells.
We observe that there is lot of inconsistency and lack of information to evaluate the ability of this
candidate technology to meet the MTC requirements.
B. Reliability
5GIF Observation
a) The self evaluation assumes 80% indoor and 20% outdoor in their simulation, whereas the ITU-
R M.2412 requires 80% outdoor and 20% indoor in Urban Macro-mMTC Evaluation
configuration A & B.
b) It is not clear what is transmit power assumed in the simulation, as the M.2412 recommends
49dBM for 20MHz , where as the simulation performed by DECT Forum is for 1.728MHz.
The report refers to still use the same transmit power 49dBm.
c) The following important parameters needed to evaluate the system are not mentioned in the
self-evaluation report –
1. UE mobility model, UE speeds of interest
2. Mechanical tilt, Electronic tilt
3. TRxP boresight, Wrapping around method
4. Polarization,
5. Number of TXRU in a panel
6. Number of panels
7. Polarized antenna model
8. Horizontal and vertical spacing between antenna elements
Observation: Only maximum four layers possible which is inconsistent with the usage of eight layers
in the Self-Evaluation Report of EUHT.
C) Working Bandwidth Mode
o EUHT Submission 5D/1300, provides a STA basic capability request frame which
specifies the working bandwidth mode of the STA.A working bandwidth mode
specifies a combination of “working bandwidth” called as (working bandwith-
1,working bandwith-2 and working bandwith-3) from which the STA can choose one
mode. Based on this specification, the maximum available bandwidth for a
transmission is in the mode number 4 “100 : 25/50/100”, i.e. 100 MHz.
For more information refer Section 4.2
Observation: The maximum supported bandwidth in EUHT RIT is 100 MHz which contrasts with the
mentioned support for 6400 MHz in the Self-Evaluation Report of EUHT.
D) Spectrum Aggregation Mode (Referring to Specification submitted in WP5D#32, See
Attachment in Annex-J.1)
In the revised submission 5D/1300, included in WP5D#33, these text in the section of the
specification was missing.
Providing an example of the working bandwidth mode, sub-channel and spectrum aggregation usage
If the supported working bandwidth mode is reported to be four (bit-pattern :100) by the STA, the STA
can choose one of the three working bandwidth from 25/50/100 MHz (refer Table 4A). If the STA
chooses to use the working bandwidth-3 (100MHz), the CAP will make use of all the four sub-channel
(Error! Reference source not found.) each of bandwidth equal to that of working bandwidth-1(i.e. 25
5GIF Observation:
a) Multiple bandwidth support is obtained by using four sub-channels where the possible sub-channel
bandwidths are 5,10,15,20,25 MHz (Table 4A).
b) Spectrum Aggregation Mode cannot be used in mmWave mode due to lack of support in specification
for SCS=390.625 needed for mmWave (see Table 4C & Table 4B).
c) Maximum System Bandwidth in Spectrum Aggregation mode is 80 MHz(Table 4B).
d) Maximum Bandwidth supported by STA is 100 MHz (Table 4A).
e) There is also inconsistency regarding bandwidths mentioned as 200MHz, 400MHz but no
specification to support by STA (UE)
2. Assessment of Candidate technology by 3GPP –RIT (IMT-
2020/14) & SRIT (IMT-2020/13)
The 5GIF IEG is hosted by COAI and is primarily interested in the independent evaluation of candidate
technologies originating from 3GPP. In the past technologies originating from 3GPP viz. WCDMA
(IMT-2000) and LTE-A (IMT-A) had global adoption and proved central to services rendered by our
operator members. They are also dependent on the ecosystem created by the globally harmonized
standards developed in 3GPP. Thus, the primary objective of the 5GIF IEG was to get a first-hand
understanding of the 5G standard from 3GPP.
In this chapter, we provide our detailed assessment of the candidate RIT and SRIT technologies from
3GPP. The RIT candidate IMT-2020/14 refers to the NR radio interface technology. This single
technology is designed to address the eMBB, mMTC and uRLLC use cases. The SRIT candidate IMT-
2020/13 employs LTE-Advanced Pro for eMBB, NB-IoT and eMTC for mMTC and NR for uRLLC
use cases. An independent assessment is made on these candidate technologies to understand what they
promise, and to also understand what else it can offer.
This assessment also allows us to make a recommendation on the RIT submitted by China and Korea,
both based on 3GPP technologies. While the Korean RIT is based entirely on IMT-2020/14, the RIT
from China deviates in its use of NB-IoT for mMTC, which is from IMT-2020/13. While 3GPP has
referenced Rel-15 specs during Step-2 of the IMT-2020 process, it is further expected that the Rel-16
specs will become part of the IMT-2020 recommendation, at the end of this IMT-2020 exercise. The
technical evaluation however is based on the final submission made to the WP5D#32 meeting in,
Bouzios, Brazil, where the submissions of the candidate technology from 3GPP was declared to have
cleared STEP 3 of the IMT-2020 process. With LTE-A based deployments already ubiquitous, and NR
based deployments happening in a rapid phase, the technologies from 3GPP is yet again expected to
offer global seamless operations.
As per the ITU-R Report M.2411, Section 5.2.4, the summary based on our evaluation is as below:
2.1.1 Services
(M.2411 - Compliance template for services
M.2411 Service capability requirements 5GIF comments
Section Support for wide range of services [x] YES / No
Is the proposal able to support a range of services The 3GPP NR (RIT) supports all the three usage
scenarios (eMBB,URLLC and mMTC) through
across different usage scenarios (eMBB, URLLC, and configurable slot types (DL/UL combinations),
mMTC)? different bandwidth combinations and schemes to
Specify which usage scenarios (eMBB, URLLC, and support large number devices for mMTC
mMTC) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can
2.1.2 Spectrum
(M.2411 - Compliance template for spectrum -
Spectrum capability requirements Frequency bands identified for IMT
Is the proposal able to utilize at least one frequency band identified for IMT in the ITU Radio Regulations?
🗹 YES / NO
Specify in which band(s) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can be deployed.
The proponent has identified support for the following bands in their submission.
NR Uplink (UL) operating band Downlink (DL) operating band Duplex Mode
operating BS receive / UE transmit BS transmit / UE receive
band FUL_low – FUL_high FDL_low – FDL_high
The proponent has identified support for the following bands in their submission.
NR operating Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL) operating band Duplex Mode
band BS transmit/receive
UE transmit/receive
FUL_low – FUL_high
FDL_low – FDL_high
n257 26500 MHz – 29500 MHz TDD
n258 24250 MHz – 27500 MHz TDD
n260 37000 MHz – 40000 MHz TDD
n261 27500 MHz – 28350 MHz TDD
5GIF Comments
– This candidate technology has support for bands identified for IMT-2020 based on the 3GPP TS 38.104 specifications.,
– Text highlighted in blue are possible candidate bands in India, and the 5GIF Evaluation will prioritize our studies on them
2.1.3 Technical Performance
(M.2411 - Compliance template for technical performance from
Minimum technical Category Requi
performance red Value(2) 5GIF Comments
t met?
requirements item value
(, units, and Usage Test Downlink
Report scenari environme or uplink
ITU-R M.2410-0 o nt
section reference(1) eMBB Not Downlink 20 21.74 – 34.98 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
Range : By using multiple component Carriers for aggregate
Peak data rate (Gbit/s) applicable Uplink 10 11.8 1– 19.0 ✓ Yes BW of 500MHz(400+100)-800MHz in FR2.
(4.1) eMBB Not Downlink 30 31.7 – 47.9 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
For DDDSU frame format for various subcarrier spacing,
Peak spectral efficiency applicable Uplink 15 18.2 – 22.8 ✓ Yes bandwidth(5 MHz to 400 Mhz) using FR1 and FR2
(4.2) eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 100 107.8-187.2 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
Range : corresponds to minimum aggregated bandwidth of
User experienced data rate – eMBB Uplink 50 74.98 – 128.7 ✓ Yes 3CC~180MHz for Config A(4GHz) and using 3CC (300MHz)
(Mbit/s) in 4GHz band
(4.3) Note upto 16CC is supported in the technology for achieving
higher user experienced date rate
COAI-5GIF 20 eMBB Indoor Downlink 0.30 0.37 (FR1) ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
Config A (FR1 : 4GHz) with 36TRxP
5th percentile user spectral Hotspot – 0.302 (FR2)
Config B (FR2 : 30GHz) with 36TRxP
efficiency (bit/s/Hz) eMBB Uplink 0.21 0.42 (FR1) ✓ Yes
(4.4) 0.425 (FR2)
eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 0.225 0.375 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
– eMBB Config A : 4GHz, TDD
Uplink 0.15 0.3 ✓ Yes
eMBB Rural – Downlink 0.12 -NA- ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
Config C :See 4.4, M.2410, requirement not applicable, but see
Section 2.2.3 for the evaluated results.
(Required to 0.138 (Config Config A : ( 700MHz, ISD=1732m,FDD)
meet for A) Config B : (4GHz, ISD=1732m, TDD)
Config A or 0.374
Note : See Section 2.2.3 for supplementary evaluation for rural
B) (ConfigB) deployment
0.134 (Config
0.123 (Config
B) eMBB Indoor Downlink 9 12.725 (FR1) ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
Config A (FR1 : 4GHz) with 36TRxP
Average spectral efficiency Hotspot – 11.384 (FR2)
Config B (FR2 : 30GHz) with 36TRxP
(bit/s/Hz/ TRxP) eMBB Uplink 6.75 7.551 (FR1) ✓ Yes
(4.5) 7.392 (FR2)
eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 7.8 12.8 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
Config A : 4GHz, TDD
– eMBB Uplink 5.4 6.662 ✓ Yes
eMBB Rural – Downlink 3.3 7.597(Config ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
eMBB C) • Config C (mandatory, LMLC) : 700MHz,
6.594 (Config ✓ Yes Config A( 700MHz, ISD=1732m,FDD)
A) • Config B( 4GHz, ISD=1732m, TDD)
4.17 (Config A) ✓ Yes
3.457 (Config
B) eMBB Indoor- Downlink 10 10.51-18.9 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
Config A (4GHz,TDD) : 12TRxP & 36TRxP. Aggregated
Area traffic capacity Hotspot –
bandwidth of 300MHz with 3CC
(Mbit/s/m2) eMBB
(4.6) eMBB Not Uplink 4 0.86 – 3.9 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
Using various TTI duration (mini-slots), flexible UL & DL format
User plane latency applicable and
and SCS allows to achieve UP latency below 4ms in both FDD &
(ms) Downlink TDD
URLLC Not Uplink 1 0.31 – 0.96 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
Using various TTI duration (mini-slots), flexible UL & DL format
applicable and
and SCS allows to achieve UP latency below 1ms in both FDD &
Downlink TDD mMTC Urban Macro Uplink 1,000,000 NR IMT- ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
Connection density – mMTC 2020/14 • NR ((IMT-2020/14)
Corresponds to cells ISD, 1732 m and 500 m, respectively.
(devices/km2) 1,465,000 – • NB-IoT (IMT-2020/13)
(4.8) 35,021,000 Corresponds to cells ISD, 1732 m and 500 m, respectively.
NB-IoT ✓ Yes Note that the candidate submission IMT-2020/16 from Korea used
NR as the mMTC candidate, and the candidate submission from
IMT2020/13 China IMT-2020/15 uses NB-IoT. Both these candidates satisfy
2,567,000- their individual connection density requirement due to 3GPP
43,846,000 satisfying those requirements.
COAI-5GIF 22 eMBB Not Not Capability Yes ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Inspection Aspects)
For all bandwidth configurations 3GPP NR supports sleep ratio of
Energy efficiency applicable applicable to support a
more than 99% at symbol and slot level
(4.9) high sleep
ratio and
long sleep
duration URLLC Urban Macro Uplink or 1-10−5 Yes ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
3GPP NR supports multiple code rates for which reliable packet
Reliability –URLLC Downlink success
transmission targeting 10-5 BLER is possible by allocating
(4.10) probability different number of PRB’s for the same user
g a layer 2
data unit) of
size 32
within 1 ms
in channel
quality of
edge eMBB Indoor Uplink Stationary, Yes ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Simulation Aspects)
NLOS (LOS) values
Mobility classes Hotspot – Pedestrian
• Indoor Hotspot – Config A (4GHz, TDD) :
(4.11) eMBB
• Dense Urban – Config A(4GHz, TDD, NLOS &
eMBB Dense Urban Uplink Stationary, Yes ✓ Yes LOS)
– eMBB Pedestrian, • Rural (120kmph, 500kmph) Config A
Vehicular (700MHz, FDD)
(up to 30
eMBB Rural – Uplink Pedestrian, Yes ✓ Yes
eMBB Vehicular,
High speed
vehicular eMBB Indoor Uplink 1.5 1.59 (1.94) ✓ Yes
Mobility Hotspot – (10 km/h)
Traffic channel link data eMBB
rates (bit/s/Hz) eMBB Dense Urban Uplink 1.12 1.82 (2.17) ✓ Yes
(4.11) – eMBB (30 km/h)
eMBB Rural – Uplink 0.8 2.32 (2.90) ✓ Yes
eMBB (120 km/h)
0.45 2.07(2.64) ✓ Yes
(500 km/h) eMBB Not Not 0 0 ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Analysis Aspects)
3GPP NR supports beam mobility and CA mobility to allow make-
Mobility interruption time and applicable applicable
before-break resulting into 0 ms mobility interruption time.
(ms) URLLC Applicable for both eMBB and uRLLC
(4.12) Not Not Not At least 100 MHz and ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Inspection Aspects)
3GPP NR supports different component carrier bandwidth from
Bandwidth and Scalability applicabl applicable applicable 100 MHz more
5 MHz to 100 MHz (in FR1), and allows up to 16 component
(4.13) e carrier aggregation
Up to 1 1 GHz and ✓ Yes Refer Section 2.2 (Inspection Aspects)
GHz more
3GPP NR supports different component carrier bandwidth
from 50 MHz to 400 MHz (in FR2), and allows up to 16
component carrier aggregation
Support of Supported ✓ Yes
As defined in Report ITU-R M.2410-0.
(2) According to the evaluation methodology specified in Report ITU-R M.2412-0.
(3) Proponents should report their selected evaluation methodology of the Connection density, the channel model variant used, and evaluation configuration(s) with their exact values
(e.g. antenna element number, bandwidth, etc.) per test environment, and could provide other relevant information as well. For details, refer to Report ITU-R M.2412-0, in particular, § 7.1.3
for the evaluation methodologies, § 8.4 for the evaluation configurations per each test environment, and Annex 1 on the channel model variants.
(4) Refer to § 7.3.1 of Report ITU-R M.2412-0.
2.1.4 Link Budget Templates
(M.2411 - Description template – link budget template,
Note: the 5GIF evaluation team had identified some minor discrepancies in the link budget tables, when
compared with the ones submitted by the proponents. The anomalies correspond to the formulae used
to (reverse) map the distance. These were then communicated to the proponents at WP5D#33.
The link budget tables for the candidate technology in IMT-2020/14 for the different channel models
being considered is embedded below.
LB for 3GPP 5G NR
RIT ChA - 5GIF.xlsx
Channel model B:
LB for 3GPP 5G NR
RIT ChB - 5GIF.xlsx
5GIF Observation
Regarding the pathloss models in M.2412, the 5GIF observes that the formula for LMLC gives a 12
dB relaxation in NLOS, which is understood to have been updated based on the field measurement
contribution in 5D/111. We are not able to corroborate this model with the vast literature available
on channel models. We are therefore of the view that WP5D needs to have further studies on the
validity of this model, before its application to other studies within ITU and elsewhere.
Furthermore, the 12 dB relaxation in pathloss with the channel model is technology agnostic, and is
therefore applicable for any of the candidates, but limited to the specific environment in which the
measurements were made.
2.2 Detailed Technical Evaluation
This section provides the details of the evaluation and 5GIF findings on the 3GPP RIT candidate IMT-
2020/14 and the NB-IoT component of the 3GPP SRIT candidate IMT-2020/13.
In this section, analytical based approach is used to determine the technical performance of the
technology. The analysis uses closed form expression based on the inputs and description of technical
features in the description template as well as the relevant specifications needed to support those
technical features.
Technical Performance calculated in this section are:
• Peak Spectral Efficiency
• Peak Data Rate
• User Experienced Data Rate
• Area Traffic Capacity
• Control & User Plane Latency
• Mobility Interruption Time
Table 2-1 Antenna Configurations for peak spectral efficiency & peak data rate (from M.2412)
Parameters Values
Number of BS antenna elements 700 MHz: Up to 64 Tx/Rx
4 GHz / 30 GHz: Up to 256 Tx /Rx
70 GHz: Up to 1 024 Tx/Rx
Number of UE antenna elements 700 MHz / 4 GHz: Up to 8 Tx /Rx
30 GHz: Up to 32 Tx /Rx
70 GHz: Up to 64 Tx /Rx
Evaluation Methodology
(Section 7.2.1 of M.2412)
The proponent should report the assumed frequency band(s) of operation and channel bandwidth, for which the
peak spectral efficiency value is achievable.
For TDD, the channel bandwidth information should include the effective bandwidth, which is the operating
bandwidth normalized appropriately considering the uplink/downlink ratio.
● The antenna configuration to be assumed for calculation of peak spectral efficiency as well as peak data
rate is defined in the M.2412 report (reproduced below).
● L1 and L2 overhead (OH) should be accounted for in time and frequency, in the same way as assumed
for the “Average spectral efficiency”
● Proponents should demonstrate that the peak spectral efficiency requirements can be met for, at least,
one of the carrier frequencies assumed in the test environments under the eMBB usage scenario.
As recommended in the M.2412, we have evaluated the Peak-spectral efficiency for the following Test
environments - Rural, Urban Macro and Indoor Hotspot for the two frequency ranges FR1 - f<6GHz and FR2 :
>24.25 GHz
The 3GPP candidate technology supports various channel bandwidth as well as aggregation of multiple carrier
within as well as across bands. For a given channel bandwidth and the sub-carrier spacing (SCS) used the total
number of subcarrier available in the carrier (OFDM symbol) varies. A group of 12 subcarriers is called PRB
(Physical Resource Block) and spans across 7 or 14 OFDM symbols in time within a transmission slot (TTI –
Transmit Time Interval).
The 3GPP RAN4 specifies the maximum number of PRB (Physical Resource Blocks) available for a given SCS
(Subcarrier spacing) and channel bandwidth. As shown below for the frequency ranges above and below 6GHz3.
Each PRB can have 12 subcarriers and will span a bandwidth of 12*SCS. For example, in Error! Reference
source not found., row 2 has 273 PRBs. Each resource block has 12 carriers and each carrier, in turn, is 30 kHz,
yielding a carrier bandwidth of 273*12*30 = 98.28 MHz. In the same table, row 3 yields a carrier bandwidth of
135*12*60 = 97.20 MHz.
In addition, NR can aggregate upto 16 such component carriers which means that other configurations could also
potentially provide the requisite ITU bandwidth. From the definition and discussion in 3GPP4 we can derive the
generic formula for peak spectral efficiency for FDD and TDD for a specific component carrier (say j-th CC) as
BW ( j ),
N PRB 12
( j)
vLayers Qm( j ) f ( j ) Rmax
(1 − OH ( j ) )
SE p j = ( j)
BW (1)
● Rmax = 948/1024
● For the j-th CC,
● is signalled per band and per band per band combination as per UE capability
o is the numerology (as defined in TS38.211)
3 R4-1806932, “TS 38.104 Combined updates (NSA) from RAN4 #86bis and RAN4 #87,” Ericsson
4 R1-1721732, “Reply to LS on NR UE Category”, RAN1, November 2017
o is the average OFDM symbol duration in a subframe for numerology , i.e.
. Note that normal cyclic prefix is assumed.
− α(j) is the normalized scalar considering the downlink/uplink ratio; for FDD α(j)=1 for DL and UL; and
for TDD and other duplexing α(j) for DL and UL is calculated based on the frame structure.
− For guard period (GP), 50% of GP symbols are considered as downlink overhead, and 50% of GP
symbols are considered as uplink overhead.
One of the important factor in the above expression is the OH (overhead) factor due to SSB (Synchronization
Signal block), TRS (Tracking Reference Signal), PDCCH (Physical downlink Control channel – CCE in every
slot), DM-RS (demodulation reference signal), PT-RS (phase-tracking reference signal) and CSI-RS (channel-
state information reference signal) that have to be considered. Given the maximum number of Tx/Rx elements in
ITU-R configurations, the maximum number of TXRU allowed is upto 8 layers.
For frequencies in FR1, for e.g. the 3.5GHz band is considered for early IMT2020 deployments, this band is a
TDD band. In FR2, 26GHz, 28GHz and 39GHz bands are supported in 3GPP NR specifications.
3GPP NR candidate supports various TDD slot patterns. Table below shows parameters for a DL centric
configuration DDDSU (i.e. Five slots – 3 slots with all downlink only symbols, Special Slot and one slot with all
uplink-only symbols). The Special Slot (S) – has 11 DL symbols, 1 GP (Guard), 2 UL symbols.
The DL peak spectral efficiency for NR TDD for different bandwidth and SCS parameters is shown in Table
2.1.1-2. The results are according to Eq. (1) and the detailed parameters as listed above. In this evaluation, the DL
dominant frame structure “DDDSU” (DL:UL=4:1) is selected.
Table 2-4 NR TDD DL peak spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz) (Frame structure: DDDSU, DL:UL=4:1)
Channel Bandwidth (MHz)
SC(kHz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 90 100 200 400 Req.
FR1 15 39.6 43.6 44.9 45.6 46.1 46.3 47.1 47.2 - - - - - - 30
30 31.7 38.4 42.1 43.1 44.4 44.6 45.9 46.3 47.1 47.5 47.7 47.9 - - 30
60 - 31.8 37.5 38.7 40.9 42.3 43.3 44.5 45.4 46.4 46.8 47.1 - - 30
FR2 60 - - - - - - - 33.7 - - - 34.5 34.9 - 30
120 - - - - - - - 31.7 - - - 34.0 34.7 35.0 30
Similarly, based on the formula provided in Eq. (1), the UL peak spectral efficiency for NR is derived here.
The TDD UL peak spectral efficiency for NR TDD for different bandwidth and SCS parameters is evaluated for
the same DL dominant frame structure “DDDSU”.
Table 2-5 Parameter assumptions of NR UL peak spectral efficiency
Parameters Values Remarks
4 NR supports up to 4 layers for a single user for
8 NR supports up to 256QAM for UL
1 The value of 1 is chosen as scaling factor for
UL peak spectral efficiency evaluation.
