6007-32-1: The New Standard On Avoidance of Electrostatic Hazards
6007-32-1: The New Standard On Avoidance of Electrostatic Hazards
6007-32-1: The New Standard On Avoidance of Electrostatic Hazards
A new standard IEC/TS 60079-32-1: Explosive Atmospheres – Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards, Guidance was
published by IEC in 2013 on avoidance of electrostatic hazards in industrial processes. This paper introduces
the subject of electrostatic hazards, how they arise and how they can be avoided. It gives an overview of the
new standard and some of the industrial situations that are covered by it.
Static electricity can cause two main problems in industrial processes. Firstly, where flammable vapours, gases or dust
clouds are present, static electricity can provide an unexpected ignition source and cause a fire or explosion. Secondly, static
electricity build-up on personnel, equipment or materials can give unpleasant electrostatic shocks to personnel working in
the area. While these shocks are rarely in themselves injurious, they can cause inadvertent reactions that may cause accidents
or injury.
These electrostatic risks are often poorly understood in industry and can appear in unexpected ways. Various guidance
documents have been written to assist industrial personnel identify these risks in common industrial situations and apply
typical prevention techniques. In European CENELEC TR50404:2003 remained the most comprehensive document
available until publication in 2013 of the IEC60079-32-1 Explosive Atmospheres – Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards,
Guidance. This document has been produced by a Joint Working Group of IEC TC31 (Equipment for explosive
atmospheres) and IEC TC101 (Electrostatics) and has drawn on several similar earlier documents worldwide, and experts of
15 countries from Europe, Asia and the Americas. The scope of the document includes guidance about equipment, product
and process properties necessary to avoid ignition and electrostatic shock hazards arising from static electricity. It also
covers operational requirements for safe use of equipment, products and processes. It gives standard recommendations for
control of static electricity, such as earthing of conductors, reduction of charging and restriction of areas of insulating
materials with specific recommendations for a range of industrial process areas. Measurement methods for use with this
document are described in an Annex.
The 60079-32-1 document consists of about 170 pages and detailed review is clearly not possible here. This paper explains
some key recommendations of the document for electrostatic control in industrial processes, and gives an overview of some
of the industry situations that are addressed in the document. The standard should be consulted for full details of the risks
and control measures appropriate to articular situations. In many cases the document gives “guidance” rather than
“requirements” because industrial processes are extremely variable with many factors contributing to the hazard analysis. A
control measure may be essential in one situation but unnecessary and unreasonably restricting in another, due to the
particular combination of circumstances.
many situations is given in Figure 1. Contact and frictional charge generation acts as an electrical current source. A
conductor on which charge is generated has charge storage properties, equivalent to capacitance, C, in an electrical circuit.
The charge also tries to recombine via an external circuit that has a resistance, R.
I = dQ/dt
If, for example, the charge generation current is around 0.1 A and the resistance is 10 MΩ, the voltage built up is only 1 V.
If the resistance is increased to 10 GΩ (1010Ω) the voltage built up would be 1 kV. If resistance is increased to over 100 GΩ,
a voltage of over 10 kV would be expected. Modern insulating materials such as plastics, and insulating liquids such as
hexane, toluene and many other solvents, often have resistance over 1000GΩ.
The resistance and capacitance also determine the time taken to dissipate charge, which is related to the “decay time
constant” product = RC. This gives the time taken for an initial charge or voltage to decay to 37% of its initial value. For
materials the product of material resistivity and permittivity gives the equivalent decay time. If is much less than a second,
then we are unlikely to see electrostatic charge build-up unless we have continuous charge generation at high charging
currents. If is much greater than a second we start to see residual charge even for short term charge generation. High
resistance (low conductivity) materials like polymers and hydrocarbon liquids, exceeds hundreds of seconds and the
material can retain high charge levels for minutes or hours. 60079-32-1 considers that a small item is electrostatically earthed
if the relaxation time is <0.1s.
If an item of capacitance 25pF (e.g. bucket) is placed on a material (e.g. floor) with leakage resistance to ground of 10 11Ω,
any initial voltage would drop to 37% in 2.5 seconds and to 5% in 3 or 7.5 seconds. A floor material of leakage resistance
1012Ω to earth would increase the decay time to 25 seconds (to 37%) and 75 seconds to 5% respectively. Modern materials
often have higher resistance than this, and electrostatic charge and voltage can remain for long periods forming a significant
The presence of high electrostatic voltages produces electrostatic fields in the vicinity, that introduces another less well
recognised risk. Any conducting object within the electrostatic field has induced on it some voltage due to the field. If the
object is not earthed, the voltage will remain high giving the possibility it will become of an electrostatic discharge source.
