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Marketing Analysis For Vinfast

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Marketing analysis and proposal for Vinfast Vfe34

Corporate Finance (Học viện Ngân hàng)

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I. Excutive summary

VinFast is that the first automobile manufacturer within the Vietnamese market,

and it's a part of Vingroup, Vietnam's largest corp and one among the country's major

technology, industry, and repair conglomerates. Up to now, Vinfast cars are produced

with 4 car models including Vinfast Fadil, Vinfast Lux SA2.0, Vinfast Lux A2.0,

Vinfast president, and therefore the company plans to launch a brand new line which

is an electrical car under the name VFE34. The thing that drives this creativity

is because of the most impact of environmental factors when the planet is facing

significant temperature change year by year. additionally, the corporate also wants to

extend competition with other giants like Tesla, Hyundai and catch up with the trend

of the car manufacturing industry. This marketing plan includes the marketing audit,

objectives, 7P marketing mix, action plan, budget allocation, control and monitor

measures, detailed media plan,…. To clarify, this report can help Vinfast identify the

target customers, competitors, USP; besides, it also assists the corporate in

developing an idea for marketing the brand and increasing sales or income for the

corporate. It also gives Vinfast information about the market, ideal clients, and the

way to interact them effectively. Moreover, it can help the corporate to cut back risks

with the new product launch as VFe34. This marketing plan is implemented during

a time-frame of 1 year from 1/1/2022-31/12/2022 with 7 070 136 179 VND

II. Marketing audit

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1. External analysis

1.1 Macro-environment (PESTLE)

Factors In Vietnam market Implication for Vinfast

Political  Polical  In South East Asia, Vietnam is one of the
 (O)Creating circumstances
stability most politically stable countries. (Gov.UK,
that will allow Vinfast to
improve circulation and

manufacturing processes

while maintaining a reliable

supply chain. Besides, it also

presents that Vinfast could

have a great foundation to

make the business progress.

Economic  GDP growth  Despite the COVID-19 epidemic,  (O) stimulate the purchase

 Citizen’s Vietnam's economy is expected to rise at demand of consumers,

income 2.9 percent in 2020 (it increased at 7% in thereby helping the company

 Economic 2019). The country is rated 38th in the increase sales as well as

openness world and 4th in the Association of revenue

 Inflation Southeast Asian Nations.  (O) create conditions for the

 Economic  The income of people from stable and company to import raw

recession emerging economic zones is increasing materials from abroad

day by day. As a result, their spending  (T) Company have to cost a

power also increases. lot of money in the

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 Vietnam is a country with a relatively high production process.

economic openness  (T) Not only does this lower

 The manufacturing and processing price the number of buyers, but it

index rose 4.97 percent. (Luu, 2021) also reduces the company's

 Economic Recession: this is the income.

consequence of the Covid 19 epidemic.

Buyers' purchasing power is being eroded

as they are forced to be more frugal with

their money.
Social  Covid  On January 1, the Ministry of Health  (T) The restriction of travel

pandemic announced that there were 14,822 Covid- causes the demand to buy

 Buying 19 cases, of which 216 died; 5 more cases cars to decrease, thereby

habit of Omicron (VnExpress, 2021) causing Vinfast to decrease

 Education  Buying habit “Vietnamese people use in revenue

growth Vietnamese product”  (O) Consumers are more

 Vietnam's education system is currently inclined to utilize private

expanding, providing a potentially rich vehicles rather than public

people resource in addition to a team of transportation such as buses

human resources from returning foreign and trams because they are

students.(World Bank,2019) conscious of social

separation. As a result,

Vinfast will be able to

improve both automobile

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sales and profit.

 (O)Vinfast has created

reditbility in the Vietnamese

buyer's perspective with the

automobile "made in


 (O)Create a large pool of

high-quality human

resources for Vinfast.

