University of Lucknow: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
University of Lucknow: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
University of Lucknow: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
PO-1. To develop skilled and professionally motivated technocrats, equipped with critical
reasoning and ethical values that fosters scientific temperament with a sense of social
PO-2. To produce knowledgeable and competent human resources who are employable in all
walk of life.
PO-3. To create, identify and implement appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools.
PO-4. To impart expertise required for planning, designing and building complex software
systems as well as provide support to automated systems.
PO-5. To build caliber to tackle both personal and social challenges and improve the quality of
PSO-1. Ability to acquire knowledge in various fields of computer science, and to apply in
industry, entrepreneurship and/or higher studies, for a thriving career.
PSO-3. Ability to develop software systems to enable the convenient use of the computing
system and possess technical credentials.
PSO-4. Ability to exercise the principles of management and strategic concepts required for
teamwork as well as team management.
Evaluation Scheme
Sl. Paper Code Subject Periods Sessional Exam. Sub Credit
No. L T P CT TA Total ESE Total
1 BCA-201 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
2 BCA-202 Advanced Professional 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3
3 BCA-203 Digital Electronics and 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
Computer Organization
4 BCA-204 Data Structure using C 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
5 BCA-205 Accounting and 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3
Financial Management
CT: Class Test
TA: Teacher’s Assessment
ESE: End Semester Examination
CT: Class Test
TA: Teacher’s Assessment
ESE: End Semester Examination
CT: Class Test
TA: Teacher’s Assessment
ESE: End Semester Examination
Unit I (8)
Basics of Communication: Definition, Meaning, Process, Types, Forms, Levels, Flow, Importance
and Features of Communication; Language as a tool of Communication; Barriers to Communication; 7
Cs of Communication
Unit II (12)
Basic Grammar: Parts of Speech; Articles; Pronouns; Verbs; Prepositions; Conjunctions; Tenses
Unit IV (12)
Written Communication: Writing Process and Strategies; Letter Writing: Application writing, Sales
Letter; Purchase Letter, Claim Letter, Adjustment Letter; Proposal Writing: Importance and Methods,
Elements of Proposal; Report Writing: Importance, Process, Building Questionnaire, Elements, Memo,
Notice, Basic E-mail Etiquettes
3 0 0
Unit I (8)
Nature of Management: Meaning, Definition, it’s nature purpose, importance & Functions,
Management as Art, Science & Profession- Management as social System Concepts of management-
Administration-Organization, Management Skills, Levels of Management. Evolution of Management
Thought. Business Ethics & Social Responsibility.
Unit II (10)
Planning: Meaning- Need & Importance, types, Process of Planning, Barriers to Effective Planning,
levels – advantages & limitations. Forecasting- Need & Techniques Decision making-Types - Process
of rational decision making & techniques of decision making Organizing – Elements of organizing &
processes: Types of organizations.
Staffing: Fundamentals of staffing, Recruitment and selection, Training and development.
Unit IV (12)
Motivation: Importance – theories Leadership – Meaning – styles, qualities & function of leader
Controlling - Need, Nature, importance, Process & Techniques, Total Quality Management
Coordination – Need – Importance. Management of Change: Models for Change, Force for Change,
Need for Change, Alternative Change Techniques, New Trends in Organization Change, Stress
Management. Strategic Management Definition, Classes of Decisions, Levels of Decision, Strategy,
Role of different Strategist, Relevance of Strategic Management and its Benefits.
Text and Reference Books:
1. Essential Of Management – Horold Koontz And Iteinz Weibrich- Mcgrawhills International
2. Management Theory & Practice – J.N.Chandan
3. Organizational Behavior Text, Cases And Games- By K.Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing
4. House, Mumbai, Sixth Edition (2005)
5. Organizational Behavior – Anjali Ghanekar
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Use matrices, determinants and techniques for solving systems of linear equations in the
different areas of Linear Algebra, Solve Eigen value problems and apply Cayley Hamilton
CO-2. Study the functions of more than one independent variable and calculate partial derivatives
along with their applications
CO-3. Explore the idea for finding the extreme values of functions and integrate a continuous function
of two or three variables over a bounded region.
CO-4. Understand Curl, divergence and gradient lines. Calculate line integral, surface integral and
volume integral and correlate them with the application of Stokes, Green and Divergence
Unit I (12)
Matrix Algebra: Types of Matrices, Inverse of a matrix by elementary transformations, Rank of a
matrix (Echelon & Normal form). Linear dependence. Consistency of linear system of equations and
their solution, Characteristic equation. Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
(without proof), Complex and Unitary Matrices and its properties.
Unit II (10)
Differential Calculus–I: Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Limit, Continuity and
Differentiability of functions of several variables. Partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous
functions, Total derivatives, Change of variables, Curve tracing in cartesian coordinates.
Unit IV (8)
Vector Calculus: Point function. Gradient, Divergence and Curl of a vector and their physical
interpretations. Vector identities. Tangent and Normal, Directional derivatives. Line, Surface and
Volume integrals. Applications of Green’s, Stake’s and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof).
Unit I (10)
Basics of Computer: Block Diagram of Computer; Characteristics of Computer, Classification of
Computers, Generation of Computers, Input/ Output devices, Memory Hierarchy.
Operating system: Definition, purpose, function, services and types.
Number system: Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, their mutual conversions, Binary
Basics of Computer Programming Languages: Concept of algorithm and flow charts, Types of
computer languages: Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level Language, Concept of
Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker.
Unit II (10)
C Language Fundamentals: Character set, Keywords, Identifiers, Variables: Declaration and
Initialization of variables, Scope of variables, Constant, Types of constant, Data type and sizes, Types
of operators: Unary and Binary operators, Bit wise operators, Type conversion. Decision Control
Statements: if, if-else, Nested if else, else if ladder, Switch statement, Break, Continue statement.
Loops: for, while, do-while, Nesting of loops. Structure of C program, Compilation and Execution of C
programs. Errors, Types of errors.
Unit IV (10)
Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multi-dimensional
arrays. Structure, union, enumerated data types
Pointers: Introduction, declaration, standard C pre-processors, defining and calling macros.
Unit I (10)
Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences: Definition, Scope, Importance of Environmental Sciences
and Need of public awareness. Ecosystem- Definition, Energy flow in ecosystem, Ecological
succession and Balanced ecosystem. Effect of Human Activities on environment of Agriculture,
Housing, Industry, Mining and Transportation activities. Basics of Environmental Impact, Assessment
and Sustainable development.
Unit II (10)
Natural Resources & Environmental Quality standard: Water resources- Availability and quality
aspects of water. Mineral resources, Material Cycle- Carbon, Nitrogen & Sulphur cycles. Different
types of energy-Conventional and nonconventional energy resources.
