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To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the

2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.

3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.

4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.

5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:

a) Descriptive paragraph b. Photo essay

c) Sketch or drawing d) Poem, song or rap

My School Environment

A peaceful place where we can learn, A healthy environment you can smell,
A lot of experiences and skill will earn. All the things in surrounding is so well.
A place where the facilities will not give A place that have limited distraction,
We always follow the precautions.
All the expenses will not turn in vain.

A greenery place you will learn to engage,

The student is can explore,
You will never be in the cage.
New things and knowledge are galore.
Explore this environment as you can,
The punishment will never be promote,
Cause to you we have a great plan.
The student is not controlled by a remote.

As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site.
A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield
better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how each
will contribute to the students' learning and development.

Facilities Description Will it contributes to the students ’

learning and development? Why?

The Principal Office of Regiona l Yes, the principal office is the place
High School can see the stock of the where the school leader or principa l
Office of the files in every corner that can show the visualizes and plans the needs of the
principal works of the principal and other school. The principal makes sure that
school heads. Even though there are a the school she manages has a facility
lot of files it is still presentable and and resource that can help the
has a welcoming feeling. Also, we teachers and students to manipula te
can see the trophies and awards that the lessons. Ensuring the school
get of the school that can show the culture and environment can support
excellency of the school. the learning and development
process of the student.

The library is clean, and has a lot of Yes, having a library in the school is
space for the students, even there are important, it makes the student
Library a lot of tables and chairs, it does not explore and encourages them to read
look crowded. The books are books. Making the student visit the
arranged neatly and not just stock in library they can have a broader and
the shelves. It’s comfortable because advanced knowledge. The library is
it a airconditioned room and also it a good place to study because there
has a computer student to browse is no distraction that the other place
more information on the online in the school, the student can focus
platform. They also have a more on study to gain more new
professional library that can help the knowledge.
student to take the book they need and
bring it book it the right place

The Counseling Room of St. Mary’s Yes, the Counseling Room has an
Academy is so clean and comfortab le important role in guiding the
to see. Well presented, the sofa can behavior of the student. Having good
Counseling Room make the student comfortable while counseling makes the student have a
having a consultation. The comfortable school environment. It
environment is really good and decreases the cases of bullying,
persuasive to the student to tell their traumatic disorder and other ways to
problem and concern. make the learning of students be

The canteen of Deparo Elementa r y Yes, having a canteen makes the

School is so clean and well sanitized, student give the right food for them.
Canteen/Cafeteria which is good because they serve Making sure that the student there is
food for the students. They also sell no inappropriate food that will be
healthy food; they always check the given to the student. If the food given
nutrients of the food they will serve, to students is right it helps the
they not selling junk food and mostly student with their learning, if the
they serve is cooked and healthy food. student is hungry and not healthy,
they will not intake the lessons.
Sadly, here in the Philippines mostly
of public school the food that is
being served is not nutritious for the

The Medical clinic is prepared in the Yes, Medical clinics help the student
things, it has a dental chair, in the learning development by
wheelchair and other medical ensuring that no communicab le
Medical Clinic materials that they can use in case of diseases will be spread to every
emergency. They have a first aid kit classroom of the school. It monitors
to be ready for a simple accident that the health and physical development
may happen to the student while in the of the student to give a physica l
school ground. We can see that the foundation in their learning.
school is well prepared, alert and
caring to the student.

I think the school here at the Yes, Audio Visual Learning/

Audio Visual Philippines has no specify resource Resource Center helps the teacher
Learning/ Resource center because mostly the resources and student to manipulate the lesson.
Center need of the teacher is already inside Resources and materials are good in
the class or it can be in the laboratory using to make the lesson more
and library. realistic and easier to understand by
the student because they can use
different senses on it.

The science laboratory is full of Yes, having a science laboratory in

Science Laboratory manipulative materials that can be the school is a good way to
used in the lessons. The room is so manipulate the science lesson. It also
amusing in the eyes because of the gives students a chance to explore
charts and displays. The most science when they are doing some
amusing thing about St. Mary’s experiment and engaging with
Academy is that every branch of science elements.
science has different room.

The area of the Gymnasium is so wide Yes, having a gymnasium at the

that it can accommodate a lot of school allows the student to express
Gymnasium students in an event. It is well and enhance their skills. The
ventilated, there is a lot of window gymnasium is a good way to support
that the air can go in and out and the the student's development physically
student will not be suffocated in this and emotionally because it allows
indoor area. The stage is durable them to engage in physical activity
because it is made of cement and will and to boost their confidence and
not easily collapsed if there a lot of self-esteem by participating and
student will going to perform. performing in the gymnasium.

