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Syllabus Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World: I. General Comment

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This syllabus is compiled based on the content of the book Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful
World. All phonics, vocabulary and model sentences are introduced in relation to each
theme’s topic and theme of this book. It combines the more effective literacy
techniques for teaching English as a foreign language to Vietnamese primary students.
Teachers follow this syllabus to consolidate the lessons students; as well as to improve
the students’ listening and speaking skills every week. By the end of the school year,
students can remember all lessons they’ve learnt and use the phonics, vocabulary and
model sentences in effective communication.

II. TOTAL DURATION: 140 periods x 40 minutes/ period

No. Description / Topic Periods

1 Unit 0 - 11 108
2 Review 24
3 End-of-term revision 4
4 End-of-term test 4


- Lecture
- Individual/ Pair/ Group work
- Games/ Songs
- Extra activities

- From September to May of every Year


Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 1

Period Optional

Unit / Topic Language Lesson objectives tasks in
in SB
Unit 0: Vocabulary: ● To practice greeting Task
Greetings hi, hello, nice, meet and self introduction 1, 2, 3
Lesson 1: ● Hello. / Hi. I’m + name. ● To practice greeting
Greetings Hello. I’m Ana. and responding to
(p.6) Hi, Ana. I’m Tomas. greetings
● Nice to meet you.
Unit 0: Vocabulary: ● To practice greeting Task
Greetings how, fine, thanks, I’m, thank you, and responding to 4, 5, 6
Lesson 1: goodbye greetings
Greetings ● How are you? ● To practice saying
(cont) - I’m fine, thank you. goodbye and
(p.7) ● Goodbye./Bye. responding
1 Vocabulary: ● To practice saying Task
Unit 0: stand up, sit down, look at the and following some 1, 2, 3
Greetings board, come in, don’t talk, go out simple classroom
Lesson 2: ● Stand up!/ Sit down! instructions
Classroom ● May I go out?/
Instructions May I come in?
(p.8) ● Look at the board!
● Don’t talk!
Unit 0: Vocabulary: ● To practice saying Task
Greetings red, blue, black, green, white, and using colours 1, 2, 3
4 Lesson 3: orange ● To practice asking
Colours (p.9) ● What colour is it? and answering
- It’s + colour. questions about colours
Vocabulary: numbers 1-10 ● To practice saying Task
Unit 0:
● How old are you? and using numbers 1- 1, 2, 3
- I’m + number. 10
Lesson 4:
5 - I’m + number + years old. ● To practice asking
and answering
questions about one’s
Unit 0: ● Alphabet: ● To recognize and say Task
2 Greetings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H letters in the alphabet 1, 2, 3
6 Lesson 5: ant, boy, duck, egg, frog, hippo and in some words
Unit 0: ● Alphabet: ● To recognize and say Task
Greetings I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q letters in the alphabet 4, 5, 6
7 Lesson 6: insect, jug, king, lemon, octopus, and in some words
Alphabet queen

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 2

Unit 0: ● Alphabet: ● To recognize and say Task
Greetings R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z letters in the alphabet 7, 8, 9
Lesson 7: sun, tiger, van, box, yellow, and in some words
Alphabet zebra

Unit 0: Review: ● To review the Task

Greetings - Alphabet A-Z alphabet 1, 2, 3
Lesson 8: - I’m + name. ● To review introducing
Fun time and - I’m + number + years old. oneself
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
family, brother, mum, dad, sister, engage students to the 1, 2, 3
Unit 1: cool topic of the unit
My family (family)
10 Lesson 1 ● To identify some
(p. 15, 16) family members
● To listen to and read
simple introduction
about one’s family.
Unit 1: Review: family, brother, mum, ● To review some Task Task 6
My family dad, sister, cool family members 4, 5, 6
Lesson 1 ● This is my brother/ dad/ ● To practice
(cont) mum/ sister/ family. introducing one’s family
(p.17) member using “This is
my …”
Unit 1: Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
My family aunt, cousin, grandma, grandpa, more family member 1, 2, 3
12 Lesson 2 uncle, great ● To listen to and read
(p. 18) longer introduction
about one’s family.
Unit 1: Review: aunt, cousin, grandma, ● To review some Task Task 6
My family grandpa, uncle, great family members 4, 5, 6
13 Lesson 2 ● My brother is Jack. ● To introduce your
(cont.) family member’s name
(p. 19)
Unit 1: Review: family, brother, mum, ● To review some Task Task 9
My family dad, sister, aunt, cousin, uncle, family members 7, 8, 9
4 14 Lesson 2 grandma, grandpa, great, cool ● To introduce your
(cont.) ● My brother is Jack. family member’s name
(p. 20) ● Jack is my brother.
Unit 1: Vocabulary: ● To learn some Task Task 3
My family short, tall, old, young, funny adjectives to describe 1, 2, 3
15 Lesson 3 ● My mum is short. family members
(p. 21) ● To describe your
family members