Unit IV (10)
Environmental Quality standard & Legal aspects: Modern techniques used in analysis of
Pollutants- Determination of disinfectants, Pesticides, Ambient Quality standards.
Role of Government, Legal aspects, Environment protection Act, Introduction to ISO 14000, Green
building concept.
Text and Reference Books:
1. Environmental Studies- Dr. D. L. Manjunath, Pearson Education
2. Text book of Environment Studies- Erach Bharucha
3. Environmental Studies- Arun K Tripathi, Teri Publication. 2017.
4. Text book of Environmental studies-S. K. Dhameja, Rai Publication
5. Principle of Environmental Sciences – Jan J.Boersema - Spinger
6. Environmental studies- R. Rajagopalan- Oxford Publication-2005.
BCA- 201
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Calculate surface area and volume and correlate them with the application of
CO-2. Understand and implement the concept of differential equations and learn various
methods to solve ordinary differential equations.
CO-3. Identify a range of techniques to form the partial differential equations (PDF) and
solutions of standard linear and non-linear PDFs.
CO-4. Compute and interpret the results of Bivariate Regression and Correlation Analysis, for
forecasting and investigating the relationships between them. Define and perform null
hypothesis significance testing.
Text Books:
9. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
10. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.
11. J.N.Kapur, Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand & company Ltd., 2000.
Reference Books:
1. N.P.Bali and Dr. Manish Goyal, Engineering Mathematics University Science
Press, Laxmi Publications, Pvt. Ltd.
2. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Me Graw- Hill Publishing Company
3. M. D. Raisinghania, Advanced Differential Equations, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
4. M.Renardy and R.C.Rogers, An introduction to Partial Differential Equations, New
York, Springer.
5. C.B.Gupta, Vijay Gupta, Introduction to Statistical Methods, Vikas Publishing.
6. Devore, Probability and Statistics, Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
Unit-I (10)
Communication for Employment: Difference between Resume, CV and Biodata, Types of Resume,
Preparing a professional Resume, Offline job application, Online job application, Cover Letter for job
application, Application on online job portals (, Angellist, etc), Use of social
media for job application (LinkedIn, Facebook).
Unit-II (15)
Advanced Grammar: Phrase, Clause, Verb Phrase, Complex Sentences, Coordination, Focus, Phrasal
Unit-III (10)
Business Etiquettes: Netiquettes; the art of Negotiation: Types, Characteristics, and Methods;
Leadership: Leadership as a process, Leadership Attributes (Personality types and traits for Leadership,
Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Leadership), Skills for building strong leadership
(Credibility, Communication, Listening with understanding, Assertiveness, Effective stress
management, Problem solving, Decision making and Improving Creativity); Personality assessment
and Grooming; Presentation Strategies.
Unit-IV (05)
Improving Language through Literature:
1. “Of Studies” by Francis Bacon;
2. “Obituary” by Ramanujam;
3. “Australia” by A D Hope
Text Books:
1. Bakshi, R. N. (2000) A Course in English Grammar. Orient Longman, Hyderabad.
2. Mishra, Binod et al (2015, 6th reprint) Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists. PHI, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Effective Technical Communication by Barun K. Mitra, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006, New Delhi Business
Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Leadership by R. l. Hughes, R. C. Ginnett and G. J. Curphy (McGrow Hill, 8e)
3. Negotiation by Himanshu Rai (McGrow Hill)
Unit-I (08)
Basics of Digital Electronics: Character Codes (BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC) and its arithmetic, Signed
binary numbers, Cyclic codes, error detecting code. Introduction to logic gates. Gate-level
minimization: Boolean algebra: definition, axioms, basic theorems, and properties, Boolean functions,
Canonical and standard forms, NAND and NOR implementation, K- map method up to five variable,
don’t care conditions.
Unit-II (10)
Combinational Logic: Combinational circuits, analysis and design procedures, binary adder-
subtractor, Introduction to decoders, encoders, multiplexers, De-multiplexers. Sequential logic:
Sequential circuits, Latches, flip flops, analysis of clocked sequential circuits. Registers and Counters:
Shift registers, Ripple counters. Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits: Analysis of clocked
sequential circuits, State reduction & assignments, Design procedure. Analysis procedure of
Asynchronous sequential circuits, circuit with latches, design procedure.
Unit-III (10)
Basics of Computer Organization: Functional units of digital computer and their interconnections,
buses. Register, bus and memory transfer. Processor organization, general register organization, stack
organization and addressing modes. Arithmetic and logic unit: Fixed and floating point
representation, IEEE standard for floating point representation, Signed Adder, Subtracter circuits.
Multiplication: Signed operand multiplication, Booth’s algorithm. Division and logic operations.
Arithmetic & logic unit design.
Unit-IV (12)
Control Unit: Instruction types, formats, instruction cycles and sub-cycles, micro-operations,
execution of a complete instruction. Introduction to microprogrammed control organization. Memory:
Basic concept and hierarchy, semiconductor RAM memories. ROM memories. Cache memories:
concept, design issues. Input / Output: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, I/O ports, Interrupts: Types
of interrupts and exceptions. Modes of Data Transfer: Programmed I/O, interrupt initiated I/O and
Direct Memory Access.
Text Books:
1. Computer System Architecture, M. Mano (PHI)
2. Computer Organization, W. Stallings (PHI)
Reference Books:
1. Computer Organization, Vravice, Zaky & Hamacher (TMH Publication)
2. Structured Computer Organization, Tannenbaum (PHI)
3. Computer Organization, John P.Hayes (McGraw Hill)
4. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, (Pearson Education India)
5. Digital Circuit and Design, DP Kothari and JS Dhillon, (Pearson Education)
6. Computer Organization and Design, P Pal Chaudhary, (PHI)
Unit-I (10)
Introduction: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Built in Data Types, Abstract Data
Types. Linked lists: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked List using Array, and
Pointer, Doubly Linked List, Operations on a Linked List: Insertion, Deletion, And Traversal.
Unit-II (10)
Stacks: Array and Linked List Implementation of Stack, Basic operations: Push & Pop; Application of
stack: Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression. Recursion- Principles and
types of recursion; example of recursion: Fibonacci series, and Tower of Hanoi Problem. Queues:
Array and linked list implementation of queues, Basic operations: Create, Add, Delete.
Unit-III (12)
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation: Array and Linked List
Representation, Strictly Binary Trees, Complete Binary Trees, Extended Binary Trees, Tree Traversal
algorithms. Binary Search Trees: Insertion, Deletion and Searching. Concept & Basic Operations on
AVL Tree. Searching, Hashing and Sorting: Binary Search, Concept of Hashing & Collision
resolution Techniques, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort.
Unit-IV (08)
Graphs: Terminology & Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential
Representations of Graphs, Adjacency Matrices, Traversal, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees. Graph
Traversal: Depth First Search and Breadth First Search, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees: Prims and
Kruskal algorithm.