Technology  E-  The average growth rate of e-commerce in  (O) Creating circumstances

commerce the period 2016-2019 is about 30% for Vinfast to extend its retail

 Digital following a report by the VECOM and online sales techniques,

marketing (Vnexpress, 2021) making it easier for

 Technology  Digital marketing is considered a way to customers to approach them

advertise items that businesses are looking and increasing income.

for as the digital technology era  (O) It is an opportunity to

progresses. advertise products more

 Automobile manufacturers are easily, in order to improve

incorporating new technology into their brand awareness in the

manufacturing processes, such as perception of customers.

automation, artificial intelligence, and Besides, it also is a chance

augmented reality. to accquire and apply new

technologies in company’s

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product to keep pace with


 (T) To produce a car, modern

technologies must be

acquired from overseas,

which quite hard for Vinfast

to purchase modern

equipment and necessitating

a significant financial

Legal  Tax  The Vietnamese government has tax  (O) Making it easier for

 Safety incentives for imported components from Vinfast to import

regulation domestically assembled companies components and reduce

 Reduce the  The government has issued regulations production costs as well as

number of regarding the production of auto parts to increase profits

gas cars in ensure the safety of passengers  (T) Vinfast must spend a lot

urban areas  Vietnam government annouced that of time and money on testing

automobiles will be limited in inner city to before launching

advoid traffic congestion and reduce  (T) As the number of people

carbon emissions. driving gas cars declines,

Vinfast's sales will decline.

 (O) It is an opportunity to

lauch electronic car


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Environmen  Gas  Transportation accounts for 24.34 percent  (O) for Vinfast to

tal emissions of annual carbon emissions. Cars account diversification car lines

for 44% of the total. (Ministry of natural especially electronic car

resources and environment. 2020)  (T) Vinfast must concentrate

on lowering carbon

emissions in the

manufacturing process,

which is costly.

1.2 Micro-environment

Competitive rivalry High (T) Because Vinfast is the new company joined in the vehicle

market, particularly in Vietnam, so it must compete against

numerous established heavyweights such as Hyundai,

Toyota, and Tesla.

(T)Vinfast and its rivals provide items that are comparable. Honda

and Toyota are equal to VinFast in terms of pricing and quality. It

has a high degree of brand recognition, and many buyers choose it

since it has been on the market for so long.

Buyer power Low (T)There are currently numerous automobile manufacturers on the

market with varying pricing, giving buyers a wide range of options

when it comes to purchasing based on price and quality criteria.


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(O) As a penetrate, Vinfast might provide an appealing pricing.

(O) With the increase in the awareness of polution, citizen tends to

choose a car with friendly characters. Taking advantage of this

opportunity, Vinfast can produce an eco-friendly Vietnam brand car.

Supplier power Low (O) Because Vinfast is a VinGroup affiliate, it is easy for the firm to

obtain credit sources in a wide range of countries.

Threat of substitution High (T)Besides using cars, people can use other types of vehicles such

as taxis, buses, or motorbikes for more convenience.

(T)If an E-car is too expensive for a consumer, they can opt for

another mode of transportation, such as a bicycle or an electric

Threat of new entrant Low (O) Because the vehicle manufacturing sector is challenging and

competitive, only Vingroup has the potential to compete in it

in the Vietnamese market, aside from international


2. Internal analysis

2.1. Internal factors

Strategy - Vinfast's vision is to design automobiles (S) Clear strategy with measurable

with Vietnamese features that reflect the goal

country while still being competitive on a (S) Customer oriented mision so that can


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worldwide scale. satisfy customer and promote the

- Vinfast's aim is to improve the lives of Vietnamese buying psychology of

Vietnamese people; consumers.

- Customers in the high-middle income (S)Suitable customer target to get profit

bracket who are want to acquire world-class as a new entrant

autos at a affordable price are the

company's target.
Productivity - Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, VinFast (S) A successful sale to boost brand

revealed its automobile business statistics recognition, particularly during the Covid

for September 2021 on the afternoon of time.