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 3

Unit 1: Review: short, tall, old, young, ● To reviw some Task Task 6
My family funny adjectives to describe 4, 5, 6
Lesson 3 ● My mum is short. family members
(cont.) ● You/ We/ They are funny. ● To practice using
(p. 22) You/ We/ They’re funny. “are/ ‘re” to describe
(are = ‘re) people
Unit 1: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My family seven pronouncing s and sh 7, 8, 9
5 17 Lesson 3 short
(cont.) I’m seven. I’m short.
(p. 23)
Unit 1: ● Do a crossword ● To review vocabulary Task
My family ● Project: A family member about family members 1, 2
18 Fun time ● To practice
and project introducing one’s family
5 (p. 24)
Review 1 ● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned Task
Part 1 (p. 25) in unit 0 1, 2, 3
Review 1 ● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned Task
Part 2 (p. 26) in unit 1 1, 2, 3
Review 1 ● Watch a video about a girl introducing her family Task Video
Part 3 – members 1, 2, 3  Audio
video ● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and
(p. 27) after watching the video
Review 1 ● Review vocabulary about family members Task
Part 4 (p. 28) ● Practice introducing one’s own family members 1, 2
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
classroom, lesson, homework, engage students to 1, 2, 3
student, teacher the topic of the unit
Unit 2:
● To identify some
My school
6 people and things at
23 Lesson 1
(p. 29-30)
● To listen to and
read simple
introduction about
people and things at
Unit 2: Review: classroom, lesson, ● To review some Task Task 6
My school homework, student, teacher people and things at 4, 5, 6
Lesson 1 ● It is a classroom. school
(cont.) He’s a student. ● To talk about some
(p. 31) She’s a teacher. people and things at
(‘s = is) school with to be “is”

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 4

Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
board, chair, clock, desk school things 1, 2, 3
Unit 2: ● To read and listen
My school to longer description
Lesson 2 about one’s
(p. 32) classroom
● To talk about
school things
Review: board, chair, clock, desk ● To review some Task Task 6
● We’re students. school things 4, 5, 6
Unit 1:
● They’re teachers/ desks. ● To identify plural
My family
26 Lesson 2
● To talk about
people and school
(p. 33)
things using “we/
they, are”
Review: board, chair, clock, desk ● To practice Task Task 9
● We’re students. listening and 7, 8, 9
Unit 2:
● They’re teachers/ desks. speaking about
My school
people and things at
27 Lesson 2
school using
personal pronouns
(p. 34)
(we/ they) with to
be (are) (affirmative)
Vocabulary: book, pen, pencil, ● To identify some Task Task 3
Unit 2: rubber, ruler school things 1, 2, 3
My school ● To listen to and
Lesson 3 read description
(p. 35) about things in a
Review: book, pen, pencil, rubber, ● To review some Task Task 6
ruler school things 4, 5, 6
Unit 2:
● Are you a student? ● To ask and answer
My school
- Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. some questions
29 Lesson 3
● Are they desks? about school with to
- Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. be (Are)
(p. 36)
8 (I’m not = I am not
aren’t = are not)
Unit 2: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My school desk pronouncing /k/ 7, 8, 9
30 Lesson 3 cool and /u:/ sounds
(cont.) The desks are cool.
(p. 37)