The auditorium is wide and can Yes, the same as the gymnasium, the
Auditorium accommodate different kinds of auditorium helps the student to
outdoor sports. The floor is soft, no express and enhance their skills. It
broken areas and well painted that is also makes them develop the
good for playing sports. There are no physical and emotional of the student
barriers that can cause accidents to the when participating and performing
students. in front of the people.

The Outdoor/Garden is so greenery Yes, Outdoor/Garden makes the

that so refreshing to the eyes. This student to have a peaceful and
Outdoor/Garden place is so good to take a rest and to healthy environment. Here they can
have bonding with the classmates. socialize with the other student, play
The place is wide can accommodate a and explore. Having this kind of
lot of student, also good of young place in the school help the student
learners to be their play area and have balance process of learning
discovery place. where they can discover the reality
and apply the things that they learn
inside the classroom.

The Home Economics Room is so Yes, having a Home Economics

presentable, it has complete tools Room the student can more visualize
especially in kitchen ware. They have the things, especially home
Home Economics a kitchen set up in the room that can economic subject that needs an
Room good to utilize the cooking lesson. object and demonstration to make
The place is so clean and can see the understand the lesson. They can
sanitary care in the tools and utilize the use of the tools if they see
equipment. and try to use it. It’s so important that
we have a room to this because we
know there are units that need an
assigned area, like in cooking,
student need a kitchen tool.

In the Bagong Silang High School Yes, like in the Home Economics
there are an Industrial Workshop, Room this Industrial Workshop is
Industrial there are full or wires and tools that also needed and can help to the
Workshop can use of the student. In the wall learning development of student.
there are a two type of circuit that the The student can more utilize the use
student use to lighten the bulb and of equipment and the work area is
apply the knowledge that they learn. appropriate to the things that they
I think mostly of School has no PTA Yes, PTA Office make the teacher
PTA Office Office because they just use the and parent of the student to have a
classroom of the student to have connection. Having a PTA make the
assembly or meeting. parent involve to the school
environment and to the development
for their students. Make the school to
be comfortable for their child that
help them to have a good process of

The comfort room for boys is so Yes, a comfort room makes the
Comfort Room for different to the girls. The cubicle is student clean, learn to wash their
Boys just two because mostly it is a wall hands every time. Train them to go
urinal bowl. They have a sink and a in the comfort room by themselve s
long mirror in the front of it. There are especially to the young learners.
janitors that always clean the comfort Making the student responsible for
room. their waste. We have to make sure it
clean that we can’t avoid the germs
to be pass to the student that can
cause sickness to them

The comfort room for girls has 5 Yes, just like the comfort room for
Comfort Room for cubicles. There are long mirrors and 5 boys, having a comfort room is
Girls sinks. There is always a stock of water makes the student to learn to be
to be the plush for the toilets. The responsible to their waste and clean
comfort room is clean and there is their hands every time.
always a janitress to clean.

Deparo Elementary School video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZudJWJhk2Eo

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space provided.

Video Links:




Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1.Describe the The community of the Bulanon National High School is so cooperative to
community or their school, in the video we can see their support and their participation. The
neighborhood video is about the Brigada Eskwela in Bulanin National High School and we
where the school is can see on it that there are a lot of parents and students participating to clean
found. the environment and classroom of the school. Seeing the parent participating
in this kind of project for the school is a good sign that the community and
the school have a connection to each other. They help the school to have a
good environment and a comfortable classroom for their children.

2. Describe the I observe, the school ground of the Bulunan National High School is so wide.
school campus . There is a lot of space outdoors and the building is not crowded so it makes
What do you see? the classroom well ventilated. The campus has a lot of trees and it is so
What is the greenery that it is good for the student to have a peaceful and healthy
condition of the environment while studying. The facilities are well built, the building is a
buildings? modern type and the classroom has appliances that can make the student
comfortable while learning. The school is complete in the facilities we can
see that they really make sure that they can provide all the needs of their
3. Pass by the The office in the school is clean even though the office is not spacious, still
offices. What the things are organized and not too crowded. I can see that the people in the
impression do you office are so welcoming, joyful and willing to accept any visitors. The office
have of these has a lot of filed paperwork that we can see really monitoring, working and
offices? enhancing the school to make a great learning for the student. The people in
the office have a good relationship with each other, we see that they have a
great communication that makes the environment of the school be positive
and a good role model for the students.

