Body Organization Worksheet: Instructions
Body Organization Worksheet: Instructions
Body Organization Worksheet: Instructions
Review your understanding of the organ systems and the organs they comprise them. Remember that
the organs of the body do not operate independently. They function interdependently with one another
to form a live, functioning organism. Some organs are grouped together because more than one is
needed to perform a function. Such grouping is called an organ system as seen in the figures below. The
body is composed of eleven organ systems.
● Refer to any Anatomy and Physiology textbook or refer to those listed in our course information packet.
● Use a deliberate note-taking strategy to thoroughly immerse yourself in the various organ systems presented in
the reference material.
● Go through each chapter to familiarize yourself with each organ system and fill out the table below.
● The last column will require you to perform quick research about how Covid-19 virus affects each organ system
during and post covid-infection. Present your findings from scientific literature only and do not forget to cite
your sources. Take note of the anti plagiarism feature of our LMS when submitting your answers.
● Save your output as pdf and submit a URL file link from your drive.
Skin - The largest single organ in the Protection – Prevents Perspiration – the Covid toes- can also cause blisters,
human body, accounting for about microorganisms from entering process of sweating. itch, or pain. Some people develop
16% of total body weight in adults. the body. Protects underlying When the body painful raised bumps or areas of
the skin consists of two layers, the structures against abrasion. temperature increases, rough skin.
upper epidermis, and the underlying Sensation – Sensory receptors the sweat glands on the Covid nails- for a small number of
dermis for pain, touch, hot, cold, skin's surface release patients the fingernails appear
Hair -are especially dense in the pressure. perspiration to cool the discolored or misshapen.
scalp. Hairs grow from hair follicles Vitamin D Production – Skin skin. Perspiration is the Rashes – dermatologists are seeing
that are rooted in the dermis. Hairs exposed to UV light produces term for this process. patients with COVID-19 who
are attached to smooth muscles that active vitamin D. Melanin – Melanin, develop a rash that looks like hives.
can cause them to become erect. Excretion – Skin glands which belongs to the
Image from: Nails – Primarily made of layers of remove water and salt. group of pigments References: (Only About Covid)
https:// the hard, dry protein known as Temperature Regulation – principally responsible Barry J. “Pediatric dermatologist keratin. Living cells that grow into By expanding and contracting for skin, hair, and eye explains 'COVID toes.’”
scassets/images/org/ nails are divided, but eventually blood vessels, the skin color, protects against Dermatology Times, May 20, 2020.
health/articles/22827- flatten and die. The state of your nails regulates how much heat is UV rays from the sun.
integumentary-system can lost from the body. Sweat Granules of melanin are Daneshjou R, Rana J, et al. “Pernio-
be used to identify several medical from the sweat glands reduces released by melanocytes like eruption associated with
concerns. body temperature as it (same number in all COVID-19 in skin of color.” JAAD
Exocrine Glands – involves all the evaporates. races to keratinocytes in Case Reports 2020; 6:892-7.
glands of the body that secrete stratum Basale).
substances into the body. (Ex. Sweat
Cardiac Muscle – discovered - Responsible for Movement – This stimulates an Sarcopenia – The loss of muscle
in the heart. It allows the the movement of impulse and then travels to the mass and function. Patients who
heart to pump blood the body. membranes. Actin, a globular make it through COVID-19 are
throughout the body, an contractile protein, works with myosin more likely to develop acute
- Protect your to provide movement by contracting sarcopenia and underlying muscle
important component
body. They cover muscles. weakness. This is brought on by
towards homeostasis. most of the Wave summation – the process of decreased ACE2 levels (type of
skeleton. strengthening the muscle contraction protein), inflammation, extended
Smooth Muscle – found in to increase. Each time a muscle fiber bed rest, decreased physical
several organs, including the - Cover most of is stimulated, it produces twitch. activity, and hypoxia (oxygen).
stomach, colon, and artery the organs inside Your skeletal muscles are activated
walls as well as the bladder. the body. by a signal from your nervous system,
which includes your brain and nerves. Conte, C. (2022, February 10).