Text Books
1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J. Augenstein “Data Structures Using C and C++” ,
2. R. Kruse et al, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education
3. Thareja, “Data Structure Using C” Oxford Higher Education.
Reference Books
1. Lipschutz, “Data Structures” Schaum’s Outline Series, TMH
2. Jean Paul Trembley and Paul G. Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with applications”, McGraw
3. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publication
Unit-II (10)
Basics of Accounting: System of Accounting, Double Entry System, Introduction to Journal,
Journalizing the transactions, Ledger and Posting, Trial Balance: Meaning, Methods and Error not
disclosed by Trial Balance, Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet with simple adjustment entries.
Unit-III (10)
Financial Statement Analysis: Meaning, Objectives, Types and Methods. Ratio Analysis: Profitability
Ratio, Activity Ratio, Liquidity Ratio and Solvency Ratio. Fund Flow Statement: Meaning,
Objective, Concept of Gross and Net Working Capital. Cash Flow Statement: Meaning, Objectives,
Various Cash and Non-Cash Transactions. Application of Computer in Accounting.
Unit-IV (10)
Introduction to Financial Management: Meaning, Nature, Approaches to Financial Management,
Objectives: Profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization, Financial Decisions: Financing, Investment
and Dividend Decisions, Liquidity Vs Profitability, Time Value of Money, Valuation Concept:
Compounding and Discounting Principles, Sources of Finance: Short term and Long term.
Text Books:
1. Narayanswami- Financial Accounting: A Managerial Prespective, PHI
2. Tulsian- Financial Accounting, Pearson
3. Ravi M Kishore- Financial Management, Taxmann
Reference Books:
1. Mukherjee- Financial Accounting for Management, TMH
2. Khan and Jain- Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Ghosh T P – Accounting and Finance for Managers, Taxmann
4. Ramchandran & Kakani-Financial Accounting for Management, TMH
5. Ashish K. Bhattacharya- Essentials of Financial Accounting, PHI
6. Chowdhary Anil - Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial Analysis, Pearson Education
Unit-II (12)
Finite Differences: Difference operators, Difference tables, Relation between operators, Missing term
techniques, Factorial polynomials.
Interpolation for Equal Intervals: Newton's forward and backward formula, Gauss forward and
backward formula, Stirling's formula, Bessel's formula.
Interpolation for Unequal Intervals: Divided difference, Newton's divided difference formula,
Lagrange's Interpolation formula.
Unit-III (10)
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration by
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3 rule, Simpson's 3/8 rule, Boole's rule, Weddle's rule, Euler-Maclaurin's
Solution of Differential Equations: Taylor's series method, Euler's method, Modified Euler's method,
Runge-Kutta Method.
Unit-IV (10)
Curve Fitting: Method of least squares, Fitting of straight lines, Second degree parabola.
Time Series and Forecasting: Moving average, Forecasting models and methods.
Testing of Hypothesis: Test of significance, T-test, F-test, Chi-square test, Analysis of Variance.
Text Books:
4. Q.S. Ahmad, Zubair Khan and S.A. Khan, “Numerical and Statistical Techniques”, Ane Books Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
5. S.S. Sastry, “Introductory Method of Numerical Analysis”, PHI, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. P. Kandasamy, “Numerical Methods”, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi.
2. Balaguruswamy, “Numerical Methods”, T.M.H., New Delhi.
3. Qazi Shoeb Ahmad, M. V. Ismail and S.A.Khan, “Business Mathematics and Statistics”, Laxmi
Publication, Meerut.
Unit-I (10)
Object-Oriented Analysis: Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts, Object Oriented Analysis
Modeling, Data Modeling, Origin of Object-Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design Concepts,
Object Oriented Design methods, Class and object definition, Refining operations, Program
Components and Interfaces, Annotation for Object-Oriented Design, Implementation of Detail Design.
Unit-II (10)
Java Basic : JAVA environment, JAVA program structure, Tokens, Statements, JVM, Constant and
Variables, Data Types, Declaration of variables, Scope of variables, Symbolic constants, Type Casting.
Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical assignments, Increment and Decrement, Conditional,
Bitwise, Special, Expressions and its evaluation.
Object and Class Concept: Defining a Class, Adding variables and Methods to classes, Creating
Objects, Accessing Class Members, Constructors, Methods Overloading, Static Members, and Nesting
of Methods.
Unit-III (10)
Inheritance: Extending a Class, Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Methods, Final Classes,
Finalize Methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control.
Arrays: One Dimensional and Two Dimensional, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper Classes.
Interface: Defining Interface, Extending Interface, Implementing Interface, Accessing Interface
Unit-IV (10)
Exception Handling: Concepts of Exceptions, Types of Exception, Try and Catch keyword, Nested
Try and Catch.
Threads: Creating Threads, Extending Threads Class, Stopping and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of
a Thread, Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization.
Package: System Packages, Using System Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes.
Text Books:
3. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in Java”, TMH Publications.
Reference Books:
7. Peter Norton, “Peter Norton Guide to Java Programming”, Techmedia Publications.
8. Naughton, Schildt, “The Complete Reference JAVA 2”, TMH.
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Analyze various process scheduling Algorithms and their comparisons.
CO-2. Understand the process synchronization problems.
CO-3. Implement the concept of deadlock detection and avoidance.
CO-4. Compare and contrast various Memory management schemes and Page replacement
CO-5. Understand the concept of File and Disk management.
Unit-I (10)
Introduction: Definition and types, Structure, Components and Services, System Calls, System
Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Cooperating Processes, Threads,
Interprocess Communication, CPU Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor
Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling and Algorithm evaluation.
Unit-II (12)
Process Synchronization and Deadlocks: The Critical-Section Problem, Synchronization Hardware,
Semaphores, Classical Problems of Synchronization, Critical Regions, Monitors, Deadlock-System
Model, Characterization, Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance and Detection, Recovery from Deadlock,
Combined approach to Deadlock Handling.
Unit-III (10)
Memory Management: Logical and Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Allocation,
Paging, Segmentation with Paging, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging and its performance, Page
Replacement Algorithms, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Page Size and other considerations,
Demand Segmentation.
Unit-IV (08)
File Management: File Systems, Secondary Storage Structure, File concept, Access methods,
Directory implementation, Efficiency and performance, Recovery.
Disk Management: Disk Structure, Disk scheduling, Disk management, Recovery, Swap-Space
Management, Disk Reliability.
Text Books
4. Abraham Siberschatz and Peter Galvin “Operating System Concepts”, Wiley.
5. Tannenbaum, “Operating System”, TMH.
Reference Books
4. Milan Milankovic, “Operating Systems, Concept and Design”, McGraw Hill.
5. Harvey M Deital, “Operating System”, Addison Wesley.
Unit-I (12)
Foundation of Information System: Introduction to Information System in Business, Fundamentals
of Information System, Solving Business Problems with Information System, Types of Information
System, Effectiveness and Efficiency Criteria in Information System.
