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Lab Report #1: Transient Stability Analysis For Single Machine Infinite Bus Bar Using MATLAB

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Lab Report #1

Transient stability analysis for single machine infinite bus bar using MATLAB
Sarah Aimen ( RP18-EE-418)
Course: Power system stability and control
Instructor: Umar Farooq
Email: aimensarah34@gmail.com
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of the Punjab Lahore-54590 Pakistan

This lab dealt with transient stability disturbances. The evaluation of this
of SMIB by using equal area criterion impact in the stability studies are
and Taylor expansion. The rotor angle transient stability studies and steady
was found by using Taylor expansion state stability studies. The steady state
and non linear function was linearize stability study refers to whether the
by taking slopes at every point. The synchronism is retained or not when
the system is subjected to small
derived results was implemented in
disturbances. The transient stability
form of MATLAB code and graph was
studies implies that whether the
synchronism is retained or not when
Keywords the system is subjected to large or
severe disturbances.
SMIB,Rotor angle,Equal area
These disturbances may be a short
criterion, Taylor expansion. circuit, application or a loss of a
sudden large load or a loss of
1.Introduction generation. The objective of this study
Stability study is the procedure for is to find out whether the load angle
deciding the stability of a system comes back to steady value
upon some disturbances and this is subsequently clearing of the
followed by several switching actions disturbance. Here, non-linear equations
(ON and OFF). In the power system, are solved to determine the stability.
the behavior of synchronous machine The Equal Area Criterion(shown in
can have some impacts due to these fig1) is concerned with transient
stability. It
Fig 1
is in fact a very easy graphical method =
used. It is for deciding the transient
df d2 f 2
stability of single machine or else two- f ( x0 )+ |x¿x0 ( x−x 0 ) + 2 |x¿x0 ( x−x ) … … … … … .
dx dx
machine system against infinite bus[1].
Taylor series expansion is an Th initial guess is δ 0max
awesome concept, not only the world
of mathematics, but also in
f ( δ max )=f ( δ max ) +
0 0
optimization theory, function | △ δ max + H .O .T
d δ max δ max

approximation and machine learning.

It is widely applied in numerical
computations when estimates of a df
d δ max δ
0 ( △ δ0max )=−f (δ 0max ) +f ( δ max )
function’s values at different points

are required[2].

2.Taylor Expansion Based 0

−f ( δ 0max ) + f ( δ max )
△δ max =
solution of Rotor Angle d δ max δ
| 0

cos δ 0−cos δ max−( δ max−δ 0 ) sin δ max=0

δ 0=givenδ max =? δ 1max =δ 0max+∆ δ 0max

We linearize it first to find theδ max δ max =δ max+∆ δ max

2 1 1

f ( δ max )=0
f ( x ) @ x0
. end
x = [0:0.01:pi];
δ max p
=δ max +∆ δmax
y = 5*sin(x);
3.MATLAB implementation hold on

X1 = [delta_O delta_O:0.01:delta_1
%%code Y1 = [1.7 5*sin(delta_O:0.01:delta_1)
clc plot(X1,Y1)
hold on
delta_O = 0.243224;
delta_1 = 0.35344; X2 = [delta_1 delta_1:0.01:delta_max
delta_max = pi; delta_max];
delta_max_change = 1; Y2 = [1.7
tab = ones(5,5); 5*sin(delta_1:0.01:delta_max) 1.7];
while(abs(delta_max_change)>=0.00 plot(X2,Y2)
01) fill(X2,Y2,'b')
for i =1:5
tab(i,1)= i; VarNames =
fun_delta_max = cos(delta_O) -
cos(delta_max) - ((delta_max -
delta_O)*sin(delta_max)); table(tab(:,1),tab(:,2),tab(:,3),tab(:,4),t
tab(i,2) = fun_delta_max; ab(:,5),'VariableNames',VarNames)
der_fun = (delta_O -
tab(i,3) = der_fun;
delta_max_change = -
tab(i,4) = delta_max_change;
delta_max = delta_max +
tab(i,5) = delta_max; 4 Simulation Result
5.Conclusion The value of rotor angle is found by
several iterations.
Acknowledgment: Registered on August 20,2022.
[2]Available online
The support provided by instructor Umar
Farooq which helped us in achieving the https://machinelearningmastery.com/
desired task is gratefully acknowledged. a-gentle-introduction-to-taylor-series/
Registered on August 20,2022.

[1] Available [online]

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