October 11, with total sales of 3,497 Lux (S) Can meet the demands of a large

and Fadil cars sold, an increase of 51.4 number of target clients.

percent over the previous month.

- Vinfast offers a wide range of products

and services.
System -For Vinfast’s distribution, company has  (S) develop a robust distribution

applied hybrid and 3S method. system with high quality in order to

satisfy customers

 (W) limit the company's distribution

Intangible value In Vietnam, the government has a  (S) It easy to realize that these

preferential policy for automobile intangible values not only assist the

manufacturers. Besides, company already firm in the product development

has a good brand reputation and existing process but also increase brand


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cutomers’ data from Vingroup. Last but not recognition and consumer trust.

least, Vingroup has it own website as well. Moreover it can establish a long-term

relationship with old and new

Tangible value Vingroup is well known with the ecosystem  (S) So that, it create suitable place for

which is advantage for the expansion of Vinfast to expand its distribution and

Vinfast. As a result, company has its own easier in selling process as well as

76 showrooms in Vietnam and produce personerlize customer service. As a

products with high quality. result, company can compete with


2.2 Current marketing mix

Product - Vinfast is recognized for its image as a brand linked  (S) Satisfy customers’ needs so that

with high-quality items in a variety of styles, such as can increase the demand of customers

Vinast Lux, Vinfast Fadil, buses, and so on. Two about the brand.

Italian designers are responsible for all of it. With a 10-  (S) Help customers to have a deeply

year guarantee and maintenance, the products ensure understand about products so they do

user safety. Furthermore, the organization offers a 24- not have any confusion when

hour support service to assist customers in the process purchasing.

of buying a car and to answer problems they may have.  (S) Meet the demand of product so

that can create credit in customers’

Price - Penetration pricing is a price strategy that is ideal for  (S) With this strategy, company can


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firms launching new products or services in order to attract customers’ attention with the

grab customer attention and put pressure on rivals. At high quality product and suitable

first, the market entrance price is unimportant to profit, price. Which help company to raise

but it will attract potential clients to the business, and brand awareness or even market

later, the company will raise the price to solidify its share. Besides, it can have the

market position. competive edge with company’s

competition and get the profit in the

latter of period.

 (W) It can be said that this pricing

strategy still have a downside when

the company can not gain profit in

the start period. In case this sistuation

persists, Vinfast can get loss in it

Promotion - To promote and attract customers, Vinfast has created  (S)With these focused service

incentives by allowing Vinfast's cars to park for free at approaches, the firm will please

locations and ecosystems owned by Vingroup. In clients while also drawing loyal

addition, company also offers some gift vouchers and customers, increasing their trust and

coupons when buying cars. affection for the brand, and even

- For the purpose of promoting products closer to beginning to utilize word of mouth to

customers, the company first used some famous promote the company's products.

influencers such as Tieu Vy, David Beckam,....  (S) The corporation may attract more

Furthermore, Vinfast not only promotes advertising on fans of those influencers to its brand


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social media sites, newspapers, and television, but also by using influencers, such as David

produces several campaigns to attract clients. Beckham for football fans and Tieu

Vy for Miss Vietnam fans.

Furthermore, by utilizing a number of

methods to express the brand's image

on social media, billboards, and

newspapers, customers, particularly

vehicle enthusiasts, will become

more aware of the brand.

Place - Vinfast selling not only on it showroom but also  (W) With the 3S distribution strategy,

through dealers which are meet the demand of 3S company can face to the difficult in

distribution. Besides, company has it own website to reach more customers. and company

update product’s information to customers. has not selling online

 (S) In other hand, the 3S distribution

strategy can help the company meet

the demnad of product’s quality. This

will pleasure customers.

