Tigers and Goats Board Game
Tigers and Goats Board Game
Tigers and Goats Board Game
• 1 game board (download here) or draw your own with chalk or markers following this design.
• 15 goat or aadu markers
• 3 tiger or puli markers
For the markers (download here) or use shells, coins (copper pennies make great tigers!), or whatever you can
find. But just make sure you can tell the aadus from the pulis!
• The goats win if they block in the tigers so the tigers cannot move.
• The tigers win if they capture at least 5 goats.
Note: Some rules specify that at least 6 goats must be captured, or even all the goats. Poor goats! So, after you get
used to the game, you can experiment with this rule.
This is the goat-placing phase. During this phase of the game, only tigers may move about the board. The play
alternates like this:
During Act One, tigers should try to capture as many goats as they can and also be careful to maintain their
freedom of movement. The goats should be played to avoid being captured and to block the tigers so they cannot
Now tigers and goats can both move about freely. The play alternates like this:
The tigers and goats can move exactly one space in any direction on each turn. But they must move onto an
adjacent intersection, following the lines of the board.
• They can jump over and capture an adjacent goat if the space beyond the goat is open.
• They can only capture one goat per turn.
• They cannot jump over another tiger.
•They can only begin moving (one goat, one space per turn) after all the goats have been placed.
• They cannot jump over anyone! Not over another goat. Not over a tiger.
• They must leave the board once they have been captured.