The Challenges of Environmental Education (Pp. 10-12) Charles Rawding
The Challenges of Environmental Education (Pp. 10-12) Charles Rawding
The Challenges of Environmental Education (Pp. 10-12) Charles Rawding
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Rawding The challenges of
environmental education
Environmental issues are complex and multi It is equally important to acknowledge the role
faceted (and therefore intellectually interesting). of social, economic and political structures when
For instance, some landscapes are more likely considering the environment. In the case of
to be affected by climate change than others African wildlife, for instance, 'the migration of the
- where they are close to important thresholds wildebeest, and its concomitant implications for
(such as melting ice) or where the climate is grasslands and lions ... does not occur outside
predicted to change more rapidly (so-called the influences of a broader political economy.
Land tenure laws, which set the terms for land
'geomorphological hotspots'). Equally, sea-level
rise may be being exacerbated by falling land conversion and cash cropping, are made by the
Kenyan and Tanzanian states. Commodity markets,
Figure1: 1:
which determine prices for Kenyan products and
Chernobyl, MyMy
Primeval, The wild boar is standing 30 or 40 yards away, at the ever-decreasing margins that drive decisions
Teeming, Irradiated
Eden Eden
the bottom of a grassy bank, staring right at me ... to cut trees or plant crops, are set on global markets.
(2011).(2011). Money and pressure for wildlife enclosure, which
Source: www.outsideonline. it's far bigger than I expected, maybe chest-high
com/outdoor-adventure/ to a man. When it trots away, it moves powerfully, fund the removal of native populations from the
science/Chemobyl-My smoothly, on spindly, graceful legs twice as long land, continue to come largely from multilateral
Primeval- ■ Teeming institutions and first-world environmentalists'
as a pig's, and vanishes into the trees.
(Robbins, 2012, p. 13). This raises a series of
We meander along the sleepy brown river. questions about the relationship between
Occasionally the wind picks up, flicks a ripple capitalism and the environment.
along the surface. This must be what life was
like 1000 years ago, when the entire human Indeed, it is impossible to understand contemporary
population of the globe was roughly 250 million. geographies without discussing capitalism, yet
There's space for everyone, time for everything. developing a realistic framework in the context
of school geographies is difficult. Hawken et al.
On our way down off the bridge, we spot a slender (2000, p. 4) identify four types of capital:
roe deer 200 yards up the road. A little farther on,
• human capital, in the form of labour,
we spot an elk between two bushes. He looks at
intelligence, culture and organisation
us, head lifted, then strolls out of sight.
• financial capital, consisting of cash,
Today there are around 5000 adult wild boars in investments, and monetary instruments
the Chernobyl Zone ... There are 25 to 30 wolf
• manufactured capital, including infrastructure,
packs, a total of maybe 180 adults. Many more
machines, tools and factories
lynx live here than before, along with foxes ...
hundreds of red deer, and thousands of roe deer • natural capital, made up of resources, living
and elk ... a paradise of wildlife. The Garden of systems, and ecosystem services.
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Figure2: 2:
are are
and which raises the question of whether we
a lower
a lower
spend enough time in geography lessons on
footprint than
as as
natural capital as an integrated part of capitalism. services
services areare
The previous discussion has demonstrated as a reactionary subject, not least because the
how complex environmental geographies can alternative to economic growth is contraction,
be. We can now turn our attention to another unemployment and political instability.
question raised by the near-universal portrayal My third question is also related to seeing
of Chernobyl in negative terms. environmental issues through a negative lens.
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Doom and gloom Good news My initial position would be to argue that a more
scientific and less emotive approach, perhaps
'Forests are shrinking, water tables are Increased life expectancy (Figure A) following the lines of Earth System Science, would
falling, soils are eroding, wetlands are Decreasing child mortality avoid some of the pitfalls discussed above: 'Earth
disappearing, fisheries are collapsing,
Improved nutritional intake system science is the study of the Earth System
rangelands are deteriorating, rivers are
running dry, temperatures are rising, Improving living standards as with an emphasis on observing, understanding
coral reefs are dying and plant and populations grow and predicting global environmental changes
animal species are disappearing.'
involving interactions between land, atmosphere,
water, ice, biosphere, societies, technologies and
Worldwatch Institute (1998), cited in
(Note: these are generalised at a global
level - there are areas of the world where
economies.' (Earth System Science Partnership,
Hawken et a/. (2000, p. 309)
some or all of the above are not occurring.) cited in Goudie and Viles, 2010, pp. 32-3).
Figure Good
'Good news'
news' • Is a focus on sustainable development
geography. In In
1950s, fostering an anti-modern, anti-development
most countries in Latin
view of the world?
America, Asia and Africa had
low life expectancy and high • Are we pretending that capitalism doesn't
birth rates (in most cases,
count? (How we represent capitalism is
more than 5 children per
women), fifty later, most of
crucially important in education).
those countries have less than
• Is a focus on environmental citizenship
three children per woman,
detracting from a more analytical geographical
and much longer lives.
Source: approach to environmental issues?
• Are we missing the opportunity to explore
more fully the relationship between society
Ch4d(»n p*f woman (total (•rtdrty)
and nature? I TG
Castree ,N. (2015) 'The anthropocene: A primer for geographers', Geography, 100, 2, pp. 66-75.
Goudie, A. and Viles, H. (2010) Landscapes and geomorphology: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harvey, D. (1996) Justice, nature and the geography of difference. Oxford: Blackwell.
Dr Charles Rawdlng Is Hawken, P., Lovins, A.B. and Lovins, H. (2000) Natural capitalism: The next industrial revolution. London: Earthscan.
the Geography PGCE Lynas, M. (2012) The God species: How humans really can save the planet. London: Fourth Estate.
course Leader at Edge Hill
Morgan, J. (2011) Teaching secondary geography as if the planet matters. Abingdon: David Fulton.
University and Chair of the
GA's Teacher Education
Rawding, C. (2013a) 'Challenging Assumptions: The importance of holistic geographies' Geography, 98, 3, pp. 157-159
Rawding, C. (2013b) Effective innovation in the Secondary Geography Curriculum: A practical guide. Abingdon: Routledge.
Special Interest Group.
Chapter 5.
Email: rawdingc@edgehiil. Robbins, P. (2012) Political ecology: A critical introduction. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
development goals:
Sustainable development goals: 565
7 565
Spring 2016
Teaching Geography
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