Rmax 948/1024 = 0.9258 NR supports highest coding rate as
0, 1, 2, 3
For FR1: See Section 5.3.2 of TS38.104
• 270 for 50MHz with 15kHz SCS
• 273 for 100MHz with 30kHz SCS
• 135 for 100MHz with 60kHz SCS
For FR2:
• 264 for 200MHz with 60kHz SCS
• 264 for 400MHz with 120kHz SCS
SCS f = 2 15 [kHz]
( j) 0.2357 This value corresponds to DL:UL=4:1, where
3 DL slots, 1 S slot mixing DL/UL symbols,
and 1 UL slot are configured in every 5 slots;
S slot includes 11 DL symbols , one symbol for
GP, and two UL symbols.
For FR1: 50% of GP symbols are considered as uplink
• 0.167 for 50MHz with 15kHz SCS overhead.
• 0.16 for 100MHz with 30kHz SCS For FR1:
• 0.156 for 100MHz with 60kHz SCS • PUCCH: short PUCCH with 1 PRB and 1
For FR2: symbol in every UL slot
• 0.202 for 200MHz with 60kHz SCS • DM-RS: 12 RE/PRB/slot
* 0.195 for 400MHz with 120kHz SCS • SRS: 1 symbols per slot with periodicity
of 20 ms
For FR2:
• PUCCH: short PUCCH with 1 PRB and 1
symbol in every UL slot
• DM-RS: 12 RE/PRB/slot
• SRS: 1 symbols per slot with periodicity
of 5ms
PTRS: 2 ports PTRS, frequency density is 4
PRB, and time domain density is 1 symbol
Table 2-6 NR TDD UL peak spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz) for the same DDDSU
SCS Channel Bandwidth (MHz)
(kHz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 90 100 200 400 Req
FR1 15 15
20.6 21.5 21.8 22.0 22.0 22.1 22.1 22.4 - - - - - -
30 18.2 20.0 21.1 21.3 21.7 21.7 22.2 22.2 22.6 22.7 22.8 22.8 - - 15
60 - 18.3 20.0 20.1 20.8 20.8 21.4 21.8 22.1 22.5 22.6 22.7 - - 15
FR2 60 15
- - - - - - - 20.9 - - - 21.0 21.0 -
120 - - - - - - - 20.4 - - - 21.1 21.2 21.2 15
Evaluation Report
DL: 20 Gb/s
Peak data rate
UL: 10 Gb/s
Evaluation Methodology
The proponent should report the peak data rate value achievable by the candidate RITs/SRITs and identify the
assumed frequency band(s) of operation, the maximum assignable channel bandwidth in that band(s) and the main
assumptions related to the peak spectral efficiency over the assumed frequency band(s) (e.g. antenna
Proponents should demonstrate that the peak data rate requirement can be met for, at least, one carrier frequency
or a set of aggregated carrier frequencies (where it is the case), assumed in the test environments under the eMBB
usage scenario.
When assessing the downlink peak data-rate, the overheads due to SSB, TRS, PDCCH, DM-RS, PT-RS and CSI-
RS must be considered. These are shown in table below.
To achieve peak data rates of 20 Gbits/s, bandwidths of the order of 400 MHz are required, so the evaluation
focuses on frequencies above 6 GHz.
Table 2-7 Evaluation assumptions for peak data-rate (FR2)
Parameter Configuration
SSB (synchronization signal block) 8 SSBs per 20 ms
TRS (tracking reference signal) Minimum (52, BW in PRBs) PRB wide, occurs every
20 ms
PDCCH (physical downlink control channel) 4 CCE in every slot
DM-RS (demodulation reference signal) 2 complete symbols per slot
CSI-RS (channel-state information reference signal) 8 RE per PRB, occurs every 10 ms
PT-RS (phase-tracking reference signal) 1 subcarrier every 4th PRB, every symbol
Number of layers 8
Modulation format 256QAM
Code rate 0.93
Using the MATLAB formulation given below evaluates the peak data rate with the above assumption
and 3GPP references 5,6
DRdl = date-rate on the DL
B = repmat(A,m,n) creates a large matrix B consisting of an m-by-n tiling of copies of A
s = size(A) returns a row vector whose elements contain the length of the corresponding dimension of A
NRE = no of resource elements
OHdl = overhead on the DL
For more details about the formula itself, the reader is referred to 3GPP references 6.
For a 400 MHz wide component carrier, the peak data rate is 17.49 Gbits/s. Aggregating two such
component carriers consume a bandwidth of 800 MHz and gives a peak data-rate of about 35 Gbits/s,
well beyond the passing criterion of 20 Gbits/s.
According to Section 6.4 of TS38.331, carrier aggregation of up to sixteen component carriers is supported by
NR Rel-15. Accordingly, the NR capability of maximum aggregated system bandwidth is presented in Table
8.1.1-1. of TR 37.910 It is observed that the maximum aggregated bandwidth for FR 1 is 800 MHz to 1 600 MHz;
while for FR 2, the maximum aggregated bandwidth is 3200 MHz to 6400 MHz
The evaluation parameters for the uplink are listed in Table 3. The overheads due to DM-RS, PT-RS, SRS, and
PUCCH are considered. The ITU peak data rate targets are fulfilled for carrier aggregation of two 400 MHz wide
component carriers, see Table 4.
5 R1-1809934, Summary on discussion on IMT-2020 evaluation for peak data rate and peak spectral
efficiency,” Huawei
6 R1-1805641, “Way Forward on NR Peak Data Rate Formula,” Intel, Samsung, MediaTek, Huawei,
HiSilicon, Apple, Vivo, OPPO
Table 2-9 Evaluation Assumptions for peak data-rate for uplink
Parameter Setting
DM-RS 1 complete symbol per slot
PT-RS 1 subcarrier every 4th PRB, every symbol
SRS 1 complete symbol every 10 ms
PUCCH Long PUCCH with 2 PRB over slot in every slot
Number of layers 4
Modulation format 256QAM
Code rate 0.93
Evaluation Report
Evaluation Methodology
The IMT-2020 technical requirement on user-experienced data-rate is defined as the 5% point of the
cumulative distribution function of the user throughput, which, in turn, represents the number of
correctly received bits, i.e. the number of bits contained in the service data units delivered to layer 3,
over a certain period of time.
In the case of one frequency band and one layer of transmission reception points (TRxP), the user-
experienced data-rate is computed as
𝑅user = 𝑊 ∙ SE5%
where SE5% is the 5th percentile user spectral efficiency and 𝑊 denotes the channel bandwidth.
In case bandwidth is aggregated across multiple bands (one or more TRxP layers), the user-experienced
data-rate will be summed over the bands. Similar is the case when using carrier aggregation to derive
user-experienced data-rate.
These values are defined assuming supportable bandwidth for each test environment. However, the
bandwidth assumption is not part of the requirement; and hence the required bandwidth has been
reported as part of the evaluation effort in the following.
We have evaluated the User Experienced Data Rate in Dense Urban eMBB test environment for
Configuration A (4 GHz). For the 5th Percentile Spectral Efficiency evaluation assumptions and
detailed results see (Section
Table 2-11 reproduced below is the downlink 5% spectral efficiency evaluated for config-A (4GHz) for
different bandwidth and antenna configurations and the corresponding User Experienced Data Rate for
both Uplink and Downlink.
Table 2-11 TDD DL spectral efficiency evaluation for different system bandwidth in FR1
1-CC Bandwidth
Evaluation config A
BW=20 MHz BW=40 MHz BW=100 MHz
3GPP Self-Evaluation Report provides support for up to 16 CC aggregation and the User Experienced
Data Rate for maximum available bandwidth is provided in Table 2-12.
Table 2-12 Downlink - Maximum User Experienced Data Rate for different possible Aggregated
3 CC required 16 CC required
Config. A (30KHzSCS);
DL 100×0.624 + 80×0.568 16×100×0.624
=107.84 =998.4
3 CC required 16 CC required
Config. A (30KHz SCS);
UL 100×0.429 + 80×0.401 16×100×0.429
=74.98 =686.4
Evaluation Report
5GIF Observations
Based on the assessment,
i. Multiple carrier aggregation configurations are supported and can be used to improve
spectrum utilization and hence User Experienced Data Rate by using higher bandwidth
carriers to reduce guard bands and overheads.
ii. The maximum possible User Experienced Data Rate for 3GPP for 16 CC configuration
is 998.2Mbps in DL and 686.4Mbps in UL in FR1, for the given Dense Urban IMT-2020
evaluation configuration
iii. By employing Carrier Aggregation it can be seen that the minimum bandwidth required
in case of DL can be approximated to 180 MHz (100×0.624 +
2×40×0.568=107.84Mbps) when using 64T4R with one 100 MHz Carrier and two 40
MHz Carrier which are available for use in the n77 band (3300-4200 MHz)
iv. In case of UL User Experienced Data Rate, by using Carrier Aggregation it can be seen
that the minimum bandwidth required can be approximated to 120 MHz (100×0.429 +
20×0.386=50.62) when using 4T64R* with one 100 MHz Carrier and one 20 MHz
Carrier which are available for use in the n77 band (3300-4200 MHz)
This assures that Indian operators are well positioned to address the NDCP7 requirement using this
candidate technology (IMT-2020/14), using a minimum bandwidth of 180 MHz in n77 Band.
Area traffic capacity is defined as the total traffic throughput served per geographic area (in Mbits/s/m2). The
throughput is the number of correctly received bits, i.e. the number of bits contained in the service data units
delivered to layer 3, over a certain period of time.
The requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the Indoor Hotspot (InH) eMBB test environment,
where the target value for the area traffic capacity on the downlink is 10 Mbits/s/m2.
Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation is conducted in Indoor Hotspot-eMBB test environment where a single band is considered. Area
traffic capacity is derived based on the achievable average spectral efficiency, TRxP density and bandwidth.
Let W denote the channel bandwidth and 𝜌 the TRxP density (TRxP/m2). The area traffic capacity Carea is related
to average spectral efficiency SEavg as follows:
Carea = ρ × W × SEavg
In case multiple bands are aggregated, the area traffic capacity will be summed over the bands.
We derive the evaluation results of area traffic capacity in Indoor Hotspot eMBB for Config A* (4 GHz) based
on the average spectral efficiency evaluated in (Section for detailed assumptions regarding Average
Spectral Efficiency.
20m 10m
12 TRxP 36 TRxP
DL Average spectral efficiency Remark
SEavg Area Traffic
[bps/Hz/TRxP] Capacity
DDDSU : 54 DL out of
System bandwidth
TDD 70 Symbols
100 MHz bandwidth per SEeff=SEavg*(54/70)
Carrier Component(CC) W* 𝜌*SEeff
with 30 kHz SCS
13.657 10.54
300 13.637 18.94 36TRxP
DDDSU : D=Downlink Slot, S=Special Slot (11 Downlink Symbols, 2 Gap Symbols, 1 Uplink Symbol), U=Uplink Slot
Evaluation Report
5GIF Observations
i. Three component carriers of 100 MHz are needed to be aggregated in n77 from the Indian
perspective to satisfy the dense Indoor area traffic capacity requirement
ii. The available bandwidth in the Sub 6 mid band (3300-3600 MHz) is less than the minimum
required 300 MHz threshold, but the requirements can be met by employing a higher density of
TRxP per Cell
Control plane latency, also known as call setup latency, is the latency for a User Equipment (UE) to
transition to a state where it can send/receive data.
According to Report ITU-R M.2410, control plane latency refers to the transition time from a most
“battery efficient” state (e.g. Idle state) to the start of continuous data transfer (e.g. Active state).
This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the eMBB and URLLC usage scenarios.The
minimum requirement for control plane latency is 20ms.
Evaluation Methodology
The proponent should provide the elements and their values in the calculation of the control plane
latency. Table below from the M.2412 provides an example of the elements in the calculation of the
control plane latency.
Example of control plane latency analysis template
Step Description
1 Random access procedure
2 UL synchronization
3 Connection establishment + HARQ retransmission
4 Data bearer establishment + HARQ retransmission
Total control plane latency = Sum of 1) to 4)
In 3GPP, Radio Connection between UE and Network is done through RRC re configuration. It is necessary to
study the transition of states and exchange of signals during the Radio Resource Control configuration.
RRC Inactive state to the RRC Active state transition is shown in the figure below:
Processing Delay:
In our evaluation, the assumption is that the minimum timing capabilities have been agreed for NR. With the UE
capability, the minimum UL timing is set to be 3 symbols for both 15 kHz and 30 kHz SCS. For 120kHz, the
assumption is made of 9 symbols timing.
For the case of URLLC scenario, where low latency is required for the user-plane, the network allows
transmission of mini-slots, where the TTIs can have shorter and different lengths and we have therefore
counted the processing in terms of the shortest considered TTI, which is 4 symbols (for e.g. TTI = 1ms,
0.5ms and 0.25ms for SCS=15,30 & 60 respectively, for a 14OFDM symbol in TTI, will be scaled
down by 28.5% for 4symbol)
For simplicity, the processing delay is therefore set to 1 TTI for both 15 and 30 kHz SCS and 3 TTI at
120 kHz SCS, in both gNB and UE. The RRC processing delays are assumed to be of a fixed value of
3ms, as discussed in 3GPP reference (R2-1802686, “RRC UE processing time for Standalone NR”,
For the evaluation of latency, it is assumed that the UE works with n+2 timing and the gNB with n+3 timing as
the fastest options, i.e. that the processing budget is 1 (15 kHZ SCS) and 2 (30kHzSCS) TTIs,. For 120kHz, the
processing delay is doubled in TTIs, giving n+3 timing for the UE and n+5 timing for gNB.
With the assumptions described above, the resulting CP latency will be as outlined in Table below. As can be
seen, the total worst-case delay sums up in the range 9-14 TTIs + 6ms for FDD.
1 Worst-case delay due to 1TTI 1TTI
RACH scheduling period
(1TTI period)
2 Transmission of RACH 1TTI 1TTI
3 Preamble detection and 1TTI 3TTI
processing in gNB
4 Transmission of RA 1TTI 1TTI
5 UE Processing Delay 1TTI 2TTI
(decoding of scheduling
grant, timing alignment and
C-RNTI assignment + L1
encoding of RRC
Connection Request)
6 Transmission of RRC 1 TTI 1 TTI
Connection Resume
7 Processing delay in gNB 3 ms 3 ms
(L2 and RRC)
8 Transmission of RRC 1 TTI 1 TTI
Connection Resume (and
UL grant)
9 Processing delay in the UE 3 ms 3 ms
(L2 and RRC)
10 Transmission of RRC 1 TTI 1 TTI
Connection Resume
Complete (including NAS
Service Request)
11 Processing delay in gNB 1 TTI 3 TTI
(Uu –> S1-C)
Total delay 9 TTI + 6 ms 14 TTI + 6ms
The worst-case Control Plane (CP) latency in 3GPP NR Rel.15 FDD is estimated to be 9TTI+6ms for 15/30kHz
SCS and 14TTI+6ms at 120kHz.
Summary: CP latency in ms (FDD)
It can be noted that by using SCS of 120kHz the NR can have control plane latency <10ms. And also, for typical
SCS of 15/30kHz the control plane latency is <20m.
For the TDD slot sequence, two cases are studied: an alternating UL-DL sequence, and a DL-heavy UDDD
sequence. Due to the slot sequence, additional alignment delays are added.
As can be seen, the total worst-case delay sums up in the range 12-26 TTI + 6ms for TDD.
Latency(slot) Latency(slot)
Frame Fomat : UL- Frame Format :
Component Description DL UDDD
15/30kHz 120kHz 15/30kHz 120kHz
1 Worst-case delay due to RACH scheduling 2 TTI 2 TTI 4 TTI 4 TTI
period (1TTI period)
2 Transmission of RACH Preamble 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI
3 Preamble detection and processing in gNB 1 TTI 3 TTI 1 TTI 3 TTI
4 DL slot alignment 1 TTI 1 TTI 0 TTI 1 TTI
5 Transmission of RA response 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI
6 UE Processing Delay (decoding of scheduling 1 TTI 3 TTI 1 TTI 3 TTI
grant, timing alignment and C-RNTI assignment
+ L1 encoding of RRC Connection Request)
7 UL slot alignment 1 TTI 1 TTI 0 TTI 3 TTI
8 Transmission of RRC Connection Resume 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI
9 Processing delay in gNB (L2 and RRC) 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
10 DL slot alignment 1 TTI 1 TTI 0 TTI 1 TTI
11 Transmission of RRC Connection Resume (and 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI
UL grant)
12 Processing delay in the UE (L2 and RRC) 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
13 UL slot alignment 1 TTI 1 TTI 0 TTI 3 TTI
14 Transmission of RRC Connection Resume 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI 1 TTI
Complete (including NAS Service Request)
15 Processing delay in gNB (Uu –> S1-C) 1 TTI 3 TTI 1 TTI 3 TTI
Total delay 14 TTI + 6 20 TTI + 12 TTI + 6 26 TTI +
ms 6 ms ms 6 ms
The worst-case CP latency in NR Rel-15 TDD is with alternating UL-DL pattern and is 14TTI+6ms.
With different TTI lengths and SCSs, the absolute delay will differ, as shown in Tables below.
Evaluation Report
User plane latency is the average time between the first transmission of a data packet and the reception
of a physical layer ACK. While the control plane latency involves the network attachment operation,
the user plane latency only considers the latency of packets while the UE is already in a connected state.
According to Report ITU-R M.2410, User Plane (UP) latency is “the one-way time taken to successfully
deliver an application layer packet/message from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point to the
radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the radio interface in either uplink or downlink.”
Evaluation Methodology
The proponent should provide the elements and their values in the calculation of the user plane latency,
for both UL and DL. The table provides an example of the elements in the calculation of the user plane
Example of user plane latency analysis template should be aggregation of
1) UE Processing Delay
2) Frame Alignment
3) TTI for data packet transmission
4) HARQ Retransmission
5) BS Processing Delay
Processing delay
This is the delay caused at the transmitter by preparation of the transmission and at the receiver by reception
procedures and decoding.
On the DL, the processing delay in the UE includes the reception and decoding procedure. On the UL, there is
also processing delay in the UE due to reception and decoding of the uplink grant. In gNB there is also processing
delay as in the UE, with the addition that processing delay in the gNB also comprises delay caused by scheduling.
Alignment delay
The alignment delay is the time required after being ready to transmit until transmission actually starts. The
assumption is the worst-case latency meaning the alignment delay is assumed to be the longest possible. PDCCH
and PUCCH opportunities are assumed to be every scheduled TTI.
gNB timing
The minimum response time in the gNB between Scheduling Request (SR) and UL grant, and between DL HARQ
and re-transmission, is assumed to be 1 TTI. For higher SCS and fewer symbols in the mini-slot, the TTI is shorter,
and more TTIs should be used for processing. The processing in gNB consists of three main components:
• Reception processing (PUSCH processing, SR/HARQ-ACK processing)
• Scheduling processing (including SDU/PDU processing for DL)
• L1 preparation processing for PDSCH and PDCCH
For simplicity the gNB processing time is referred to as the total processing time and further this processing time
is equal for the cases that can occur. For example, the same processing time is assumed for scheduling first
transmission and re-transmission. Same processing time is also assumed for DL and UL. The processing time is
a lower limit for gNB response time, where the assumptions on gNB processing time are given below:
Processing time (in # of OFDM symbols) assumptions for gNB.
Timing 15/30kHz SCS 120kHz SCS
#Symbols 7os TTI 4os TTI 2os TTI 7os TTI 4os TTI 2os TTI
gNB processing 7 4 4 14 12 10
UE timing
The minimum response timing in the UE between DL data and DL HARQ, and between UL grant and UL data.
On the DL, the UE processing time is according to N1 (see Table below) while on the UL, the UE processing time
is according to N2 (see Table below)for UE capability 2.
NOTE * In NR Rel. 15 no value (lower than for Capability 1) for 120 kHz SCS was agreed.
– N1 : PDSCH processing time in OFDM symbols for the UE capabilities with front-loaded
– N2 : PUSCH preparation procedure time
UL scheduling
For UL data, the scheduling can either be based on SR (Scheduling Request) or SPS (Semi Persistent scheduling)
UL. The assumption is that SR periodicity is 2os corresponding to the shortest periodicity allowed.
For the case of FDD, the HARQ RTT is n+k TTI according to Table 6.3.1 (gNB processing Time). The resulting
UP latency for SCS of 15, 30 and 120 kHz is shown in Table below. As can be seen, the 1ms requirement can be
reached for SCS 15kHz and up depending on mini-slot configuration. On the UL, “configured” grants (CG) reduce
the latency considerably compared to SR-based scheduling.
Table 2-13 FDD UP one-way latency for data transmission with HARQ-based retransmission,
compared to the 1ms (URLLC - green) and 4ms (eMBB-orange) requirements.
Latency HARQ 15kHz SCS 30kHz SCS 120kHz SCS
(ms) 14-os 7-os 4-os 2-os 14-os 7-os 4-os 2-os 14-os 7-os 4-os 2-os
DL data 1st transmission 3.2 1.7 1.3 0.86 1.7 0.91 0.7 0.48 0.55 0.43 0.38 0.31
1 retx 6.2 3.2 2.6 1.7 3.1 1.6 1.3 0.96 1.1 0.87 0.76 0.63
2 retx 9.2 4.7 3.6 2.6 4.7 2.4 2 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.96
3 retx 12 6.2 4.6 3.4 6.1 3.1 2.7 2 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.3
UL data 1st transmission 5.5 3 2.5 1.8 2.8 1.5 1.3 0.93 1.2 1.1 1 0.89
1 retx 9.4 4.9 3.9 2.6 4.7 2.4 2 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.3
2 retx 12 6.4 4.9 3.5 6.2 3.2 2.6 1.9 2.6 2.3 2.1 1.8
3 retx 15 7.9 5.9 4.4 7.7 3.9 3.3 2.3 3.2 2.8 2.6 2.2
UL data 1st transmission 3.4 1.9 1.4 0.93 1.7 0.95 0.7 0.48 0.7 0.57 0.52 0.45
1 retx 6.4 3.4 2.6 1.8 3.2 1.7 1.4 0.93 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.89
2 retx 9.4 4.9 3.9 2.6 4.7 2.4 2 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.3
3 retx 12 6.4 4.9 3.5 6.2 3.2 2.6 1.9 2.6 2.3 2.1 1.8
Summary for FDD
– can meet both 4ms UP latency on DL even with SCS15kHz
– can meet the 4ms UP latency on UL with Scheduled Request at SCS=15kHz, but 1ms UP latency are
achievable in limited configurations.
– can meet the 1ms UP latency on DL using mini-slots at SCS=15kHz
– can meet 1ms UP latency on UL using “configured Grants” at SCS=15kHz and mini-slots
With TDD, there are additional alignment delays caused by the sequence of DL and UL slots. Depending on when
the data arrives in the transmit buffer, the latency may be the same or higher than the FDD latency. For a DL-UL
pattern with HARQ RTT of n+4 TTI and higher, the resulting latency is as indicated in Table below.
