Rupali Halnor (Report)
Rupali Halnor (Report)
Rupali Halnor (Report)
”AI-Ml Internship(Ireland)”
(Computer Engineering)
Submitted by
1. Introduction
2. Actual producer follow
3. skilled develop / learning outcomes
4.Program code/ Output of code
5. Aim of the Micro-Project
6. References/Bibliography
0.6 Conclusion:-
AI is at the centre of a new enterprise to build computational models of intel-
ligence. The main assumption is that intelligence (human or otherwise) can
be represented in terms of symbol structures and symbolic operations which
can be programmed in a digital computer.Machine Learning can be a Super-
vised or Unsupervised. If you have lesser amount of data and clearly labelled
data for training, opt for Supervised Learning. Unsupervised Learning would
generally give better performance and results for large data sets.
0.7 References/Bibliography:-
1. Google.
2. chrome.
3. firefox.