MIS Overview: Definition and Concept of a Management Information System, MIS versus Data
Processing, MIS & Decision Support System, MIS & Information Resources Management, End User
Computing, Structure of a Management Information system.
Unit-II (08)
Concepts of Planning and Control: Concept of Organizational Planning, The Planning Process,
Computational Support for Planning, Characteristics of Control Process, The Nature of Control in an
Unit-III (10)
Business Applications of Information Technology: Internet and Electronic Commerce, Intranet,
Extranet and Enterprise Solutions, Information System for Business Operations, Information System
for Managerial Decision Support, Information System for Strategic Advantage.
Unit-IV (10)
Managing Information Technology: Enterprise and Global Management, Security and Ethical
Challenges, Planning and Implementing Changes.
Advanced Concepts in Information System: Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain
Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Procurement Management.
Text Books:
4. Brian, “Management Information System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
5. Gordon B. Davis & Margrethe H. Olson, “Management Information System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill
Education Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
7. Brian, “Introduction to Information System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
8. Murdick, “Information System for Modern Management”, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi
9. Jawadekar, “Management Information System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
3 1 0
Unit-I (09)
Introduction: Classification of computers and their instruction: general register organization, stack
organization, addressing modes. Computer instruction types: formats, instruction cycles & sub-cycles,
micro operations and execution of complete instruction. Introduction to RISC and CISC architecture.
Unit-II (09)
Basic Concepts of Parallel Processing: concept of programme, process, threads, concurrent and
parallel execution. Classifications of Parallel architecture: Flynn’s & Feng’s Classification. Basic
Pipelining Concepts: Performance metrics & measures and speed up performance laws.
Unit-III (11)
Pipeline Processing: principle of pipelining, general structure of pipelines, classification of pipeline
processors, general pipeline and reservation tables. Principle of Designing pipelined Processor: pipeline
instruction execution, pre-fetched buffer, internal forwarding and register tagging, hazard detection &
resolution. Pipeline Scheduling Theory: scheduling problem, collision vector, state diagram, pipeline
scheduling optimization, multiple vector task dispatching.
Unit-IV (11)
Programme Partitioning & Scheduling: grain size & latency, grain packing & scheduling and static
multiprocessor scheduling. Programme Flow Mechanism: control flow vs data flow, demand driven
mechanism and comparison of flow mechanism. SIMD Interconnection Network: static & dynamic
network, mesh connected illiac network, cube interconnection network and omega network.
Text Books:
1. John P Hayes “Computer Architecture and organization” McGraw Hill
2. Dezso Sima,Terence Fountain and Peter Kacsuk “ Advanced Computer Architecture” Pearson
3. Kai Hwang “ Advanced Computer Architecture” TMH
Reference Books:
1. Linda Null, Julia Lobur- The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, 2014, 4th
2. Rao, P.V.S. Prospective in Computer Architecture” Prentice Hall of India
3. William Stallings “Computer Organization and Architecture” Pearson
4. Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic and Safwat Zaky, “Computer Organization” Mcgraw Hill Fifth
International Edition
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
Unit-II (08)
Algebraic Structures: Properties, Semi group, Monoid, Group, Abelian group, Properties of group,
Subgroup, Cyclic group, Cosets, Permutation groups, Homomorphism, Isomorphism and Auto-
morphism of groups.
Unit-III (10)
Partial order sets: Definition, Partial order sets, Combination of partial order sets, Hasse
Lattices: Definition, Properties of lattices – Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete lattice.
Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms and Theorems of Boolean algebra, Algebraic manipulation of
Boolean expressions. Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps, Logic gates, Digital
circuits and Boolean algebra.
Unit-IV (10)
Propositional Logic: Proposition, well formed formula, Truth tables, Tautology, Satisfiability,
Contradiction ,Algebra of proposition, Theory of Inference. Predicate Logic: First order predicate, well
formed formula of predicate, quantifiers, Inference theory of predicate logic.
Text Books:
3. Liptschutz, Seymour, “Discrete Mathematics”, TMH.
4. Trembley, J.P and R. Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structure with Application to Computer
Science”, TMH.
Reference Books:
1. C.L.Liu, “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, McGraw Hill.
3 0 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability:
CO-1. To understand and incorporate principles of Business Economics and the
theory of supply and demand for economic problems prevalent in the market.
CO-2. To identify the various determinants of firm’s demand for factor services, the
relationship between investment and savings, and demonstrate investment multiplier.
CO-3. To critique the various types of investment function analysis and understand the
elements of social cost benefit analysis.
CO-4. To study the process of calculating national income, identify its components (GDP,
GNP, NNP) and demonstrate circular flow of income, monetary policy and international
Unit-I (08)
Introduction: Meaning, Nature and Scope; Economic Problem: Scarcity & Choice; Application of
Business Economics in Business Decisions; Objectives of Business Firms; Accounting Profit Vs
Economics Profit; Optimization Rules: Revenue, Cost and Profit.
Unit-II (10)
Demand Analysis: Meaning, Basis of Demand, Types of Demand, Law of Demand, Elasticity’s of
Demand: Price Elasticity, Income Elasticity and Cross Elasticity; Consumer Equilibrium: Indifference
Curve, Properties of Indifference Curve; Demand Forecasting Techniques.
Supply Analysis: Meaning, Law of Supply, Elasticity’s of Supply.
Unit-III (12)
Production Analysis: Meaning, Production Function, Law of Production: Short run and Long run.
Cost Analysis: Concept of Cost, Theory of Cost: Short run and Long run; Economies and
Diseconomies of Scale. Pricing Strategy: Process of Price Determination, Methods of Pricing, Pricing
at different stages of PLC.
Unit-IV (10)
Market Structure Analysis: Meaning, Types of Market Structure, Price and Output Determination
under Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly and Monopoly Market.
Macro-Economics Concerns-National Income: Meaning, Measures of National Incomes, Methods of
Measuring National Incomes (in brief); Business Cycle: Meaning and Phases of Business Cycle;
Inflation: Meaning, Causes and Types; Monetary Policy: Meaning and Instrument of Monetary policy.
Text Books:
1. D.N. Dwivedi. “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publishing House
2. Ahuja H.L., “Business Economics”,S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2001
Reference Books:
1. Ferfuson P.R., Rothchild, R and Fergusen G.J.”Business Economics” Mac-millan, Hampshire,
2. Karl E.Case & Ray C. fair , “Principles of Economics” , Pearson Education , Asia, 2000
Unit-II (10)
Display Technologies: Raster-Scan Display System, Video Controller, Random-Scan Display
Processor, Input Devices for Operator Interaction, Image Scanners, Working Exposure on Graphics
Tools like Dream Weaver, 3D Effects.
