Fig-a Fig-b
In contrast to the constant current or DAV machines, the constant voltage or CAV
machines have a more flat characteristic curve as in Fig-c. The slope of the curve is so flat that
any small change voltage makes for an extremely large change in the output currents. These
systems are generally preferred in the automatic machines since they become self corrective.
For example, when the e1ectrode comes a bit closer to the work, the arc voltage drops raising
the output current to a very high value. This current instantly melts the electrode & thus
maintains the arc gap.
The third type is the rising arc voltage (RAV) type of machines which are
modifications of the CAV machines. An advantage of RAV over CAV is that as the amperage
requirement from the machine increases, the voltage automatically increases, thus helping to
maintain a constant arc gap even if short circuiting occurs. This RAV is adaptable to fully
automatic processes.
Fig. 2
Basically, electrons have a small mass, 9.1 x 10-28 gms. Electrons are easily
disassociated from the metal at the negative pole, or the cathode. This small amount of
negatively charged mass is accelerated away from the cathode to the positive pole, or the
anode, striking it at a highly accelerated velocity. This path of the negatively charged mass is
generally in the interior of the arc column which is the hotter portion of the arc column. The
electrons carry an electrostatic charge, 4.80 x 10-10. This electrostatic or small current-carrying
capacity is multiplied thousands of times, causing part of the heat of the arc column. Another
part of the heat liberated by the arc column is directly related to kinetic energy. The formula
for kinetic energy is ½MV2. In this case, M equals the mass of each electron. The electrons
accelerate to a high velocity. Their masses are extremely small but there still is a very high
amount of energy stored within them. As they strike the anode, heat energy is released.
Intermingling with the negatively charged electrons, ions that are positively charged are
returning from the anode to the cathode and producing the ionized gas layer which further
protects the electrons and the electrostatic unit within the electron. The electrostatic unit is
induced into the anode causing in the anode an electromotive force (emf), which is directly
transferred into heat energy. The energy or kilowatt hour rating of the arc column is easy to
predict because there is a direct relationship between the energy supplied to the arc column and
the heat that will be liberated by the arc column. This rating is determined by computing
current, in amperage, times voltage, times time in hours. Time can be broken down into
seconds. When time is in seconds, heat is expressed in terms of Joules.
Because of the characteristics of the electrons and ions in the arc column, three areas of
heat are liberated in the arc stream: the cathode area, the plasma area, and anode area (Figure -
3). Of the three areas, the anode area is the high-heat area where approximately 10,000 to
11,000F of heat is liberated. The liberation of the heat results from the combination of the
impingement of the electrons upon the anode anvil and the current-carrying capacity of the
electrons. The plasma area is heated mainly as a result of the atomic collision of the few
electrons and the many ions that are passing through the ionized gas column. The cathode or
the negative pole is subject mainly to ionic bombardment, which produces the state of medium
heat in the arc column.
The arc is one of the most efficient means for producing heat that is available to
modern technology. Nearly 50% of the electrical energy input into arc is converted into heat
energy. Approximately two-thirds of the energy released in the arc column system is at anode
or positive pole.
The welding circuit consists of power source, two cables (electrode cable & ground
cable), the ground clamp, the electrode holder, stinger & electrode.
In DC welding the electron flow is in one direction while in AC welding the electron
flow is in both directions. In DC welding, the direction can be changed by simply reversing the
cables at the terminals located on the generator. The different settings on the terminals indicate
the electron flow will be either from the electrode to the work which is positive ground or from
the work to the electrode which is the negative ground.
Two-thirds of the heat is developed at the anode while remaining is developed near the
cathode. As a result, an electrode that is connected to positive pole will burn away
approximately 50% faster than one that is connected to negative pole. This helpful in obtaining
desired penetration of base metal (Fig.-4). If the positive ground is used, the penetration will be
greater because of the amount of heat energy supplied by the electrode force to the work. At
the same time the electrode will burn away slowly. If the poles are reversed, & negative ground
is used, two-thirds of the heat will remain at electrode tip. For this reason, the penetration of
heat zone in base metal will be shallow when compared to penetration depth of the positive
ground arc column.
Alternating current combines the characteristics of both the deep penetration & the
shallow penetration, yielding a penetration depth that is approximately between that achieved
by the DC positive ground & negative ground. The electron flow switches grounds every cycle
yielding a bead penetration depth approximately between the two DC types.