As can be seen in the table, the 4ms target can be reached with a SCS of 15kHz for 7-symbol mini slot, while 30
kHz SCS is possible also with slot length transmission. The 1ms target can be reached with 120kHz SCS and
mini-slots for DL and UL configured grant transmissions.
Table 2-14 TDD UP one-way latency for data transmission with alternating DL-UL slot pattern,
compared to the 1ms (URLLC-green) and 4ms (eMBB-orange) requirements
Latency HARQ 15kHz SCS 30kHz SCS 120kHz SCS
(ms) 14-os 7-os TTI 4-os TTI 14-os 7-os TTI 4-os TTI 14-os 7-os TTI 4-os TTI
DL data 1st transmission 4.2 2.7 2.3 2.2 1.4 1.2 0.68 0.55 0.51
1 retx 8.2 4.7 4.3 4.1 2.4 2.2 1.4 1.1 1
2 retx 12 6.7 6.3 6.2 3.4 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.5
3 retx 16 8.7 8.3 8.1 4.4 4.2 2.9 2.1 2
UL data 1st transmission 7.5 4.5 4.1 3.8 2.3 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.2
(SR) 1 retx 12 6.9 6.4 6.2 3.4 3.2 2.3 1.9 1.7
2 retx 16 8.9 8.4 8.2 4.5 4.2 3.1 2.5 2.2
3 retx 20 11 10 10 5.4 5.2 3.8 3.2 2.7
UL data 1st transmission 4.4 2.9 2.4 2.2 1.4 1.2 0.82 0.7 0.64
(CG) 1 retx 8.4 4.9 4.4 4.2 2.5 2.2 1.6 1.3 1.2
2 retx 12 6.9 6.4 6.2 3.4 3.2 2.3 1.9 1.7
3 retx 16 8.9 8.4 8.2 4.5 4.2 3.1 2.5 2.2
Evaluation Report
Mobility interruption time is the shortest time taken during mobility transitions, where user terminal cannot
exchange any user packets with any base station, which includes the time required to execute any radio access
network procedure, radio resource control signalling protocol, or other message exchanges between the mobile
station and the radio access network.
Evaluation Methodology
The procedure of exchanging user plane packets with base stations during transitions shall be described based on
the proposed technology including the functions and the timing involved.
Mobility interruption time can be evaluated using two schemes supported by 3GPP NR - Beam mobility
and Carrier Aggregation (CA).
Beam Mobility
In the beam mobility scenario, when moving within the same cell, the transmit-receive beam pair of the
user equipment needs to be changed.
gNB configures different beams for the UE at different slots during UE mobility for DL data
UE and gNB allocate different beams between them for continuous DL transmission. Since there are
different beams, even if one link fails, the other link maintains a connection as beam pair switching
happens at different slots.
For UL data transmission, PUSCH is sent using the beam configured by SRI (SRS resource indicator)
by gNB. The UL communication between gNB and UE is done by selecting a side beam for data
transmission by selecting different slots.
CA Mobility
When moving within the same PCell (Primary Cell) with CA enabled, the set of configured SCells
(Secondary Cells) of the UE may change. The SCell addition procedure and SCell release procedures
can occur.
During these procedures, the UE can always exchange user plane packets with the gNB during
transitions, because the data transmission between the UE and the PCell is kept during the transition.
Based on the above analysis and procedures supported by 3GPP NR, the UE can always exchange user
plane packets with gNB during the mobility transitions.
Evaluation Report
This report is the output of Inspection based evaluation of the candidate technology (3GPP NR) for the
following Technical Performance Requirements from M.2410. Inspection is conducted by reviewing
the functionality and parameterization of a proposal. BANDWIDTH
Bandwidth is the maximum aggregated system bandwidth. The bandwidth may be supported by single
or multiple radio frequency (RF) carriers.
The bandwidth capability of the RIT/SRIT is defined for the purpose of IMT-2020 evaluation.
● The support of maximum bandwidth required in § 4.13 of Report ITU-R M.2410-0, is verified
by inspection of the proposal.
● The scalability requirement is verified by demonstrating that the candidate RITs/SRITs can
support multiple different bandwidth values. These values shall include the minimum and
maximum supported bandwidth values of the candidate RITs/SRITs.
● The requirements for bandwidth or the bandwidth numbers demonstrated by the proponent do
not pose any requirements or limitations for other Technical Performance Requirements that
depend on bandwidth. If any other requirement requires a higher bandwidth, the capability to
reach that bandwidth should be described as well.
SCS Maximum Maximum Maximum Minimum Requirement
[kHz] bandwidth number of aggregated Requirem Met?
for one component bandwidth ent as per
componen carriers for (MHz) ITU-R
t carrier carrier
(MHz) aggregation
30 100 16 1600
60 100 16 1600
Evaluation Report
● Network energy efficiency is the capability of a RIT/SRIT to minimize the radio access
network energy consumption in relation to the traffic capacity provided.
● Device energy efficiency is the capability of the RIT/SRIT to minimize the power consumed
by the device modem in relation to the traffic characteristics.
Network energy efficiency is the capability of a RIT/SRIT to minimize the radio access network energy
consumption in relation to the traffic capacity provided. Device energy efficiency is the capability of
the RIT/SRIT to minimize the power consumed by the device modem in relation to the traffic
Energy efficiency of the network and the device can relate to the support for the following two aspects:
• Efficient data transmission in a loaded case;
• Low energy consumption when there is no data.
It is estimated by the sleep ratio. The sleep ratio is the fraction of unoccupied time resources (for the
network) or sleeping time (for the device) in a period corresponding to the cycle of the control signaling
(for the network) or the cycle of discontinuous reception (for the device) when no user data transfer
takes place.
Furthermore, the sleep duration, i.e. the continuous period with no transmission (for network and
device) and reception (for the device), should be sufficiently long.
This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the eMBB usage scenario.
The RIT/SRIT shall have the capability to support a high sleep ratio and long sleep duration.
Proponents are encouraged to describe other mechanisms of the RIT/SRIT that improve the support of
energy efficient operation for both network and device.
● The energy efficiency for both network and device is verified by inspection by demonstrating
that the candidate RITs/SRITs can support high sleep ratio and long sleep duration as
defined in Report ITU‑R M.2410-0 when there is no data.
● Inspection can also be used to describe other mechanisms of the candidate RITs/SRITs that
improve energy efficient operation for both network and device.
5GIF Observation
Based on the common understanding from ITU-R M.2410 and ITU-R M.2412, Energy Efficiency is to
be explicitly evaluated only for the case of low energy consumption when there is no data.
For all bandwidth configurations of the network, a sleep ratio of more than 99% can be achieved at both
slot and symbol level; with a minimum of 80% at slot level and 87% at symbol level.
For all the configurations; in idle mode a minimum device sleep ratio of more than 93% can be achieved
and for connected mode minimum 84.2% can be achieved.
Evaluation Report
There are elements of the minimum technical performance requirements identified within Report ITU-
R M.2410-0 that indicate whether the candidate RITs/SRITs are capable of enabling certain services
and performance targets, as envisioned in Recommendation ITU-R M.2083.
The support of a wide range of services is verified by inspection of the candidate RITs/SRITs ability to
meet the minimum technical performance requirements for various usage scenarios and their associated
test environments.
Evaluation Report
The spectrum band(s) and/or range(s) that the candidate RITs/SRITs can utilize is verified by inspection.
Evaluation Report
The proponent has identified support for the following bands in their submission.
n5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz – 894 MHz FDD
n7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz – 2690 MHz FDD
n8 880 MHz – 915 MHz 925 MHz – 960 MHz FDD
n12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz – 746 MHz FDD
n20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz – 821 MHz FDD
n25 1850 MHz – 1915 MHz 1930 MHz – 1995 MHz FDD
n28 703 MHz – 748 MHz 758 MHz – 803 MHz FDD
n34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz TDD
n38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz TDD
n39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz TDD
n40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz TDD
n41 2496 MHz – 2690 MHz 2496 MHz – 2690 MHz TDD
n51 1427 MHz – 1432 MHz 1427 MHz – 1432 MHz TDD
n66 1710 MHz – 1780 MHz 2110 MHz – 2200 MHz FDD
n70 1695 MHz – 1710 MHz 1995 MHz – 2020 MHz FDD
n71 663 MHz – 698 MHz 617 MHz – 652 MHz FDD
n75 N/A 1432 MHz – 1517 MHz SDL
n76 N/A 1427 MHz – 1432 MHz SDL
n77 3300 MHz – 4200 MHz 3300 MHz – 4200 MHz TDD
n78 3300 MHz – 3800 MHz 3300 MHz – 3800 MHz TDD
n79 4400 MHz – 5000 MHz 4400 MHz – 5000 MHz TDD
n80 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz N/A SUL
n81 880 MHz – 915 MHz N/A SUL
n82 832 MHz – 862 MHz N/A SUL
n83 703 MHz – 748 MHz N/A SUL
n84 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz N/A SUL
n86 1710 MHz – 1780 MHz N/A SUL
Inference: Thus, the proponents RIT has support for bands identified for IMT-2020.
Note 1: The evaluation group made use of 3GPP TS 38.104 for this inference
Note 2: Text highlighted in blue are possible candidate bands in India, and the 5GIF
Evaluation will prioritize our studies on them Higher Frequency range/band(s)
Is the proposal able to utilize the higher frequency range/band(s) above 24.25 GHz?:
Specify in which band(s) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can be deployed.
NOTE 1 – In the case of the candidate SRIT, at least one of the component RITs
need to fulfil this requirement.
The proponent has identified support for the following bands in their submission.
Thus, the proponents RIT has support for bands identified for IMT-2020.
Inference: Thus, the proponents RIT has support for bands identified for IMT-2020.
Note 1: The evaluation group made use of 3GPP TS 38.104 for this inference.
2.2.3 Simulation Aspects
Evaluation Methodology
Let user i in drop j correctly decode 𝑅𝑖 (𝑗) (𝑇) accumulated bits in [0, T]. For non-scheduled duration of
user i zero bits are accumulated. During this total time user i receives accumulated service time of Ti ≤
T, where the service time is the time duration between the first packet arrival and when the last packet
of the burst is correctly decoded. In case of full buffer, Ti ≤ T. Hence the rate normalised by service
time Ti and channel bandwidth W of user i in drop j, 𝑟𝑖(𝑗), is:
Running N drops simulations leads to N drops × N values of 𝑟𝑖 (𝑗) of which the lowest 5th percentile
point of the CDF is used to estimate the 5th percentile user spectral efficiency.
The 5th percentile user spectral efficiency is evaluated by system level simulation using the evaluation
configuration parameters of Indoor Hotspot-eMBB, Dense Urban-eMBB, and Rural-eMBB test
environments. It should be noted that the 5th percentile user spectral efficiency is evaluated only using
a single-layer layout configuration even if a test environment comprises a multi-layer layout
configuration. The 5th percentile user spectral efficiency shall be evaluated using identical simulation
assumptions as the average spectral efficiency for that test environment.
The results from the system-level simulation are used to derive the 5th percentile user spectral efficiency
as defined in Report ITU-R M.2410-0. The necessary information is the number of correctly received
bits per UE during the active session time the UE is in the simulation. The effective bandwidth is the
operating bandwidth normalized appropriately considering the uplink/downlink ratio for TDD system.
Layer 1 and Layer 2 overheads should be accounted for in time and frequency
Let Ri(T) denote the number of correctly received bits by user i (i = 1,…N) (downlink) or from user i
(uplink) in a system comprising a user population of N users and M Transmission Reception Points
(TRxPs). Further, let W denote the channel bandwidth and T the time over which the data bits are
received. The average spectral efficiency may be estimated by running system-level simulations over
number of drops N drops. Each drop gives a value of ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑅𝑖(𝑇) denoted as:
𝑅 (1)(𝑇),… 𝑅(𝑁𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑠) (𝑇) and the estimated average spectral efficiency resulting is given by:
where SEavg is the estimated average spectral efficiency and will approach the actual average with an
increasing number of Ndrops and 𝑅𝑖 (𝑗) (𝑇) is the simulated total number of correctly received bits for user
i in drop j.
The average spectral efficiency is evaluated by system level simulation using the evaluation
configuration parameters of Indoor Hotspot-eMBB, Dense Urban-eMBB, and Rural-eMBB test
environments as defined in this Report. It should be noted that the average spectral efficiency is
evaluated only using a single-layer layout configuration even if a test environment comprises a
multilayer layout configuration.
The results from the system-level simulation are used to derive the average spectral efficiency as
defined in Report ITU-R M.2410-0. The necessary information is the number of correctly received bits
per UE during the active session time the UE is in the simulation. The effective bandwidth is the
operating bandwidth normalized appropriately considering the uplink/downlink ratio for TDD system.
Layer 1 and Layer 2 overheads should be accounted for in time and frequency. Examples of Layer 1
overhead include synchronization, guard band and DC subcarriers, guard/switching time (for example,
in TDD systems), pilots and cyclic prefix. Examples of Layer 2 overhead include common control
channels, HARQ ACK/NACK signalling, channel feedback, random access, packet headers and CRC.
It must be noted that in computing the overheads, the fraction of the available physical resources used
to model control overhead in Layer 1 and Layer 2 should be accounted for in a nonoverlapping way.
Power allocation/boosting should also be accounted for in modelling resource allocation for control
The IMT-2020 eMBB spectral efficiency requirement is three times higher compared to IMT-Advanced.
Therefore, it is a challenging requirement and thus evaluation of NR has been done to show if it satisfies
the requirements. The evaluation is basically applied based on duplexing schemes, i.e., to FDD and
TDD, respectively. This is since, duplexing scheme is one of the fundamental features among the other
features that impact spectral efficiency performance.
Duplexing scheme
In NR design, the flexible duplexing scheme is available, e.g.,
• Different transmission directions in either part of a paired spectrum,
• TDD operation on an unpaired spectrum where the transmission direction of most time
resources can be dynamically changing.
In this document, the FDD is considered for evaluation configurations with 700MHz and TDD is used
for configurations with 4GHz, 30GHz
The spectral efficiency of different duplexing schemes can be calculated according to Report ITU-R
For DL average spectral efficiency and 5th percentile spectral efficiency,
- In case of FDD, the simulation bandwidth is 10 MHz for DL and 10 MHz for UL. The DL
average spectral efficiency is given by
R (T )
i =1
SE avg =
T WM (1)
where W is the DL bandwidth of 10 MHz; Ri (T) denotes the number of correctly received bits of user
i, and the overhead of DL control and DL reference signals on the DL bandwidth of 10 MHz is taken
into account when deriving Ri (T); and T is the simulation time. Similar notations are applied to 5th
percentile user spectral efficiency.
- For TDD, the simulation bandwidth is 20 MHz for DL and UL. The DL average spectral
efficiency is given by (1), where W is the effective DL bandwidth that accounts for the time-
frequency resource used for DL transmission (including GP symbols); Ri (T) denotes the
number of correctly received bits of user i, and the overhead of DL control, DL reference
signal on the DL effective bandwidth is taken into account; and T is the simulation time.
Similar notations are applied to 5th percentile user spectral efficiency.
For UL average spectral efficiency and 5th percentile spectral efficiency, similar way is employed to
derive the evaluation results for these two metrics.
To reflect the benefit of reduced guard band ratio and overhead for larger bandwidth in NR, i.e. when
the system bandwidth is larger than simulation bandwidth (10 MHz in FDD and 20 MHz in TDD), the
spectral efficiency can be derived from Eq. (2)
(1 − gb( N RB )) (1 − OH ( N RB ))
SE ' = SEavg
1 − gb( N RB 0 ) (1 − OH ( N RB 0 )) (2)
where gb( N ) and OH ( N ) is the guard band ratio and the overhead at given number of RB N,
respectively, and is calculated by Eq. (1). For FDD, N RB 0 = 52 for 10 MHz simulation bandwidth
and 15 kHz subcarrier spacing. For TDD, N RB 0 = 51 for 20 MHz simulation bandwidth and 30 kHz
subcarrier spacing.
The overhead reduction for the larger bandwidth mainly comes from the PDCCH. In addition, SSB and
TRS overhead will be reduced slightly. By assuming M0 OFDM symbols for PDCCH at the bandwidth
BW0, the number of OFDM symbol for PDCCH at bandwidth BW could be
M= BW0/ BW×M0 (3)
For example, if we assume M0 = 2 for 20 MHz bandwidth system, then M=1 for 40 MHz bandwidth
system. The value of M could be a non-integer since NR supports PDCCH sharing with PDSCH.
For the evaluation results in Section 4, the guard band ratio and PDCCH overhead reduction model for
larger bandwidth based on Eq. (2) is considered in DL.
For frequencies in FR1, the 4GHz band is considered for early IMT2020 deployments, this band is a
TDD band. In FR2, 30GHz bands are considered for deployment.
Out of the various TDD slot patterns supported by 3GPP NR. Table below shows the parameters used
for a DL centric configuration DDDSU (i.e. Five slots – 3 slots with all downlink only symbols, Special
Slot and one slot with all uplink-only symbols). The Special Slot (S) – has 11 DL symbols, 1 GP (Guard),
2 UL symbols.
Downlink SE
Parameter Value
Indoor Hotspot – Dense Urban – eMBB Rural - eMBB
Test environment
Evaluation Configuration A
Configuration A & B Configuration A, B, C
Channel A Channel A
(Configuration A),
Channel model Channel A
Channel B
(Configuration B)
200 m Configuration A, B:
1732 m
ISD 20 m (36 TRxPs)
Configuration C: 6000
TDD frame structure DDDSU DDDSU DDDSU
Configuration A: Configuration A: 700
Configuration A: 4GHz 4GHz MHz
Carrier Frequency Configuration B: Configuration B: 4 GHz
30GHz Configuration C: 700
Configuration A: 20 Configuration A:
MHz ; 20MHz
TDD: 20MHz
System bandwidth Configuration B: 80
(M,N,P,Mg,Ng) = (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) =
(12,8,2,1,1) (8,8,2,1,1)
Configuration A : 4Rx
with 0°,90°
Configuration B : 8Rx Configuration A: 2Rx
Number of antenna 4Rx with 0°,90°
with 0°,90° Configuration B/C: 4Rx
elements per UE polarization
polarization with 0°,90° polarization
Mp,Np) = (2,4,2,1,2;
Configuration A: 24
Transmit power per TDD: 49 dBm
Configuration B: 23 44 dBm
TRxP FDD: 46 dBm
Configuration B: MU layer = 12 for 16Tx
Maximum MU layer = and 32Tx;
2 ports PT-RS, (L, K) = N/A
L is time density and K
is frequency density
Channel estimation Non-ideal Non-ideal Non-ideal
DL spectral efficiency evaluation for different system bandwidth in FR1 (Channel model A)
Config. A
6.594 7.383 7.927 0.138 0.155 0.166
Config. B
Rural (30KHz SCS); 15.061 17.54 19.238 3.3 0.374 0.436 0.478 0.12
Config. C
7.597 8.51 9.138 0.18 0.202 0.217
BW=80 BW=100 BW=20 BW=10 BW=20
Req. 0 Req.
MHz MHz 0 MHz 0 MHz 0 MHz
Config. B
Hotspo 11.384 11.984 12.998 9 0.302 0.318 0.345 0.3
Uplink SE
Parameter Value
Test environment Indoor Hotspot – eMBB Dense Urban – eMBB Rural - eMBB
Configuration A,B Configuration A Configuration A,B,C
Channel A(Configuration
Channel model A),Channel Channel A Channel A
B(Configuration B)
15kHz and 30kHz for Configuration A,B: 1732
Subcarrier spacing configuration A, m
15kHz and 30kHz
60kHz for Configuration C: 6000 m
configuration B
TDD frame
Symbols number per
14 14 14
Configuration A: 32Rx
cross-polarized antenna
(M,N,P,Mg,Ng) = For 32Rx: 128Rx cross- Configuration A,C: 64Rx
(4,4,2,1,1); polarized antenna cross-polarized antenna
Configuration B: 64Rx (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) = (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) =
Number of antenna cross-polarized antenna for (8,8,2,1,1) (8,4,2,1,1);
elements per TRxP 16TXRU, (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) For 64Rx: 192Rx cross- Configuration B: 128Rx
= (4,8,2,1,1); polarized antenna cross-polarized antenna
32Rx cross-polarized (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) = (M,N,P,Mg,Ng) =
antenna for 32TXRU, (12,8,2,1,1) (8,8,2,1,1)
(M,N,P,Mg,Ng) =
Configuration A/B:
32TXRU Vertical 1-to-1; Configuration A,C:
Number of TXRU Configuration B: 16TXRU 32TXRU: Vertical 2-to-8 8TXRU Vertical 1-to-8
per TRxP Vertical 2-to-4, Horizontal 64TXRU: Vertical 4-to-12 Configuration B:
4-to-8 32TXRU Vertical 2-to-8
Configuration A: 1Tx for
Configuration A : 2Tx/4Tx
FDD, 2Tx with 0°,90°
with 0°,90° polarization
polarization ;
Number of antenna Configuration B : 8Tx with 2Tx/4Tx with 0°,90°
Configuration B: 1Tx/4Tx
elements per UE 0°,90° polarization polarization
with 0°,90° polarization
(M,N,P,Mg,Ng; Mp,Np) =
Configuration C: 2Tx/4Tx
(2,4,2,1,2; 1,2)
with 0°,90° polarization
UE power class 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm
180deg in GCS (pointing to 90deg in GCS (pointing to 90deg in GCS (pointing to
Mechanic tilt
the ground) the horizontal direction) the horizontal direction)
Configuration A: 90deg in Configuration A/B:
LCS 100deg in LCS
Electronic tilt Configuration B: According 105deg in LCS Configuration C: 92deg in
to Zenith angle in "Beam set LCS
at TRxP"
Configuration B: For 32Rx, N/A
Azimuth angle φi = [0],
Zenith angle θj = [pi/2];
Beam set at TRxP For 16Rx, Azimuth angle φi N/A
= [-pi/4,pi/4], Zenith angle
θj = [pi/2];
Configuration B: N/A
Azimuth angle φi = [-pi/4,
Beam set at UE N/A
pi/4]; Zenith angle θj =
[pi/4, 3*pi/4]
Based on RSRP (Eq. (8.1- Based on RSRP (Eq. (8.1-
Based on RSRP (Eq. (8.1-1)
UT attachment 1) in TR36.873) from port 1) in TR36.873) from port
in TR36.873) from port 0
0 0
Scheduling SU-PF SU-PF SU-PF
Configuration A: SU-
MIMO with rank 2
SIMO for 1Tx;
adaptation; SU-MIMO with rank 2
MIMO mode SU-MIMO with rank 2
Configuration B: SU- adaptation
adaptation for 2Tx/4Tx
MIMO with rank 4
UE precoder scheme Codebook based Codebook based Codebook based
Non-precoded SRS based, Non-precoded SRS based, Non-precoded SRS based,
UL CSI derivation
with delay with delay with delay
Configuration A: α =
0.8, P0 = −76 dBm;
α = 0.6, P0 = −60 Configuration B: α =
Power control α = 0.9, P0 = −86 dBm
dBm 0.6, P0 = −60 dBm;
Configuration C: α =
0.6, P0 = −60 dBm
Continuous RB allocation: Continuous RB Continuous RB
follow TS 38.101 in Section allocation: follow TS allocation: follow TS
Power backoff 6.2.2; 38.101 in Section 6.2.2; 38.101 in Section 6.2.2;
model Non-continuous RB Non-continuous RB Non-continuous RB
allocation: additional 2 dB allocation: additional 2 dB allocation: additional 2
reduction reduction dB reduction
2 RBs and 14 OFDM 2 RBs and 14 OFDM 2 RBs and 14 OFDM
symbols for TDD 30kHz symbols for TDD 30kHz symbols for FDD and
4 RBs and 14 OFDM 4 RBs and 14 OFDM 4 RBs and 14 OFDM
symbols for TDD 15kHz symbols for TDD 15kHz symbols for TDD 15kHz
Type II, 2 symbols Type II, 2 symbols Type II, 2 symbols
Overhead (including one additional (including one additional (including one additional
DMRS DMRS symbol), DMRS symbol), DMRS symbol),
multiplexing with PUSCH multiplexing with PUSCH multiplexing with
SRS 2 symbols per 5 slots, 2 symbols per 5 slots, 2 symbols per 5 slots,
Config. C
4.038 4.116 4.274 0.081 0.083 0.086
Evaluation Report
5GIF Observations:
We further observed that the 3GPP technologies have several features that are applicable for specific
scenarios of our interest. We evaluate the behaviour with couple of use cases in the next section.