People  Vinfast employees are only recruited when they  (S) As can be seen that these factors

meet the requirements such as professionalism and can improve the company servie ,

skillfulness. Besides, company has Management satisfy customer during purching

team and designers come from abroad to ensure process. Contributing to creating

product quality. trendy products of good quality. As a

result, it will increase the brand’s


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Process  To find and buy a car, look for vehicle purchasing  (S) Customers can enjoy the car

instructions in showrooms or use Vinfast's buying process, compare models

website. After that, customers should go directly directly and experience the product in

to the showroom to pay for the product with the most authentic way.

diverse methods.  (W) Can cause some cases đủing the

Covid pandemic due to the meeting

Physical - Vinfast has a fairly large sales scale stretching from  (S) Diversify physical location which

evidence North to South with 76 showrooms is more convenient for customer to

- In addition, there is a private parking area for Vinfast purchase. Moreover it make the

cars and it is impossible not to mention the diversity satisfaction about the aesthetic needs

and beauty of Vinfast cars. of consumers

3. SWOT analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:

Vinfast has its own a positive brand However, Vinfast is still not a well-

image - this is undeniable. To contribute known company in the car industry and

this reputation, company has a dense and has some deficiencies compared to

quality dealer network. Besides, Vinfast competitors such as technology,


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tend to sell products has high quality but marketing.

reasonable price. Last but not least, it also

has the extensive financial resouces.

Opportunities: Threats:

Respondign to the digital transformation, Vietnam is not a country specializing in

company should selling on the e-comerce automobile production, so Vietnam's auto

for customers easier to buy especially in auxiliary industry is still limited. Besides,

the Covid pandemic. the expansion of the market is also a

Besides, when the pollution is warning dilemma that the company needs to solve.

compnay should diversify product Moreover, company has to face to the

especially with electronic car line threat of competition from big giants such

as Tesla, Hyundai, Toyota,…

Consequently, the more choices, the more

power the buyer has, and the company

will also have to deal with this problem.

III. Marketing proposal

1. Marketing objective

 Selling 4000 electric cars in Vietnam from 1/1/2022 to 31/12/2022


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 Increase awareness of VFe34 as a high quality and medium price by 55% by


 Completing the construction of 450 charging stations in 64 provinces of Vietnam

by December 31, 2022.

2. STP strategy

 Segmentation and target

- Psychologycal segmentation: people have eco-enviroment lifestyle. Because this car

is aim for eco-enviroment character so that it suitable for this type of psychologycal


- Behavioural segmentation: customers with purchasing habit “Vietnamese people use

Vietnamese goods”. This is due to the fact that some cutomers are faithful clients of

the Vietnamese product, they try to support domestic product as possible.

- Demographic segmentation: high-income. Because the price of a Vinfast car is said

to be 600 million VND, the average car buyer must have an income of about 40-50

million VND a month to be able to buy a car in one year.

3. Position strategy:

 USP: In case you can not control your electric car in English fluency, Vin cars

will assist you.


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 Positioning message: Because the customer that Vinfast wants to target at this

time is Vietnamese. Understanding the psychology and obstacles of Vietnamese

customers when using foreign cars is that quite a few customers can control the

car in a foreign language, so Vinfast wants to aim for a local language, easy to use

in the domestic market. Control process for Vietnamese consumers.

4. Product

 According to Ansoff Matrix, the electric car is a new product in the Vietnamese

market as well as in the Vinfast manufacturing process , therefore VFe34 is a

diversification strategy. Even when method is deemed high-risk, it is appropriate

for Vinfast in the future in order to comply with environmental regulations (ban

gasoline cars from circulating in the inner city by 2025). Vinfast is also a

subsidiary of Vingroup, therefore it has the necessary means and financial resouce

to carry out this strategy.

 Core benefits: personal transportation, eco-enviroment product

 Generic product: electric car

 Expected product:

When buying VFe34, customers can experience a car can travel 400km per

charge, can connect to Apple card and Androi auto for controlling. About the

entertainment screen and information screen, the car has parameters are 9.5inch and

8inch, respectively. To meet the safety of user when driving, the producer created the


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safety and driver assistance features such as obstruction notification, charging

notification, maintenance schedule and automatically call for help in case of

emergency. Last but not least, VFe34 model has a trendy and luxury design which is

satissfy buyer.