With direct current, because the electrode only creates the arc and does not provide
filler material, a positively charged electrode causes shallow welds, while a negatively charged
electrode makes deeper welds. Alternating current rapidly moves between these two, resulting
in medium-penetration welds. One disadvantage of AC, the fact that the arc must be re-ignited
after every zero crossing, has been addressed with the invention of special power units that
produce a square wave pattern instead of the normal sine wave, eliminating low-voltage time
after the zero crossings and minimizing the effects of the problem.
With DC power supply, if positive ground is used i.e. the electrode is connected to
negative pole & workpiece to positive pole, the setup is termed as straight polarity. The
electrons flow from the electrode into the work. When the electrode is positive & the work is
negative, the electrons flow from the work into the electrode; it is termed as reverse polarity.
(Fig-5). With reverse polarity, the work remains cooler than in straight polarity.
Since more heat is produced at anode, in all processes using non-consumable
electrodes, the electrode is connected to cathode (DCSP or DCEN) to minimize heat losses.
However, it may not be always possible to do so because, at times, the cleaning action of the
mobile cathode spot needs to be utilized to release the tenacious refractory oxides from the
metal eg welding of aluminium & magnesium. DCSP is also preferred for working with parts
of large thickness.
When consumable electrode is used, metal transfer from the wire electrode to the
workpiece is more uniform, frequent & better directed if the reverse polarity (DCRP or DCEP)
is used i.e. the electrode is connected to positive pole. DCRP is popular with MIG (GMAW)
which also provides cleaning action on metals with tenacious oxides like Al. DCRP is
preferred for workpieces with less thickness.
Magnetic arc blow is experienced generally when direct current is employed for
welding; however, this peculiarity is sometimes experienced when using alternating current for
the power supply. When using alternating current, there is only approximately 1 percent
chance that magnetic arc blow will be encountered. When current flows through a conductor, it
produces a magnetic flux that circles around the conductor in perpendicular planes. The centers
of the flux circles are located at the center of the conductor. The magnetic flux is produced in
the steel and across the arc gap. The arc column is mainly influenced by the lines of force
crossing the arc gap. As the weld joins the pieces together, there is less and less chance that the
magnetic field will concentrate in the arc gap. As the weld is filling the gap of the joint, it
pushes the magnetic flux ahead of the arc. As long as the flux can travel, no serious arc blow
will interrupt the weld. When the flux ceases to move, however, it piles up, and a magnetic
field of considerable strength develops. The buildup of the flux causes a deflection of the arc
column as it pulls away from this heavy concentration of magnetic force. Ionized gases that
carry the arc from the end of the electrode wire to the work piece are acting as a flexible
conductor. This concentration of flux that pulls the arc from its intended path is called arc
blow. Areas where lines of force have a tendency to concentrate are at points of starting &
stopping & in such places as the inside corners of boxes or frames. In some, instances,
relocation of the ground helps to reduce the strength of the magnetic fields. The effect of the
ground placement is much more apparent in narrow material than in wide material. The wider
the base metal, the less important ground placement is.
The types of electrode used also affect the magnetic field. Electrodes that have iron-
powder coatings or other heavily coated electrodes will produce a large slag formation that is
troublesome when an blow occurs. The slag formation runs under the arc when the arc blow
occurs, causing incomplete fusion and excessive weld splatter.
Also when the slag runs under the arc, continuity of the weld bead is broken. The arc
column is not self-starting, so if it is extinguished it must be reestablished. There are two
essential factors involved in proper continuity. The arc column must be maintained, and the
electrode must be fed into the weld puddle at a continuous rate in order to maintain the proper
spacing between the electrode and the work. As the arc column becomes longer, more arc
voltage is required to maintain the arc. The type of coating on the electrode also changes the
amount of emf or arc voltage that is required to maintain an arc column within a range of
optimum fusion. If there is an insufficient amount of arc voltage or an oversupply of arc
voltage, there will be insufficient fusion of the weld bead. Oxidation and porosity can be kept
to a minimum also by keeping the arc column within an optimum fusion range,. which helps to
control the problem of arc blow.
The base metal, which is also a conductor, has a flux field around it as current passes
through it. These lines of force are perpendicular to the current passing through the work.