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 5

● Find and circle ● To review Task
Unit 2: ● Project: Your dream classroom vocabulary about 1, 2
My school people and things at
31 Fun time school
and project ● To practice
(p. 38) introducing one’s
dream classroom
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
8 bird, cat, dog, fish, rabbit engage students to 1, 2, 3
the topic of the unit
Unit 3: (animals)
Animals ● To identify some
Lesson 1 animals
(p.39-40) ● To listen to and
read simple
descriptions about
some animals
Review: bird, cat, dog, fish, rabbit ● To review some Task Task 6
● This is a bird. animals 4, 5, 6
Unit 3:
● That is a rabbit. ● To identify
difference between
33 Lesson 1
This and That
● To talk about
(p. 41)
animals using “This/
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey wild animals 1, 2, 3
Unit 3: ● To listen to and
Animals read longer
Lesson 2 descriptions of
(p. 42) animals
● To talk about wild
Review: elephant, giraffe, lion, ● To review some Task Task 6
monkey wild animals 4, 5, 6
Unit 3:
● These are monkeys. ● To identify
● Those are giraffes. difference between
35 Lesson 2
These and Those
● To talk about wild
(p. 43)
9 animals using
“These/ Those”
Unit 3: Review: elephant, giraffe, lion, ● To review some Task Task 8
Animals monkey animals 7, 8, 9
36 Lesson 2 ● This/ That is a lion. ● To talk about
(cont.) ● These/ Those are giraffes. animals using “This/
(p. 44-45) That/ These/ Those”

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 6

Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
shark, sea, turtle, whale sea animals and 1, 2, 3
Unit 3: their living habitat
Animals ● To listen to and
Lesson 3 read longer
(p. 46) descriptions animals
● To talk about sea
Unit 3: Review: shark, sea, turtle, whale ● To review some Task Task 6
Animals ● What’s this/ that? sea animals 4, 5, 6
38 Lesson 3 - It’s an elephant. ● To ask and answer
(cont.) ● What are these/ those? some questions
(p. 47) - They’re whales. about animals
Unit 3: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
Animals garden pronouncing /a/ and 7, 8, 9
39 Lesson 3 elephant /e/ sounds
(cont.) ● My grandma is in the garden.
(p. 48) ● Those are elephants in Africa.
Unit 3: ● Game: Do a puzzle ● To review Task
Animals ● Project: Bring a photo and vocabulary about 1, 2
40 Fun time describe. Share. animals
and project ● To practice
(p. 49) describing animals
Review 2 ● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned Task
41 Part 1 in unit 2 1, 2, 3
(p. 50)
Review 2 Task
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned
42 Part 2 1, 2, 3
in unit 3
(p. 51)
● Watch a video about people describing their school Task Video
11 Review 2
objects and animals 1, 2, 3  Audio
43 Part 3 - video
● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and
(p. 51)
after watching the video
Review 2 Task
● Practice describing school objects and animals
44 Part 4 1, 2, 3
(p. 53)
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
house, bathroom, living room, engage students to 1, 2, 3
kitchen, bedroom the topic of the unit
Unit 4:
My house
45 ● To identify some
12 Lesson 1
rooms in a house
● To listen to and
read descriptions of
a house

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 7

Unit 4: Review: bathroom, living room, ● To review some Task Task 6
My house kitchen, bedroom rooms in a house 4, 5, 6
46 Lesson 1 ● There’s a living room. ● To talk about
(cont.) ● There are three bedrooms. rooms in a house
(p. 56) with There is/are
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
bed, computer, lamp, toy, TV house furniture 1, 2, 3
Unit 4: ● To listen to and
My house read longer
Lesson 2 descriptions of the
(p. 57) house
● To talk about
house furniture
Review: ● To review some Task Task 6
bed, computer, lamp, toy, TV house furniture 4, 5, 6
● Is there a clock in the bedroom? ● To ask and answer
- Yes, there is. questions about
Unit 4: ● Is there a TV, too? house furniture
My house - No, there isn’t. There isn’t a TV with Is there/ Are
48 Lesson 2 in the bedroom. there
(cont.) ● Are there books in the living
(p. 57) room?
- Yes, there are.
● Are there toys, too?
- No, there aren’t. There aren’t
toys in the living room.
Review: ● To review some Task Task 9
bed, computer, lamp, toy, TV house furniture 7, 8, 9
● Is there a clock in the bedroom? ● To review asking
Unit 4: - Yes, there is. and answering
My house - No, there isn’t. There isn’t a questions about
49 Lesson 2 clock in the bedroom. house furniture
(cont.) ● Are there books in the living
(p. 59) room?
- Yes, there are.
- No, there aren’t. There aren’t
books in the living room.
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
Unit 4:
ball, birthday, car, doll, game, teddy toys and events 1, 2, 3
My house
50 bear ● To listen and read
Lesson 3
about toys and
(p. 60)
Unit 4: Review: ball, birthday, car, doll, ● To practice using Task Task 6
My house game, teddy bear a, an, the in 4, 5, 6
51 Lesson 3 ● There’s a ball. The ball is red. speaking about
(cont.) ● There’s an elephant. The house furniture and
(p. 61) elephant is young. toys