 Augmented product:

In order to create a highlight for Vietnamese customers, VFe34 has added support for

voice control in Vietnamese and support for car battery rental. Besides, Vinfast also

offers free Vinfast parking in areas under Vingroup such as Vinpearl, Vinhome.

Moreover, it is a preference during charging at Vinfast's charging stations: Vinfast's

cars will be given priority to be charged first compared to other car brands.

 Potential product:

To entice customer loyalty, Vinfast offers customers a 10-year warranty, along with a

policy of exchanging old for new, exchanging gas cars for electric cars to promote the

purchase mpre electric cars.

5. Price

 Pricing strategy: Because Vinfast is a new entrant in the auto industry and

especially in the production of electric cars. Therefore, its reliability is not as

great as that of companies with long-standing foundations such as Tesla,


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Hyundai. Therefore, Vinfast's VFe34 will apply a penetration pricing strategy to

create the impression of a high-quality low-cost product of a new entrant in order

to improve the brand's influence and market share. Then will raise the price to a

competitive level to get better profit.

 The starting price of Vinfast electric cars is VND 600 million. This is a low price

for electric cars compared to competitors like Tesla with 1.65 billion VND.

However, after selling 400 cars and increasing 10% of the market share to raise

consumer awareness, the price of Vinfast electric cars will increase to 900 million

VND in order to generate profits for the company and increase its

competitiveness. compete on price with other competitors.

 In order raising price without ticking off company’s customers, Vinfast can

provide free car charging service within 1 year.

6. Place:

 Vinfast should apply the hybrid distribution structure which means not only

having showrooms and a website but also having a dealer as what the company is

doing with gasoline cars

 Using a direct-distribution with 55 showrooms global, and 57 service workshops,

including 16 VinFast Chevrolet points, and through website Vinfastauto.com.

Besides, it also uses an indirect distribution with 30 authorized dealers, in order to

select reputable dealers for themselves, Vinfast has used 3S: 1S (Sales); 2S

(Selling Services and Parts) and 3S (Sales and Supplying Services and Parts) to


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increase coverage and convenience for consumers. Vin dealers must fully meet

the requirements in terms of area, service and design, thereby improving

customer experience, increasing credibility, contributing to market penetration

and increasing market share in Vietnam as well as internationally.

 However, with the influence of the Covid pandemic as well as the development of

technology, online shopping is now a suitable trend in this context. Therefore,

Vinfast should have a separate platform for its company to serve online sales.

7. Promotion

 Target audience: Focus on Vietnamese people's psychology to use Vietnamese

goods and want to protect environment

 Planned marketing

Advertising - Using digital marketing: by working with third-party influencers to

promote the electric car on social media such as Instagram, Facebook,

Youtube. For example, model Chau Bui, she participated in the campaign as

well as the "No, Thanks" song to call on young people to protect the


- Using print marketing such as Tien Phong, VN express.

- Using TV marketing such as appearing on news, interviews and


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Vietnamese movies.

- Outdoor: Time square at big cities, bus station.

Sale - 3-zero price policy on the first day of launch

- Reduce cost when charging in charge station

-- 10% discount when paying in full

- no interest for the first two years for instalment customers

Direct - Using email marketing by getting the users’ data through banking or using

marketing cloud computing to get it easily through the social media. Then, by creating a

tailored client experience, With an example subject line: "Hoang Anh, a

special offer only for you," setting up company emails and subject lines to

include the recipient's name is a proven approach to enhance open and click-

through rates.

Public - Open auto shows so that Vietnamese people may recognize the brand image

relation in the most genuine way possible.

- Participate in the Motor Show - which aids in the creation of brand

awareness and image for electric vehicles.