Clipping: Sutherland- Cohen Algorithm, Cyrus-Beck Algorithm, Midpoint Subdivision Algorithm.
Unit-III (12)
Geometrical Transformation: 2D Transformation, Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix
Representation of 2D Transformations, Composition of 2D Transformations, Window-to-Viewport
Representing Curves & Surfaces: Polygon Meshes Parametric, Cubic Curves, Quadric Surface, Solid
Modeling: Representing Solids, Regularized Boolean Set, Operation Primitive Instancing, Sweep
Representations, Boundary Representations, Spatial Partitioning Representations, Constructive Solid
Geometry, Comparison of Representations.
Unit-IV (10)
Introductory Concepts: Multimedia Definition, CD-ROM and the Multimedia Highway, Computer
Animation Design, Types of Animation, Different Graphical Functions.
Multimedia: Uses of Multimedia, Making a Multimedia; The Stage of Project, Hardware and Software
Requirements to make Good Multimedia, Skills and Training Opportunities in Multimedia, Motivation
for Multimedia Usage.
Text Books:
1. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, “Computer Graphics Principles& Practice”.
2. Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia, Making IT Work”, Osborne McGraw Hill.
3. Buford, “Multimedia Systems”, Addison Wesley.
Reference Books:
1. Sleinreitz, “Multimedia System”, Addison Wesley.
2. David Hillman, “Multimedia technology and Applications”, Galgotia Publications.
3. D.J. Gibbs & D.C. Tsichritzs, “Multimedia programming Object Environment& Frame work”,
LNCS Tutorial.
4. D. Haran & Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Prentice Hall of India.
Unit-I (08)
Introduction to Databases: Advantage of Database System, Database System versus File System,
View of Data, Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas and Instances,
Three schema architecture and Data Independence, Database Languages and Interfaces, Classification
of Database Management Systems.
Unit-II (10)
Entity-Relationship Model: Basic Concepts, Constraints, Keys: Primary Key, Super key, Candidate
key, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Design issues, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Relations, Relationship
types, Roles and Structural Constraints, Weak Entity sets, Extended ER Features, Design of E-R
Database Schema, Reduction of an E-R Schema to tables.
Unit-III (12)
Relational Model and Constraints: Relational model Concepts, Structure of Relational Databases,
Constraints: Entity integrity, Referential Integrity, Domain Constraints, Assertions, Triggers, Security
and Authorization, Authentication and Encryption.
SQL: Data Definition, Constraints, Schema Changes in SQL, Basic Queries in SQL, More Complex
SQL Queries, Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Views (in SQL).
Unit-IV (10)
The Relational Algebra: Tuple Relational Calculus, Data Normalization: Functional dependencies,
Normal form concepts upto 3rd Normal form.
Transaction Management and Recovery Techniques: Introduction to Transaction Processing,
Transaction Concepts and Properties, Schedules, Serializability of Schedules, Conflict and view
serializable schedules, Recovery Concepts, Recovery from Transactions, Introduction to Concurrency
Control Techniques.
Text Books
1. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addison Wesley.
2. Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan , “Database System Concepts”, McGrawHill.
Reference Books
1. Date C J, “An Introduction to Database System”, Addision Wesley
2. Leon & Leon, “Database Management System”, Vikas Publishing House
3. Bipin C. Desai, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publications
4. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH
5. Ramkrishnan, Gehrke, “database Management System”, McGraw Hill
3 0 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
Unit-I (10)
Software Product and SDLC: Software Engineering Fundamentals, Definition of Software Products,
Phases of Software Development Life Cycle, Software Development Paradigm, Software Life Cycles
Models: Build and Fix Model, Waterfall Model, Prototype Model, Iterative Model, Evolutionary
Model, Spiral Model.
Unit-II (10)
Software Requirement Specification (SRS): Need for SRS-Requirement process, Problem Analysis
using UML (Unified Modelling Language) and Data dictionary, Characteristics of SRS, Components of
an SRS. IEEE standard for SRS.
Unit-III (10)
Software Design Principles: Software Design, Design Process, Design Principles: Abstraction,
Refinement, Modularity, Information Hiding, Modular Design: Effective Modular Design and
Functional Independence, Cohesion, Coupling, Top down and Bottom up Strategies, Coding: Coding
Standard and Guidelines, Testing: Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.
Unit-IV (10)
CASE Tools: Relevance of CASE Tool, Building block for CASE Tools, Integrated Case Tool
Environment, Generation of CASE Tool, High End and Low End CASE Tools.
Project Management Fundamentals: Definition of Project, Project Specification and Parameters,
COCOMO model, Principles of Project Management, Project Management Life Cycle, Program
Management Plan: Concept, Elements, Planning Issues, Benefits of Program Management.
Text Books:
1. Rajib Mall, “Fundamental of Software Engineering”, PHI.
Reference Books:
1. R. Pressman, “Software Engineering”, TMH.
2. Pankaj Jalote, “An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering”, Narosa.
3. Pankaj Jalote, “Software Project Management in Practice”, Person Education.
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Understand basic computer network technology.
CO-2. Identify different types of network topologies and protocols.
CO-3. Understand the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP.
CO-4. Understand the concept of IP addressing, subnetting and routing mechanisms.
Unit-1 08
Introduction Concepts: Goals and applications of networks, network structure and architecture, the
OSI reference model, services, network topology design, delay analysis, back bone design, local access
network design, physical layer transmission media, switching methods, ISDN, and terminal handling.
Unit-2 12
Medium Access Sub Layer: Medium access sub layer - channel allocations, LAN protocols - aloha
protocols - overview of IEEE standards - FDDI.
Data Link Layer: Elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols, and error handling.
Unit-3 12
Network Layer: Point - to point Networks, routing, congestion control Internetworking -TCP /IP, IP
packet, IP address, and IPv6.
Transport Layer: Transport layer - design issues, and connection management.
Unit-4 08
Session Layer: Design issues and remote procedure call.
Presentation Layer: Design issues.
Application Layer: File transfer, access and management, electronic mail, virtual terminals, other
application. Example networks - internet and public networks.
Text Books:
1. Forouzen, “Data Communication and Networking”, TMH.
2. A.S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Education.
3. W. Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Macmillan Press.
Reference Books:
1. Anuranjan Misra, “Computer Networks”, Acme Learning
2. G. Shanmugarathinam, “Essential of TCP/ IP”, Firewall Media.
3. Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang, Fred Baker, “Computer Networks: An Open Source
Approach”, Mc Graw Hill Publisher.
3 1 0
Unit-1 08
Introduction: Algorithms, analyzing algorithms, complexity of algorithms, growth of functions,
performance measurements, sorting and order statistics - shell sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort,
comparison of sorting algorithms, and sorting in linear time.
