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Swasthvrutta and Yoga Paper 2: 2 Marks Questions

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Swasthvrutta and Yoga Paper 2

Section – A

2 Marks questions

1. Write down the modes of transmissions of Leprosy

2. What is hardness of water?
3. What are the sources of artificial light?
4. Define noise pollution
5. Which are the adverse effects of X rays?
6. Enlist the types of ventilations
7. Enlist the modes of transmissions of Typhoid
8. What is acquired immunity?
9. Which physical changes occur in air of occupied room?
10. Write down the names of methods for domestic water purifications?

11. Enlist the auditory effects of Noise pollution


12. Which household instrument become source of radiation?

13. Write the properties of mountain air

14. Enlist the biological effects of lightening


15. Write the types of solid waste


16. Write the names of offensive trades


17. Enlist the name of transmission of an infection


18. Write the drawback of the burial method of dead body disposal

19. Enlist any four classical remedies of Janapadoddhavansa


20. Write the properties of the air of occupied room

21. Enlist the effects of radiation
22. Write name of any four occupational diseases
23. Enlist the duties of school medical officer
24. Enlist the method of solid waste disposal
25. Enlist the measures for controlling air pollution
26. Write the rules about constructing a cattle shed
27. How is the excreta disposal managed in camps and fairs?
28. Write the types and causative organisms of Typhoid
29. Write the benefits of Electric Cremation method of dead body disposal

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30. Enlist the main causes of Janapadoddhvanasa

31. Enlist the types of ventilations
32. Enlist the types of soil
33. What is meant by ESI Act?
34. Enlist the name of microbes of Malaria
35. Enlist the types of Viral hepatitis
36. Define prevalence with example
37. Define incidence with example
38. Enlist the name of epidemiologic triad
39. Define epidemiology
40. Enlist the properties of Air
41. Enlist the types of water examination
42. Enlist the measures of purifying the land
43. What is meant by noise pollution?
44. What is meant by bio medical waste?
45. Enlist the process of dead body disposals?
46. Write a definition of Sankramana
47. Write a definition of Visankramana

48. Write the precautions for Malaria


49. Write the name of diseases occurring due to drinking of impure water

50. Write the name of air borne infectious diseases with their preventive

51. Write the special provisions for females in an industrial institute


52. Write the importance of operation theatre


53. What is the optimum quantity of use of water per day?


54. Write the importance of water shield toilets


55. Health hazardous occupations


56. Sexually transmitted diseases

57. What is meant by composition of Air?
58. Ideal house
59. Write the qualities of Kupajala
60. Enlist the name of the equipments for artificial light
61. Write the preventive measures of Janapadoddhansa
62. Write the precautions of syphilis infection
63. Causes of diabetes
64. Write the causes of coronary heart diseases
65. Write the cause of Hypertension

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66. Enlist the qualities of wind blowing from the East

67. Mention the sources of radiation in Hospital
68. Define Epizootic
69. Write any four occupational disorders of driver
70. Enlist the harmful effect of artificial lightening
71. Which micro-organism causes Rabies? How does it spread?
72. Define Immunity
73. Which two diseases can be prevented through BCG vaccine ?
74. Types of polio vaccine
75. Enlist the name of vaccines composing Pentavalent vaccine.

5 Mark questions:

1. Write a short note on: Non-infectious water borne diseases

2. Write a short note on: parameters for selecting an ideal location for
construction of house
3. Write a short note on: Adverse effects of chemical factors on employees
in industries

4. Write a short note on: prevention of tetanus


5. Write a short note on: advantages and disadvantages of Eletcric

cremation method of dead body disposal

6. Write a short note on: Rabies


7. Write a short note on: Natural Air purification factors


8. Write a short note on: modes of transmission


9. Write a short note on: Pneumoconiosis


10. Write a short note on: Septic tank


11. Write a short note on: Disaster management


12. Write a short note on: Housing and health

13. Write a short note on: Dengue fever
14. Write a short note on: AIDS
15. Write a short note on: Housing standards
16. Write a short note on: Biological importance of water
17. Write a short note on: Chikun gunya
18. Write a short note on: Syphilis
19. Write a short note on: Relation of Air and Health
20. Write a short note on: Noise pollution and its control
21. Write a short note on: Health problems of school children

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22. Write a short note on: Filariasis

23. Write a short note on: Water Pollution
24. Write a short note on: Cattle shed
25. Write a short note on: Temporary latrines
26. Write a short note on: Occupational diseases
27. Write a short note on: Disinfection
28. Write a short note on: Polio
29. Write a short note on: Hypertension
30. Write a short note on: Ideal Hospital
31. Write a short note on: Ideal house
32. Write a short note on: Vyadhikshamatva
33. Write a short note on: Tuberculosis
34. Write a short note on: Ideal method for water filtration
35. Write a short note on: Ideal Panchakarmaagara
36. Write a short note on: Romantika (Measles)
37. Public health system
38. Air pollution
39. Sun rays therapy