4. Walk through The school halls are clean, we can see that there is always a garbage can in
the school halls, every corner of the school and the students are also responsible for their
the library, the garbage so that they maintain the cleanliness of the school halls. The facilitie s
cafeteria. Look are new, also so clean there is no sign of vandalism and there is no any
around and find hazardous area.
out the other I observe that the school is so safe and always secure to maintain that the
facilities that the student will be far in danger and no accidents will happen while in the school
school has. ground.

Resource Teacher: Ms. Sheng Jimena School:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jeq5jKZbX2s

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and chairs/ desks arranged? Classroom Facilities
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?
When you enter the room the first thing that you notice is the classroom is not
crowded with things, organized and not exaggerated in design. The wall is not crowded with
posters, in the front there is a long green board over it there is a poster of Lupang hinira ng,
prayer, Panatang Makabayan and things that are needed in the opening ceremony of the class. It
is really good that it was posted there so that the students can easily notice it and be their guide
on the first day of class. Beside the board there are character and behavior guides posted together
in the mirror for the student so that they can always prepare themselves and be look presentable
in the class. In the back part of the classroom there is also a big world map and two bulletin
boards. Over these two, the picture of the president of the Philippines starts from Emillio
Aguinaldo to the present president which is Rodrigo Duterte. On the side of the classroom there
are posted rules and regulations and some quotes to motivate the student in their learning. There
are two teacher tables in the front and back, in the front it is just a simple and small table with a
chair and in the back is the actual table of the teacher, all the things and files of the teacher were
there. The cabinets, broom box, garbage can and the DIY fire extinguisher are at the back of the
classroom. The furniture is organized and it is on the side so that it will not cause an accident
for the students. The chairs of the student are filled by 5, 5 in the left and 5 to the right so that
there is a space in the middle to be the passageway of the student. I think the room can
accommodate 30 to 40 students, I think that the average capacity that can accommodate the
room and if the student is more than that it will be crowded and the student will not be
comfortable. The room is well-lit and well-ventilated. It has a right number of lights to make the
room be bright and it has a 4 big window that also can give light to the student and make the air
go in and out the room. The room is so good, cozy and spacious that can make students able to
engage and be comfortable in learning. The teacher also did a great job in her classroom she
maintains it clean and safe for the students.
School observed: Bulunan National High School

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your


Classroom Description
Facilities (Location, number, arrangement, condition)
1.Wall Displays
I observe that all parts of the classroom have wall displays. In the front the
opening ceremony poster is posted, like the prayer, national anthem,
panatang makabayan and the vision mission of the school. In the side wall
are some quotes and motivation was posted and also there are some rules
and regulations of the classroom. In the back there is a big world map and a
bulletin board, it’s not done yet but I think it will be really good when they
post the activities of the class. In the upper part of the back wall has
pictures of the presidents of the Philippines from Aguinaldo to Duterte. The
wall displays are organized, it is not crowded and not exaggerated, the
teacher does a great job making the classroom well organized.

2.Teacher’s Table
In the classroom there are two teacher tables, one in the front that can be used
by the teacher while she is discussing. The table is just small, it used to have
a place where the teacher put her learning materials like books, visual aid and
her bag. The table in the back of the classroom is the main teacher table
because it's big and has drawers to put more objects and things of the teacher.
I think the teacher uses it when she makes her lesson plan, grades of students
and other work she needs to do. The teacher table is so organized and neat.

3.Learners’ Desks
The learners chair is a form armchair where the student chair and the desk
are as one. In this kind of chair, they can minimize the space and the room
can be more spacious. The number of chairs of the student is 40 to 50. The
chair is made of wood and painted in black to make it more presentable.
The condition of it is used but still good, even though this chair is already
used many times it is still in good condition and safe for the learners to use.

4.Black Board
The board that they are using is so long, I think it is newly painted because
there is no tape in the board and it is so clean. It is also in a good conditio n,
there is no any crack or broken part in the board. It was so neat, presentable
and simple, it was really good that the board didn’t have plenty of decoration
that can make the board too messy.

Materials/Visual The learning materials/Visual Aids that the teacher uses are made of manila
Aids paper and she writes it by herself. I see the effort that she puts into making
those visual aids. The number of the Visual aid of the teacher is so many to
count because every lesson she prepares a visual aid for her student. She put
the compilation of her visual aid in her cabinet so that she can keep it more
nicely, avoid being wreck because the paper is easy to tear and she keep it
to able to use it again for another year.
Write your observation report here.