While the primary application of the 3GPP NR technology will be for mobile broadband connectivity,
one of the initial use cases is aimed at addressing fixed line like wireless services. Fixed Wireless Access
(FWA) enables service providers to deliver high-speed broadband to suburban and rural areas where
fiber is prohibitively expensive to lay and maintain. This employs standardized 3GPP architectures and
common mobile components to deliver ultra-high-speed broadband services to residential subscribers
and enterprise customers. The 5G NR supplier ecosystem is already large and growing continually, with
the addition of standardized User Equipment (UE), merchant silicon and mobile networking equipment
that can be reused for FWA with no modification. For developing nations like India, this offers a faster
means to offer broadband connectivity.
Initial Fixed Wireless Access trials using 5G New Radio employ a classic Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
infrastructure for data transport and control information. Commonly referred to as Option 3x, the new
gNodeB’s (gNB’s) supporting FWA and other early 5G deployments operate in a Non-Standalone
(NSA) manner alongside the existing 4G eNodeB. Option 3 reduces deployment risks and variables
when first implementing 5G FWA.
5G FWA in the lower bands of the wireless spectrum can be used to quickly and cheaply deliver an
alternative to wired broadband. In the millimeter wavelengths (mmWave), 5G FWA can provide a level
of service bandwidth capacity comparable to fiber optics. With NR in the mmWave, 5G FWA can
provide a competitive alternative to fixed-line DSL, Cable and fiber across all markets. They offer
narrow beams to enable a higher density of users without causing interference. This provides a means
by which suburban and rural consumers can receive the bandwidth required to support high definition
streaming services and high-speed Internet access, thereby addressing the last mile need. This provides
a larger opportunity for developing countries that are lacking in broadband penetration, while also
addressing slow speed DSL lines in developed nations.
It is worth noting that IMT2020 key performance indicators (KPI) are aimed at wireless use cases. The
KPI’s of wireline systems differ significantly from wireless systems. While the wireless systems target
spectral efficiency values, the fixed line systems target fixed speed or fixed data rates. For an FWA to
target such use cases, this places undue burden on the wireless scheduler to service. Too little is
available in literature studying such behaviors. During the IMT-Advanced standardization phase,
WP5D received the performance comparison using a wireless DSL (WDSL9) scheduler attributed to
TCoE India. It employed a very simple hack to the proportionally fair (PF) scheduler, with the fairness
exponent (β) changed to 5 from 1. While there are no follow-up studies on why this need to be a means
for comparison, this approach provides limited insight on how the wireless system behaves with
constraints on the scheduling on the same IMT evaluation framework. Refer the figure below for a
comparison with different fairness coefficients (β).
Scheduler Description
In this section, we offer a brief description of the scheduler for the interested reader to catch up with
our description. The scheduling algorithm employed in the MAC functions as follows:
i. The gNodeB obtains the feedback of the instantaneous channel quality condition (CQI) for
each UE k in time slot t in terms of a requested data rate Rk,n(t) on every physical resource
block (PRB) n
ii. The gNodeB also keeps track of the moving average throughput Tk,n(t) for UE k
9 Doc. IMT-ADV/16- Evaluation of IMT-Advanced candidate technology submissions in Documents IMT-ADV/4 and IMT-
ADV/8 by TCOE India
iii. The scheduling mechanism gives a priority to the UE k∗ in the tth time slot and PRB n that
satisfy the maximum relative channel quality condition:
iv. The choice of values for α and β decide the nature of the scheduler
a. α = 1 and β = 0, represents a max-rate scheduler
b. α = 0 and β = 1, represents a round-robin scheduler
c. α = 1 and β = 1, represents a proportionally fair scheduler
v. For the WDSL scheduler, we employ α = 1 and β = 5.
vi. The gNodeB updates Tk,n(t) of the kth UE in the tth time slot using the exponential moving
average filter given by:
vii. The scheduling algorithms treat the individual PRB’s to be scheduled independently, and
then update the system every time slot.
While the PF scheduler strives for a balance between fairness and overall system throughput, the WDSL
scheduler strives to provide a minimum rate guarantee to the users admitted into the system.
Performance Comparison
The simulation setup follows the rural config C scenario in Sec. The only tweak to the analysis
is in rerunning the simulation with the new value for β for the PF scheduler. The cell capacity with
different values of β is listed below.
PF (β = 1) WDSL (β = 5)
Cell capacity (Mbps) 151.94 84.31
700 Mhz, with 20 MHz in
rural config C.
If the simulation were a real deployment scenario, then with the WDSL scheduler about 8 Mbps data
rate per user can be guaranteed per user. However, from the operator perspective, it only achieved about
half of the call capacity. There are more studies to be undertaken on such use cases, and this proved a
positive start for 5GIF / COAI in that direction7.
Higher frequency signals can't travel far, so cellular carriers like Sprint worked within 3GPP on means
to achieve higher output power, specifically in the uplink (uplink defines the cell range). Devices
supporting a new power class, Power Class 2 (PC2) were the consequence. PC2 was originally
developed to develop high-performance user equipment (HPUE) and improve the 2.5 GHz LTE TDD
coverage. With 3GPP NR standardization, this functionality is been extended to several more frequency
bands in Rel-15 specifications. PC2 allows for output power levels of 26 dBm or double the maximum
output power previously defined by PC3 (23 dBm). The increase in output power to PC2 compensates
for greater propagation losses at the higher TDD frequencies, enabling carriers to maintain cell coverage
without adding expensive infrastructure.
Figure 2.5 Extended coverage of PC2 devices over PC3
PC2 devices could be implemented using the same architecture as PC3 UEs, but with modified PA
(Power Amplifiers) and filters. Such devices help improve the cell-edge spectral efficiency by using
higher order modulation and transport block size, due to additional power headroom available with the
higher uplink transmit power (refer Fig. below). It can also help enhance the overall cell-edge
performance, especially where the downlink performance is limited by the speed of acknowledgements
in uplink. Considering that a certain link imbalance will remain during 5G Non-standalone (NSA)
deployments, PC2 for Dual Connectivity UE (one LTE band + one NR band) should be the most
practical and suitable choice to improve the uplink coverage for 5G NR NSA deployment. With
extended coverage, the Out of Service (OoS) and Radio Link Failures (RLF) improve significantly with
HPUE when compared to the legacy devices.
Scheduler Description
To understand the value proposition of HPUE to devices, we device a simple modification to the
existing IMT-2020 rural-LMLC test scenario. We assume that the UE’s are capable of PC2 and allow
the UE’s reporting below a certain MCS value to employ PC2 (refer the Figure 2.6).
Figure 2.6 UE’s reporting below MCS8 employing PC2 mode
Performance comparison
The simulation setup follows the same rural config C scenario in Sec. The only tweak to the
analysis is in rerunning the simulation with the link adaptation, where UE’s reporting below a certain
MCS index were changed from PC3 (W/O HPUE) capability to PC2 (With HPUE). The CDF of spectral
efficiency values seen under these scenarios is plotted below for reference.
It can be inferred from the plots that the SE of those UE’s with very low values increase, whereas those
with higher rates did not change by much. This is one move in the right direction by 3GPP whereby the
operators now have a chance to deploy PC2 (HPUE) devices in their network to improve cell edge or
outage issues, without focusing on the need for additional infra. The 5GIF / COAI is prepared to carry
additional studies on the usefulness of this feature to meet NDCP targets7.
5GIF Observation:
In this section, we demonstrated the application of the 3GPP NR radio to use cases covering fixed
line like services, and the benefit of the HPUE feature to address coverage benefits in rural
• The 5GIF IEG undertook some supplementary studies on features supported by the 3GPP
technologies, and their application to networks. Two of the studies reported in here sound
• The WDSL scheduler provided an insight into understanding a KPI not currently covered
in IMT-2020. If the operator were to trade off individual user performance for cell capacity,
then there is a huge trade off.
• Similarly, a feature called HPUE defined in 3GPP allows for UEs deployed in certain TDD
configurations to employ 26 dBm power amplifiers (PC2). HPUE becomes an additional
tool in the hands of operators in addressing the coverage problem, without adding new
We are hopeful that these use cases will be better understood soon, and the ITU-R can also serve as
a platform for such studies. These studies were done within the framework of the existing 3GPP
Connection density is the total number of devices fulfilling a specific quality of service (QoS) per unit
area (per km2). Connection density should be achieved for a limited bandwidth and number of TRxP’s.
The target QoS is to support delivery of a message of a certain size within a certain time and with a
certain success probability, as specified in Report ITU-R M.2412-0.
As explained earlier, the evaluation by 5GIF IEG focused on the NR and NB-IoT. And with
NB-IoT replacing the mMTC candidate in IMT-2020/14, we get the candidate submission from
China (IMT-2020/15). It therefore serves the dual purpose of having a technology of interest
for the 5GIF assessed, and fulfilling for the complete evaluation of another candidate IMT-
2020 technology.
This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the mMTC usage scenario. The minimum
requirement for connection density is 1 000 000 devices per km2.
NB-IoT (LTE) and 3GPP NR have evaluated for Connection Density requirements.
Evaluation Methodology
According to Report ITU-R M.2412, connection density is said to be C (# of devices per km2), if, under
the number of devices, N=C×A (A is the simulation area in terms of km2), that the packet outage rate
is less than or equal to 1%, where the packet outage rate is defined as the ratio of
- The number of packets that failed to be delivered to the destination receiver within a
transmission delay of less than or equal to 10s
- The total number of packets generated by the (N=C×A) devices within the time T.
The transmission delay of a packet is understood to be the delay from the time when uplink packet
arrives at the device to the time when the packet is correctly received at the destination (BS) receiver.
In addition, it is encouraged that the self-evaluation reports the connection efficiency which is given by
CE = (# of device/Hz/TRxP) (1)
where C is the connection density (# of devices per km2), A is the simulation area in terms of km 2, M
is the number of TRxP in the simulation area A, and W is the UL bandwidth (for FDD).
In Report ITU-R M.2412, There are two possible evaluation methods to evaluate connection density
requirement defined in ITU-R M.2410-0:
-non-full buffer system-level simulation;
-full-buffer system-level simulation followed by link-level simulation.
There are two system simulation procedures for evaluating connection density. The first is a non-full
buffer system-level simulation that requires a state-of-the-art system simulator to perform the
evaluations. The second is a full buffer system simulation that allows input based on a more rudimentary
system simulator combined with post processing supported by link-level simulations. The full buffer
approach is described in detail in Table 2-16, and the non-full buffer is described in Table 2-17
Table 2-16 Full buffer system-level simulation procedure
Step 1: Perform full-buffer system-level simulation using the evaluation parameters for Urban
Macro-mMTC test environment, determine the uplink SINRi for each percentile i=1…99 of
the distribution over users, and record the average allocated user bandwidth Wuser.
In case UE multiplexing on the same time/frequency resource is modelled in this step,
record the average number of multiplexed users Nmux. Nmux = 1 for no UE multiplexing.
Step 2: Perform link-level simulation and determine the achievable user data rate Ri for the
recoded SINRi and Wuser values.
In case UE multiplexing on the same time/frequency resource is modelled in this step,
record the average number of multiplexed users nmux,i under SINRi . The achievable data
rate for this case is derived by Ri = Zi/nmux,i, where aggregated bit rate Zi is the summed bit
rate of nmux,i users on Wuser. nmux,i = 1 for no UE multiplexing.
Step 3: Calculate the packet transmission delay of a user as Di = S/Ri, where S is the packet size.
Step 4: Calculate the traffic generated per user as T = S/Tinter-arrival, where Tinter-arrival is the
inter-packet arrival time.
Step 5: Calculate the long-term frequency resource requested under SINRi as Bi = T/(Ri/Wuser).
Step 6: Calculate the number of supported connections per TRxP, N = W / mean(Bi). W is the
simulation bandwidth. The mean of Bi may be taken over the best 99% of the SINRi
In case UE multiplexing is modelled in Step 1, N = Nmux × W / mean(Bi). In case UE
multiplexing is modelled in Step 2, N = W / mean(Bi/nmux,i).
Step 7: Calculate the connection density as C = N / A, where the TRxP area A is calculated as A =
ISD2 × sqrt(3)/6, and ISD is the inter-site distance.
Misc: The requirement is fulfilled if the 99th percentile of the delay per user Di is less than or
equal to 10s, and the connection density is greater than or equal to the connection density
requirement defined in ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.TECH PERF REQ].
The simulation bandwidth used to fulfill the requirement should be reported. Additionally, it
is encouraged to report the connection efficiency (measured as N divided by simulation
bandwidth) for the achieved connection density.
Table 2-17 Non-full buffer system-level simulation procedure
Step 3: Run non-full buffer system-level simulation to obtain the packet outage rate. The outage
rate is defined as the ratio of the number of packets that failed to be delivered to the
destination receiver within a transmission delay of less than or equal to 10s to the total
number of packets generated in the step 2.
Step 4: Change the value of N and repeat step2-3 to obtain the system user number per TRxP N’
satisfying the packet outage rate of 1%.
Step 5: Calculate connection density by equation C = N’ / A, where the TRxP area A is calculated
as A = ISD2 × sqrt(3)/6, and ISD is the inter-site distance.
Misc: The requirement is fulfilled if the connection density C is greater than or equal to the
connection density requirement defined in ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.TECH PERF REQ].
The simulation bandwidth used to fulfill the requirement should be reported. Additionally, it
is encouraged to report the connection efficiency (measured as N’ divided by simulation
bandwidth) for the achieved connection density.
NB-IoT are evaluated using non-full buffer system level simulation as defined in Report ITU-R
M.2412, following the model as descripted in Annex A and Annex B. The detailed simulation
assumption is shown in Annex C. The evaluation results are given in Table 2-18 and Table 2-19,
NB-IoT Devices supported per km2 per 8,047,087 8,077,017
Required bandwidth to support 180kHz 180kHz
1,000,000 devices
Connection efficiency (#of 3.226
The connection density of NB-IoT and NR are evaluated using full buffer system level simulation with
link level simulation as defined in Report ITU-R M.2412. The evaluation results are provided in Error!
Reference source not found.. The UL SINR distribution of full buffer simulation is shown in Annex
E and the link level spectrum efficiency of NB-IoT and NR is shown in Annex F.
The 99% latency derived by SINR could fulfill the 10s latency requirement.
Table 2-20 Evaluation result of full buffer system-level followed by link-level simulation
The evaluation result of full buffer system-level simulation followed by link-level simulation is quite
higher than non-full buffer system-level simulation since it has an ideal assumption of resource
scheduling and the delays due to access procedure is not taken into account. In addition, the DL resource
allocation is not considered in this evaluation method, while in practice DL resource allocation may be
the bottleneck of the access procedure, which will introduce large delay, and result in packet drop. In
this sense, the evaluation method of full buffer system-level simulation with link level simulation
demonstrates a best case result for the candidate technology.
It is observed that NB-IoT has the advantage of higher UL SINR due to higher power spectral density,
which is the result of its finer frequency granularity on data allocation. It in turns results in higher
spectrum efficiency from system view. In summary, the evaluation results show that NB-IoT and NR
could fulfill the IMT-2020 requirement.
Evaluation Report
Minimum technical Category Comment
Required Value Requirement
value met?
requirements item
NB-IoT 2,567,000- Yes 180 kHz
Average spectral 43,846,000
efficiency (bit/s/Hz) 1,000,000
devices per
NR km2 1,138,000- Yes 180 kHz
5GIF Observation
Mobility is the maximum mobile station speed at which a defined QoS can be achieved (in km/h). The
following classes of mobility are defined:
- Stationary: 0 km/h
- Pedestrian: 0 km/h to 10 km/h
- Vehicular: 10 km/h to 120 km/h
- High speed vehicular: 120 km/h to 500 km/h.
High speed vehicular up to 500 km/h is mainly envisioned for high speed trains. Table 2-21defines the
mobility classes that shall be supported in the respective test environments.
A mobility class is supported if the traffic channel link data rate on the uplink, normalized by bandwidth,
is as shown in Table 2-22. This assumes the user is moving at the maximum speed in that mobility class
in each of the test environments. This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the eMBB
usage scenario.
Evaluation Methodology
The following steps have been followed in order to evaluate the mobility requirement.
Step 1:
Run uplink system-level simulations, identical to those for average spectral efficiency, and 5th percentile
user spectral efficiency.
Step 2:
Use the CDF for the test environment(s) to save the respective 50th-percentile SINR value. Before Rx
detection/demodulation SINR. i.e. @3GPP RAN1 pre-SINR( refer Section on Pre-Processing SINR)
Step 3:
Run new uplink link-level simulations for the selected test environment(s) for either NLOS or LOS
channel conditions using the associated speeds in Table 4 of Report ITU-R M.2410-0, as input
parameters, [in Link level simulation incorporate Doppler freq. shift due to mobility – single user]
a. obtain link data rate and residual packet error ratio as a function of SINR.
(The link-level simulation shall use air interface configuration(s) supported by the proposal and take
into account retransmission, channel estimation and phase noise impact)
Step 4:
Compare the uplink spectral efficiency values (link data rate normalized by channel bandwidth)
obtained from Step 3 using the associated SINR value obtained from Step 2 for selected test
environments, with the corresponding threshold values in the Table 4 of Report ITU-R M.2410-0.
Step 5:
The proposal fulfils the mobility requirement if the spectral efficiency value is larger than or equal to
the corresponding threshold value and if also the residual decoded packet error ratio is less than 1%, for
all selected test environments. For the selected test environment, it is sufficient if one of the spectral
efficiency values (using either NLOS or LOS channel conditions) fulfils the threshold.
In link level simulation, LOS and NLOS channel are to be evaluated separately. Therefore, the mean
value of ZoD spread should be derived for LOS and NLOS, separately. Based on the above, the detailed
derivation is as follows:
- In the UE drop in system level simulation, determine LOS UE and NLOS UE according to LOS
probability from system level channel model (LOS UE means the channel state is LOS for UE to
its serving TRxP; NLOS UE means the channel state is NLOS for UE to its serving TRxP)
- Assume there are N LOS UEs, and M NLOS UEs; (N+M=570) for dense urban and rural test
environment. Calculate the value of lgZSD for LOS UE and NLOS UE according to LOS and
NLOS column in Table 1 or Table 2, respectively.
The CDF of mean value of ZoD spread for LOS and NLOS for Rural and Dense Urban test environment
are provided in Annex F.
Table 2-23 Mean value of ZoD spread for Dense Urban and Rural – eMBB test environment
SINR Distribution
In this section, the evaluation results for mobility is provided. In Figure 2.8, the pre-processing SINR
CDFs for eMBB test environment are provided. The assumptions are provided in Appendix 2.
(c) Dense Urban – eMBB (4 GHz) (d) Indoor Hotspot – eMBB (4 GHz)
Figure 2.8 UL SINR distribution for eMBB test environments
Based on the above figures, the 50%-tile point of the CDF for different test environments are listed in
Table 2-24.
Table 2-24 The 50%-tile point of SINR CDF for different test environments
Link Properties
In this section, the uplink link level evaluation results for mobility is provided, and the results of NR
for different test environments are listed in Table 2-25.
Table 2-25 The uplink link level evaluation results for different test environments for NR
Evaluation Report
Reliability relates to the capability of transmitting a given amount of traffic within a predetermined time
duration with high success probability. Reliability is the success probability of transmitting a layer 2/3
packet within a required maximum time, which is the time it takes to deliver a small data packet from
the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point to the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the
radio interface at a certain channel quality. This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in
the URLLC usage scenario. The minimum requirement for the reliability is 10-5 success probability of
transmitting a layer 2 PDU (protocol data unit) of 32 bytes within 1 ms in channel quality of coverage
edge for the Urban Macro-URLLC test environment, assuming small application data (e.g. 20 bytes
application data + protocol overhead). Proponents are encouraged to consider larger packet sizes, e.g.
layer 2 PDU size of up to 100 bytes.
Evaluation Methodology
Reliability is the success probability of transmitting a layer 2/3 packet within a required maximum time,
which is the time it takes to deliver a small data packet from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress
point to the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the radio interface at a certain channel quality.
This requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the URLLC usage scenario.
The minimum requirement for the reliability is 1-10-5 success probability of transmitting a layer 2 PDU
(protocol data unit) of 32 bytes within 1 ms in channel quality of coverage edge for the Urban Macro-
URLLC test environment, assuming small application data (e.g. 20 bytes application data + protocol
The evaluation of reliability is based on a combination of system level and link level simulations. The
system level simulation can provide the operation point (e.g., average SINR) from a multi-cell multi-
user environment’s perspective, while the link level simulation can further show how a RIT/SRIT can
achieve the balance between reliability and latency with affordable complexity (as only a single link
needs to be explicitly modelled) at the said operation point.
The following steps have being performed in order to evaluate the reliability requirement using
system-level simulation followed by link-level simulations.
Step 1: Run downlink or uplink full buffer system-level simulations of candidate RITs/SRITs using
the evaluation parameters of Urban Macro-URLLC test environment see § 8.4.1 below, and collect
overall statistics for downlink or uplink SINR values, and construct CDF over these values.
Step 2: Use the CDF for the Urban Macro-URLLC test environment to save the respective 5th
percentile downlink or uplink SINR value.