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 8

Unit 4: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My house chair pronouncing /eə/ 7, 8, 9
13 52 Lesson 3 game and /ei/ sounds
(cont.) There are four chairs in the kitchen.
(p. 62) The game is great.
● Game: Unscramble the letters ● To review Task
Unit 4: ● Project: Draw the rooms of a vocabulary about 1, 2
My house house rooms, household
53 Fun time objects and toys
and project ● To practice
(p. 63) describing the
rooms of a house
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
shoes, skirt, socks, trousers, T-shirt engage students to 1, 2, 3
Unit 5: the topic of the unit
My clothes (clothes)
Lesson 1 ● To identify some
(p.64-65) clothes items
● To talk about
Review: shoes, skirt, socks, trousers, ● To learn and Task Task 6
14 Unit 5:
T-shirt practice using have 4, 5, 6
My clothes
● I/ You/ They’ve got a T-shirt. My/ got and possessive
55 Lesson 1
Your/ Their T-shirt is red. adjectives in
(have got = ‘ve got) speaking about
(p. 66)
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
boots, coat, dress, hat, warm more clothes items 1, 2, 3
● To listen to and
Unit 5:
read longer
My clothes
56 descriptions of
Lesson 2
(p. 67)
● To practice
speaking about
warm clothes
Review: ● To identify some Task Task 6
boots, coat, dress, hat, warm winter clothes 4, 5, 6
Unit 5:
● He/ She/ It’s got a coat. His/ Her/ ● To learn and
My clothes
Its coat is nice. practice using has
57 Lesson 2
(has got = ‘s got) got and possessive
adjectives in
(p. 68)
speaking about
Unit 5: Review: ● To review some Task Task 9
My clothes shoes, skirt, socks, trousers, T-shirt, clothes items 7, 8, 9
Lesson 2 boots, coat, dress, hat, warm ● To talk about
(cont.) ● He/ She/ It’s got an orange coat/ somone’s clothes

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 9

(p. 69) a red T-shirt. with colours
(has got = ‘s got).
Vocabulary: ● To learn some Task Task 3
big, small, new, pretty, ugly adjectives to 1, 2, 3
describe clothes
Unit 5:
● To listen and read
My clothes
59 longer descriptions
Lesson 3
of clothes
(p. 70)
● To practices using
adjectives to speak
about clothes
Review: big, small, new, pretty, ugly ● To review some Task Task 6
Unit 5: ● I/ We/ You/ They’ve got a new T- descriptive 4, 5, 6
My clothes shirt. adjectives
60 Lesson 3 ● He/ She/ It’s got a small hat. ● To practice using
(cont.) adjectives to
(p. 71) speaking about
Unit 5: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My clothes trousers pronouncing /aʊ/ 7, 8, 9
61 Lesson 3 boots and /b/ sounds
(cont.) I’ve got blue trousers and black
(p. 72) boots.
Unit 5: ● Game: Match the words and ● To review Task
My clothes pictures vocabulary about 1, 2
62 Fun time ● Project: Draw and compare clothes
and project ● To practice
(p. 73) describing clothes
Review 3 ● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned Task
63 Part 1 in unit 4 1, 2, 3
(p. 74)
Review 3 Task
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned
64 Part 2 1, 2, 3
in unit 5
(p. 75)
Review 3 ● Watch a video about people describing clothes Task Video
65 Part 3 - video ● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and 1, 2, 3  Audio
(p. 76) after watching the video
Review 3 Task
● Practice describing clothes and toys
66 Part 4 1, 2, 3
(p. 77)
67 semester ● Review vocabulary and grammar learned in unit 0 – 5.
68 semester ● Get familiar with end-of-semester test format