Name of School Observed: Cahayag Elementary School

Location of the School: Cahayag Tubigan Bohol

Cahayag Elementary School is so amusing, from the front gate of the school I can see
the colorful environment and the effort of the school staff and management is so amazing. The
location of the school is so peaceful and greenery, I enjoy the place because it is really refreshing
to the eyes, the area is not polluted and has a healthy environment. From the front gate I can see
how beautiful the environment of the school is. It gave me a great impression of their school, I
already have an idea that this school is so creative and the inside will also be great. When I went
inside the school I saw that they follow the safety protocol, they will get your temperature first
and put alcohol in your hand for sanitary. The school hallway is so clean and organized, there is
always a garbage can in every corner to mainta in the cleanliness of the school. They also
resourceful, where they use recycle materials to be part of the design in the school, example is
they use plastic bottle to be a vase of the plants and paint it with different color to be presentable
and combined to the colorful environment of the school and they also use big water jar to be the
garbage bin. I also see the different facilities of the school, I think it isn't new but I can observe
they take care of it well because they maintain it to look new and not anything crack or ruin in
the rooms and facilities. There are no vandals and faded paint in the facilities and the materia ls
and appliances in every room are organized well and have good ambiance because it is not
crowded and the position of things is balanced. When I enter a classroom, I see it is well
organized and decorated so colorful, every corner of it is so clean and neat. At the back of the
classroom I see a display board with a picture posted there, in the picture is about some
introduction and extra information about the subject they have. I see they posted it there a line
and well informative for the students, also at the back have different book that can use of the
student to read if they have vacant time to gain more information and be advance knowledge to
the lesson. The chair is well lined and not too crowded because there are 24 pieces that make the
room have more space for the student. The room is well ventilated, has 4 windows to make the
air go in and out of the classroom and there is also an electric fan to make it more comfortable
for the student. I can say that the classroom in this school is safe and comfortable for the students
and the materials is absolutely can help to the learnings and development of them.

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?

The school campus has a lot of contribution or impact to the student learning and development.
We know that if the school has a healthy, safe and secure environment we can let them engage and
discover by themselves with our guidance. Having a school with good facilities and resources we
can conduct the lesson more meaningful for them and it will be easier to understand. I conclude if
the school has a positive environment it can reflect to the student, they can have gained more
positive learning and behavior and while the environment is not too good there is a possibility that
the student can’t able to meet or achieve his needs.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

The child and adolescent’s development is always built by their experiences that important the
school can provide a good environment where the student can explore and discover things to gain
more knowledge and experiences. We have to make the environment safe and secure for the
students so that they are comfortable and engaging. Having a right facility helps the student to gain
knowledge easier with the use of manipulating materials and resources that the school has. Also,
when I teach the student, I have to ensure that the activities that I will give to my student are
appropriate to their age development so that I make sure they can do it and gain development.


1.Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes, because I can see that this kind of school environment can help me to teach to the students.
Having a spacious environment helps me to let the student discover new things on their own. The
rooms are well ventilated, there is availability of equipment and manipulative materials and the
chair is good and comfortable to the student. I think that if I teach in this kind of school
environment there will not be any big problematic work I will face and I can teach more easily to
the students.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

In my opinion a school campus is conducive to learning when it has good and neat facilities and
has a lot of resources that can help the student to enhance and develop their skills. The school
campus must be safe for the students, the facilities are well ventilated, have materials and
resources that help the teacher and student in their learning. Lastly, the place is not polluted and
has a healthy and clean environment that will not cause sickness to the student.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

The school classroom should also be comfortable, well ventilated and the things inside of it like
chair, board and appliances are safe and in good condition. There should have a lot of materials
and resources that can be used to execute the lesson to the student and have meaningful learning.
The classroom should avoid any distraction so that the student can focus more on their learning.
The classroom is not crowded with useless things and no exaggerated and too bright design that
can cause irritation to the eyes of students.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

To achieve this kind of classroom I will make sure that my classroom is neat and comfortable for
my students. I will always check the things inside of it like the chair and appliances to make sure
it is not a wreck that can cause an accident to my students. Maintaining that the classroom is safe
for my student and well ventilated. I will be creative and resourceful to make this classroom to
be well organized, safe and neat.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

This subject helps me to be more observant to the things inside the school campus and
classroom. make me realize that every part of the school has an impact on the students and we
must make sure that the environment of the school is presentable, comfortable and neat that we
can encourage the student to learn. Having a positive environment can build a good and positive
behavior impact on the students.

Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

School Classroom Observed: Manticao National High School

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0rF6Y7ziYw

The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most
readily available and versatile learning resources.

To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1. Examine for
bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance, lobby, hallways and
classrooms 2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3 Propose enhancements to make the display
more effective


As you look around and comine board displays, use the observation guide and forts provided for
you to document your observations

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors
do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)
6 Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
8. Take a photos of the display boards (if allowed).
Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

Observation REPORT

When I observe the classroom of Ms. B, I see that every part of the classroom has a
Display board. In the front part of the classroom there is posted the National Anthem, Prayer,
National Heroes of the Philippines and the class quotes/motivation. In the sides of the classroom
there are also some display boards and the thing posted here is class standing, Progress chart and
small bulletin board of the class. And at the back of the classroom is the main Display Board that
shows different subjects and gives information about it. These main display boards are called the
learning area because it gives information/introduction of the lesson of each subject that is really
informative for the students. I see that the display board in the classroom is simple and not too
exaggerated in design. The color used in the design is light that is good for the eyes of the student
and not a distraction/irritation for them. Even though the design is simple it is still attractive and
noticeable. The materials used in making the display board are, woods, cartolina, colored paper,
tapes, glue, plastic cover and some artificial flowers and leaves for the decoration. I see that Ms.
B put all her effort making those
display boards to make it more
presentable and informative for her
students. Observing the display board
I didn’t see a misspelled word or
grammatical errors, I can say the
content of it is understandable and has
clear information. The display board
attract me is the DRRM (Disaster Risk
Reduction Management) it important
that every room has this kind of
importation to make our student always be inform what they going to do if there a disaster
happened while they in the classroom. Prevention is better than cure, that is why it is important
that we have safety measures in our classroom. This kind of display board must be adopt and apply
to the classroom that the student always inform and ready to any Disaster.
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested Evaluate
it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display: DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction Management)

Location of the Board Display In School: Inside of the classroom
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings
4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria NI(1) S(2) SV(3) O(4) Comments
Effective The message of it is clear and easy to
Communication understand. It also has a picture to
It conveys message make it more understandable.
quickly and clearly.
Attractiveness The color that is used is not too good
Colors and arrangement because of faded color and there are
catch and hold interest. some color combinations that are not
Balance The board display is balanced even
Objects are arranged, so though the down part is two many
stability is perceived pictures and it is still arranged neatly.
Unity I think there are some color
Repeated shapes or combinations that are not suited. The
colors or use of board is so light that some of the text
borders hold display is not visible.
Interactivity The images posted is do informative
The style and approach that make the student more want to
entice learners to be engage on it
involved and engage
Legibility Some of the letters are not visible but
Letters and lustrations mostly are seen from a good distance.
can be seen from a good
It is free from grammar I don’t see any ungrammatical errors
errors misspelled words and misspelled words.
Durability The display board surely can use last
It is wall-constructed long because it protected with plastic
items are securely cover and the board is well attach.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:

Location: Inside of the classroom of Ms. B

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:
The bulletin board is called a learning area, it has an informative content like picture of different
topic of each subject they have.
Strength Weakness
Description of the It is attractive and the design is Some of the pictures on the board
Bulletin Board layout minimized and not crowded. pop off and the color of the
The text is visible and clear. background is not too good to the
Evaluation of educational The content is informative and The board is too small that every
content and other aspects easy to understand for the subject has a small part to it that
student. The content is suited to makes the content posted is limited.
the grade level of its target
Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement
I suggest making the poster to be more durable, use more sticky glue so that the chart will not be
easily popped off to the board. Choose a color that is good to the eyes, if the background is dark use
a light color for the text and vice versa. Don’t use colors that hot and irritable to the eyes like
combination of yellow, orange and red.
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display layout. You may present your output throuh any
type of these:

● A hand made drawing or lay out

● An electronic (computer) drawing/ illustration or layout
● A collage

May Board Display Lay out


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

The board display is a good way to present the lesson to the student. Most of the students
are visual learners, it helps them to more understand the lesson if there is a visual guide when the
teacher is discussing. Having a board display helps the student to gain knowledge in an easier
way and the learning that they get can possibly go to the long-term memory. There is a lot of
purpose in using Display boards, it can be an attraction for the student, having a creative
discussion and promote/announce an activity in a creative way.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why