Unit-2 12
Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black trees, B – trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps.
Divide and Conquer Sorting, Greedy methods with examples such as Optimal Reliability Allocation,
Knapsack, Single source shortest paths - Dijkstra’s and Bellman Ford algorithms.
Unit-3 12
Dynamic Programming: Knapsack, all pair shortest paths – Warshal’s and Floyd’s algorithms,
resource allocation problem. Backtracking, branch and bound, graph coloring, n-queen problem,
Hamiltonian cycles, and sum of subsets.
Unit-4 08
Selected Topics: Algebraic computation, fast Fourier transform, string matching, theory of NP-
completeness, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms.
Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”,
Printice Hall of India.
2. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", Galgotia Press.
3. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos, “Algorithm Design”, Pearson.
2. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, “Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and
Internet Examples”, Wiley.
3. Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg, “Data Structures and Their Algorithms”, Harper Collins.
3 0 0
Unit-1 12
Introduction: Introduction and web development strategies, history of web and internet, protocols
governing web, introduction to client-server computing, web applications, web project, and web team.
Unit-2 08
Web Page Designing: HTML: List, table, images, frames, forms, CSS, document type definition,
object Models, presenting and using XML, XML Processors: DOM and SAX, and dynamic HTML.
Unit-3 10
Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions, objects, introduction to AJAX, and
VB script.
Unit-4 10
Server Site Programming: Introduction to active server pages (ASP), introduction to Java Server
Page (JSP), JSP application design, JSP objects, conditional processing, declaring variables and
methods, sharing data between JSP pages.
Text Books:
1. Burdman, Jessica, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley.
2. Xavier, “Web Technology and Design”, New Age International.
3. Ivan Bayross, “HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI”, BPB Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Ramesh Bangia, “Internet and Web Design”, New Age International.
2. Deitel, “Java for programmers”, Pearson Education.
3. Uttam k. Roy, “Web Technologies”, Oxford.
3 1 0
Unit-1 08
UNIX Architecture: The UNIX operating system, LINUX and gnu. The UNIX architecture, features
of UNIX, POSIX and single UNIX specification, internal and external commands, command structure,
man browsing and manual pages on-line.
The file system: The parent – child relationship, the home variable, pwd, cd, mkdir, absolute
pathname, and relative pathname.
Unit-2 10
Basic File Attributes: Listing directory contents, the UNIX file system, ls –l, -d option, file
ownership, file permissions, chmod, directory permissions, changing file ownership, file attributes.
The Process: Process basics, process status, system processes (-e or –a), mechanism of process
creation, process states and zombies, and running jobs in background.
Unit-3 10
Simple Filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr.
Filters using regular expressions – grep and sed: grep, Basic Regular Expressions (BRE), Extended
Regular Expressions (ERE) and egrep, the stream editor, and line addressing using multiple
instructions (-E and -F) context addressing.
Unit-4 12
The Shell: The shell’s interpretive cycle, shell offerings, pattern matching, escaping and quoting,
redirection, pipes, tee, command substitution, shell variables, and essential shell programming.
Text Books:
1. Sumitabha Das, “UNIX – Concepts and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, “Unix and shell Programming”, Thomson Learning.
3. Neil Matthew and Richard Stones, “Beginning Linux Programming”, Wrox.
Reference Books:
1. Kernighan and Pike, “Unix programming environment”, Pearson Education.
2. Rosen, Host, Klee, Farber, Rosinski, “The Complete Reference Unix”, TMH.
3. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, "Unix Shell Programming", BPB Publications.
3 0 0
Unit-1 08
Introduction: Data mining-definition & functionalities, data processing, form of data pre-processing,
data cleaning: missing values, noisy data, binning, clustering, regression, inconsistent data, data
integration and transformation, and data reduction.
Unit-2 12
Concept Description: Association rule mining, mining single-dimensional Boolean association rules
from transactional databases, Apriori Algorithm, Classification and Predictions: Decision tree,
Bayesian Classification, and K-nearest neighbour classifiers.
Unit-3 08
Data Warehousing: Overview, definition, delivery process, difference between database system and
data warehouse, multi-dimensional data model, data cubes, stars, snowflakes, fact constellations,
concept hierarchy, process architecture, 3 tier architecture, and data marting.
Unit-4 12
OLAP: Aggregation, historical information, query facility, OLAP function and tools. OLAP servers,
ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, data mining interface, security, backup and recovery.
Text Books:
1. M. H. Dunham, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts & Techniques”, Elsevier.
3. Ian H. Witten, “Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques”, Morgan
Reference Books:
1. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murray, “Data Warehousing in the Real World: A Practical Guide for
Building Decision Support Systems”, Pearson Education.
2. Mallach, “Data Warehousing System”, McGraw –Hill.
3. Alex Berson and Stephen J. Smith, "Data Warehousing, Data Mining, & OLAP", Tata
McGraw-Hill Education.
3 0 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Explain fundamental concepts in software testing, including software testing objectives,
process, criteria, strategies, and methods.
CO-2. Understand and implement the methods of functional and structural testing.
CO-3. Plan a test project, design test cases and data, conduct testing operations, manage
software problems and defects, generate a testing report.
CO-4. Understand the advanced software testing topics, such as object-oriented software
testing methods, system testing and testing of internet applications.
Unit-1 10
Introduction: Principles of software testing, error, fault, failure, incident, error and fault
taxonomies, test cases, limitations of testing, code inspections, desk checking, group
walkthroughs and peer reviews and overview of graph theory for testers.
Unit-2 10
Functional Testing: Boundary value analysis, equivalence class testing, decision table-
based testing, cause effect graphing technique.
Structural Testing: Path testing, DD-paths, cyclomatic complexity, graph metrics, data
flow testing and slice-based testing.
Unit-3 08
Testing Activities: Unit testing, levels of testing, integration testing, system testing,
debugging, regression testing and extreme testing.
Unit-4 12
Object Oriented Testing: Issues in object-oriented testing, class testing, GUI testing,
object-oriented integration and system testing. Testing internet applications: overview and
challenges and strategies of testing internet applications.
Text Books:
1. Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt, “Introduction to Software Testing”, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK.
2. Mauro Pezze, Michal Young, “Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles
and Techniques”, Wiley India.
3. Yogesh Singh, “Software Testing”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Reference Books:
1. William Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons, New
2. Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, Nguyen Quoc, “Testing Computer Software”, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
3. Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
3 0 0
Unit-1 08
Introduction- Introduction to open sources, need of open sources, advantages of open sources and
application of open sources.
Unit-2 12
Open Source Operating Systems: LINUX- Introduction, general overview, kernel mode and user
mode, process, advanced concepts, scheduling, personalities, cloning and signals.