Step 3: Run corresponding link-level simulations for either NLOS or LOS channel conditions using
the associated parameters in the Table 8-3 of this Report, to obtain success probability, which equals
to (1-Pe), where Pe is the residual packet error ratio within maximum delay time as a function of
SINR taking into account retransmission.
Step 4: The proposal fulfils the reliability requirement if at the 5th percentile downlink or uplink
SINR value of Step 2 and within the required delay, the success probability derived in Step 3 is larger
than or equal to the required success probability. It is sufficient to fulfil the requirement in either
downlink or uplink, using either NLOS or LOS channel conditions.
It is worth mentioning that in Step 3, the whole transmission procedure of DL/UL should be taken into
account, including both control and data channels, and in some case, maybe other scheduling related
channels should also be considered, as they will impact both latency and reliability respectively.
System-level simulations
The assumptions for the system-level simulations (SLS) are given in Error! Reference source not
found., as are the results for the two test-configurations A and B (4 GHz and 700 MHz respectively;
detailed specifications of these test configurations can be found in Error! Reference source not
For configuration A, the total gain (including antenna gain) is presented in Figure 2.9 for UMa channel
models A and B. The resulting SINR at full load (cell utilization 1) is illustrated in Figure 2.10. The
cell-edge (5th percentile) SINR is found to be 1.98 dB (on the DL) and 0.81 dB (on the UL) for channel
model UMa A, and 1.98 dB (DL) and 1.77 dB (UL) for channel model UMa B as shown in Figure 2.11.
For configuration B, the total gain (including antenna gain) is given in Figure 2.12Error! Reference
source not found. for UMa models A and B. The resulting SINR at full load (cell utilization 1) is given
in Figure 2.13Error! Reference source not found.. The cell-edge (5th percentile) SINR is found to be
0.16 dB (on the DL) and 0.83 dB (on the UL) for channel model UMa A and -0.06 dB (DL) and 0.65
dB (UL) for channel model UMa B as shown in Figure 2.14.
Figure 2.9: Total gain for urLLC configuration A.
Figure 2.11: SINR distribution at 5th percentile for URLLC configuration A.
The cell-edge SINR for URLLC Conf. A is approximately 1.98 dB (DL) and 0.81 dB (UL) for channel
model UMa A, and 1.93 dB (DL) and 1.77 dB (UL) for channel model UMa B.
Figure 2.13: SINR distribution for urLLC configuration B.
The assumptions on the link-level simulations (LLS) are given in Error! Reference source not found..
Two different datasets are used for data and control channels. For PDCCH, a DCI of size 40 bits,
excluding CRC, is assumed. For PUCCH a 1-bit UCI is assumed, carried by PUCCH format 0 with 2os
(symbols) duration and frequency hopping.
The resulting BLER as a function of SNR for the control channels is shown in Figure 2.15Error!
Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found., and for the data channels in Figure
2.16 and Figure 2.17.
Table 2-27 Assumptions on the link-level simulations
Bandwidth 20 MHz
Figure 2.15: Sequence selection Short PUCCH and PDCCH BLER as function of SNR.
Figure 2.16: 4OS-Data (1st attempt) LDPC BLER for QPSK with different MCS as function of SNR.
Figure 2.17: 7OS-Data (1st attempt) LDPC BLER for QPSK with different MCS as function of SNR.
Total reliability
With some exceptions, the discussion here assumes that the retransmissions are uncorrelated, which is
reasonable to assume if they are done on a different frequency allocation. In the following, the success
probabilities are written on the channel level according to Error! Reference source not found., and
expressions found for the total success rate 𝑝𝑡 = 1 − 𝜀, where 𝜀 is the residual error rate.
Probability Description
p0 Success of SR detection
p1 Success of PDCCH transmission
p2 Success of PDSCH/PUSCH transmission
p3 Success of PUCCH NACK detection
p4 Success of PUCCH DTX detection
DL data, HARQ-based
On the DL, the total reliability can be described after N transmissions as:
𝑁 𝑛 𝑖−1
𝑝𝑡 = ∑ ∑ {( ) [(1 − 𝑝1 )𝑝4 ]𝑛−𝑖 𝑝1 𝑝2,𝑖 ∏ 𝑝1 𝑝3 (1 − 𝑝2,𝑗 )}
𝑛=1 𝑖=1 𝑗=1
where for any positive integer k, 𝑝2,𝑘 is the probability of a data block being correctly received after
exactly k transmissions are soft-combined. In this expression, the DL control transmissions are seen as
uncorrelated with each other and with data. This is an approximation, but can be motivated by, for
example, moving the DL control between attempts. The data attempts are correlated with each other.
UL data, configured grant
With configured grant-based UL scheduling instead, the SR step and the first DL control can be
removed, and the total reliability can be described as:
𝑁 𝑛−1
Accordingly, based on the above expressions for DL and UL data, while considering the link-level
simulation results, the total reliability can be evaluated. By observation at the lower percentiles of the
SINR distributions for urLLC configuration B, UMa B, the channel BLER can be found at the
corresponding DL and UL SINR points. The total error rates for DL and UL data, respectively, can then
be computed.
The results are shown in Figure 2.18 through Figure 2.21.
AL16 is assumed for PDCCH and 1% D2A level for PUCCH. On the UL, SPS is assumed with a
configured resource every TTI. For both DL and UL, 1-3 transmission attempts (including HARQ
retransmissions) are considered. The data transmissions are assumed to be correlated and are soft-
Figure 2.18: Total reliability for 4OS – DL data with 1-3 HARQ transmissions at lowest percentiles
assuming correlated transmissions.
Figure 2.19: Total reliability for 7OS – DL data with 1-3 HARQ transmissions at lowest percentiles
assuming correlated transmissions.
Figure 2.20: Total reliability for 4OS UL data with 1-2 HARQ transmissions at lowest percentiles
with SPS-based scheduling assuming correlated transmissions.
Figure 2.21: Total reliability for 7OS UL data with 1-2 HARQ transmissions at lowest percentiles
with SPS-based scheduling assuming correlated transmissions.
Packet size
The ITU requirement calls for a packet size of 32B fulfilling the latency and reliability targets. With
QPSK modulation and a coding rate from MCS1 to MCS5, along with an overhead of one OFDM
symbol, the required number of PRBs is given in Error! Reference source not found.. Here, the TBS
is assumed to be exactly 32B and CRC is not considered.
Table 2-29 Required #PRBs for 32B packet and 1 OFDM symbol overhead, at different coding rates
Code rate MCS3 14 29 57 171
Code rate MCS4 11 24 47 141
Code rate MCS5 9 19 37 111
Total latency
In a companion paper Error! Reference source not found., the UP latency was evaluated for a
sequence of transmissions. It was found that DL and configured-grant UL transmissions with 7-os and
30 kHz SCS are possible within the latency bound of 1ms, as shown in Error! Reference source not
found.. Thus, the ITU reliability of 10-5 error within 1 ms can be met.
Evaluation Report
5GIF Observation
– The cell-edge SINR for urLLC configuration A is approximately 1.98 dB (DL) and 0.81 dB
(UL) for channel model UMa A and 1.93 dB (DL) and 1.77 dB (UL) for channel model UMa
– The cell-edge SINR for urLLC configuration B is approximately 0.16 dB (DL) and 0.83 dB
(UL) for channel model UMa A and -0.06 dB (DL) and 0.65 dB (UL) for channel model
UMa B.
– With 1 transmission using MCS1, the reliability target of 10-5 error can be met on the DL
and the UL (with a configured grant).
– With MCS1 and a 7-os mini-slot, 46 PRBs are required for a 32B packet.
– With 30 kHz SCS and 7-os mini-slot, 1 transmission can be made in FDD mode within 1 ms
2.3 Similarity with other Candidate Technologies
Given the time and resources, the 5GIF IEG could only do the complete evaluation of the 3GPP NR
RIT and the NB-IoT component technology. While this was sufficient to report the complete evaluation
of three candidate technologies (IMT-2020/14 (3GPP RIT), 15 (China) and 16 (Korea)), it could only
account to the partial evaluation of two remaining technologies (13* (3GPP SRIT) and 17* (DECT)).
Therefore, our members paid some late attention to those technologies that couldn’t get evaluated by
us. Their primary interest was positioning those technologies with respect to the 3GPP NR technology
(IMT-2020/14), which has already become commercial in several markets. In this chapter we provide
some of those findings.
Our studies on the candidate technologies concluded that the eMBB component of the NR RIT from
3GPP (IMT-2020/14) is being used by few other proponents:
i. IMT-2020/15 by China
ii. IMT-2020/16 by Korea, and
iii. IMT-2020/17 by ETSI DECT
This would mean that network and devices implementing the eMBB component of IMT-2020/14 will
be able to roam and interoperate with the remaining four technologies without any technology
Furthermore, the 3GPP NR RIT continues to evolve inside 3GPP. The candidate RIT’s that reference
NR (Sec 2.3.1) will benefit from these advancements as and when they become available.
The first rollout of 5G networks are NSA deployments that focus on enhanced mobile broadband to
provide higher data-bandwidth and reliable connectivity. They are in line with the 3GPP specification
that early rollouts of 5G networks and devices be brought under NSA operation – meaning, 5G networks
will be aided by existing 4G infrastructure. For service providers who are looking to deliver mainly
high-speed connectivity to consumers with 5G-enabled devices already today, NSA mode makes the
most sense, because it allows them to leverage their existing network assets rather than deploy a
completely new end-to-end 5G network. This is a great value add from 3GPP, and operators who made
large LTE investments get to recover, and in the meantime get to gradually invest in NR roll outs.
The NSA mode uses the existing 4G network, supplemented by 5G NR carriers to boost data rates and
reduce latency. The Standalone (SA) variant introduced later makes use of a new 3GPP 5G core network
architecture. Non-standalone 5G networks rely on an LTE core and radio access network with the
addition of a 5G carrier using a 3GPP standardized solution called as E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual
Connectivity (ENDC). ENDC allows user equipment to connect to an LTE enodeB that acts as a master
node and a 5G gnodeB that acts as a secondary node. From the ITU front, this corresponds to the
scenario where the IMT-2020 candidate technology works alongside an IMT-Advanced technology,
from the same device.
Our studies on the candidate technologies concludes that following candidate technologies can work
alongside LTE-Advanced, an IMT-Adv technology:
i. IMT-2020/14 by 3GPP
ii. IMT-2020/15 by China
iii. IMT-2020/16 by Korea, and
iv. IMT-2020/17 by ETSI DECT
This would further mean that an operator network supporting LTE-A can be upgraded to support NR
radio in NSA mode, without any technology constraints.
At any given instance, the UE may be in an idle/inactive mode where UE does not have dedicated
connection, or in a connected mode where UE have dedicated radio resources. The initial access
procedure (also called random access, RACH procedure in 3GPP) helps to get the initial uplink grant
for UE and helps in performing synchronization with the gNB (i.e. network). It covers Random Access
procedure initialization, Random Access Resource selection, Random Access Preamble transmission,
Random Access Response reception, Contention Resolution and Completion of the random-access
procedure. UE uses initial access procedure to move from idle mode to connected mode. In idle mode
the mobility is achieved by means of cell selection and reselection procedures.
As per the 3GPP NR specifications (IMT-2020/14), the UE may be in either of the following states
according to the status of the radio resources assigned to the UE: RRC-IDLE, RRC-INACTIVE or
In the RRC-IDLE state, UE monitors the downlink common control channels and monitors the serving
cell strength and triggers cell reselection based on serving cell and neighbour cell measurements. In this
state the UE selects cell for its camping only if it satisfies the cell selection criteria (C1). This criterion
consists of minimum receive level for the cell broadcasted from the cell and the power compensation
which depends on the transmission power difference between based station and mobile station power
class. Here the coverage for idle mode is determined by the RXLEV-MIN value and the maximum
power corresponds to the power class of the UE. As per the idle mode behaviour defined in various
IMT-2020 technologies based on NR (3GPP, China, Korea, ETSI and TSDSI), this performance is same
across all the technologies as the idle mode behaviour is common across these technologies.
RRC-INACTIVE state is like RRC-IDLE state with difference that the UE and NW stores the UE AS
context so that fast reactivation via Resume procedure will be possible. The idle mode behaviour
including cell selection and reselection remains same as RRC-IDLE state across all the candidate
technologies based on NR.
In RRC-CONNECTED state UE and Network have active RRC connection and scheduler operation is
active for the UE. The UE monitors PDCCH continuously for scheduling grant for uplink and downlink
transmission in this state. In this state, the radio link of serving cell is monitored in every radio frame
and radio link failure is detected based on the radio link quality observed on the serving cell. The radio
link quality includes the monitored serving cell signal strength, successful deliver of uplink and
downlink RLC layer operations. On detection radio link failure, the UE inters into RRC-IDLE mode.
The radio link quality in RRC-CONNECTED state is overall governed by the link level performance
of least performing data/control channel associated with this state.
The state transition between these states is illustrated using the Figure below (Ref 3GPP TS 38.300).
The UE moves from RRC-IDLE state to RRC-CONNECTED state via RRC Connection setup
signalling procedure as illustrated below.
1. RRCSetupRequest
2. RRCSetup
2a. RRCSetupComplete
4a. DLInformationTransfer
5. ULInformationTransfer
7. SecurityModeCommand
7a. SecurityModeComplete
8. RRCReconfiguration
8a. RRCReconfigurationComplete
In the above procedure the trigger for the RRC connection setup (step 1) and the NW response to this
message (step 2) are realized through random access procedure from UE. The random-access procedure
involves the following steps.
1. UE sends Random access preamble. (PRACH channel).
2. NW sends Random access response via downlink PDSCH which is received by multiple UE.
(Common downlink control channel). This contains the uplink grant and timing advance for
the UE to send the RRC connection setup.
3. UE sends RRC connection setup in the uplink grant received from network (Step1 in the above
The above-mentioned steps in random-access procedure is illustrated using the Figure below.
3 Scheduled Transmission
Contention Resolution 4
The successful completion of state transition from idle to connected state mainly depends on the
coverage performance of random-access procedure explained above.
Our studies on the candidate IMT-2020 technologies further concludes that the following candidate
technologies share the same initial access procedure:
i. IMT-2020/14 by 3GPP
ii. IMT-2020/15 by China
iii. IMT-2020/16 by Korea, and
iv. IMT-2020/17 by ETSI DECT (eMBB component)
The state transition signalling procedure and associated transmission power and coverage performance
of the control channels remains same. Hence, we can conclude that the UE behaviour and the coverage
performance in RRC-IDLE, RRC-INACTIVE and during state transition between these states is the
same across these 3GPP NR based candidate technologies. The performance of connection
establishment procedure at given coverage condition is same in all these technologies, which further
means that any implementation based on these five candidate technologies will be identical in terms of
implementation and performance, until this point of call establishment.
2.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have provided technical evaluation for the 3GPP candidate technologies in IMT-
2020/13 (SRIT) and IMT-2020/14 (RIT). Based on our evaluation,
1. The 3GPP NR RIT in IMT-2020/14 meets all the requirement for IMT-2020 suitability
2. The NB-IoT technology in IMT-2020/13 meets the mMTC requirement for IMT-2020
Since the candidate technologies IMT-2020/15 and IMT-2020/16 are a combination of these technology
aspects, they follow the similar disposition. Thus, the candidate technology IMT-2020/15 by China and
IMT-2020/16 by Korea satisfy the requirements for IMT-2020 suitability.
3. Assessment of Candidate technology – DECT FORUM
In this chapter, our assessment is based on the information the revised submission by TC DECT Forum
submitted after WP5D#32, Bouzios, Brazil. This final revised submission 5D/1299 was discussed
during the WP5D#34 meeting. We have used the information available from the Description Templates
and specifications submitted by TC DECT Forum. Wherever, enough information was not available,
we have referred to the assumptions given in the self-evaluation report in 5D/1299 and the clarifications
during the discussion in SWG Evaluation included in the IMT2020/26. The DECT RIT contains two
component technology – 3GPP NR (for eMBB usage scenarios) based on IMT-2020/14 that is
evaluated in chapter 2 and the DECT-NR component which is technically different from 3GPP NR and
is the candidate component for meeting the performance requirements for URLLC and mMTC usage
This section provides templates for the responses that are needed to assess the compliance of a candidate
RIT or SRIT with the minimum requirements of IMT-2020. We have independently assessed the
candidate technology based on the characteristic template and DECT specifications referred in the
submission by the proponents in IMT2020/17.
The compliance templates are based on ITU-R M.2411:
– Compliance template for services;
– Compliance template for spectrum; and,
– Compliance template for technical performance
As per the ITU-R Report M.2411, Section 5.2.4, the summary based on our evaluation for
3.1.1 Services
3.1.2 Spectrum
Spectrum capability 5GIF Comments
requirements URLLC Not Not 0 UNABLE TO UNABLE TO For the DECT-NR RIT component
To clear specification to evaluate this metric
Mobility applicable applicable EVALUATE EVALUATE
time (ms)
(4.12) Not Not Not At least 100 27.648 MHz No For the DECT-NR RIT component
The only subcarrier spacing used in the
Bandwidth applicable applicable applicable MHz specification disucssed in details is based on 27
and Scalability KHz and reference to the use of higher SCS
(4.13) could not be found
Up to 1GHz 27.648 MHz No
In this section, analytical based approach is used to determine the technical performance of the
technology. The analysis uses closed form expression based on the inputs and description of technical
features in the description template as well as the relevant specifications needed to support those
technical features.
Technical Performance calculated in this section are:
• User Plane Latency
• Control Plane Latency
• Reliability
According to Report ITU-R M.2410, User Plane (UP) latency is “the one-way time taken to successfully
deliver an application layer packet/message from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point to the
radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the radio interface in either uplink or downlink.”
Table 3.3
Technical performance requirement Value
Control plane latency for URLLC (ms) 1ms
For UL & DL
Evaluation Methodology
The proponent should provide the elements and their values in the calculation of the user plane latency,
for both UL and DL. The table provides an example of the elements in the calculation of the user plane
The proponent should provide the elements and their values in the calculation of the user plane latency,
for both UL and DL. Example of user plane latency analysis template should be aggregation of delay
due to these components:
6) UE Processing Delay
7) Frame Alignment
8) TTI for data packet transmission
9) HARQ Retransmission
10) BS Processing Delay
Table 3.4 Downlink U-Plane Latency for 27 KHz SCS (Frame Structure : DUDU)
Step Description ( # OFDM symbol) Value (ms)
1 Avg symbol alignment time (0.5 OFDM symbol) 0.0208 ms
2 BS pre-processing delay (1 OFDM symbol) 0.0416 ms
3 Frame Alignment(max) (~1 TTI) 0.3592 ms
4 TTI for data packet transmission (1 TTI) 0.416 ms
5 UE pre-processing delay(2 OFDM symbol) 0.0832 ms
HARQ retransmission (6 slots round trip assuming 10% BLER) 0.2496 ms
Total one way UP latency 1.2064 ms
Evaluation Report
Table 3.5 Result for Downlink U-Plane Latency for 27 KHz SCS (Frame Structure : DUDU)
Required Value Value
1 ms 1.2064 ms
5GIF Observations
Based on self evaluation and study of few papers following observations are made by 5GIF on user
plane latency:
1. 5GIF has done self evaluation of User Plane Latency in URLLC scenario for DECT RIT
candidate taking reference of User Plane Latency calculation in eMBB scenario from
component RIT “3GPP NR” as eMBB usage scenario is addressed by the 3GPP NR component.
It is noted that DECT Forum does not provide sufficient information on Symbol Alignment Time
and Frame Alignment Time. For the purpose of evaluation reference is taken from 3GPP NR
component for these two parameters.
Figure 3.1 See “ETSI TR 103 514 - DECT-2020-NR” URLLC timing
2. The technical study (See “ETSI TR 103 514 - DECT-2020 New Radio (NR) interface;
Study on Physical (PHY) layer) published by DECT forum has evaluated the latency of 0.917ms
which is even higher than the value (0.7904) reported in the self evaluation report (5D/1299)
submitted by DECT Forum)
Figure 3.2
3. In one of the of DECT Forum whitepaper, it is mentioned that the DECT technology achieves
a latency between 2 and 10 ms.
0May%202018.pdf). Embedded below is the screenshot from that paper.
According to Report ITU-R M.2410, control plane latency refers to the transition time from a most
“battery efficient” state (e.g. Idle state) to the start of continuous data transfer (e.g. Active state).This
requirement is defined for the purpose of evaluation in the eMBB and URLLC usage scenarios. The
minimum requirement for control plane latency is 20ms.
Table 3.6
Evaluation Methodology
The proponent should provide the elements and their values in the calculation of the control plane
latency. Example of control plane latency analysis template should be aggregation of latency due to
these following components/phases.
1) Random access procedure
2) UL synchronization
3) Connection establishment + HARQ retransmission
4) Data bearer establishment + HARQ retransmission
Figure 3.4 Control Plane Flow for NR Rel-15
Table 3.7 Control Plane Latency Calculation for URLLC scenario
Step Description CP Latency Remarks
1. Delay due to RACH 0 Assumption as per 3GPP NR component
scheduling period(1TTI) evaluation
2. Transmission of RACH unknown
preamble Information Missing in their specification
3. Preamble detection and unknown
processing in gNB
4 Transmission of RA 0.4167 (1 Assumption as per 3GPP NR component
response TTI) evaluation
5 UE processing delay 5 ms
6 Transmission of RRC 0.4167 (1 Reference: Annex B of Compliance template
resume request TTI) submitted by DECT FORUM in 5D/1299
7 Association request 1 or 5
processing time
8 Association response TX 0.4167 (1
response TTI)
9 Association response 1
processing time
Total Legacy Legacy DECT
DECT: Essential Overhead related to preamble, RACH etc not
provided clearly
Essential Overhead related to preamble, RACH etc not found
DECT-2020: in the specification
Evaluation Report
5GIF >12.2501
On the basis of self evaluation following observations are made by 5GIF on control plane latency:
1. To calculate control plane latency it is necessary to know what PRACH format is used by
DECT Forum. Forum has mentioned(Document 5D/1299 P1 - Annex B: Additional
Information on URLLC scenario: Sec B.2 ) that Contention Free' RACH Procedure is
followed but information on PRACH preamble format is still ambigious.
2. It is noted that DECT Forum in section of ETSI TR 103 514 has proposed RAC as a
working idea and no further information is provided. That is information of preamble
format ,index etc is unclear.
Figure 3.5
This report is the output of Inspection based evaluation of the candidate technology (3GPP NR) for the
following Technical Performance Requirements from M.2410.Inspection is conducted by reviewing the
functionality and parameterization of a proposal. BANDWIDTH
Bandwidth is the maximum aggregated system bandwidth. The bandwidth may be supported by single
or multiple radio frequency (RF) carriers.