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- Creating a social campaign with many celebrities participating such as

Quang Đại, Trang Hí.

Personal - Increase the calling rate to customers to ensure customer service with a

selling strategy of 40% division for current customers and 60% for potential


- 24/7 online consulting team

- The team of consultants when buying directly is enthusiastic, friendly and

ensures an understanding of the function and structure of the product.

 Unplanned marketing:

- Understanding the psychology of Vietnamese consumers with "made in Vietnam"

products, the company should focus on communication on social networking sites

especially in the loving car group, forum,... The amount of seeding on social networks

could get positive feedback or not based on customer perception.

- Offer some promo codes when buying Vingroup products to promote word of

mouth. Such as free car charger 2 times when posting comments about Vinfast


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electric cars. Give a reward worth 1 million to customers when successfully

marketing 1 other person to buy an electric car.

8. People

 Training corporate customer service personnel: since being able to deliver

outstanding customer care to clients may be considered as a differentiating

element from the competition. As a result, businesses spend to train their

customer support representatives. This should include both the technical and

human elements of the position. This implies that they should be well-versed in

the details of their products and services. At the same time, they must have

personality and truly care about their consumers.

 Staff design and write website content: Because the company is expanding its

online sales, it needs to meet the needs of consumers when buying online. At the

same time, attract customers through reputable, sympathetic and attractive


 Should give incentives to its sales team in the form of bonuses for hitting

objectives or commissions on sales.

 Making a commitment of what have to and must to not do in the service for the



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9. Process strategy

 Offline:

- Ensure that its products are always accessible to dealers and that procedures are in

place to alert dealers when inventory levels are low. This guarantees that clients have

access to things whenever they need them.

- Having an electronic point of sale that scans phones during checkout

- Use sterilization equipment, measure body temperature to ensure safety during the

purchase process

 Online:

- Has an online delivery process in which orders are accepted in a computer system,

and the appropriate product from the inventory is dispatched to the delivery service

provider based on these orders. The purchaser may then pick up the automobile in

three days. Customers can also pay with a variety of credit cards and e-wallets.

- Hotline to support opens 24/7

10. Physical evidence

- In terms of offline sales, Vinfast should speed up the installation of power charging

stations, which are placed on both roads and boulevards and are scattered over 63

provinces. There will be experts and customer service representatives available 24


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hours a day, seven days a week. Furthermore, the showroom will expand from 74 to

86 locations, with a focus on building mostly in large cities.

- In terms of selling online, Vinfast will design a website that is appealing to the eye,

simple to navigate, and secure with an SSL certificate (Secure sockets layer). It also

has a comment section that allows users to leave feedback on the company's products

and services.

- Invoices are well-designed and have a distinct personality.

11. Action plan


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Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)


12. Budget location

Ps Activities Price Explain References

Product 40% excise tax 285,5 Following the tax regulation



10% VAT 126,6 Following the tax regulation

Million Pham (2019)


Product’s cost 371,6 materials, transportation,

Million production, warranty,

VND storage, sales, management

Place Land tax payable tax amount = Nhadatlongbien (2020)

356 882 incurred tax amount -

179 VND exemption amount

Set up website 20 000 Hiring staff to design web, N/A

000 VND buy website domain name,

Promotio Digtal marketing vs 30000 662 000 22.080VNĐ for 1000 views Nguyen (2021)

n views VND

Hiring influencer Châu Bùi 100 000 about 46 000 000 for 1 post Lan (2019)

000 VND


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Posting 1 post on 50 000 50 000 000 VND for 1 car Brandcom (2021)

Vnexpress 000 VND advertisement post

Advertisement at bus stops 620 892 275,940,000 VND for Sixth sense media (2022)

in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh 000 VND Hanoi bus station and 344