Unit-3 08
Open Source Database: MySQL- Introduction - setting up account-starting, terminating and
writing your own SQI programs, record selection technology, working with strings - date and time,
sorting query results.
Unit-4 12
Open Source Programming Languages: PHP- Introduction - programming in web environment,
variables, constants, datatypes, operators, statements, functions, arrays and OOP - string
manipulation and regular expression.
Perl: Perl backgrounder, Perl overview, Perl parsing rules, variables and data -statements and
control structures, subroutines, packages, and modules- working with files and data manipulation.
Text Books:
1. Martin C. Brown, “Perl: The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, Indian Reprint
2. Vikram Vaswani, "MYSQL: The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing
Company Limited, Indian Reprint.
3. Paul Kavanagh, "Open Source Software: Implementation and Management", Elsevier.
Reference Books:
1. Rasmus Lerdorf and Levin Tatroe, "Programming PHP", O'Reilly.
2. Wesley J. Chun, "Core Phython Programming", Prentice Hall.
3. Steven Holzner, "PHP: The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, Indian Reprint.
3 0 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Describe principles, concepts and practice of System Analysis and Design process.
CO-2. Explain the processes of constructing the different types of information systems.
CO-3. Understand the various software development life cycle models and system
CO-4. Apply object oriented concepts to capture a business requirement.
CO-5. Learn the concept of system testing, evaluation and performance.
Unit-1 12
Basic Concept of Systems: The system: definition and concepts, elements of a system: input, output
processor, control, feedback, environment, boundaries and interface, characteristics of a system, types
of systems -physical and abstract system, open and closed systems, man-made systems, information
and its categories.
Information systems: TPS, OAS, MIS, DSS, ESS; System analyst: role and need of system analyst
and system analyst as an agent of change.
Unit-2 08
System Development Life Cycle: Introduction to SDLC. Various phases: study, analysis, design,
development, testing, implementation, and maintenance.
System documentation: Types of documentation and their importance.
Unit-3 10
Tools for System Analysis: Data flow diagram (DFD), logical and physical DFDs, developing DFD,
system flowcharts and structured charts, structured English, decision trees and decision tables.
System design module specifications: Module coupling and cohesion, top-down and bottom-up
design, logical and physical design and structured design.
Unit-4 10
System Implementation and Maintenance: Need of system testing, types of system testing, quality
assurance; system conversion, conversion methods, procedures and controls, system evaluation and
Text Books:
1. Perry Edwards, “System Analysis & design”, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
2. Jeffrey A. Hofer Joey F. George Joseph S. Valacich, “Modern System Analysis and Design”,
Addison Weseley.
3. Shouhong Wang, “Information Systems Analysis and Design”, Universal-Publisher Boca
Reference Books:
1. Elias m. Awad, “System Analysis and Design”, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Henry C. Lucas, “Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems”, McGraw-Hill
3. Whitten, Bentaly and Barlow, “System Analysis and Design Methods”, Galgotia Publication.
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Understand the foundations and importance of E-commerce.
CO-2. Understand the concept of Mobile commerce.
CO-3. Analyze the importance of encryption on E-commerce.
CO-4. Determining the effectiveness of electronic payments as an emerging financial
Unit-1 12
Introduction: What is E-commerce, forces behind E-commerce industry framework, brief history
of ecommerce, inter organizational E-commerce intra organizational E-commerce, and consumer
to business electronic commerce, architectural framework.
Unit-2 08
Mobile Commerce: Introduction to mobile commerce, mobile computing application, wireless
application protocols, WAP technology, mobile information devices, web security introduction to
web security, firewalls & transaction security, client server network, emerging client server
security threats, firewalls and network security.
Unit-3 08
Encryption: World wide web & security, encryption, transaction security, secret key encryption,
public key encryption, virtual private network (VPN) and implementation management issues.
Unit-4 12
Electronic Payments: Overview of electronics payments, digital token-based electronics payment
system, smart cards, credit card I debit card-based EPS, emerging financial instruments, and online
Text Books:
1. Greenstein and Feinman, “E-Commerce”, TMH.
2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Whinston, “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addision Wesley.
3. Pete Lohsin , John Vacca “Electronic Commerce”, New Age.
Reference Books:
1. Denieal Amor, “The E-Business Revolution”, Addision Wesley.
2. Diwan, Sharma, “E-Commerce”, Excel.
3. Bajaj & Nag, “E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business”, TMH.
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Understand the social and intellectual property issues emerging from cyber space.
CO-2. Explore the legal and policy developments in various countries to regulate cyber space.
CO-3. Understand the Intellectual Property Rights, Domain Names and Trademark Dispute.
CO-4. Learn about developing secure information system and security policies to prevent
criminal activity on the Internet.
Unit-1 12
Cyber Space Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction issues under IT Act, 2000, traditional principals of jurisdiction,
extra-terrestrial jurisdiction and case laws on cyber space jurisdiction.
E–commerce and Laws in India: Digital / Electronic signature in Indian laws, E–commerce; issues
and provisions in Indian law, and E –Governance.
Unit-2 08
Intellectual Property Rights, Domain Names and Trademark Dispute: Concept of trademarks in
internet era, cybersquatting, reverse hijacking, jurisdiction in trademark disputes, copyright in the
digital medium, and copyright in computer programs
Unit-3 10
Developing Secure Information Systems: Information security governance & risk management,
security architecture & design security issues in hardware, data storage & downloadable devices,
physical security of IT assets, access control, CCTV and intrusion detection systems and backup
security measures.
Unit-4 10
Security Policies: Development of policies, WWW policies, email security policies, policy review
process-corporate policies-sample security policies, publishing and notification requirement of the
Text Books:
1. Prashant Mali, “Cyber Law & Cyber Crimes”, Snow White publications, Mumbai.
2. Dr. Surya Prakash Tripathi, Ritendra Goyal and Praveen Kumar Shukla, “Introduction to
Information Security and Cyber Law”, Willey Dreamtech Press.
3. Sarika Gupta & Gaurav Gupta, “Information Security and Cyber Laws”, Khanna Publishing House.
Reference Books:
1. Farooq Ahmad “Cyber Law in India”, Pioneer Publications.
2. Vakul Sharma, “Information Technology Law and Practice”, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
3. Suresh T. Vishwanathan, “The Indian Cyber Law”, Bharat Law House New Delhi.
3 0 0
Unit-1 10
Introduction: Issues in mobile computing, characteristics of mobile computing, structure of mobile
computing and overview of wireless telephony: cellular concept.
Unit-2 10
Evaluation of Mobile System and Wireless Network: GSM, CDMA, FDMA, TDMA; Wireless
networking: Wireless LAN overview, Bluetooth, wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over
wireless, wireless applications, data broadcasting, mobile IP and WAP.