No contact is required for the voltage to be induced in this way, and so it can happen unseen and unexpected.
Flammable atmospheres and Minimum Ignition Energy
For ignition of a flammable atmosphere to occur, the energy in an electrostatic discharge must equal or exceed the ignition
energy of the atmosphere. Ignition energy depends on the relative concentrations of fuel and oxygen present in the mixture.
The most efficient burning occurs when the fuel and oxygen are near the stoichiometric mixture and this also approximately
corresponds to the minimum ignition energy (MIE).
Many hydrocarbons form vapour mixtures with MIE around 0.2 mJ. Some materials such as hydrogen, acetylene and
oxygenated hydrocarbons can form mixtures with MIE of the order 0.01 mJ. Dust clouds have very variable MIE, depending
on the materials and particle size distribution and other factors. Dust cloud MIE can range from around 1 mJ to hundreds of
mJ. Dust fines generally have much lower MIE than coarser particles of the same material. Whilst tables of MIE data on
dusts of various materials are published (e.g. Eckhoff 1991), it is normally necessary to measure the MIE of these materials
as part of a hazard evaluation.
Electrostatic discharges
Electrostatic discharge are classified into several types, each having its own range of ignition risks (Table 1). Electrostatic
spark between two conductors is one of the most common incendive discharge types. All the stored charge on the conductor
can dump its energy quickly and efficiently into the discharge. Personnel are electrical conductors, and discharges from
charged personnel form a particular risk in manual processes involving flammable vapours and gases. Other examples of
conductors found in the workplace include metal parts, equipment and hand tools.
Human body Up to a several mJ Between a person and a conducting object Incendive to gas/vapour and possibly
to sensitive dust
Brush Up to about 3.6 mJ From surface of insulator to a conductor Incendive to gas/vapour but not to
(including personnel) dust clouds in the absence of gas or
Propagating Up to over 1 J From surface of insulator <10mm thick Incendive to gas/vapour and to dust
brush with breakdown voltage >4kV that is
backed by a conductor, to a conductor
Cone Depends on silo size Along the surface of a bulk powder cone Incendive to gas/vapour and to dust
in a silo
Corona Not normally From sharp points or edges in high Not incendive if sparks cannot occur.
incendive electrostatic fields Can be used to neutralise electrostatic
charge buildup
The energy, E, stored in a spark source of capacitance, C, at voltage, V, before discharge, can be derived from a simple
The capacitance of a conductive object, as well as the voltage which it may attain, are highly important in determining
electrostatic ignition risk. Small capacitances must attain higher voltages before the MIE of a flammable mixture is
approached. IEC/TS 60079-32-1 recommends that where small, isolated conductors are permitted, the maximum capacitance
of the conductors should be 3 pF, 6 pF or 10 pF depending on the hazard zone, (as defined in IEC 60079-10-1 and IEC
60079-10-2) and the gas or dust group (as defined in IEC 60079-0).
Capacitance is related to the size of objects. A small bolt on equipment may have capacitance of only a few picofarads (pF)
and it may be practically impossible to generate sufficiently high voltage on such an object to give a incendive spark energy.
A metal drinks can might have capacitance around 10 pF and exceed the MIE of typical hydrocarbon vapours at only a few
kV, quite a moderate voltage by electrostatic standards. Table 2 shows the capacitance range of some common objects
Brush discharges from insulating surfaces to conductors are less incendive than discharges between conductors, but can still
be energetic enough to present an ignition risk to flammable vapour or gas. Charge on the insulator surface cannot move
quickly to the discharge, so, only a small part of the surface may act as the ESD source, leaving surrounding areas still
charged for further ESD events. Insulating materials are commonplace as packaging and engineering materials in modern
environments and also in Personal Protective Equipment and clothing. Brush discharges can occur from the insulating
surface to nearby metal plant parts or to personnel.
Table 2. Approximate capacitance of common conductive objects
Solid materials
60079-32-1 gives twelve pages covering static electricity in solid materials. These can arise in many forms such as pipes,
containers, sheets, coatings and liners. The hazards that may arise include
Material surfaces may charge and lead to brush discharges
Conductors may become electrically isolated leading to spark discharges
Propagating brush discharges may occur if high charge generating processes are present with some combinations
and arrangements of materials
A key control measure is to replace insulating materials with dissipative or conductive ones. The chapter commences with an
explanation of the different resistance and resistivity characterisation practices used with various types of material and
product. The importance of atmospheric relative humidity in resistance (resistivity) measurements is discussed. While 25%
r.h. is the recommended humidity condition for these tests, other humidity levels may be used by different product standards
and as a result of specific hazard evaluation. Charge decay can be used instead of resistance to characterise materials in some
circumstances (e.g. evaluation of PPE clothing materials).