Skeletal Muscle - They are The message causes the fibers in your Unraveling Muscle Impairment
Image from: muscles to contract (tend to tighten). associated with COVID – 19 and
the muscles that attach to
https:// The tendon is pulled when the muscle the Role of 3D Culture in its your bones and give you the
contracts or constricts. Muscles and investigation. Retrieved from:
pin/ range of motion and abilities.
bones are joined by tendons. The bone
8349955871531692 is moved by the tendon pulling on it. 10.3389/fnut.2022.825629/full#:~:t
42/ Your nervous system then sends ext=to%20COVID
another message to the muscle to %2D19-,Sarcopenia,diminished
relax. It causes the muscles to %20physical%20activity%2C
deactivate or relax. The bone is moved %20and%20hypoxia.
to a resting position by the relaxed
muscle releasing tension.
Bones – there are four categories Support –serve as the Embryonic skeleton – Mesenchyme Osteoporosis – SARS-CoV-2 can
of bone, based on their shape: structural framework for the (connective tissue) structures first cause quick and significant bone
long, short, flat, irregular. Bone body by supporting soft build the embryonic skeleton, which loss, even when infections of the
protects internal organs. tissues. is also known as the skeletal virus that causes COVID-19 appear
Cartilage – contains collagen Protection – protects the template. Then, through to be mild. Osteoporosis is a
and proteoglycans. Collagen most important internal intramembranous ossification, these condition that makes bones weak to
makes cartilage tough. organ from injury. structures become bone (replacing the point where they can break
Ligaments and tendons – Movement – most skeletal cartilage with bone). easily, most frequently the hip,
contain large amounts of muscles attach to bones; Standing - The skeletal system wrist, and spine. The term "silent
collagen fibers, making these when they contract, they distributes your weight so you can disease" refers to osteoporosis since
structures very tough, like ropes pull on bones to produce stand easily. Your muscles, it can go unnoticed until a bone
and cables. movement. connective tissue, and skeletal breaks. Your bones, however, have
Storage – Some minerals in system all work together to keep been weakening for a long time.
- Bone, cartilage, tendons the blood principally, your body parts mobile. plasma cells.
and ligaments are calcium and phosphorus are Red and white blood cells are made Osteoporosis. National Institute on
connective tissues. stored in bone. by the marrow in your bones for Aging. Retrieved from:
Image from: Blood Cell production – your body.
https:// many bones contain cavities osteoporosis#:~:text=Osteoporosis filled with red bone %20is%20a%20 disease
wiki/ marrow, which produces %20that,losing%20 strength%20for
Skeletal_System#/ blood cells and platelets. %20many%20 years.
Brain – Connects the Controlling the muscles and Electrical Signals – It transmits Neurologic symptoms - It can have
spinal cord to the glands – Only when the signals or information an impact on the nervous system
remainder of the brain, nervous system stimulates throughout your body. Your and brain, resulting in neurologic
controls the heart rate, skeletal muscles do they brain, skin, organs, glands, and symptoms like disorientation.
blood pressure, and ordinarily contract. muscles all communicate with COVID-19 also results in
breathing and damage Receiving Sensory input – one another by electrical signals. intellectual, emotional, mood,
can cause death. three Sensory receptors keep an eye The nervous system receives and/or behavioral abnormalities,
main sections: on a variety of internal and information from our senses, which result in mental health
Cerebrum controls external stimuli. processes it, and sets off (psychologic) symptoms.
memory, intelligence, Integrating information – reactions, such causing your
muscles. Cerebellum because of the brain and muscles to contract or making
controls balance, posture, spinal cord you feel pain. An example. Huang, J (2021, December) Brain
and coordination. Maintaining homeostasis - When you accidentally touch a Dysfunction Related to Covid-19.