40. Management of proper disposal of waste


41. Health hazardous occupations


42. Write a short note on: Ideal School

43. Write a short note on: Diphtheria

44. Write a short note on: Pertussis


45. Write a short note on: Mumps


46. Write a short note on: SARS


47. Write a short note on: Influenza


48. Write a short note on: Write a short note on: Viral hepatitis

49. Write a short note on: Typhoid

50. Write a short note on: Leptospirosis
51. Write a short note on: Dengue fever
52. Write a short note on: Leprosy
53. Write a short note on: Gonorrhea
54. Write a short note on: Chanchroid
55. Write a short note on: Diabetes
56. Write a short note on: Obesity
57. Write a short note on: Coronary Heart disease
58. Write a short note on: Rheumatic heart diseases

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59. Write a short note on: Global warming

60. Write a short note on: ESI Act
61. Write a short note on: Indian factory Act
62. Write a short note on: methods of water purifications
63. Write a short note on: Ventilations and its types
64. High attitude and Health problems
65. Write a short note on: Tests and analysis of water
66. Write a short note on: standard Mahasana (Kitchen)
67. Write a short note on: Vikirana (Radiation)
68. Write a short note on: Meteorology
69. Write a short note on: Excreta disposal
70. Write a short note on: Offensive trades
71. Epidemiologic triad
72. Write a short note on: Epidemiology
73. Write a short note on: Incidence and prevalence

10 Mark questions:

1. Describe the causes and preventive measures for “Janapadodhvansaka


vikara” according to Ayurveda.


2. Mentioning the physical, chemical and biological changes occurring in


the air of an occupied room, describe their adverse effects and preventive

3. Explaining the “Non-communicable diseases epidemiology” describe


epidemiology of “Obesity”.

4. Describe epidemiology and prevention of any one contemporary endemic



5. Describe “slow sand bed filtration” method of water purification

6. Describe “Mechanical composting” and “Biological composting” of solid
waste disposal with their advantages and disadvantages.
7. Describe the natural and artificial ventilations.
8. Describe water pollution and diseases related with water.
9. Explaining air pollution, describe its effect on health and society.
10. Explaining noise pollution, describe its effect on health.
11. Explaining the classical causes of Janapadoddhvansa, describe the utility
of Panchakarma and Rasayana on it.
12. Describe the Urban and Rural Housing Standards

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13. Describe Urban and Rural Solid Waste disposal management.

14. Describe the ideal house and its importance in health
15. Explain disaster management.
16. Describe the ancient types of water according to their sources.
17. Explain the importance of School Health Services.
18. Describe the importance of air for health and explain the effect of air
cooling equipment on health.
19. Explain advantages and disadvantages of electric cremation method for
dead body disposal.
20. Describe the adverse effects of industrial air and water pollution on
21. Describe the types of measures of Air Purification.
22. Describe the rural waste disposal system (methods)
23. Write the difference between infectious and contagious diseases and write
the causes and management of any two such disorders.
24. Explain in detail the communicable disorders with their management in
present era.

Section – B

2 marks questions

1. Write any four functions of village health guide


2. What id NSV (Non Scalpel Vasectomy)?


3. Write down the aim and objective of Universal Immunization Program


4. Define primary health care services as per Alma Ata Declaration


5. What is BCG? What is schedule for its administration?

6. Define vital statistics
7. What is meant by OPV and BCG?
8. What is meant by MMR and DPT ?
9. What is AYUSH?
10. What is importance of vaccine?
11. Define “ safe period” with regards to female conception
12. Which medicines are given under National Leprosy Eradication Program?
13. Define Median and Mode with regards to Vital Statistics
14. Enlist the name of NGOs related with health services

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15. Write the functions of WHO

16. Enlist the utility of health statistics
17. Enlist the name of vaccines given in Universal Immunization Program
18. What is meant by Mean?
19. Enlist the name of diseases included in sexually transmitted diseases
control program
20. What is meant by tertiary health care?
21. What is meant by secondary health care?
22. Define family planning
23. What is the structure of Pulse Polio Immunization Program?
24. Write the main component of National Water Supply and Sanitation
25. What is meant by fertility rate?
26. Enlist the family planning methods for female
27. Enlist the family planning methods for male
28. What is DOTS?
29. Write the objectives of National Rural Health Mission
30. Write the preventive measures for Dengue and Chikengunya

31. Write the difference between primary and secondary health care

32. What is meant by Demographic cycle?


33. What is meant by Neonatal Care?

34. Define health statistics

35. Write the names of United Nations’ agencies working in the health sector

36. Enlist the main factors of Anti- Malaria Program


37. Write the function of male health worker


38. Write the function of female health worker


39. Write the function of Anganvadi Worker


40. Write the function of ASHA

41. Write the main four points of Alma Atta declaration
42. Write the benefits of health statistics collection
43. What is meant by mortality rate?
44. Write the full name of M.M.R and D.P.T
45. Write the contribution of Ayurveda in population control
46. The aim and objectives of mother and child welfare program
47. Method of collection of data of health statics
48. D.O.T program
49. Which are the functions of sub P.H.C?