Some materials are rendered “dissipative” by including a substance that leaches to the surface and attracts moisture from the
air, increasing surface conductivity. Under low humidity conditions, these materials can lose their ability to dissipate charge
and become insulating. These and other coatings may also lose their effectiveness over time if the surface layer is washed or
rubbed away.
Earthing conductors
Earthing of conductive parts is a primary requirement, including personnel, mobile equipment and all metallic parts of
equipment that might be used in a flammable atmosphere. Even small isolated items having capacitance as low as a few pF
can pose a risk in some circumstances. 60079-32-1 gives maximum allowed capacitances for explosive atmosphere zones
and equipment group combinations (Table 3). In general capacitances below 3pF need not be earthed providing they cannot
charge to high voltage, and are not in a Zone 0 area with equipment Group IIC materials.
This guidance does not eliminate the risk of incendive discharges, but it reduces the risk to an accepted low level for most
purposes. In particular the presence of high charging processes (or a possibility of high induced charge occurring) could
increase the risk unacceptably. However the capacitance of an item changes with the proximity of earthed conductors,
personnel or other materials, and small capacitances can be difficult to measure with confidence, so these limits should be
treated with caution.
It is often not necessary to earth bond items using cables or wires; a resistance to earth of up to 100 MΩ may be acceptable
based on a hazard evaluation.
In hazards evaluation, it has been found that the charging current is unlikely to exceed 1 microamp and is often orders of
magnitude less. Limiting the resistance to less than 100 MΩ will lead to voltages no greater than 100 V, which is a safe
level for electrostatic ignition prevention in most circumstances. Nevertheless 60079-32-1 specifies a general maximum
resistance of 1MΩ for metal items. This can be increased to 100MΩ where the item capacitance is <100pF. For earthing
using direct metal-metal bonding, the resistance should be <10Ω as higher resistance may be an indicator of corrosion of the
Table 3. Maximum allowed capacitance in explosive atmosphere Zones (with no high charging processes present)
2 No size limit
High resistance particulate materials can charge highly due to rubbing and impact of the particle surfaces against other
particles and pipes. Fines can be generated from the particles that can have comparatively low MIE compared to the coarse
particles and can easily form combustible dust clouds.
In practice, of course, the variability of ways in which conductors and insulators are part of the manufacturing processes,
product and environment, can make evaluation and avoidance of ignition risk a far from simple task. For fuller details of
common recommended precautions 60079-32-1 should be consulted.
Insulating coatings on earthed conductors could give brush or propagating brush discharges under some circumstances.
These are unlikely to become incendive if high charging or repeated charging processes are avoided, and the layer is less
than a maximum thickness (2mm thick for Group I, IIA and IIB, and 0.2mm for Group IIC).
Propagating brush discharges can occur with high charging processes. They are usually avoided if the insulating layer
thickness is over 10mm or has breakdown voltage less than 4kV (or 6kV for woven fabrics).
Use of ionisation
Ionisers use corona discharges to “spray” ions into a region of air. These can then migrate to materials to neutralise
electrostatic surface charges. This process will only work if the supply of ions, and the rate at which they can travel to the
surface, is greater than the rate at which surface charges are generating. The item to be neutralised must also remain in the
ion rich region long enough for the neutralisation to occur.
The topic of pipes is another of great variation with application and conditions. 60079-32-1 classifies pipes according to their
electrical resistance per unit length as conductive, dissipative, insulating, or conductive or dissipative with an insulating
lining. Different considerations apply depending on whether they are above, or below ground. Insulating pipes are classified
as those having a resistance per unit length ≥1MΩ/m. Liquids flowing through insulating pipes can generate high charge
levels and voltages at the pipe walls. These can lead to incendive discharge inside or outside the pipe. High electrostatic
fields can extend outside the pipe and give discharges between nearby conductive objects and personnel. High field strengths
can lead to breakdown and puncturing of the pipe wall. If damp air can enter, moisture may condense and form conductive
puddles that can provide spark discharges to other conductive items. Consequently, use of insulating pipes may often need to
be avoided unless the risks have been evaluated carefully.