Brainstem controls The nervous system is crucial hot metal, you instinctively pull MSD MANUAL. Retrieved from:
involuntary activities for keeping the nervous your hand back as your nerves Brain Dysfunction Related to
such as breathing system functioning properly. also alert your brain to the pain. COVID-19 - Brain, Spinal Cord,
Image From: Spinal Cord – is the Establishing and and Nerve Disorders - MSD Manual
https:// major communication maintaining mental activity Consumer Version link between. Provides a – The brain serves as the core (
vector/sympathetic- two-way conduction of all mental processes, such
parasympathetic-nervous- pathway to and from the as consciousness, memory,
system-3d-medical- brain. and thinking.
Tongue (Taste) - tasted Mechanoreceptors - are those The senses of taste, smell, Loss of taste and smell - losing
receptors called taste buds are activated by mechanical hearing, balance, and sight are taste and smell can be an early
located principally on the upper stimulation - for example, detected by special senses. Long- symptom of a COVID-19 infection.
surface of the tongue. Taste buds touch or pressure. term stimuli cause many sensory A complete loss of smell (anosmia)
respond to the five flavors: salty, Chemoreceptors - these are receptors to stop responding, a or loss of taste (ageusia) is rare.
bitter, sweet, sour and umami. activated by chemicals in the process known as sensory Blurred sight - found that light
Nose (Smell) - Through the food we eat, in the air we adaptation. Olfactory receptors, sensitivity, sore eyes, and blurred
smells that enter the air we breathe or in our blood. temperature, pressure, and pain all vision are among the more common
breathe in, our nose allows us to Thermoreceptors - these are adapt eye disorders experienced by
detect fragrances. activated by heat and cold patients.
Eyes (Sight) - which receives Photoreceptors - these are Optic nerves - eyes communicate Diminished hearing - they estimate
visual stimuli. Images are sensitive to light. visual information to the brain, that hearing loss has occurred in
created and converted into nerve Nociceptors - these are pain which interprets it and "tells" us about 8 percent of patients who had
Image from: impulses by it receptors stimulated by what we are seeing. COVID, while about 15 percent
https:// Ears (Sound) - the organ of pinching, tearing or burning. developed tinnitus (ringing in the hearing and balance. ears).
m/learn/nervous/ Skin (touch) - is the body’s Tingling and numbness - a
five-senses largest organ made of water, person’s senses of touch also can be
protein, fats and minerals. affected by a COVID-19 infection,
since the disease has been shown to
cause persistent neurologic
Heart - within the - It transports Circulatory system The inner surfaces of veins and
mediastinum. The heart is a wastes, nutrients, (cardiovascular system) gets arteries can become infected by
crucial body part. It is a hormones, oxygen by pumping blood from the coronavirus, which can then
muscle that circulates blood oxygen, and the heart to the lungs. Following lead to blood clots, very minor
throughout your body. carbon dioxide. that, the heart pumps oxygen- blood vessel damage, and
Arteries - blood vessels that controls the rich blood through arteries to the inflammation of surrounding
provide your entire body with acidity, body rest of the body. Poor oxygen blood vessels, all of which can
oxygen-rich blood. temperature, and blood is returned to the heart by impair blood flow to the heart
Veins - They are frequently cellular water veins to restart the circulatory and other organs.
found close to your skin and content. Clotting system.
convey deoxygenated blood prevents blood
to your heart. loss, while innate Susan, W & Gilotra, N. (2022,
Capillaries - they are fragile immune cells April 28). Heart Problems after
Image from: blood vessels all over your white blood cells COVID-19. Retrieved from:
https:// body. and proteins Heart Problems after COVID-19 including | Johns Hopkins Medicine
pin/ Take note : Blood is a tissue complement,
8089591518042236 not an organ interferons, and
12/ antibodies defend
Blood -is a fluid connective against disease. It
tissue made up of cells and is crucial in
cell fragments that is covered assisting the body
in blood plasma, a liquid in coping with the
Bone marrow - has numerous blood - The Fluid balance - about 30 - Documented histology
vessels and is located in the middle of Lymphatic liters of fluid pass from the that SARS CoV2 can
most bones. system blood capillaries into the infect lymph endothelial
Spleen - is situated in the left, superior maintains interstitial spaces each day. cells branching to the
corner of the abdominal cavity, about fluid balance Lipid absorption - absorbs nasal cavity from
the size of a clenched fist. in tissues, lipids and other substances cervical lymph nodes
Thymus - is bilobed gland roughly absorbs lipids from the digestive tract and reaching to the
triangular in shape. It is located in the from the through lymphatic vessels brain.