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 10

69 semester ● Do the end-of-semester test.
70 semester ● Correct the end-of-semester test.
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
Unit 6: cook, read, speak English, write, engage students to 1, 2, 3
My hobby swim the topic of the unit
Lesson 1 ● To identify some
(p. 78, 79) activities/ hobbies
that one can do
Unit 6: Review: cook, read, speak English, ● To review some Task Task 6
My hobby write, swim activities/ hobbies 4, 5, 6
18 72 Lesson 1 ● I/ You/ We/ They/He/She/ It can ● To practice using
(cont.) read. ‘can’ to write and
(p. 80) talk about ability.
Vocabulary: ● To learn more Task Task 3
buy, colour, dance, draw, paint, sing vocabulary about 1, 2, 3
Unit 6: activities that one
My hobby can do
Lesson 2 ● To understand a
(p. 81) longer text about
what one elephant
can do
Unit 6: Review: buy, colour, dance, draw, ● To review some Task Task 6
My hobby paint, sing activities/ hobbies 4, 5, 6
74 Lesson 2 ● I/ You/ We/ They/He/She/ It ● To practice using
(cont.) can’t read. ‘can’t’ to write and
(p. 82) talk about ability.
Review: buy, colour, dance, draw, ● To practice Task Task 9
19 paint, sing listening to a longer 7, 8, 9
● I/ You/ We/ They/He/She/ It text and speaking
Unit 6.
can/ can’t read. about what a
My hobby
person/an animal
75 Lesson 2
can or can’t do
● To practice
(p. 83)
speaking about
family members
using “can/ can’t”
Vocabulary: ● To learn more Task Task 3
play the drum/ guitar/ piano activities one can do 1, 2, 3
Unit 6:
with a musical
My hobby
76 instrument
Lesson 3
● To practice
(p. 84)
listening to and
reading a longer text

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 11

about what one can
do with a musical
Review: ● To review some Task Task 6
play the drum/ guitar/ piano activities one can do 4, 5, 6
Unit 6:
● Can I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ with a musical
My hobby
you/ they paint? instrument
77 Lesson 3
- Yes, … can. ● To ask and answer
- No, … can’t. questions about
(p. 85)
whether someone
20 can do something
Unit 6: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My hobby write pronouncing 7, 8, 9
78 Lesson 3 toy /t/ and /ɔɪ/
(cont.) I can write with my pen.
(p. 86) I can buy a toy.
● Game: Find and circle ● To review Task
● Project: Write about your family vocabulary about 1, 2
Unit 6:
activities that one
My hobby
can do
79 Fun time
● To practice
and project
speaking about what
(p. 87)
family members can
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
20 baseball, basketball, football, engage students to 1, 2, 3
hockey, tennis the topic Sports
Unit 7:
● To identify some
80 ● To practice
listening to and
Lesson 1
reading simple
(p. 88, 89)
description of a
sport that a person
is playing.
Unit 7: Review: baseball, basketball, ● To reviewsome Task Task 6
My football, hockey, tennis sports 4, 5, 6
favourite ● I’m playing baseball. ● To talk about
sport ● He’s/ She’s playing baseball. sports someone is
Lesson 1 playing at the
21 (p. 90) momment
Unit 7: Vocabulary: ● To learn some Task Task 3
My catching, hitting, kicking, jumping, more vocabulary 1, 2, 3
favourite running about activities
sport when playing a sport
Lesson 2 ● To practice
(p. 91) listening to and

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 12

reading a longer text
about hockey
Unit 7: Review: ● To review some Task Task 6
My catching, hitting, kicking, jumping, activities when 4, 5, 6
favourite running playing a sport
sport ● I’m not running. ● To talk about what
Lesson 2 ● He/She isn’t kicking the ball. someone isn’t doing
21 (cont) (p. 92) at the moment
Unit 7: Review: ● To review some Task Task 9
My catching, hitting, kicking, jumping, activities when 7, 8, 9
favourite running playing a sport
sport ● I’m not running. ● To talk about what
Lesson 2 ● He/She isn’t kicking the ball. someone isn’t doing
(cont) (p. 93) at the moment
Vocabulary: ● To learn some Task Task 3
flying a kite, riding a bike, watching more vocabulary 1, 2, 3
Unit 7:
a match, team about sports
● To practice
85 listening and
reading the
Lesson 3
conversations about
(p. 94)
one’s favourite
activities/ sports
Review: flying a kite, riding a bike, ● To practice using Task Task 6
watching a match, team the question form of 4, 5, 6
Unit 7:
● Are you riding a bike? Present continuous
- Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. tense to ask and
● Is he/ she watching a match? answer questions
22 86 sport
- Yes, he/ she is. about one’s action in
Lesson 3
- No, he/ she isn’t. progress.
● To sing a song
(p. 95)
about hockey