One area in which insulating pipes have found widespread application is in retail petroleum forecourt filling station
applications. This has been a hot topic in the industry and 60079-32-1 includes a section specifically on the application,
outlined below.
About three pages are given to plant processes that can provide ignition risks due to static electricity. These include
blending, stirring, mixing, crystallisation and stirred reactors. Electrostatic charge can develop in low or even medium
conductivity liquids or on suspended liquid or particulates or isolated metal parts. High levels of charge generation often
occur where immiscible phases are present and so these are subject to flow rate restrictions. As usual, all metal or conductive
parts including personnel must be earthed.
Where a mixture being blended contains dispersed liquid or solid particles with low conductivity liquids, using a more
conductive liquid or static dissipative additive can reduce static charge generation. If a dispersed solid phase is present it
may be necessary to increase the conductivity of the continuous phase to as much s 1000psm-1 and reduced the power input
into the stirrer. If the blending vessel has an insulating lining, earthed conductive plates should be present near the bottom of
the vessel to help charge relaxation. The possibility of propagating brush discharges and pinhole damage to the insulating
lining should be considered.
Jet mixing of medium or high conductivity liquids is not normally problematic providing the jet does not break the liquid
surface and all metal parts of the equipment are earthed. Where a low conductivity liquid is used and inerting or use of a
static dissipative additive is not possible, expert analysis may be needed to control the risks. High speed mixing of
immiscible liquids is another area where specialist advice may be needed.
60079-32-1also covers liquid spraying and tank cleaning with water or solvent jets and low conductivity liquids and steam.
Spraying liquids can produce a highly charged mist. The risks in liquid spraying and tank cleaning depend on the
circumstances. When washing tanks with liquid jets from high throughput nozzles, liquid “slugs” can form that can be a
source of incendive discharges. Liquid gathering and spilling from ledges can produce a similar risk.
Surprisingly, low conductivity liquids charge less than water during spraying. However the presence of a second phase such
as water or particulates can change the situation, and solvent should only be recirculated if the contaminant is less than 0.5%.
Liquid should be drained from the tank to prevent charge build-up with the accumulating liquid.
Tank cleaning using high pressure water or solvent jets can produce high charge and voltage levels but experience has shown
that the ignition risk for tanks containing hydrocarbon/air atmospheres is acceptable in some circumstances. Spraying water
in cylindrical container up to 3m diameter with a spray head operating up to 500 bar and flow rates up to 1 ls -1 is considered
acceptable. Spraying low conductivity liquids is limited to containers up to 5m3 volume with the spray head operating up to
50 bar and 1 ls-1 maximum throughput.
Stem cleaning produces an electrostatically charged mist but this does not give an ignition risk for tanks up to 100 m 3
Static electricity in gases
Movement of pure gases does not produce significant static electricity any solid or liquid particles present can become
highly charged. This is common in industrial processes either as contamination or as a material that is part of the process.
This can lead to spark discharges from isolated conductors, or brush or propagating brush discharges from insulator surfaces.
Where particles collect e.g. in a silo, cone discharges can also occur. The preventive measures include grounding of
conductors, avoiding use of insulating materials, reducing charge densities on material (by flow restriction or other means).
Specific guidance is given for grit blasting, fire extinguishers, inerting, steam cleaning, accidental leakage of compressed
gas, paint and powder spraying and vacuum cleaners.
Powder handling
Explosion hazard evaluation of powders must always be based on the MIE. This must be measured using the smallest
particle fraction, passed through a 63µm sieve. If the MIE is >1J and there are no flammable vapours or gasses present no
electrostatic precautions are probably required, unless there is a risk of propagating brush discharges. Where solvent vapours
or gasses are also present these may form a much lower MIE atmosphere.
Powders and particulate materials are classified also according to their volume resistivity and low, medium or high
resistivity. Electrostatic charging will normally occur during powder handling. This can lead to spark, brush or propagating
brush or cone discharges. In practice brush discharges do not form an ignition risk to powders unless there is a flammable
vapour or gas present.
The usual precautions of earthing conductive parts and replacing insulating materials with earthed conductive or dissipative
materials also apply to powder handling. Earthing a conductive object is not required if it can be shown that the maximum
possible spark energy is less than the MIE of the material. There are also other specific measures that may be considered.
The conductivity of the bulk material may be increased using a conductive coating, and increasing humidity to 70% r.h. may
be used to assist charge dissipation. Ionisation may be used to neutralise charge, and charge generation may be reduced by
limiting conveying speed. Avoiding large heaps of material will help avoid charge accumulation and reduce the risk of cone
Specific precautions are given for dust separators and silos or containers. Filter fabrics made from earthed conductive
material should always be used if flammable vapours or non-metallic conductive powders with MIE <30mJ are present.