superior mediastinum, the partition small called lacteals located in the
dividing the thoracic cavity into left intestine, and lining of the small intestine. Immun, B. (2020, April 29).
and right parts. defends Defense - pathogens, such as SARS-CoV2 entry and spread in
Image from:
Lymph Nodes - are rounded against microorganisms and other the lymphatic drainage.
structures, varying from the size of a pathogens. foreign substances are PubMed Central.Retrieved
small seed to that of a shelled almond. filtered from lymph by from:
Lymphatic vessels - which resemble lymph nodes and from the
small veins. body by the spleen. mc/articles/PMC7189839/#:~:te
Tonsils and adenoids - operate by xt=(2020)%20documented
capturing germs that enter through the %20histologically%20that%20
nose and mouth. SARS,and%20reaction%20to
Mouth –is a cavity inside the skull - The digestive Ingestion of food - Food and water Digestive symptoms
that is oval-shaped. Speaking and system's duties enter the body through the mouth. - Nausea, vomiting, and
eating are the mouth's two primary include Digestion of food - Food is broken diarrhea may accompany
responsibilities. ingesting food, down during digestion from large, or be the only COVID-19
Esophagus –is a muscular tube that breaking it complicated particles to smaller, symptoms. Sometimes,
runs from the pharynx to the down, absorbable molecules. digestive symptoms appear
stomach and is lined with moist absorbing Absorption of nutrients - The small before a fever or
stratified squamous epithelium digested molecules of nutrients produced by respiratory symptoms.
Stomach – is an enlarged segment molecules, digestion are absorbed by the
of the digestive tract in the left supplying the epithelial cells that line the lumen of
superior part of the abdomen. body with the small intestine.
Small intestine – is the primary nutrients, and Elimination of wastes - In addition to DeSimone, D. (n.d.) Unusual
site for food digestion and disposing of waste items secreted into the digestive COVID-19 symptoms: What are
absorption. It measures around 6 waste. tract, undigested substances like they? Retrieved from:
meters in length and is made up of dietary fiber are removed in the feces.
Image from: three sections: the duodenum, the s-conditions/coronavirus/expert-
https:// jejunum, and the ileum. answers/coronavirus-unusual- Large Intestine – consists of the symptoms/faq-20487367
health-information/ cecum, colon, rectum and anal
digestive-diseases/ canal.
digestive-system- Anus - is the opening at which the
how-it-works digestive system leaves the body.
Kidneys - Bean Blood is filtered by Regulation of the blood ionic composition - The kidney has a role in Kidney - Blood clots
shaped organs; size the urinary system, controlling the levels of many ions in the blood, most notably sodium, brought on by COVID-19
of a tightly which also produces potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphate ions. may obstruct the kidneys.
clenched fist. urine as a waste by Regulation of the blood pH - A variable amount of hydrogen ions are The kidneys function as
Renal pyramids - product. excreted by the kidneys into the urine, and they also store bicarbonate ions, filters that remove waste
located bet. the The body transforms which are crucial for acting as a buffer for H+ in the blood. These two actions materials, excess water, and
cortex and medulla nutrients from meals assist in controlling blood pH. toxins from the body. Small
Renal Pelvis - into energy. Regulation of the Blood volume -The kidneys control blood volume by blood clots that are brought
formed by calyces The kidney holding onto or removing water from urine. on by COVID-19 have the
into a larger funnel accomplishes Regulation of blood pressure - Renin, an enzyme secreted by the kidneys that potential to obstruct the
Ureters - Exits the gluconeogenesis, initiates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway, aids in the regulation of kidney's tiniest blood
kidney and releases calcitriol and blood pressure. Blood pressure rises as a result of elevated renin. arteries, impairing kidney
connects to the erythropoietin, and Maintenance of blood osmolarity - The kidney keeps blood osmolarity in the function.
