Covid 19 changed everything . We need to
wear mask, physically distance ourselves
and disinfect always for prevention.
However these are not enough to fight the
deadly virus. Research shows that vaccines
is the best shield against all type of virus.
If we want vaccine to work, lets cooperate,
lets share our good experience after getting
Vaccinated. Working together can make
vaccination work and we can have healthier
children and better future for them.
Have you experienced going around the
house finding your house key only to find
out that you are holding it in your hands?
How about losing that key for the rest of
your life? alzheimer’s disesse hide that key
for some people.
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE do not have yet
concrete treatment but we can do now is to
understand the people suffering from it. It is
not a matter of insanity but a matter of
awareness. Let us extend a helping hand to
those who cannot find their keys.
When it is okay to be okay?
In the age of social Media where it is so easy
to write “Iam Okay” we have tendency to
neglect our emotions, feelings, and
situations. As we turn off our gadgets, that is
where darkness consumes us. Jut as
important as physical, mental health
It is Okay to be Okay if you feel restless,
tired anxious. It is ok to take a pause,
breathe and prioritize yiurself first. But,
remember that you are not helpless. Talk to
your family. Call a friend. Consult an expert.
It is okay not to be okay, but dont let
yourself stucked in the darkness.
Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of
protecting you against harmful diseases, before
you come into contact with them. It uses your
body’s natural defenses to build resistance to
specific infections and makes your immune system
stronger. However, because vaccines contain only
illed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or
bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you
at risk of its complications, this is according to an
article entitled ___________________ published
on According to Department of Health
(DOH) Undersecretary Dr. Myrna C. Cabotaje
the diseases that prevented by the vaccination are
as follows: Measles, Rubella, Tetanus, and Polio.
The diseases that can be prevented by
immunizations are the Severe TB’S such as TB
Meningitis, Pneumonia, Hepatitis B, and
Diphtheria. Vaccines and Immunizations helps us
with the two different types of Mechanisms which
is; the Live Attenuated and the Toxoid Vaccine.
The BCG (Baccile Calmete-Guerin) and Hepatitis
Vaccine help child’s immune system fight the
germs that causes Tubercolosis and Hepatitis B.
Based on Presidential Degree No. 996, compulsary
basic immunization must be provided for infants
and children below eight years old. After 6 weeks,
the child must get a Pentavalent vaccine against
diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and
pneumonia. And after 9 months, a child must get
its first dose for measles, and must go back again
at 12-14 months for the second dose. Dr. Cabotaje
also mentioned, “All the vaccines that we mention
are safe, they were used all over the world and for
the longest time. All of the vaccines that we are
using are pre-qualified before we buy it. We have
process which is were ensuring the vaccines are
meet the standard that has been approved by the
Worlds Health Organizations (WHO)”. There are
also a side effects when your going to get
vaccinated such as; Soreness, and a little Fever
but if the child experienced high fever, loose vowel
movement (LBM), and vomiting they need to go
back at the health center. In the last week of
April, Department of Health (DOH) celebrates the
“World Immunization’ week, with their program
#vaccineswork. If we want vaccine to work, we
should cooperate, say our good experience after
getting vaccinated and we should also protect the
children from diseases. Dr. Cabotaje once said
that working together can make vaccination work
and can have healthier children and better future
for them”.