City 952 000 VND for HCMC

bus station for 1 year

Open auto show 500 000 appointed N/A

000 VND

People Cost of training consultants 800 000 appointed N/A

000 VND

Hiring design cost 900 000 appointed N/A

000 VND

The cost of hiring blog and 9 000 000 3 000 000 VND/ 1 post. BICT (2022)

website writers VND Write 3 post

Cost of hiring staff on duty 500 000 appointed N/A

at the charging station 000

Process Deliver cost 7 000 000 appointed N/A


Physical Building charge station 3 000 000 appointed N/A

evicende 000 VND

13. Measures for monitoring and controlling


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Factors Metrics
Sales Selling 1,500 cars per 3 months
Online revenue Selling 600 cars though online to get

online revenue contribution per 3 months

Product awareness Finding form customer research, susrvey
Cost effectiveness of marketing ROMI = revenue- marketing

investment expense/marketing expense

IV. Media plan

1. Media objective

Overall goals: To sell 4000 electric automobiles in Vietnam from January 1, 2022 to

December 31, 2022, we opted to prioritize reach over frequency. According to the

Ostrow Model, the overall reach of the media strategy will be 60-75 (70), with a

frequency of 3 (moderate).

Detail objectives for digital media:

Metrics Objectives

Ad impressions Ad impressions 33.334/5%= 666.680

Digital media cost 10 Billion

Click-through rate 5%
Site conversation Clicks 10.000/30%= 33.334

Cost-per-click (CPC) / 33.334 =



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Conversion rate (click to 30%

Lead conversion rate Opportunity response 3600/35%= 10.000

Cost-per-opportunity / 10.000 =

(CPO) 1.000.000

Conversion rate 35%

(opportunity to sale)
Number of outcomes Sales Sale 3600 cars
Cost-per-sale (CPS) / 3600 =


2. Campaign insight

Finding strong insights is critical to the success of campaigns in the advertising sector.

An insight is a genuine consumer epiphany. Find out why your target consumers

believe the way they do, act the way they do, and feel the way they do. And improve

on it so that it can adapt to real-world demands.

a) Buyer decision making process:

i. Need recognition:

Customers realize the need to buy a car from life needs such as being away from home,

weather factors (cold weather, rainy weather), or due to external influences such

as advertising, news (about Covid 19, air pollution and ts effects on health),


Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)


word-of mouth. From there, realize the necessity of buying a car, especially an

electric car

ii. In formation search:

Customer can find the car information from:

 Internal : Memory and Experience

 Friends and Family,

 Magazines, social media. Love car forum

 From famous reviewer in social media

 Join discussion network such as Quora, Digg

iii. Evaluate altenatives

 Customers can compare cars through any reference source (such as youth

newspapers, car prices.vn, toplist.vn, giaxetot.vn...)

iv. Purchase and post-purchase decision

 Customer can booking online through website and review product on its post to

get promo-code.

b) Tendency of using social metwwork nowadays

i. Using tiktok to advertise products when there has 39,65 million user mark in

September 2021 - a potential audience fo brands to approach (wearesocial, 2021)

ii. Social commerce - Up to now, Vietnam with more than 72 million people

(accounting for more than 73.3% of the total population) uses social networks

such as IG, FB, Tiktok, ... to search for products and brands.. (Tuyet, 2021)


Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)


iii. Video content is dominant when it estimeted that 82% of all online content will be

video content in 2022.

c, How other companies using social network site:

 Tesla has used social media especially with video content beyond Youtube, Face

book and Tiktok to advertise product.

 Hyundai's Facebook profiles are used for marketing, promotions, consumer

involvement, and customer care. Hyundai was also included in the Disney

Channel's Marvel series to advertise the product. As a result, Marvel and Disney

fans in general will be attracted.

3. Segmentation and targeting

Segmentation variable Target audience

Relationship with Existing customer with policy of exchanging petrol cars for

company electric cars and new customer as the VFe34 is a new

product on the car market

Demographic high-income. Because the price of a Vinfast car is said to be

segmentation 600 million VND, the average car buyer must have an

income of about 40-50 million VND a month to be able to

buy a car in one year.