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50. Write the functions of Female Health Assistant

51. Write the functions of Male Health Assistant
52. What is meant by Mid-Day Meal program?
53. Write the full form and utility of O.P.V
54. Write the natural methods of contraception
55. Define emergency contraceptives
56. When WHO was established? How we remember its foundation day?
57. Write any four disorders managed by Secondary Health Care System
58. Enlist the examinations required to be carried out during Ante-natal
59. Write any four disorders managed by Primary Health Care System
60. Write any four disorders managed by Tertiary Health Care System

5 marks questions

1. Write a short note on: Elements of primary health care

2. Write a short note on: National health policy

3. Write a short note on: Deposable delivery kit


4. Write a short note on: Role of Ayurveda in preventive geriatrics


5. Write a short note on: Diagnosis of tuberculosis in RNTCP


6. Write a short note on: Trained Dai


7. Write a short note on: Categorization of T.B patients for treatment


purpose under RNTCP


8. Write a short note on: Necessity of family planning in India


9. Write a short note on: UNICEF

10. Write a short note on: ICDS
11. Write a short note on: Functions of CHC
12. Write a short note on: RCH ( Reproductive and child health program)
13. Write a short note on: Activities done under National AIDS control
14. Write a short note on: Contributions of Ayurveda in Primary Health Care
15. Write a short note on: Operative methods of contraception for male and
16. Write a short note on: RNTCP
17. Write a short note on: National Diabetes Control Program
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18. Write a short note on: Minimum needs program

19. Write a short note on: Antenatal Care
20. Write a short note on: Alma- Atta declaration
21. Write a short note on: National Leprosy Eradication Program
22. Write a short note on: National Programs for controlling blind ness
23. Write a short note on: Child health problems in India
24. Write a short note on: Central Health Administration
25. Write a short note on: National cancer control program
26. Write a short note on: National Anti- Malaria Program
27. Write a short note on: Mother and child welfare program
28. Write a short note on: State health administration
29. Write a short note on: AYUSH therapies in primary health care
30. Write a short note on: Structures of Polio Eradication Movement
31. Write a short note on: Universal Immunization Program
32. Write a short note on: World Health Organization
33. Write a short note on: Administration of AYUSH
34. Write a short note on: National water supply and sanitation program
35. National health policy

36. National population policy


37. Health administration


38. Write a short note on: Contributions of Ayurveda in Blindness control

39. Write a short note on: Polio eradication program

40. Write a short note on: Role of teachers and students in control of over


41. Write a short note on: District level health administration


42. Write a short note on: Indicators of MCH care


43. Write a short note on: Demography


44. Write a short note on: International Health Agencies

45. Write a short note on: Health Insurances
46. Write a short note on: Mid day meal
47. Write a short note on: Anemia control program
48. Write a short note on: NRHM
49. Write a short note on: National diabetes control program (NDCP)
50. Write a short note on: Health statistics

10 marks questions

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1. Describe the functions of “Female health worker” in detail.

2. Describe WHO in detail.
3. Describe ‘DOTs’ under RNTCP.
4. Writing the definition of Primary Health care, explain its principles.
5. Explain the structure and importance of family welfare program.
6. Describe the method of family planning.
7. Describe Rajyakshma (tuberculosis) and Vishuchika (Cholera).
8. Describe the role of Primary Health Centre in primary health care.
9. Explain the Health Statistics in National Health Policy.
10. Describe the importance of AYUSH in Indian Health Services.
11. Explain the role of AYUSH in primary health care.
12. Explain the importance of data collection, classification and presentation
in health statistics.
13. Explain the importance of health surveys, fertility rate and mortality rate
in health statistics.
14. Describe the elements and principles of primary health care
15. Explain family planning and its importance in present era.
16. Describe the health administration at the central level.

17. Describe the Ideal Hospital.


18. Explain the importance of health Insurance and Voluntary Health


Agencies in Primary Health Care.

19. Explaining Health Surveys, Describe the Importance of Health care of the


20. Describe the National Anti-Malaria Program.


21. What is the National Program? Write T.B control National Program and

describe contribution of Ayurveda in T.B Control Program.


22. Explain the method of “Suvarnaprasha” for Immunity.


23. Describe the contribution of Ayurveda in primary health preservation.

24. Describe the national I.D.D control program
25. What is immunity? Write down its types and describe in detail the
techniques for increasing immunity.

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