The bandwidth capability of the RIT/SRIT is defined for the purpose of IMT-2020 evaluation.
Table 3.8
Sub Carrier Spacing =27
Maximum Possible Bandwidth using 1024 points KHz
FFT(MHz) 27.648
Evaluation Report
Table 3.9
Minimum technical Usage Required Value Requirement?
performance requirements item scenario value
(, units, and Report
ITU-R M.2410-0 section
reference URLLC At least 100 27.648 No
Bandwidth and Scalability MHz MHz
Up to 1 27.648 No
Evaluation Methodology
The spectrum band(s) and/or range(s) that the candidate RITs/SRITs can utilize is verified by inspection.
Evaluation Report
The DECT supports operation in 1710-2200 (ITU-R M.1036).There is no other details on support and
operation of this technology in other IMT bands.
As defined in Report ITU-R M.2412 Error! Reference source not found., reliability is the success
probability of transmitting a layer 2/3 packet within a required maximum time, which is the time it takes
to deliver a small data packet from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point to the radio protocol
layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the radio interface at a certain channel quality.
The minimal requirement defined Report ITU-R M.2410 Error! Reference source not found. is 1-
10−5 success probability of transmitting a layer 2 PDU (protocol data unit) of 32 bytes within 1 ms.
Reliability is evaluated under Urban Macro – URLLC test environment. As defined in Report ITU-R
M.2412 Error! Reference source not found., the reliability evaluation uses system-level simulation
followed by link-level simulation. The evaluation configuration B (carrier frequency = 700 MHz) and
channel model A are evaluated for downlink and uplink. The detailed evaluation assumptions for
system-level and link-level simulations are provided in table 3.14 and 3.15.
Figure 3.6 Network layout for frequency reuse factors 1, 3, and 7. Green color indicates interfering
cell. Number indicates the used channel in a given configuration.
In the system-level simulation, the SINR distributions for different frequency reuse factors provided in
Figure 3.7 and the 5%-tile SINR are illustrated in Table 3.10. Pre-processing SINR is used for reliability
evaluation, which is defined on an Rx antenna port with respect to a Tx antenna port.
Figure 3.7 Downlink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation (BS antenna
array: 15x4, BS Tx power: 49 dBm)
Table 3.10 5%-ile SINR obtained from system-level simulation for downlink
In the link-level simulation, the packet with the size of 37 bytes is carried in one slot over 4 available
data filed symbols. And the second level MCS (i.e. QPSK modulation and 3/4 code rate) is used in the
evaluation. NLOS channel state is considered. The SNR-BLER curve is illustrated in Figure 3.6
Figure 3.8 SNR-BLER curve for data channel evaluation (BS antenna array: 15x4, BS Tx power:
49 dBm)
Based on the results from Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8, the downlink reliability is obtained in Table 3.11.
It is observed that DECT cannot fulfil the reliability requirement in downlink using the maximum
antenna array 15x4
Uplink Evaluation Results
For uplink reliability evaluation, the frequency reuse schemes are the same as that of downlink. In the
system-level simulation, the SINR distributions for different frequency reuse factors are provided in
Figure 3.9 and the 5%-tile SINR is illustrated in Table 3.12.
Figure 3.9 Uplink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation (BS antenna array:
15x4, UE Tx power: 23 dBm)
Table 3.12 5%-tile SINR obtained from system-level simulation for uplink
Configuration Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
5%-tile SINR
(UE Tx power: 23 dBm -0.4 dB 3.7 dB 4.1 dB
BS antenna array: 15x4)
In the link-level simulation, the evaluation assumptions including packet size, MCS level, and
channel state are the same as that of downlink. The SNR-BLER curve for uplink data channel
is also provided in Figure 3.8. Based on the results from Figure 3.9 and the 5%-tile SINR in
Table 3.12, the uplink reliability is obtained in Table 3.13
It is observed that DECT cannot fulfil the reliability requirement in uplink using the maximum antenna
array 15x4. Since the DECT cannot fulfil the reliability requirement with the maximum antenna array
15x4, the DECT also cannot fulfil the reliability requirement with the antenna array 5x4.
The assumptions for the system-level simulations (SLS) are given in Table 3.16 and link-level
simulations are given in Table 3.17.
Table 3.14 DECT System-level evaluation assumption for DL/UL Reliability
Configuration Parameters URLLC Configuration B Reference
Inter-site distance 500 m DECT Compliance Template
Base station Antenna Height 25 m DECT Compliance Template
Number of antenna elements Results provided with 60, DECT Compliance Template
per TxRP (15x4) antenna elements
Number of UE antenna 4 DECT Compliance Template
Device deployment 80% outdoor, 20% indoor M.2412
UE mobility model Fixed and identical speed |v| of M.2412
all UEs, randomly and
uniformly distributed direction
UE speeds of Interest 3 km/h for indoor and 30 km/h M.2412
for outdoor
Inter-site interference Explicitly modelled M.2412
BS noise figure 5 dB DECT Compliance Template
UE noise figure 7 dB DECT Compliance Template
BS antenna element gain 8 dBi DECT Compliance Template
UE antenna element gain 0 dBi DECT Compliance Template
Thermal noise level -174 dBm/Hz DECT Compliance Template
Traffic model Full Buffer DECT Compliance Template
Simulation bandwidth 20 MHz DECT Compliance Template
UE density 10 UEs per TxRP DECT Compliance Template
UE antenna height 1.5 m DECT Compliance Template
Numerology 27 KHz SCS DECT Compliance Template
Scheduling PF Assumption
Receiver MMSE Assumption
Channel estimation Non-ideal Assumption
Carrier frequency 700 MHz DECT Compliance Template
TxRP number per site 3 DECT Compliance Template
Wrapping around method Geographical distance M.2412
Criteria for evaluation of RSRP based Assumption
serving TxRP
Mechanical Tilt 90.0 degree M.2412
Electric Tilt 99.0 degree Assumption
SLAV 30 M.2412
HBeamwidth 65 M.2412
VBeamwidth 65 M.2412
Horizontal scan 0.0 Assumption
Horizontal spacing between 0.5 Assumption
antenna elements
Vertical spacing between 0.8 Assumption
antenna elements
Link-level channel model TDL-iii
Delay spread scaling parameter 363 ns
Carrier frequency for 700 MHz DECT Compliance Template
Numerology 27 KHz SCS DECT Compliance Template
Number of antenna elements Results provided with DECT Compliance Template
per TxRP 60,(15x4) antenna elements
UE antennas 4 DECT Compliance Template
Packet format Long preamble packet Assumption
Channel estimation Non ideal Assumption
Number of symbol for control 2 Assumption
Number of symbol for data 4 Assumption
Control information TBCC with code rate=1/2, DECT Compliance Template
modulation and coding QPSK Repetition 2
Data modulation and coding Turbo with code rate=3/4, DECT Compliance Template
Figure 3.10 shows the Antenna Gains available at different locations in the network layout when one
BS is active (considering 3 TRxPs). From the Figure 3.10 it is observed for DECT that good antenna
gains are obtained not only at locations near BS but the users at far away location are also getting some
gains which could add up to give high interference to that particular user from this active base station.
The 3GPP shows good gains in the cell itself with good coverage for near users with negative gains in
locations away from the BS.
Figure 3.10 Maximum Antenna Gain Possible in a Network Layout for DECT(LEFT) and 3GPP(Right)
with one BS Active.
5GIF evaluated the candidate technology submission by TC DECT forum - IMT-2020/17, based on the
available information provided by the proponent and the observations made by WP5D in IMT-2020/26.
One of the RIT component of the submission was the same as 3GPP NR (IMT2020/14) and hence
evaluation done in Chapter 2 applies for this component of this SRIT for meeting the requirements of
eMBB usage scenario. TC DECT had submitted and endorsed the self-evaluation report of the 3GPP-
NR (IMT-2020/14) in the submission.
The DECT 2020 NR is required to meet the requirements for URLLC and mMTC usage scenarios. We
have independently evaluated this component against those requirements.
As per our evaluation, the DECT 2020 NR component does not meet the minimum requirements of
reliability, user plane latency for URLLC scenario.
For the minimum performance requirements of mMTC scenario, we were unable to determine if the
DECT2020 NR can meet the requirements due to incomplete information in the self-evaluation report
for connection density evaluation. Moreover, the specification and description of the working of the
DECT2020 is not sufficient to independently evaluate this requirement.
We also noticed missing details in specifications as well as clarity on the assumptions used in the self-
evaluation report for the DECT 2020 NR component. Our detailed observations on their submissions
are also provided in Section 1.2.
4. Assessment of candidate technology – EUHT (IMT-2020/18)
In this chapter, our assessment is based on the information submitted in the revised submission by
Nufront after WP5D#32, Bouzios, Brazil. The final submission 5D/1300 was discussed during the
WP5D#33 meeting. We have used the information available from the Description Templates and
specifications submitted by EUHT. Wherever, enough information was not available, we have referred
to the assumptions given in their self-evaluation report.
As per the ITU-R Report M.2411, Section 5.2.4, the summary based on our evaluation is as
4.1.1 Services
(M.2411 - Compliance template for services
M.2411 Service capability requirements 5GIF comments
Section Support for wide range of services
Is the proposal able to support a range of services a) The proposal of EUHT component RIT
across different usage scenarios (eMBB, URLLC, does not support eMBB services.
and mMTC)?
Spectral Efficiencies does not meet the
minimum requirements.
YES / 🗹 NO
b) The proposal of EUHT component RIT
Specify which usage scenarios (eMBB, URLLC, and does not support URLLC services.
mMTC) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can Reliability does not meet the minimum
support. requirements.
4.1.2 Spectrum
(M.2411 - Compliance template for spectrum -
Spectrum capability requirements Frequency bands identified for IMT
Is the proposal able to utilize at least one frequency band identified for IMT in the ITU Radio Regulations?
YES / 🗹 NO
Specify in which band(s) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can be deployed.
5GIF Observations
Unable to determine from the EUHT specifications, the specification does not have any information on the IMT bands.
There is one reference to 2.4 GHz band in Table 21, Section 6.3. of the specification which is not an IMT band.
COAI-5GIF 117 Higher Frequency range/band(s)
Is the proposal able to utilize the higher frequency range/band(s) above 24.25 GHz?:
YES / 🗹 NO
Specify in which band(s) the candidate RIT or candidate SRIT can be deployed.
NOTE 1 – In the case of the candidate SRIT, at least one of the component RITs need to fulfil this requirement.
5GIF Observations
Unable to determine from the EUHT Specification, if both STA and CAP can communicate using the mmWave band
For e.g. : In the System Information Channel (SICH), the broadcast information (table 55 in Section 8.4.1) has bit
patterns only for representing Subcarrier spacing of 19.53125 kHz, 39.0625kHz and 78.125kHz, whereas the table for
numerology (Table 38) supports only 390.625kHz for mmWave mode.
4.1.3 Technical Performance
(M.2411 - Compliance template for technical performance from
Minimum technical Category Requi Require
performance red Value (2) ment 5GIF Comments
requirements item value met?
(, units, and Usage Test Downlink
Report scenari environm or uplink
ITU-R M.2410-0 o ent
section reference (1) eMBB Not Downlink 20 < 2.177Gbps NO Refer Section 4.2.1 (Analysis Aspects)
Peak data rate (Gbit/s) applicable
Peak Data Rate evaluated with peak spectral efficiency considering
zero overhead. eMBB Not Downlink 30 < 21.77 Refer Section 4.2.1 (Analysis Aspects)
Peak spectral efficiency applicable
We were able to independently evaluate the peak spectral efficiency
for ideal zero OH case as:
(4.2) NO
“Normal CP value (Short CP value)”
Uplink 15 - -
Downlink & Uplink :
Normal CP : 19.6
Short CP : 21.77
Uplink may not meet the requirement if the OH > 23.46%~31.11% eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 100 25 No Refer Section 4.2.1 (Analysis Aspects)
User experienced data rate – eMBB Uplink 50 10 No
5th percentile user spectral efficiency does not meet the requirement
even with maximum supported system bandwidth of 100 MHz.
Config A, (4GHz,8T8R)
eMBB Indoor Downlink 0.30 0.03 ~ 0.24 No Refer Section 4.2.3 (Simulation Aspects) Hotspot – (Config. A)
Config A (4G) with 12 TRxP and 36TRxP
5th percentile user spectral eMBB 0.01 ~ 0.06
efficiency (bit/s/Hz) (Config. B) Config B (30GHz) with 12 TRxP and 36TRxP
(4.4) Uplink 0.21 0.08 ~ 0.18 No
(Config. A) Does not meet for either of the configuration A and B
0.05 ~ 0.10
(Config. B)
eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 0.225 0.22 ~ 0.25 Yes Refer Section 4.2.3 (Simulation Aspects)
– eMBB (Config. A)
Config A (4G) with 12 TRxP and 36TRxP
(Config. B) Config B (30GHz) with 12 TRxP and 36TRxP
Uplink 0.15 0.08 ~ 0.01 No
(Config. A) Does not meet for either of the configuration A and B
(Config. B) eMBB Indoor Downlink 9 4.99 No Refer Section 4.2.3 (Simulation Aspects)
Average spectral Hotspot – Uplink 6.75 2.71 No
Indoor Hotspot: Config A (FR1: 4GHz) with 36TRxP
efficiency (bit/s/Hz/ TRxP) eMBB
(4.5) eMBB Dense Urban Downlink 7.8 7.68 No Dense Urban: Config A: 4GHz, TDD
– eMBB Uplink 5.4 3.58 No eMBB Indoor- Downlink 10 2.994 No Refer Section 4.2.3 (Analysis Aspects)
Area traffic capacity Hotspot –
Config A (4GHz, TDD): 36TRxP.
(Mbit/s/m2) eMBB
(4.6) URLLC Urban Downlink 99.999 99.531% No Refer Section 4.2.3 (Simulation Aspects)
Reliability Macro – %
Config A (4GHz, TDD):
Uplink 99.999 92.37% No
% Not Not Not At least 100 MHz and Yes See Section 4.2.2 (Inspection Aspects)
Bandwidth and Scalability applicabl applicable applicable 100 M more
(4.13) e Hz
Up to 1 1 GHz and more No Maximum bandwidth supported is 100MHz for a STA in mmWave
GHz mode and normal mode
4.2 Detailed Technical Evaluation
EUHT RIT provides terminologies, procedures and definitions as part of specification. Some of which
have been summarised below.
A. UE (as defined in 3GPP NR) - STA (station).
B. BS or eNodeB (as defined in 3GPP) - CAP (Central Access Point)
C. According to the EUHT specification a Channel Switching Information Frame (Section
of EUHT Specification) is provided:
a. Contains a CAP/STA starting channel number. This field is 8 bits (0-255).
b. Table 21(Section of Specification states that channel number 3 for 2.4 GHz is
supported and no other band support is mentioned as per the specification.
c. Channel Identifier field can support 256 channels as per the specification (Section
D. We could not find information (e.g., ARFCN number or channel raster) on the supported band for
EUHT in their specification. For example, we have TS 38.104 which lists all the operational
bands of the 3GPP candidate.
E. Spatial Streams
a. EUHT specification defines a spatial stream as a data stream that is spatially transmitted
in parallel. A spatial-time stream is an encoded stream after space-time coding of the
spatial stream (Section 2.8 and 2.9 in EUHT Specification)
b. EUHT provides support for upto four spatial streams and upto eight spatial-time stream.
The MCS support is only for spatial streams upto four. (Section 8.2.8 and Annex B in
EUHT Specification)
c. A spatial stream is equivalent to a layer (3GPP NR). Maximum four layers are available
in EUHT and have been considered in the evaluation of Peak Spectral Efficiency and
Peak Data Rate.
d. A unique feature available in EUHT which is not available in other candidate
technologies is its support of different MCS for different streams and the mapping.
a. EUHT Submission 5D/1300, provides a STA basic capability request frame which
specifies the working bandwidth mode of the STA as given below in Error! Reference
source not found.. A working bandwidth mode specifies a combination of “working
bandwidth” called as (working bandwith-1,working bandwith-2 and working bandwith-3)
from which the STA can choose one mode. Based on this specification, the maximum
available bandwidth for a transmission is in the mode number 4 “100 : 25/50/100”, i.e.
100 MHz.
G. Sub-Channel
a. EUHT specification provides multiple bandwidth support by aggregating sub-channels.
Each sub-channel is equivalent of carrier component (3GPP NR) which has a bandwidth
equal to working bandwidth-1
b. As per the specification
“The EUHT system uses working bandwidth-1 as the basic channel bandwidth, and
supports working bandwidth-2 and working bandwidth-3 continuous or discontinuous
bandwidths by spectrum aggregation”
In the revised submission 5D/1300, included in WP5D#33, these text in the section of the
specification was missing.
Providing an example of the working bandwidth mode, sub-channel and spectrum aggregation usage
If the supported working bandwidth mode is reported to be four (bit-pattern :100) by the STA, the STA
can choose one of the three working bandwidth from 25/50/100 MHz (refer Table 4A). If the STA chooses
to use the working bandwidth-3 (100MHz), the CAP will make use of all the four sub-channel (Error!
Reference source not found.) each of bandwidth equal to that of working bandwidth-1(i.e. 25 MHz).
5GIF Observation:
a) Multiple bandwidth support is obtained by using four sub-channels where the possible sub-channel
bandwidths are 5,10,15,20,25 MHz(Table 4A).
b) Only 256 channels in the 2.4 GHz band can be utilized.(Point C of Section 4.2)
c) Spectrum Aggregation Mode cannot be used in mmWave mode due to lack of support in specification
for SCS=390.625 needed for mmWave (see Table 4C & Table 4B).
d) Maximum System Bandwidth in Spectrum Aggregation mode is 80 MHz(Table 4B).
e) Maximum Bandwidth supported by STA is 100 MHz(Table 4A).
f) There is also inconsistency regarding bandwidths mentioned as 200MHz, 400MHz but no
specification to support by STA (UE)
Working Modes
The EUHT transmission is TDD with frame numerology corresponding to three working modes: normal
mode, low-error mode and mmWave mode. Both normal mode and low-error mode are used for sub 6GHz
band, in which the low-error mode is used to achieve high reliability. mmWave mode is referred to
millimetre wave band (above 24GHz, etc.).
Frame Structure
As per the information provided in the Description template and the EUHT specifications, EUHT transmits
multiple physical layer frames, each frame has multiple OFDM symbols. The frame is self-contained for
broadcast, downlink, uplink control channels and data among those symbols. As per the specification
variable symbol durations are supported that depends on sub-carrier spacing, bandwidth and guard interval.
Smallest allocation of one-symbol is possible, which also will be accompanied with other UL/DL Control
channels and preambles.
EUHT specifications and Description template mention that the frame length can be dynamically adjusted
within the allowable range(0.1-14ms).The specification does not account for the methodology used for
dynamic frame length adjustment and CAP time synchronisation which is an essential component for the
use of variable frame length without which frame length cannot be adjusted.
EUHT candidate self-evaluation report and simulation use only 78.125kHz SCS. The numerology for the
same is provided in the Error! Reference source not found.:
EUHT specification mentions support for BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 1024-QAM but
it has been observed that the STA can mention support for only upto 256-QAM in the STA Basic Capability
Request Frame (Table 7 in Section
(802.11ax is a standard meant for < 6GHz) which are shown in the Error! Reference source not found.–
Parameter Similarity
Subcarrier Spacing of 78.125 kHz11
1 K. Chen, D. Deng and S. Lien and J. Lee. On Quality-of-Service Provisioning in IEEE 802.11ax WLANs.
IEEE Access,6086-6104.
2 Hoefel, R. P. F. (2018, July). IEEE 802.11 ax: On Performance of Multi-Antenna Technologies with
LDPC Codes. In 2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE)
(pp. 159-164). IEEE.
Max MIMO Layers (Spatial Time Streams) 13 8
Section 4.2 of ITU-R M.2410 states that these values were defined assuming an antenna configuration to
enable eight spatial layers (streams) in the downlink and four spatial layers (streams) in the uplink.
Proponents must demonstrate that the peak spectral efficiency requirement can be met for, at least, one of
the carrier frequencies assumed in the test environments under the eMBB usage scenario.
Evaluation Methodology
Refer to section 7.2.1 of M.2412
The EUHT candidate supports different channel bandwidth for normal mode and mmWave mode as given
in the Table 4F and 4G. The below given formula is used to calculate Peak Spectral Efficiency (SEpeak ) for
a specific component carrier
BW ( i ), ( i )
v (i )
Layer Q Rmax
(i )
m (i )
(1 − OH (i ) )
SE (i )
p = (1)
BW (i )
➢ Rmax is the maximum code rate of LDPC
(i )
➢ For the i-th CC, v Layer is the maximum number of layers
3 Hoefel, R. P. F. IEEE 802.11 ax: On Time Synchronization in Asynchronous OFDM Uplink Multi-User
MIMO Physical Layer.
4 Deng, Der-Jiunn and Chen, Kwang-Cheng and Cheng, Rung-Shiang.IEEE 802.11 ax: Next generation
wireless local area networks.10Th international conference on heterogeneous networking for quality,
reliability, security and robustness. Publisher IEEE.
➢ (i ) is the Frame length
is the duration of Downlink/Uplink in a frame (type )
(i ) (i )
➢ TLink
BW (i ), (i ) (i )
➢ N SD is the number of subcarriers allocation in bandwidth BW with Frame length
(i ) , where BW (i ) is the STA supported maximum bandwidth in the given band or band
➢ 𝑂𝐻 (𝑖) is the overhead calculated as the average ratio of the number of OFDMs or subcarriers
occupied by L1/L2 control, synchronization signal, sounding signal, demodulation reference
signal and guard period, etc.
➢ For guard period (GP), 50% of GP symbols are considered as downlink overhead, and 50% of
GP symbols are considered as uplink overhead.
➢ rDL - ratio of DL to total symbols.
Using the tables 35-39 from the specifications, the number of subcarriers for a given
supported Bandwidth (Nsd) for the possible Subcarrier Spacing(SCS) have been provided
in the Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found..
19.53125 224 448 672 896 1120 1344 1792 2240 N/A N/A N/A
39.0625 112 224 336 448 560 672 896 1120 1344 1792 2240
78.125 56 112 168 224 280 336 448 560 672 896 1120
The number of layers considered as per SER are eight and six for normal mode and mmWave mode
but there is a maximum support of only four spatial streams which is equivalent to the number of
layers (Refer to section 4.2 – Spatial streams). Depending on the parameters as defined in Error!
Reference source not found. the calculated DL SEpeak is given in Error! Reference source not
Table 4-8 Technical Parameters used for DL (rDL = 0.5, DL: UL=1:1)
The SEpeak considers symbol duration time as per equation (1), in the SER of EUHT the symbol
duration considered is with Short CP. Here we consider both Short and Normal CP in the symbol
time given in Table 4I for SEpeak calculations as given in the EUHT Specification (Section 8.2)
The number of layers considered as per SER are eight and four for normal mode and mmWave
mode but there is a maximum support of only four spatial streams which is equivalent to the number
of layers (Refer to section 4.2 – Spatial streams). Depending on the parameters as defined in Error!