Psychographic of
People who have a lifestyle that protects the environment
attitudinal segmentation
Because consumers when buying a car - a long-term

attachment will have to face high risks such as cost, quality,

... Therefore, they will be careful in the search process.


Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)


product information. Taking advantage of this opportunity,

the company should coordinate many media plans to bring

information to customers in the most thorough way.

Behaviour Customers tend to receive video information through

channels such as VTV (from 7-8 hours), Tiktok, Facebook,


Radio related to VOV traffic, people with high income or

traveling - or reading magazines about business, fashion on

the plane,

4. Content marketing

i. Message

 USP: In case you can not control your car in English fluency, Vin - the first

generation of eclectric car in VN will assist you.

 Positioning message: Because the customer that Vinfast wants to target at this

time is Vietnamese. Understanding the psychology and obstacles of Vietnamese

customers when using foreign cars is that quite a few customers can control the

car in a foreign language, so Vinfast wants to aim for a local language, easy to use

in the domestic market. Control process for Vietnamese consumers.

ii. The tone of campaign will be fresh, inspirational, impressive and proud of

Vietnamese products

iii. Slogan: VFe34 - your future environment


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Media Channel &idea Justification

Radio VOV - Voice of Vietnam - Using push strategy to add

presents a story about a more information for

breakthrough in Vietnam's customers who usually

vehicle manufacturing want to update car’s

business. information

Television VTV1 - appeared on the Push marketing for who

news with image of the usually watch NEWS in

first car Vietnam the time frame from 7-8

innovation pm

Internet Social network such as Pull marketing and from

Facbook, tiktok vs content one to many

video (The content is a communication. For who

model of the VFE34 car; usually entertain by the

create a trend on tiktok video and want to get

when taking photos with visual of product as well as

VFe34, you will receive a get objective comments of

voucher related to commenters in the

Vingroup). At this time, comment area.

everyone will discuss in


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the comment section and

can share the article

Website - using the old

From one to many;
web to increase the
Interactive dialogues. For
prestige, besides selling on
those who want to have
the web to increase
direct and credit
convenience for
information of prodct
customers; code can open

chatbot for consultation

Send personalized From one to one for

promotional emails with potential and existing

the content “Dear A, this customer

car is for you”

Interactive dialogues for

Open discussions on those who want to have a

Quora, Digg with content: comprehensive view from

what do you think about product users


Press New Hanoi newspaper, Push marketing for those

Tuoi Tre newspaper, who often travel, travel on

business and fashion


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magazine ships or business planes

Outdoor Outdoor advertising at Push marketing

metro stations, bus

stations, airports, cinemas

with the image of Vfe34 as

well as its slogan

5. Budget and media mix

Meida type Budget Media mix

Radio 1,5 billion VND 0,12%
Television 2,5 billion VND 0,2%
Internet 2 billion VND 0,16%
Social media 3 billionVND 0,24%
Smartphone 1 billion VND 0,08%
Press 1 billion VND 0,08%
Outdoor 1,5 billion VND 0,12%
Total 12,5 billion VND 1%


Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)


6. Integratin into overall media schedule or plan

7. Some pampaigns to promote VFe34:

i. Summer vacation without emission: At this campaign, we will focus on

magazine, radio because the target customers are high income and they tend to

update information on these type of media. Besides, we also using tiktok abd

facebook ads to create a trend for customers who are Millenial and they can

create word-of-mouth. Moreove, summer vacation is a suitable timeline to

create a trends.

ii. Using Vietnamese goods to raise Vietnamese spirit: using outdoor, TV news,

blog, tiktok ads. Because this campaign with bold Vietnamese spirit, when

brought to VTV, it will increase its prestige in the minds of users. Besides,

these types of ads can convey the nature of this campaign most clearly


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Downloaded by Tran Le Minh Quan (tranleminhquan.bec@gmail.com)

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