Image from: urinary bladder. excretes waste range of 300 milliosmoles per liter by separately controlling water loss and Bladder - hollow products and foreign solute loss in urine. muscular container substances. It also Production of Hormones - The kidney generates two hormones: C. John,S (2022, March 1).
Structure-of-the- that stores urine. regulates blood ionic erythropoietin, which promotes the creation of red blood cells, and calcitriol, Coronavirus: kidney
Bladder.aspx Urethra -tube that composition, blood which is the active form of vitamin D and helps control calcium homeostasis. damage caused by COVID-
transports waste osmolarity, blood Regulation of blood glucose level - The amino acid glutamine can be utilized 19). Retrieved by:
products from the volume, blood by the kidneys in gluconeogenesis, the production of fresh glucose molecules, Coronavirus: Kidney
bladder to the pressure, and blood much like it can by the liver. They have the capacity to release glucose into the Damage Caused by
exterior of the pH. circulation to support blood glucose regulation. COVID-19 | Johns Hopkins
Lungs – The only - controls the Gas exchange - As you breathe, oxygen In the most severe cases, COVID-19's other
externally visible exchange of travels from your lungs to your potential complication, acute respiratory distress
part of the gasses bloodstream. The blood and lungs syndrome, can potentially result in long-term
respiratory system between the exchange carbon dioxide at the same damage to the lungs and other organs. COVID-19
Pharynx (throat) blood and time. This occurs in the lungs between can also result in lung issues including pneumonia.
– Muscular environment. the capillaries, which are a network of More airway diseases like bronchitis that may be
passage from nasal - Within the microscopic blood arteries found in the severe enough to require hospitalization may also
cavity to larynx alveoli, gas walls of the alveoli, and the alveoli be brought on by more recent coronavirus strains.
Larynx – Routes exchange themselves. The pneumonia that COVID-19 produces usually
air and food into happens. Regulation of blood pH - The spreads to both lungs. Shortness of breath,
proper channels - The lungs' respiratory system can alter blood pH by coughing, and other symptoms are brought on by
Trachea – entryways changing blood CO2 levels. the fluid filling of the air sacs in the lungs, which
Connects larynx clean, warm, Voice production -Sound and reduces the lungs' capacity to absorb oxygen.
Image from: with bronchi. and humidify communication are made possible by air
https:// Walls are the incoming flowing past the vocal cords.
www.therespiratorys reinforced with C- air. Olfaction - When airborne molecules are - The Lungs are the organs most affected by shaped hyaline pulled into the nasal cavity, the smell is COVID-19
cartilage felt.
Bronchi – Enters Innate immunity - By preventing certain G. Panagis (2022, February 28). COVID-19 Lung
the lung at the germs and other pathogens, such viruses, Damage. Retrieved from:
hilus (Medial from entering the body and by clearing
depression) them from respiratory surfaces, the -and-diseases/coronavirus/what-coronavirus-does-
Hypothalamus - produces Produces hormones Metabolism - The rate of metabolism, or the total of chemical Diabetes - COVID-19 may cause
releasing and inhibiting for growth, changes occurring in tissues, is controlled by the endocrine diabetes, or worsen diabetes already
hormones. also makes two development, and system. present. The SARS-CoV-2 virus
hormones: oxytocin and mood. Control of food intake and digestion - The endocrine connects to ACE2, the primary
antidiuretic hormone. system controls how satiated (or full) you feel and how food coronavirus entry point into cells,
Pituitary - protein structure, Sends breaks down into its component nutrients. and interferes with the synthesis of
act through second- hormones injected Tissue development - The development of tissues, including insulin in some patients, leading to
messenger systems, regulated into your blood those of the nervous system, is influenced by the endocrine elevated blood glucose levels.
by hormonal stimuli, system.
regulated mostly by negative Controls the Ion regulation - The endocrine system controls the blood's Washington, DC (2020, July 2).
feedback. hormones' release. solute concentration. Coronavirus damages the endocrine
Thyroid - Found at the base Water balance - By regulating the solutes in the blood, the system. Retrieved from:
of the throat, consists of two endocrine system manages the water balance..