Unit 7: My Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8

favourite team pronouncing /ɪ/ & 7, 8, 9
87 sport hockey /iː/ sounds
Lesson 3 I’m playing hockey with my team.
(cont) (p. 96)
Unit 7: My ● Activity: Look and write ● To review Task
favourite ● Project: My favourite sports vocabulary about 1, 2
sport sport
Fun time ● To review
and project
(p. 97)
Review 4 ● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned Task
23 89 Part 1 in unit 6 1, 2, 3
(p. 98)

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 13

Review 4 Task
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned
90 Part 2 1, 2, 3
in unit 7
(p. 99)
● Watch a video about people talking about their favourite Task Video
Review 4
23 91 activities 1, 2, 3  Audio
Part 3 - video
● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and
(p. 100)
after watching the video
Review 4 Task
● Practice asking and answering about one’s ability
92 Part 4 1, 2, 3
(p. 101)
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
in the library, in the museum, at the engage students to 1, 2, 3
theatre, at the zoo the topic my Town
Unit 8: ● To identify some
My town places in town/ city
Lesson 1 ● To practice
(p. 102, 103) listening to a
conversation about
one is allowed to do
in a library.
Review: in the library, in the ● To learn and Task Task 6
museum, at the theatre, at the zoo practice using may 4, 5, 6
Unit 8: ● Listen, please. to express
My town Don’t talk, please. permission and
Lesson 1 ● May I talk? Imperatives to give
(p. 104) - Yes, you can. command in
- No, you can't. Listen, please. writing and
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
at the market, in the park, at the more places in 1, 2, 3
Unit 8: playground, in the pool, at the toy town
My town shop ● To practice
Lesson 2 listening to a
(p. 105) conversation asking
and answering
about places.
Review: at the market, in the park, at ● To review some Task Task 6
Unit 8: the playground, in the pool, at the toy places in a town/ a 4, 5, 6
My town shop city
96 Lesson 2 ● What are you doing? ● To ask and
(cont) - I’m swimming in the pool. answer questions
(p. 106) ● What’s he/ she doing? about what
- He’s/ She’s running in the park. someone is doing
Unit 8: Review: at the market, in the park, at ● To practice Task Task 9
25 My town the playground, in the pool, at the toy listening to a longer 7, 8, 9
Lesson 2 shop text about a town in
(cont) ● What are you doing? Greece.

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 14

(p. 107) - I’m swimming in the pool. ● To practice
● What’s he/ she doing? speaking about
- He’s/ She’s running in the park. places and what
people are doing
Vocabulary: ● To learn some Task Task 3
drink, eat, have fun, look at, see, take more vocabulary 1, 2, 3
photos about activities
people do when
Unit 8:
visiting a town/city
My town
98 ● To practice
Lesson 3
listening to and
(p. 108)
25 reading text about
activities to do
when visiting a
Review: drink, eat, have fun, look at, ● To review some Task Task 6
see, take photos activities people do 4, 5, 6
Unit 8:
● Let’s see the paintings! when visiting a
My town
- Yes, lets. town/ a city
99 Lesson 3
● To practice using
“Let’s” in speaking
(p. 109)
and writing to make
100 Unit 8: Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8
My town tour pronouncing /ʊə/ 7, 8, 9
Lesson 3 theatre and /ɪə/ sounds
(cont) ● Let’s go on a city tour!
(p. 110) ● Let’s go to the theatre!
● Activity: Look and match ● To review Task
Unit 8:
● Project: Design your dream city vocabulary about 1, 2
My town
places in town and
101 Fun time
activities people do
and project
when visiting a
(p. 111)
Vocabulary: ● To introduce and Task Task 3
apple, banana, pear, tomato engage students to 1, 2, 3
26 the topic of the unit
Unit 9:
(my favourite food)
● To identify some
102 fruits
● To practice
Lesson 1
listening to and
(p. 112, 113)
reading simple
sentences about

