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The Burnt Scroll Jeremiah 36: 1 TH 1 TH 1 1 1 1 1 TH 2 1 1 TH

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The Burnt Scroll Jeremiah 36

Thruout biblical history, th Word of God has com under various forms of attack including
Gen 3 – Satan casting doubt on what God said – indeed has God said?
1Sam15:9,20 – Saul disobeying and denying
Mt 15:6 – Scribes and Pharisees invalidating by working around with traditions
2Co2:17 – charlatans and false teachers peddling to make money off of
2Co4:2 – deceitful handling by self promoters
Rv22:18-19 – adding to or taking from
Modern era
Liberal Scholars and critics who cut up and splice together
The Jesus Movement –vote on words of JS, none in John, only 16 genuine
Liberals – Bart Ehrman who don’t believe, put other literature = w Scrip
Inerrancy debate
Insufficiency – the Bible does not give us enough, need prophet [Charismatics]
Cults – own translations w biases like Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons other scrip
Bible translations accommodating to culture – gender neutral language of TNIV
Today look at Jeremiah 36 and the attack to burn and destroy the Word of God
Jeremiah began ministry ~626BC during reign of King Josiah, reforms, good
Josiah succeeded by Jehoahaz 609BC, Jehoiakim 609, Jehoiachin597, Zedekiah 597-587
Book of Jeremiah is chronological towards the beginning but then becomes more topical
251 4th yr Jehoiakim i.e. 605BC 341 10th yr Zedekiah
26 &27 beginning reign of Jehoiakim
1 1
351 days of Jehoiakim
281 begin reign Zedekiah 361 4th yr of Jehoiakim
29 after Jeconiah taken captive
371 Zedekiah [begin?] reigned
321 10th yr Zedekiah
So for e.g. we saw 2wks ago 34&35 linked 2show diff obedience, but 10 yrs apart
Note bk in 26, begin of reign of Jehoiakim, Jer spoke all against v9, not put to death 24
It seems that the 4thyr of th reign of Jehoiakim was particularly noteworthy 251361451 462
Summary of Chapter 36
God’s Word written and read 1-10 [Christopher Wright Outline]
Who wrote it? Baruch a scroll
Whose idea is it? The Lord God
Whose words written down? Jer[10cf18], God[6,8,11] 1:9, insprtn = dual athrship
What was the purpose? Judgment yes but primarily salvation 3,7 18yrB4
Who was it intended for? Ultimately all the people including the king
Who responded first? Michaiah 9-11 few months after Baruch started reading
God’s Word read and feared 11-19
God’s Word read and burnt 20-26
God’s Word written again 27-32, God will nt lv the king scrollless even if king not want
Note end of 32 [Baruch’s comment]
Lessons 4US
1. Response 2hearing the word of God is not genetic. Each gneration must choose 2rspnd
2. ‘Killing th messngr’ is not th right choice whn U don’t lik th Word of God, hear& obey
3. The Lord gives a last opportunity to respond [3,7], don’t put off U don’t know if last
4. opportunities to hear may be months or years before someone actually hears. Hearing
not equal responding, must still respond appropriately when U hear Ro 10, Ac9
5. One means of writing the Scripture is direct dictation 17-18, 2Ti3:16, 2Pt1:20-21
6. A bad response 2hearing th Word of God is 2deny it, delay, ignore, avoid, get around it
7. God sees to it tht His word is preservd i.e. we still hv Jer&others tho som tried 2 dstry
8. Whn ldrs who do nt blv hear wht they do not want 2hear they can do mch harm, Herod
9. Our part is not to question why God says what He says, but rather to hear, repent, obey
10. ppl today still reject God’s word, tho they may not burn it
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us – the incarnate word of God John 1:14

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