Image from: lobes and a connecting Heart rate and blood pressure regulation - is aided by the and-advocacy/news-room/2020/coro
isthmus. endocrine system, which also assists in getting the body ready navirus-damages-the-endocrine-
Parathyroids - Tiny masses for exercise. system#:~:text=COVID
on the posterior of the thyroid Control of blood glucose and other nutrients -The %2D19%20also%20could
adrenals - Sit on top of the endocrine system controls the amount of blood sugar and %20lead,glucose%20 levels%20in
kidney. other nutrients. %20some%20 patients.
Pineal gland - located Control reproductive functions - controls the development
posterior to the third ventricle and functions of the reproductive systems in males and
of the brain. females.
Penis - male organs of - The male sex hormone Erection - is a hardening of the Low quality semen - moderate
copulation. functions in transfer testosterone and sperm penis that happens when blood COVID-19 infection
of sperm cells from the male to are both made in the accumulates in the sponge-like significantly reduced sperm
the female. testes. tissue inside the penis. concentration, progressive
Scrotum - Saclike structure - Sperm are transported, motility. COVID-19 has negative
containing the testes stored, and helped to Secretion - process of segregating, impacts on the reproductive
Testes - also called male gonads; mature through the elaborating and releasing some system and can result in
oval organs within the scrotum. ducts. material either functionally infertility.
Vas deferens - emerges from the - The majority of the specialized (such as saliva) or
epididymis and ascends along liquid component of isolated for excretion (such as
the posterior side of the testis. semen is secreted by urine).
prostate and urethra the accessory sex
Epididymis - A tightly coiled glands. Spermatogenesis - is a method of McCleskey, E. (2021, August 5).
Image from: series of threadlike tubules that - The urethra, which is cell differentiation that makes sure Does COVID-10 Affect Male
https:// form a comma-shaped structure. used to ejaculate that fertile sperm are produced.. Fertility. Methodist. Retrieved
my.clevelandclinic.o semen and excrete from:
rg/health/articles/ urine, is located in the https://www.houstonmethodist.or
9117-male- penis. g/blog/articles/2021/aug/does-
reproductive-system covid-19-affect-male-fertility/
Vagina - female copulatory - The primary role Ovarian Cycle - is a series of events Fertility problem -SARS-CoV-2
organs, which also enable of female in the ovaries that occur during and may interfere with female
menstruation and delivery. reproduction is to after the maturation of an oocyte. reproductive processes and affect
Uterus - is a hollow muscular produce (ova) Uterine cycle -is a sequence of female fertility, according to several
organ situated between the that can be simultaneous changes that occur in the research. It has been hypothesized
bladder and the rectus in the fertilized and to uterine endometrium to get it ready for that the virus affects ovarian and
female pelvis. provide the the entrance of a fertilized ovum that oocyte quality. Additionally, it may
Fallopian tube - are bilateral environment and will develop there until birth. result in the death of endometrial
passageways in the female pelvis circumstances Female reproductive cycle - includes epithelial cells, which can prevent
that connect the uterus and necessary for a the cyclical changes in the breasts and an early embryo from implanting.
ovaries. baby to develop. cervix as well as the hormonal The early development of babies'
Image from: Ovaries -the ability to produce - creates female changes that control the ovarian and immune systems may be harmed by
https:// eggs that move through the sex hormones uterine cycles. changes in breast milk composition.
www.everydayhealt fallopian tubes. that support the menstrual cycle. Bhowmik. S (2022, January 19).
health/female- - In the absence of Impact of COVID-19 on male and
reproductive- fertilization, the female reproductive health.
organs.aspx system is Retrieved from:
designed to
menstruate. -of-COVID-19-on-male-and-
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