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 15

Review: apple, banana, pear, tomato ● To understand Task Task 6
Unit 9: My
● There are some/ many/ a lot of the use of “some”, 4, 5, 6
apples. “many”, “a lot of”
103 ● To practice using
Lesson 1
“some”, “many” and
“a lot of” to talk
(p. 114)
26 about food.
Vocabulary: bread, cheese, chicken, ● To identify some Task Task 3
Unit 9: My
juice, milk, rice food. 1, 2, 3
● To understand a
104 food!
longer text about
Lesson 2
food around the
Unit 9: My Review: bread, cheese, chicken, juice, ● To review some Task Task 6
favourite milk, rice food 4, 5, 6
food! ● Where is the bread? ● To ask and
Lesson 2 - It’s on/ in/ under the box. answer about the
(cont.) location of objects
(p. 116) (singular noun)
Review: bread, cheese, chicken, juice, ● To practice Task Task 9
Unit 9: My
milk, rice listening to a longer 7, 8, 9
● Where is the bread? text and speaking
27 106 - It’s on/ in/ under the box. about food.
Lesson 2
● To practice
talking about food
in the kitchen.
Vocabulary: ● To identify some Task Task 3
Unit 9: My
biscuit, chocolate, ice cream, sweets more food 1, 2, 3
● To practice
107 food!
listening to and
Lesson 3
reading a longer
(p. 118)
text about food.
Vocabulary: Number 11-20 ● To review some Task Task 6
Unit 9: Review: biscuit, chocolate, ice cream, foods 4, 5, 6
My sweets ● To identify
favourite ● How many apples are there? numbers 11 - 20
108 food! - There are sixteen apples. ● To practice
Lesson 3 asking and
(cont.) answering about
(p. 119) quantity

Unit 9: My Pronunciation: ● To practice Task Task 8

favourite drink pronouncing /dr/ 7, 8, 9
food! bread and /br/.
28 109
Lesson 3 I’m drinking juice and eating bread.
(p. 120)

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 16

● Read and match. ● To review some Task
Unit 9: My
● Project: Draw your food. food. 1, 2
● To practice
110 talking about food,
Fun time
location and
and project
quantity of food in
28 the kitchen.
Review 5 Task
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned
111 Part 1 1, 2,
in unit 8
(p. 122) 3, 4
Review 5 Task
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned
112 Part 2 1, 2, 3
in unit 9
(p. 123)
Review 5 ● Watch a video about people talking about food in a Task Video
Part 3 - market. 1, 2, 3  Audio
video ● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and
(p. 124) after watching the video
Review 5 Task
● Practice asking and answering about one’s favourite
114 Part 4 1, 2, 3
Vocabulary:  To introduce and Task Task 3
climb, river, rock, tree, water engage students to 1, 2, 3
Unit 10:
the topic of the
Our World
115 unit (Our Nature)
Lesson 1
 To identify some
(p. 126, 127)
nature and nature
29 activities.
Review:  To understand Task Task 6
climb, river, rock, tree, water affirmative 4, 5, 6
 I/ We/ You/ They climb the rock. sentence
Unit 10:
structures of
Our World
present simple
116 Lesson 1
 To practice using
these sentence
(p. 128)
structures to write
and talk about
Vocabulary: cold, hot, rainy, sunny,  To learn more Task Task 3
summer, winter vocabulary about 1, 2, 3
Unit 10:
● It’s cold/ hot/ rainy/ sunny. weather.
Our World
30 117 ● It’s summer/ winter.  To understand a
Lesson 2
longer text about
the weather in