Reference source not found. the calculated UL SEpeak is given in Error! Reference source not
DL OH margin – As depicted in the Error! Reference source not found. (Frame structure), each
frame has uplink and downlink OFDM symbols. During the portion of downlink transmission, the
data channel DL-SCH is time multiplexed. As per the M.2412, the peak spectral efficiency should
account for the OH duration. To meet the target requirement of peak spectral efficiency, the OH
symbols will be limited by the minimum Peak Spectral Efficiency requirements.
Max % of DL_OH to meet Normal CP Does not meet the requirement
Short CP
UL OH margin – As depicted in the Error! Reference source not found.(Frame structure), each
frame has uplink and downlink OFDM symbols. During the portion of uplink transmission, the
data channel UL-SCH is time multiplexed. As per the M.2412, the peak spectral efficiency should
account for the OH duration. To meet the target requirement of peak spectral efficiency, the OH
symbols will be limited by the minimum Peak Spectral Efficiency requirements.
Performance Comments
ITU Requirements
The evaluation was performed for idea zero OH
Peak Spectral Efficiency due to gaps in the OH
2) It does not meet the DL Spectral Efficiency value in NFR2 even without overhead.
3) The SEpeak is independent of any bandwidth configuration as listed in Table 4F and 4G. The DL and UL
SEpeak is also limited by the supported modulation index of the STA which is 256-QAM as given in
4 ) The control channel is Time Duplexed and would span the entire symbol duration , even if length of control
channel is less than number of data subcarrier, before any downlink or uplink transmission in a frame
5) As per the IMT-2020/27, observation regarding inconsistency of Downlink & Uplink Guard interval (GI)
in specification with the Self-evaluation was noted.
5GIF found that the referred bit pattern by proponent “b63b62...b57 in table 55” does not address the
H. As per the specifications, the bit b63b62...b57 in table 55 only indicates the start of the OFDM
symbol for DGI and UGI.
I. 5GIF found that the number of symbols for DGI and UGI are still 2symbols for each GI and should
be used this for OH calculation.
The minimum requirements for peak data rate are as follows:
DL: 20 Gb/s
Peak data rate
UL: 10 Gb/s
Peak Data Rate is the maximum achievable data rate under ideal conditions.
For Peak Data Rate the maximum possible bandwidth for each band is provided in table 4O:
Maximum Bandwidth available to schedule to single user is limited by STA capability. (See Table 7 section from EUHT specification)
Error! Reference source not found. shows peak data rate values calculated for maximum bandwidth of
100 MHz (for both Normal mode and mmWave mode).
From Error! Reference source not found., the peak data rate values for normal mode and mmWave mode
do not meet the minimum ITU-R requirements.
5GIF Observation
a) The maximum bandwidth possible is limited to 100 MHz in normal and mmWave mode as per
specifications for working bandwidth modes
b) Carrier Aggregation can be done only with a SCS of 78.125 kHz to get a maximum aggregated
bandwidth 80 MHz by using sub-channels. This mechanism is used in normal mode to get the
supported working bandwidth.
c) If the specifications enabled STA to support working bandwidth mode for 400 MHz, the peak
data rate values would still be 8.708Gbps for both downlink and uplink, which still do NOT
meet the minimum ITU-R requirements.
Evaluation Methodology
Refer to Section 7.2.3 of ITU-R M.2412
User Experienced Data Rate has been evaluated for the Dense Urban eMBB test environment for
configuration A (4GHz). Error! Reference source not found. shows the 5th percentile user spectral
efficiency results for Dense Urban environment.
Table 4-16 5th percentile user spectral efficiency
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz]
Scheme and antenna Sub-carrier
configuration spacing (kHz) Channel Model A
BW=20 MHz
DL 0.25
8T,(8,4,2,1,1; 1,4)
8R,(1,4,2,1,1; 1,4) 78.125
UL 0.1
The SEuser values from Error! Reference source not found. are used to calculate the User Experienced
Data Rate as given in Error! Reference source not found.,
Ruser [Mbps]
Parameter Calculation Channel model A
Evaluation Report
5GIF Observations
• The 5th percentile user spectral efficiency does not meet the ITU requirement
• Specification support for carrier aggregation is not adequate, the spectrum aggregation mode support
aggregation of four sub-channel each with bandwidth equal to 20 MHz to get a maximum aggregated
system bandwidth of 100 MHz (From section 4.2 Spectrum Aggregation Mode).
The target value for Area traffic capacity in downlink is 10 Mbit/s/m 2 in the Indoor Hotspot – eMBB test
Area Traffic Capacity has been evaluated in Indoor Hotspot eMBB test environment using config A based
on the Average spectral efficiency evaluation in Section 4.2.3 .
20m 10m
Based on the Indoor Hotspot network layout as defined in Report ITU-R M.2412, the TRxP density is
given as follows:
Number of TRxP
𝜌 = Total Area of the network layout (TRxP/m2)
36 TRxP
𝜌 (TRxP/m2) 0.006
100 MHz bandwidth per
Carrier Component (CC)
with 78.125 kHz SCS
100 4.99
= 2.994
Note: Maximum bandwidth supported by STA is 100 MHz..
Evaluation Report
Conclusion Remarks
Performance ITU 5GIF Meets
Measure Requirements Results Requirement
Maximum Bandwidth supported 100
Area traffic 2 2.994 MHz.
10 Mbps/m No
capacity Mbps/m2 Minimum spectral efficiency
requirements not met.
For seamless transition, 0 ms mobility interruption time is an essential requirement.
Evaluation Methodology
Refer Section 7.2.7 of ITU-R M.2412
As defined in Report ITU-R M.2410, mobility interruption time is the shortest time duration supported by
the system during which a UE/STA cannot exchange user plane packets with any BS/CAP during mobility
The mobility interruption time includes the time required to execute any radio access network
procedure, radio resource control signalling protocol, or other message exchanges between the
UE/STA and BS/CAP, as applicable to the candidate RIT/SRIT.
There are some properties support 0ms interrupt time in EUHT, such as:
1. The mode of multiple access is OFDMA in EUHT, thus can realize the carrier
aggregation (CA) function, and STA could connect with source CAP and target CAP.
2. RACH – less is used in EUHT, interaction between source CAP and target CAP could
save the time when RACH process occurs.
STA source CAP target CAP CN
Measurement Report
Evaluation and
Handover Request &
Rach-less procedure
Handover Response
Handover Command
user data packets
5GIF Observations
Regarding - “The mode of multiple access is OFDMA in EUHT, thus can realize the carrier aggregation
(CA) function, and STA could connect with source CAP and target CAP.”
o The CA can only be used for the SCell change without PCell change but not for the PCell change. It is
not clear how the CA based mobility works in case of mobility between source CAP and target CAP
(in 3GPP, a common MAC entity is assumed for the CA operation), no detail description can be found
in the EUHT_specification’s Section 8.11 “Spectrum aggregation mode”.
4.2.2 Inspection Aspects Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the maximum aggregated system bandwidth. The bandwidth may be supported by single or
multiple radio frequency (RF) carriers.
ITU Requirements
Performance Measure mmWave
Normal mode
Bandwidth 100 MHz 1 GHz
Evaluation Methodology
Refer to Section 7.3.1 of ITU-R M.2412
It has been observed that EUHT does not support carrier aggregation and bandwidths greater than 100MHz
(Refer to section 4.2- Spectrum Aggregation Mode)
(from section 4.2
5GIF Observations
Due to lack of specification for carrier aggregation and STA bandwidth support in mmWave mode, EUHT does
not meet the ITU-R bandwidth requirements of upto 1 GHz aggregated bandwidth.
Evaluation Methodology
Table 4-21 DL Overhead Assumption
As per the above considered assumptions and the ITU-R guidelines, the following simulation results have
been obtained.
Table 4-23 Downlink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(pp) C (qq) C
hannel hannel
(ll) Sub
(mm) F model A Model B
Scheme and antenna -carrier (nn) ITU
rame (rr) (tt)
configuration spacing (oo) Requirement
structure (ss) B (uu) B
W= W=
20MHz 20MHz
9 4.99 4.93
8x8 adaptive SU/MU - DL:UL = [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
MIMO 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.3 0.03
15 The overhead assumptions are as per those specified in the SER of EUHT.
Table 4-24 Downlink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration A, CF=4 GHz, for 12TRxP)
(zz) C (aaa) C
hannel hannel
(vv) Sub- (ww) Fr model A Model B
Scheme and antenna (xx) ITU
carrier ame (bbb) (ddd)
configuration (yy) Requirement
spacing (kHz) structure (ccc) B (eee) B
W= W=
20MHz 20MHz
9 7.34 7.35
8x8 adaptive SU/MU - DL:UL = [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
MIMO 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.3 0.24
Table 4-25 Uplink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration A, CF=4 GHz, for 36TRxP)
Table 4-26 Uplink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration A, CF=4 GHz, for 12TRxP)
The above results show that the requirements are not being met under the current assumptions.
To understand and investigate such low values of spectral efficiency compared to 3GPP NR, we compared
the system level simulator statistics to identify possible reasons. The analysis is described below.
Figure 4.6 SINR CDF plot with their respective System Level Assumptions
The above CDF has been obtained using the calibrated system level simulator for the assumptions provided
by EUHT and 3GPP NR for Avg. Spectral Efficiency simulation, these assumptions have been followed to
produce the following results also.
OBSERVATION 1 : Error! Reference source not found.shows that the >90% of STAs have SINR value
less 0dB compared to 3GPP NR with 60% of the UEs are less than 0 dB.
a) Based on the BLER results in AWGN channel, the performance of EUHT LDPC coding was
found to be inferior to that of NR LDPC coding.
b) Also, for the same large data packet, the frame or packet error rate of EUHT LDPC coding is
higher than that of NR LDPC coding (See Annex - J.2)
It can be observed from Figure 4e that these could be a result of an inappropriate antenna configuration
Figure 4.7 Maximum Antenna Gain Possible in the network layout for EUHT(left) and 3GPP NR(right) with one BS active. Red
is +10dB and blue is -10dB.
Error! Reference source not found.shows the Antenna Gains available at different locations in the
network layout when one BS is active (considering 3 TRxPs). From the Error! Reference source not
found. it is observed that higher antenna gains are obtained at locations away from the activated cell
while no gains are observed in the closed cell itself in case of EUHT. The 3GPP NR shows better gains
in the closest cell itself whereas negative gains towards UEs away from the hotspot/TRxP.
Figure 4.8 The CDF plot of the Antenna Gains of the UEs with their Associated TRxP
From Error! Reference source not found., we see that the antenna gains for the users in EUHT
configuration is higher than that in the 3GPP NR configuration. We can also observe that higher antenna
gains (greater than 5 for 95% UEs) of the UEs with their associated TRxP is only possible if the TRxPs
are from cells other than that of the UEs in case of EUHT. Therefore, it can be concluded that most the
UEs are associating with TRxPs other than that in their cell in case of EUHT. This should decrease the
effective SINR values for a given UE with its associated TRxP since the received signal would be lower
due to pathloss and experience higher interference due to signal from TRxPs in their respective cell.
This can be also observed from Error! Reference source not found.which shows the SINR of a UE
with its associated TRxP at a given location in the network layout.
Figure 4.9 SINR Pattern of the UEs with their Associated TRxP. EUHT(left) & 3GPP NR(right)
From Error! Reference source not found. the SINR of UEs in case of EUHT is lower as compared to
3GPP-NR even though the number of Antenna Elements in a TxRU is 8 in case of EUHT and 1 in case of
3GPP NR. This could be a possible explanation of EUHT not meeting the requirements for Spectral
Efficiencies in Indoor Hotspot-eMBB Scenario.
5GIF Observations
• The Spectral Efficiencies value obtained for EUHT fails to meet the requirements for Indoor Hotspot
Configuration A.
• The possible reasons can be the choice of Antenna Configuration and Electrical, Mechanical Steering.
• Also, the number of TXRUs are 8 in case of EUHT as compared to 32 in case of 3GPP NR which can
lead to lower capacity and digital beamforming gains.
• Also, the number of TXRUs are capped at 8 in case of EUHT which can be a limiting factor.
• The antenna gains seen in EUHT are higher than that in 3GPP NR, but this translates to higher
interference and does not provide for higher signal strength.
Evaluation Configuration B
Table 4-27 Downlink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration B, CF=30 GHz, for 36TRxP)
(dddd) Channel
Scheme and (zzz) Sub- model A/B
(aaaa) Frame (bbbb) ITU
antenna carrier spacing
structure (cccc) Requirement
configuration (kHz) (ffff) BW=
9 4.77
8x8 adaptive [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
78.125 DL:UL = 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.3 0.01
Table 4-28 Downlink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration B, CF=30 GHz, for 12TRxP)
(kkkk) Channel
Scheme and (gggg) Sub- model A/B
(hhhh) Frame (iiii) ITU
antenna carrier spacing
structure (jjjj) Requirement
configuration (kHz) (mmmm)BW=
9 5.42
8x8 adaptive [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
78.125 DL:UL = 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.3 0.06
Table 4-29 Uplink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration B, CF=30 GHz, for 36TRxP)
(rrrr) Channel
Scheme and (nnnn) Sub- model A/B
(oooo) Frame (pppp) ITU
antenna carrier spacing
structure (qqqq) Requirement
configuration (kHz) (tttt) BW=
6.75 3.61
8x8 adaptive [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
78.125 DL:UL = 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.21 0.10
Table 4-30 Uplink Spectral efficiency for EUHT in Indoor Hotspot – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration B, CF=30 GHz, for 12TRxP)
(yyyy) Channel
Scheme and (uuuu) Sub- model A/B
(vvvv) Frame (wwww) ITU
antenna carrier spacing
structure (xxxx) Requirement
configuration (kHz) (aaaaa) BW=
6.75 2.48
8x8 adaptive [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
78.125 DL:UL = 2:1
5th-tile [bit/s/Hz] 0.21 0.05
Next available
Re-transmission delay Next available frame
EUHT uses K-best but enough information
8Rx, (8,4,2,1,1; regarding receiver model used is not given.
Antenna configuration at TRxP 8Tx, (8,4,2,1,1; 1,4)
1,4) 5GIF has used MMSE as the receiver model for
evaluation of EUHT candidate submissions.
8Tx, (1,4,2,1,1;
Antenna configuration at UE 8Rx, (1,4,2,1,1; 1,4)
1,4) Refer to SER
Scheduling PF PF
Receiver MMSE – IRC MMSE - IRC
Channel estimation Non-ideal Non-ideal Refer to DT
Power control parameter - P0=-60, alpha=0.6
TRxP number per site 3 3
Mechanic tilt 110° in GCS 110° in GCS
Electronic tilt 90° in LCS 90° in LCS
Handover margin (dB) 1 1
Geographical Geographical
distance-based distance-based
Wrapping around method wrapping wrapping Refer to SER
Maximizing RSRP
RSRP where the
where the digital
beamforming is not
Criteria for selection for serving beamforming is
TRxP not considered
Note: DT= Description Template, SP = Specification, SER- Self. Eval. Report in 5D/1300
Evaluation Configuration A
Scheme and Sub- Channel model A
carrier Frame ITU
antenna spacing structure Requirement
configuration (kHz) 20MHz
The above results show that the requirements are not being met under the current assumptions. To explore
and verify the 5GIF simulator outcome system level analysis was done which gave possible reasons for
such results. The analysis is described below.
System Level Analysis Outcomes
Figure 4.10 SINR CDF plot with their respective System Level Assumptions
Error! Reference source not found.shows the CDF has been obtained using the calibrated system level
simulator for the assumptions provided by EUHT and 3GPP NR for Avg. Spectral Efficiency simulation,
these assumptions have been followed to produce the following results also.
OBSERVATION 1 : 10 shows that the 50% of STAs have SINR value less 0dB compared to 3GPP NR
with 40% of the UEs are less than 0 dB.
a) Based on the BLER results in AWGN channel, the performance of EUHT LDPC coding
was found to be inferior to that of NR LDPC coding.
b) Also, for the same large data packet, the frame or packet error rate of EUHT LDPC
coding is higher than that of NR LDPC coding (See Annex - J.2)
It can be observed from Figure 4.11 that these could be a result of an inappropriate antenna
configuration choice.
Figure 4.11 Maximum Antenna Gain Possible in the network layout for EUHT(top) and 3GPP NR(bottom) with one BS active.
Yellow is +15dB and blue is -10~-15dB
Error! Reference source not found. shows the Antenna Gains available at different locations in the
network layout when one BS is active (considering 3 TRxPs). From the Figure 4i it is observed that higher
antenna gains are obtained at locations away from the activated cell while no gains are observed in the
activated cell itself in case of EUHT. The 3GPP NRshows good gains in the cell itself with negative gains
in locations away from the BS.
Also, in the case of 3GPP NR phased array beam forming is used which improves the SINR values because
narrow beamwidth giving spatial diversity. Figure 4j shown below gives a visual representation of the
associated beam (one of 12 beams) as per the NR configurations for Config-A of Dense Urban (See Chapter
2). Note only the center cell is activated to inspect the spatial footprint of the beams.
Figure 4.12 Visualisation of beams with varying beam ids as shown in the color gradient with one active base station
Figure 4.13 The CDF plot of the Antenna Gains of the UEs with their Associated TRxP
From Error! Reference source not found., we see that the antenna gains for the users in EUHT
configuration is higher than that in the 3GPP NR configuration. We can also observe that higher antenna
gains (greater than 5 for 95% UEs) of the UEs with their associated TRxP is only possible if the TRxPs are
from cells other than that of the UEs in case of EUHT. Therefore, it can be concluded that most the UEs
are associating with TRxPs other than that in their cell in case of EUHT. This should decrease the effective
SINR values for a given UE with its associated TRxP since the received signal would be lower due to
pathloss and experience higher interference due to signal from TRxPs in their respective cell.
This can be also observed from figure 5 which shows the SINR of a UE with its associated TRxP at a given
location in the network layout.
Figure 4.14 SINR Pattern of the UEs with their Associated TRxP. EUHT(top) & 3GPP NR(bottom)
From Error! Reference source not found. the SINR of UEs in case of EUHT is lower as compared to
3GPP NR even though the number of Antenna Elements in a TxRU is 8 in case of EUHT and 1 in case of
3GPP NR. This could be a possible explanation of EUHT not meeting the requirements for Spectral
Efficiencies in Dense Urban-eMBB Scenario.
Evaluation Configuration B
Table 4-35 DL spectral efficiency for EUHT in Dense Urban – eMBB
(Evaluation configuration B, CF=30 GHz)
(bbbbb) Su (fffff) Chan
Scheme and (ccccc) Fr
b-carrier (ddddd) ITU nel model A/B
antenna ame
spacing (eeeee) Requirement (ggggg) BW=
configuration structure
(kHz) 20MHz
7.8 5.53
8x8 adaptive [bit/s/Hz/TRxP]
78.125 DL:UL=2:1
SU/MU -MIMO 5th-tile
0.225 0.001
Evaluation Report
Results- Remarks
Performance ITU Meets
Scenario Channel
Measure Requirements Requirement
Average DL : 5.42 No Due to the antenna
spectral UL: 2.48 No configuration chosen by
UL: 6.75
Indoor efficiency EUHT and tilt angles
(12 TRxP) 5th % user DL: 0.06 No considered the STAs
spectral UL: 0.05 No close to the CAP which
UL: 0.21
efficiency are supposed to receive
Average DL: 4.77 No high SINR and antenna
DL:9 gain are experiencing
Indoor spectral UL: 3.61 No
UL: 6.75 very poor SINR and
(36 TRxP) efficiency
5th % user DL: 0.01 No antenna gains.
DL:0.3 This has resulted in
spectral UL: 0.10 No
UL: 0.21 EUHT technology in not
Average DL: 5.53 No meeting the ITU
DL:7.8 minimum requirements.
spectral UL: 1.70 No
UL: 5.4
Dense Urban
5th % user DL: 0.001 No
spectral UL: 0.0 No
UL: 0.15
COAI-5GIF 158 Reliability
The minimum requirement for the reliability is 1-10−5 success probability of transmitting a layer 2 PDU
(protocol data unit) of 32 bytes within 1 ms in channel quality of coverage edge for the Urban Macro-
URLLC test environment, assuming small application data (e.g. 20 bytes application data + protocol
Evaluation Methodology
Refer to Section 7.1.5 of ITU-R M.2412
Technical Assumptions-
TRxP number per site 3
Mechanic tilt 90° in GCS
Electronic tilt 99° in LCS
Handover margin (dB) 1
Geographical distance-based Refer to SER
Wrapping around method wrapping
Maximizing RSRP where the
Criteria for selection for digital beamforming is not
serving TRxP considered
Note: DT= Description Template, SP = Specification, SER- Self. Eval. Report in 5D/1300
Maximizing RSRP where the
Criteria for selection for digital beamforming is not
serving TRxP considered
Note: DT= Description Template, SP = Specification, SER- Self. Eval. Report in 5D/1300
The downlink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation is illustrated in the Error!
Reference source not found.. The 5%-tile SINR applied for link level simulation is -2.5 dB.
Figure 4.15 Downlink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation
Based on the system level simulation and link level simulation, the evaluation result for downlink
reliability is provided in Table 4-41.
The uplink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation is illustrated in the Figure 4n. The
5%-tile SINR applied for link level simulation is -8.0 dB.
Figure 4.16 Uplink SINR distribution obtained from system level simulation
Based on the system level simulation and link level simulation, the evaluation result for uplink reliability
is provided in Table 4-42.
5GIF Observations
Antenna configuration used by EUHT has resulted in poor SINR values for users near the CAP and better SINR
values for users farther to CAP which is evident from the results shown above. This has resulted in low
reliability values and therefore EUHT technology is not able meet the reliability requirements for URLLC
Evaluation Report
5GIF Conclusion
Performance ITU Results Meets Remarks
Measure Requirements Requirement
Eval. A
URLLC Reliability (%) DL: 99.999% DL: No Due to the antenna configuration
99.531 chosen by EUHT and tilt angles
considered the STAs close to the
UL: 99.999% No CAP which are supposed to receive
UL: high SINR and antenna gain are
92.37 experiencing very poor SINR and
antenna gains.
This has resulted in EUHT
technology in not meeting the ITU
minimum requirements.
4.3 Conclusion
5GIF evaluated the candidate technology EUHT IMT-2020/18 based on the available information provided
by the proponent and the observations by WP5D in IMT-2020/27.