These should also be used where metallic dusts with MIE < 30mJ are present providing dry media dust collectors are not
prohibited for the material.
Static electricity risks can arise with bulk powders in all sizes of container including small mobile containers, bins, drums,
bags and FIBCs, and silos. 60079-32-1 gives three flow diagrams to aid assessment of the electrostatic charging based on
materials of low, medium or high conductivity. Conductive and dissipative silos and containers should be earthed during
filling and emptying.
Insulating liners should in general be avoided due to the risk of propagating brush discharges occurring. They may be used if
the volume is <0.25m3 or the breakdown voltage is < 4kV (or <6kV for woven materials) or the liner thickness is > 10mm. If
the bulk material has resistivity <100MΩ it must be earthed, for example by inserting an earthed metal rod into the bottom of
the container before adding material. Insulating containers should also in general be avoided. Conductive liners should not in
general be used in insulating containers, as there is a risk they may become isolated from earth and a source of an incendive
Great care and additional precautions may be needed where flammable gasses and vapours are present while handling bulk
materials. Handling materials over 100MΩ in the presence of vapours or gases should be avoided where possible although it
may be possible using measures such as inerting, processing under vacuum or well below flash point, within explosion proof
equipment or other measures. Materials < 100 MΩ resistivity should be handled in equipment that provides a reliable
earthing for the material.
Filling a container that has flammable gases or vapours can produce various risks and should preferably be done in a closed
inerted automated system. Manual addition of powders to an open container with flammable atmosphere present should be
avoided where possible, although special measures that can be taken to reduce charge build-up are given in the document. .
Fabric Flexible Intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) are widely used for storage and transport of powders and granules.
Electrostatic charge can be generated during filling and emptying and on the material or any part of the FIBC. Spark, brush ,
propagating brush and cone discharges can occur. Several types of FIBC are available to address the risks arising in different
circumstances. The usage of the different types is shown in Table 5.
Type A FIBCs are made from ordinary fabric or plastic sheet and do not include any protection against static electricity.
They may only be used with dusts of MIE >1000mJ
Type B FIBCs are designed to eliminate the risk of sparks or propagating brush discharges. They are made from fabric or
sheet designed to have breakdown voltage <4kV (sheet) or 6kV (fabric).
Type C FIBCs are made from conductive fabric or sheet or fabric interwoven with conductive threats. They are designed to
prevent sparks, brush and propagating brush discharges when connected to earth during filling and emptying. It is extremely
important to have an effective reliable earth connection as an unearthed bag could become the source of an incendive
Type D FIBCs are made from static protective material. They are designed to prevent sparks, brush and propagating brush
discharges without the need for a connection to earth. They should only be used with gas or vapours having MIE ≥ 0.14mJ.
Table 5. Usage of FIBC types
Type L3 liners are made from materials with surface resistivity >10 12Ω, and breakdown voltage through the material <4kV..
Table 6. Permitted combinations of inner liner and FIBC
All conductive and dissipative elements in the pipe system are earthed, either by burial or earth bonding. EFCs may
alternatively be sealed with an airtight seal to prevent discharges occurring. Earthing must be checked on a regular basis.
During maintenance, dissipative liners must be earthed before the pipe is introduced into a flammable atmosphere and the
ground connection maintained until reliably grounded in the installed system.
At the dispensing facility, the pump and nuzzles must be connected using an electrically bonded hose and earthed. The
nozzle should be designed so that the operator is earthed via the nozzle during operation. The forecourt surface must have
leakage resistance to earth <100MΩ in order to earth vehicles via their tyres. Other guidance is given regarding the design of
the vehicle and tyres for safe fuelling.
The new IEC 60079-32-1:2013 document gives a substantial amount of information and guidance for avoidance of
electrostatic hazards and shocks to personnel in industrial processes, compiled by a team of experts from 15 countries. It
gives a substantial amount of instructive information on the principles of static electricity and its control, with particular
application to flammable atmosphere ignition risks. As well as this, about 70% of the document is devoted to specific
application of these principles in various industry process situations involving flammable gas and dust cloud hazard zones.
Hazards arising with solid materials, liquid handling and gaseous systems are covered. Various types of electrostatic
discharge source including charged personnel are described and methods of preventing these are specified. This document is
expected to be an extremely valuable resource and source of guidance for process industry where flammable materials are
handled or electrostatic nuisance shocks or other effects may arise.
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