I think yes, it still relates to the audience's interest and likes. We should always relate the
design of the display board to their interests and likes. Getting their attention is one of our
priority that we must relate the design to the things that can attract their eyes, we can use the
character and habits related to their interests/likes.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why

Yes, the language used is clear, simple and understandable. It is important that the
language that we use is understandable so that our students can get the message we convey to our
display board. We have to use the language appropriate to our target audience. For example if
our audience is young learners we can use simple words that even if they read it by themselves
they are able to understand the message of the board display.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

In my opinion the board display is not too effective but it is still good to have this in the
classroom to get the attention of the student and give them information. I say that the display is
not too effective because the information that we can post here is limited and need more extra
explanation for the student to more understand. We can’t really say that the student can get the
information just by looking at them because some students are audio learners, they prepare more
explanation and detailed information. But still the board display is good to be a guide in the
discussion of the student.

What suggestions can you make?

I suggest in making board displays we shouldn’t have an exaggerated design in making it

we have to make it more informative and the design should be limited. I also suggest, make the
color of content to be colorful with a light color that it will not be hard to read by the student. If
the background is dark we have to make the text to be light and vice versa so that we can read
the text inside of it.

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: Magical
Board Title: Mathemagical Land
● Make mathematics to be more fun, magical and not scary for the young learners.
● Encourage the student to learn mathematics and cooperate with math activities of
● Make them more eager to learn mathematics and avoid having math anxiety.

● Recognizing that learning math is fun.
● Show that learning math is not scary and it was easy.
● Value math for their everyday life.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

● Make the design to be magical and colorful.
● Has a role model student that is happy learning math.
● Make the bulletin to be more informative and at the same time it can encourage

Content Resources:
● Motivation Quote- It encourages the student to engage and learn mathematics.
Example: Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution.
● Informative chart(Multiplication table, graphs,shape)- give an introduction about the
subject matter.
● Image of Students that enjoy mathematics- also to encourage students and be a role

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

● Cartolina
● Charts
● Pictures/printed bond papers
● Colored Materials
● Styrofoam
● Recycled/reuse material
● Plastic cover

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

Creativity, to make the display board to be attractive and easily be noticed by the student. A
Creative teacher can manipulate the board display even if it has a limited space and can make it
appropriate to the target audience.

Resourceful, even if she has a limited material she can provide an alternative to make the display
board beautiful and informative for the students.
Visual skills, she is able to visualize the outcome of her work and can put it to the actual work.
She has a lot of imaginary plans for the display board she will do.

Problem Solving, she can solve any problem that may happen to her work. Always have a lot of
solutions and alternative ways to make the display board work.

Fairness, she can balance the content of the board display. Well organized the content, the
information, picture and design are balance. Can make the board display informative at the same
time attractive.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

I think the skill I have is the creativity and resourceful, after doing my board display lay out, I
can see that my work is full of creativity. In this way I can provide more display board that can
really attract the students. Resourceful, I know that I have this kind of skill because I always look
for alternative way and objects when I doing a task. Even I already have these skills, I still have a
lot of improvement and I willing to practice it and gain more to make an effective board display.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills?

I think all of those skills are still in need of improvement; I know that I can excel and that I can
make a more effective board display. To enhance my skill, I need to practice more and observe
other people's works so that I can compare my work and know what are my mistakes and what is
lacking in my work. To acquire more I will seek for a tutorial online also asking questions to the
professional and have a lot of experience in making board displays.
LINK Theory to Practice
Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

C 1.With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following

characteristick, EXCEPT__________

A the learning environment promotes fairness

B is safe and conducive for learning

C builds many professional linkages

D. establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner's behavior

D 2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

1 Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food

IL Comfort rooms common for boys and girls III. Sanitary drinking fountains

IV. Safe playground

A. II, III and IV

C. I and II

B. I, II, III and IV

D. III and IV

A. 3. Which physical school environment supports learning?

A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture

B. Presence of spacious classrooms

C Prominence of bulletin boards in every building

D. Tall school buildings

A. 4. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary

A. Instructional- interactive

B. Informational

C. Motivational

D. Decorative

C. 5. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary

A. Instructional- interactive

B. Informationa

C. Motivational

D. Decorative

C. 6. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary

A. Instructional- interactive

B. Informational, decorative

C. Motivational, decorative

D. Instructional, informational
My personal Illustration of an Effective School Enviroment

On the opposite box, present an illustration showing your idea of an effective school environme nt
through any of these:

➤ A Descriptive Paragraph A Photo Essay A Sketch or Drawing A poem, song or rap

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