Magnetic lines of force circle around the electrode, around the arc column, and around the
work piece. The "right-hand rule" used for finding the direction of the flux is that when the
thumb of the right hand points in the direction of the current flow, the fore-finger points in the
direction of the flux lines. There are three areas of magnetic field travel. The first field is
created by the current passing through the electrode. The second field is created in the base
metal by the ground. The third is created by the electrode arc column that comes in contact
with the base metal. The current is passed through the arc column into the metal. Of these three
types of flux fields or magnetic fields, the second type created in the base metal by the ground
is desirable because this field causes a slight forward pull in the arc column. The first type and
the last type should be controlled.
Magnetic fields created by the flux can never be removed but they can be controlled by
various methods.
set up a magnetic field of sufficient strength to neutralize the force caused by
the flux
welding away from the earth ground connection;
changing the position of the earth connection on the work;
wrapping the welding electrode cable a few turns around the work;
using run-out tabs;
reducing the welding current or the electrode size;
welding toward a heavy tack or portion of the weld already completed;
reducing the rate of travel of the electrode;
shortening the arc column length;
changing the power supply to alternating current.
Functions of Coatings:
Release inert gases such as carbon dioxide under arc heat which shield the molten pool
& protect it from atmospheric oxygen, hydrogen & nitrogen pick up thus reducing
contamination of weld metal.
Coatings provide flux to molten metal pool which mixed with the oxides & other
impurities present in the puddle, forms a slag. The slag being lighter than molten metal
floats on the top of the weld pool & protects it from surrounding air during weld bead
solidification. It also helps the metal to cool slowly preventing a brittle weld. Slag can
be removed when weld gets sufficiently cool.
Some arc stabilizing elements are also added to the coatings. Different coatings for AC
& DC welding.
Special alloying elements introduced to get specific characteristics of the joint metal.
Coating melting rate is slower than the core (filler) which causes the coating to extend
beyond the core causing the arc to be concentrated & directing the filler metal to the
joint. Thermal losses to the atmosphere from electrode tip are reduced.
Coatings are usually insulators of electricity & hence, permit use of electrodes in
narrow grooves & other difficult locations.
Iron powder coatings permit large deposition rates & high electrode efficiency.
Coatings also contain materials which can control the slag to be viscous or fluid.
Viscous slag is useful for making welds in vertical & overhead positions to cover the
weld pool for a longer time.
The manual metal arc welding also called the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is
the most extensively used manual welding process which is done with stick (coated)
electrodes. While its use is decreasing in comparison to the other arc welding processes in the
USA, in India, it still is the most used arc welding process.
This process is highly versatile and can be used extensively, for both simple as well as
sophisticated jobs. Further, the equipment is least expensive compared to that being used in
other arc welding processes. Welds by this process can be made in any position. Job of any
thickness can be welded by shielded metal arc welding. But very small thicknesses below 3mm
may give rise to difficulty in welding because of their lack of rigidity. Similarly very large
thicknesses above 20 mm may take a long time for filling up the joint groove.
The shielded metal arc welding can be done with either AC or DC power source. The
typical range of the current usage may vary from 50 to 500 A, with voltages from 20 to 40 V.
The main disadvantage of the shielded metal arc welding process is the slow speed. The
typical weld metal deposition rates may be in the range of 1 to 8 kg/hr in the flat position. This
reduces substantially for the vertical and overhead positions. Further, a lot of electrode material
is wasted in the form of unused end, slag and gas. There are more chances of slag inclusions in
the bead. Also special precautions are needed to reduce moisture pick-up so that it would not
interfere with the welding.
The electrodes for the welding operation should be selected properly, depending on the
requirements of the welding. The main points to be considered are
1. The composition of the base metal which determines the electrode composition.
2. The tensile strength of the required joint.
3. The thickness of the base metal. For thinner metals the current setting should be lower.
4. The required metal deposition rate.
5. The type of arc welding equipment used. DC arc welding equipment would be preferable for
overhead welding.
6. The weld position, flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead. A flat position can accommodate a
larger size electrode. Also to increase metal deposition rate coatings with iron powder can be
used. In case of vertical & overhead positions, it is necessary that the weld pool is smaller for
better control which requires small size electrode.