Unit-3 08
Data management issues: Management issues, hoarding techniques, data replication for mobile
computers, adaptive clustering for mobile wireless networks and file system.
Unit-4 12
Mobile Agents and Routing algorithms: Mobile agent, security and fault tolerance, transaction
processing in mobile computing environment, Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs), Routing protocols,
Global State Routing (GSR), Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing (DSDV) and Dynamic
Source Routing (DSR) and Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV).
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Unit-1 10
Linear programming: Central problem of linear programming various definitions included statements
of basic theorem and also their properties, simplex methods, primal and dual simplex method, transport
problem, tic-tac problem, and its solution. Assignment problem and its solution. Graphical method
formulation and linear programming problem.
Unit-2 10
Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing system, classification of queuing model single channel
queuing theory and generalization of steady state m/m/1 queuing models (model-I, model-II).
Unit-3 08
Replacement Theory: Replacement of item that deteriorates replacement of items that fail. Group
replacement and individual replacement.
Unit-4 12
Inventory Theory: Cost involved in inventory problem- single item deterministic model economics
long size model without shortage and with shorter having production rate infinite and finite. Job
Sequencing: Introduction, solution of sequencing problem, and Johnson’s algorithm for n jobs through
two machines.
Text Books:
1. S S Rao, “Enginering Optimization – Theory and Applications”, New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. A.M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi,” Operations Research”, Pearson Education.
3. Gupta V.G., “Optimization Theory Techniques of Operations Research”, Oxford Book Company.
Reference Books:
1. Abidi Mongi A. “Optimization Techniques in Computer vision”, Springer.
2. Falk Heiko, “Source Code Optimization Techniques for Data Flow Dominated Embedded
Software”, Springer Verlag New York.
3. Evtushenko Yurij G. “Numerical Optimization Techniques”, Springer Verlag New York.
4. Prakash Om, “Information Theory and Optimization Techniques in Scientific Research”, VDM
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Identify the basic element and functions of 8085 microprocessor.
CO-2. Describe the general architecture & organization of 8085.
CO-3. Analyze and suggest various machine cycles and addressing modes.
CO-4. Apply the programming techniques in developing the assembly language program.
CO-5. Differentiate various types of interrupt in 8085 microprocessor.
Unit-1 08
Microprocessors: Introduction, Advances in semiconductor technology, Organization of
microprocessor-based system, and 8085 microprocessor.
Unit-2 10
The 8085 MPU architecture: 8085 bus organization, demultiplexing the bus AD7-AD0, generating
control signals. ALU, timing and control unit, instruction register and decoder, register array, decoding
and executing an instruction.
Unit-3 10
8085 Machine: Machine cycles and bus timings opcode fetch machine cycle, memory read machine
cycle, memory k machine cycle, IO read machine cycle, IO write machine cycle and execution time of
the instruction cycle.
Unit-4 12
Counters and time delays: Time delay using single register and register pair, Stack and subroutines,
Call and return instructions, Advanced subroutine concept. Assembly language program Hexadecimal
counter, Sum of odd and even numbers, Hex to BCD conversion and Interrupts.
Text Books:
1. Gaonkar, Ramesh S., “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the
8085”, Pen Ram International Publishing.
2. Ray, A.K. & Burchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals: Architecture Programming
and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B. Ram, “Fundamentals of microprocessor and microcontroller”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co Pvt
Reference Books:
1. Hall D.V, “Microprocessor and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. B.P. Singh & Renu Singh, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”, New Age International.
3. Deniel Tabak, “Advance Microprocessor”, TMH.
4. Triebel & Singh, “The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors”, Pearson Education.
3 1 0
After the completion of the course, students are expected to have the ability to:
CO-1. Understand the concepts of commonly used lossless and lossy compression techniques.
CO-2. Analyze the applications of Huffman coding, loss less image compression, Text
compression, Audio Compression.
CO-3. Analyze various Image compression and dictionary based techniques.
CO-4. Understand the statistical basis and performance metrics for lossless compression.
CO-5. Understand the concept of scalar quantization in data compression techniques.
Unit-1 10
Compression Techniques: Loss less compression, lossy compression, measures of performance,
modeling and coding, mathematical preliminaries for lossless compression: A brief introduction to
information theory, models: Physical models, probability models, Markov models, composite source
model, uniquely decodable codes and prefix codes.
Unit-2 10
Huffman coding algorithm: Minimum variance Huffman codes, adaptive Huffman coding, update
procedure, encoding procedure, decoding procedure, applications of Huffman coding: loss less image
compression, text compression and audio compression.
Unit-3 12
Coding a sequence: Generating a binary code, Comparison of Binary and Huffman coding,
Applications, Bi-level image compression-The JBIG standard, JBIG2, Image compression,
Introduction of Dictionary Techniques, Static Dictionary: Diagram Coding, and Adaptive Dictionary.
Unit-4 08
Distortion criteria, Models, Scalar Quantization: The Quantization problem, uniform quantizer,
adaptive quantization and non-uniform quantization.
Text Books:
1. Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
2. Peter D. Johnson Jr., Greg A. Harris, D.C. Hankerson, “Introduction to Information Theory and
Data Compression”, CRC.
3. David Salomon, “Data Compression: The Complete Reference 4th Edition”, Springer.
Reference Books:
1. Drozdek, “Elements of Data Compression”, Cengage Learning.
2. Timothy C., “Text Compression”, Bell Prentice Hall.
3. Nitin Chikani, “The Complete Format of Data Compression & Decompression”, Lambert.
3 1 0
Unit-1 10
Introduction to Security: Introduction to security: Attacks, services & mechanisms, security.
Conventional encryption model, classical encryption techniques, steganography, modern techniques:
simplified DES, block cipher principles, DES standard, DES strength, differential & linear
cryptanalysis, block cipher design principles and block cipher modes of operation.
Unit-2 08
Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Triples DES, blowfish,
International data encryption algorithm, RC5, placement of encryption function and key distribution.
Unit-3 10
Public Key Encryption: Public Key Encryption: public, key cryptography: principles of public, key
cryptosystems, RSA algorithm, key management, Fermat’s & Euler’s theorem, primality test and the
Chinese remainder theorem.
Unit-4 12
Message Authentication & Hash Functions: Message Authentication & Hash Functions:
Authentication requirements, authentication functions, message authentication codes, hash function,
md5 message digest algorithm, secure hash algorithm (SHA), and digital signatures.
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey.
2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, TMH.
3. Douglas R. Stinson, “Cryptography: Theory and Practice”, CRC press.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, “Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards”, Prentice Hall.
2. Johannes A. Buchmann, “Introduction to cryptography”, Springer, Verlag.
3. Wenbo Mao, “Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice”, Prentice Hall PTR.
4. Simon Rubinstein Salzedo, “Cryptography”, Springer.