Overall, we found inconsistency in the information given in description templates and the specification
provided in the submission. We also noticed inconsistency and lack of clarity on the assumptions used in
the self-evaluation report of EUHT. Our detailed observations on the submissions are provided in Section
As per our evaluation, the EUHT does not meet the requirements for spectral efficiency in eMBB scenario
at least in the two test environments – eMBB Dense Urban and eMBB-InH.
EUHT also does not meet the minimum requirements for peak spectral efficiency, peak data rate, user
experience data rate and Area Traffic capacity in eMBB
EUHT does not meet the minimum requirements of Reliability for URLLC scenario.
EUHT does not meet the requirements to satisfy the eMBB as well as URLLC scenarios.
5. Annexures
A. Evaluation model for non-full buffer system level simulation for NB-IoT
Device BS
Step1: Sync + MIB
Step 2: PRACH Msg1
Step 3: NPDCCH + RAR (including
UL grant)
Step 4: UL data transmission
Step 5: RRCEarlyDataComplete
Denote LNPSS and LNSSS as the repetition times needed to successfully accomplish primary synchronization
and secondary synchronization, respectively. In this case, the synchronization delay is given by
𝑡𝑠𝑠 = 𝑡𝑃𝑆𝑆 + 𝑡𝑆𝑆𝑆
𝑡𝑃𝑆𝑆 = 𝑡𝑁𝑃𝑆𝑆_0 + (𝐿𝑁𝑃𝑆𝑆 − 1) × 𝑇𝑃𝑆𝑆
𝑡𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 𝑡𝑁𝑆𝑆𝑆_0 + (𝐿𝑁𝑆𝑆𝑆 − 1) × 𝑇𝑆𝑆𝑆
where tNPSS_0 = tNPSS-t0 is the time interval between the nearest NPSS transmission at tNPSS, and the packet
arrival time, t0, TPSS =10ms is the transmission period of NPSS; tNSSS_0 = tNSSS-t0 is the time interval between
the nearest NSSS transmission at tNSSS, and the packet arrival time, t0, and TSSS=20ms is the transmission
period for NSSS.
The value of LNPSS and LNSSS can be determined by DL SINR, based on link level simulation using TDL-iii
channel model. The corresponding value of LNPSS/ LNSSS for a given SINR can be determined according to
the 90th percentile point successful detection of NPSS/NSSS (under this SINR value) as shown in the
following mapping table.
NPBCH (for MIB) is transmitted in sub-frame 0 in every radio frame with 100 REs on anchor-PRB with at
most 64 sub-frame combination as illustrated in Figure 18
Denote LNPBCH as the repetition times for correctly receiving NPBCH. Hence, the receiving PBCH delay is
given by
𝑡𝑛𝑝𝑏𝑐ℎ = 𝑡𝑁𝑃𝐵𝐶𝐻_0 + (𝐿𝑁𝑃𝐵𝐶𝐻 − 1) × 𝑇𝑁𝑃𝐵𝐶𝐻
where tNPBCH_0 = tNPBCH-t0 is the time interval between the nearest NPBCH transmission at tNPBCH, and the
synchronization end time, t0, TNPBCH =10ms is the transmission period of NPBCH.
The value of LNPBCH can be determined by DL SINR, based on link level simulation using TDL-iii channel
model (with QPSK, coding rate of 0.25, and code block size of 50bit). The corresponding SNR threshold
for a given LNPBCH would guarantee larger than 90% successful reception ratio with LNPBCH times repetition
of NPBCH reception.
A.4 Delay Modeling of Step 2: PRACH Msg1
For PRACH delay model, it is dependent on two aspects. One is the number of collisions encountered by
the device, ncollision. The other aspect is the time duration, tPRACH, for correctly receiving PRACH without
collision. The latter is depending on UL SINR. Therefore the PRACH delay is given by
t2=f2(ncollision, tPRACH)
If collision happens during the PRACH transmission, all of the collided PRACH transmissions are assumed
to be failed, and another round of PRACH transmission for the collided UEs is needed.
For NB-IoT, the UEs will transmit PRACH according to its CE level. The CE level is determined by its
RSRP (see TS36.331). For UEs in a specific CE level, the time domain resource for PRACH could be
configured according to TS36.331 by the transmission periodicity, transmission duration (or repetition
times), and the transmission start time (within the period). If the three CE levels share the same PRACH
frequency resource, the UEs with lower CE level could not use the PRACH resource that is overlapped
with higher CE level. One illustration is shown in Figure 19.
Device starts the PRACH transmission at available transmission time according to its CE level as shown in
colored box in Figure 19, and randomly selects one PRACH channel among the available number of
channels (assumed to be 24 in this simulation).
The NPRACH of each CE level has its own parameter nprach-Periodicity-r14 and nprach-StartTime-r14
to decide the NPRACH candidate opportunity (see Section 6.7.3 in TS36.331). And the corresponding SNR
threshold is given by link level simulation using TDL-iii channel, with the guarantee of 90% successful
reception ratio of NPRACH. The example configuration of NPRACH resource is shown as in Table .
Table 6 Example NPRACH configuration for each CE level
and all of them occupies the same sub-carrier (channel) at t0, these UEs are collided, and their PRACH
reception at BS side would be failed.
When collision occurs, a backoff mechanism is used to avoid further collision to next transmission (see
Section 5.1.5 in TS36.321). The backoff length (until the next PRACH transmission) consists of two parts:
one is the backoff window with length of tbackoff, which is a random value between {0, Twindow}ms; the other
part is the RAR window with the minimum length of 2×TPDCCH, where TPDCCH is the transmission period of
NPDCCH in Step 3. In this case, the total latency for PRACH is given by
𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 +1
The scheduling of NPDCCH and RAR (transmitted on NPDSCH) are based on system level simulation.
For a given time instance, NPDCCH is assumed to have higher scheduling priority over RAR transmission.
However, once RAR transmission starts, it is assumed that this RAR transmission has the highest
scheduling priority at that time instance.
The NPDCCH transmission delay for a specific device consists of two parts, i.e., the scheduling delay and
the transmission duration,
where tNPDCCH_0 = tNPDCCH_sche - t0 is the time interval between the time when the available NPDCCH resource
exist for the specific device at tNPDCCH_sche, and the PRACH end time, t0, the available PDCCH means a
candidate PDCCH resource which is not scheduled for other UEs, LNPDCCH is the repetition times for
correctly receiving NPDCCH, and TTI=1ms. The value of tNPDCCH_sche is related to the scheduling scheme
of NPDCCH and RAR.
If multiple devices which belong to the same CE level request PDCCH transmission at a specific time
instance, they may share the NPDCCH resource. In this case, the value of LNPDCCH for device k will be
aligned with the device that requests the largest value of LNPDCCH.For a given CE level, RMAX and G are
configured to determine the period of common searching space of this CE level, where TPDCCH = G* RMAX
as illustrated in Figure 20. UE should monitor each PDCCH candidate within a set of repetition { RMAX /8 ,
RMAX /4 , RMAX /2 , RMAX }. So the LNDCCH should be selected in this repetition set.
The exact value of LNDCCH can be determined by DL SINR, based on link level simulation using TDL-iii
channel model. The corresponding SNR threshold for a given LNDCCH would guarantee larger than 90%
successful reception ratio with LNDCCH times repetition of NPDCCH reception. It is noted that NPDCCH is
transmitted using QPSK, coding rate of 0.128, and code block size of 39bit for the case of using 12 sub-
The RAR transmission delay for a specific device consists of two parts, i.e., the scheduling delay and the
transmission duration,
where tNPDSCH_0 = tNPDSCH_sche - t0 is the time interval between the available NPDSCH transmission for the
specific device at tNPDCCH_sche, and the NPDCCH end time, t0, the available NPDSCH means an unused DL
resource after time t0, LNPDSCH is the repetition times for correctly receiving NPDSCH, and TRAR is the
transmission duration for one RAR packet. The value of tNPDSCH_sche is related to the scheduling scheme of
For the case of BS scheduling RAR for multiple UEs simultaneously, the RAR packet size would be nS
where S=56bits is the size of a single RAR, and n denotes the number of scheduled devices . The value of
LNPDSCH and the MCS for device k will be aligned with the device which requests the largest value of LNPDSCH,
and it could be derived from simulation according to RAR packet size and DL SINR, while DL SINR could
be derived from DL wideband SINR.
For NB-IoT, one RAR transmission duration is derived by
𝑡𝑅𝐴𝑅 = × 1000
𝑆𝐸(𝑀𝐶𝑆, 𝑂𝐻) × 180kHz
where n is the number of scheduled devices for RAR transmission, S=56bit is the size of RAR for one
device, SE is the expected spectral efficiency (bps/Hz) that is related to MCS and overhead OH. MCS is
selected based on DL PDSCH SINR, which can be derived from DL wideband SINR. When multiple
devices are scheduled (n>1), the MCS is selected based on the device that experiences the worst SINR.
A.6 Delay Modeling of Step 4: UL data
The UL data transmission is fully modeled in the system level simulation as in conventional system level
simulation. UL data contains two parts, RRC connection request message (88bits) and UL traffic packet
(256bits), so the total packet size is 344bits.To facilitate the system level simulation, only single-tone is
used for scheduling, while UL data transmission is based on MAC scheduling according to UL resource
utilization condition and UL SINR of devices. The transmission delay of step 4 could be depicted as the
B. System-level simulation assumptions of mMTC
Urban Macro – NB-IoT Parameter
Simulation bandwidth 180 kHz
Sub-carrier spacing for PDCCH, PDSCH 15 kHz
Sub-carrier spacing for PUSCH 15 kHz
90kHz with 24 sub-carriers (channels) in 180 kHz BW,
PRACH 3.75kHz sub-carrier spacing for PRACH
Back off window Twindow=512ms
UL DMRS 2 symbols per 14 OFDM symbols
PUSCH scheduling unit Single tone (15kHz)
CE level 0: 24ms,
NPDCCH period TPDCCH CE Level 1: 48ms
CE level 2: 96ms
ISD 1732m: Alpha = 1, P0 = -115.8 dBm on 15kHz
Power control
ISD 500m: Alpha = 1, P0 = -100 dBm on 15kHz
B.3 Simulation assumption for NR
C. Link level simulation assumption for mMTC
D. SINR distribution of full buffer system level simulation (mMTC evaluation)
Figure 21 SINR distribution of NB-IoT and NR for config A/B with Channel model A/B
E. Spectrum efficiency from link-level simulation (mMTC Evaluation)
F. CDF for ZoD spread for LOS and NLOS (mobility evaluation)
The CDF of mean value of ZoD spread for LOS and NLOS for Rural and Dense Urban test environment
are plotted from Figure A1-1 to Figure A1-3, respectively.
Figure F-2 Mean value of ZoD (degree) for Rural (700 MHz)
Figure F-3 Mean value of ZoD (degree) for Dense Urban (4 GHz)
G. Simulation assumption of SLS part for mobility evaluation
The simulation assumption of system level part for mobility evaluation is listed in Table H-1.
For 4 GHz:
- 120 km/h: one slot with 30
- 500 km/h: one slot with 60
Scheduling PF PF PF
Pre-processing SINR Aligned with Section 2.1.1 in R1- Aligned with Section 2.1.1 in R1- Aligned with Section 2.1.1 in R1-
calculation 1805643 1805643 1805643
H. Simulation assumption of LLS part for mobility evaluation
The simulation assumption of link level part for mobility evaluation is listed in Table A3-1.
Table A3-1. Simulation assumptions of LLS
Indoor Hotspot – eMBB Dense urban - eMBB Rural – eMBB
Carrier frequency for Configuration A :700 MHz;
4 GHz 4 GHz
evaluation Configuration B : 4 GHz
TDD frame structure DDDSU DDDSU DDDSU
Evaluated service
Full buffer best effort Full buffer best effort Full buffer best effort
Simulation bandwidth 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz
Number of users in
1 1 1
Link-level Channel NLOS: CDL-i NLOS: CDL-iii NLOS: CDL-iii
model LOS: CDL-iv LOS: CDL-v LOS: CDL-v
UE speed 10 km/h 30 km/h 120 km/h, 500 km/h
For 700 MHz:
- 120 km/h: 15 kHz
For FDD: 15 kHz For FDD: 15 kHz - 500 km/h: 30 kHz
Subcarrier spacing
For TDD: 30 kHz For TDD: 30 kHz For 4 GHz:
- 120 km/h: 30 kHz
- 500 km/h: 60 kHz
Symbols number per
14 14 14
8R, (4,4,2,1,1; 1,4) 8R, (8,4,2,1,1; 1,4) 4R, (8,2,2,1,1; 1,2)
configuration at TRxP
1T, (1,1,1,1,1; 1,1) 1T, (1,1,1,1,1; 1,1) 1T, (1,1,1,1,1; 1,1)
configuration at UE
TXRU pattern at
Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional
TXRU pattern at UE Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional Option 1: 0dBi Omni-directional
Transmission mode SIMO SIMO SIMO
Transmission rank Rank 1 Rank 1 Rank 1
UL precoder - - -
Channel estimation LMMSE LMMSE LMMSE
Number of subcarriers
12 12 12
per PRB
14 symbol slots, with 12 RB
Data allocation 14 symbol slots, with 12 RB allocated 14 symbol slots, with 12 RB allocated
Channel coding
Link adaptation Yes Yes Yes
HARQ Max 4 HARQ transmissions Max 4 HARQ transmissions Max 4 HARQ transmissions
- For 4GHz 500km/h: 4 symbol
DMRS (front loaded and 3
additional) with configuration type
2 symbol DMRS (front loaded and 2 symbol DMRS (front loaded and 2, no FDM with data and full power
one additional) with configuration one additional) with configuration utilization in DMRS symbols
DMRS configuration
type 2, no FDM with data and full type 2, no FDM with data and full - Others: 2 symbol DMRS (front
power utilization in DMRS symbols power utilization in DMRS symbols loaded and one additional) with
configuration type 2, no FDM with
data and full power utilization in
DMRS symbols
- SRS: 2 symbols per 5 slots. For - SRS: 2 symbols per 5 slots. For - SRS: 2 symbols per 5 slots. For
TDD, the 2 symbols are the 2 uplink TDD, the 2 symbols are the 2 uplink TDD, the 2 symbols are the 2 uplink
Other overhead symbols in S sub-frame symbols in S sub-frame symbols in S sub-frame
- PUCCH :2 RB in 10MHz - PUCCH :2 RB in 10MHz - PUCCH :2 RB in 10MHz
bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth
I. SLS Results:
Indoor Hotspot -eMBB
Antenna Pattern
Rural - eMBB
Dense Urban - eMBB
Indoor Hotspot - eMBB
ANNEX C- Calibration Results
[Editor Note - System Level Calibration Results]
Rural - eMBB
Dense Urban - eMBB
7 {15, 30, 60, 120, 240}
Figure 1 base matrix corresponding to code word length N=2688 of EUHT LDPC coding
In EUHT, the base graph selection is determined by the code word length and code rate indicated by control
signalling. There are 14 base graphs which supports 14 different information-bit lengths. Obviously, it
supports multiple small code blocks in one transmission. However, for the same large data packet, the frame
or packet error rate of EUHT LDPC coding may be higher than that of NR LDPC coding.
Observation Nu3: For the same large data packet, the frame or packet error rate of EUHT LDPC
coding may be higher than that of NR LDPC coding.
Bit selection
In EUHT, if the channel is coded in the manner of convolutional code, the encoder output code rate is 1/2.
A large part of code rate in the MCS table, e.g. 4/7, 5/8, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 are obtained by puncturing
some bits of the code word in a specified puncture pattern. The LDPC code words are not required the
puncturing process because of the base graphs with code rate {1/2, 4/7, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8}.
Observation Nu4: The bit selection procedure of LDPC coding in NR can easily ensure the target
spectrum efficiency and lower implementation complexity. And the LDPC coding in EUHT is not
required puncturing process.
Channel estimation Ideal
A) BP Decoder
B) Min-sum decoder
Figure 6 The required SNR at target BLER=10% for MCS parameters in Table 3
Observation Nu5: The required SNR at the same target BLER increases with the MCS entries with
the same SE gap between each two adjacent MCS entries.
Table 5 Comparison of required SNR at BLER =10% between the 5G-NR LDPC coding
and EUHT LDPC coding
LDPC BP decoder LDPC Min-Sum decoder
△SNR(dB) △SNR(dB)
MCS Index
BLER=0.1 BLER=0.01 BLER=0.001 BLER=0.1 BLER=0.01 BLER=0.001
Figure 7 BLER vs SNR curves for EUHT LDPC coding based on BP decoder
Figure 8 BLER vs SNR curves for EUHT LDPC coding based on Min-Sum decoder
Observation Nu6: From the simulation results in AWGN channel, the BLER performance of EUHT
LDPC coding is inferior than that of NR LDPC coding.
J.3 Questions
Q1) The EUHT specification mentions three modes of system operation: Normal Mode, Low-Error Mode,
and mmWave Mode. The SCS and bandwidth support corresponding to these modes can be inferred from
the specification referred (Section 8.1.1). In Section 8.1.1., the mmWave mode is said to support 50, 100,
200, 400 MHz bandwidth. But in accordance with the STA Basic Capability Frame, the maximum support
is up to 100 MHz bandwidth at the STA. In our understanding, this limits the achievable capacity. Can this
be clarified!
Q2) In the EUHT description template, it mentions support for 1024 QAM, but in the specification Section , the STA Basic Capability indication is limited to 256QAM, “Indication of MCS capability of the
STA”. This will impact the results of Peak Spectral Efficiency, Peak Data rate.
Q3) According to EUHT Submission IMT2020/18, the EUHT specification provides a Broadcast Control
Frame body format (Section which is used to broadcast CAP capabilities. This format also specifies
the three working bandwidth modes at which the CAP broadcasts, but the specification does not seem to
provide any information about the bandwidths these bandwidth modes support. Request for clarity on the
Q5) Regarding the observations on Downlink & Uplink Guard Interval in IMT2020/27 (Observation of
SWG Evaluation (Proponent Nufront) - IMT-2020 submission in Document 5D/1238 (Proponent Nufront)).
We also see that there is a inconsistency of the DGI & UGI of 2 symbols with the values used in the self-
evaluation by NuFront. The clarification given by NuFront about the bits “b62…. b57” only indicates the
start of OFDM symbols for DGI and UGI. We could not find any specification that reduces the DGI & UGI
to 1 OFDM symbol duration.
Q6) We noticed that the EUHT specification (through link) shared during the WP5D#32, Brazil has some
details on Spectrum Aggregation mode (Section 8.11) , (also attached) which indicated that EUHT has
aggregation support only for 78.125 kHz SCS and aggregated system bandwidths 20, 40, 80 MHz (See
Figure below), whereas the submission (5D/1300, revised specification attached) in WP5D#33 have
deleted those tables and is ambiguous on the spectrum aggregation details, this will impact the capability
of the EUHT meeting the TPR - Peak spectral efficiency, Peak Data Rate, User experienced data rate,
Bandwidth and support to various services (eMBB).
Indoor Hotspot-eMBB
1610 dB for 30 GHz / 70 GHz is assumed for high performance UE. Higher UE noise figure values can be
considered by the proponent, e.g. 13 dB for 30 GHz / 70 GHz.
Indoor Hotspot-eMBB
Dense Urban-eMBB
Dense Urban-eMBB
17 10 dB for 30 GHz is assumed for high performance UE. Higher UE noise figure values can be
considered by the proponent, e.g. 13 dB for 30 GHz.
Dense Urban-eMBB
Average Spectral
Parameters Spectral Efficiency and Mobility Evaluations
Efficiency Evaluation
Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C (LMLC)
Baseline evaluation configuration parameters
Carrier frequency for 700 MHz 4 GHz 700 MHz
BS antenna height 35 m 35 m 35 m
Total transmit power 49 dBm for 20 MHz 49 dBm for 20 MHz 49 dBm for 20 MHz
per TRxP bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth
46 dBm for 10 MHz 46 dBm for 10 MHz 46 dBm for 10 MHz
bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth
UE power class 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm
Percentage of high 100% low loss 100% low loss 100% low loss
loss and low loss
building type
Additional parameters for system-level simulation
Inter-site distance 1732 m 1732 m 6000 m
Number of antenna Up to 64 Tx/Rx Up to 256 Tx/Rx Up to 64 Tx/Rx
elements per TRxP
Number of UE Up to 4 Tx/Rx Up to 8 Tx/Rx Up to 4 Tx/Rx
antenna elements
Average Spectral
Parameters Spectral Efficiency and Mobility Evaluations
Efficiency Evaluation
Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C (LMLC)
Device deployment 50% indoor, 50% outdoor 50% indoor, 50% outdoor 40% indoor,
(in-car) (in-car) 40% outdoor (pedestrian),
Randomly and uniformly Randomly and uniformly 20% outdoor (in-car)
distributed over the area distributed over the area Randomly and uniformly
distributed over the area
UE mobility model Fixed and identical speed |v| Fixed and identical speed |v| Fixed and identical speed |v|
of all UEs, randomly and of all UEs, randomly and of all UEs, randomly and
uniformly distributed uniformly distributed uniformly distributed
direction direction direction
UE speeds of interest Indoor users: 3 km/h; Indoor users: 3 km/h; Indoor users: 3 km/h;
Outdoor users (in-car): Outdoor users (in-car): Outdoor users (pedestrian):
120 km/h; 120 km/h; 3 km/h;
500 km/h for evaluation of 500 km/h for evaluation of Outdoor users (in-car):
mobility in high-speed case mobility in high-speed case 30 km/h
Inter-site interference Explicitly modelled Explicitly modelled Explicitly modelled
BS noise figure 5 dB 5 dB 5 dB
UE noise figure 7 dB 7 dB 7 dB
BS antenna element 8 dBi 8 dBi 8 dBi
UE antenna element 0 dBi 0 dBi 0 dBi
Thermal noise level ‒174 dBm/Hz ‒174 dBm/Hz ‒174 dBm/Hz
Traffic model Full buffer Full buffer Full buffer
Simulation 20 MHz for TDD, 20 MHz for TDD, 20 MHz for TDD,
bandwidth 10 MHz+10 MHz for FDD 10 MHz+10 MHz for FDD 10 MHz+10 MHz for FDD
UE density 10 UEs per TRxP 10 UEs per TRxP 10 UEs per TRxP
Randomly and uniformly Randomly and uniformly Randomly and uniformly
distributed over the area distributed over the area distributed over the area
UE antenna height 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m
Urban Macro–mMTC
Configuration A Configuration B
Baseline evaluation configuration parameters
Carrier frequency for evaluation 4 GHz 700 MHz
BS antenna height 25 m 25 m
Total transmit power per TRxP 49 dBm for 20 MHz bandwidth 49 dBm for 20 MHz bandwidth
46 dBm for 10 MHz bandwidth 46 dBm for 10 MHz bandwidth
UE power class 23 dBm 23 dBm
Percentage of high loss and low 100% low loss 100% low loss
loss building type