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 17

Review: cold, hot, rainy, sunny,  To review some Task Task 6
Unit 10:
summer, winter weather 4, 5, 6
Our World
● Do you go to school in summer? phenomena
118 Lesson 2
- Yes, I do.  To practice asking
● Do they swim in winter? about daily
(p. 130)
- No, they don’t. activities.
Review: cold, hot, rainy, sunny,  To practice Task Task 9
summer, winter listening to a 4, 5, 6
Unit 10:
● Do you go to school in summer? longer text and
Our World
- Yes, I do. speaking about
119 Lesson 2
30 ● Do they swim in winter? weather.
- No, they don’t.  To practice talking
● It’s hot in summer. about weather in
different places.
Vocabulary:  To learn more Task Task 3
dry, wet, spring, autumn vocabulary about 1, 2, 3
Unit 10:
● It’s dry/ wet. season.
Our World
120 ● It’s spring/ autumn.  To practice
Lesson 3
listening to and
(p. 132)
reading a longer
text about seasons.
Review: dry, wet, spring, autumn,  To review some Task Task 6
Unit 10 :
summer, winter vocabulary about 4, 5, 6
Our World
● I like summer. season
121 Lesson 3
● I don’t like winter.  To practice talking
about personal
(p. 133)
Unit 10 : Pronunciation:  To practice Task Task 8
Our World wet, cold pronouncing /w/ 7, 8, 9
122 Lesson 3 and /əʊ/
(cont.) ● It’s wet and cold in winter.
(p. 134)
● Game: Find and circle.  To review Task
● Project: Write and share vocabulary about 1, 2
Unit 10: weather and
Our World seasons.
123 Fun time  To practice
and project describing
(p.135) weather and
activities in 4
Vocabulary: 7 Days of the week  To introduce and Task Task 3
Unit 11: Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, engage students to 1, 2, 3
My day Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday the topic of the
Lesson 1 unit (My day)
(p. 136, 137)  To identify 7 days
of the week.

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 18

 To practice
listening to and
reading simple
sentences about
days of the week.
Review: 7 Days of the week  To review 7 days Task Task 6
Unit 11:
Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, of a week 4, 5, 6
My day
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday  To practice asking
125 Lesson 1
● What do you do on Mondays? and answering
- I go to school on Mondays. about daily
(p. 138)
Vocabulary: get up, have breakfast,  To learn more Task Task 3
Unit 11: have lunch, have dinner, go to bed vocabulary about 1, 2, 3
My day daily activities.
Lesson 2  To understand a
(p.139) longer text about
32 daily activities.
Unit 11: Vocabulary: get up, have breakfast,  To practice asking Task Task 6
My day have lunch, have dinner, go to bed and answering 4, 5, 6
127 Lesson 2 ● Who do you go to school with? questions with
(cont.) - I go to school with my friends. “Who”.
(p. 140)
Review: get up, have breakfast, have  To practice Task Task 9
lunch, have dinner, go to bed listening to a 7, 8, 9
● Who do you go to school with? longer text and
Unit 11:
- I go to school with my friends. speaking about
My day
daily activities.
128 Lesson 2
 To practice asking
and answering
questions about
activities in a
Vocabulary:  To identify some Task Task 3
motorbike, train, bike, bus. different means of 1, 2, 3
Unit 11: ● I go to school by motorbike. transport.
My day  To practice
Lesson 3 listening to and
(p. 142) reading a longer
33 text about
activities in a week
Unit 11: Review: motorbike, train, bike, bus.  To practice asking Task Task 6
My day  How do you go to school? about the means of 4, 5, 6
130 Lesson 3 By bike. transport in daily
(cont.) activities.
(p. 143)

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 19

Unit 11: Pronunciation:  To practice Task Task 8
My day /aɪ/ Friday /i/ yes pronouncing /aɪ/ 7, 8, 9
131 Lesson 3 and /j/.
(cont.) ● Yes, I go to the cinema on Friday.
(p. 144)
 To review Task
● Game: Write words in the right
33 vocabulary about 1, 2
Unit 11:
order days of the week,
My day
time of a day and
132 Fun time ● Project: Draw your week daily activities.
and project
 To practice talking
about daily
Review 6
● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned 1, 2,
133 Part 1
in unit 10 3, 4
(p. 146)

Review 6 Task Task 4

● Review vocabulary and sentence patterns learned 1, 2,
134 Part 2
in unit 11 3, 4
(p. 147)
Review 6 ● Watch a video about people talking about weather in Task Video
Part 3 - different countries. 1, 2, 3  Audio
video ● Do some listening comprehension exercises while and
(p. 148) after watching the video
Review 6 Task
● Practice asking and answering about one’s favourite
136 Part 4 1, 2, 3
137 semester ● Review vocabulary and grammar learned in unit 6 – 11.
138 semester ● Get familiar with end-of-semester test format.
139 semester ● Do the end-of-semester test.
140 semester ● Correct the end-of-semester test.

Tieng Anh 3 Wonderful World (4 periods/ week) 20

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