DBMS Question Bank For End SEM Exam
DBMS Question Bank For End SEM Exam
DBMS Question Bank For End SEM Exam
21. Define with example primary key, foreign key, disjoint, overlapping, total participation.
22. Illustrate data independence with example
23. Compare Database System and File system with example.
24. What are the advantages of Database management system over File system?
25. What are the five main functions of a database administrator? Give detail explanation.
26. Construct an E-R diagram and create relational schema for a hospital with a set of patients
and a set of medical doctors. Associated with each patient a log of the various test and
examinations conducted.
27. What are the different types of Cardinality Constraints?
28. Design an ER diagram for keeping track of the exploits of your favorite sports team. You
should store the matches played, the scores in each match, the players in each match, and
individual player statistics for each match. Summary statistics should be modeled as
derived attributes.
29. Explain Aggregation with example.
30. Consider an E-R diagram in which the same entity set appears several times. Why is
allowing this redundancy a bad practice that one should avoid whenever possible?
31. Design a database for a worldwide package delivery company (e.g., DHL or FedEx). The
database must be able to keep track of customers who ship items and customers who
receive items; some customers may do both. Each package must be identifiable and
trackable, so the database must be able to store the location of the package and its history
of locations. Locations include trucks, planes, airports, and warehouses. Your design
should include an E-R diagram, a set of relational schemas, and a list of constraints,
including primary-key and foreign-key constraints.
Design a generalization–specialization hierarchy for a motor-vehicle sales company. The
company sells motorcycles, passenger cars, vans, and buses. Justify your placement of
attributes at each level of the hierarchy. Explain why they should not be placed at a higher
or lower level. Construct the relational model for the above problem statement.
32. Design a database for an airline. The database must keep track of customers and their
reservations, flights and their status, seat assignments on individual flights, and the
schedule and routing of future flights. Your design should include an E-R diagram, a set of
relational schemas, and a list of constraints, including primary-key and foreign-key
33. Consider a database used to record the marks that students get in different exams of
different course offerings (sections).
a) Construct an ER diagram that models exams an entity, and uses ternary relationship, for
the database.
b) Construct an alternative ER diagram for question (30) that uses only a binary
relationship between student and section. Make sure that only one relationship exists
between a particular student and section pair, yet you can represent the marks that a
student gets in different exams.
34. Draw E-R diagram and create Relational schema. Classroom has no. of benches. Each
bench has its unique no., width, height, length & capacity. It is made up with different
material. Bench must be located in the classrooms. Classroom may or may not have
benches. When the bench placed in the particular CR is recorded.
35. Consider a university database for the scheduling of classrooms for -final exams. This database
could be modelled as the single entity set exam, with attributes course-name, section number,
room-number, and time. Alternatively, one or more additional entity sets could be defined, along
with relationship sets to replace some of the attributes of the exam entity set, as
1. course with attributes name, department, and c-number
2. section with attributes s-number and enrolment, and dependent as a weak entity set on course
3. room with attributes r-number, capacity, and building
Show an ER diagram illustrating the use of all three additional entity sets listed.
Construct the relational model for the above problem statement.
36. Compare a weak and a strong entity set with some examples and diagram.
37. Explain the distinction between disjoint and overlapping constraints.
38. Explain the distinction between total and partial constraints.
39. Illustrate in detail Specialization with Disjoint, overlapping constraints with example.
40. Write syntax and example of following relational algebra operation. i) Outer joins ii)Union
iii) Aggregate functions iv) cartesian product
41. Write syntax and example of following relational algebra operation i) join ii) Division
operation iii)Difference vi) intersection
42. Write syntax and example of following relational algebra operation. i)Select ii)Project
iii)Rename iv) set intersection
43. Write syntax and example of following relational algebra operations. cross join, equi join
and outer join. Identify and write, which join operation is suitable in which situation.
44. Explain aggregate functions with relational algebra notations and example.
45. What do you mean by serial and non-serial schedule?
46. Define Consistency property of Transaction with example.
47. Consider the following relations for database that keeps track of student enrollment in
courses and book issued for each course
a) Student (Ssn,Name,Subject ,Dob)
b) Course (Course_id, Name,Dept)
c) Enroll (Ssn,Course_id,Semester,Grade)
d) Book_issued (Course_id,Semester,ISBN)
e) Text(ISBN,Title,Publisher,Author)
Write following queries in relational Algebra
a) Write a query to select all courses available in institute
b) Find all student details registered for course_id is 10
c) Find various book titles and authors for semester higher than 3
d) Find all students belonging to Computer Department
e) Find all students enrolled for above course_id
48. Consider the following relations given below
Dealer(Dealer_no, Dname,address)
Assigned_to(Dealer_no, Part_no,cost)
Give an expression in relational algebra the following queries
a) Find the name of all dealers who supply „Red‟ Parts.
b) Find the names of the dealers who supply both Yellow and Green parts c) Find
the names of the delears who supply all the parts.
d) List all dealer names
49. Consider the following relations for database that keeps track of student enrollment in courses
and book issued for each course
a) Student (Ssn,Name,Subject ,Dob)
b) Course(Course_id, Name,Dept)
c) Enroll (Ssn,Course_id,Semester,Grade)
d) Book_issued (Course_id,Semester,ISBN)
e) Text(ISBN,Title,Publisher,Author)
Write following SQL queries
a) Write a query to select all courses available in institute
b) Find all student details registered for course_id is 10
c) Find various book titles and authors for semester higher than
d) Find all students belonging to Computer Department
e) Find all students enrolled for above course_id
50. Consider the following relations given below
Dealer(Dealer_no, Dname,address) Part(Part_no,Pname,color)
Assigned_to(Dealer_no, Part_no,cost)
Write SQL queries for the following queries
a) Find the name of all dealers who supply „Red‟ Parts.
b) Find the names of the dealers who supply both Yellow and
Green parts
c) Find the names of the dealers who supply all the parts.
d) Find the names of suppliers supplying some red part for cost
less than 100